jesus was not christian

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  • 7/25/2019 Jesus Was NOT Christian


    Yeshua or Jesus was NOT"Christian"

    Shocking as it may seem, history and the Bible prove that Yeshua theMessiah was a devout Jew who did not come to abolish the faith ofJudaism or the Law of his Father, but to magnify and epand them!Modern day "#hristianity" has very little in common with the carpenter$sson from %a&areth, whom they claim as the founder of their "faith"!Yeshua did not teach or observe the ma'or "#hristian" holidays of#hristmas, (aster, but considered them pagan) *e observed the

    Jewish holy days of +assover, abernacles, and +entecost) Just whatdid Yeshua the Messiah of %a&areth teach- .nd why was he violentlypersecuted by the religious leaders who were in control during his day-/hat did he really teach about the Laws of Y(*01.* 2od-

    For many months we have wanted to write upon this topic) Bruce Barton calls

    Yeshua the Messiah the man "nobody knows," and that seems to be the truth! 3n

    his book entitled The Man Nobody Knows, Barton pointed out that the Messiah

    of the %ew estament was very unlike the common conception people have of

    him) *e was not sanctimonious, wimpy, namby4pamby, weak, whining, or

    effeminate) %ot only was he muscular and strong, physically, having worked for

    years as a carpenter and mason, but he was bold, courageous, and active, even

    throwing the money changers out of the emple of Y(*01.* 2od)

    But, Yeshua the Messiah was unlike the common conception of him in many

  • 7/25/2019 Jesus Was NOT Christian


    other ways, also) he truth is, he was %0*3%2 L35( the modern

    representation or idea people have of him! ruly, as the apostle +aul warned

    was beginning to happen 6,788 years ago, the world has embraced ".%0*(9

    J(S:S" 44 a totally different "Jesus" from the one revealed in Scripture! +aul

    warned the #orinthian church, "But 3 am afraid that 'ust as (ve was deceived by

    the serpent$s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your

    sincere and pure devotion to #hrist) For if someone comes to you and preaches

    a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit

    from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you

    put up with it easily enough" ;33 #or) 66, %31?)

    he Yeshua of modern4day #hristianity all too often seems to be one who hated

    his Father$s law, especially the Sabbath day, and abolished it) *e hated the holy

    days of Y(*01.* 2od, and abolished them) *e came preaching a gospelwhich virtually abolished the entire 0ld estament, the Laws of Y(*01.* 2od,

    and ridiculed and condemned all the religious leaders of the Jews) But is this

    portrait of Yeshua the Messiah accurate-

    /ho is the "real Jesus"-

    Will the Real Yeshua, Please Stand Up?

    he truth is, the "Jesus" 'ust described is 6@8A opposite from the Yeshua of the

    Scriptures! *e is a F.LS( Y(S*:., a false "god," which was foisted upon theworld by a devious and cunning Satan, who has indeed deceived the "whole

    world" ;9ev) 6

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    been punished and cast into the lake of fire- ;9ev) 8

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    lead us by necessity to F.3* in him as the Messiah) /e do not earn salvation

    by works of law, but by Faith in Yeshua the Messiah, who died for our sins and

    transgression of the Law, and who now gives us his spirit to enable us to fulfill

    the righteousness of the Law ;.cts

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    his return the elders of the #hurch of Y(*01.* 2od in Jerusalem welcomed

    him, and heard his report of the miracles and wonders Y(*01.* had done

    among the 2entiles ;.cts 6

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    he priest was to present these offerings before the L09C and make the sin

    offering and burnt offering ;verse 6G?) *e was to present the basket of

    unleavened bread, and to sacrifice the ram for a fellowship offering, together

    with the grain offering and drink offering ;verse 6?) hen the %a&arite$s hair,

    which had not been cut for the duration of the vow, was to be shaved off and put

    in the fire under the sacrifice of the fellowship offering ;v) 6@?) he priest then

    was to place in his hands a boiled shoulder of the ram, and a cake and a wafer

    from the basket ;unleavened?) "he priest shall then wave them before the

    L09C as a wave offeringD they are holy and belong to the priest, together with

    the bread that was waved and the thigh that was presented) .fter that, the

    %a&arite may drink wine" ;%um) G

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    origin is not in the Scriptures of the Bible, but in the ancient pagan Mystery

    religion of ancient Babylon, with its false Messiah, its pagan customs and

    beliefs, and its hatred of the laws and customs of Y(*01.* 2od, which have

    been preserved in part by the Jews only!

    hat is why we say, in the title of this article, that Yeshua the Messiah was %0#*93S3.%! *e never observed #hristmas ;see our article, Is Christmas

    Christian??, which is the pagan celebration of the winter solstice and the birth of

    the "sun god)" *e wasn$t born anywhere near Cecember E! *e never observed

    (aster Sunday, named after the pagan goddess of se and fertility, called

    "((S(9" ;phonetic spelling? but spelled .starte, or 3shtar, by the pagans)

    Furthermore, Yeshua the Messiah never once in his entire life observed

    "Sunday" every consecutive week as a day of rest, nor did he ever command his

    followers to observe it! Sunday is the pagan day of worship of the S:% 20C! 3t

    carries its very meaning in its name) rue followers of the Messiah do not

    worship on the "day of the sun" every consecutive week, but keep the Sabbath

    according to the lunar calendar as Y(*01.* 2od commanded, and which can

    fall on any day of the week! #onsecutive Sunday worship stamps people as

    worshipping the false "god of this world," Satan ;33 #or) >?, who has blinded the

    minds of those who believe not the truth of the Scriptures) Satan comes

    disguised as an "angel of light," as +aul wrote)

    hose who teach contrary to the Law of Y(*01.* 2od, which Yeshua upheld,

    and +aul also taught, are false ministers, serving in false #hurches, eploiting

    the "name" of Yeshua to cover over their pagan roots and origins) +aul writes of

    them, "For such are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masKuerading as

    apostles of #hrist) .nd no wonder, for Satan himself masKuerades as an angel

    of light) 3t is not surprising, then, if his servants masKuerade as servants of

    righteousness) heir end will be what their actions deserve" ;33 #or) 66

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    Joseph was a "righteous man" ;Matt) 6

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    be consecrated to the Lord$?, and to 0FF(9 . S.#93F3#( in keeping with what

    is said in the Law of the L09C< $a pair of doves or two young pigeons$ " ;Luke


    .nother devout +harisee of that time was echariah, the father of John the

    Baptist) /e read, "3n the time of *erod king of Judea there was a priest namedechariah, who belonged to the priestly division of .bi'ahD his wife (li&abeth was

    also a descendant of .aron) But of them were :+932* in the sight of 2od,

    0BS(913%2 .LL *( L09C$S #0MM.%CM(%S .%C 9(2:L.30%S

    BL.M(L(SSLY" ;Luke 6?)

    Yeshua and the Pharisai# Leaders o %is Ti&e

    .s Yeshua the Messiah was brought up, therefore, and taught as a youth, he

    was obviously brought up in the teachings and doctrine of the +harisees! 1ery

    likely he was educated by 9abbis who were of the School of *illel) /e know that

    his wisdom and knowledge, even when he was 6 years old, astonished the

    doctors of the Law and +harisees) /hen he was twelve, his parents took him to

    Jerusalem to observe the +assover) /hen the Feast was over, they returned

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    home, unaware that he was still in Jerusalem) . day after they left, they

    discovered he was missing, and returned to Jerusalem to find him) ".fter three

    days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to

    them and asking them Kuestions) (veryone who heard him was ama&ed at his

    understanding and his answers" ;Luke 64>?)

    /hen Yeshua began his ministry, however, many of the +harisees did not

    accept him) Many who were in power and authority in Jerusalem looked upon

    him as an "outsider," an interloper, as one who threatened their power and

    security) hey vehemently denounced him) /hen they saw his miracles, they

    ridiculed them) /hen Yeshua healed a demon4possessed man who was both

    blind and mute, the common people were astonished, and wondered, "#ould

    this be the Son of Cavid-" But the ma'ority of the +harisees, who by this time

    had been infiltrated by hypocrites and wicked men, re'ected the evidence beforetheir very eyes, and eclaimed, "3t is only by Beel&ebub, the prince of demons,

    that this fellow drives out demons" ;Matt) 6

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    +harisees) By the time his ministry had begun, the +harisees as a whole had

    degenerated into a thieving, greedy, conniving bunch of rascals and scoundrels)

    he ma'ority of them had become wicked and self4righteous, vain and selfish,

    lusting after praise, honor and glory from men)

    ' Pharisee Na&ed (a&aliel

    0ne, however, who was not among this apostate group was 2amaliel) *e was a

    "doctor of the orah," a grandson of the famous *illel who had founded the

    School of *illel) 2amaliel is mentioned favorably in the %ew estament) Luke

    records that when +eter and John had been brought before the Sanhedrin

    because of the miracle they had performed in the name of Yeshua, many of the

    +harisees present were furious and wanted to put them to death) he apostles

    had challenged their authority to command them to Kuit preaching in the name

    of the Messiah) +eter had said, "/e must obey 2od rather than men!" ;.cts


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    &eal, persecuting the churchD as for L(2.L3S3# 932*(0:S%(SS,

    F.:LL(SS" ;+hil) =4G?)

    his clearly shows that 2amaliel had taught +aul well) +aul had been a very

    devout +harisee 44 'ust as echariah, the father of John the Baptist, and Joseph,

    the legal father of Yeshua the Messiah, were)

    #n$er%s &ibe 'i(tionary

    tells us of 2amaliel4>8?)

    hen Yeshua confounded the +harisees by asking them a Kuestion, saying

    "/hat do you think about the #hrist- /hose son is he-" hey replied, "he Son

    of Cavid)" hen Yeshua asked them, "*ow is it then that Cavid, speaking by the

    Spirit, calls him $Lord$- For he says, $he Lord said to my Lord, "Sit at my right

    hand until 3 put your enemies under your feet)" $ 3f then Cavid calls him $Lord,$

    how can he then be his son-$ " ;verses >64>E?) hey couldn$t think of a reply ;v)


    !atthew *+ and "!oses Seat"

    .t this point, we read that Yeshua turned to the crowds, and to his disciples, and

    said< "he teachers of the law and the +harisees S3 3% M0S($S S(.) So you

    must 0B(Y *(M and do (1(9Y*3%2 they tell you) But do not do what they

    do, for they do not practice what they preach) hey tie up heavy loads and put

    them on men$s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to

    move them) (verything they do is for men to see)))" ;Matt) =

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    Y(*01.* 2od, in determining the emple services and rituals, and in

    preserving and maintaining the sacred calendar, and setting the dates for the

    annual *oly Cays) /hen Yeshua said this, he was speaking of the C(10:

    +harisees 44 such as echariah, the father of John the Baptist, 2amaliel, the

    "doctor of the Law," and others, such as %icodemus)

    But after saying this, he turned his attention to the 0*(9 +harisees 44 the

    rascals and insincere, the mountebanks and hypocrites among them, the rogues

    and scoundrels 44 the religious renegades and apostates! 3t is then of *(S(

    kinds of +harisees that he goes on to say, "/0( to you, teachers of the law and

    +harisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men$s faces) You

    yourselves do not enter Hso obviously he was not here talking about devout,

    righteous +harisees, such as 2amaliel, or %icodemus, or Saul of arsusI, nor

    will you let those enter who are trying to) /0( to you, teachers of the law and+harisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to make a single

    convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell

    as you are) /0( to you, blind guides!" ;Matt) =

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    motives of self4interest and the desire for self4aggrandi&ement) he

    leaders of the +harisees were well aware of them and condemned

    them severely) 3n biting irony, the 9abbis called them $+ainted 0nes,$

    whose piety was but painted on, a veneer designed to hide a heart of

    selfishness) hus in the mouths of the rabbis, the term $+harisee$ could

    be the highest accolade or scathing rebuke)

    "9abbi Joshua used to say< $. mad pietist, a cunning villain, a

    "+harisaic" woman and the scourge of the +harisees lead society to

    destruction ;Sota 8 ff)?)$

    "3n eplanation the terms are clarifed?) /e can almost pick

    the different types of $painted ones,$ who are mentioned here in eKual

    sharp rebuke) But why did the rabbis permit these people to remain

    members of the group- Because as humans we cannot look into the

    hearts of men to determine their true motivations" ;pp) 4=?)

    Yeshua the !essiah -- the True .e/out Pharisee0

    /hen we look at all the evidence, then, we see that Yeshua the Messiah did not

    come to bring an entirely new "religion)" 9ather, he was a Jew, and he taught an

    enlightened, epanded truth of the Law of Y(*01.* 2od) *e was taught of the

    +harisees as a youth, and no doubt was considered as a "+harisee" in general

    terms) he +harisees of that day acknowledged him as a "rabbi," or "teacher)"

    John the Baptist seemed to be indicating that Yeshua was, at least in the

    beginning, before he began his own separate ministry, among the +harisees)

    For John said to the +harisees who came to him, Kuestioning him