jesus p.b.uh prophet of allah

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  • 8/13/2019 Jesus P.B.UH Prophet of Allah


    What Allah S.W.T Says About Jesus P.B.U.H


    In Islam Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H) was one of the greatest human being who ever lived. A powerful

    Messiah, a prophet and messenger coming from a line of prophet hood which ended with

    Muhammed (P.B.U.H).

    To go every last bit of detail on whom Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H) would take pages and pages. Inshallah

    Straight Path Islam aims to cover all details through videos, debates and other articles, however

    consider the following as a basic guide. A guide which will Inshallah help you understand by using

    verses that Allah (S.W.T) has revealed to us about Jesus (P.B.U.H)

    Who is Jesus P.B.U.HProphet and Messenger Of Allah (S.W.T)

    [Jesus] said, "Indeed, I am the servant of Allah. He has given me the Scripture and made me a

    prophet.[19. 30]

    Islam is straight forward and tells us directly that Jesus (P.B.U.H) was a Prophet and Messenger sent

    by Allah (S.W.T). The Quran even quotes Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H) say it himself, as seen above, and

    Allah [S.W.T] confirms him as a messenger too in the following verse:

    And [remember] when I inspired to the disciples, "Believe in Me and in My messenger Jesus." Theysaid, "We have believed, so bear witness that indeed we are Muslims [in submission to Allah]."


    Throughout the Quran, Allah S.W.T tells us about the line of prophets and messengers, which

    Includes Jesus Christ [P.B.U.H]. Here in Surah Al Nissa, Allah Includes Jesus (P.B.U.H):

    Indeed, We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], as We revealed to Noah and the prophets after

    him. And we revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, the Descendants, Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron,

    and Solomon, and to David We gave the book [of Psalms].[4:163]

    Throughout the Quran Allah (S.W.T) tells us to believe and follow Jesus (P.B.U.H) as a prophet and

    messenger, but NOTas God which would rule out the trinity belief. We will discuss this later below,

    but for now here are some of the other references used in the Quran which refers to Jesus (P.B.U.H)

    as a prophet and messenger; [2.87], [3.45-55], [4.157], [4:163],[4.171], [5.75], [5.111],[19.30] and



    "O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah,

    Jesus, the son of Mary - distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near

    [to Allah]. - [3.45]

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    Allah (S.W.T) also refers to Jesus Christ, (P.B.U.H) as a Messiah throughout the Quran, the verse used

    above was from Surah Imran, but he is also referred to it in the following verses too;

    [4:157], [4.171-172], [5.72], (5.75)


    Allah (S.W.T) describes in the Quran that he created Jesus (P.B.U.H) similarly to Adam (P.B.U.H):

    Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam. He created Him from dust; then He said to

    him, "Be," and he was. (3.59)

    Allah (S.W.T) used the Angels as means to tell Mary, may Allah be pleased with her, in advance

    about the coming of Jesus Christ (P.B.H). The Quran:

    She said, "My Lord, how will I have a child when no man has touched me?" [The angel] said, "Such is

    Allah; He creates what He wills. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, 'Be,' and it is. [3.47]

    Mary (May Allah Be Pleased With Her) is considered one of the holiest women in Islam. You can read

    the summary of the message she received from Allah (S.W.T) about Jesuss (P.B.U.H) forthcoming in

    the following verses [3.45-55].

    His Purpose

    And for every nation is a messenger. So when their messenger comes, it will be judged between

    them in justice, and they will not be wronged[10.47]

    As Muslims we go by what Allah (S.W.T) has revealed to us. As mentioned in the above verse from

    the Quran, every Nation has had a messenger to them. Here today we were sent Prophet

    Muhammed [P.B.U.H] as the final messenger and prophet for the entire world. Jesus Christ it

    appears was sent to the children of Israel;

    Jesus was not but a servant upon whom We bestowed favour, and We made him an example for the

    Children of Israel. [43.59]

    And again in the following verse:

    while the Messiah has said, "O Childrenof Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord."[5.72]

    You can read about the all of the evidence provided in the Quran by reading the following verses;

    [2.87], [3.45-50],[5.72], [5.78], [5:110], [43: 59] and [61.14]

    Allah (S.W.T) has a purpose for everything, some of the things he reveals in the Quran directly. Allah

    (S.W.T) describes some of the roles that the prophets and messengers bring, for example Al Anaam

    Allah (S.W.T) says ;

    And We send not the messengers except as bringers of good tidings andwarners. So whoever

    believes and reforms - there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve.[6.48]

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    It is important to understand that Islam claims to be the root of all religions Allah. In the Quran Allah

    (S.W.T) says;

    Mankind was [of] one religion [before their deviation]; then Allah sent the prophets as bringers of

    good tidings and warners and sent down with them the Scripture in truth to judge between the

    people concerning that in which they differed[2.213]

    And again in Quran Allah (S.W.T) confirms this when Allah (S.W.T) reveals to Prophet Muhammed


    He has ordained for you of religion what He enjoined upon Noah and that which We have revealed

    to you, [O Muhammad], and what We enjoined upon Abraham and Moses and Jesus - to establish

    the religion and not be divided therein[42.13]

    As noted from the above Allah (S.W.T) would send prophets to these nations who have deviated to

    correct them and put them back on the straight path. The prophets would confirm the past and

    bring in the new message to help put these people back to the straight path. In Prophet

    Muhammeds (P.B.U.H) case Allah (S.W.T) says; Rather, the Prophet has come with the truth and

    confirmed the [previous] messengers,[37.37] and we have the Quran as the final message. For

    Jesus (P.B.U.H) situation, Allah(S.W.T) says;

    And We sent, following in their footsteps, Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming that which came before

    him in the Torah; and We gave him the Gospel, in which was guidance and light and confirming that

    which preceded it of the Torah as guidance and instruction for the righteous. [5.46]

    In the Quran Jesus (P.B.U.H) also says:

    And [I have come] confirming what was before me of the Torah and to make lawful for you some of

    what was forbidden to you. And I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so fear Allah and

    obey me.[3.50]

    There is one last role for Prophet Jesus (P.B.U.H), and that what he would do when he returns. There

    are many Hadiths to describe and tell us the future role he will have, inshallah we will go into in

    great detail of his return in a new page.

    Powerful Prophet But NOT God

    The Trinity

    The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed

    to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do

    not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God- [4.171]

    The most blasphemous thing in Islam is to associate partners with Allah (S.W.T), this is known as

    Shirk. Shirk is a huge topic and would require an essay of its own to discuss. However in the topic

    were discussing right now, it is vitally important to understand that claiming that Jesus (P.B.U.H) is;

    the Son of God , God in the form of man, or one of three, would be classified as shirk and would

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    have deviated from Islam. Verse 4.171, as quoted above warns us specifically against the trinity and

    the following two are further warnings:

    They have certainly disbelieved who say that Allah is Christ, the son of Mary[5.17]

    And again in the same chapter:

    They have certainly disbelieved who say, "Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary" while the Messiah

    has said, "O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Indeed, he who associates

    others with Allah - Allah has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for

    the wrongdoers any helpers.[5.72]


    Allah (S.W.T) also tells us that Jesus (P.B.U.H) was not crucified either, and that he was saved him by

    Allah (S.W.T) with an imposter put in his place instead;

    And [for] their saying, "Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of

    Allah." And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but [another] was made to resemble him to

    them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except

    the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain.

    Rather, Allah raised him to Himself. And ever is Allah Exalted in Might and Wise.[4.157-158]

    As mentioned under the purpose heading, Jesus (P.B.U.H) still has a role to play in the future, right

    now he is with Allah (S.W.T), the hadiths tell us he will return and that he will eventually die on this

    earth, a subject we will go into on another page.

    Jesus Christ Witness Against Trinity On Judgement Day

    To finish this heading Allah S.W.T tells us on an encounter that will occur between he and Jesus

    Christ (P.B.U.H), when Jesus (P.B.U.H) will be held witness as evidence against those who claimed

    that he claimed to be God in the following verses:

    And [beware the Day] when Allah will say, "O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, 'Take

    me and my mother as deities besides Allah?'" He will say, "Exalted are You! It was not for me to say

    that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within

    myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen.

    I said not to them except what You commanded me - to worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord. And I

    was a witness over them as long as I was among them; but when You took me up, You were the

    Observer over them, and You are, over all things, Witness.

    If You should punish them - indeed they are Your servants; but if You forgive them - indeed it is You

    who is the Exalted in Might, the Wise. [5:116-118]

    Closing Comments

  • 8/13/2019 Jesus P.B.UH Prophet of Allah


    I hope you enjoyed this guide, Inshallah there will be more discussions and articles on Jesus Christ

    (P.B.U.H) and about the other Prophets revealed to us by Allah (S.W.T). So keep in touch with

    Straight Path Islam, and remember to pass on the message!