jawaban lkm btr

1. Volvox shape: round a. characteristic talus 1. There is a unified and multicellular (colony) 2. There is a round body shape, filaments, sheets, and there is nothing like high tumbuahn, for example bryopsis, 3. Chloroplast various shapes and sizes, there's nothing like a bowl, such as foams, such as nets, and such a star, 4. In pirenoid contained in the chloroplast and the gangganh hiaju motile reproductive cells that move from the stigma (red eye spots). 5. At the forefront of cells that can move contractile vacuole in the cytoplasm, the vacuole serves as a means of osmoregulation. 6. These algae have a nucleus membrane, so that the shape remains, called eukarion. 7. In green algae that move there are two flagella of the same length, that stuff is stikonematik, pantonematik, and pantokronematik 2. Sexual Reproduction is of two types: Scalariform conjugation requires association of two different filaments lined side by side either partially or throughout their length. One cell each from opposite lined filaments emits tubular protuberances known as conjugation tubes, which elongate and fuse, to make a passage called the conjugation canal. The cytoplasm of the cell acting as the male travels through this tube and fuses with the female cytoplasm, and the gametes fuse to form a zygospore. In lateral conjugation, gametes are formed in a single filament. Two adjoining cells near the common transverse wall give out protuberances known as conjugation tubes, which further form the conjugation canal upon contact. The male cytoplasm migrates through the conjugation canal, fusing with the female. The rest of the process proceeds as in scalariform conjugation. The essential difference is that scalariform conjugation occurs between two filaments and lateral conjugation occurs between two adjacent cells on the same filament.

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Page 1: Jawaban LKM BTR

1. Volvox shape: round a. characteristic talus   1. There is a unified and multicellular (colony)   2. There is a round body shape, filaments, sheets, and there is nothing like high tumbuahn, for example bryopsis,   3. Chloroplast various shapes and sizes, there's nothing like a bowl, such as foams, such as nets, and such a star,   4. In pirenoid contained in the chloroplast and the gangganh hiaju motile reproductive cells that move from the stigma (red eye spots).   5. At the forefront of cells that can move contractile vacuole in the cytoplasm, the vacuole serves as a means of osmoregulation.   6. These algae have a nucleus membrane, so that the shape remains, called eukarion.   7. In green algae that move there are two flagella of the same length, that stuff is stikonematik, pantonematik, and pantokronematik

2. Sexual Reproduction is of two types:Scalariform conjugation requires association of two different filaments lined side by side either partially or throughout their length. One cell each from opposite lined filaments emits tubular protuberances known as conjugation tubes, which elongate and fuse, to make a passage called the conjugation canal. The cytoplasm of the cell acting as the male travels through this tube and fuses with the female cytoplasm, and the gametes fuse to form a zygospore.In lateral conjugation, gametes are formed in a single filament. Two adjoining cells near the common transverse wall give out protuberances known as conjugation tubes, which further form the conjugation canal upon contact. The male cytoplasm migrates through the conjugation canal, fusing with the female. The rest of the process proceeds as in scalariform conjugation.The essential difference is that scalariform conjugation occurs between two filaments and lateral conjugation occurs between two adjacent cells on the same filament.

3. Chlorophyceae ( green algae ) are one class of algae whose cells are eukariotin ( core material covered by the nuclear membrane ) , korofil pigment present in the largest amount that is green algae . Other pigment is carotene owned and Xantofil

CLASSIFICATION Chlorophyta ( Green Algae ) Chlorophyta ( Green Algae )

Kingdom : Plantae

Division: Chlorophyta

Class : Chlorophyceae

Order : Halimedales

Genus : Caulerpa

Species : Caulepra racesmosa

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Colored bright green , has particularly many members , eutoriot , there are colonies , uni cells and filaments . Habitat Chrysophyceae usually live in fresh water , sea water , brackish ground water - wet soil , some are living in a place - a place to dry . It is generally attached to the rock , and often rise to the surface when the water receded . Others live in symbiosis with Lichenes , and there are intracellular in lower animals . Most that live in marine macroalgae such a Ulvales and siphonales . Chlorophyta which live in fresh water has a cosmopolitan nature , especially those living in places exposed to direct sunlight such as ponds , lakes and rain puddles , streams or ditches . There are several types of live attached to plants or animals .



The structure of the body vary in size , shape and designations . To cover a large number of these variations , the green algae can be grouped as follows :

Single cell ( unicellular ) and motile ( ex : Chlamydomonas )

Single cells and non- motile unicellular ( ex : Chlorella )

Senobium cells ( colony yanh have a certain number of cells that have a relatively fixed form )

The colony was baraturan ( ex : tetraspora )

Filament ( there are branched and unbranched )

Heterotrikus ( barcabang filament shape is divided into prostate and erect )

Foliaceus or parenkimatis ( filamentous vegetative cell division occurs more than one field ) .

Tubular ( talus that has many nuclei without transverse bulkhead )



Cell wall cell wall composed of two layers , the inner layer is composed of cellulose and the outer layer composed of pectin but some nations Volvocales walls do not contain cellulose , but rather composed of glycoproteins .

Chloroplasts wrapped by double membrane system . Pigments found in chloroplasts is chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b , beta carotene and various xantifil ( lutein , violaxanthin ,

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zeaxanthin ) located in the cell chloroplasts follows the shape of the cell wall ( parietal , ex : ulotrix or the middle of the cell lumen ( axial , ex : muogotia ) .

Chlorophyceae core has a core as in higher plants that is enveloped by the nuclear membrane and the nucleus , and there kromstin . Generally makes a single core , but the type anggotayang shiponales belonging to the nation has more than one core .

Food reserves in the Chlorophyta such as food reserves in higher plants in the form of starch , composed of amylose ( unbranched glucose chains ) and amylopectin ( branched glucose chains ) .

Fototaksis and eye shape

In Chlorophyta fototaksis there are two types of movement , namely

The movement of the flagella

In general, both cell green algae cells and cell vegetatife generatife find any tool motion . Flagella in the class Chlorophyceae always a whiplash -type ( akronomatik ) and the same length ( ISOKON ) unless the nation has type stefanokon oedogoniales . Flagella associated with a very delicate structure called a neuromotor apparatus , a granule at the base of each flagella called blepharoplas . Each consists of axonema flagella are composed of microtubules surrounded by 9 dupklet middle part there are two singlet microtubules . This kind of structure is known as the 9 +2 arrangement . The flagella are surrounded by a plasma sheath .

The movement of the secretion lenders

In a monograph on desmid , indicated there is movement on the surface desmid in mud . The movement is caused by the presence of the light stimulus suspected by the presence of mucus secretion through the porous walls of the cells in the apical part of the cell . During the forward movement of the pole piece swinging from one side to the other side so that the slime back like winding .




Vegetative propagation is done by body fragmentation and cell division , as well as the formation of sporik is to establish :

Aplanospora , the spores can not move , example : Chlamydomonas

Planospora , the spores can move

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Asexually asexually : namely the formation of zoospores , aplanospora , hipnospora , autospora , and conjugation . Conjugation , which I plant cells to plant protoplasts II . Example : spyrogira .

There are 3 conjugation is:

Conjugated forms of stairs ( skalariform ) , which is meeting on channel 2 protoplasts conjugation . Example : spyrogira .

Conjugate lateral shape , namely a marriage between 2 mutually attaches protoplasts derived from one filament . Example : zygnema

Conjugation cross that marriage between 2 protoplasts without conjugation channel . Example : mougeotia and zygnema


sexually : isogami , Anisogami , Oogami , aplanogami . Isogami namely : gametes are the same shape and size ( can not differentiate between males and females ) . Example : gonium , ulva . Anisogami : gametes are not the same shape and size ( gametes are not the same shape and size ) . Example : Codium , bryopsis . Oogami that kind anisogami with active male gametes ( gametangium oogonia , and gametangium spermatids ) . Example : Volvox and oedogonium . Based on gamete cells , proliferation can be divided into :

Heterotalik , namely proliferation originating from two different talus . Example : spyrogira .

Homotalik , namely proliferation originating from the talus . Example : zygnema

source image www.uic.edu


TYPES Chlorophyta

Chlorophyta single-celled to move

Chlamidomonas . Ovoid cell shape , has 2 flagella as locomotor , there was 1 vacuolization , the nucleus and the chloroplast . In chloroplasts there that looks like a bowl of stigma ( eye spots ) and pirenoid as the formation of starch .

Chlorophyta shaped colonies do not move

Hydrodictyon . Hydrodictyon commonly found in fresh water and colony shaped like a fishnet . Size large enough to be seen with the naked eye . Vegetative reproduction by zoospores and

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fragmentation . Fragmentation is done by removing most of the colony and establish a new colony . While the generative reproduction by conjugation

Chlorophyta shaped colonies can move

Volvox is found in freshwater , spherical colony number between 500 to 5000 pieces . Each cell has two flagella and an eye freckle . Asexual reproduction by fragmentation and sexually by conjugation of gamete cells .

Chlorophyta shaped sheet

Ulva . This algae is found at the bottom of the ocean waters and attached at the base , like a sheet of leaf shape . Vegetatively reproduce by producing spores and Ulva spores grow into haploid ( n ) , Ulva called haploid haploid gametophyte . Then the generative produce male gametes and female gametes . Meeting of male gametes and female gametes to produce a zygote ( Z2n ) . Zygote develops into a diploid Ulva called the sporophyte . Furthermore sporophyte haploid spores formed after undergo meiosis . Furthermore undergo mitosis and produce haploid gametophyte Chara . Chara live in freshwater especially attached to rocks . Form of talus like higher plants , resembles a rod , which jointed and branched , small . In ruasnya there nukula and globule . Inside there nukula arkegonium and produce ova . In the globule there anteridium that produce spermatozoid . Spermatozoid will fertilize the ova and produce zigospora walled cells . In vegetative reproduction done by fragmentation .



Consists of one class : Clorophyceae

Consisting of 4 orders :

- Chlorococcales

- Tetrasporales

- Zygnematales

- Volvocales


Vegetative cells do not have a feather whip so do not move . Have one nucleus and a chloroplast . They are a colony that had many manifestations , and no longer do the vegetative cell division .

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Perkembanganbiakan with zoospores that have two feather whip , or the spores which have tiddak feather whip called aplanospora . Isogami Perkembanganbiakan with , among others, the genera Pediastrum .

Chlorococcales live as plankton in fresh water , sometimes also on the skin of the trees and the walls are wet . Some are living in symbiosis with Lichenes even function as there are animals living in the plasma is low, for example, Chlorella vulgaris and Hydra dam infusoria

2 . Tetraporales

3 . Zygnematales

Of tribes and clans Zygnema Zygnemataceae and Spirogyra , this clan tidakmembentuk Both asexual spores . In Spyrogyra has piranoid that many spirals and chloroplasts . While on Zygnema have two chloroplast forms of sexual bintang.Perkembangan through conjugation , where each cell in the filament produces gametes do not have flagella .

4 . Volvocales

Chalmydomonadaceae class , nation Chalmydomonas , a two berflagel vegetative cells can move , and unicellular . Pembikan occurs with sexual and asexual vegetative cell fusion with fission sel.Dari Tribe Volvocaceae and Highways Volvox , a cell vegetaif berflagel two , live in colonies ( senobium ) every cell in senobium associated with cytoplasmic filaments . In large colonies contained large vegetative cells , these cells are Gonidiayang a beginner cell colony children . Sexual propagation by means of gamete cells oogami.Konjugasi Volvox


ROLE Chlorophyta

Chlorophyta have an important role in everyday life , namely :

Manufacturers of water ecosystems

As an alternative food for astronauts , especially chlorella species ( because the content chlorelinnya contains vitamin E )

Sbagai source of single cell protein sample chlorela

For example Volvox feed ingredients as vegetable

As plankton , is one important component in the food chain in freshwater

Generate O2 ( oxygen ) and the results fotositensis needed by other animals to breathe

Chloropyta also have negative effects , namely :

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Can be annoying if the water is too fertile

Make water change color and become smelly

Be a problem in the water purification process

Cause blockage of the filter water treatment .