java garbage collection, monitoring, and tuning

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  • 1. JavaGarbage Collection
    • Carol McDonald
    • Java Architect
      • Sun Microsystems, Inc.

2. Speaker

  • CarolcDonald:
    • Java Architect at Sun Microsystems
    • Before Sun, worked on software development of:
      • Application tomanage LoansforBig Banks(>10 million loans)
      • PharmaceuticalIntranet( RocheSwitzerland)
      • TelecomNetwork Mgmt( DigitalFrance)
      • X.400Email Server( IBMGermany)

3. GarbageCollection 4. Classic Memory Leak inC

  • User does the memory management
  • void service(int n, char** names) {
  • for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    • char* buf = (char*)malloc (strlen(names[i]));
    • strncpy(buf, names[i], strlen(names[i]));
  • }
  • // memory leaked here
  • }
  • User is responsible for callingfree()
  • User is vulnerable todangling pointers and double frees.

5. Garbage Collection

  • Find and reclaimunreachableobjects
    • not reachable from the applicationroots:
      • (thread stacks, static fields, registers.)
    • Traces theheapstarting at theroots
      • Visits every live object
    • Anything not visited isunreachable
      • Therefore garbage
  • Variety of approaches
    • Algorithms: copying, mark-sweep, mark-compact, etc.

6. Garbage Collection

  • Garbage collection:Pros
    • Increased reliability no memory leaks, no dangling pointers
      • Eliminatesentire classes of(Pointer) bugs ,no segmentation fault, no double frees
      • Improved developer productivity
    • Truememory leaksare not possible
      • possible for an object to be reachablebutnotusedby the program
      • unintentional object retention ,Can cause OutOfMemoryError
      • Happens less often than in C, and easier to track down
  • Cons
    • Pauses

7. Statistics

  • Most objects are very short lived
    • 80-98%
  • Old objects tend to live a long time
    • avoid marking and sweeping the old

8. Generational Garbage Collection

  • Keep young and old objects separate
    • In spaces calledgenerations
  • Different GC algorithmsfor each generation
    • Use the right tool for the job

9. How Generational GC Works 10. Incremental Garbage Collection

  • Minor Garbage Collection(scavenge)
    • When eden is full a minor gc is invoked
    • Sweeps through eden and the current survivor space, removing the dead and moving the living to survivor space or old
    • Ss0 and ss1 switch which is current A new tenuring age is calculated
  • Major Garbage Collection
    • When old is full
    • All spaces are garbage collected including perm space
    • All other activities in the jvm are suspended

11. New Old Space Tuning

  • 25-40% should be new space
  • how much new space depends on App:
    • Stateless Request centric Application with high morbidity rate needs more new space for scalability
    • Stateful Workflow Application with more older objects needs more old space

12. Garbage Collection

  • Mythsaboutgarbage collectionabound
    • Myth: Allocation and garbage collectionare slow
      • InJDK1.0 , they were slow (as was everything else)
      • Memory management (allocation + collection) in Java is often significantly faster than in C
        • Cost of new Object() is typically ten machine instructions
        • It's just easier to see the collection cost because it happens all in one place
  • Early performance advice suggestedavoiding allocation
    • Bad idea!
    • Alternatives (likeobject pooling ) are oftenslower , moreerror prone , andless memory-efficient

13. Object Allocation (1/2)

  • Typically, object allocation isvery cheap!
    • 10 native instructions in the fast common case
    • C/C++ has faster allocation? No!
  • Reclamation ofnew objectsis very cheap too!
    • Young GCsingenerationa l systems
  • So
    • Do not be afraid to allocatesmall objects for intermediate results
    • Generational GCslovesmall, short-lived objects

14. Object Allocation (2/2)

  • Wedo notadvise
    • Needlessallocation
      • More frequent allocations will cause more frequent GCs
  • Wedoadvise
    • Using short-lived immutable objects instead of long-lived mutable objects
    • Usingclearer,simplercodewithmore allocationsinstead of moreobscurecode with fewerallocations

15. Large Objects

  • Verylargeobjects are:
    • Expensive toallocate(maybe not through the fast path)
    • Expensive toinitialize(zeroing)
    • Can causeperformanceissues
  • Large objects of different sizes can causefragmentation
    • For non-compacting or partially-compacting GCs
  • Avoidif you can
    • And, yes, this is not always possible or desirable

16. Object Pooling (1)

  • Legacy of older VMs with terrible allocation performance
  • Remember
    • Generational GCs loveshort-lived, immutable objects
  • Unused objects in pools
    • Are like abadtax, the GC must process them
    • Safety
      • Reintroducemalloc/free mistakes
    • Scalability
      • Must allocate/de-allocate efficiently
      • synchronizeddefeats theVMsfast allocation mechanism

17. Object Pooling (3/3)

  • Exceptions
    • Objects that areexpensivetoallocateand/orinitialize
    • Objects that represent scarceresources
    • Examples
      • Threads pools
      • Database connectionpools
    • Use existing libraries wherever possible

18. Memory Leaks?

  • But, the GC is supposed to fix memory leaks!
  • The GC will collect allunreachableobjects
  • But, it will not collect objects that arestillreachable
  • Memory leaks in garbage collected heaps
    • Objects that arereachablebutunused
    • Unintentional object retention

19. Memory Leak Types

  • Traditional memory leaks
    • Heap keepsgrowing , andgrowing,andgrowing
    • OutOfMemoryError
  • Temporary memory leaks
    • Heap usage istemporarilyveryhigh , then itdecreases
    • Bursts offrequent GCs

20. Memory Leak Sources

  • Objects in the wrong scope
  • Lapsed listeners
  • Exceptions change control flow
  • Instances of inner classes
  • Metadata mismanagement
  • Use of finalizers/reference objects

21. Objects in the Wrong Scope (1/2)

  • Below, names really local to doIt()
    • It will not be reclaimed while the instance of Foo is live
  • class Foo {
  • private String[]names ;
  • public voiddoIt (int length) {
  • if (names == null || names.length < length)
  • names = new String[length];
  • populate(names);
  • print(names);
  • }
  • }

22. Objects in the Wrong Scope (2/2)

  • Remember
    • Generational GCs love short-lived objects
  • class Foo {
  • public void doIt(int length) {
  • String[] names = new String[length];
  • populate(names);
  • print(names);
  • }
  • }

23. Memory Leak Sources

  • Objects in the wrong scope
  • Lapsed listeners
  • Exceptions change control flow
  • Instances of inner classes
  • Metadata mismanagement
  • Use of finalizers/reference objects

24. Exceptions Change Control Flow(1/2)

  • Beware
    • Thrown exceptions can change control flow
  • try {
  • ImageReader reader = new ImageReader();
  • cancelButton.addActionListener(reader);
  • reader.readImage(inputFile);
  • cancelButton.removeActionListener(reader);
  • } catch (IOException e) {
  • // if thrown from readImage(), reader will not
  • // be removed from cancelButton's listener set
  • }

25. Exceptions Change Control Flow(2/2)

  • Always use finallyblocks
  • ImageReader reader = new ImageReader();
  • cancelButton.addActionListener(reader);
  • try {
  • reader.readImage(inputFile);
  • } catch (IOException e) {
  • ...
  • }finally {
  • cancelButton.removeActionListener(reader);
  • }

26. Memory Leak Sources

  • Objects in the wrong scope
  • Lapsed listeners
  • Exceptions change control flow
  • Instances of inner classes
  • Metadata mismanagement
  • Use of finalizers/reference objects

27. Metadata Mismanagement (1/2)

  • Sometimes, we want to:
    • Keep track of object metadata
    • In a separate map
  • class ImageManager {
  • private Map map =
  • new HashMap();
  • public void add(Image image, File file) { ... }
  • public void remove(Image image) { ... }
  • Public File get(Image image) { ... }
  • }

28. Metadata Mismanagement (2/2)

  • What happens if weforgetto callremove (image)?
    • never be removed from the map
    • Verycommonsource ofmemory leaks
  • We want:
    • purge the corresponding entry when the key is not reachable
  • Thatsexactlywhat a WeakHashMap does
    • purge the corresponding entry
  • private Map map =
  • newWeak HashMap();

29. Some Memory Management Myths

  • Myth: Explicitlynulling referenceshelps GC
    • Rarely helpful
      • Unless you are managing your own memory
    • Can beharmfulto correctness or performance
  • Myth: CallingSystem.gc()helps GC
    • Triggers full collection less efficient
    • Can be a huge performance loss
  • Myth:Avoid object allocation
    • Allocationin Java is lightningfast
      • Avoidance techniques (e.g.,pooling ) are verytrickyto get right

30. Local Variable Nulling

  • Local variable nulling i s n ot necessary
    • The JIT can do liveness analysis
  • void foo() {
  • int[] array = new int[1024];
  • populate(array);
  • print(array);// last use of array in method foo()
  • array = null;// unnecessary!
  • // array is no longer considered live by the GC
  • ...
  • }

31. Some Memory Management Myths

  • Myth: Finalizers are Java's idea of destructors
    • Finalizers are rarely neededand very hard to use correctly!
      • Should only be used for native resources
      • Addssignificant work to GC , hassignificant performanceeffect
    • Instead, use finally blocks to release resources
  • Resource r = acquireResource();
  • try {
  • useResource(r); } finally {
  • releaseResource(r);
  • }
      • Note resource acquisition is outside the try block
      • Use forfile handles, database connections,etc

32. Virtual Machine Smart Tuning 33. How Smart Tuning Works

  • Providegood out of the box performancewithouthandtuning
  • Determine type of machineJVM is running onconfigure Hotspotappropriately
  • Servermachine
    • Larger heap, parallel garbage collector , and server compiler
  • Clientmachine
    • Same as 1.4.2 ( small heap ,serial garbagecollector, and client compiler

34. Smart Tuning

  • Dynamically adjustJava HotSpot VM software environment atruntime
  • Adaptive Heap Sizing policy
  • Simple tuning optionsbased on application requirements not JVM internals

35. Effects of Tuning Tuned vs. Non-tuned JVM 36. Hand Tuned vs. Smart Tuning 37. Monitoring & Management 38. Memory Leak Detection Tools

  • Many tools to choose from
  • Is there a memory leak?
    • MonitorVMs heapusage withjconsoleandjstat
  • Which objects are filling up the heap?
    • Get a class histogram with jmapor
    • -XX:+PrintClassHistogram and Ctrl-Break
  • Why are these objects still reachable?
    • Getreachabilityanalysis withjhat

39. Monitoring, Management, Diagnostics

  • GUI tools: JConsole, jhat, VisualGC (NetBeans), dynamic attach
  • Command line tools: jps, jstat, jstack, jmap, jinfo
  • Diagnostics: CTRL-Break handler, heap dump, better OutOfMemoryError and fatal error handling, JNI crashes
  • Tracing/logging: VM tracing and HotSpot probes, DTrace integration 40. Monitoring and Management

  • Attach on demand for
    • jconsole : can connect to applications that did not start up with the JMX agent
    • jstack : takes a 'photograph' of all the threads and what they are up to in their own stack frames
    • jmap : takes a detailed 'photograph' of what's going on in memory at any one point in time
    • jhat : forensic expert that will help you interpret the result of jmap

41. Jconsole 42. NetBeans Profiler

  • Low overhead profiling
  • Attach to running applications
  • CPUperformance profiling
  • Memoryprofiling
  • Memory leakdebugging
  • Task based profiling
  • Processing collected data offline

43. NetBeans Profiler 44. Demo Memory leak detection with Netbeans Profiler 45. VisualVM

  • A new Integrated and Extensible Troubleshooting Tool for the Java Platform
  • Integrates existing JDK Management, Monitoring and Troubleshooting tools and adds support for lightweight CPU and Memory profiling
  • Extensible through VisualVM Plugins Center
  • Production and development time tool
  • Audience: developers, administrators, performance and sustaining engineers, etc.

46. VisualVM Features (1/3)

  • Monitor local & remote Java applications
  • Show configuration & environment
  • Monitor performance, memory, classes...

47. VisualVM Features (2/3)

  • Monitor threads
  • Profile performance & memory
  • Take & display thread dumps

48. VisualVM Features (3/3)

  • Take & browse/analyze heap dumps
  • Analyze core dumps
  • Take & display application snapshots

49. Plugins

  • Sampler
  • MBeans Browser
  • Visual GC
  • BTrace
  • Buffer Monitor
  • ME Snapshot Viewer
  • GlassFish (+GFPM)
  • OQL Editor
  • TDA Plugin (3 rdp.)
  • OSGi Plugin (3 rdp.)
  • Message Queue (GF)
  • Sun Grid Engine Inspect

50. Resources and Summary 51. For More Information (1/2)

  • Memory management white paper
  • Destructors, Finalizers, and Synchronization
  • Memory-retention due to finalization article

52. For More Information (2/2)

  • FindBugs
  • Heap analysis tools
    • Monitoring and Management
    • Troubleshooting guide
    • JConsole

53. Resources

  • Performance, Monitoring and Management, Testing, and Debugging of Java Applications

54. Resources

  • Performance, Monitoring and Management, Testing, and Debugging of Java Applications
  • Monitoring and Management in 6.0
  • Troubleshooting guide
  • JConsole

55. Stay in Touch with Java SE

  • JDK 6
  • JDK 7

56. Thank You!

  • Carol McDonald
    • Java Technology Architect
      • Sun Microsystems, Inc.