japan by: mason bryan, dakota coogle, and ryan murphy

Japan By: Mason Bryan, Dakota Coogle, and Ryan Murphy

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Post on 02-Jan-2016




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By: Mason Bryan, Dakota Coogle, and Ryan Murphy

Location and History

• Japan consists of several thousands of islands, Japan's closest neighbors are Korea, Russia and China. The Sea of Japan separates the Asian continent from the Japanese archipelago.

• The population of Japan is about 125,000,000, including approximately two million foreign residents.

• More than half of the non Japanese population is of Korean descent.

• Japans believed excessive contact with the West would destroy their culture.

• Americans wanted to expand towards Japan to benefit more for trade.

• In 1852, President Franklin Pierce decided to force Japan to trade with the United States.

• Commodore (Matthew C. Perry) took a naval ship to Japan and forced the Japanese to a trade treaty through Americas technology and firepower.

• Franklin Roosevelt was President during this time.

• Japan Bombed our ship in Pearl Harbor.

• After bombing the U.S. Joins the war.• Uses the Navy in the war.

• Part of the country wanted to fight and part of the country didn’t• Some Americans thought this

wasn’t a big enough issue to enter war.

• After Pearl Harbor, the U.S. decides to enter the war in what we know as World War II (WWII) • The U.S. won

• The United States became Japans closest ally.

• Japan relies on the U.S. for its national security.

• Japan has deployed groups to help the U.S. in Iraq.• They are no longer rivals or

enemies to America to this day.

• I feel as if the U.S. shouldn’t of forced Japan to trade with us.

• In the long run though it was a good decision.

• We now benefit today with more efficient trading.

• Also benefitted by allying with Japan and becoming a more powerful country.

• Helps us in Iraq.•