jan 2015 nwsltr

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  • 8/10/2019 Jan 2015 Nwsltr


    Community Service

    ts a Priority

    This fall was a very busytime for the students at our

    school. Prior to Thanksgiv-ing the Seek Ye First grouprallied the troops by hostinga nonperishable food driveto be donated to the St. Jo-

    sephs Church food pantry.

    Over 450 items were donat-

    ed and Mrs. Bauer's firstgrade class won the chal-

    lenge! Thank you to every-

    one who helped our young

    leaders with this project.

    Then on November 26, stu-

    dents in 4th-8th gradeswere treated to a Thanks-giving Feast with all the

    trimmings. The feastwouldn't have been possible

    without the chefs who vol-unteered their time to makethe food and serve it. Spe-

    cial thanks goes to Tina andSteve Ojala, Pete Formolo,Bob Fabricino, and Grittand Helen Gilmer. These

    adults give back regularly

    and are great role-models in

    this arena for our youth.

    St. Mary's School also par-ticipated in the Parade ofLights. Special thanks to the

    Spencer family for allowing

    us to use their trailer andSteve and Tina Ojala forallowing us to use their gar-age, lights, and other items

    for the float.

    January 2015 Quarterly Newsletter

    St. Mary's


    School Resumes Jan 5,2015

    Enrollment for School

    Families Jan 1-15th

    Half Day Jan 15thdismissal at 11:30am

    NO SCHOOL Jan 16th

    Enrollment forCatholics Jan 16-30th

    Catholic Schools Week

    Jan 25th-30th

    Sunday, Jan 25th

    Mass at St. Joes 10am

    Open House-Ice Cream

    Social Wed, Jan 29that 6pm w library hour

    Enrollment for our

    Public Feb 1

    NO School Feb 13th

    Half Day March 5thdismissal at 11:30am

    Spring Break March 30-April 6th

    Back to School Tues.

    March 7th

    St. Marys



    We chose St. Marys because of the faith-based education our children will receive. Wecouldn't be happier with our choice and the education our children received. Thank you St.Marys. Tom & Stacey Swanson

  • 8/10/2019 Jan 2015 Nwsltr


    WISH LIST- A built in projector for theSMART board $800

    -Better lighting for the

    hallways-possibly LED

    If you would like to

    make a financial contribution to-

    wards these items, please contact

    our Principal, Mrs. Farney, at

    906-635-6141. St. Marys Ele-

    mentary School is a non-profit

    organization and your financial

    gift would be tax deductible.


    The Sacrament of Confirmation willtake place on Sunday, April 19, 2015,

    at St. Peter Cathedral at 3:00 pmET. This Confirmation Mass will be open to the entireDiocese and will be specifically celebrated for the

    following groups of people who have not yet been


    1. Youth who will be in the 11th or 12th grade duringthe 2014-2015 school year;

    2. Young adults in college who are seeking theSacrament of Confirmation;

    3. Those adults in our RCIA programs who havebeen baptized and raised Catholic, that is, peoplewho have received both the Sacrament of Baptismand Holy Communion. Previously, Bishop Samplehas granted faculties to confirm at the Easter Vigilthose people who have been baptized and raised

    Catholic. Now, the Bishop, as the ordinary ministerof the Sacrament of Confirmation, would like thosewho have been baptized and raised Catholic tocome to the Cathedral so that he can confirmthem.

    If anyone is requesting to be confirmedthat does not meet the above criteria,please refer them to your pastor as anyspecial requests must be submitted bythe pastor to the Office of the Bishop.

    From the Principal:

    In this issue of the St.

    Mary's Sentinel, you will

    find an article highlighting

    the work of the Seek Ye

    First group. This group, with the help

    and guidance of two of our teachers,

    strive to develop in our students a

    heart that is open to the suffering of

    others. This goal is accomplished by

    leading the student body in carrying

    Page 2 St. Marys Sentinel

    What are they up to???

    you need a hard copy we will have

    several in the office but are en-couraging families to print thePDF offline.

    If you have questions at any time

    please call the main office at 906-635-6141.

    To take a tour of our school you

    can join us on Wed., Jan 28th at6pm or you can set up a bettertime that works for you by callingthe school office.

    Kindergarten Round-Up is beingplanned and we are scheduling for

    Friday, March 6th. Please let us

    know if you are interested in signingup by calling our office at 906-635-6141.

    NEW this yearwe are only distributingONE packet for registration. We have alsooutlined dates so the process is clearer.

    Please visit our website at:


    This years multi-page packet includes allthe information you will need to enroll one

    or several of your children. You can easily

    print extra copies of certain pages as wellfor individual child information. Pleasenote that we are directing families to ourwebsite to save time and printing costs. If

    Principals Corner

    2015-2016 School Registration Starts this Month

    out corporal works of mercy throughout

    the year.

    I am a very proud principal of St. Mary's

    School, not only because of the strong

    academic program but because it has

    successfully integrated faith throughout

    its entire program...and that's what

    makes St. Mary's School special!

    If you are interested in finding more

    information about our school, I hope

    you will consider coming to our Open

    House on Wednesday, January, 29. That

    evening, you will have an opportunity to

    meet the teachers and ask all the ques-

    tions you ever had about St. Mary's

    School. We have tuition assistance for

    those who qualify and a transportation

    subsidy for families who live outside the

    10 mile radius of the school.

    God is good, all the time!

    Mrs. Farney

  • 8/10/2019 Jan 2015 Nwsltr


    Toni Boger attended St. Marys be-

    ginning in kindergarten and finishingin the fifth grade. She then attendedSault Area Middle School and SaultArea High School, where she partici-

    pated in volleyball, dance, and sym-phony band. She traveled with theSault High symphony as a freshmanto play in New York Citys Carnegie


    After graduating from high school in2008, Toni attended Saginaw ValleyState University and majored in Eng-lish and Communication. While atSVSU, she was a campaign coordina-tor for a state senate race and was a

    staff member of the universitys

    newspaper, The Valley Vanguard,eventually becoming its editor-in-chief. She was also a member ofthe Sigma Tau Delta, Alpha Chi, andLambda Pi Eta honor societies. Shegraduated magna cum laude in 2012and moved to the Boston area,where she currently works as a siteeditor for an international techcompany based in Boston.

    Toni believes her faith, her familyand friends support, her hard work

    her stubbornness, and her persis-tent need to keep learning havecontributed to all her successes in

    her 24 years of life. The want tolearn, she says, began at St. MarysI am thankful for my time at St.

    Marys because I was always en-

    couraged to be curious and to incorporate my Catholic faith into allparts of my life, she said. I con-

    tinue to appreciate the encourage-ment and lessons I received at St.Marys. The school holds a special

    place in my heart.

    Let us know where you are now.

    If you attended St. Marys pleas

    email [email protected].

    St. Marys Sentinel

    Our graduates speak for themselves...

    Page 3

    Toni First Grade (1996)

    Teacher Mrs. Arthur

    Toni Summer 2014

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/10/2019 Jan 2015 Nwsltr


    360 Maple St.Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783

    St. Marys Elementary

    opportunity to teach Kindergarten at St. Marys School.

    This is my first teaching position and I am so eager to

    implement everything that I have learned through myeducation at Lake Superior State University. I am arecent graduate with a major in elementary educationand a concentration in French Language. My studentteaching took place in a kindergarten classroom and hadsuch an amazing mentor teacher who taught me a lot

    about kindergarten.

    I am so thankful to be joining such a welcoming andloving school community. I look forward to an exciting

    educational year ahead!

    -Ms. Rossi

    Educating the minds of youngindividuals is such an inspiring

    and rewarding position. It re-quires passion and dedication tostrive to achieve success. It isabout pushing the limits of indi-viduals in order to allow them toachieve their goals. It is aboutembracing faith and becoming

    fully committed to God. It is a journey that is education-al, emotional, and fulfilling. I have a love for learning andas a teacher I will have the opportunity to continue

    learning for the rest of my life.

    My passion for teaching began when I was in high

    school. I had a teacher who greatly inspired me. Sheshowed me how influential a teacher can be in a stu-dents life. This was so powerful and rewarding and I

    knew from that moment on that I wanted to have that

    same impact on others.

    It seems not long ago I was sitting in my first educationclasses at Lake State dreaming of the day I would havemy own classroom and now that dream has finally comethrough. I feel so privileged to have been given the

    Phone: 906-635-6141E-mail: [email protected]

    Meet Ms. Christina RossiKindergarten Teacher

    Mission Statement

    Guided by the Holy Spirit and in partnership with the parents,St. MarysSchool is committed to teaching the knowledge ofthe faith centered in the person of Jesus Christ. The valuesand traditions of the Catholic faith are integrated into a com-

    prehensive academic program where each child can developspiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially and physical-ly. In a safe, joyful, and diverse environment, St. MarysSchool will teach its students the value of their Catholic herit-age while respecting the traditions of students of other faith

    .Do you know someone who would like to receive this news-letter electronically (or a paper version) or analum that might have moved? Clip and returnthis or email Mrs. Miller [email protected].

    If you have ideas for content or have questions

    email [email protected].

    Website: http://


    Show your School Pride!

    Join us for our annual Open House-Ice Cream Social event on Wednesday, Jan.

    28th starting at 6pm until we run out! Look for more information to follow in

    the Monday Folder and Facebook: St. Marys School. Invite your friends!

    Where did you get that LicensePlate??? We are now offering

    Cool 2B Catholic apparel, licenseplates, vinyl clings, mugs andbags. Please stop in the office toview samples. St. Marys Elemen-

    tary School receives a % of eachorder. Contact Tracey for anorder form at 906-322-4032 orstop in the office. Price rangesfrom $5-$30.

    Scrip is now ONLINE

    www.shopwithscrip.comand sign up

    for a Presto Pay account(similar toPayPal). Our schools code is

    B6B8L4DC4326. You need this to linkto your tuition.

    Its a WIN WIN.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://stmarys.eup.k12.mi.us/http://stmarys.eup.k12.mi.us/http://www.shopwithscrip.com/http://www.shopwithscrip.com/http://www.shopwithscrip.com/http://stmarys.eup.k12.mi.us/http://stmarys.eup.k12.mi.us/mailto:[email protected]