jacob_u23_a1_p1_d1_the impact of hci v2.docx

The Impact of HCI. Society: Improve Usability, Specialised Interfaces and Complexity: Improving the computer system so that it is easier to use and navigate is important, as it means people will be able to use the interface of the computer more easily and not struggle with the complexity. An interface that is easy to use is very important, as many people are not very good with using computers. Computers were originally very difficult to use and had no form of interface, while every command had to be completed with the Command Line Interface (CLI). This interface system was very complicated and only the most IT literate people could understand it. Despite them not being widely used by the general public, CLI has some advantages for those that know how to use it, like having complete control over an application. For example, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) may give the user a number of options that can execute a number of different actions, but may not show every possible option. However, using CLI will always allow one to execute any possible action that is possible. Using CLI is sometimes preferable because one command could execute something that on a GUI one would have to scale a multiple level menu, therefore making it much quicker and easier for those that know how to use it. This is a demonstration of CLI and the process of accessing and navigating the files on my computer. It shows that navigation is entirely text based and has no icons or directions. The commands here show me entering my C drive, then into Program Files and then going back to the C drive.

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Assignment 1.


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The Impact of HCI.

Society:Improve Usability, Specialised Interfaces and Complexity:Improving the computer system so that it is easier to use and navigate is important, as it means people will be able to use the interface of the computer more easily and not struggle with the complexity. An interface that is easy to use is very important, as many people are not very good with using computers.Computers were originally very difficult to use and had no form of interface, while every command had to be completed with the Command Line Interface (CLI). This interface system was very complicated and only the most IT literate people could understand it. Despite them not being widely used by the general public, CLI has some advantages for those that know how to use it, like having complete control over an application. For example, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) may give the user a number of options that can execute a number of different actions, but may not show every possible option. However, using CLI will always allow one to execute any possible action that is possible. Using CLI is sometimes preferable because one command could execute something that on a GUI one would have to scale a multiple level menu, therefore making it much quicker and easier for those that know how to use it.

This is a demonstration of CLI and the process of accessing and navigating the files on my computer. It shows that navigation is entirely text based and has no icons or directions. The commands here show me entering my C drive, then into Program Files and then going back to the C drive.

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The introduction of Graphical User Interface (GUI) made it possible for most people to interact with a computer more easily, without having to know the many complicated commands that are required to use a computer with CLI. The majority of the public will use GUI because all of the options are displayed clearly on the screen, making it easier to navigate. While a CLI translates commands into actions and executes them, a GUI will translate the simple interactions with the interface, like creating a folder or opening a program, into commands that the computer, before executing the command. This means that the computer does all of the commands for the user, as the interaction with the GUI tells it what command it wants executing and it is forwarded to the computer and has the desired task executed.

This is an image of my folders and an example of Graphical User Interface. From here I can click on folders and any of the options along the top of the application, as well as the additional navigation pane on the left. Navigation here involves clicking on icons and involves no text. In this image, I have accessed my C drive and then gone into the Program Files folder.Both User Interfaces are used for different reasons and by different people and can even be used at the same time with a GUI and Command Prompt program running on the computer. Having both available allows users to choose between them and use whichever they prefer, improving the usability.

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Hostile Environments:The use of technology in hostile environments is extremely important, as it can be highly important for keeping humans out of harm’s way. Computer technology has become more widely used in the military, as it means that they can perform tasks that would have otherwise put humans in potential danger. The most interesting technology used on the battlefield are computer controlled robots (or drones, as they are often called). Many of these can be used for scouting or reconnaissance missions. All of these drones are controlled via computers, that have the software designed to be easily operated by a human that is usually stationed in a safe compound or military base in the same region.Aerial scouts can be used to fly over targeted locations to scout for enemies, suspicious activity or whatever else the military may be looking for. The US Military has started to develop helicopter drones of different sizes that can be used for surveillance and monitoring important area. They can be sent into enemy territory and be very difficult to shoot down or detect, sparing the need for soldiers to do as much scouting. In some parts of Afghanistan, robots are planned to be used on the ground with guns mounted on them. This will make it possible for computer controlled machines to be able to deal damage to the enemy or even kill enemies without endangering any allied humans in the process. If the robots are killed, the only thing that goes to waste is money, being the cost of the robot. However, the life of a soldier is valued much over the value of the robot.Another example of a hostile environment where robots are safe is in places affected by radiation. If a computer controlled robot was to be sent into a place like Chernobyl, it will not be affected by any of the affects of radiation, as it is not a living creature. With the technology that humans possess, cameras could be mounted onto a robot in these hostile environments and whoever is controlling the robot will see everything that the robot does, which means that the humans can achieve whatever they were trying to achieve without putting anyone in danger. Source: en.wikipedia.org. Source: www.strikefighterconsultinginc.com.

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Economy:Increased Automation and Automatic Judgement of Output:For a long time humans have been developing ways in which they use machinery and technology in the manufacturing industry. Originally, humans would have to produce everything themselves, with the help of basic tools and machines. As technology developed, basic machines began to advance with electronic machinery being used in manufacturing, making there less need to be human workers, although they could not operate without the aid of humans and were only in place to help the humans working there. Eventually, factories began to use only robots for all of the tasks that humans once did. The only things that humans are used for in these factories are maintenance, to make sure that the robots continue to work properly. The cost of this is very little compared to the cost of paying each individual to work there.Another benefit to using automatic machines in manufacturing are that they are programmed to perform the same action continuously, meaning that they are much more precise and human error is not possible. Machines never get tired like humans do, allowing them to work continuously and at an excellent pace, increasing production and the quality of the products produced, without the company needing to pay anywhere near as much money as they would with human workers. Because businesses are always trying to earn as much money as they possibly can, most manufacturing is done with machines.

Source: www.igcseict.info.

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Automation is also used by companies that have call centre services. Machines that try to replicate call centre advisors are often used to receive feedback, complaints or whatever else needs to be discussed. When one attempts to call a company with these systems with their phone, a machine will answer the phone and speak to one. The machine will often ask questions and give time for the customer to say what they need to say, before executing whatever needs to be done. These systems are often used by banks and spare having the need for human call centre advisors to answer the phone. The company does have human advisors just in case the automatic computer advisors fail to work properly, or the demand of the customer can only be dealt with or understood with a human advisor. This is still helpful and cost effective for the company, as some problems can be dealt with with the computers and only those that cannot are passed on to humans. Also, less call centre advisors need to be hired, as less people will need their services.

Voice Input:Voice input is a system that is used that allows interaction with computers and computing devices using one’s voice and speech. One use of voice input is speech recognition, which converts speech into text for the computer to understand. The computer will then react or execute the correct actions depending on what the user had said. Basic examples of this can be found in computer games that are usually found on consoles or mobile devices that possess voice input technology. For example, a mobile device may have an application that involves a character that responds to what one says to it, so if one greets it by saying ‘hello’, this would be processed and understood by the computer and the character would respond accordingly.Advances in this field of computer technology and making it more widely accessible can make it an alternate to using CLI or GUI, although it could also be used very much like a CLI, with speech rather than text and perhaps being less complicated. In terms of economy, voice input can help to assist people that are disabled in a way that prevents them from using a computer, as it means they can navigate and use a computer without needing their arms. This means that they can still work and provide services, rather than not working and being provided with money by the Government.Source: www.optionsil.com.

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Thought Input:Thought input is a much more advanced and complicated technology in comparison to voice input and the more commonly used methods of human computer interaction. This technology involves the use of thought to interact with a computer to get a desired response.Thought input is only in its early stages and has not evolved to such a level that everything on a computer or device could be completed with the use of thought. Its current progress in its development has led it to the discovery of technology that allows very basic thoughts, like push, pull up, down, left and right to control robots remotely. An example of this is that a remote controlled flying toy could be used similarly by using the brain, rather than a remote control with buttons or analogue sticks. Using the basic thoughts to direct this is very easy and possibly even more so than using a remote device.Thought input development thus far can only allow for controlling very basic movements of electronic devices and robotics. Future developments could begin to allow more control over computers with thought; however technology has not developed this far yet. It is also predicted that thought input will allow one to think of a contact or phone number to allow one to phone people, as well as use other controls on mobile devices. With further development in thought input, it could advance to the level of voice input and become another alternative to CLI and GUI, allowing disabled individuals to be able to interact with computers. With disabled people able to use computers, they will be able to work and help to add to the economy, rather than claim from the government.

Source: www.japanistic.com.

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Culture:The ways in which people use computers:People in different cultures and societies use computer technology for different purposes. Computers are used worldwide and have a wide variety of language settings that allow people with different native languages to use a computer as effectively as one that uses English. Dictionaries and translators are available for people that wish to translate web pages that are written in English or other languages into their language. Translation software like Google Translator are free and can be accessed on the internet.Computer technology is used in mobile phones for texting, allowing people to contact each other at long distance, helping with basic communication with people and for more important and work related purposes. One can confirm meetings and arrange to meet people at different times. People use Ipods and MP3 player devices to listen to music while they are outside of their home, allowing them to listen to music anywhere; these devices are portable. Some devices like smart phones and Iphones can support texting and music, as well as access to email and lots of other software, like Facebook. These devices are very helpful for being able to access lots of important software with the use of a single portable device.Email is a commonly used system, as most people have access to an email account and can use it to send messages to others freely, with them being able to immediately reply. Emails can also contain links and attachments that allow one to send important documents to people. This is extremely important in the work place, where files that are on one computer can be sent to someone else on another computer and be accessed by them. Emails can also be used for applying for an account on a website, to confirm that one is a legitimate user and not there to spam. Email links can be sent to emails to confirm that accounts are legitimate. Emails can then be sent by websites or services that one is applied to with it, allowing one to receive news from the companies. For example, if one had an account on an online game and there was a new patch or expansion available, an email could be sent to each account to make the user aware. As well as on a computer, email can also be accessed on smart phones, Ipods, Iphones and tablets, allowing one access to their emails while away from their computer whenever connected to the internet.A commonly used social networking site, called Facebook, is used to allow people to connect to each other online more easily than using a mobile phone or email. It has become an everyday tool that people will access for most of their communication with others, where they can have open conversations that anyone can see or join, as well as private conversations from 2 to many more people. Images can also be put onto Facebook, as well as a profile picture to give one’s profile more identity and make people recognise who the individual is in addition to their name. One can update their status so that all of their friends

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that they are connected to can see what they have said they are currently doing or where they are. This can help people to know what everyone else that they have involvement with are doing. Without Facebook or other social networking sites, people will be far less connected with each other and not have nearly as much access to communicate and arrange events with others. Being on Facebook makes one much more connected to the rest of the world.Consoles have been in production and have been constantly evolving for a long time with the only purpose being to entertain. They can be used as an alternative to computers for playing computer games, with memory stick devices to store their memory as opposed to hard drives. In more recent consoles however, hard drives similar to those used in computers have began to be used, as they are more effective and can store more data.Problems with using computers and communicating through the internet can lead to problems with social skills. Using emails too frequently is also causing a lack of professionalism within business.A benefit of computer use in modern times is that people can access the internet from anywhere, also allowing people to work from places other than the workplace. People can work in foreign countries and when on holiday, as well as working entirely from home. Modern technology allows one to be able to access their files from any computer with internet access, meaning that any portable computer or different computer could be used as effectively anywhere that the employee goes.

Psychological and Sociological Impact:An impact of advances in computer technology and our increasing use of computer technology that is necessary in daily life is that many jobs will start to require good understanding of how to use a computer, as computers are beginning to replace more traditional methods that are used in the workplace. In most jobs, one will have to interact with a computer in some way, including offices and supermarkets.Deskilling of workers is a problem for workers in certain fields, as it removes jobs that people have skills in that they are no longer able to use because automated computers are better at it and cost the company considerably less money to maintain and run than paying people to do it. Examples of this are in factories, where everything is constructed by robots that are programmed to automatically complete the same task repeatedly when they are supposed to. Also, trades that people have skills in like tailoring, brewing and chocolate making are no longer needed and it is rare to find factories that have people that still make any of these things with their skills. This makes these skills completely useless in terms of working for major companies and manufacturing. As a result of the amount of deskilling that is taking place in workplaces and the manufacturing industry, traditional trades are dying

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out, meaning that eventually nobody will possess these skills and only the computers will know how to produce these products.

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Possible Future Development:Advanced Thought Input:A possible future development could be one in the field of Thought Input, as it has not advanced very much yet. With further development, this could begin to give the user more control over how much they can do to interact with the computer with their thought. Eventually, the development could bring thought input technology to allow full control over a desktop computer, whereby the user thinks all of the commands and the computer follows them. For example, if a game was compatible with this software, the user could command a character or number of units based on the decisions they are making in their brain.Another way that more advanced thought input could be used is with disabled people that cannot possibly use a computer’s keyboard and mouse, as they may have dysfunctional arms. The thought input technology would allow them full control over what they wish to access on a computer and may be able to work and type with their mind, allowing each word that they think to be placed on a document. If they wish to stop typing, there could be a thought that causes the action to stop. If technology advances further, thought input could reach a level where it works well remotely, so that not very much needs to be plugged in. An example of how this could be used is like using a Universal remote controller, whereby it can access a number of different devices that are connected to the television. In the same way, the thought input device could be compatible with and be able to switch between a number of different electronic devices, expanding the usability and usefulness of the thought input device. This idea may seem very far-fetched, but in the past many technologies that we have now were seen even more out of reach than this technology does now.An impact on society is of more advanced thought input devices could be that the device will not require any skills to use and one does not need to learn anything complicated about computers or learn how to use a mouse or keyboard, as one can simply control everything electronic with their mind. The main impact on most of the population would be that this technology would make CLI or GUI unnecessary, having the computer translate thoughts into commands and then executing them immediately. This technology could be developed further into more advanced computer technology, like aerial and perhaps land travelling drones to be used in war, whereby someone could control aerial drones with their mind, giving them better control than with a remote controller or computer software. A camera can be mounted onto the aerial drone with the screen being shown on a computer in a safe area. The user can then control the drone while looking at the computer. This may also be easier for the user to learn how to control it, as they will not need to click any buttons or click on any controls, but merely guide the robot with their mind.

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An impact on culture is that it could be widely used without having the need for an English keyboard, as one’s mind will control everything and no keyboard will need to be used. With most modern computer interaction, one will need to use keyboards and will not be able to access certain areas or perform certain actions without an English keyboard. One will also have to learn how to use the different types of keyboard efficiently, meaning that if a Russian moves to the UK or another English speaking country, they will have to familiarise themselves with the English keyboard even if they understand the language. Using thought input to interact with the computer, the interaction will be the same in every country, without the countries alphabet being an issue. With thought input, everyone will be interacting with the computer in the same way, so there will be less difficulty with familiarising oneself with another type of keyboard.The main effect of advancing thought input technology on the economy would be that it will allow individuals that are physically disabled to use computers as effectively as anyone without any physical disability. This will mean that they can do any computer based job like anyone able could. At present, thought input allows for people to interact with a computer somewhat, but not as effectively as if one uses a keyboard and mouse. If it is advanced and becomes as effective, it will mean that anyone will be able to use computers to their full extent, meaning that more people can add to the economy without needing to claim money from the government. This means that they are being productive individuals like everyone else and not being an unfortunate waste of resources and money.

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P1 - Describe the impact of HCI on society, the economy and culture

Society: Impact described using a variety of examples, particularly on hostile environments – a bit more could have been included on improved usability (reduce specialised knowledge, simplify input/output, user friendliness, domestic appliance displays). Your discussion on CLI and GUIs is historical and valid however, there are many new HCIs that are used in today’s society today that could have been researched and discussed.

Economy: covered in general terms, detail on how they impact on the economy is sketchy.

Culture: What about the positives? Some people feel empowered by being able to use technology. Lots of IT/Computing jobs have been created. People can work from anywhere.

Achieved 13/10/12D1 - evaluate the impact of a potential future development in HCI

Future prediction: The field of thought input


You have covered the impact of HCI in general terms with clear examples. It is not at the level expected for a distinction grade. You would need to add further, more detailed, examples of HCI and their impact and develop your evaluation of your future prediction.

It should be presented as a newsletter or set of leaflets

Not yet achieved13/10/12