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31Saint Marys UniversityThe Level of Knowledge on Treasury Operations of Barangay Treasurers in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya


RationaleThe Barangay as the basic political unit plays a significant role in serving the state in reaching its goal as to the improvement of the countrys condition. As stated in the 1991 Local Government Code, section 384, the barangay as a political unit is the institution that implements the policies, programs, projects, plans and the activities of the government (Local Government Code of 1991). Hence, a need to enhance accountability and transparency must be founded here. Also, officials of the Barangay must be equipped with the necessary competencies in order to fulfill their mandates and functions. The people which comprised each barangay should be competent not only in terms of administrative capabilities but also on managing financial resources which are essential for the provision of basic technical and physical facilities as contained in the Local Government Code. Legaspi 2002 said that in relating directly with the community, the local government personnel must have the necessary skills and knowledge to better serve the residents needs and concerns. In 2011-2012, the COA has found 27 common deficiencies in the operations of 80 Cebu City barangays according to Felicitas. During the forum organized by the Association of Barangay Councils (ABC), COA Cebu City State Auditor said that the most common lapse by the barangays involved unliquidated cash advances. As stated in COA Circular 2012-004, the cash advances must be liquidated immediately and those who fail to do so may be charged for violating the Revised Penal Code because non-liquidation serves as evidence that a person misused public funds. The state auditor also observed that some bidding of various barangay projects lacked supporting documents. As specified in Republic Act (RA) 9184 or the Government Procurement Reform Act, bidding documents should include among others the approved budget contract, terms of reference, plans and technical specifications of the projects, bid form, eligibility requirements, bid security form, contract form and other necessary supporting documents. Other common deficiencies that COA noted were the specification of the brand in buying items, failure of the barangay to use the Government Electronic Procurement System in the procurement of supplies, materials and equipment, failure of the barangay to provide warranty security for the procurement of goods and delayed submission of their financial statements. The state auditor urged barangay officials to become familiar with the provisions of RA 9184 and COA rules and regulations (Suns Star-Cebu News, 2014).Thus, in order to prevent irregular, unnecessary, excessive, or extravagant expenditures or uses of government funds or property, the COA granted the statutory authority to promulgate accounting and auditing rules and regulations (Section 33, P.D. 1445). With that, the state declared policy that all resources of the government shall be managed, spent or utilized in accordance with laws and regulations. It must also be protected against loss or wastage through illegal or improper disposition, with a view towards ensuring efficiency, economy and effectiveness in the operations of the government. The chief or head of the government agency concerned is directly and primarily responsible to ensure that such policy is faithfully observed (Section 2, Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1445). It is also a fundamental principle that fiscal responsibility shall to the greatest extent, be shared by all those exercising authority over the financial affairs, transactions, and operations of the government agency (Section 44, (P.D.) No. 1445).Under Section 2, Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1445 that governments resources must be well managed, utilized or expended in accordance with the grounded rule and must be safeguarded against wastage or loss through unlawful or inappropriate disposition, with the vision of ensuring economic, efficient and effective operation of the government.Granof (1998) presented that in a globalized economy, government agencies and officials increasingly need to be equipped with up-to-date knowledge and skills in accounting and auditing that are among the basic institutional mechanisms to foster good corporate governance and sound public management. Appropriate auditing systems will significantly enhance the credibility and transparency of accounting and financial information. Cognizant of the need for an accounting system which will generate financial reports that will reflect a more realistic picture of government operations. Mejorada (2007) cited that the COA, in exercise of the authority granted under section 2 (2), Article IX-D of the 1987 Constitution, prescribed the New Government Accounting System (NGAS). The prescription of the New Accounting System was brought out different global and modernization activities or economic and political trends in the country that is the decentralization of work and responsibilities from the highest ranking position in the national government down to local government units and to the barangays throughout the country.NGAS introduced the basic policies and procedures, the new coding system, the accounting system, forms, reports, books, registries and financial statements to adopted by all national government agencies effective January 1, 2002 according to Mejorada (2007).The implementation of the NGAS was carried from the National Government down to the Local Government Units and on its barangays. Through the implementation of the new system, according to the last fiscal transparency report on the Philippines by Oxford Analytica, the Philippines was given an overall rating of compliance in progress. Improvements had been made in transparency and data availability, enhanced by progress in fighting corruption and in improving tax collections practices. In addition to tax reforms leading to improved collections, there have also been improvements achieved by the modernization of fiscal data reporting and revenue estimations ( order for the barangay officials perform their duties and responsibilities efficiently and effectively, the NGAS for barangays was then propagated by the Commission on Audit recommending the processing and managing of all the barangay financial transactions at their level (COA Circular No. 2012-005 dated December 07, 2012). The system was promulgated in order to have uniform guidelines in the administration and recording of barangay property and funds. It also serves as the basis in recording barangay transactions in their books of accounts which are submitted to the Municipal Accountants. The said manual contains systems and procedures that helps barangay officials to be accountable and transparent with respect to the barangay financial transactions to promote good governance and proper management of barangay property and funds (Accounting Circular No. 2006-02, 2006).When the NGAS for the barangay was implemented starting 2007 through the issuance of COA Accounting Circular, a training was conducted for the City/Municipal Accountant, Punong Barangay, Barangay Treasurers, Barangay Record keepers and members of the Committee on Appropriations and Commitments as stated by Carague et. al. (2007). However, in spite of this, many of barangays do not still know how to apply the new system in their reporting according to Creencia (2004). She further stated that the non-submission of the required reports was attributed to inadequate knowledge of the barangay officials concerned on financial accounting and reporting. It was in this context that the researchers got very interested in determining the knowledge of the barangay treasurers in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya with regards to their treasury operations to help assess themselves and to widen the scope of their knowledge with regards to their treasury functions.

Statement of the ProblemThis study aimed to determine the level of knowledge on treasury operations of barangay treasurers in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya. Specifically, the study sought to address the following questions:1. What is the profile of the barangay treasurers in terms of;0. Educational Attainment 0. Number of years in service0. Seminars attended in line with treasury operations0. Civil Service Qualification Standard1. What is the level of knowledge on treasury operations of barangay treasurers in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya specifically on:0. Receipts or collections of funds0. Disbursements of funds1. Is there a significant relationship between the level of knowledge on treasury operations of barangay treasurers in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya and their profile variables?

Statement of the Null HypothesisThere is no significant relationship between the level of knowledge on treasury operations of barangay treasurers in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya and their profile variables.

Significance of the study The study is significant as there is a need to be knowledgeable on certain functions specifically on receipts and disbursements of funds in order to properly prepare financial-related information. Thus, the results of the study would be useful to the following:Barangay Treasurers.The study may help barangay treasurers determine the level of their knowledge with regards to treasury operations specifically on the receipts or collections and disbursement of funds. It may also help them identify the areas where they can improve.Barangay Officials. This study may serve as a guide for barangay officials in the different barangays of Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya in providing seminars and trainings that may assist barangay treasurers in the improvement of their functions. School of Accountancy. This study may serve as a basis for community extension services. Future Researchers.The study may serve as a basis for future researchers who in one way or another will be engaged in future studies that are somewhat related to this study. It may also inspire other researchers and may lead them to come up with better ideas.

Scope and DelimitationThe coverage of this study focused on the determination of the level of knowledge on treasury operations of barangay treasurers in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya specifically on the receipts or collections and disbursements of funds. This study covered only about twenty-five (25) barangay treasurers representing each barangay in the municipality of Bayombong. An examination was administered as the primary gathering tool use in the study. Also, personal interview with the respondents was conducted to obtain additional information. Lastly, the researchers also conduct document review to further strengthen the results of the examination. Some of the information are not readily available because the documents utilize by the researchers are limited only to the documents available in the Barangay Affairs Office.

Conceptual FrameworkThis study aims to determine the level of knowledge on treasury operations specifically on receipts or collections and disbursements of barangay treasurers in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya. The data will be gather and interpret to confirm the correlation between two variables. Then, the result of this study could be a basis for the betterment of each stakeholders as cited in the significant of the study. To further understand, the following graphical representation of the framework of the study is provided:

Level of Knowledge on Treasury Operations of Barangay Treasurers in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya specifically on: Receipts or collections Disbursements

Recommendations based on Findings


Educational Attainment Number of years in service No. of Seminars attended Civil Service Qualification Standard

Figure 1. The Paradigm of the StudyThe paradigm shows the profile of the barangay treasurer as the independent variable and the level of knowledge of the barangay treasurer as the dependent variable of the study. It suggests that the profile variables used such as educational attainment, number of years in service, civil service qualification standard and number of seminars attended in line with treasury operations only influences the level of knowledge of the barangay treasurer with regards to treasury operations. And from the results of the study, recommendations may be derived.

Definition of TermsThe following are defined operationally for better understanding of the study:Disbursements.The act of paying out or disbursing money. Disbursements can include money paid out to run a business, spending cash and dividend payments ( In the study disbursement refers to the process of spending barangay funds and property for the barangay activities and programs and for payment of salary to barangay officials.Knowledge.Merriam-Webster Dictionary (2014) define knowledge as the fact or condition of something with familiarity gained through experience or association. Knowledge is define by the researchers as the information or ideas that the barangay treasurer knows with regards to the treasury operation and also to his duties and responsibilities.Level of Knowledge. The researchers define level of knowledge as the extent of their knowledge and the degree of information of the barangay treasurer knows regarding his duties and responsibilities.Receipts or Collections.It is use in the study as the process of generating and recording income such as operating and miscellaneous revenues and those allotted funds receive by the barangay.Treasury Operations. The researchers define treasury operations as the works and functions of barangay treasurers specifically on the process of generating and recording income of the barangay. Also, in the process of spending barangay funds and properties. Barangay treasurers are also responsible in recording barangay related transactions to the books of the barangay with regards to their activities and programs.


BarangaySection 384 of the Local Government Code of 1991 also known as Republic Act No. 7160 describes barangay as the basic political unit and functions as the primary planning and at the same time implementing unit of government policies, programs, plans, projects, and activities in the community. Rep. Edcel C. Lagman (2008) also mentioned that barangay, as the smallest government unit, serves as the foundation on which the rest of the states institutions are built. Furthermore, he stated that if we are to progress as a nation, it is necessary that the foundation of our government be firm lest the whole structure crumbles. This shows that the barangay is indeed the smallest yet the greatest political unit. He also claimed that the barangay is the principal link of the people to the municipal, provincial, and national government. According to San Luis (1997), barangays are the closest level of government to the people. As such, they are responsive to the needs of their constituents compared to the higher levels. Barangays have the highest potential for mobilizing the people, for participating in their own governance and development to enhance their quality of life.Moreover, as stated in Section 387 of the Local Government Code, each barangay should be governed by the punong barangay, seven (7) sangguniang barangay members, the SangguniangKabataan(SK) chairman, a secretary and a treasurer of the barangay. There shall also be a lupongtagapamayapa in every barangay.Barangay TreasurerIt was mentioned in the Section 395 of the Local Government Code of 1991that the barangay treasurer shall be appointed by the punong barangay with the concurrence of the majority of all the sangguniang barangay members. The appointment of the barangay treasurer shall not be subject to attestation by the Civil Service Commission. The barangay treasurer shall also be of legal age, a qualified voter, and of course an actual resident of the barangay concerned. Furthermore, no person shall be appointed barangay treasurer if he is a government employee, asangguniang barangay member, or a relative of the punong barangay within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity.In addition, Section 395 also enumerates the duties and responsibilities of the barangay treasurer. As stated, the barangay treasurer shall keep custody of barangay funds and properties. Another is to collect and issue official receipts for taxes, fees, contributions, monies, materials, and all other resources accruing to the barangay treasury and deposit the same in the account of the barangay as presented under Title Five, Book II of the Local Government Code. Funds must also be disbursed in conformity with the financial procedures that are provided in the Local Government Code. A statement covering the actual and estimates of expenditures and income for the preceding and succeeding calendar years, respectively, must also be submitted to the punong barangay, subject to the provisions of Title Five, Book II of the Code. A written accounting report of all barangay funds and property under his custody at the end of each calendar year shall also be provided, and certify that such report shall be made available to the members of the barangay assembly and other government agencies concerned. Barangay treasurer must also confirm the availability of barangay funds whenever necessary. He shall plan and the same time, attend to the rural postal circuit within his jurisdiction. And lastly is to perform such other duties and functions and to exercise such other powers and as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.Barangay officials, either elected or appointed may also apply and be qualified with a special Civil Service Commission (CSC) eligibility known as the Barangay Official Eligibility (BOE). It is a privilege given not only to barangay officials but also to SangguniangKabataan (SK) chairpersons who have rendered at least one term of office in one barangay. This eligibility is even equivalent to Career Service Sub-professional eligibility suitable for either on job positions which involve clerical, crafts, trades, and custodial service or first level positions in government. Granting of this eligibility shall be based precisely and strictly on the completion of term of office. That is why, in case the services rendered by the appointed or elected barangay official fall short of the completed term, he or she may only be considered the grant if the deficiency is not beyond 15 days.For those appointive barangay officials such as the Barangay Secretary and Barangay Treasurer who were appointed by the Punong Barangay and are related to the latter up to the fourth degree of affinity shall not qualify for the Barangay Official Eligibility. The applicant shall submit then a notarized affidavit stating that he or she is not related to the appointing Punong Barangay up to the fourth degree of affinity or consanguinity.Those barangay officials who completed their term of office before August 1, 2012 may file their application for the said eligibility up to August 1, 2014, after which the CSC shall stop issuing BOEs to barangay officials with completed terms before Aug. 1, 2012. Nevertheless, for barangay officials who completed their term of office on or after August 1, 2012, they may apply for the BOE beyond August 1, 2014.Importance of Knowledge and Skills DevelopmentDalay (2012) stated that local governments role has to go beyond being a service provider. It has to provide the right kind of environment where the community will grow and flourish into a vibrant economic and social unit. Legaspi (2002) said that the changing role of local government in the governance of communities has highlighted strongly the need to develop human resources at the local level to cope with the enabling functions of the local government. He further added that in relating directly with the community, the local government personnel must have the necessary skills and knowledge to better serve the residents needs and concerns. With the changing concept of local governance, the local government personnel should be qualified and highly trained for their enabling or facilitative functions. Granof (2008) also presented that in a globalized economy, government agencies and officials increasingly need to be equipped with up-to-date knowledge and skills in accounting and auditing that are among the basic institutional mechanisms to foster good corporate governance and sound public management. He further claimed that while the accounting and auditing functions are generally executed in the private sector, the government officials who are involved in budget allocation, public expenditure management, taxation, and capital market regulations have to continually upgrade their level of knowledge and skills in accounting and auditing. Systems and Procedures on the Management of Barangay Funds and PropertyThe Commission on Audit (COA) replaced the 1992 Barangay Accounting Manual with the new manual on Systems and Procedures on the Management of Barangay Funds and Property through the issuance of COA Accounting Circular No. 2006-02 dated December 19, 2006. This manual was developed to complete the implementation of the New Government Accounting System (NGAS) in local government units. According to the manual on barangay management of funds and properties created by Carague, et. al. (2007), the barangay accounting system plan shows the accounting flow of barangay transactions in the book maintained by the city/municipal accountant. Receipts and deposits, disbursement (cash/checks), public infrastructure and reforestation project, and registries of public infrastructure and reforestation project are presented in the barangay accounting system plan. The manual consists of three volumes which includes operating, recording and reporting procedures. Operating Policies and Procedures on Receipts and DepositsThe basic policies for receipts are: The Barangay Treasurer (BT) shall be responsible in handling collections of income and other receipts of the barangay and the deposits of the same with Authorized Government Depository Bank (AGBD). All collections, both cash and check, shall be acknowledged by the issuance of a pre-numbered Official Receipt (OR) - General Form 51 or its equivalent like real Property Tax Receipts (RPTR) and Community Tax Certificate (CTC) and are subject to proper custody, audit and accountability. Also, provisional or temporary receipts shall not be issued to recognized collections. All accountable forms shall be secured from the City/Municipal Treasurer. In addition, all checks shall be in the name of the barangay. For the payment of obligations to the barangay, endorsed checks shall not be accepted. For checks received, the OR number and date of issue shall be indicated and specified at the back of the check for reference purposes. All particulars in the OR shall also be filled out. Duplicate and triplicate copies of the OR shall be the exact carbon copy of the original. In case overages are discovered during the cash count/ cash examination, it shall be receipted and added to the accountability of the barangay treasurer. If there are Cash shortages, including the loss of cash through robbery, theft, force majeure, fire and others, it shall be deducted from the total cash account and the BT/ Accountable Officer (AO) shall be held personally accountable, pending the result of the Request for Relief from Cash Accountability submitted to the Commission on Audit (COA). All collections by the barangay treasurer for the barangay shall also be reported and stated in the Summary of Collections and Deposits (SCD).Operating Policies and Procedures on DisbursementOn the other hand are the basic policies on disbursements of barangay funds. In case of disbursements out of cash advance for payroll, cash payments shall be made out of the cash advance given to the barangay treasurer or accountable officer. Cash advances shall be used exclusively for payment of honoraria, salaries, and other allowances due the barangay officials and employees. It shall not be used for liquidation of previous cash advanced and encashment of checks. The net amount of the payroll corresponding to the pay period and the cash shall also be equal. The cash advance shall be liquidated within five (5) days after the end of the pay period. To close the account, any unclaimed salaries/honoraria/allowances shall be refunded. All paid Payrolls/DVs shall be recorded in the Summary of Cash Payments (SCP). The SCP supported by paid DVs/Payroll shall be accomplished to support the liquidation of the cash advance for payroll. In case the cash advance is more than the disbursements, the excess shall be refunded and an official receipt shall be issued. Succeeding cash advance shall be granted only after full liquidation of the previous cash advance. There are also policies when it comes to disbursements out of cash advance for travel and special purpose/time-bound undertaking. In case of local/foreign travel, liquidation shall be done within a period of 30/60 days upon return to the personnels workstations. Upon accomplishment of the purpose for which cash advance for special purpose/time-bound undertaking was granted, it shall then be liquidated. In the event that there is excess cash advance, it shall be refunded and an official receipt shall be issued by the barangay treasurer. Moreover, the liquidation report with appropriate supporting documents shall be submitted to the Barangay Record Keeper (BRK) then it will be submitted to the City/Municipal Accountant for recording in the books on or before the fifth day of the following month.The basic supporting documents for typical barangay disbursements under the operating procedures are also presented in the manual. For payment of salaries/honoraria and other personal services, the basic supporting documents includes, but are not limited to approved payroll supported by Daily Time Record (DTR), Minutes of Meeting of the SB duly signed by the members of the SB and Barangay Secretary, approved application for leave (for leave with pay) and approved appointment, Oath of Office, Certificate of Assumption of Office and Statement of Assets and Liabilities for newly hired employees (for first claim). For cash advance for payroll, documents indicating net amount of approved payroll for the period is needed. For grant of cash advance for travel, it includes Itinerary of Travel (IT) and Travel Order (TO). In case of liquidation of cash advances, Payroll Fund-paid DVs/Payroll, original copy of the travel order, plane/bus ticket or its equivalent, official receipts, if any, boarding pass, Certificate of Appearance and Liquidation Report are needed. In addition, for expenses on training, Certificate of Training, Certificate of Appearance and invitation to attend the training are also necessary. For purchase of supplies, equipment, materials and other items, there should be Purchase Request, Purchase Order, Bidding Documents, Suppliers Invoice, Delivery Receipt or the Receipt portion of the suppliers invoice duly signed and of course the Inspection and Acceptance Report.RELATED STUDIESIn the study conducted by Dalay, et. al. (2010), it was found out that the knowledge competence in NGAS of the barangay officials of Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya were low (limited extent) for operational, recording and reporting procedures. On the other hand, the level of knowledge competency of the barangay officials is average (moderate extent) on the nature and scope of NGAS. The skill competence of the respondents on the operational and reporting procedures is low (limited extent). However, they have an average skill (moderate extent) competency on recording procedures. Furthermore, the relationship of the knowledge and skill competencies of the barangay officials is significantly related. Moreover, the barangay officials knowledge competencies on the operational procedures of NGAS differ when grouped according to their educational attainment. There were no significant correlation among the barangay officials knowledge competencies on the nature and scope, operational procedures, recording procedures, reporting procedures and the overall knowledge competence on NGAS to the number of NGAS-related seminars and trainings they attended. The study conducted by Cardenas &Macabiog (nd) shows that local government officials of Baguio, both from the City and barangay level, realize that the Local Government Code (LGC) of 1991 requires roles and responsibilities. The study found that these barangay officials and City hall officials agree on the need for training to confront the new roles and responsibilities.Their study also indicate that it is important that local officials know their perceived roles as public officials; as well as how they perceive the various problems confronting the community and those besetting local government administration. This knowledge will help in the identification of their training needs. The results of their study also underscores almost 30 training topics believed to be very important to enhance LGU capabilities. For the barangay officials, the foremost training topics mentioned are: 1) leadership; 2) project feasibility study; 3) barangay budgeting, expenditures, accounting and accountability; 4) community organization; and 5) barangay justice system. Peter Cosalan (the sessions discussant), summarizes the need for training, thus: the capability and success of these officials in administering the affairs of the State, regardless of their level in the bureaucracy, depend much on their education and training in these basic skills required of administrators.Ponce (2005) conducted a study on professional competencies, continuing education and training needs of library personnel in the division of Nueva Vizcaya as related to certain variables. Seventy (70) librarians from forty-six (46) schools were the respondents in the study. Most of the respondents feel that raining and continuing education are very much needed. In addition, it was found out that educational qualification of a person is one of the factors that should be considered in determining his proficiency. The study of Galiza (1987) also revealed that there is no significant relationship between personal attribute such as sex, educational attainment, tenure of office, and eligibility to performance of researchers in three research agencies in Batac, Ilocos Norte.The study conducted by Tracey, J., Arroll, B., et al. (nd) which ought to determine whether general practitioners can make accurate self-assessments of their knowledge in specific areas revealed thatgeneral practitioners cannot accurately assess their own level of knowledge on a given topic. It was also stated that professional development programmes that rely on the doctors' self-perceptions to assess their needs are likely to be seriously flawed. The objective assessment of the respondents knowledge was made by administering true-false tests.According to Askarian, M., Mirzaei, K., and Cookson, B. (2007), years in practice and hours worked per week was not significantly associated with the level of knowledge of registered dentists in Fars province Iran. Only additional work in a governmental dental office that was performed was significantly associated with adherence to relevant infection control recommendations.In the study conducted by Cloyd, B. (nd) which investigates the separate and joint effects of prior knowledge and accountability on performance in the information search phase of a tax research task, it was found out that the effect of accountability on performance depends upon the level of knowledge, which suggests that certain aspects of effort and knowledge act as complements in improving performance.Kaushik (2005) conducted a study on the recent trend and direction of their present government accounting system in order to examine the extent to which the present accounting system fulfills the requirement of an ideal accounting system and look in the possibility of reforming the accounting system of his country. He noted that government account officers must first have a full understanding of the accounting system for continual monitor of accuracy and reliability of data inputs. Profile variable of the account officers were gathered and two types of data (quantitative and qualitative) were generated. The findings of the study showed the need to train the account officials.SynthesisThe related literature reviewed played a vital role in the embodiment of the research study. The study is somewhat related to the previous research conducted by Dalay, et. al. last 2010 entitled Knowledge and Skill Competencies of Concerned Barnagay Officials on the New Government Accounting System: An Input to determine their Training Needs. As mentioned in a study, training is beneficial in the effective and efficient performance of barangay treasurers. (Cardenas &Macabiog, nd) Moreover, it will enhance their abilities to manage funds properly and to be able to present a more meaningful picture of the financial condition and performance of the barangay.This study is somehow related to other studies conducted in the way that profile was also used as a variable in their studies. However, this study focused on determining the level of knowledge of barangay treasurers in relation to treasury operations specifically on receipts and disbursement.

CHAPTER IIIRESEARCH METHODOLOGYResearch DesignDescriptive-quantitative-correlational type of research was used in the study. Descriptive was used because from the data that was gathered, the researchers were able to determine and describe the respondents profile. Descriptive-correlational type of research was also used to determine the relationship between the profile of the respondents and their level of knowledge on treasury operations. And it is quantitative because data that was gathered was subjected to statistical treatment of data using the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences.Research Environment

The study was conducted within the vicinity of Bayombong, the capital of the Province of Nueva Vizcaya. With an area of 16, 165 hectares, it ranks as the 14th of the biggest municipalities of the province of Nueva Vizcaya.According to the 2007 census, Bayombong belongs to the 294 emerging cities and municipalities in the Philippines. Administratively, the Municipality of Bayombong is subdivided into 25 barangays, 4 of which compose the center of the municipality whereas the other 21 are in the outlying areas.It is also considered as a first class municipality based on the Philippine income classification for provinces, cities and municipalities.Research RespondentsThe subjects of the study were the barangay treasurers of the twenty-five (25) barangays in the municipality of Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya.Research Data Gathering Tools and TechniqueThe study employed the following data gathering tools and techniques:1. Examination on Receipts and Disbursements of FundsIn this study, an examination was made covering some items in the Barangay Systems and Procedures Manual. The examination was administered and it served as the major data gathering tool. It was a researcher-made examination based on the manual issued by the Commission on Audit (COA) and the solicited ideas of their consultants who have in depth knowledge of the study.It was composed of two parts. The first part established the respondents profile which includes educational attainment, number of years in service, seminars attended in line with treasury operations and civil service qualification standard. The second part was composed of true or false questions. It provided data that were used to determine the level of knowledge of the barangay treasurers on treasury operations.2. Interview Guide The interview guide questions were used to validate the examination results of the research subjects (barangay treasurers) of the 25 barangays of Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya.Questions in the interview were related to the questions given in the examination.3. Document ReviewTo further strengthen the findings of the study and to be able to gather more data, document scanning was utilized.Data Gathering ProcedureIn gathering the needed data, the following activities were undertaken:Formulation of test questions and an interview guide based on related literature and consultants input

Validation and Approval of the test questions and interview guide by the research adviser, research coordinator and university statistician

Ask for permission to administer the examination, conduct the interview and the document review

Administration of the examination and interview to the respondents

Conduct document review

Tabulation, Analysis and Interpretation of quantitative data

Figure 2. Data Gathering Procedures

The figure above shows the processes on how the researchers gathered the needed data. To start with, the researchers formulated test questions for the examination and an interview guide. These were based on related literatures and on their consultants input. The proposed questions were refined and likewise the interview guide was shown to their research adviser, research coordinator and university statistician for review and approval. In order to fully administer the exam and interview, the researchers asked permission from the Barangay Treasurers who are the respondents of the study. Upon the approval, the researchers administered the exam. Afterwards, personal interview was conducted. Likewise, the researchers asked permission from the Barangay Affairs Office to conduct the document review. After the collection of data, the researchers checked the exam and tabulated the results. Subsequently, the results were submitted to the university statistician for analysis and interpretation of data.

Statistical Treatment of DataTo treat the information gathered, the following analysis instruments were used: 1. Frequency counts and percentage distributionThis was used to describe the number of respondents per category in educational attainment, number of years in service, seminars attended in line with treasury operations and civil service qualification standard. It was also used to determine the number of respondents with correct and incorrect answers per item.2. Computation of means, and medians, standard deviationThese descriptive statistics were used to show the extent of the respondents assessment on their knowledge on treasury operations;3. Mann-Whitney TestThis test was used to find relationship through differences in barangay treasurers knowledge on receipts and disbursement when compared among the category of educational attainment. 4. The Kruskall-Wallis testThis test was also used to find relationship through differences in barangay treasurers knowledge on receipts and disbursement when compared among the different categories which includes number of years in service, number of seminars attended in line with treasury operations and Civil Service Qualification Standard. The Kruskall-Wallis test is an extension of the Mann-Whitney test to three or more groups; and

For the purpose of determining the level of knowledge of barangay treasurers on treasury operations, their scores in the examination wascategorized are coded as follows:

Table 1. Qualitative Descriptions of the knowledge of Barangay TreasurersRange of ScoresQuantitative Description

1-4Knowledgeable to Very Low Extent

5-8Knowledgeable to Low Extent

9-12Knowledgeable to Average Extent

13-16Knowledgeable to High Extent

17-20Knowledgeable to Very High Extent


This chapter presents the results of the analyses done on the gathered data and the interpretation of the findings. It discusses the profile of the respondents, the level of their knowledge on treasury operations and the relationships between the profile variables and level of knowledge.

Section 1. Profile of respondentsSubsequent tables state the numbers of the tables i.e.tables nos. 1-5 .. discusses the respondents demographic which are assumed to be essential in the conduct of the study. a) Educational Attainment Table 2. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in terms of their Educational AttainmentEducational AttainmentFrequencyPercentage

High School Graduate416.00%

College Graduate2184.00%


Table 2 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the barangay treasurers as to their educational attainment. Among the twenty five (25) respondents, 4 or 16% of the total respondents are high school graduates and 21 or 84% are college graduate which represents the majority. recast

b) Number of years in serviceTable 3. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in terms of their Number of Years in ServiceNumber of Years in ServiceFrequencyPercentage

Less than 1416.00%



More than 1028.00%


Table 3 above presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the barangay treasurer as to their number of years in service as barangay treasurers. Among the twenty five respondents, 2 or 8% are working as barangay treasurer for more than 10 years, 4 or 16% are in service for less than 1 year and for 6-10 years, and 15 or 60% of the total respondents are in service for 1-5 years. Add some implications e.g. are they already well versed with their jobs?

c) Seminars attended in line with treasury operationsTable 4. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in terms oftheSeminars they Attended in line with Treasury Operation

Seminars Attended FrequencyPercentage




More than 1028.00%


Table 4 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the barangay treasurer as to the seminars they attended in line with treasury operations. Majority of the respondents attended 1-5 seminars with a number of 17 individuals or 68% of the total population. Among the 25 respondents, 3 of them have not attended any seminar. Also, 3 or 12% have attended 6-10 seminars and 2 or 8% attended more than 10 seminars. Recast. Look for a pattern from the data. d) Civil Service Qualification Standard

Table 5. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of their Civil Service Qualification Standard

Civil Service QualificationFrequencyPercentage





The table above presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the barangay treasurer as to their civil service qualification standard. Majority of the respondents, 15 or 60%, do not have civil service eligibility. On the other hand, there are 5 or 20% of the respondents who have professional and sub-professional eligibility.

Section 2. The Level of Knowledge of Barangay Treasurers on Treasury Operations specifically on:

(a) Receipts or Collections of fundsTable 6. Number of Incorrect and Correct Answers in Every Question regarding Receipts or Collection of FundsstatementsIncorrectCorrect

Count PercentageCountPercentage





















Table 6 shows the number of respondents who got the correct and incorrect answer in every question and the corresponding percentage. Most questions were answered correctly by the respondents. Questions number 3 , 15 and 20 have the lowest percentage of respondents who got the correct answer. Among the twenty-five respondents, only 8% of the whole population or two respondents answered question number 3 correctly, which deals on how to account cash shortages. Nine respondents which is equivalent to 36% correctly answered question number 15 which talks about endorsed checks. Lastly, there are only eight respondents who answered question number 20 correctly, which is about overages improve the interpretation. Incorporate the statement and give some insights/implications


Table 7. Overall Level of Knowledge of Barangay Treasurers on Receipts or Collection of Funds

QDCountColumn N %MeanMedianSDQD

VLE00.00%4.3640.49High Extent






LEGEND: Very Low Extent (VLE) Low Extent (LE) Average Extent (AVE) High Extent (HE) Very High Extent (VHE)

Table 7 shows that the level of knowledge of barangay treasurer on receipt of funds ranges from high extent to very high extent. The overall computed median on the receipts is 4.00, described asVery High Extent. This means that most of the barangay treasurers are knowledgeable to very high extent with regards to receipts or collection of funds. The results were also supported by the following statementsthat were obtained during the face-to-face interview of the respondents by the researchers. With regards to the number of copies of receipts and to whom it will be given, the Barangay Treasurer of Don Domingo Maddela states: Yung original copy sa payor, tapos ung dalawa naiiwan muna sa akin tapos upon the submission of the monthly report binibigay ko ung pangalawang copy sa Barangay Affairs Office tapos ung 3rd copy ay naiiwan sa akin sa file ng barangay.(The original copy will be given to the payor and the two copies will remain on me and upon the submission of the monthly report I will give the second copy to the Barangay Affairs Office and the third copy will be the copy of the barangay).

It was also mentioned by the Barangay Treasurer of La Torre South that it is necessary to maintain accountable forms (receipts). As stated, Yes there is a report- RAAF report (Report of Accountability for Accountable Forms).

Barangay Treasurer of District IV also said that when posting the official receipts in the Summary of Collections Deposits (SDC), the cancelled ones must also be included. As stated, Of course, kelangang i-include.

Likewise, when the Barangay Treasurer of Sta. Rosa was asked regarding the issuance of temporary or provisional receipts, she said that she is not issuing those kinds of receipts. Barangay Treasurer of Bansing also stated that endorsed checks shall not be accepted as payment of obligations to the barangay. From the statements above, it could be gleaned that the respondents were knowledgeable to a very high extent with regards to receipt or collection of funds.

(b) Disbursement of funds.Table 8. Number of Incorrect and Correct Answers in Every Question regarding Disbursement of FundsIncorrectCorrect






















Table 8 shows the number of respondents who got the correct and incorrect answer in every question and the corresponding percentage. Questions number 3 and 4 have the lowest percentage of respondents who got the correct answer. But majority of the questions are answered correctly by the respondents. Eighty-eight percent (88%) or twenty-two out of twenty-five respondents answered question number 3 incorrectly, which deals on the liquidation of cash advances for payroll. Question number 4 which talks about liquidation of cash advance for local or foreign travel was answered incorrectly by fifteen respondents which is equivalent to 60% of the whole population.

Table 9. Overall Level of Knowledge of Barangay Treasurers on Disbursement of Funds

QDCountColumn N %MeanMedianSDQD

VLE00.00%4.4440.58High Extent






Place legendTable 9 shows that the level of knowledge of barangay treasurers in relation to disbursement of funds ranges from average to very high extent. The overall computed median on the disbursement is 4.00, described as VeryHigh Extent. This means that most of the barangay treasurers are knowledgeable to very high extent with regards to disbursement. The results are also supported by the following statements:With regards to the preparation of liquidation report after travel, the Barangay Treasurer of District 4 states, Right after the travel oh di kung meron na yung proper liquidations ni re-ready ko na eh. Basta nandun na lahat dapat liquidated agad.(Right after the travel or if all papers are ready then liquidation report will be ready).

When asked about when to issue succeeding cash advance, Barangay Treasurer of La Torre South said, If you already have liquidated the first. No cash advance is reissued if the first advance was not liquidated

Also, when the Treasurer of Barangay Sta. Rosa was asked about when a stale check will be replaced, she said, Kapag ibibigay na yung original sa akin saka ko na papalitan. (I will replace it when the original is already given to me).

Barangay Treasurer of Don Domingo Maddela also asserted that excess of cash advance for special purpose/time-bound undertaking shall be refunded. As stated by her,Usually nirerefund yan.

From the statements above, it shows that the respondents are knowledgeable to very high extent with regards to disbursement of funds.

Section 3.Comparison in the Level of Knowledge when grouped according to certain profile variablesa) Educational AttainmentTable 10. comparison in the level of knowledge between categories of respondents educational attainment.

DescriptiveMann-Whitney Test

Educational AttainmentNMeanStatisticValue

RECEIPTSHigh School Graduate49.63U28.5

College Graduate2113.64Z-1.039

Total25Exact Sig0.331

DISBURSEMENTHigh School Graduate411.25U35

College Graduate2113.33Z-0.531

Total25Exact Sig0.642

As reflected in Table 10, it can be inferred that the barangay treasurers level of knowledge on areas of receipts and disbursements has no significant difference between categories of respondents educational attainment (p-values > .05). This means that the respondents knowledge on the two areas is not significantly discriminated between the categories of their educational attainment. This was also supported by the study conducted by Dalay, J., Faborada, J., Lumang, H., et. al. It was found out that the educational attainment of the barangay officials has no significant relationship with their skill competence on operational procedures, reporting procedures and their overall skill competence on NGAS (2010).b) Number of Seminars AttendedTable 11. Relationship between the level of knowledge and the number of seminars attended by the respondents.

DescriptiveKruskal Wallis Test

No. of Seminars AttendedNMeanRank StatisticsValuePairwiseComparison



6-10321.5Asymp. Sig0.016a





6-10310.83Asymp. Sig0.141



Note: in pairwise comparisons groups with different marks are significantly different @ .05 level.

The Kruskall-Wallis test was used to find relationship through differences in barangay treasurers knowledge on receipts and disbursement when compared among the categories of seminars and trainings attended. In terms of their knowledge on receipts, the test yield significant (chi-sq=10.272, df=3, p=0.016) at .05 level of significance. Accordingly, it can be inferred that there is enough statistical evidence to reject the null hypothesis and infer that there is at least two groups among the Seminar Training Attended groups that differ significantly in their knowledge on receipts. To ascertain the significantly different pairs, the pairwise comparison with Bonferrni correction was applied. The test found groups with 6-10 STA (mean rank = 21.5) are more knowledgeable compared to those with no STAs (mean rank = 5.83).On the other hand, in terms of their knowledge on disbursements, the KruskalWallis test for significant difference on the barangay treasurers knowledge on disbursement yield significant (chi-sq =5.457, df =3, p=0.141). This result means that there is insufficient statistical evidence to reject the null hypothesis and therefore the Ho is accepted. It is therefore inferred that the knowledge of the treasurers on disbursement is regardless of the number of trainings and seminars they have attended. The findings of Diamantidis, Anastasios D. andChatzoglou, Prodromos D. shows that despite the fact that firms invest in training, there is considerable evidence to show that training programs often fail to achieve the intended result of improving worker and organization performance. In contrast, the study of Paderes, Aurora S. found that the local officials training were the factors that contributed to early completion of Barangay Information System (BIS) activities in some barangays.It was also found out in the study conducted by Bindawas, Saad M. (nd) that those who had attended at least one seminar had better knowledge of 8 items compared with those who did not attend any seminars. In addition, the result of the study conducted by Benson, Kayiwa (nd) shows that insufficient training of head teachers reduced school performance, whereas leadership training contributed 33.5% to school performance

c) Civil Service QualificationTable 12. Relationship between the level of knowledge and the Civil Service Qualification of the respondents.

DescriptiveKruskal Wallis Test

Civil Service QualificationNMeanRankStatisticValuePairwiseComparison



Professional512.6Asymp. Sig0.984




Professional515.8Asymp. Sig0.029


Insert note on marksThe Kruskall-Wallis test was also used to find relationship through differences in barangay treasurers knowledge on receipts and disbursement when compared among the categories of civil service qualification. The KruskalWallis test for significant difference on the barangay treasurers knowledge on receipts yield significant (chi-sq =.032, df =2, p=.984 ). This result means that there is insufficient statistical evidence to reject the null hypothesis and therefore the Ho is accepted. It is therefore inferred that the knowledge of the treasurers on receipts is regardless of whether they have civil service qualification or not.On the other hand, in terms of their knowledge on disbursements, the test yield significant (chi-sq=7.08, df=2, p=.029) at .05 level of significance. Accordingly, it can be inferred that there is enough statistical evidence to reject the null hypothesis and infer that there is at least two groups among the CSQ groups that differ significantly in their knowledge on disbursements. To ascertain the significantly different pairs, the pairwise comparison with Bonferrni correction was applied. The test found groups with professional CSQs (mean rank = 15.8) are more knowledgeable compared to those with no CSQs (mean rank = 10).d) Number of Years in ServiceTable 13. Relationship between the level of knowledge and the number of years in service of the respondents.

DescriptiveKruskal Wallis Test

No. of years in serviceNMeanRankStatisticValue





As shown in the Table 13, it can be concluded that the barangay treasurers groupings by number of years in service (NOS) does not significantly differ in terms of their level of knowledge in receipts (chi-sq=4.745, df = 3, p=0.191) and disbursement (chi-sq=1.801, df =3 p=0.615). This means that the respondents knowledge is not affected by how long they were in service or by the number of years in service.


SUMMARYThis research study aimed to find out the level of knowledge on treasury operations of barangay treasurers in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya specifically on receipts and disbursements of funds. It was also undertaken to determine the areas where barangay treasurers need to be more knowledgeable. The study was conducted within the vicinity of Bayombong, the capital of the Province of Nueva Vizcaya. It covered twenty-five (25) barangay treasurers representing each barangay in the municipality of Bayombong.To determine the level of knowledge of the respondents, an examination was administered. The examination composed of two parts: the first part includes the respondents profile such as number of years in service, number of seminars attended in line with treasury operations, educational attainment and civil service qualification standard. The second part composed of true or false type of questions which tests the level of knowledge of barangay treasurers with regards to receipt and disbursements of funds. Personal interview with the respondents was also conducted to obtain additional information and to validate their answers in the examination. Also, document review was conducted to further strengthen the results of the examination that was given and the interview that was conducted.Frequencies, mean, median, standard deviation and percentage distribution were used to summarize and analyze the data gathered and to answer the research questions raised. Mann-Whitney test and Kruskal-Wallis test werealso used to find relationship through differences in barangay treasurers knowledge on receipts and disbursement when compared among the different categories.

FINDINGSThe significant findings of the study are as follows:Section 1. Profile Variable of the RespondentsThe barangay treasurers are mostly college graduates. In terms of number of years in service, majority of the respondents are within 1-5 years in service. Those who are below 1 year in service as well as those above 5 years comprise the smaller number of respondents. In terms of seminars attended, most of the respondents attended one to five numbers of seminars. For the civil service qualification standard, most of the respondent does not have the said eligibility.

Section 2. Knowledge of Barangay Treasurers on receipts and disbursements of funds

Based on the result of the study, the respondents could be described knowledgeable to very high extent with regards to receipt or collection of funds (mean=4.36, median=4, sd=0.49) and disbursement (mean=4.44, median=4, sd=0.58).With regards to receipts or collection of funds, items regarding cash shortages, endorsed checks and overages are the items with the lowest percentage of correct answers. When it comes to disbursement, items regarding liquidation of cash advances for payroll and local or foreign travel are the items with the lowest percentage of correct answers.

Section 3. Relationship between the knowledge and the profile of the respondents

The results showed that there is no significant difference in the level of knowledge of barangay treasurer and their educational attainment and number of years in service when it comes to either receipts or disbursement. It was also found out that there is a significant relationship in the level of knowledge of the barangay treasurer and number of seminars they have attended in terms of receipts and their civil service qualification when it comes to disbursement.

ConclusionsIn the light of the aforementioned review of findings, the following conclusions were arrived at:Respondents ProfileGenerally, the respondents are college graduates and are in the service as barangay treasurers for one to five years. Majority of the respondents have attended one to five numbers of seminars and most of them do not have civil service eligibility;

Level of Knowledge on Receipts and DisbursementThe barangay treasurers are knowledgeable to very high extent in terms of receipts and disbursements of funds.Relationship between Profile of the Respondents and their Level of Knowledge on Receipts and DisbursementNumber of years in service and educational attainment do not influence the barangay treasurers knowledge on receipts and disbursements but the number of seminars attended and civil service eligibility are factors that influence their knowledge on receipts and disbursements of funds.

RecommendationsBased on the conclusions of the study, the following recommendations are advanced:1. Municipal and barangay officials should work hand in hand to capacitate further their barangay treasurers. This can be achieved through seminars and trainings that are in line with the topics where most of the treasurers are not familiar with.2. That other unexplored variables unseen in this study may be explored to test if they do influence the level of knowledge of barangay treasurers in receipts and disbursements of funds.3. School of Accountancy should conduct an extension activity program in the form of trainings or seminars based on the identified needs and problems of the respondents. 4. The future researchers may also conduct further study on the level of application on treasury operation of barangay treasurers.