it's hard work to fight

It’s Hard Work To Fight The winning student essays from woodbury school Sixth-graders Presented durIng tHe scHool’s 2012 Veterans Day Program in salem

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The winning student essays from Woodbury School sixth-graders presented during the school's Veterans Day program, Nov. 9, 2012 in Salem.


It’s Hard Work

To Fight

The winning student essays

from woodbury school Sixth-graders

Presented durIng tHe scHool’s

2012 Veterans Day Program in salem

Keeping our country free is a big deal

By Celia DeBrocke

I think the military and veterans are very important

because they keep our country free. Keeping our country free is

a big deal. That is what America is all about. The people in the

military are giving up so much for our country to be free. In my

opinion, I think the veterans and current soldiers should be

honored not just on Veterans Day but every day. They should be

honored because they are as brave as they come.

Soldiers go through a lot of training and then go out to fight

and sometimes are killed right away. They could even die in

training. They are brave for doing this, and we are lucky that

they are doing this for us. We would never be here if it were not

for our veterans who have kept this land free. If it were not for

them we would not be able to do what we want and we may

even be ruled by a king, or a dictator, or a person like that. I

would not like that very much and it would not feel like


Our veterans and their families have sacrificed so much. It

is not easy to forget about a war that you were in. Thank you so

much for keeping our land free, and if it were not for you

soldiers and veterans we would not have a happy life like we do

right now.

You are not strangers to us

By Michelle Korbani

Thank you Veterans! You sacrificed your life to keep your

family, friends, and even strangers safe. But you are not

strangers to us. You’re heroes!

You help the United States of America each day. Everyone is

so thankful for all of you who could be here. Thank you all so

much. All of you are blessings to America. We’re all glad and

proud to have you in this country. Thank you for serving us to

keep us safe all day, every day.

You are all so brave to be fighting for this country day and

night. You are all the bravest and the best. America is so blessed

to have you all. One day we’ll be old enough to realize how

lucky we all are to have very important people like you.

America is lucky to have brave souls like you today who are

fighting for our freedom. Thank you all very much.

It is hard work to fight

By Kaylee Weston

To me and hopefully everyone, Veterans Day is important.

Soldiers fight for our rights and freedom. Without their work

and effort, who knows what our world have been like? They

make all sorts of sacrifices for us. They are people who fight to

try their hardest.

Soldiers have to move away from their own family just to

fight for us. Many soldiers give up their lives fighting for our

freedom and our rights. Our freedom is so important to us.

Without freedom we couldn’t vote and our land may be taken

over. That wouldn’t be so great. We are grateful for our soldiers

who fight to help our country. All our soldiers with us today

must be very proud. Soldiers try their hardest just for us kids and

adults so we can have freedom. It is hard work to fight. Many

are killed or injured. But when they knew their life was in

danger they might have felt proud to know they were honored.

The soldiers do what they need to do maybe for their children

but mostly for our freedom.

Our rights are important too. Without our rights we couldn’t

vote. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without

freedom and our rights. Our soldiers have tried their hardest,

giving up their hopes, dreams, lives and families for our country.

Life without soldiers and freedom wouldn’t be so great. That’s

why we celebrate Veterans Day to show our honor and to show

that we are all very grateful for what they have done.

These veterans are America

By Emma Stanganelli

Bravery, strength and courage! These words describe the

many men and women who serve and have served our country.

These are the Americans who stand proud and will always be

heroes of America. These are the heroes of hope and pride.

These are the Americans who inspire us all. These are the

Americans who will always be remembered.

Our veterans will always be America’s pride. They have

fought many battles and have left their life to serve for others’

lives. They are the ones who have protected America. They have

protected pride. Our veterans are important in so many ways.

Each day the make me realize that strength comes from the heart

and hope comes from the soul. Our veterans are the ones who

have faith and will always be important.

America is a strong country. And those many Americans who

have fought and who have served our country make it strong.

They are the ones who have made me feel safe and secure. Our

veterans have made a great difference in America. They remind

us all to respect the American flag. They are the ones who fight

for freedom. They are America’s heroes.

This is a time to celebrate our veterans. These are the

veterans who have risked their lives for ours. They have fought

bravely to protect America. This is a time to take a moment and

say thank you to those many men and women. This is a time to

stand proudly and be grateful for the amazing things that our

great veterans have done for us. These men and women are

America’s heart. These veterans are America.