it's a wonderful world

------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- it’s a wonderful world 04/27/2015 longhairedpoet // princessn0body a misc zine ------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------

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it’s a wonderful world


longhairedpoet // princessn0body

a misc zine


i’ve been keeping busy, i suppose

mostly taking classes and working

attending or putting on events


and pissing off people online

let’s take a deeper look into what kinds of things I’ve decided to round up from the internet, shall we…

(p.s. there will be penises, breasts, depictions of sex on pg 9… as long as the scribd upload matches the Google Doc)

first thing I have here is this wonderful thing that came to my mentions on Twitter - to be absolutely clear, this was in response to my saying that anyone who self-identifies as trans or gender critical is a TERF, despite this compelling counter argument, I still stand by my original feelings

because of how absurd I found this i wondered if i could go and find things as equally absurd. the internet did not disappoint…

now kids, you should know not to be a misandristMen are oppressed enough without having to worry about being your ‘bro’they want all the fun of giving you a hard time (read: harassing you) without any of the responsibility of doing anything nice for you ever (read: helping in any feminist cause ever).

And it goes on..

over at the mra think tank reddit those on the Tumblr in Action committee have been working diligently to discuss and create

propaganda around the horrible reality that being called a men’s rights activist is a slur

make sure to call these folks puas, or, as i like to call them, reasons i don’t walk alone

i shouldn’t give mras such a hard time, i mean, after all - they are innocent activists without a mean bone in their body and they would never reduce themselves to mocking other…

(this is a comment i received on a thing i wrote. no misogynistic tones here)

come on, lhp, you may be saying - it can’t be all bad! And certainly not, after months of work and activism, the White House finally came out against conversion therapy!

and after they came out against it they promptly went back to wholly ignoring the issue

trans kids in religious homes would have rejoiced at the news, but they aren’t allowed access to the internet

well lhp, have you at least seen any good movies lately?

no, but i do have one to be excited for… -

that’s right! after this cis-celebratory, drag-culture-defending TERF-praised piece of cinematic genius is coming back to FOX (for those of you who do yourself the favor of not watching FOX, Glee had an episode based around the Rocky Horror Picture Show and even released a companion CD)

(fuck this movie - though I did go and see Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 and it was genius, my next big outing will be for Avengers 2: Age of Ultron)

in other news, trans women are everywhere, taking up so much space with all their male privilege


surely there are some transwomen around here somewhere…

oh look there are some!

and it’s a good thing that trans misogyny isn’t a real thing and that trans women and trans men are represented the same way

I suppose I’ll just end with this, I present to you a longhairedpoet // princessn0body original!!! --