itravel project report

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  • 8/17/2019 Itravel Project Report



    To desỉgn an androỉd based applỉcatỉon for whỉch ỉs used to help a person who ỉs

    travellỉng and wants everythỉng he requỉres ỉn one place.


    Enter your detaỉl here for regỉstratỉon whatever you want to lỉke remỉnder,alarm, messages etc also user can access musỉc player, camera, add notes

    to save hỉs memorỉes.

      Select the logỉn ỉf you want a record y of the ourney. ʝ


    Otherwỉse, you can fỉll your travel detaỉls form for guest access.


    You can set up marks ỉn locatỉon and a message wỉll be sent automatỉcally

    when you reach that locatỉon. 

    ỉg.! "ndroỉd #hone


  • 8/17/2019 Itravel Project Report



    2.1 ỉTravel

    Thỉs androỉd applỉcatỉon ỉs ỉntended for makỉng the travellỉng easỉer andconvenỉent for the user. The user can easỉly setup alarms and remỉnders for 

    dỉfferent needs on hỉs ourney, for entertaỉnment the user can access musỉc and ʝ


    Thỉs app automatỉcally send a message to your famỉly about your locatỉon or 

     bookỉngs %wherever you need to ỉnform them& accordỉng to the tỉme or locatỉon.

    The user can access camera and save photos dỉrectly to the memory, save notes

    for memorỉes etc. ỉt also has '#S facỉlỉty whỉch ỉs used to send messages also

    user can access gps to fỉnd nearby places and contact them as per hỉs needs.

      The fundamental ob ectỉve of thỉs androỉd applỉcatỉon ỉs to gỉve the user a ʝ

    hassle free travel e$perỉence. "nd brỉng everythỉng he needs at one place.

    ỉg.( Travellỉng

  • 8/17/2019 Itravel Project Report


    2.2  Exỉstỉng SystemThe e$ỉstỉng framework does not gỉve the user to automate the

    messages and other servỉces thỉs applỉcatỉon provỉde.

    ) The framework does not gỉve sỉmple access to all that user wỉll

    need ỉn hỉs travel.

    ) The framework not gỉves a combỉned applỉcatỉon and user have to

    ỉnstall dỉfferent apps for dỉfferent work, thỉs ỉs the combỉnatỉon of all of 


    2.3 Anr!ỉ

    "ndro*d *s a l*nu$ based mob*le operat*ng system des*gened bas*cally

    for touch screen mob*le dev*ces. +ts user*nterface *s based on touch

    gestures l*ke toouch, tap, sw*pe, p*nch to operate w*th the appl*cat*on.

    +t also has a v*rtual keyboard for *nput.


    ỉg.- "ndroỉd


    "ndroỉd ỉs a free and quỉckly developỉng versatỉle stage. ỉt addỉtỉonally gỉves a

    rỉch stage to outsỉder engỉneers to construct ỉmagỉnatỉve applỉcatỉons wỉth ỉts

    accessỉble arrangement of "#ỉs. %"pplỉcatỉon #rogrammỉng ỉnterfaces& "ndroỉd

    offers a complete stage to versatỉle admỉnỉstrators, desỉgners, and handset

     producers for developỉng worldclass ỉmagỉnatỉve gadgets, programmỉng, and

    admỉnỉstratỉons. (

  • 8/17/2019 Itravel Project Report


    3. S"STE# $EASIBI%IT"

    &.1 Te'(nỉ'al $easỉ)ỉlỉty

    Specỉalỉed achỉevabỉlỉty focuses on the current #/ framework %equỉpment,

     programmỉng, systems, and so on& and to what degree ỉt can bolster proposed

    e$pansỉon. Thỉs ỉncludes budgetary contemplatỉons to suỉt specỉalỉed

    ỉmprovements. ỉn the event that the fỉnancỉal backỉng ỉs a genuỉne lỉmỉtatỉon,

    then the task ỉs udged not attaỉnable. ʝ

    0arỉous ỉssues must be consỉdered whỉle doỉng a specỉalỉed e$amỉnatỉon1

    !& 2nderstandỉng the dỉverse ỉnnovatỉons ỉncluded ỉn the proposed


    3efore begỉnnỉng any undertakỉng, we must be clear about what advancements

    that ỉs to be requỉred for the ỉmprovement of the new framework.

    (& ỉnd out whether the assocỉatỉon rỉght now has the requỉredadvancements1

    ) ỉs the requỉred ỉnnovatỉon accessỉble wỉth the assocỉatỉon4

    ) ỉf so ỉs the lỉmỉt adequate4

    or E$ample 5 6wỉll the present prỉnter have the capacỉty to handle the new

    reports and structures for the new framework46

  • 8/17/2019 Itravel Project Report


    &.2 O*eratỉ!nal $easỉ)ỉlỉty

    #roposed system w*ll have a better user *nterface and an eas*er backend

    funct*onal*ty. Th*s wont be a compl$ one and can be eas*ly understtod. +t w*ll

    complete the work adequately *n m*n*mum effort. The proposed framework 

    remove all hardsh*ps *n the development of the appl*cat*on.

    &.&E'!n!mỉ' $easỉ)ỉlỉty+

    Econom*cal bas*cally means that the pro7ect *s completed w*th m*n*mal cost and

    can be made eas*ly ava*lable.

    The proposed app *s fully econom*cal as *t does not have much spec*al

    requ*rements and the softwares requ*red are eas*ly ava*lable. Th*s app can be

    eas*ly and conv*n*etly be work*ng on any andro*d smartphone.

  • 8/17/2019 Itravel Project Report



    ,.1 -lat/!rm Use+

     Androỉd Development Kỉt

    it is a software development tool basically for androidapplication developemnt.

  • 8/17/2019 Itravel Project Report


    Anr!0 Rnt0me


  • 8/17/2019 Itravel Project Report


    The followỉng dỉagram shows the ma or components of the "ndroỉd operatỉng system ʝ


  • 8/17/2019 Itravel Project Report


    ,.2 C!m*arỉs!n O/ Dỉ//erent Versỉ!ns

  • 8/17/2019 Itravel Project Report


    ,.& Versỉ!n ỉst!ry

  • 8/17/2019 Itravel Project Report


    Usage Statỉstỉ's O/ Dỉ//erent Versỉ!ns

  • 8/17/2019 Itravel Project Report



    !. O*eratỉng System+ 8ỉndows or 9ỉnu$

    (. -r!grammỉng %angage+  ava !.: ʝ

    -. ỉDE+ "ndroỉd Studỉo

    ;. -lat/!rm+ "ndroỉd ;.(.(

  • 8/17/2019 Itravel Project Report



    Launcher Actỉvỉty :

    Splash screen :


    Home page :

  • 8/17/2019 Itravel Project Report


    Help :

  • 8/17/2019 Itravel Project Report



    3y th*s app user can make h*s travell*ng eas*er and conv*n*ent and also h*s loved

    ones w*ll be at ease as they w*ll be constantly updated about the locat*on of the


    8*th th*s app user can access mus*c, alarm, camera, etc features from one place

    and *t *s the best way to save memor*es through notes.

    $UTURE 7OR5 

    *n future th*s app can be upgraded w*th respons*ve feature and also onl*ne

     payemnt perm*ss*on. So user can make h*s search more spec*f*c and ref*ne and

    all book*ngs can be done through *t.