it is a vocational university, the only italian state university dedicated to sports and exercise...

It is a vocational university, the only Italian state university dedicated to sports and exercise sciences. It was created in 1998 as Istituto Universitario di Scienze Motorie IUSM, when it replaced Rome’s Istituto Superiore di Educazione Fisica (ISEF), whose activity had been focused on higher education for Ph.E. teachers. IUSM, now “Foro Italico University” extended the ISEF’s scope, to cover all the fields of interest related to human physical activity: scientific research, coaching for recreational sports and for high level competitive sports, teaching, fitness, re-education and rehabilitation, organization of sport events, management of sports facilities, etc. University of Rome “Foro Italico”

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Page 1: It is a vocational university, the only Italian state university dedicated to sports and exercise sciences. It was created in 1998 as Istituto Universitario

It is a vocational university, the only Italian state university dedicated to sports and

exercise sciences. It was created in 1998 as Istituto Universitario di Scienze Motorie

IUSM, when it replaced Rome’s Istituto Superiore di Educazione Fisica (ISEF), whose

activity had been focused on higher education for Ph.E. teachers. IUSM, now “Foro

Italico University” extended the ISEF’s scope, to cover all the fields of interest related to

human physical activity: scientific research, coaching for recreational sports and for high

level competitive sports, teaching, fitness, re-education and rehabilitation, organization of

sport events, management of sports facilities, etc.

University of Rome “Foro Italico”

Page 2: It is a vocational university, the only Italian state university dedicated to sports and exercise sciences. It was created in 1998 as Istituto Universitario

The University is situated in the northern district of Rome; the area, known as Foro Italico, was built in 1932, when a number of impressive buildings and facilities were conceived as Rome’s sports centre. The area represents a typical example of Fascist architecture, characterized by a wide use of white marble and triumphal statues and obelisks. The Olympic Stadium, at the back of the Institute, was built on the occasion of the Rome Olympic Games (1960) and has since been the venue of the World Championships in Athletics (1987) and of the World Soccer Championships (1990). University of Rome “Foro Italico” facilities include modern education structures (11 lecture halls, a computer centre, a language centre, a specialized library), up-to-date sport facilities (10 fully-equipped gyms, 2 swimming pools, a rowing centre on the River Tevere) research centres (more than 20 laboratories). The University also has its own audiovisual centre for the production of educational and non-professional materials, and conference halls for national and international congresses.


Page 3: It is a vocational university, the only Italian state university dedicated to sports and exercise sciences. It was created in 1998 as Istituto Universitario

The University is currently structured into 3 research-based Departments:Human Movement and Sport Sciences,

Health Sciences,Educational Sciences

Teaching offerings within the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Sciences include first- and second-tier programs, and research-oriented doctoral programs.

First tier Laurea triennale (Three-year degree Bachelor)

Bachelor in Sport and Exercise Sciences – 3 years, 180 ECTSThis assures students a basic theoretical preparation and an adequate command of

general scientific methods and content, in addition to the acquisition of specific professional know-how.

It requires 180 credits, which can generally be accumulated within 3 years.


Page 4: It is a vocational university, the only Italian state university dedicated to sports and exercise sciences. It was created in 1998 as Istituto Universitario

Laurea Magistrale in Sport Sciences and Techniques – 2 years, 120 ECTSLaurea Magistrale in Preventive and Adapted Physical Activity – 2 years, 120 ECTSLaurea Magistrale in Sport Management – 2 years, 120 ECTSA “Laurea Magistrale” affords a more sophisticated level of education. This second level qualification is open to graduates with a Three-year degree and requires an additional 120 credits, which can be accumulated over an average of two years. A minimum degree level and specific curricula may be required for admission.

Second tier Laurea Magistrale

Page 5: It is a vocational university, the only Italian state university dedicated to sports and exercise sciences. It was created in 1998 as Istituto Universitario

- European Master in Health and Physical Activity (1st level, 120 ECTS) Course taught in English language

- Master in Sport Psychology ( 2nd Level, 1 year, 60 ECTS)A Masters is an intermediate university qualification and can be obtained both after a

three-year degree(1st level Masters) and after a Higher degree (2nd level Masters). These courses last at least one year and involve the acquisition of 60 credits for each academic year.

Their purpose is to build on a student’s knowledge and to convert it into specific professional skills.

Doctoral School of research (3 years) Doctoral Course: Health and Physical Activity: Biomedical and Methodological

AspectsCurricula A Applied Biomedical/Methodological ApproachCurricula B Integrative Biology Approach – European Curriculum

Doctoral Course: Sport, Exercise and ErgonomicsInternational Doctoral Course: Culture, disability and inclusion: education and

training- Doctoral Course in Bioengineering (in cooperation with the University of Bologna –



Page 6: It is a vocational university, the only Italian state university dedicated to sports and exercise sciences. It was created in 1998 as Istituto Universitario

The so-called “Gruppi Sportivi d’Ateneo” are sport teams, which represent “Foro ItalicoUniversity” in all sports events among different Universities, sport federations and sportsauthorities. Sports teams include football, gymnastics (including rhythmic), basketball,

volleyball, teamgym, tennis, rugby, fencing and an experimental group called “Argonauti”. All sport teams are quite successful both on a national and international

level. In order to have access to one of the sport teams, students are required to practise the discipline at an agonistic level and stay at “Foro Italico” University for the all

academic year.


Page 7: It is a vocational university, the only Italian state university dedicated to sports and exercise sciences. It was created in 1998 as Istituto Universitario

Italian language coursesI semester Entry testTwo levels: beginners and intermediate/advancedIntensive course (September)30 hours face to face (class) and 15 self - learningRegular course (October-December)30 hours class and 20 self- learningFinal Test – Certificate

II semester Entry testTwo levels: beginners and intermediate/advancedRegular course (February-May)45 hours face to face (class) and 20 self - learningFinal Test - Certificate

Beginners may access a distance learning course e-learning: My course is e-italian!

Page 8: It is a vocational university, the only Italian state university dedicated to sports and exercise sciences. It was created in 1998 as Istituto Universitario

University of Rome “Foro Italico” (IUSM)The German Sport University, Cologne

The University of Southern Denmark, OdenseThe Norwegian University of Sport Sciences, Oslo

The University of Vienna

with contributions from the universities ofAthens, Bristol, Groningen, Liverpool, Malta, Poitiers

European Master in Health and Physical Activity

Health and Prevention, Fitness/Wellness, Movement Reeducation and Therapy Health and Prevention, Fitness/Wellness, Movement Reeducation and Therapy in the General and Special Populations Across the Lifespanin the General and Special Populations Across the Lifespan

Children – Adults – ElderlyChildren – Adults – Elderly

Page 9: It is a vocational university, the only Italian state university dedicated to sports and exercise sciences. It was created in 1998 as Istituto Universitario

European Master in Health and Physical Activity

The program is structured into

a first-year general program offered in Rome,

and a second year in other locations,

involving 3 alternative areas of specialisation:

• Children • Adults • Elderly

each referring to both the general population as well as to special groups,

and dealing with such issues as:

Health and fitness

Risk factors and prevention in the general population

Movement therapy in functional reeducation & rehabilitation

Wellness and coping in disability, chronic disorder, or other limiting conditions

Maturation and social integration,

wellness and creativity,

personal growth and expression

Page 10: It is a vocational university, the only Italian state university dedicated to sports and exercise sciences. It was created in 1998 as Istituto Universitario

European Masterin Health and Physical Activity

A 2-year curriculum (120 ECTS) addressed to students with at least 3 years (180 ECTS) undergraduate education

in the area of sport or movement science.

Structure and CreditsStructure and Credits

Compulsory Study Subjects


Elective ActivitiesElective Activities Dissertation





First year: 4 Teaching Modules in Rome

Second year: Cologne • Odense • Vienna, or other locations

Page 11: It is a vocational university, the only Italian state university dedicated to sports and exercise sciences. It was created in 1998 as Istituto Universitario

Module 1Biomedical Issues in Health and Exercise

Module 2Behavioral, Educational, and Social Issues in Health & Exercise

Module 3Physical Activity in Children – Physical Activity in the Elderly

Module 4Physical Activity for Special Groups and Movement Therapy

Teaching Modules in Rome

15 ECTS each15 ECTS each

2 intensive teaching weeks/month + extensive individual study2 intensive teaching weeks/month + extensive individual study