issues in development and planning

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  • 8/14/2019 Issues in Development and Planning


    Issues in Development

    and Planning

    3. Population and Economic


  • 8/14/2019 Issues in Development and Planning


    People: both the cause and object of all

    economic activity

    Size and the nature of human resources

    have a bearing on natural resources

  • 8/14/2019 Issues in Development and Planning


    1. Human resources and economic

    development: two pronged relationship

    Size of the population: crucial determinant ofeconomic development.

    The age structure of the population

    (distribution of population across differentage groups): also a significant factor.

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    Theory of Demographic Transition: Three stages:

    Agrarian economy, no industrial development; High birth

    rate and high death rate; illiteracy, early marriages; rate ofpopulation is stagnant or very slow.

    Developing economy, industrial development, high birth

    rate, death rate falls considerably, causes rapid increase in

    population, called population explosion.

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    Developed country: birth rate falls sharply,

    high standard of living, small family, death

    rate falls, population grows at a slow rate.

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    Why is population growth so central to environmental problems?

    What is carrying capacity and why is it important?

    What is the global population growth rate? How does it compare togrowth rates in developed vs. developing countries?

    What factors affect population growth rates? How can population growth be slowed? How does economic development affect population growth? What is a "demographic transition? What are its stages? What are the differences and similarities between the population

    histories of China and India?

  • 8/14/2019 Issues in Development and Planning


    Organism populations increase

    exponentially, whereas the environment

    does not increase at all (environmentalquality typically decreases with increasing


    Carrying Capacity: the maximum number ofindividuals that the environmental resources

    of a given region can support.

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    Contribution ofpopulation growth to economic


    Uninterrupted supply of labourSource of increased savings for capital


    Free flow of entrepreneurshipBigger market.

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    2. Trends in Population in India:

    Indias population: 2nd largest populated

    country in the world, total population in

    the 2001 census at 102.7 crore, which is

    16% of the total population of the world.

    Every sixth person in the world is anIndian.

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    1921: year ofGreat Divide

    Census recorded a decline in total

    population of India. Reasons?

    Famines and epidemics

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    Growth rate of population:

    Product of

    i. migration,

    ii. birth rate

    iii. death rate.

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    3. Other Demographic features:

    a) Life expectancy: best statistical measure

    of the health conditions and of the general

    level of mortality of a community.

    b) Infant mortality rate: Ratio of the number

    of deaths among the 1000 born childrenbefore they become one year old.

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  • 8/14/2019 Issues in Development and Planning


    State with Highest FemaleSex Ratio:

    Kerala (1,058)

    State with Lowest FemaleSex Ratio:

    Haryana (861)

    UT with Highest Female

    Sex Ratio:Pondicherry (1,001)

    UT with Lowest Female SexRatio:

    Daman & Diu: (710)

    District with Highest FemaleSex Ratio:

    Mahe (Pondicherry) (1,147)

    District with Lowest FemaleSex Ratio:

    Daman (Daman & Diu)(591)

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  • 8/14/2019 Issues in Development and Planning


    f) Rural urban


    Predominantly rural

    India: 27.78% of

    urban population

    State Percentage of UrbanPopulation

    Himachal Pradesh 9.79

    Chandigarh 89.78

    Bihar 10.47

    Mizoram 49.50

    Kerala 25.97

    Tamil Nadu 43.86

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    g) Literacy and levels of development:

    A person who can read and write with

    understanding in any language is termed

    as a literate person.

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    State Literacy Rate

    Himachal Pradesh 76.48

    Chandigarh 81.94

    Bihar 47

    Mizoram 88.8

    Kerala 90.86

    Tamil Nadu 73.45

  • 8/14/2019 Issues in Development and Planning


    4. Nature ofPopulation problem in India:

    Large population base, projected to rise


    Consistently high growth rate of


    Dependency ratio high

    Large section illiterate

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    5. Causes of Growth of Population:

    High Birth Rate

    Declining Death Rate

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    High Birth Rate:

    The number of women in the reproductive age is

    largeThe average age of marriage among females is

    very low.

    Widespread poverty, children seen as potential

    source of incomeIndifference towards family planning

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    Declining Death Rate:

    Disease control

    Growing awareness and facilities aboutsanitation

    Provision for better maternity and post natal

    careLack of large scale food shortage

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    6. Effects on Economic Development:

    Adverse effects on savings:

    Burden of dependency: more people in the nonworking age groups relative to those of working


    Unproductive investment: increasing population,

    share of invest able resources has to be devoted toreproducing for additional people

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    Slow growth of per capita income

    Environmental damage and growing burden

    on natural resourcesUnderutilization of labour

    Growing pressure on land

    Adverse effect on quality of populationAdverse social impact, unplanned


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    7. Need for Population Policy:

    Emphasis on:

    Controlling the growth of population

    Increase in the rate of employment

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    Remedies for population growth:

    Family planning: limiting the number of

    children born to a couple to one or two;

    determining the spacing of children

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    8. Achievements and Limitations:

    Administrative- Organizational


    Weakness of the Programme

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    Administrative- Organizational


    a) Absence of political commitment

    b) Absence of integration with other socio

    economic sectors.

    c) Weak links with development strategy

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    9. Urbanization: Characteristics:

    Increase in the number of points of

    population concentration

    Growth in the size of the population

    Transfer of people from agricultural to

    non agricultural occupations

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    Urbanization and economic growth:

    Cities: engine of growth: production,

    market and service centers


    Low level of mortality and fertility rate

    High density of population

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  • 8/14/2019 Issues in Development and Planning


    Causes of Urbanization: Net rural urban migration Reclassification of rural to urban places

    Major component of urbanization in India is ruralurban migration

    In industrially developed states of Maharashtraand Gujarat, the urban growth rate was high till

    1971 but slowed down thereafter. In agriculturalstates of Punjab and Haryana, the opposite trendwas noticed

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    Causes of Migration:

    Push factors:

    fragmentation of agricultural lands, lowlevel of agricultural income

    Pull factors:

    Industrialization, improvement intransportation and communication andeducational facilities

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    Problems due to urbanization:

    Inadequacy of infrastructure

    Growth of economic dualism

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    Is further urbanization desirable?

    If the spatial pattern of urbanization is

    allowed to continue, urban growth wouldfurther get concentrated in big cities.

    It is necessary to provide basic amenities

    and infrastructure in rural areas.

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    10. Occupational structure and economic growth:

    Percentage of people dependent on agriculture

    will decline in the long run. Percentage of people dependent on industries

    would increase.

    Increase in manufacturing employment

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    Occupational structure in India:

    Lopsided occupational structure:

    heavy dependence on agriculture

    1901-1971: first sub period: occupational

    structure of India did not change at all

    1971 onwards: Definite changes in the

    occupational structure

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    The number of workers in the modernindustries is on the increase.

    The share of cultivators has come downwhile the agricultural labourers has gone up.

    In Kerala, T.N., Maharashtra and Bengal, thepopulation engaged in agriculture has

    declined, whereas in Rajasthan and Orissa,there has been an opposite development.

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    Causes of stagnation of occupational


    Nature of technology: Modern technology:labour saving

    Nature of allocation of resources: Capital

    oriented, employment growth lags behindExistence of vast rural area.