issue – august 2018locksmiths and offsite manufacturing window installers. we are delighted to be...

Issue – August 2018 Programme promoted by Inside The Box Marketing Limited. Talent Recognition Programme designed and managed by Pace Resourcing Limited

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Page 1: Issue – August 2018Locksmiths and Offsite Manufacturing Window Installers. We are delighted to be a sponsor of the new installer category in this talent programme. Seeing new talent

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P r o g r a m m e p r o m o t e d b y I n s i d e T h e B o x M a r k e t i n g L i m i t e d . Ta l e n t R e c o g n i t i o n P r o g r a m m e d e s i g n e d a n d m a n a g e d b y P a c e R e s o u r c i n g L i m i t e d

Page 2: Issue – August 2018Locksmiths and Offsite Manufacturing Window Installers. We are delighted to be a sponsor of the new installer category in this talent programme. Seeing new talent

I n t r o d u c t i o nBuilding Our Skills – Making Fenestration a Career of ChoiceThis Talent Recognition Programme has been launched to complement the wider Building Our Skills – Making Fenestration a Career of Choice campaign.

The campaign is supported by GQA Qualifications Limited and is a part of their philosophy of underpinning Quality through Qualifications.

Statement from Mick Clayton CEO of GQA QualificationsFor many years we have campaigned to address the growing skills gap in the Fenestration Industry by promoting employer led learning, practical training and qualifications. The launch of the Building Our Skills campaign and this complementary Talent Recognition Programme can accelerate the progress of that agenda. I would encourage as many employers as possible to get involved.


Page 3: Issue – August 2018Locksmiths and Offsite Manufacturing Window Installers. We are delighted to be a sponsor of the new installer category in this talent programme. Seeing new talent

Talent Recognition ProgrammeThe Talent Recognition Programme has been designed to assist employers identify and acknowledge potential in their employees at the earliest stage.

It is intended to provide a means by which employees in the Fenestration Industry can have their progress and development benchmarked against a well-established set of competency criteria to assess how they are performing in their specific roles, as newcomers or already established employees in the industry.

The Talent Recognition Programme is not an awards programme in the traditional sense and it is hoped that there will be multiple achievers in each talent recognition category.

What is the aim of the programme?The aim of the programme is to help create the industry’s next generation of achievers, decision makers and leaders.

Through this programme employees will have the opportunity to develop their careers through employer led learning, practical training, industry relevant qualifications and mentoring.

Who is it aimed at?The programme is designed for anybody who has been in the industry for less than three years or, in the case of more senior or technical roles, in their position for less than three years.

We are totally behind any kind of training and mentoring programme, and this fits the bill perfectly– Dave Broxton, Bohle


Page 4: Issue – August 2018Locksmiths and Offsite Manufacturing Window Installers. We are delighted to be a sponsor of the new installer category in this talent programme. Seeing new talent

What are the nomination categories?We are looking to identify the best new talent in the following categories:

Installers (Domestic) . Installers (Commercial) . Surveyors . Fabricators . Glass Processing Operatives . Technical Team Members . Technical Service Engineers . Warehouse and Distribution Personnel . Customer Service Personnel . Trade Counter Personnel . Human Resources Team Members . External Sales Team Members . Website Developers . Marketing Executives . Locksmiths and Offsite Manufacturing Window Installers.

We are delighted to be a sponsor of the new installer category in this talent programme. Seeing new talent come through is extremely rewarding and is an important part of creating a sustainable industry for the long term - Richard Kirman, Truedor

As a business that specialises in employee retention strategies, Reich is right behind this kind of recognition programme, it adds real value to the employee and the employer – Rob Smith, Reich Life


Page 5: Issue – August 2018Locksmiths and Offsite Manufacturing Window Installers. We are delighted to be a sponsor of the new installer category in this talent programme. Seeing new talent

What does it mean to those who have their talent recognised through the programme?

The aim of the programme is to recognise talent and reward it, to encourage progress and to support employee development to help those who are successful become the next generation of industry achievers, decision makers and leaders.

Those who have their talent recognised will have demonstrated their potential for growth, progression and career development and that they can contribute to the long term success of the business they work in and the wider industry.

Nationwide is completely committed to the development of new young talent, and this programme is the ideal vehicle – Chris Costall, Nationwide Windows & Doors


Page 6: Issue – August 2018Locksmiths and Offsite Manufacturing Window Installers. We are delighted to be a sponsor of the new installer category in this talent programme. Seeing new talent

Industry MentorsEach candidate will have access to a pool of industry mentors for 12 months to help and guide them, and to offer advice as they develop their careers.

At Siegenia we are passionate about training and development, and it is natural for us to want to encourage and mentor young people in the field of design and technical product development - Adrian Vicker, Siegenia

We are delighted to be making Building Our Skills a key component of the FIT Show 2019 and this programme is one we are fully behind – Nickie West, FIT Show


Page 7: Issue – August 2018Locksmiths and Offsite Manufacturing Window Installers. We are delighted to be a sponsor of the new installer category in this talent programme. Seeing new talent

Who are the mentors for the Talent Recognition Programme?

Each Talent Recognition Programme sponsor is nominating a mentor to act on their behalf with those candidates who achieve recognition - our aim is to develop a robust network of people with vast industry experience who can pass their knowledge on to the next generation.

Why is Mentoring so important?

Mentoring can provide much needed additional support to someone who is in the early stages of their career, helping them to understand their role in the business and to develop their career path.

A mentor will pass on valuable skills, knowledge and insights to the person being mentored and the process can be highly beneficial to both businesses and the individual.

We are 100% behind this Talent Recognition Programme, it will help employees and employers in the quest to develop new talent - Mark Wadsworth, Senior Architectural Systems

Good customer service is critical to all businesses and helping to develop and mentor your talent in this field is something we are especially passionate about - Ian Miller, Advanced Product Engineering


Page 8: Issue – August 2018Locksmiths and Offsite Manufacturing Window Installers. We are delighted to be a sponsor of the new installer category in this talent programme. Seeing new talent

Who can nominate?Anybody can nominate an employee, colleague, or family member for the Talent Recognition Programme, supported by the required information outlined on the application form. An employee or self-employed person can also nominate themselves.

How do you nominate somebody?Simply go to and download the application form to begin the process.

We want to recognise, reward and encourage the best new talent in the industry, and this new recognition programme is the ideal platform. - Tristan Cooke, MILA Maintenance and Installation

Anything which encourages new talent into the industry and supports career progression is a real positive, and we are right behind this initiative - Jacqueline Crawford, Corgi Fenestration


Page 9: Issue – August 2018Locksmiths and Offsite Manufacturing Window Installers. We are delighted to be a sponsor of the new installer category in this talent programme. Seeing new talent

What is the assessment criteria?The criteria is laid out over the following pages.

As you go through the nomination process, ask yourself, does the person you are nominating meet the criteria in all cases?

As a business based on the success of young people we are fully behind this programme to recognise talent, - Liam Webster, Identify Web Design

As a resourcing business we understand the value of having a talent recognition programme in the workplace, and this new industry based initiative will prove key to business growth and success - Vivien Globe, Pace Resourcing


Page 10: Issue – August 2018Locksmiths and Offsite Manufacturing Window Installers. We are delighted to be a sponsor of the new installer category in this talent programme. Seeing new talent

To be considered as a candidate for the Building Our Skills Talent Recognition Programme an employee should meet the following criteria:

• An employee must have undertaken, be currently taking or be planning to participate in employer led learning, practical training or a formal qualification relative to their role

• Have good time-keeping

• Have good basic communication skills

If you are the person nominating, ask yourself

• Is the employee on track in delivering against the role you have outlined for them?

• Does the employee understand the aims and goals of the company and their role within it?

• Does the employee embrace your company culture?

If the answer to all of the above is ‘Yes’ then please proceed to the next pages.


Essential Skills and Fit

Page 11: Issue – August 2018Locksmiths and Offsite Manufacturing Window Installers. We are delighted to be a sponsor of the new installer category in this talent programme. Seeing new talent

What is Effective Working?

Effective working comes when an employee adopts a methodical approach to their work, planning and organising their time to produce the best results from their efforts. As well as commitment to their job, employees should be able to demonstrate an ability to think on their feet, to change as circumstances dictate and to show a resilience to overcoming obstacles to remain effective.

Why is Effective Working important?

The Fenestration Industry is a dynamic, fast moving environment where companies need to respond to a variety of external and internal challenges which can change frequently. Maintaining the highest standards of quality and efficiency whilst working in this environment is essential for business success.



• C a n m a n a g e o w n t i m e a n d w o r k l o a d e f f e c t i ve l y

• A b l e t o c h a n g e a p p r o a c h t o m e e t t h e n e e d s o f a s i t u a t i o n 

• D e m o n s t ra t e s a ‘c a n d o’ a t t i t u d e• R a r e l y g i ve s u p • P r i o r i t i s e s t a s k s a n d a c t i v i t i e s• D e m o n s t ra t e s e n e r g y i n p u r s u i n g a g o a l

W H A T Y O U D O N ’ T W A N T T O S E E

• L a c k o f d r i ve • G i v i n g u p a t t h e f i r s t h u r d l e • F a i l s t o m e e t w o r k s c h e d u l e s m o s t o f t h e t i m e• S t i c k s r i g i d l y t o p l a n s eve n w h e n

c i r c u m s t a n c e s c h a n g e• U n a b l e t o r e s p o n d t o l a s t m i n u t e c h a n g e s /

g l i t c h e s /p r o b l e m s• Wa s t e s t i m e


Page 12: Issue – August 2018Locksmiths and Offsite Manufacturing Window Installers. We are delighted to be a sponsor of the new installer category in this talent programme. Seeing new talent


What is Accurate Working?

Accurate working comes from employees who bring real care and attention to their work. They show these qualities in how they approach their role – they think things through – they are able to learn from their mistakes and they will strive to get the job done right every time.

Why is Accurate Working important?

Accurate working is essential to the prosperity of any business, and an employee who has a positive approach to getting things right is a real asset to any company. The Fenestration Industry often works on tight margins and seeks to control costs as efficiently as possible. Employees who take a positive approach to getting their job right first time - and keep errors to a minimum - contribute significantly to these efforts.


• A i m s f o r r i g h t f i r s t t i m e• Le a r n s f r o m m i s t a ke s• P l a n s a n d o r g a n i s e s o w n w o r k • P r e p a r e s a n d p l a n s f o r key s t a g e s o f t h e t a s k • Ta ke s r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r q u a l i t y o f o w n w o r k

W H A T Y O U D O N ’ T W A N T T O S E E

• A n ‘ i t ’ l l d o’ m i n d s e t • R e - w o r k i n g m o r e t h a n o n c e b e c a u s e o f

m i s t a ke s • I n a b i l i t y t o u n d e r s t a n d a n d i n t e r p r e t

p r i o r i t i e s • I n c o m p l e t e t a s k s , h a l f a j o b


Page 13: Issue – August 2018Locksmiths and Offsite Manufacturing Window Installers. We are delighted to be a sponsor of the new installer category in this talent programme. Seeing new talent

What is Focus and Drive?

Employees who have focus and drive contribute so much more to a business than those who do not – they show commitment to making the company a success. Employees will have a desire to meet and exceed stated targets in their role - marking them out as outstanding employees with the potential to develop and contribute much more in the longer term.

Why is having Focus and Drive important?

Having employees with focus and drive is important to any business, and an employee who has these attributes will contribute noticeably to driving business performance. Companies need employees who can make things happen, and who can respond when the pressure is on.



• C o m m i t t e d t o m e e t i n g g o a l s a n d t a r g e t s Wa n t s t o c o n s i s t e n t l y d e l i ve r t h e b e s t q u a l i t y

• Le a r n s f r o m ex p e r i e n c e a n d i s ke e n t o i m p r ove o w n s k i l l s t o d o t h e j o b e f f e c t i ve l y

• P r o a c t i ve l y m a ke s s u g g e s t i o n s f o r i m p r ove m e n t

• I s p r e p a r e d t o ‘ h ave a g o’ a t t r y i n g n e w w ay s o f d o i n g t h i n g s

W H A T Y O U D O N ’ T W A N T T O S E E

• C o m p l a c e n c y – ‘ w e’ ve a l w ay s d o n e i t t h i s w ay ’• R e s i s t a n c e t o c h a n g e• N o t c h a l l e n g i n g p r o c e s s e s t h a t s e e m t o g e t i n

t h e w ay • Le av i n g t h i n g s b e c a u s e ‘ i t ’ s n o t my j o b’ • D o e s t h e l e a s t n e e d e d t o g e t by


Page 14: Issue – August 2018Locksmiths and Offsite Manufacturing Window Installers. We are delighted to be a sponsor of the new installer category in this talent programme. Seeing new talent

What is Working Together?

Working together is a key requirement from any employee in the modern world. Understanding the importance of working together demonstrates that an employee has good thinking capability – it shows that they are mindful of the impact they have on others and understand the needs of their colleagues and the business.

Why is Working Together important?

A good team can always deliver more than the sum of its parts. A ‘team’ delivers better products and better service than individuals working in isolation - whilst at the same time giving the employee a sense of belonging. Businesses have a role to play in creating a positive team environment and they should look for their employees to embrace the culture they have created to help deliver great results.



• R e c o g n i s e s t h e i m p a c t o f o w n w o r d s a n d a c t i o n s o n o t h e r s

• S e e s t h e m s e l ve s a s a m e m b e r o f a t e a m• Fu l f i l s d e s i g n a t e d r o l e a s a t e a m m e m b e r• K n o w s o w n l i m i t a t i o n s - w h o t o g o t o f o r h e l p

a n d w h e n• Pa r t i c i p a t e s w i l l i n g l y

W H A T Y O U D O N ’ T W A N T T O S E E

• P r e f e r s t o w o r k a l o n e ra t h e r t h a n a s p a r t o f a t e a m

• M a ke s m i n i m a l c o n t r i b u t i o n t o a c h i eve m e n t o f t e a m g o a l s a n d o b j e c t i ve s

• A l l o w s i n d i v i d u a l d i f f e r e n c e s t o a d ve r s e l y a f f e c t t h e w ay t e a m m e m b e r s w o r k t o g e t h e r

• Te n d s n o t t o l i s t e n t o o t h e r s


Page 15: Issue – August 2018Locksmiths and Offsite Manufacturing Window Installers. We are delighted to be a sponsor of the new installer category in this talent programme. Seeing new talent

What do we mean when we say Customer First?

Employees who understand that the customer comes first are essential to the success of any business. Everybody plays a role in delivering outstanding products and service, and often the ‘customer’ can be a colleague - the next person in the process. An employee should have the desire to anticipate, meet and exceed the needs of all customers and focus their efforts on delivering increased customer value.

Why do we attach so much importance to putting the Customer First?

The Fenestration Industry is a very competitive market where often the deciding factor on whether a company wins an order or not is based on the customer’s view of the service they receive – from the first moment they engage with a potential supplier to the very last. Companies whose employees put the customer first means it will be more able to compete and deliver the service levels which are so important.



• U n d e r s t a n d s w h o t h e c u s t o m e r i s w h e t h e r i n t e r n a l o r ex t e r n a l

• P u t s t h e c u s t o m e r a t t h e h e a r t o f eve r y t h i n g t h ey d o

• P r ov i d e s a p r o m p t a n d h e l p f u l s e r v i c e t o m e e t c u s t o m e r n e e d s a n d ex p e c t a t i o n s

• P r o j e c t s a c o u r t e o u s a n d p r o f e s s i o n a l i m a g e• C o m m u n i c a t e s p r o f e s s i o n a l l y a n d e f f e c t i ve l y

W H A T Y O U D O N ’ T W A N T T O S E E

• S h r u g s o f f c u s t o m e r n e e d s• H a s a ‘ t h a t ’ s n o t my j o b’ m e n t a l i t y• D o e s n o t t r e a t a l l c u s t o m e r s w i t h r e s p e c t • A l eve l o f s e r v i c e w h i c h d o e s n’ t m a ke yo u

s t a n d o u t f r o m yo u r c o m p e t i t o r s


Page 16: Issue – August 2018Locksmiths and Offsite Manufacturing Window Installers. We are delighted to be a sponsor of the new installer category in this talent programme. Seeing new talent

P r o g r a m m e S p o n s o r s