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Features Interviews Real Life Stories And more..... Issue 34 £1.99

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Real Life Stories

And more.....

Issue 34£1.99

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Peter BellSara Bell

JAM Magazine

(In alphabetical order) Peter BellSara BellTom ElliottJason HooperJahazielMalcolm Kydd and the group from St Marys UptonPaul Symons and the girls from BarnstapleLindz West - LZ7

(In alphabetical order) Columbia Pictures, Disney Pixar, Pathe Production UK & Ireland, Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures Releasing, Studio Canal

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Editorial Team:

Listen I am standing at the door and knocking. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come into their life and share my life with them. Rev 3 v 20The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one.Malcolm Forbes

Through every star, through every blade of grass, is not God made visible if we will open our minds and our eyes.Thomas Carlyle ANSWERS for page 4 & 5

Issue 32£1.99

FeaturesInterviewsReal Life StoriesAnd more.....

Issue 30£1.99

FeaturesInterviewsReal Life StoriesAnd more.....

Issue 31£1.99

FeaturesInterviewsReal Life StoriesAnd more.....

Back copies available...Old and New.......

Up and Down....



Real Life Stories

And more.....

Issue 33£1.99



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04 Open Up

14 Open to Interpretation

06 MandelaLong Walk to Freedom

29 Open Sesame

08 Non-Stop

13 Open Your Eyes

30 Open

10 Jason Hooper God opened my mind & heart!

18 An Open Invitation with LZ7

22 The Amazing Spiderman 2

34 Faith in Action

24 Out in the Open

16 Open House...?

26 Opening Bid...

28 Open Arms

32 Open Verdict

39 Open Heart Surgery38 An Open Door 40 Jahaziel

3JAM mag

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Being open minded is considered to be a good thing. It means you are willing to listen to the views of others and are mature enough to admit that perhaps you are wrong, on the odd occasion!

The trouble is that only you can open up your mind - others might try and help you with the process but only you hold the key to your mind and what you think. I can tell you about what I believe about God or Jesus but are you open minded enough to take a look and see if you agree or have you shut your mind to the possibility that it might be true...?

See if you can unlock the codes below to read the famous sayings...

Can you guess what letter is represented by each number? Try working out 7 & 8 in the first row to start you off.... What 2 letter word could come after I?

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20 8 5 16 21 18 16 15 19 5 15 6 5 4 21 3 1 20 9 15 14 9 19

20 15 18 5 16 12 1 3 5 1 14 5 13 16 20 25 13 9 14 4

23 9 20 8 1 14 15 16 5 14 15 14 5. Malcolm Forbes

S G Q N T F G D U D Q X R S Z Q , S G Q N T F G D U D Q X

A K Z C D N E F Q Z R R , H R M N S F N C L Z C D


L H M C R Z M C N T Q D X D R. Thomas Carlyle


The one above is simple, just replacing the numbers for letters of the alphabet but the one below might need more thought...

If you are stuck try thinking what letter comes before or is it after the letter shown...

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As 2013 was closing the life of a man who had opened many doors came to an end too. Nelson Mandela will be remembered as a great statesman who inspired people to keeping going even when it seemed like the door was tightly shut.

The film follows his life from his childhood in a rural village through to him being the first democratically elected president of South Africa. It shows him as a young lawyer trying to help people in desperate situations, at first resisting the draw of the ANC but eventually joining them and facing life imprisonment as a consequence.

When he was finally released from jail, he had to find the strength to bring South Africa back from the brink of civil war by preaching reconciliation not revenge.

I’m sure for many of us it would have been tempting to get our own back and to make our persecutors suffer. But Nelson Mandela wanted to make sure those doors were shut tight, hopefully never to be opened again.

Most of us are never going to be as ‘high profile’ as Mandela but we can all play our part, in our communities, to shut the doors of oppression and open doors for the less fortunate….

So what will you do…?

Photo Credits: Pathe Production UK and IrleandJAM 6

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An Air Marshall is called upon to prevent the killing of innocent passengers aboard a transatlantic flight…..

In this NON-STOP action thriller Liam Neeson plays a US Air Marshall on a transatlantic flight from New York to London. At 40,000 feet in the air he receives a series of text messages demanding that money is put into an off-shore bank account or people will start to die; one every 20 minutes! As he starts to try and solve the murder before anyone else is killed it looks as if he is being framed to take the blame…whilst racing against a ticking bomb timer.

Julianne Moore and Downton Abbey‘s Michelle Dockery also star in the movie but who is responsible for the texts and the killing….?

It is easy in these sorts of films to start trying to work out who the ‘baddie’ could be but often there is a twist in the story and you find out not everything is as it seems. Or some might write it off before seeing it as it stars Liam Neeson or because it is an airplane movie….

In life we can easily jump to conclusions about events or people because it seems likely to be true but maybe we should be more open minded and not

so quick to judge…


Photo Credit: Studio Canal

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Jason Hooper God opened my mind and heart!


I grew up on a council estate in Clayton, Manchester with my mum and sister. My dad used to visit when I was younger but then he just stopped coming. I had a bad temper problem and mum found it difficult to control me; I would argue with my sister, get into fights and smash the house up and this was when I was still at primary school! I was placed in a children’s home and was soon getting in trouble with police and introduced to drugs even at the age of 10. I ran away a few times and stole stuff to get food and clothes. I didn’t really think about my situation to be honest as I was always on drugs to keep my mind from thinking too much! By the time I was 15 I was in more trouble with the police and that started a nearly 13 year stretch of being in and out of young offenders institutes and prison…including a five and a half year stretch for nearly killing someone. Everything spiralled out of control when I was in prison as I was taking and dealing drugs and

committing more violent crimes each time. I would take anything that would alter my mind, stop me feeling bad and thinking too much about everything.

In prison I always tried to get in with the lads so I wouldn’t get bullied as underneath it all I was quite soft. I tried every course on offer to try and break the cycle but nothing worked. I wanted to change but couldn’t – I didn’t have a clue! When you’re addicted to something it’s like there’s no answer and you’re always looking for a substitute.

I never wanted to smoke weed or take heroin but it made me feel less depressed or suicidal but in reality it actually made me feel worse. It messes your mind up so much that you’re blinded to what’s going on. I was totally oblivious to what was happening to me, my body and those around me.

When I turned 28 after being in a psychiatric ward I got sent back to prison for 6 months. I’d known the prison staff for years and they asked if they could help me. At that point I was addicted to every drug possible and just said, “I don’t want to speak to you, talk or eat. There’s nothing more you can do, nobody can help me!’” And I just gave up. They put me in the hospital wing of the prison and I lay there crying for days not eating anything but tiny bits of milk.


We met Jason recently and ended up chatting about what his life was like and how it had changed in an extraordinary way. Here’s his story…….

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11But the weirdest things started happening. God started speaking to me through things around me like the telly or radio. I was scared but in a good way. At first I thought that all the drugs and steroids I had taken over the years were making me lose my mind and that my body was shutting down. I’d previously had a heart attack from taking crack & steroids at the same time. The more I thought I was losing my mind the more God spoke to me and showed me that he was real, loves me, wants the best for me and has a plan for me. I came to accept that this was real and I wasn’t making it up. God was actually speaking to me. I dropped to my knees crying and telling him I was sorry for all the wrong things I’d thought and done.

When I tried to eat food I had a real pain in my heart, my whole body was burning as I was walking up and down my cell shaking and I thought I was dying. I was telling all the staff that God was real and he was talking to me – they thought I’d gone nuts!

I asked somebody to get me a bible. I’d never really read a book before because I was dyslexic and had always struggled with reading but when I opened the bible the words on the pages just jumped out at me. The first thing I read was in Corinthians where it talks about godly sorrow leads to repentance which is exactly where I was at! The vicar came to see me and I was explaining how God was real and how he’d changed me. I had a heightened spiritual awareness so I could really see God in her and she prayed for me. I stayed on my bed reading the letters of St. Paul in the New Testament part of the bible and listened to music. Strangely the batteries on my radio never ran out but were always fully charged.God was talking to me constantly. All through this time I didn’t think about smoking or taking drugs, I stopped swearing and all my addictions were gone! I was so busy focusing on God and it was like he was really there in the room even though I couldn’t see him. It was the best time I’ve ever had in my entire life!

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After a while all I wanted to do was go back on the prison wing and tell people what had happened but the staff on the ward told me I had to stay where I was as they still thought I was a bit nuts! I started feeling hungry and as I prayed for my food I found I could eat again! I knew that God was real because he’d proved it to me so I was determined to go back on the wing knowing he’d not let anything happen to me. A while later I asked the staff again if I could go back on the wing and amazingly they said yes this time – I had to sign this piece of paper to say that I’d found God and then they let me back.

I knew loads of people back on the wing, some I’d sold drugs to or seen down the gym. As soon as I saw them I would tell them what happened! I was in prison for another 5 months and spent most of the time telling people how God had changed me or praying for people. Some people thought I was crazy, others offered me drugs but I was intensely aware that Jesus was living inside of me. I couldn’t stop talking about what he’d done for me even when people were calling me names or provoking me! I’d changed so much that I kept a grip on my tongue, I didn’t kick off or retaliate. It was not through my own strength but it was like Jesus was living through me – it was like being born again.

The more I read the bible I could see how real it was in my life which made me believe even more that what happened to me was real! I started doing courses in prison like playing the guitar. I even found that I could sing and ended up singing to all the inmates! The prison staff were asking “What is going on with you Jason – we know what you used to be like but now you’re saying you’ve met Jesus and you’ve changed!” Everybody could see how different I was. Sometimes some of the prisoners used to say that they could see that the change was good for me but they couldn’t believe for themselves as they had too many questions about God. I couldn’t answer all of their questions but found that God gave me the right words to say at the right time.

During prison I’d met some Christians and when I came out they helped fix me up with a job at ‘The Message’ in Wythenshawe and found me a church. People had said that when I got out of prison I’d just return to be what I used to be like BUT it was amazing - it was like I was in a different world! It was beautiful to be alive spiritually and have that relationship with Jesus whereas I’d previously been living as though I was spiritually dead!

I went into a hostel and through probation. I think they probably thought I was just going through some kind of weird phase! A year later I moved to Wythenshawe and started my job which

I’ve been doing for about 18 months [previously I’d only managed a couple of weeks work]. I’ve been clean from drink and drugs for 2.5 years!

I’ve never felt like going back to my old lifestyle. It’s really been drilled into me that when you become a Christian you’re reborn spiritually and that God’s Holy Spirit now lives in me. I read my bible, pray and talk with God and other Christians. Some of the desires of my old life might still be kicking around BUT I am now alive in Christ as he is in me. Jesus has renewed my mind so that I don’t want the old ways. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not perfect, get tempted and still doubt sometimes BUT when I look back on what has happened to me and where I used to be I know that my relationship with Jesus is real! To be honest I’ve got nothing else! When things get tough I look at the fact that I don’t take drugs, I’m not in prison any more and these things aren’t because of me or any other man, they are because of God! When you think about it I was in a cell, I felt like I wanted to die, (I wasn’t suicidal but I’d given up), I was so low I couldn’t stop crying or speak to anyone and even though I was feeling that way God was still there loving me and he revealed himself to me! It is almost as though I was living my old life with my eyes shut but now that I live through Jesus I can see.

Jason has started to put some of his music on youtube so check out : watch?v=hFYkrONK8JI

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Many of us walk around with our eyes closed. I don’t mean physically but emotionally, socially and spiritually. We are so wrapped up in our own little world that we fail to see things that need doing right in front of us. Or if we do see them we dismiss any thought of taking action because we don’t feel equipped or empowered enough.

A commonly held view is to look after Number One but if we all tried to ‘Open our Eyes’ to the needs of others and not just ourselves then surely the world would be a better place.

Jesus said we should love our neighbour as we love ourselves so I guess the question is,

‘What can I do to love my neighbour/ friend/ family member better?

Open your eyes.....13

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Open to Interpretation..?

You have probably heard the story of Noah and his Ark at some point in your life but have you ever really thought

about what it must have been like…

Often we just read bible stories to children and don’t fully grasp the

meaning or what it must have been like at the time!

Imagine being told that God was going to destroy mankind because of their


Imagine being asked to build an ark.

Imagine being told that it would carry 2 of every creature.

And imagine the rain actually starting to fall…

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Do you believe the stories of the bible?

Do you follow the guidelines set out in it?

Will you be like Noah and accept God’s rescue plan or will you be like those who were left out of the

ark, realising too late that they had been wrong?

Photo Credit:Paramount Pictures

The film Noah, like many others, is open to the interpretation of the director and producers. Some

people will like what has been done, others will find fault with it but hopefully it will give us more of an idea of

what it could have been like to actually be there.

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When people move house or sometimes over holiday periods an ‘open house’ is held so as many as possible can visit you but not all be there at the same time. Guests are free to come and go when it suits them rather than having a set time. God offers us an open house invitation every day! We can call on him at anytime, wherever we are, knowing he is listening and waiting to respond…We are welcome at his house!

We asked some of you who you would like to get an ‘Open House’ invite from and why…?

Thanks to Malcolm and the group from St Mary’s Upton.


Open House...

Little Mix - I like their music and lyrics.

Ant and Dec - they are absolutely hilarious and cheerful and you’d just have a blast with them.

Alex Turner from Arctic Monkeys - I’d love to see their music awards and they have amazing lyrics.

Beyoncé - I think shes an incredible woman. Her voice is amazing and she has earned everything she has. I’d love to see how she is at home compared to on stage.

Jacqueline Wilson - I would like to be an author and I love her books.

Jaden Smith - he’s

handsome and I’d


to meet Will Smith too.

Paul McCartney - I might find an unreleased song.Miranda - she’s hilarious.

Ed Sheeran - he writes amazing music and I’d love to hang out with him.

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Johnny Galecki (Leonard Hofstadter) - he’s good at what he does and he’s dedicated to his profession.

Matt Richardson - he’s cool and really funny.

Philippa Hanna - she’s a good role model and has a great voice.

Troye Sivan - his videos are really funny and he’s built up his channel to millions of subscribers.

The White House - I am interested in politics and would love to have tea with Barack Obama.

The Queen - to see what happens behind closed doors!

Miranda Hart - I would like to know the stories behind her writing.

Michael Bublé - I would love to sing Christmas songs with him.

Simon Cowell - to see what happens behind the scenes.

Peter Jackson - he has an actual hobbit house as his own.

Noel Gallagher - I think he’s amazing, and it would be interesting to find out his views on current issues.

Jesus - he’s amazing. I want to see how peaceful it is to be around him because he’s perfect. I’d ask him questions so I can go out and change the world.

Mark Hamill - to act with him, he’s a role model to me.

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An Open Invitation…According to the words of the LZ7 song ‘Aftershow’ we are all

invited to it! Welcome to the Aftershow. It’s not what you know, it’s who

you know.We caught up with Lindz West to ask him what he’s been up to

recently and this is what he had to say….


What have you been up to since we last spoke?We’ve branched out from ‘The Message Trust’ and set up own charity called ‘Light.’ Basically it has the same DNA as The Message and we aredoing stuff with sports tours, schools work and gigs. Light and LZ7 are set to do big things with national schools tours, a Light youth festival and more single releases to really put a lamp on a stand for what they believe in. We have also had a new guy called Ryan join us from LA and LZ7 have been face to face with just under a million young people this year in 65 schools and countless festivals across the globe.Was it scary stepping out on your own?It was definitely a bit of a step of faith. We are still working closely with The Message but at the same time really feel God has called us to do our own thing. The more people that hear about Jesus the better! In some ways it has been difficult to come out from under the umbrella and no longer be running in someone else’s slip stream but it has also been an eye opener and we have grown in our faith over the last couple of years….

Can you tell us about your new album?It’s called ‘After Show’. After a concert a lot of people would love to gain access to the after show party but you need a ‘Triple A pass’ to get in! With God everyone can gain access to the party! The first A is that through what Jesus has done God has access to you, secondly through what Jesus has done you can have access to God and thirdly you can have access to LIFE! In the bible it says that when one person becomes a Christian the angels have a party in heaven and we want to give everyone the opportunity to join the party. There is something worth living for, there is hope for now and the future and Jesus is definitely worth smiling about! When people respond at a gig they can join a discipleship course from a link on the back of the album. Do you have a favourite track from the album?My favourite at the moment is ‘Whoever said.’ Many people leave school thinking they won’t amount to much because of what people have said over them. I want to see an end to that because whatever you’ve done or wherever you are from God loves you and thinks you are awesome!

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19God has a fantastic plan for each of us and I want young people to grasp hold of that. I like all the songs but that one stands out.

Can you give us an example of how the message in your music has changed lives?We are in an age when many young people have no hope and are living on the edge, contemplating suicide as a way out. At concerts we have had loads of people hand in razor blades and suicide notes because the message has spoken to them. One girl wrote a letter saying she has had 2 abortions and had already attempted suicide twice, the night of the concert was to be her third. But having listened to the songs she gave her life to Jesus and felt this overwhelming joy inside. She knew nothing about Jesus but prayed that prayer at the end and Jesus did something amazing in her heart. God can move through the international language of music into whatever situation young people are in, he can break down barriers and we have seen this countless times through the show.

How do you manage to keep going?I learnt a valuable lesson a few years ago to always work from a place of rest! You need to learn to counteract the hectic lifestyle with rest, sleep and hanging out with family, friends, community and church. So I like to be involved with things other than LZ7 like the church football team! I also love to sleep and can fall asleep at any point in the day. It is a God given ability to do it and literally I can get a quick nap for 15 minutes and then be up and off again. Taking time to chill out and spend time with God is important so that you are doing what he wants you to rather than just filling your diary.

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How did your recent bike trip come about?In February 2012 we released our single ‘27 million’ in support of A21 campaign which stands for the abolishment of injustice in the 21st century. Their next major thing was to raise money through a bike ride and they asked if I would do it. So I put my money where my feet were and put my faith into action. The end of injustice is not just something we agree with, we want to be part of bringing that about and put a lamp on a stand! At any given time 1.5 million were talking about the ride and following our progress via social media. We got to speak at the European parliament and finished outside the Houses of Parliament in London. It was a great opportunity to raise awareness and was one of the best things I’ve ever done. It was physically very tough; at one point I fell off my bike and broke the frame which definitely hurt! We got to ride 3,500 metres up a mountain then going down other side was amazing but at times I did wonder why on earth I was doing it…

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21Did you get any insights into the reality of trafficking whilst you were riding?Yeah, at one truck stop in Serbia our driver went over to speak to a local truck driver and asked where you could get girls! He was then asked what sort and when the driver said any he pointed across the road to a house, adding that there were probably kids available too! It was a real reality check! These people need our help to be set free, we can’t just ignore the problem... Have you been on a bike since?I did 12 miles the other day then thought that isn’t very much so did another 20 and came back!

What can our readers do to help?If you visit the A21 website you will find 21 simple ways that you can help raise awareness and money to see an end to injustice in the 21st Century.

www.thea21campaign.orgOne final question, who would you like to spend time with if you could have an Open Invitation?Can I have four? Nelson Mandela because his life shows that history doesn’t have to affect your future and he managed to change and reconcile a nation. Then in terms of sport,Michael Jordan and David Beckham, and in terms of music, Bono.

To find out more about Lindz & LZ7 check out

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The Amazing Spiderman 2


In “The Amazing Spider-Man 2”, Peter Parker struggles to maintain his normal life whilst fulfilling his obligations as Spider-Man. It is difficult to separate the two and there is a price to pay for being a superhero!

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The Amazing Spiderman 223

Photot credits: Columbia PicturesSony Pictures Releasing

Having been told by Harry Osborn that Oscorp have had him under surveillance, Peter confronts Aunt May who tells him, “Secrets have a cost but the truth does too!” He finds himself investigating what happened to his father whilst facing more challenging enemies than ever and all roads seem to lead back to Oscorp!

Will he be able to protect his loved ones and the city? Or will the emergence of such powerful enemies see him defeated?

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Some people like everything ‘out in the open’. They like to think that their relationships are open and honest but their straight talking can be refreshing if a little shocking at times. Others like tokeep everything ‘close to their chest’; they don’t want to share what they really think and you will rarely get an opinion from them.

What about you? Are you honest and open to the point of rudeness? Do you keep your views to yourself? Or do you hover somewhere in the middle depending on who you are with?

Have a look at the questions below and see if you like things ‘Out in the Open’ or whether you are less than honest with yourself and others?


Your friend is trying clothes on, do you......A) Tell them if they look awful, it’s better than them wasting money?B) Suggest other items but don’t actually say you don’t like their outfit?C) Keep quiet or just agree with what they think?

Your sister is thinking of trying a new hairstyle, do you……A) Offer advice on what suits whether she wants it or not?B) Listen and advise but don’t push your opinions, it’s up to her?C) Stay as neutral as possible then she can’t blame you if it goes wrong?

Out in the Open...

A local charity that you feel strongly about needs help, do you …...A) Tell everyone you can and drum up support?B) Volunteer yourself but not tell anyone else?C) Do nothing as you’re not sure other people will think it’s cool?

On social media, do you…...A) Say it how it is! Everyone knows when you’re happy, sad, frustrated or tired?B) Keep people updated with events but not your feelings?C) Rarely change your status, you don’t want everyone knowing what you’re doing?

At school your class is discussing political issues, do you……A) Make sure everyone knows what you think?B) Mostly listen and only add the odd suggestion to the debate?C) Keep quiet, you’re not really sure what you think?

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Did you get a mixture of answers or did one stand out? Take a look below……If you answered mostly A - You are open and honest but be careful this doesn’t come across as rudeness. Some people will like your direct approach but it will make others feel uncomfortable. Allow others to voice an opinion before you give everyone yours. Remember that some people are more sensitive than others and a direct approach might upset them so be aware of who you are dealing with and maybe adjust your response.If you answered mostly B - You are somewhere in the middle! You are open about some things but hold back with more personal stuff or opinions. Remember your opinion is as valid as anyone else’s and it doesn’t matter if others don’t agree with you. Don’t let more opinionated people dominate what happens all the time, have your say!If you answered mostly C - You are a bit of a closed book. You find it hard to be open and honest with people. Others are not always sure where they stand with you because they can’t guess what you are feeling unless you tell them. You don’t need to tell everyone your business but why not try being a bit more open with family and friends who you trust.

At a new friend’s house for a meal, do you…...A) Tell them exactly what you do and don’t like?B) Tell them what you don’t like and leave it up to them?C) Say you’re not fussy and just hope they don’t dish up peas/ pork/ fish/ dumplings etc?

Friends are talking about who they like, do you..….A) Tell everybody, it’s not a secret?B) Give a little bit away but some things are better left unsaid?C) Make yourself scarce, you don’t want everyone knowing your business?

People are talking about faith, do you…...A) Explain your beliefs without giving others a chance to argue?B) Explain why you believe what you do but listen to others opinions too?C) Keep quiet, faith is a personal thing?

You’re at a restaurant and something is wrong with your order , do you…...A) Loudly complain to the waiter and make a fuss?B) Try and catch the waiter quietly and explain the problem?C) Just get on with it, you don’t want to make a fuss?

You have forgotten to do your homework, do you…...A) Just tell the teacher you forgot to do it?B) Tell the teacher it’s at home and you’ll bring it next lesson?C) Make up some plausible story as to why you couldn’t do it?

Someone you don’t really like asks you out, do you..….A) Just tell them you don’t fancy them and leave it at that?B) Think of an excuse and try to let them down gently?C) Say you’ll go because you don’t want to hurt their feelings but then don’t turn up?


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Opening bid...

jumper £6 jeans £8 boots

jumper £3

scarf £6 top £10 skirt £6

Until a few years ago the phrase ‘opening bid’ would only have been associated with an auctioneer and most people would never have been to an auction. Nowadays, with the rapid development of online auction sites, many more people are familiar with the term either as a seller or a buyer. Instead of having a definite price items are up for auction and the highest bid wins. How much a person is willing to bid depends on how much they want the item. The end price may be well above the opening bid or it may not get any higher, so a seller has to make sure the opening bid is at a level they are willing to accept. A buyer can get some real bargains but they have to be careful…

Have you ever bought stuff from an auction website? Or are you a seller?

We asked some of you to model the best fashion buys you have made in terms of them being a bargain price… Here are the results:

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coat £15

Queen top skirt

top £6, shoes £5

skirt shirt jumper £6

Thanks to Malcolm and the group from St Mary’s Upton for sharing their bargains!

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Open Arms

You can probably remember it from when you were small. It is the story of two hares and how much they love each other.

Ranging from ‘arms stretched wide’ to ‘the moon and back’! The back page write up is as follows; Little Nutbrown Hare and Big Nutbrown Hare discover that love is not an easy thing to measure…

Jesus showed us how much he loved us by stretching out his arms!

There is a popular children’s book called ‘Guess how much I love you’ by Sam McBratney.

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y k x p e n h s e t

b r p t x e f v e n d p

n d e p p h x d l y z d e e

q n g p r e s q f e e t n

b r r e a n s s c p p d r a

p g f r n c s e e n a n

e n f t c s p a p n n e e d

n d y v d t n e t y a b n h c

v n c n e a a r g n e e n l

e e e e b g l x a h s r p e

r p v p z n q e k e e k p s

d e b c r v h h a h e

n k n c n e p l n r s t

c e e a s e s n e p e s

t p p e n p s y a d n e p n

s e y e r y n e p c

p e n q e s t n s g v z

u o w o o u o

o o i i j

o m u

i u o o

o o o

o u o w j

o i o

i i

j i o

o o o

i o o

o o i o u o

i i m o m

m m o o w

o u o

o u o o m o u

o u i o ieyes wide openopen airopen and closeopen bookopen daysopen dooropen endedopen hearted

open heart surgeryopen houseopening an accountopening bidopening hoursopen micopen officeopen questions

open relationshipopen seasonopen sesameopen upopen verdictopen wateropen your eyes

See if you can find some of the other phrases that include OPEN.

There are many phrases that have the word ‘open’ in them and most have positive connotations. One that most people will have heard of is ‘Open Sesame’ which was used in the story of ‘Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves’ to open a cave where treasure was hidden.

Many people think that we can get to heaven by uttering a particular phrase or performing a specific action.

Do you know what the bible says about getting to Heaven? What do you think...?

Open Sesame 29

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You cannot open a book without learning something. Confucius

Through every star, through every blade of grass, is not God made visible if we will open our minds and our eyes.

Thomas Carlyle

Always keep an open mind and a compassionate heart. Phil Jackson

A woman whose smile is open and whose expression is glad has a kind of beauty no matter what she wears.

Anne Roiphe

Love is always open arms. If you close your arms about love you will find that you are left holding only yourself. Leo Buscaglia

Keep your eyes open to your mercies. The man who forgets to be thankful has fallen asleep in life. Robert Louis Stevenson

The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers. Deepak Chopra

Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the one that is open. Alexander Graham Bell

Life is full of opportunities if you are willing to try afew doors! Opportunities to do good, to succeed, to move on or to change are often right in front of us if we look. Don’t let disappointment, fear or laziness stop you seizing those moments and opening those doors. They could be life changing for you and those around you!Have a look at the quotes related to ‘OPEN’ and see if you agree….


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Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn’t know you had left open. John Barrymore

The most valuable possession you can own is an open heart. The most powerful weapon you can be is an instrument of peace. Carlos Santana

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt. Mark Twain

Every closed eye is not sleeping, and every open eye is not seeing. Bill Cosby

The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one. Malcolm Forbes

I stand at the door of your heart and knock. If you hear me and open the door, I will come into your life. Revelation 3 v 20

Our belief was that if we kept putting great products in front of customers, they would continue to open their wallets.

Steve Jobs

No one can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of

another, either by argument or emotional appeal.Marilyn Ferguson

One change always leaves the way open for the establishment of others. Niccolo Machiavelli

Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes! Leonardo da Vinci

Face your fears and doubts, and new worlds will open to you. Robert Kiyosaki


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An open verdict in an inquest is when the Coroner decides that the evidence given is insufficient to deliver one of the specific

verdicts: natural causes, unlawful killing, suicide, accidental death or death due to industrial disease. However, if new evidence becomes available at any time which challenges the verdict, the

inquest can be re-opened.

Open Verdict...

SO What is your verdict?

When, if ever, have you looked at the evidence for Jesus? What conclusion did you come to?

In the bible it says there are only two alternatives; you believe Jesus died for us or you don’t. At some point you have to make a

decision, leaving an open verdict isn’t an option…


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In the summer Paul Symons and a group from Grosvenor Church Barnstaple went out to Uganda. Paul, Lois and Abby tell us about their trip...

Why Uganda?Paul - We have been to Uganda a few times. Phil, who comes to our church, runs a charity called ‘Amigos’, which runs Kira Farm Development centre. We try to take a group of young people away on a mission trip every 2 or 3 years and as we know Phil and the heart behind the charity it is a good opportunity. There were 13 of us, including 10 young people, for 13 days.

What did you do?Paul - As we have been before it was good to be able to work with Phil and decide on projects that fitted the team that was going. We did a lot of work with children in connection with local churches and also with the students on the farm. There are about 30 young people every year who are taught skills to help them be self-sustaining as well as about God. The young people are generally late teens who could be orphans or have been affected by war. Then there is a child sponsorship scheme for those who have lost parents to aids or who live in poverty. We visited some of the sponsored children and also went on safari. It was quite varied but designed to make the best of our teams abilities and talents.

So is it like a 2 week holiday…?Paul - NO! We expect people to be committed for a whole year to the project as there is plenty of preparation to do before you even think about getting on a plane. We prepare in terms of team building, resources and spiritual growth. We see it as a whole year of serving God, each other and our community whether that is in Uganda or here. We don’t want it to be 2 weeks abroad and that is my work for God done for the year; we want it to be part of a lifestyle! It just happens to be 2 weeks where we are in different country but serving God should be part of our every day life...

Did you see any changes in the lives of the team?Paul - There was a complete change in loads of them. One guy who had challenging family relationships said he appreciated his parents and sister much more as had met children who didn’t have any family. Lots of the team now sponsor children and want to be involved in changing someone’s life practically. Personally it is a constant reminder of how blessed we are and how we could do so much more with what we have! I want to live a life that is reliant on God and his leading rather than just taking an easy route that requires no faith or trust in God.

Faith in Action


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What interested you about the trip to Uganda?Lois - I always wanted to go on a mission trip with the church but I’ve never been old enough to go so this was the first time I was eligible. Abby - Watching comic relief and stuff on the telly always made me want to go out and do something but I was a bit scared to go somewhere like Africa so when the opportunity came up I jumped at it before I could worry and talk myself out of it!

What were you expecting before you went?Lois - It was completely different to what I thought it would be. Obviously I thought it would be hard seeing poverty at close hand but the biggest shock was meeting the people who were so joyful even though they have horrific stories and I didn’t expect that. Even though it was a huge culture shock it was an amazing experience and has changed how I think about everything.Abby - I was expecting it to be a really sad experience but it wasn’t because we went to help and even though we saw some really sad and shocking things the people were really happy. I realised we take such a lot for granted whereas not having stuff doesn’t make them miserable because they are grateful for every little thing.

Can you outline some of the things you did?Abby - We spent time at Kira farm with the students but we also did holiday clubs in nearby villages involving sports, games, puppet shows and stories. Visiting schools was fun and made me think about working with children in future. I’m now looking at being a primary school teacher.

What were the hard bits?Lois - For me it was the poverty we saw. Playing with and seeing where the children live was hard especially as many are living with being HIV positive. It was hard to think about that side of things as it is not something I’ve really come across before. Abby - Most of us suffered with some sort of stomach bug or the effects of malaria tablets! Battling through illness and still trying to give 100% was hard.


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What about highlights of the trip?Lois - For me it was the people we met through visiting schools and making children happy by showing them God’s love because they often don’t get much shown to them and seeing them grateful and joyful.Abby - For me it was visiting a previous student from Kira farm who is now married with a family and seeing an ‘Amigos’ success story was a really positive experience.

Did the trip have an impact on you? Lois - It taught me to put my total trust in God and give him control. Before the trip I was scared of what might happen but going out there and seeing people who really put their trust in God even though they have so little inspired me. It also made me realise I really want to be a midwife. I had thought about it before but seeing the need out there for medical stuff and the desperate need for midwifes challenged me to think about it more. I want to use my life to help others. Abby - I am a lot more caring and I don’t want to live my life just to please myself now but to help other people especially children.

Any regrets or was it worth it?Lois - No regrets! It was the best experience ever and I’m already saving up to go back out there.Abby - It was definitely worth going and I would love to go again or to another country.

To find out more about the work of Amigos visit

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Film credit: Sulley and MikeMonsters University Disney Pixar

‘Monsters University’ may have come out last summer but I have only just watched it on DVD. It tells the story of how Sully and Mike become best friends after a rather wobbly start…the

prequel to the vastly popular Monsters Inc.

The picture below is from when they reluctantly join a fraternity, which nobody else wants to join, in an attempt to win the ‘best scarer’ award and be allowed to stay on the scaring programme.

The look on their faces says it all…

But they do go through the door and take a chance that eventually pays off…

Not every opportunity or open door is going to lead to success but if we don’t give it a go we will never know!

What have I let myself in for?

I think I’ve changed my mind!

This can’t be real… What am I doing here?

This is a mistake...Let me out of here!


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I share the same passion as Augustine. I want to see a generation of people who have seen the work of God in their lives. For me, I long to see what it looks like to live life fully as Jesus

promised so I seek out God to discover the plans he has for me.

I’m not a morning person. For me, getting up in the morning is like asking a sloth to run a marathon. My brain doesn’t function, my body will not move

& my eyes refuse to open.

But then, the time comes. There is no time for one more snooze. The snooze button will one day refuse me. I have to get up. I roll out of bed. I say good

morning to my wife in my own choice of grunts and I’m off to make the porridge, though my eyes are barely open!

The snooze button makes me believe that I could get ready at ridiculous speeds. Every morning, I give myself an extra snooze with the aim of beating yesterday’s time!

The eyes of his heart were healed. He had seen God and his life was about to change!

Friends - there’s no time for snoozing - it’s time to stand up and recognise God at work in you. Wake up to the opportunities that God is placing in front of you.

You know, there was once a man called Augustine who believed that his aim in life was to ‘heal the eyes of people’s

heart, so that God might be seen’

I was privileged recently to lead someone to Jesus. Having sat and prayed with this guy, his sense of awe now at the presence of God is amazing. His knowledge of God at work in his life has inspired and encouraged me and yet all I did was pray with him as he invited God to

walk with him through life.

Why not pray and spend some time with God today. Let him show you something new.

The eyes of your face may struggle to open today, but I pray that the eyes of your heart would have a vision of all that God has for you, today & for evermore.

Open heart surgery...?

By Tom Elliott


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HEADS UP with JAHAZIEL We first interviewed Jahaziel way back in 2007 [JAM Issue 15 – check out] and with his new album just out we thought it would be good to see what has been happening since….

Can you tell us about your album?I hope the songs will relate to people on different levels. The music is varied enough for lots of people to enjoy and get something from it, regardless of their musical preference. It’s called ‘Heads Up’ for several reasons but mainly because hopefully it’s an album that will cause you to look up! In the psalms it says, ‘I lift my eyes to the hills from where my help comes.’ So I’m praying it will cause people to lift their heads up to God. ‘Heads up’ also means advance information on something important and the album is a tool which people can use to give their friends ‘a heads up’ on the life changing message of Jesus. In life things aren’t always easy and difficulties can affect us all. Many people feel their situation is hopeless and they get into drugs and crime because they can’t see any other options…I would love the album to bring about a sense of hope and meaning for people so they can lift their heads up and make a difference.

Did you have a Christian upbringing?My mum used to take my brother and me to Sunday school. I loved it and found the stories fascinating but it didn’t last long once we had the option not to go. Mum wasn’t a regular church goer though we did say grace. So it wasn’t a Christian household but we did acknowledge God in our house and know about him from Sunday school.

Did you imagine you’d be where you are today? I’m grateful to God for where he has brought me and the change in my life. Like many who leave school without any qualifications I ended up getting into drugs and crime. I didn’t set out with those aims but it is said, ‘That sin will take you further than you want to go and hold you longer than you want to stay!’ So I found myself much deeper than I’d planned to get. When I was caught selling weed I never thought I’d sell cocaine; when I was caught smoking weed I never thought I’d take cocaine. But one thing led to another and before I knew it I was taking and selling it. I got caught with ammonia and a knife but I never thought I’d have a loaded gun, it was one thing I’d said I’d never do, yet I found myself in that situation. To cut a long story short I was in someone’s flat with a loaded gun waiting for them to turn up and wondering if I’d shoot them if they did. I wasn’t bothered just because I’d said I’d never do it but I knew I’d end up going to prison for rest of my life and, even worse, I would have to live with my conscience if I did use the gun.


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So what happened?I prayed to God to get me out of the situation and he did. They didn’t turn up and so I left the flat and whilst walking home I was praying and asking God to guide and help me because my life was in a downward spiral. As I arrived home a friend who I had not spoken to in a while phoned and invited me to church…

We have a tendency to call on God when things are desperate and we don’t acknowledge him when stuff is going well. Thankfully he is not like us; I would be thinking, ‘What are you calling me for? You don’t want to know when things are good!’ But God still loves us and answers us. In those times we grow and find out that we are stronger and more able than we think when we have him in our lives. Unfortunately it often takes something bad for us to turn to God and ask for his help!

Check out, Facebook : jahazielmusic Twitter : @jahazielmusic


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43How have you changed as a person?Being a Christian is a journey. It’s not on a straight road and there are lots of turns, hills, roundabouts and traffic lights. Through highs and lows God is trying to teach me things but sometimes I don’t learn very quickly so we go back round again. I talk about some of the changes that God has made in my life on the album but I’m still a work in progress. Change takes time and can be difficult but God is there to help us through it. I want my music to encourage people not to give up but to keep going!

The other day I was on an escalator going down and realised I’d forgotten to do something so tried to go back up! As a Christian life can feel like that as often you are trying to go against the way everyone else is going. It can feel like a battle and to go downwards you just need to stop moving forwards. We need to keep pushing forward because it is a myth to think that everything changes at once and life will suddenly become easy. Some things might be easy to change but some of our attitudes and habits have taken years to develop and are not going to be undone in a moment. Even when we have learnt new ways of thinking something else will crop up. But it is a rewarding process because it draws us closer to God and we can see him at work in our lives. It is good to look back and see those changes whether it is being more patient or being able to resist temptation… Why have you been fairly quiet on the music front over the last few years…. After my first album I was set to work on another straight away and I tried but it just wasn’t happening. I had some issues with my back and knee which resulted in surgery, the producers were not coming up with the goods, the studio was no longer available and the label situation changed. During that time we also moved to north London to be part of an Eden team. I lead a team of local missionaries working and living in a local community. We arrange activities and engage with the local youth and church. It got to the point where I felt as if I was banging my head on a brick wall with the album so I decided to ‘let go and let God.’ When people asked about the album date I would just say, ‘we’ll see.’ Having done that a couple of months later everything seemed to come together and what I’d tried to make happen over 2 years came together by itself in about 6 months!

Check out, Facebook : jahazielmusic Twitter : @jahazielmusic

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