issue · 2018. 4. 4. · 2 call for articles we are seeking articles for our next issue of the fali...

2014 Election Information Intent to Run Due 2/10/14 ____________________ How Do You Find a Sponsor for your CC? FALI Admin Article Page 10 ____________________ FALI Board Meeting When: 2/6/2014 13:00hrs Where: Hilton Tampa Airport Westshore ____________________ Share Your News & Announcements with FALI Send to [email protected] See Editorial Column Pg.18 and Read Submission Guidelines Pg. 2 Florida Associaon of Licensed Invesgators (FALI) Post Office Box 2896 Dunedin, FL 34697 Visit us this issue Submission Guidelines P. 2 President’s Message P. 4 FALI Network Info P.6 Industry News P. 8 Members in the Spotlight P.12 Conference Info P.14 FALI Forum The official publication of the Florida Association of Licensed Investigators The ISSUE 2014 FEB / MAR FALI Business Issue Official FALI Election Notice Declarations Due February 10th NOTICE TO ALL ACTIVE FALI MEMBERS This is the 2014 formal election notice to the FALI membership. If you are presently holding any elective office in FALI, and if you are planning to stand for re- election in 2014, or if you intend to run for another office, you must formally declare your candidacy. Please do so by sending me a statement to that fact, via email, U.S. Mail, or fax. Your declaration must be in my hands no later than the close of business on Saturday, February 10, 2014. If you are not presently holding an elective office and if you desire to offer yourself for election, or if you desire to nominate someone to stand for election, then your statement of candidacy or nomination must be sent to me, via email, U.S. Mail, or fax and must be in my hands no later than the close of business on Saturday, February 10, 2014. All candidates for office must meet the requirements as provided for in the FALI Constitution and Bylaws. Jack Belich My contact information is: Email: [email protected] U.S. Mail: Mr. Jack Belich, FALI Secretary and Election Committee Chair c/o J. Belich & Associates, Inc. 6822 - 22nd Avenue N. # 304 St. Petersburg, FL 33710-3918 Fax: 877-724-9253 List of FALI ELECTED POSITIONS Executive Board: • President • Vice President • Secretary • Treasurer Area Directors • Director Tampa Region (Map 1) • Director Tallahassee Region (Map 2) • Director Jacksonville Region (Map 3) • Director Orlando Region (Map 4) • Director Fort Myers Region (Map 5) • Director Palm Beach Region (Map 6) • Director Broward/Dade Region (Map 7) According to FALI Bylaws* : 4.2. Nominations All candidates shall be nominated by “active” members in good standing, members who announce their candidacy not less than ninety (90) days prior to elections shall at least sixty (60) days prior to election have their name placed on an absentee ballot in addition to a brief statement (not to exceed 250 words) published to the membership. Nominations will be accepted from the floor at the Annual Meeting. According to FALI Constitution: ARTICLE V. ELECTED OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected officers (president, vice president, secretary and treasurer) who shall not serve more than three (3) consecutive terms, and one area director representing each of the regions in the State of Florida who shall be elected by ballot (including absentee ballots received prior to elections) for a one (1) year term or until their successors are elected. *Editors Note: (These are only excerpts from the FALI Constitution and FALI Bylaws which can be found on FALI’s website under the “About Us” section)

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Page 1: ISSUE · 2018. 4. 4. · 2 Call for Articles We are seeking articles for our next issue of the FALI Forum – from Private Investigators and support staff with experience in the following

20 14 Ele cti on Infor ma ti on

Intent to Run Due 2/10/14


How Do Y ou Fi nd a Spons or for y our CC?

FALI Admin Article Page 10


FALI Boar d Me eti ng When: 2/6/2014 13:00hrs

Where: Hilton Tampa Airport Westshore


Share Your News & Announcements with FALI

Send to [email protected] See Editorial Column Pg.18 and Read

Submission Guidelines Pg. 2

Florida Association of Licensed Investigators (FALI)

Post Office Box 2896 Dunedin, FL 34697

Visit us

this issue Submission Guidelines P. 2

President’s Message P. 4

FALI Network Info P.6

Industry News P. 8

Members in the Spotlight P.12

Conference Info P.14

FALI Forum The official publication of the Florida Association of Licensed Investigators




2014 FEB / MAR

FALI Business Issue

Official FALI Election Notice Declarations Due February 10th

NOTICE TO ALL ACTIVE FALI MEMBERS This is the 2014 formal election notice to the FALI membership. If you are presently holding any elective office in FALI, and if you are planning to stand for re-election in 2014, or if you intend to run for another office, you must formally declare your candidacy. Please do so by sending me a statement to that fact, via email, U.S. Mail, or fax. Your declaration must be in my hands no later than the close of business on Saturday, February 10, 2014. If you are not presently holding an elective office and if you desire to offer yourself for election, or if you desire to nominate someone to stand for election, then your statement of candidacy or nomination must be sent to me, via email, U.S. Mail, or fax and must be in my hands no later than the close of business on Saturday, February 10, 2014. All candidates for office must meet the requirements as provided for in the FALI Constitution and Bylaws. Jack Belich My contact information is: Email: [email protected] U.S. Mail: Mr. Jack Belich, FALI Secretary and Election Committee Chair c/o J. Belich & Associates, Inc. 6822 - 22nd Avenue N. # 304 St. Petersburg, FL 33710-3918 Fax: 877-724-9253

List of FALI ELECTED POSITIONS Executive Board: • President • Vice President • Secretary • Treasurer Area Directors • Director Tampa Region (Map 1) • Director Tallahassee Region (Map 2) • Director Jacksonville Region (Map 3) • Director Orlando Region (Map 4) • Director Fort Myers Region (Map 5) • Director Palm Beach Region (Map 6) • Director Broward/Dade Region (Map 7) According to FALI Bylaws* : 4.2. Nominations All candidates shall be nominated by “active” members in good standing, members who announce their candidacy not less than ninety (90) days prior to elections shall at least sixty (60) days prior to election have their name placed on an absentee ballot in addition to a brief statement (not to exceed 250 words) published to the membership. Nominations will be accepted from the floor at the Annual Meeting. According to FALI Constitution: ARTICLE V. ELECTED OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected officers (president, vice president, secretary and treasurer) who shall not serve more than three (3) consecutive terms, and one area director representing each of the regions in the State of Florida who shall be elected by ballot (including absentee ballots received prior to elections) for a one (1) year term or until their successors are elected. *Editors Note: (These are only excerpts from the FALI Constitution and FALI Bylaws which can be found on FALI’s website under the “About Us” section)

Page 2: ISSUE · 2018. 4. 4. · 2 Call for Articles We are seeking articles for our next issue of the FALI Forum – from Private Investigators and support staff with experience in the following


Call for Articles

We are seeking articles for our next issue of the FALI Forum – from Private Investigators and support staff with experience in the following areas; arson, asset checks, civil investigations, criminal defense, due diligence, fraud, information brokers, missing persons, product liability, skip trace, surveillance, workers compensation or any topic that may be of interest to your colleagues. We publish an electronic edition of the FALI Forum every other month (bi-monthly) and we publish printed editions twice a year that are mailed to our vendor friends, licensed investigative agencies and schools involved with private investigative educat ion. Please follow the editorial guidelines for FALI Forum submissions. These guidelines are designed to help you, the writer, understand what we accept and don’t accept for inclusion in our article database. Our GOAL is to provide a professional publication designed to convey the latest news of interest to FALI members and private investigators. Editor reserves the right to refuse publication of any submission at any time.

Editorial Guidelines for Submitting To the FALI Forum

a. MUST BE AN ORIGINAL ARTICLE THAT YOU WROTE. If you are submitting the article, lease submit the article as the original author, i.e. meaning that you wrote 100% of the copy. We accept reprints with express author authorization. b. MUST BE INFORMATIVE and share your unique expertise. Includes tips, strategies, techniques, case-studies, analysis, opinions and commentary in your article. Please make notable quotes separating facts and opinions as to not confuse the reader. We do not accept articles that contain more than 5lines of quoted or sourced material. c. MUST BE TIGHTLY WRITTEN articles; 750 to 1,500 words for feature articles; shorter articles of 350-750 words are great for “filler space” and Editor loves these types of submissions; and 120-300 words for news, press releases, etc. d. AREA DIRECTORS—The FALI Forum is a great place for Area Directors to announce and recap the activities and or comments from your local area. Please remember to include location, speaker, topic and other news from your area. e. OUR DEADLINE is the 10th of each month prior to issue. Sent your articles to: [email protected] f. ISSUE SCHEDULE: Aug/Sept “Legislative Issue” (Due July 10); Oct/Nov “General Issue” (Due Sept 10); Dec/Jan “Holiday Issue” (Due Nov 10); Feb/Mar “FALI Business Issue” (Due Jan 10); Apr/May “Pre-Conference Issue” (Due Mar 10); June/July “Post-Conference Issue” (Due May 10). (All topics are subject to change.) DO’s DON’T’s ● Do submit your article in a timely manner ● Don’t wait until last minute, Submit early! ● Write about what you know and current issues ● Don’t criticize ● Format in single space lined, double between paragraphs ● Don’t write pep talks/personal messages ● Use your spell checker before you submit article ● Don’t write an over complicated article ● Submit name, contact info, brief bio of author or special code ● Don’t format using bold, italics ● If you have a photo, please submit a headshot only or related pic ● Don’t get discouraged ● Use simple grammar and spelling ● Don’t forget to use spellcheck!

FALI will not publish hateful, harmful or defamatory content and reserves the right to refuse any material for publication. W e encourage submissions to include a contact phone number, email address and a photo. FALI reserves the right to distribute material published via email and databases and to publish the views of those who might disagree with you. FALI reserves the right to edit and correct submissions for factual accuracy and/or readability as required.

FALI 2013-14 Editorial Guidelines updated 11.30.13

Page 3: ISSUE · 2018. 4. 4. · 2 Call for Articles We are seeking articles for our next issue of the FALI Forum – from Private Investigators and support staff with experience in the following
Page 4: ISSUE · 2018. 4. 4. · 2 Call for Articles We are seeking articles for our next issue of the FALI Forum – from Private Investigators and support staff with experience in the following


FALI Board & Committee News: ELECTION COMMITTEE: Deadline for announcing

your intent to run for a

position is 90 days prior to

FALI’s Annual Business

Meeting which will be held

during May 2014 at the

Conference in Tampa.


Annual Southeast Super

Conference, May 1-3, 2014

at the Hilton Tampa Airport

Westshore, 2225 N. Lois

Avenue Tampa, FL

See Attendee Registration

Form Page 15


Date online or contact Vice

President, Burt Hodge.


strength is in our

membership, and all

Certified Milestone

Members’ involvement has

helped shape, educate and

defend our profession. We

are honored to recognize

all of them for their

participation and dedication

to our profession.

Don’t forget you can renew

your membership online,



is now seeking talented

individuals write articles.


~ Tim

Tim O’Rourke, CPS president

Every month your Area Directors work hard to plan meetings for the local members. These are great edu-cational and networking opportunities. We know that not everyone can attend every meeting but encourage you to go as often as possible. I know the Area Directors appreciate any input and recommendations for speakers that would be of interest. And while we are on the subject of speakers. . . the conference commit-tee has released most of the speakers for the upcoming conference . You don’t want to miss this fantastic line-up, including the return of Dr. Henry Lee.

February holds several important projects for FALI. The election notice has been posted and candidates and incumbents officers and directors are asked to post and provide information to your election chair Jack Belich. By the time you read this we will have completed another session of the FALI BootCamp on Friday, February 7th . Another is planned for later in the year, most likely in South Florida. The BootCamp is specifically designed for those who are new investigators or agency owners. We have had inquiries from “experienced” members who are wanting to participate as a “refresher,” or to find out what is new in the industry. That is not the purpose of the BootCamp. That is however the purpose of the FALI Forum, e-alerts, monthly meetings and the Listserv, all tools available to you as a member.

This year’s Florida Legislative Session kicks off March 4th. As always, we will be monitoring the legisla-tive sessions in Tallahassee , as well as our nation’s capital.

Last week I spoke with the DOL and confirmed that they have incorporated into their legislative package the language FALI had requested under 493.6115 Weapons and Firearms which is the addition of the .40 and the .45 ACP. This is something many members have requested over the years . The language is as fol-lows:

493.6115 Weapons and firearms.-(6) In addition to any other firearm approved by the department, a licensee who has been issued a Class “G” license may carry a .38 caliber revolver; or a .380 caliber or 9 millimeter semiautomatic pistol; or a .357 caliber revolver with .38 caliber ammunition only; or a .40 caliber handgun; or a .45 ACP handgun while performing duties authorized under this chapter.

The membership was promised a set of new sample contracts These were supposed to be ready in January. We are currently reviewing the final draft and hope that these will be released in February. I apologize for the delay but we wish to get this right and release all three of the contracts once the final review has been completed.

In closing , I look forward to seeing you at some of the local area meetings and at the up coming confer-ence. The conference information is available on the FALI website. I can not over emphasis enough that if you are planning on attending the conference, please reserve your room. The hotel we are at this year has less rooms in total then some of those we have used in the past. Because of this , and our history of selling out our room block during the past three years , I hope you will book your room in advance.

I look forward to the celebration of FALI”s 20th Anniversary . I know that this conference will be an exceptional event .

TimTim O’RourkeFALI President

Page 5: ISSUE · 2018. 4. 4. · 2 Call for Articles We are seeking articles for our next issue of the FALI Forum – from Private Investigators and support staff with experience in the following


Tim O’Rourke President T: (727) 463-3515 E: [email protected] Burt Hodge, CFE, FCI Vice President T: (850) 561-3990 E: [email protected] John P “Jack” Belich Secretary T: (877) 724-9253 E: [email protected] Heather Fredericks Treasurer T: (863) 603-7843 E: [email protected] FALI Area Directors (Pg. 13) Tampa Bay: Grady Snyder Orlando: Ollie Phipps Jacksonville: Kimberly Campbell Tallahassee: Ric Field Broward/Dade: Jan Rutter Palm Beach: Alan Moffatt Fort Myers: Walt Zalisko

FALI Committee Chairpersons:

Advisory Committee: All Past Presidents Conference Committee: Rory McMahon Elections Committee: Jack Belich Legislative Committee: Burt Hodge Scholarship Committee: Scott Kamp Additional Committees/Support: Administrative Support Amy O’Rourke Membership Committee: ALL MEMBERS Publication Committee: Kathryn McMillan Vendor / Advertising: Tim O’Rourke

URL: or

As we begin 2014 I hope that y'all are enjoying the new year and looking ahead with expectation. As I reflect back on this past year I can see that this association has made some big strides. We have transitioned a new constitution and bylaws and have put on another great educational conference. We have helped the newer investigator learn the basics and have given the experienced investigator an opportunity to learn some new things about this profession. There are many more things personally and professionally that happened this year that cause me to anticipate 2014 but I won't bother you with the details; suffice it to say that good things are on the horizon.

Since the president is well and working hard for us my duties as the vice president are pretty much taken care of. As the chair of legislative committee I am taking a look at the upcoming session and not seeing much in the way of issues for our profession. I am currently looking at a bill that deals with domestic violence issues as it relates to injunctions and address confidentially and am waiting for a look at the Department of Agriculture's bill to see what they are proposing. At this point I hear there should be nothing of consequence.

I am looking forward to celebrating with y'all in Tampa in May as we mark our twentieth anniversary. From what I am hearing from our conference planner extraordinaire, Rory McMahon, this will be the conference to attend in 2014. Lots of great speakers, a few surprises and the best networking opportunity available. I'm sure there are details elsewhere in the newsletter and the web site will have the most recent news so take a look and see what is planned.

As always, if I can help you with any association questions or issues relating to legislation, just let me know.


Burt Hodge, CFE, FCI

vice president

Page 6: ISSUE · 2018. 4. 4. · 2 Call for Articles We are seeking articles for our next issue of the FALI Forum – from Private Investigators and support staff with experience in the following


TUNE into The FALI Network Channel!

The FALI Network is the video channel for the Florida Association of Licensed Investigators (FALI). Since 1994 FALI has served our membership by hosting year round networking oppor-tunities throughout Florida, ongoing educational/professional development programs and both legislative/regulatory oversight. As it grows, the FALI Network will bring investigators together.

As the largest statewide PI association in Florida and the third largest in the nation we are the home of professional investigators. Logon to meet the new spokesperson of our FALI Network.

What will you find on this channel?

Quick and easy-to-follow tips on using our website at

Information about FALI sponsored programs

Investigator tips and tricks

Product and service reviews

Legislative and regulatory information

Professional development programs

Page 7: ISSUE · 2018. 4. 4. · 2 Call for Articles We are seeking articles for our next issue of the FALI Forum – from Private Investigators and support staff with experience in the following
Page 8: ISSUE · 2018. 4. 4. · 2 Call for Articles We are seeking articles for our next issue of the FALI Forum – from Private Investigators and support staff with experience in the following











What: NCISS 2014 Mid-Term Meeting and Hit the Hill Event When: April 6 - 8, 2014

Where: Hotel Monaco - 480 King St. , Old Town Alexandria, VA NCISS Room Rate $189 Reservations 800-546-7866 Registration includes Two Cocktail Receptions, Two Luncheons, Two Breakfasts, and Coffee Breaks. Rates: $125 Member, $95 Guest $500 Gold Sponsor, $250 Receptions Sponsor, $100 Luncheons Sponsor, $50 Coffee Break Sponsor

If you are unable to attend Hit the Hill, but still want to support the association’s good work, please send a donation to the Legislation Fund in the amount of $25, $50, $75, $100, $200, $300, $500 or any other amount. The Legislation Fund is used for Lobbying Expenses. All attendees to Hit the Hill attend at their own expense. Please Email to [email protected] or Mail Check to: NCISS, 7501 Sparrows Point Blvd., Baltimore, MD USA 21219. About NCISS: The National Council of Investigation and Security Services is The National Voice of the Private Investigation & Security Profession

NCISS Event Invitation: Hit The Hill!

The First Amendment Foundations’ ongoing monitoring of the state’s public records and open

meetings laws, and the education of government officials and the citizens they serve about those laws, the Foundation promotes the public’s constitutional right to oversee and to participate in the governance process. Download your own Electronic Sunshine Manual at

Upcoming Sunshine Luncheon, March 18, 2014, 11:00am - 02:00pm, Governor's Club - Tallahassee, FL Contact : [email protected]

The Texas Association of Licensed Investigators next major event is the 2014 Spring Conference at the Marriott Houston West Loop by the Galleria on March 7-8, 2014

California Association of Licensed Investigator upcoming events:

3/15/14: Newly Licensed Investigator Training and Enrichment (NLITE)

CSAC Conference Center, Sacramento, California

Save the Date! For more information, please logon to

6/5/14 - 6/7/14: CALI Annual Conference, Under the Microscope: Managing High Profile Cases to be held at Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort, Rancho Mirage, California

More info

Affiliated Association Conferences & Industry Meetings

Page 9: ISSUE · 2018. 4. 4. · 2 Call for Articles We are seeking articles for our next issue of the FALI Forum – from Private Investigators and support staff with experience in the following

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Page 10: ISSUE · 2018. 4. 4. · 2 Call for Articles We are seeking articles for our next issue of the FALI Forum – from Private Investigators and support staff with experience in the following










On a weekly, and sometimes daily basis I field phone calls and emails from folks who have completed their CC training and are now on

the lookout for that very important sponsor so they can apply for their license and start their internship.

I speak to everyone from that person who has been trying to find an internship for two years and has had no luck, to the one who finished their course two days ago and can’t believe sponsors aren’t lined up outside their door. The schools that offer the training are “supposed” to provide leads to their students but quite often… FALI is the lead, and that’s ok, after all, new investigators are the future of our industry. So what are the tools you need to find a sponsor?

As I tell anyone who inquires, especially those who are not new to the work force, it’s no different than any other job you have applied for where finding the job is a job in itself. Times have changed in this technological era but the basics are still the same. I know a lot of job applications are now done through the internet, in particular for large companies, but the PI industry, for the most part is still made up of smaller agencies that don’t use these fancy new methods to hire employees. There is still nothing like a good old fashioned, cover letter and resume to introduce yourself to a potential employer. How do you decide who to send it to?

The FALI Member Search part of the website can be an excellent tool for job seekers. All you have to do it put in the city you want to work in and a list of members in that area will be generated. The broader you are in your search (Hillsborough County vs. Plant City) the more potential employers you will reach. In addition, if you have already decided you want to specialize in one area you can narrow the search down even further. However, if you are just starting out, it’s probably not a good idea to limit yourself. From there, email and/or snail mail your resume and cover letter. You might even want to just start calling and finding out first

hand if they are hiring. While some might say no and rush you off the phone, if you even get one person willing to speak to you and offer advice, that is a step closer than you were before. Which brings up the most important piece of the job search puzzle — networking!

It truly is a “who you know” world. The more you put yourself out there, and the more people you meet, the closer you are to obtaining that coveted internship. And where is the best place to network and meet licensed PIs who could potentially hire you? Of course, your area FALI meetings.

When you attend a FALI meeting and start getting to know the members who are C licensees, even if they can’t hire you, they might very well refer you to someone who can. Keep in mind, you are likely not the only person attending the meeting who is looking for a sponsor. This is where you have to make yourself stand out.

When you attend meetings, have your resume with you to hand out. Collect business cards and follow up with a short email. If there is someone you particularly connect with see if you can stop by their office, or take them to lunch to pick their brain about the industry and how they achieved success.

The hard part is always getting your foot in the door but remember, everyone has to start somewhere. The more tools you have in your toolbox the quicker you will get to the next level.

(Note to you potential employers out there: This article is based on my personal past professional experiences as well as conversations I’ve had with our members. I would love for you to add to this for future Forums by either writing an article with your take on the subject, or, emailing me at [email protected] and I will put comments into a future article.)

“How do I find a Sponsor for my CC?” Submitted by Amy O’Rourke, FALI Administrative Director

Page 11: ISSUE · 2018. 4. 4. · 2 Call for Articles We are seeking articles for our next issue of the FALI Forum – from Private Investigators and support staff with experience in the following


Editor’s Note: Brian Kraft of Kraftytoons is available as a freelance graphic artist and can be r e a c h e d a t

[email protected] if you need a logo.

Brian is the son-in-law of a well known private investigator Warren Levicoff, and a Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma survivor. Brian has taken his experience and wrote a book, told from the perspective of his 9-year-old son, “The Year My Dad Went Bald,” which is a heartwarming and informative tale that will provide inspiration and guidance to any family facing a life-threatening illness.

More info

“Alright Billy I got the goods on your little girlfriend. According to some of the text messages I intercepted from her; your teacher totally has bad breath, Mandy Moore rulezzs and she is about to dump you for some cute guy in the

fourth grade who already has started to shave.” Happy Valentine’s Day!

Illustrative Credit: Brian Kraft Reprinted from February 2006 FALI Forum

Hello FALI Members

The FALI Board of Directors meeting will be held on Thursday, February 6, 2014 in Tampa at the hotel that will host our 2014, 20th Anniversary Annual Conference, the Hilton Tampa Airport Westshore. The hotel is located at 2225 - N. Lois Avenue, Tampa, FL 33607.

We will gather for lunch in the hotel restaurant at 12 Noon and we will tour the facility at 1 pm. The board meeting will begin immediately after we complete the tour, no later than 2 pm. Please be on time. It is President O'Rourke's desire to end the Board of Directors meeting no later than 6 pm. In addition, remember that the FALI Boot Camp is

scheduled for the

next day, Friday, February 7, 2014 at the S2 Safety and Intelligence Institute in Largo. The address is 13777 - Belcher Road S. , Largo, FL 33771. If any of you plan on staying overnight at the hotel, please contact Shelly Caruthers at 813-874-5009 before Friday, January 24, 2014. Shelly is holding a few rooms at a discounted rate of $149--you must go through Shelly to receive the discounted rate. Regular room rates are $219.

Please let me know if you will be in attendance at the meeting.

Jack Belich, FCI

FALI Secretary

Page 12: ISSUE · 2018. 4. 4. · 2 Call for Articles We are seeking articles for our next issue of the FALI Forum – from Private Investigators and support staff with experience in the following


Tim O’Rourke, Rory McMahon, Richard Harris and Dean Beers now are streaming on internet radio

Tim O’Rourke, CPS is one of four new hosts of PI InSIGHT—airing on the Global Investigators Media Group. is a

provider of news, commentary, help, how-to and perspective on the latest trends in the investigative field from seasoned and recognized experts.

Other hosts include, Rory McMahon, Richard Harris and Dean Beers.

All of shows are free to view and each live stream lets listeners watch shows being produced, along with other incidental coverage of regulator, legislative issues

and breaking news.

For more info:


Tim O’Rourke 15 Year Member Current FALI President #C-9900648 Dunedin FL Tel: (727) 463-3515

Rory McMahon 20 Year Member McMahon & Associates Detective Division #A-91-00261 Fort Lauderdale FL Tel: (954) 341-2001

Dean A. Beers Out of State Member Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC #PI-503 Fort Collins, Colorado Tel: (970) 480-7793

A big "Thank You" to all of Northeast FL FALI investigators for your donations!

I just wanted to send out a thank you to all that were able to attend the December meeting and participate in the food drive for the local food bank. I think it is safe to say that Margaret was in shock when she saw all of the donations collected. She was extremely thankful and grateful for those donations. In addition to the donations collected, Santioni's will be donating pasta dishes to the food bank next week.

I'm very thankful for such a wonderful group of caring investigators. If you were unable to attend December’s meeting and would still like to donate items to the food bank, you can bring the items to the next FALI meeting at TGI Fridays.

Wishing everyone a blessed and happy New Year! Kimberly Campbell - FALI Northeast Florida Area Director Cross Investigations Agency, Inc. FL # A2800061

We are always looking for Members to Spotlight, so please submit any personal or

agency profile or even a compressive article on a topic you have expertise.

A big “Thank You” to Northeast Region

We ask all Members to submit

something to the editor!

Send to [email protected]

Page 13: ISSUE · 2018. 4. 4. · 2 Call for Articles We are seeking articles for our next issue of the FALI Forum – from Private Investigators and support staff with experience in the following


There was a recent article in FORBES that a “proven formula for successful entrepreneurs is: Your Wisdom + My Wisdom = More Success.” The article went on to say, “If you ask any successful entrepreneur about the reasons for their success — I guarantee you (unless they’re complete ego maniacs) they will mention their “team” as playing a major role. Ask Bill Gates. Ask Jack Dorsey. Ask Richard Branson. But what if you call yourself a “solo-preneur”? Does putting together a team still apply? Absolutely. You are not a one-man (or woman) band, even if you think so. The bottom line is every successful entrepreneur needs to build a team around them. A team motivated toward the same vision and goals... And don’t forget — your vendors, contractors, mentors and partners all play a major role on your team as well.” And part of that team is FALI! FALI Members meet monthly at networking meetings to share ideas and knowledge. By sharing and participating, you can only GROW as an investigator… and as a person! FALI has so much to offer, but remember – you get out of it what you put into it. So get involved with your area meetings. Even if the speaker is speaking on a topic you already know about, or a topic you feel is of no use to you, your presence there could make a huge difference in someone else’s life! Besides, you never know, when you are going to meet someone that has that pearl of wisdom, or a contact or connection that could change your life, or your business. By all of us working together to help each other, the more business it will bring to the industry, thus more business to you! We should never fear, “if I share what I know, someone will get my piece of the pie”. Why? Because the more we share and give, the bigger the pie gets, thus the bigger the slice for everyone. Do something nice for yourself, your agency and our industry and attend -- and participate -- in a FALI networking meeting! Just something to think about. Submitted by FALI Miami-Dade/Broward Director—Jan Rutter of Rutter Investigations LLC FL#A 2900144. She can be contacted at 305-790-6288 or by email at [email protected]

Executive Board

Tim O’Rourke

President T: (727) 463-3515 [email protected]

Burt Hodge CFE, FCI Vice President

T: (850) 561-3990 [email protected]

John P “Jack” Belich

Secretary T: (877) 724-9253 [email protected]

Heather Fredericks

Treasurer T: (863) 603-7843

[email protected]

Area Directors


Citrus • Hernando • Hillsborough • Manatee• Pasco• Pinellas• Polk• Sumter

Area Director: Grady Snyder:

T: (813) 361-8559 [email protected]


Bay• Calhoun • Escambia • Franklin • Gadsden• Gulf• Holmes• Jackson• Jefferson• Leon• Liberty• Madison•

Okaloosa• Santa Rosa• Taylor• Wakulla• Walton• Washington•

Area Director: Ric Field

T:850 807-7100 [email protected]


Alachua• Baker• Bradford• Clay• Columbia• Dixie• Duval• Flagler•

Gilchrist• Hamilton• Lafayette• Levy• Marion• Nassau• Putnam• St. Johns•

Suwannee • Union • Area Director:

Kimberly Campbell T: (904) 230-1331

[email protected]


Brevard • Lake • Orange• Osceola• Seminole• Sumter• Volusia•

Area Director: Oliver “Ollie” Phipps

T: (407) 273-6646 [email protected]


Includes: Charlotte• Collier• DeSoto• Glades• Hardee• Hendry• Highlands• Lee•

Area Director: Walt Zalisko

T: (855) 444-7448 [email protected]


Indian River• Martin• Okeechobee• Palm Beach• Saint Lucie•

Area Director: Alan Moffatt

T: (561) 348-4387 [email protected]


Broward • Dade • Monroe Area Director:

Jan Rutter T: (305)790-6288

[email protected]

FALI Board of Directors 2013—2014

Sharing Information Member-to-Member

If you have beneficial member to member information to

share, send to [email protected]

President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Director Area 1 Director Area 2 Director Area 3 Director Area 4 Director Area 5

License Stats as of 12/31/2013 Private Investigators “C” 7,799 PI Interns “CC” 1,648 PI Agencies “A” 2,839 PI Agency Branch “AA” 23 Statewide Firearm Lic “G” 26,673

Stay tuned for PIRSAC meeting announcement coming soon!

Page 14: ISSUE · 2018. 4. 4. · 2 Call for Articles We are seeking articles for our next issue of the FALI Forum – from Private Investigators and support staff with experience in the following


Join us in Tampa May 1-3, for the 20th Annual Conference and Exhibit Show The Florida Association of Licensed Investigators (FALI) has a long history of providing cutting edge education on the most relevant topics of the day. The FALI 2014 Conference promises to be the best opportunity in Florida to enhance your knowledge, further your career, increase your earning potential, and network during this event dedicated to investigative professionals. During this event you will meet renowned keynote speakers. You can attend several tracks on subjects that can provide you with information to take home and apply to your business or skill sets right away. If you like, extend your time with our Pre- Conference Special Seminars. To get started you can reserve your room at the host hotel and register for the conference online or by printing a registration form and mailing it to us at FALI PO Box 2896, Dunedin, FL 34697 or e-mail it to us at [email protected]. Just follow the links provided online and/or contact us. QUICK FACTS & INFORMATION: Location: Hilton Tampa Airport Westshore 2225 N. Lois Ave., Tampa FL 33607 Reservations Tel: (813) 877-6688 FALI Discount Group Code: FALI14 $99. Room Rate, (does not include sales tax) FREE Parking and Wi-Fi Rates: FALI Members: $225 before April 10th Non-Members: $275 before April 10th


Page 15: ISSUE · 2018. 4. 4. · 2 Call for Articles We are seeking articles for our next issue of the FALI Forum – from Private Investigators and support staff with experience in the following


Page 16: ISSUE · 2018. 4. 4. · 2 Call for Articles We are seeking articles for our next issue of the FALI Forum – from Private Investigators and support staff with experience in the following


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Page 18: ISSUE · 2018. 4. 4. · 2 Call for Articles We are seeking articles for our next issue of the FALI Forum – from Private Investigators and support staff with experience in the following


** It’s Not About the Box of Chocolates**

This is the first editorial in years that I actually have nothing to say. Hmmm… let me dig deep here into the creative mind and make a deal with my muse.

I could share with you how I’ve tackled and completed more tasks this month than I usually get done in a quarter. I credit my new computer tablet to my success. I used to put just some things in my electronic calendar, most things on my small paper pocket calendar and loads of stuff on sticky note to-do lists. But this year I went electronic becoming more organized than ever! Yes, folks—I have surrendered to the cloud.

Once upon a time I remember that being a bad thing in high school when the teacher caught me daydreaming. But joking aside, I know talk-to-text, talk-to-email, talk with Siri (of whom I have a love-hate relationship), and I speak smartphone! I am hands-free and can dictate my reports again, because years ago when the TTY computer programs that were so popular, really only heard grade school verbage.

What took me so long to go global? Those who know me as a tech-junkie were surprised too. After I went on a selling rampage last year, unloading lots of outdated cameras, video gear and “other” electronic equipment —I found myself wanting to replace things with a simpler outlook. I’m not one who buys the latest and greatest. I like to let someone else drive the car off the lot. My method is tedious researching, scouring reviews, talking with colleagues and waiting until I can get it cheaper than full retail! Once committed to buying, comes the learning phase breezing thru manual, wading through all the crappy video channels to learn more, but today I have the attitude that less of more. Lightening my load, streamlining the process. Today it doesn’t matter to me how many pieces of chocolate come in the box, it’s about what’s inside that matters! Well, my calendar just told me it’s time to go to press with this issue—enjoy the sweets!

About the Editor: Kathryn is a licensed PI at Evidence Video Investigations, Inc. #A2400305 specializing in evidence documentation based in Daytona Beach serving Florida’s US1, A1A and Highway 40 Corridors.

Publication Committee:

Kathryn McMillan Editor T: (386) 761-5540 E: [email protected]

Got Comments?

Got Corrections?

Got News?

Got Suggestions?

Submission Guidelines Read Page 2 Newsletter Team: Kathryn McMillan (Editor) Brian Kraft (Illustrator)

FORUM Editor’s Café

Invest in Your Newsletter!

Advertising Pages Sizes for FALI Forum Newsletter and the FALI Membership Directory

Email: [email protected] *Rate x6 issues

Full Page

(7.5” x 10.”)

$425/issue Half Page

(7.5” x 4.75”)


1/4 Page (3.5” x 4.75”)


Business Card





Page 19: ISSUE · 2018. 4. 4. · 2 Call for Articles We are seeking articles for our next issue of the FALI Forum – from Private Investigators and support staff with experience in the following

We helped you find your skip.We even found his college roommate.

Sorry we couldn’tfind your car keys.


Page 20: ISSUE · 2018. 4. 4. · 2 Call for Articles We are seeking articles for our next issue of the FALI Forum – from Private Investigators and support staff with experience in the following


SWEEPTEAM Electronic Eavesdropping Countermeasures

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PLACE YOUR Business Card

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Email: [email protected]

***Classified*** ADVERTISING

as low as $35

Post a job opening Sell your used equipment List other deals and offers

Email: [email protected]

Page 21: ISSUE · 2018. 4. 4. · 2 Call for Articles We are seeking articles for our next issue of the FALI Forum – from Private Investigators and support staff with experience in the following


Greetings FALIians, FALIites & FALIiticians.

This is a reminder that the FALI website has a built-in form to report unlicensed investigator activity to the Division of Licensing.

As many of you are aware, unlicensed activity is a serious problem we have in Florida. These unscrupulous people are consistently taking money right out of the pockets of investigators and the agencies that pay to operate a legit business. In addition, unlicensed investigator activity has and will tarnish the image of the law abiding investigators by performing illegal activities, sloppy work, fraud, etc. and are a threat to the public safety and welfare.

Remember unlicensed activity under Chapter 493 for a first-time conviction is a misdemeanor. The second and subsequent violations are now a third-degree felony (Thanks to FALI's initiated legislation) with a civil penalty up to $10,000.

Even if you have a valid "C" or "CC" license, you cannot perform any duties of a "private

investigator" on your own or for another person or agency, without first being hired and/or sponsored by a valid licensed "A" agency. Such agency must also submit the proper paperwork to the Division of Licensing indicating the aforementioned hiring. Of course an exception to this would be a not for hire, in-house investigator, i.e., a person who works under the employment of a law firm for their own legal investigative purposes.

If you know of any unlicensed activity, please take the time and report it and let's get these people shut down. The job you save - could be you own!


Terry Roffler is a Florida Certified Investigator with Roffler & Associates, LLC since 1993 - A2200198 specializing i n Co r p o r a t e , C i v i l , Cr im ina l Investigations and Surveillance, Courthouse Research, Computer/Data Recovery. He can be reached at [email protected]

Editor’s Note: Contact an attorney for Chapter 493 legal interpretation.


Page 22: ISSUE · 2018. 4. 4. · 2 Call for Articles We are seeking articles for our next issue of the FALI Forum – from Private Investigators and support staff with experience in the following








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Florida Association of Licensed Investigators Post Office Box 2896 Dunedin, FL 34697