israel experience for europe

Israeli Financing Innovation Schemes for Europe Final Report Published by the University of Pavia The University-Enterprise Liaison Ofce

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Page 1: Israel Experience for Europe




Schemes for


Final Report

Published by the University of PaviaThe University-Enterprise Liaison Offi ce

Page 2: Israel Experience for Europe
Page 3: Israel Experience for Europe

Ifise Final Report






Vittorio Modena (P.I.) Gil Avnimelech

Margherita Balconi Roberto Del Giudice

Yigal Erlich Matteo Facoetti Tobia Fiorilli

Amnon Frenkel Patrizia Gattoni Anna Gervasoni Dan Kaufmann Aric Leibovitch

Chen Levin Michal Miller

Gordon Murray Peter Nijkamp Fabio Palmieri

Francesco Pellizzari Arie Sadovski Daniel Shefer Morris Teubal

Paola Vita-Finzi

This document was developed and edited by Vittorio Modena ([email protected])

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Executive Summary 1

Introduction 4

Chapter 1 The Yozma Programme, or How to Create a Venture 6 Capital Industry from Scratch

1.1 The Yozma Programme - Definition Process and its 6 Final Structure

1.2 Validation of the Yozma Programme 8

1.2.1 Economic Impact - Output Indicators 9

1.2.2 Economic Impact - Outcome Indicators 11

1.3 The Israeli VC Evolution - Main Features 13

1.4 Success Factors, Lessons and Issues from the Yozma 14 Programme and the Evolution of the Israeli VC Industry

1.5 Conclusions 19

Chapter 2 The Technological Incubators Programme and the Provision 20 of Seed Capital to Research-Intensive New Firms

2.1 Programme Background and Operation 20

2.2 Validation of the Technological Incubators Programme 22

2.2.1 Economic impact - Output indicators 22

2.2.2 Economic impact - Outcome indicators 27

2.3 Evolution of the Technological Incubators Programme 29 Over Time

2.4 Success Factors, Lessons and Planning Issues from the 31 Technological Incubators Programme and its Evolution

Chapter 3 The Italian Innovation System and its Potential for High-tech 38 Start-ups

3.1 General Characteristics of the Italian Innovation System 38

3.2 High-tech Activity per Sector and Geographical Region 40

3.3 The Electronics and Telecommunication Sector 45

3.4 The Biotech Sector 47

3.5 The Supply of Private Seed and Venture Capital Sources 49

3.6 Public Incentives to Innovative Firms in Italy 53

3.6.1 The EU regulations 53


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3.6.2 Law 297/99 and the incentives to research 54 operated by new firms

3.6.3 Regional programmes 54

3.6.4 European programmes 54

3.6.5 The Startech programme 55

3.6.6 Laws 95/95 for the incentive of juvenile 56 entrepreneurship

Chapter 4 A Proposal for Seed and Venture Capital Schemes in Italy: 58 Four Projects

4.1 General Planning Orientations 58

4.2 Project 1. Rotational Seed Capital Funds for New 62 High-tech Companies in Regions with High Potential

4.2.1 Motivations behind the project 62

4.2.2 Project outline 63

4.2.3 Requirements for seed funds’ management companies 65

4.2.4 Additional criteria for the selection of the 65 management company

4.2.5 Fund of funds’ role and monitoring 66

4.2.6 Qualified supporting institutions 67

4.3 Project 2. Biotech-Pharmaceuticals Incubators 68

4.3.1 Motivations behind the project 68

4.3.2 Basic facts and guidelines used for planning 68

4.3.3 Programme definition and incentives 69

4.3.4 Investment rules 70

4.3.5 Qualified management companies 70

4.3.6 Selection criteria for management companies 71

4.3.7 Role of the central agency and monitoring 71

4.3.8 Possible launching institutions 72

4.4 Project 3. VC Funds for Depressed Regions 73

4.4.1 Motivations behind the project 73

4.4.2 Description of the proposed project 73

4.4.3 Qualified management companies 75

4.4.4 Rules of investment 75


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4.4.5 Monitoring 75

4.4.6 Possible launching institutions 75

4.5 Project 4. A Coordinating Institution for High-tech 76 Industries’ Incentive Policies

4.6 Recommendations for Future Research and for the 77 Definition of Innovation Policies

Acknowledgements 78

Bibliography 79


Table 1.1 - Original Yozma Funds and their Evolution 9

Table 1.2 - Growth Rate of Yozma-Affiliated Companies vs. a Sample 12 of Non-Yozma-Affiliated Companies

Table 1.3 - Sales of Yozma-Affiliated Companies vs. a Sample of Non-Yozma- 13 Affiliated Companies

Table 2.1 - Graduating Projects that Succeeded in Securing Financial 23 Support, by Location

Table 2.2 - Sectorial Distribution of Incubated Projects as Opposed to a 25 Representative Sample of High-tech Firms in Israel

Table 2.3 - Project Initiators’ Level of Satisfaction from Services Provided 26 vs. Level of Importance Attached to these Services

Table 2.4 - Incubator Managers’ Level of Satisfaction 27

Table 2.5 - Previous Occupation of the Founders - “Incubator” Companies 28 vs. Generic Sample Companies

Table 2.6 - The Working Environment for the Genesis of the New Idea 29

Table 2.7 - Sales Revenues (2000) of Incubator-Graduate Companies 29 Vs. Non-Incubator Sample Companies

Table 2.8 - Average Source of Funding of Incubators, by Location 32

Table 2.9 - Project Selection Process in the 21 Israeli Incubators, by Location 33

Table 3.1 - Major R&D Indicators per Geographical Region 42

Table 3.2 - R&D Indicators per Main High-tech Sector and Local System 44

Table 3.3 - Electronic Components, Computer Hardware and 45 Telecommunication Equipment - National Basic Indicators

Table 3.4 - R&D Investments and Personnel in the Biotech-Pharmaceutical 47 Sector in Italy and in the Major Industrialized Countries


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Table 3.5 - Number of Investments and of Early Stage Investments in the 49 Biotech and Pharmaceuticals Sector - year 2001

Table 3.6 - Seed and Start-up Investments of VC Funds in Italy - year 2000 52


Figure 2.1 - Project Selection Process - General Flow Chart and Percentage 21 Approved

Figure 2.2 - Government Investment vs. Private Investments in Incubator 31 Graduate Projects

Figure 3.1 - Main Innovation Indicators, Italy vs. Europe 38

Figure 3.2 - Enterprises in the Biotech Sector in Main European Countries 48 per Country

Figure 3.3 - Internal VC Investments as a Percentage of GDP 50

Figure 3.4 - Early Stage Investment by Italian VC Funds by Region 51 (2000 - 2001)

Figure 3.5A - Major Objective 1 (depressed) Areas 57

Figure 3.5B - Concentrations of Inventors 57

Figure 4.1 - Scheme for Public Incentives to Seed Funds 64

Figure 4.2 - Public Incentive Scheme for Investment Funds in Economically 74 Depressed Areas

LIST OF ACRONYMS EC -European Commission

EU - European Union

GDP - Gross Domestic Product

IPO - Initial Public Offering

ICT - Information and Communications Technology

IRR - Internal Rate of Return

IT - Information Technology

IVA - Israel Venture Capital Association

M&A - Mergers & Acquisitions

OCS - Office of the Chief Scientist at the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Israel

R&D - Research and Development

VC - Venture Capital, Venture Capital Management Company


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This document represents the final results of the project IFISE (Israeli Financing

Innovation Schemes for Europe), which was supported by the European

Commission under the Innovation and SMEs programme of the Fifth Framework

Programme. Aims of this project were: (1) The validation of two Israeli

programmes: Yozma and the Technological Incubators Programme; (2) The

extrapolation of principles useful for the efficient creation of seed and venture

capital schemes in Europe; and (3) The proposal of public schemes for the efficient

creation of seed and venture capital sources in Italy.

All papers presented by partners in this project are available on the website

Results of the project indicate that the Yozma programme, launched in Israel in the

early 1990s, was an outstanding success. All indicators are consistent with this

affirmation and indeed suggest that this simple and relatively small programme has

created the current venture capital industry in Israel. It has thereby become a very

strong contributor towards the incredible blossoming of the Israeli high-tech

industry in the second half of the nineties.

The Technological Incubators Programme (T.I.P.) can also be described as

successful, having given opportunities to inexperienced entrepreneurs or to

initiatives in sectors that are uncommon in Israel. However, not all success

indicators are consistent and some improvements should be made to the


Some of the most important lessons derived from these two programmes are the


1. Public intervention for the establishment of seed and venture capital funds is

usually necessary and desirable. While for seed funds (€0.1-1 million) this has

to be continuous, in the case of start-up capital (€1-5 million) it should be time-


2. Venture capital for the high-tech industry is an instrument suitable only for

mature situations, i.e. for regions that already feature a strong potential for

high-tech spin-offs and some demand for private equity.


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3. The state should play a passive role in venture capital schemes. Any decisions

about investments should be made by professional and private entities.

4. If there are no special reasons to employ incentives aimed at specific sectors,

neutral instruments, i.e. instruments that are not reserved to firms in any one

sector, should be used.

5. Any targeted programme must be inserted into a context of innovation policy

which is integrated and interdisciplinary. For this purpose it is advisable to set

up an ad hoc agency able to manage policy for the high-tech industry.

The Italian Innovation System was analysed by means of various surveys and data

elaboration. The main results used as a basis for planning are the following:

1. Distinction between generally innovative firms and research-intensive firms is

crucial in Italy, where there is an abundance of the former, but very few of the


2. Italy lacks seed capital for the high-tech industry, especially in the regions that

have the strongest potential for high-tech start-ups.

3. Hardly any new biotech-pharmaceutical firms are found in Italy, despite large

markets and significant academic research.

4. Economically depressed areas in Italy lack venture capital activity in all

industrial sectors.

5. Existing public programmes for the support of new high-tech firms seem


Planning for investment schemes in Italy has led to the suggestion of four

proposals to the Italian authorities:

1. The creation of rotational seed capital funds for new research intensive firms in

the regions with the highest potential. The public incentive will be by way of

participation in the funds, with private investors given the option to buy the

public shares under privileged conditions. The programmes shall be repeated

every four years.

2. The establishment of biotech incubators in the areas with the highest potential

for this sector. These shall be linked to the best local university research

centres and will give financial, consulting and infrastructure support. Given


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that initiatives in this field have strong needs in terms of time and finance,

public support shall be particularly generous.

3. The creation of venture capital funds for depressed areas dedicated to all

industrial sectors. In this case, venture capital funds will be entitled to invest in

any industrial sector. Private investors will have the option to buy public shares

under favourable conditions. This program is meant to be a trigger for the

venture capital and private equity industry which is considered self-sustainable;

therefore, after a certain number of funds are established in each region this

programme will terminate.

4. The establishment of a National Institution for the coordination of all

incentives for the high-tech industry. This shall have a large budget, broad

capabilities and the power to launch, modify or stop any programmes for the

high-tech industry in Italy.


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In an attempt to follow the American example and create their own pool of New

Technology-based firms, several European countries and the European

Commission have directed much effort towards the creation of innovation policy,

so as to encourage employment, innovation and economic growth.

Among the many aspects of innovation, the availability of venture capital and

private equity is crucial. Various forms of venture capital schemes for the creation

or strengthening of an industry have been adopted since the second half of the

nineties. However, since most of these instruments are less than five years old, it

has been quite difficult to validate their performance and analyse their operation

over time [Dimov and Murray, 2001]. This makes the Israeli schemes particularly

interesting: not only have they contributed to the spectacular growth of the high-

tech industry in that country, but they can also point to a relatively long track


The aims of the IFISE (Israeli Financing Innovation Schemes for Europe) included

the validation of the Yozma and Technological Incubators Programme, the

extrapolation of lessons to be used by policy makers for planning financial tools,

and the actual proposal of practical plans to be implemented in Italy. In order to

reach its conclusions, the project underwent the following phases:





The thorough analysis of the Yozma and Technological Incubators Programme

in Israel by means of literature and field surveys, including interviews with

venture capital and incubator managers, entrepreneurs, and policy makers, and

a review of similar projects in Europe.

The extrapolation of success factors and various planning issues from the two

programmes, and from the review of similar European programmes, which

could prove useful for policy makers.

An analysis of the characteristics and potential of the Italian reality through

available data and targeted field surveys.

An analysis of public schemes for venture capital which currently exist in Italy,

plus an assessment of the availability of private venture capital by region and

industrial sector.


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The planning of adequate programmes for Italy by applying the lessons

gathered from Israel, and the consultation of senior experts in the Italian reality

as analysed in all its relevant aspects.

The involvement of Italian policy makers in the planning process and their

suggestions taken into account for the various proposed programmes.

It is important to mention that although academic papers will result from this

project, it is primarily meant to help policy makers define their instruments at

various levels. Therefore, a variety of planning issues are proposed, be these the

results of the surveys conducted in Italy and Israel, the interviews conducted with

various market actors, or the brainstorming that was done by IFISE partners at

various stages of the project. This document was written by Vittorio Modena who

has originated and coordinated the IFISE project. Whenever a result was obtained

by a different partner, the source is cited.

Results of this project have been made public by means of two workshops, in

Pavia, Italy, and Amsterdam, Holland, which were held in May, 2002. Many Italian

and other European policy-makers participated. Project results are also available on

the site:

Chapter 1 deals with the validation of the Yozma programme and the resulting

planning issues. Chapter 2 examines the validation of the Technological Incubators

Programme and its issues. Chapter 3 looks at the Italian Innovation System, with

some insights into the provision of private venture capital and the existing public

schemes for the support of VCs and new innovative firms, and Chapter 4 outlines

the proposals that were made to Italian policy makers.

The participants in this project wish to especially thank the European Commission,

which made the project financially possible under its Fifth Framework Programme.


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This chapter is aimed at presenting the results of the IFISE project associated with

the validation and analysis of the Yozma programme. The evolution of the Israeli

VC industry was also taken into account, as we have proceeded with extracting

lessons, rules of thumb, and stimulating thoughts with the goal of creating VC

industries in other regions. This part of the project has been carried out mostly by

Prof. Morris Teubal and Mr. Gil Avnimelech of the Jerusalem Institute for Israel

Studies [Teubal and Avnimelech, 2002]; when other research is employed, the

source is cited.

1.1 - The Yozma Programme - Definition Process and its Final Structure

The situation in Israel at the end of the 1980’s showed clearly that background

conditions existed for the creation of venture capital funds, but the venture and

seed capital funds themselves were lacking. Indeed, only one VC fund, Athena,

existed, with $12 million in available funds.

At that time, the policy of government subsidies to industrial R&D had begun to be

questioned by the Chief Scientist1 in charge, Mr.Yigal Erlich. He reasoned that

despite the good work carried out by professional evaluators before giving money

to private firms, the state could not be as effective as private investors. After

several visits to countries with strong venture capital programmes, he was

convinced that the future of Israel's high-tech industry was rooted in venture

capital, and that the state must make an effort to trigger its creation. Erlich and his

team also sought the advice of world experts, and of key figures both from Israel’s

high-tech industry and from Israel's Capital Market. They also assessed alternative

courses of action. This process of search, analysis and research led to the shaping

1 The Office of the Chief Scientist at the Ministry of Industry and Trade is Israel's most powerful R&D policy institution, commanding around $400 million annually.


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of their mission: to put in place a mechanism that would stimulate the creation of

venture capital funds in Israel. This plan can be summarized in the following






in order to create a serious venture capital industry in Israel, it would be

necessary to invest at least $200 million;

foreign organizations (venture capital funds, investment banks, etc.) will not

invest in Israel without significant incentives. Lacking such incentives, these

investors will turn to other countries with which they have experience and

whose markets they know well;

it is important to ensure that there would be no monopoly in a new market;

it is important to promote learning within the industry, such that when

support for the program ends, the VC industry would continue to operate and

develop; to ensure a minimum of government intervention in the fund's

management; and last but not least, to ensure that the proposed program

would in fact be implemented.

It was clear to Yozma promoters that the existence of background conditions was

not in itself sufficient to assure success; it was crucial also to assure the positive

involvement of the various government bodies in order to implement real change.

In order to assure the Treasury’s support, some of that body's members became

part of the program team and participated in the discussions at the planning stage.

Two instruments were considered: (1) the creation of a large $200m fund with

government investment, and (2) the creation of a large number of smaller VC funds

with a total sum of $200m.

The first option was supported both by the Ministry of Treasury, and by a large

international investment company which tried to achieve a monopoly of the

government incentives. However, Erlich was committed to the principle of

avoiding monopolies; therefore the second option was finally adopted.

Another interesting issue was the decision of the size of government investment.

Some proposed that the government invest up to 80% of the fund's equity, but this

proposal was objected to, even by the private sector consultants. The 50-50 option

had also been discussed, and finally it was decided that government investment be

limited to 40%. The final assets of the Yozma programme were as follows:


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Yozma would be organized as an independent entity under contract to the

Office of the Chief Scientist;

the government would allocate $120 million to the fund of funds Yozma,

which would participate in VC funds, with up to 40% and up to $8 million

(whichever the lower of the two figures). A small part of that sum would be

used for one venture capital fund to be run by Yozma itself.

the new funds would be managed by private management companies;

investors in the new funds would have the option to buy government shares at

their original cost +7% annual interest;

the state will withdraw from the programme after 7 years;

the investors' team must include a foreign partner with expertise in VC


the investors' team must include a local financial partner.

It should be mentioned that parallel to Yozma, in 1992, the "Inbal" Program was

implemented. Its central idea was to stimulate VC funds by guaranteeing the

downside of their investments. The mechanism used was the creation of a

Government Insurance Company (“Inbal”) that provided a 70% guarantee to VC

funds which are traded in the stock market (calculated as 70% of the value of their

public issue). The program imposed certain restrictions to the investments of the

‘protected’ funds.

"Inbal" was not a great success. Four funds were established - Mofet, Marathon,

Teuza, and Sdot Mop. Their valuations in the stock market were like those of

Holding Companies (low valuations). The funds encountered bureaucratic

problems and had to go to great lengths to prepare regular period reports.

Eventually, all of the funds attempted to leave the program, i.e., they renounced

their guarantees in order to free themselves from the bureaucratic restrictions,

which they eventually succeeded in doing.

1.2 - Validation of the Yozma Programme

Validation of the Yozma programme has been carried out by a series of indicators.

We have divided these into Output Indicators, i.e., what has been the direct result

of the operation of the Yozma programme; and Outcome Indicators, i.e., what is


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believed to have been the long term indirect result of the programme. It should be

mentioned that while the first set of indicators very accurately depicts the

programme's operation, the second can only be regarded as a general picture of the

VC industry. Indeed, many factors may have affected the incredibly fast evolution

of the Israeli VC industry in the 1990's. Unless otherwise mentioned, these

indicators have been measured by Prof. Teubal and Mr. Avnimelech of the

Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies [Teubal and Avnimelech, 2002].

1.2.1 - Economic Impact - Output Indicators

The output indicators which have been measured are as follows:

1 - Number of new funds launched. Yozma has directly created 10 funds. The

funds’ names, their present size and principal foreign investors are shown in Table


Table 1.1 - Original Yozma Funds and their Evolution

Original Foreign Investor Fund’s Name Original State

Contribution (M$)

Present Capital under Management (M$)-

year 2000 (*)

Daimler-Benz (DEG) Eurofund 8 72

Advent (USA) Gemini 8 350

Van Leer Group (NL) Inventech 8 100

Oxton (USA/Far East) Jerusalem Ventures Partners 8 255

MVP (USA) Medica 8 70

AVX, Kyocera (JP) Nitzanim-Concord 8 270

CMS (USA) Polaris 8 700

TVM (DEG) & Singapore Tech Star 8 600

Vertex International VERTEX 8 150

Walden (USA) Walden 8 120

Yozma Yozma 20 180

Total 100 2870

Source: Sadovski, 2001a (*) – Size of the first fund raised was around $ 20m


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2 - Number of management companies created. Ten management companies were

created. In the beginning, each management company was directing only one fund.

The creation of ten specialized management teams was of huge importance.

2A - Number of employees in the management teams. The management teams

created by Yozma had more than 30 new partners and approximately 100 new


3 - Amount of money allocated from private sources to investment in new high-tech

industries. Yozma has directly caused the allocation of $150m from private funds

to high tech start-ups.

4 - Number of highly reputable VC organizations that entered the market as a

result of the project. Having required the participation of international partners of

prime importance, Yozma caused 5 high-reputation entities (Advent, Daimler-

Benz, Walden, Vertex and TVM) to enter the Israeli market, thereby creating a

positive reputation for Israel even before the first successful exits occurred (see

table 1.1).

4A - Variety of reputable investors that entered the market as a result of the

project, by type of investor. In order to achieve an optimal mix in the market, the

program aimed at attracting reputable investors in the following different

categories: investment banks, strategic partners, private equity funds, U.S. business

angels and U.S. pension funds.

5 - Number of high-tech companies that have received venture capital from a newly

created fund. The 10 Yozma funds have supported 256 high-tech firms during their


6 - Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of the funds. Although IRR could not be measured

precisely, it is known that Yozma funds were very successful.

At least 4 Yozma funds (40% of the funds) had an IRR of more than 100%.

7 - Number (percentage) of exits out of total investments of Yozma funds. Yozma

funds succeeded in exiting in 70 cases (27.3% of their investments); out of these 38

(14.8%) were IPO’s (Initial Public Offering) and 32 (12.5%) were M&A (Mergers

and Acquisitions).


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8 - Opinion of venture capital funds' managers about the importance of the impact

of the Yozma programme. All of the VC managers that were interviewed (a total of

15 both from Yozma and other funds) believed Yozma to be one of the major

triggers of the growth of the Israeli VC industry.

9 - Contribution to initial critical mass: size of the total allocation to high-tech

start-ups as initiated by the programme, as a percentage of the total capital

available for start-ups in the first years. A government contribution of $100m to

the Israeli VC industry in 1993 was leveraged by $150m from private entities. In

general, out of the $440m managed until 1994, $250m originated from Yozma


10 - Number of funds as a percentage of total funds available in 1993-4. Yozma

has created 9 (the tenth was created in 1997), or 53% of the 17 funds existing at the


1.2.2 - Economic Impact - Outcome Indicators

The outcome indicators, i.e. impact indicators that were measured several years

after the programme was completed, were measured as follows:

1 - Total number of funds created by the management companies that were started

under the original programme. All of the 10 management companies that were

created as a result of the Yozma programme have created additional, subsequent

funds, although the Yozma programme no longer supported those funds. Thirty

nine funds have been created from the inception of Yozma until the end of 2001.

2 - Total capital under management of all subsequent funds. Total funds raised by

Yozma management companies add up to $3.2 billion (+$250m managed by

Yozma funds), as opposed to the total capital under management of all other 118

Israeli and foreign investment organizations active in Israel ($6.8b after eight

years). Fifty percent of all total funds can be related to the Yozma programme.

3 - Survival percentage of the management companies that were formed as a result

of the original programme. Eight years after Yozma's establishment, 100% of the

companies are still operational.

4 - Percentage of the Yozma funds that have used the option to buy government

shares. Of the management companies that were formed as a result of the original


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programme, 80% used their option to buy government shares in the funds after five

years (before the fund was closed), at a price of the initial investment plus 7%


5 - Size of the total allocation to high-tech start-ups initiated by the programme as

a percentage of the total capital available for start-ups several years later. A

government contribution of $100m to the Israeli VC industry in 1993 was a major

trigger to a total allocation of almost $10b during the years 1993-2001. This would

make the government contribution only 1% of the final result.

6 - Reputable investors. Out of fourteen strategic investors involved in Israeli VC

until 1997, seven strategic investors were involved in Yozma management

companies. Six out of twelve reputable investment bank investors previously

involved in Israeli VC until 1997 were involved in Yozma management companies.

Reputable investors were found to correlate positively with good performance of

the fund.

7 - Growth of start-up enterprises financed by Yozma funds. Table 1.2 compares a

sample of 24 firms that have been financed by the ten Yozma funds, as opposed to

a sample of 105 high-tech enterprises (a representative sample) in Israel. It is

evident that the first group outperforms the second [Sadovski, 2001].

Table 1.2 - Growth Rate of Yozma-Affiliated Companies vs. a Sample of Non-Yozma-Affiliated Companies

Years 1998 1999 2000

Yozma affiliation

Yozma affiliated

Non Yozma


Yozma affiliated

Non Yozma


Yozma affiliated

Non Yozma

Affiliated Number of respondents 13 48 15 55 17 63

Growth % Companies (% of total)

No Growth 46 64 47 51 24 41

1-40% 8 15 13 29 35 33

>41% 46 21 40 20 41 26

Source: Sadovski, 2001


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8 - Sales of Yozma-affiliated companies as opposed to the average high-tech

companies. Table 3 shows how the group of enterprises that were financed by one

of the ten Yozma funds clearly outperforms the compared sample of companies.

For instance, while 41.5% of the Yozma-affiliated enterprises sold for more than

$1 million in year 2000, only 18% of the sample companies did so [Sadovski,


Table 1.3 - Sales of Yozma-Affiliated Companies vs. a Sample of Non-Yozma-Affiliated Companies (*)

Responding companies (% of total)

Sales Yozma-affiliated Non-Yozma-affiliated

No sales 46 55

100k$-1m$ 12.5 27

>1m$ 41.5 18 Source Sadovski, 2001 *24 Yozma-affiliated companies were compared to 105 non-affiliated companies

9 - Rate of enterprises that went IPO. While 4.9% of Israeli high-tech firms

managed to raise money on the stock exchange, enterprises that were financed by

one of the ten Yozma funds reached a rate of 17.9% [Sadovski, 2001].

10 - Average number of employees in an enterprise. Yozma-affiliated enterprises

have 88 employees on average, while the average Israeli high-tech enterprise has

22 employees [Sadovski, 2001].

1.3 - The Israeli VC Evolution - Main Features

The evolution of the Israeli VC industry can roughly be divided into three phases:

the Yozma phase, 1993-1996; the expansion phase, 1996-1999; and the maturity

phase, 1999-2000.

The beginning of the VC industry in Israel (1993) is characterized by an excess of

demand and little competition, which made it easy for the first Yozma funds to spot

the right firms and to be successful in their resale. The typical size of these funds

was around $20 million, there was no specialization, and both investment and


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divestment sizes were relatively small ($1-2 million of investment per deal, $10-70

million of sales for the successful exits). There was very little experience among

Israeli managers.

In phase two (1996-1999), funds grew larger - $100 million - and more

experienced. Pension funds and a larger number of strategic partners invested in

Israeli funds. Many efforts were made during this period to develop links with U.S.

financial institutions. A trend to specialize both in specific sectors and financial

stages was also seen. Some funds even specialized into links with financial

institutions rather than industrial partners, and vice-versa.

Between 1999 and 2000, funds’ size continued to grow and reached $200 million

on average. In this period we saw the most important exits, like Chromatis, which

sold for $4.5 billion. There was a trend to link more directly with big strategic

partners such as Nortel, Cisco, AOL, Yahoo, etc. Israeli VCs had by now acquired

some good experience and they were not very different from their American

colleagues. Competition was fierce, as there was (probably) more money than good

ideas. Therefore, funds looked more into seed investment and started, for example,

taking equities in technological incubators. They also started investing in non-

Israeli companies.

In general, we can certainly see a learning process which led the Israeli managers

to acquire skills and links until they became experts. Their reputation grew

steadily, until the recession came (at the end of year 2000) and took the sector into

a deep crisis. At the time this report is being written, a hard recession has caught

the telecom sector, which is the most important industrial sector in Israel.

Competition is fierce and the sector is shrinking, with many management

companies going out of business.

1.4 - Success Factors, Lessons and Issues from the Yozma Programme and the

Evolution of the Israeli VC Industry

After analysing the history of the Yozma programme and the emergence of the

Israeli VC industry, the IFISE team led by Vittorio Modena has extrapolated the

success factors, the lessons, and the issues to be kept in mind when planning for the


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creation of a venture capital industry in another region. These have been discussed

at various occasions at IFISE meetings. A brief presentation of them follows.

1. Background conditions and the existing demand for VC

Venture capital can be used as a means of economic development in mature

situations, i.e. when background conditions already exist. Necessary background

conditions can be roughly divided into two categories: (1) The investment of

substantial funds into applied research both by the public and the private sector,

and the consequent presence of skilled personnel. (2) The existence of a few at

least partially successful ventures before the start of the programme.

While the first factor leads to potentialities and capabilities on the technological

side, the second factor is more linked to cultural attitudes and the motivation to

create new companies.

It is extremely important to check for background conditions before starting a

public scheme aimed at the creation of a VC industry. In this respect one should

not confuse the need to develop a high tech industry with the need to develop the

economies of disadvantaged regions, which, more often than not, have little

potential for high-tech.

2. The problem of timing and flexibility in R&D policy and how the Israeli system

copes with it

Timing has proven to be of the essence for the extraordinary success of the Yozma

programme. This factor was made up of components both cyclical and unique, the

former including the positive trend of the high-tech industry in general (e.g., as

measured by the U.S. NASDAQ index), and the latter, one-time events such as the

massive immigration from the former USSR and the concomitant lay-off of

scientific personnel in the 1980s. At the inception of Yozma, all these factors were


At first sight, finding the right timing for policy-making may appear as much a

gamble as any other; but deeper insight is gained from the analysis of the

operations of the Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS) at the Ministry of Industry

and Trade in Israel, the institution that shapes Israeli high-tech policy. The OCS

commands around $400m per year under the framework of the 1984 law for the

encouragement of industrial R&D. It is entitled to launch and stop R&D incentive


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programmes or to modify their rules, as well as to select projects for funding.

Decision making at the OCS takes no longer than a few weeks.

Uncertainty is a natural characteristic of high-tech markets, and the Israeli Office

of the Chief Scientist is an ad-hoc institution able to either take advantage of

opportunities or to stop useless public spending. Therefore it is recommended that

any region with high-tech potential should establish an institution such as Israel's

OCS, which is able to cope with sudden changes.

3. Capabilities creation, reputation and disclosure - initial involvement of an

international partner, as most of these firms are “global” oriented

One of the rules of the Yozma programme stated that, in order to be eligible for

incentives, a fund must have the participation of an experienced foreign partner.

This simple demand caused some of the most important VCs from around the

world to participate in the Yozma funds. The “social” importance of their

participation, in terms of image, and the crucial opportunity to learn from their

specific experience and international networking, has been thoroughly analysed.

This appears to be particularly important in the wake of increased market


4. Importance of the Israeli (local) body involved

Another condition for eligibility of a fund for the Yozma incentives was the

participation of a known Israeli financial body. This was the base for the necessary

local commitment and financial monitoring.

5. Public intervention as a trigger to the creation of the venture capital industry in


The Yozma programme was initiated in 1993 and privatisation was completed in

1998. Indeed, unlike seed capital provision, the start-up capital is supplied from

around the world, from well-established private funds. The role of public support is

therefore to trigger the emergence of the industry by generous incentives for a few

years, but it must not be intended as a permanent intervention.

The simple awareness that the state is involved only for a limited period of time

has led to more confidence on the part of private investors.


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6. The state as a passive investor

In spite of its significant share in the first Yozma funds, the state has never

interfered with decisions made by the funds’ managers. This has allowed for

market-oriented decisions.

A representative of the public sector was part of the Board only to make sure that

the VC fund was acting according to regulations, but he was not involved in the

process of decisions concerning investment [Erlich, 2002].

It appears that it is always important to decide at the outset under which rules the

state will withdraw from the programme. The reason for the state's withdrawal is

not only to allow the opportunity to increase the fund’s profit (in case this

possibility is given by the programme), but also in order to free the fund from the

bureaucracy involved with working with public representatives. Similar

conclusions were reached by Nijkamp, et al. [2001] who studied the case of the

Twinning Programme in the Netherlands.

7. A team with a strong technology background (both educational and working) is a

critical factor to success

Management company teams with strong technological backgrounds have been

shown to be more successful than average.

8. Upside vs. downside incentives

As has been shown in other cases [Murray, 2002], upside incentives (incentives

that cause funds to be more profitable in case of success) appear to be more

appropriate than downside incentives (incentives that limit the investors’ losses in

case of bad investments). The IFISE team reasoned that if guarantee schemes are to

be used, it is important to make sure that they apply only to passive investors such

as pension funds, and not to management companies or strategic investors who

actually influence the investments’ choice and support.

9. Avoid giving monopoly to any one fund

In the process of building the venture capital industry, Mr. Erlich, manager of the

programme on behalf of the Israeli government, took particular care that all public

funds were not controlled by the same management company.


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10. A variety of instruments for the market must be considered. It is important to

pilot and to be ready for failures or amendments

It was shown that the Inbal programme, which had been launched at the same

(convenient) moment as the Yozma programme, was much less successful. While

the reasons could be different (downside incentive, much bureaucracy), it is clear

that there is a need for flexibility; that is, the ability to launch different

programmes, or to amend existing ones continuously, so as to be able to cope with

any misjudgements from the beginning.

On the other hand, it is important to stress that any initiative should be at least

partially successful from the beginning. Indeed, programme failures cause poor

reputations both for the public institution involved and for the whole industry,

thereby inhibiting its development for the foreseeable future.

11. Fund size

Following the evolution of the funds over time it is clear that they have grown

considerably in size. Indeed, from an average of $20 million at the start of the

Yozma programme, the funds reached more than $500 million in 2000.

The implication for policy concerning this evolution may not be clear-cut, as there

always is a limit to the extent of governmental participation in private ventures.

Moreover, we reason that venture capital schemes are only needed where the VC

industry does not exist or is still in its infancy. Therefore, public participation in the

range of $8 million (which was the case in the Yozma programme) may provide

the right order of magnitude of public participation.

12. Funds and sectoral specialization

All Yozma funds but one (Medica, which specialized in medical devices and

biotech) had no restrictions for investments in any sector, provided that the

investee firm was high-tech.

With time, many funds tended to specialize in one or more fields, most notably

telecommunication and software, as this was where the strongest potential was

found. The two planning approaches most discussed were the following: (1) the

state should be absolutely neutral with respect to sectoral investment and limit

itself to checking that the investee firm are high-tech, and (2) the public sector


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should invest in those sectors that have a strong and unexploited potential in their


While both approaches are interesting and each has its rationale, the IFISE team

reasoned that it is quite difficult to identify the strong and unexploited sectors, and

that adding constraints to the fund managers is usually very badly perceived;

therefore neutrality seems to be the best alternative. An exception should be

envisaged for sectors that need particular infrastructure, such as the biotech-

pharmaceutical sector.

1.5 - Conclusions

Since the Yozma programme has been validated as an extremely successful one, it

comes as no surprise that various countries such as New Zealand, Australia,

Denmark, Korea, the former Czechoslovakia, Taiwan, and South Africa adopted

the same or similar schemes [Erlich, 2002a]. Many good lessons can be learnt and

different issues raised from the analysis of this programme.

In the framework of the IFISE project, analysis of the programme and the Israeli

VC industry has been used for extrapolating new lessons to be transferred to other

countries, and has then been applied to the Italian reality. Details on the analysis of

the Yozma programme and part of the extrapolated lessons are found in [Teubal

and Avnimelech, 2002], those on the comparison of Yozma-affiliated enterprises

and other Israeli companies are found in [Sadovski, 2002], additional extrapolated

principles and the application of the extracted lessons to the Italian reality are

found in [Modena, 2002].


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2.1 - Programme Background and Operation

In the wake of massive immigration of skilled personnel from the former U.S.S.R.,

the Israeli government decided in 1990 to establish the Technological Incubators

Programme (T.I.P), with the aim of both helping the immigrant scientists and

engineers find employment in their own fields of expertise, and of creating new

high-tech and export-oriented companies.

Between 1991 and 1993, 28 incubators were established around the country on the

initiative of large firms, universities, and local authorities, or a combination

thereof. An incubator is a not-for-profit organization providing financial support,

office space and professional consulting to each incubated project. It usually hosts

eight projects, which have the right to remain for a maximum period of two years.

The Office of the Chief Scientist at the Ministry of Industry and Trade grants

incentives to both the incubator management and the incubated projects: the

incubator is given up to $180,000 annually and up to 100% of its annual budget.

The projects are individually given up to 85% of their approved budget, plus up to

$150,000 annually, for a maximum of two years. Incentives are only directed to

individual entrepreneurs, as existing firms are not eligible subjects. As of the end

of year 2001, the T.I.P. featured:





23 technological incubators which have remained operational (5 have merged

with larger incubators);

200 projects currently operating;

8 projects on average in each of the incubators;

735 projects already have “graduated” from the incubators.In addition, the

T.I.P. has launched a framework programme for two bio-technological incubators

which are currently being set up.


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It should be mentioned that the T.I.P. only accepts projects that are both rooted in

research and development and have a high level of innovation and uniqueness.

Other selection criteria are that the projects have significant market potential, and

are feasible with the available resources.

The selection process follows various steps. First, the incubator’s manager, with

the help of a group of professional advisors, selects the most promising projects

from a multitude of inquiries. Then, together with the project’s entrepreneur and an

advisor, they prepare a “project folder” for submission to the incubator’s steering

committee (normally composed of academics, industrialists, and community

leaders), which gives its preliminary approval or denial to the funding. The final

decision is determined by the Central Incubators Administration in the Office of

the Chief Scientist, who may request the advice of additional experts. The

incubator manager’s opinion is the most influential. Approved projects are

evaluated anew after one year, and the decision is made as to whether to give them

a second year of support. Figure 2.1 gives an idea of the “deal flow” in the average


Figure 2.1: Project Selection Process - General Flow Chart and Percentage Approved

Step 1: Initiator inquiries (100%)

Step 2: Submission of project portfolios (56%)

Step 3: Incubator manager’s selection (37%)

Step 4: Incubator expert committee’s selection (11%)

Step 5: Chief scientist’s selection committee (6%)

Step 6: Approved project admitted into the program (5%)

Source: Shefer and Frenkel (2002) – See also Modena and Shefer (1998)


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In general, we might say that the T.I.P. is built in such a way that any entrepreneur,

regardless of his/her place of residence (incubators are almost everywhere), his/her

field of expertise (there is no sectoral restriction), financial situation (the state

provides most of the needed funds) or lack of experience (consulting is provided by

the incubator itself) has the chance to set up his/her own company. It also worth

noting that 84% of the entrepreneurs hold either a Master’s or a Ph.D. degree,

clearly testifying to the high-tech, research-oriented nature of their ventures.

2.2 - Validation of the Technological Incubators Programme

In order to validate the Technological Incubators Programme, we have again made

use of two sets of indicators: output indicators aimed at checking for the direct

impact of the programme, and outcome indicators used to evaluate the indirect

impact of the programme; that is, to measure figures that may also have been

influenced by other factors.

2.2.1. Economic Impact – Output Indicators

The output indicators that were measured for the Technological Incubators

Programme are as follows:

1. Number of incubators established since the programme’s inception

Between 1991 and 2000, 28 incubators have been established.

2. Incubator’s survival rate

After 11 years of operation, out of 28 incubators, 23 (82%) are still operational.

3. Number of incubated projects since inception and per year

Since its inception, 735 new enterprises have entered the incubators’ programme.

In 2001 there were 200 projects in all the incubators (an average of eight per

incubator). The average number of projects per incubator was the same as in 1996

[Modena and Shefer, 1998].

4. Graduation from the programme

In the years 1999-2000-2001, 235 (86.4%) of the 272 incubated projects have

graduated, that is, they have completed the two year period in their incubator

[Shefer and Frenkel, 2002].


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5. Percentage of enterprises which succeeded in securing financial support at the

end of the incubation period

According to Shefer and Frenkel [2002], 77.9% of the graduated projects have

succeeded in securing financial support (in addition to that granted by the

incubators) at the end of the programme. It should be mentioned that the year 2000,

in which the survey took place, is considered to have been exceptional in terms of

the large amount of venture capital offered in Israel.

6. Financial support securement by location

One of the objectives of the programme was to create industrial development in

economically depressed areas. Validation of the programme in this respect shows

that projects incubated in peripheral, non-metropolitan regions showed a lower rate

of success (67.9%). The metropolitan areas show a success rate (78.6%) close to

the average, and the intermediate region resulted in the highest (84.3%).

Table 2.1 - Graduating Projects that Succeeded in Securing Financial Support, by Location


Metropolitan region

Intermediate region

Peripheral region Field

Number % of Total Number % of

Total Number % of Total

1. Pharmaceutical (Drugs) 5 100.0% 4 100.0% 0 -

2. Medical equipment 16 69.6% 9 81.8% 9 75.0%

3. Chemicals and raw materials 18 90.0% 8 72.7% 6 60.0%

4. Mechanical engineering 13 65.0% 3 60.0% 4 57.1%

5. Hardware, communication, and electronic components 9 69.2% 4 66.7% 2 100.0%

6. Optical and precision equipment 10 71.4% 1 100.0% 2 50.0%

7. Biotechnology 1 100.0% 17 100.0% 8 80.0%

8. Energy and ecology 4 100.0% 1 100.0% 4 66.7%

9. Software 12 100.0% 12 85.7% 1 50.0%

Total 88 78.6% 59 84.3% 36 67.9% Source: Shefer and Frenkel (2002)


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7. Financial support securement by industrial sector

Table 2.1 shows financial securement by industrial sector. As can be seen, the most

successful projects are those in the fields of pharmaceuticals (drugs),

biotechnology and software. In general, Table 2.1 shows how the structure of the

Technological Incubator may be suitable for a wide variety of sectors.

8. Contribution to the variety of the economy

Variety has always been considered an important feature of any economy. This has

been seen very clearly in the last two years (2001-2002), where regions whose

industry was too strongly focused on the telecommunication sectors (like Israel and

California) suffered strong recession. The T.I.P. appears to contribute to variety

within the Israeli industrial structure by giving opportunities to entrepreneurs

operating in sectors that are not part of the strongest in the country. Indeed, as

shown by Table 2.2, the distribution of incubated projects among various sectors is

considerably different than that of a general sample of the Israeli high-tech start-

ups. It appears that firms operating in the major sectors of Israeli industry

(telecommunications, software, etc) did not need the support of the incubators as,

in all probability, private venture capitalists/investors were able to evaluate those

firms’ potential and invest in them. On the other hand, initiatives that were not part

of the “mainstream” sectors could find start-up opportunities in the incubators,

thereby contributing to crucial variety within the national industrial production.


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Table 2.2 – Sectorial Distribution of Incubated Projects as Opposed to a Representative Sample of High-tech Firms in Israel

Incubators General Field

Number % Number %

1. Drugs 19 9.1% 1 0.7%

2. Medical equipment 44 21.2% 15 10.7%

3. Chemicals and new materials 26 12.5% 4 2.9%

4. Mechanical engineering and industrial automation 24 11.5% 5 3.6%

5. Hardware, communication, and electronic components 17 8.2% 36 25.7%

6. Optical and precision equipment 18 8.7% 10 7.1%

7. Biotechnology (excluding drugs) 26 12.5% 10 7.1%

8. Energy and ecology 21 10.1% 0 0%

9. Software 13 6.3% 59 42.1%

Total 208 100% 140 99.9% Source: Data on incubated projects are taken from Shefer and Frenkel (2002), whereas data on the sample of Israeli start-ups are due to Sadovski (2001). The surveys were made consistent (and compared in Modena, 2002) as they were both carried out in the framework of the IFISE project.

9. Incubated projects initiator’s level of satisfaction of the incubators’ services

Table 2.3 provides for a subjective evaluation of the incubator’s services made by a

project’s initiator. In order to evaluate which features really matter in a technology

incubator, both the effectiveness of each service provided by the incubator (column

A in the table) and its actual importance for the setting up of a new firm incubator

(column B) were evaluated. To verify the importance of the incubator services

more strongly, a sample of Israeli high-tech entrepreneurs who were not linked to

the incubators were asked to evaluate the importance of each of the aspects in an

incubator (column C). Moreover, they were asked to state whether they would

expect government incentives to help for each of the incubator items (column D).

From the comparison of the responses we can spot those functions (services) that

are perceived as most important, and to which functions the T.I.P. does not give

serious enough response. These main services are: help in marketing and in links

with international collaborators, networking with strategic partners, and links to

financial sources. From this brief analysis we come to the conclusion that the T.I.P.


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programme cannot be validated with respect to these functions. The importance of

public financial support is also easily inferred from this table.

Table 2.3 - Project Initiators’ Level of Satisfaction from Services Provided vs. Level of Importance Attached to these Services

A - Inc. Initiators –

Satisfaction of incubator


B - Inc. Initiators - Importance attached to


C – Generic sample- of initiators -

Importance attached to


D - Consider government intervention appropriate Service (function)

Score (5 most satisfied

– 1 least satisfied)

Score (5 most satisfied

– 1 least satisfied)

Score (5 most satisfied

– 1 least satisfied)

Percentage of interviewees answering positively

Available suitable space 3.72 2.31 1.8 13.2%

Legal counselling 3.46 3.35 2.1 9.1%

IPR Protection 3.43 3.32 2.8 22.4%

Management support 3.43 2.74 2.2 11.9%

Financial support 3.36 4.68 4.2 40.6%

Strategic counselling 3.11 3.47 2.5 11.2%

Access to labor pool/ recruiting 3.06 2.63 3.2 13.3%

Links to financial sources 3.04 4.42 2.9 30.7%

Connections with suppliers 3.04 2.27 1.9 4.9%

Networking with strategic partners 2.98 4.08 3.5 25.9%

Professional network 2.90 2.82 2.4 4.9%

Market information 2.81 3.31 2.4 16.8%

International collaborators 2.80 4.15 3.3 34.3%

Marketing 2.74 4.17 3.8 31.5%

Source of technological information 2.56 2.78 2.0 15.4%

Advanced studies and re-training 2.46 2.52 1.8 18.2%

Number of projects 109 109 143 100% (143)

Source: Data on incubated projects are taken from Shefer and Frenkel (2002), whereas data on the sample of Israeli start-ups are due to Sadovski (2001). The surveys were made consistent as they were both carried out in the framework of the IFISE project.


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10. Incubator managers’ level of satisfaction

Incubator managers’ level of satisfaction of the program varies according to the

different proposed functions made available by the incubators. On a scale of 1 to 5,

with 5 showing the highest satisfaction, the average score given by 21 out of the 23

incubators’ managers for each service is shown in table no. 2.4. [Shefer and

Frenkel, 2002].

Table 2.4 – Incubator Managers’ Level of Satisfaction

Variable Score Std. Deviation Available suitable space 3.81 0.98 Legal counselling 3.81 1.17 IPR protection 3.67 1.20 Management support 3.67 0.97 Strategic counselling 3.52 1.17 Market information 3.48 1.03 Connections with suppliers 3.33 1.24 Access to inputs 3.29 0.90 International collaborators 3.24 1.22 Professional networks 3.19 0.81 Networking of plants 3.19 0.98 Sources of technological information 3.14 1.20 Networking with strategic partners 3.10 1.00 Financial support 3.00 1.26 Marketing 2.81 1.12 Links to financial sources 2.76 1.30 Access to labor pool 2.67 1.11 Advanced studies and re-training 2.52 0.87

Number of incubators’ managers: 21 Source: Shefer and Frenkel, 2002

When asked to point out the major barriers in running projects in the incubator, the

managers mentioned budget limitations and the lack of management knowledge

[Shefer and Frenkel, 2002].

2.2.2. Economic Impact - Outcome Indicators

This section presents the indicators of validity as measured 11 years after the T.I.P.

inception and which relate to the larger impact produced by the programme. Some


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of these indicators may well be influenced by factors other than the programme


1. Percentage of incubated firms as a share of total high-tech firms in Israel

Sadovski [2001] has shown that 14.7% of the existing high-tech companies in

Israel in 2001 were supported by the Technological Incubators Programme. This

percentage is quite significant when one takes into account that Israel has a huge

number of high-tech start-ups (according to some, it has the largest absolute

number in the world after the U.S.).

2. Percentage of entrepreneurs coming from academia (helping technology

transfer from academia to industry)

Table 2.5 and 2.6 are concerned with the (at least partial) validation of the T.I.P. as

a means of technology transfer from academia to industry. It is easily noted that

many founders of firms that pass through an incubator are much more likely to

come from the world of academia than founders of the rest of Israeli firms.

Table 2.5 - Previous Occupation of the Founders - “Incubator” Companies vs. Generic Sample Companies

Previous occupation (% of total)

Industry Academic and

research institution

Other occupations

Total Number of

Companies (100%)

Incubators Graduates 41% 36% 23% 22

Sample companies 78% 12% 10% 98

Source: Sadovski, 2001

3. Percentage of firms whose ideas came from academia (helping technology

transfer from academia to industry)

A second indicator was aimed at checking the contribution of the T.I.P. towards the

transfer of technology from academia to industry. Sadovski [2002] has checked the

environment in which the basic idea of the new product was conceived. Table 2.6

shows clearly that an incubator graduate’s new technologies are much more likely

to have stemmed from university research than from other high tech companies.


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Table 2.6 - The Working Environment for the Genesis of the New Idea

Companies (% of total)

Environment High-tech industry

Traditional industries

Academic institutions

High-tech & academic institutions


Incubator graduates 28% 11% 50% 11% 100%

Sample companies 63.5% 20% 15% 1.5% 100% Source: Sadovski, 2001

4. Total private investment in incubated or formerly incubated firms as opposed to

total public expenditures

As of the end of 2001, a total of $627m had been invested by private entities into

incubator projects, versus a total governmental investment of $254.1m; a ratio of

247% [Pridor, 2002a].

5. Sales revenues of incubator-graduate companies as opposed to sample


Table 2.7 shows the sales revenues of a sample of incubated companies as opposed

to a sample of high-tech companies in Israel. Incubator graduates seem to perform

more poorly than average.

Table 2.7 - Sales Revenues (2000) of Incubator-Graduate Companies vs. Non-Incubator Sample Companies

Respondents (% of total)

Sales Incubator Graduate Non Incubator Graduate

No sales 63% 52%

100k$-1m$ 37% 22%

>1m$ 0% 26%

Total 100% 100% Source: Sadovski, 2002

2.3 - Evolution of the Technological Incubators Programme Over Time

In the course of its 11 years of existence, a few changes have occurred in the

regulation and organization of the T.I.P., as follows:


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1. The initial effort of the public sector has proven to be successful in attracting

private investors. Figure 2.2 shows the cumulative investment of the private vs.

the public sectors. The latter reached the “break even point” (a situation where

the private investors endow as much money as the public) in 1998, and the gap

seems to be widening [Pridor, 2002a].

2. The number of incubators has diminished from 28 to 23, with 5 incubators

having merged with others.

3. Rules for the acceptance and management of projects, which are revised every

few years, have become slightly more flexible. In particular, the previous rule

by which at least 50% of the entrepreneurs had to be new immigrants has been

lifted. In addition, rules that posed limits to the wages of the workers have been


4. The rule that prevented the sale of intellectual property to foreign entities or

transfer of the company abroad is being substituted with a rule whereby if the

shareholders pay back to the state twice as much as their company was granted,

they are freed from such restrictions. This rule will apply to all governmental

high-tech programmes.

5. In spite of the success of the biotech and pharmaceutical (drug) related projects

within the existing incubators, the T.I.P. has found that the existing potential in

the country was not exploited, and that in order to do so it would be necessary

to create a new ad hoc programme. As a result, a tender for three biotech

incubators has been launched with some important new features: (1) Incubators

will include research equipment to be used by the projects. (2) Projects will be

permitted to receive the loan for three years (as opposed to only 2 years in

regular incubators). (3) The maximum governmental loan will be $1.8 million

for these projects. This is done by means of convertible bonds, i.e. if the

incubator is not able to refund the debt, the state will have the option to turn it

into shares of the relevant companies. (4) Contribution to management

companies is only for the acquisition of new equipment, up to 50% of the

approved budget [Web-Site Technological Incubators, 2002].

6. A pilot project for partial privatisation is being tested parallel to the T.I.P.

programme [Web-Site Technological Incubators, 2002]. According to this new


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proposal, incubators will be for-profit entities which will not receive any

budget for management. They will be entitled to state loans for projects, the

loans will become equity, in case the incubator is not able to refund it

(convertible bonds). The state loan is under condition to a series of rules,

including that the equity held by the incubators should range between 30-70%.

The new framework is being proposed first to the existing incubators [Web-

Site Technological Incubators, 2002].

Figure 2.2 - Government Investment vs. Private Investments in Incubator Graduate Projects









1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

- - - Government investment Private investment

Source: Pridor, 2002

2.4 - Success Factors, Lessons and Planning Issues from the Technological

Incubators Programme and its Evolution

1 - Importance of strong public support for seed finance

In spite of the enhanced involvement of the private sector, state contributions still

account for 64.4% of the incubated firms’ budgets. Venture capital funds, which

are supposed to be the most natural source of co-financing, entered in only 2.4% of

projects as they started and in 14% of projects after incubation. This data is

especially significant in Israel, where 52% of high-tech firms are VC invested. It


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also worth noting that in spite of very generous state contributions (up to 85% of

the budget; up to $350,000), both project initiators and incubators’ managers agree

that the provision of seed capital is the most important and necessary function for

setting up new high-tech start-ups. This finding is in line with extensive

international literature dealing with market failure in early stage financing of high-

tech ventures (Hall, 1989; Murray and Marriott, 1998; Oakey, 1995).

As we have seen in Chapter 1, public intervention for the creation of start-up

capital sources ($1-2 million) does not have to be continuous, as it only needs to

trigger the establishment of private sources that would become self-sustainable

after some time. The provision of seed capital has to be strongly supported by the

public sector, although private sources participate in the investments.

2 - Private funding to the incubator management team increases over time, which

means public intervention may be reduced over time (although not stopped)

Table 2.8 shows incubator budgets according to the nature of the sources (private

or public). Keeping in mind that state contributions accounted for 100% of the

budget at the beginning, these data show how the state's contribution has

diminished over time in relative terms. This can be explained by the fact that

private sources would not be interested in joining a new programme before they

have at least an initial record of it. On these grounds, we came to the preliminary

conclusion that when a new public programme is launched, there might be a point

in planning for a strong incentive at the beginning, which may then be reduced

with time.

Table 2.8 - Average Source of Funding of Incubators, by Location

Location of incubators Sources of funding Total

Metropolitan region

Intermediate region

Peripheral region

Total budget per average incubator (in $) $565,381 $602,111 $498,000 $566,286

Government funding (%) 38.0% 30.4% 36.9% 49.1%

Other sources of funding (%) 62.0% 69.6% 63.0% 50.9%

Number of incubators 21 9 5 7

Source: Shefer and Frenkel, 2002


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3 - Locational factors and the need for background conditions

The question of location is of extreme importance when we consider the problem

of where to locate facilities such as incubators or seed capital funds. Indeed,

economic policy oriented to the development of the high-tech sectors is often

confused (or wrongly combined) with policy aimed at the development of

depressed areas. It was pointed out (see section 2.2, point 6) that the T.I.P.’s

peripheral incubators performed less successfully than others. This could have been

linked to the lower number of proposals submitted to this kind of incubator, or to

the less stringent selection process (see table 2.9). The real issue turns out to be

that, in order to launch successful programmes, it is necessary to check the

existence of background conditions. It is imperative that there be a critical mass of

potential entrepreneurs (deal flow) and that subsequent sources of financing exist,

usually private venture capital funds.

Table 2.9 - Project Selection Process in the 21 Israeli Incubators, by Location

Total Location Metropolitan region Intermediate region Peripheral region

Filtering Process

(per average incubator)

Number % Number % Number % Number %

Number of inquiries 345 100% 397 100% 372 100% 259 100%

Number of proposals submitted

194 56% 232 59% 252 68% 104 40%

Incubator manager’s selection

126 37% 145 37% 152 41% 84 33%

Expert committee’s selection

38 11% 40 10% 30 8% 40 15%

Chief Scientist’s approval

21 6% 24 6% 17 5% 20 8%

Projects admitted into program

18 5% 18 5% 17 5% 20 8%

Number of incubators 21 9 5 7

Source: Shefer and Frenkel, 2002


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If background conditions exist, it appears that there is quite a good probability of

graduate projects remaining in the vicinity of the incubator, thereby contributing to

industrial development at the local level. This, at least, has been found to be the

case in Israel [Shefer and Frenkel, 2002; see also Modena and Shefer, 1998].

4 - Neutrality vs. sectoral specialization

The dilemma of whether to encourage sectoral or neutral incubators can be phrased

as follows. On the one hand, an incubator (or seed fund) focused on a particular

sector seems to be more efficient than one which accepts initiatives from any

sector. Indeed, the management team of a sectoral incubator/seed fund would come

from that same sector, and would be more competent both in the evaluation of the

proposals and in helping entrepreneurs network with partners to better define their

own product. On the other hand, a sectoral incubator automatically rules out the

opportunity for a wide range of initiatives, among which valuable ones may be

found. In other words, the deal flow of the sectoral investor is strongly limited.

From a public point of view, a sectoral incubator appears not to respond to the

criteria by which the opportunity to set up a new company must be given to any

valuable entrepreneur.

The question becomes even more difficult when the region for which the

incubators are planned is a small one, and only a few funds can be set up. Shall one

concentrate efforts into the one or few sectors that have the potential to grow and to

create the necessary critical mass, or just be neutral and let the market drive the

incubators’ deal flow and choices?

In the framework of the IFISE project, Shefer and Frenkel [2002] have shown that

in spite of the trend of most incubators’ managers to support specialization, and in

spite of a slight trend of existing incubators to actually specialize in two or three

sectors, no major differences were found between the performance of the more

specialized versus the neutral incubators.

The conclusion we reached is that there should be no restriction by the state as to

whether the incubator/seed fund should focus on one or more sectors, or be totally

neutral. However, extreme care should be taken in checking that the proposal is

consistent, i.e. the proposers should show why they decided to focus on particular


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sectors (e.g., what is the potential of the area in that sector? How is the

management team track record consistent with that choice?).

An exception should be made for sectors that need specific infrastructure, as in the

biotech/pharmaceutical sector, which should be dedicated through an ad hoc


5 - Integrative approach vs. division of functions

Generally the T.I.P. provides for a one-stop shop for high-tech entrepreneurs. It

includes all necessary functions such as seed money supply, professional

consulting and office space. According to Rina Pridor, T.I.P. Director [Pridor,

2002], this is of particular importance as it creates the necessary trust atmosphere,

involvement, and discipline necessary for the inexperienced entrepreneur. Also

according to Pridor [Pridor, 2002a], these are also essential factors in light of the

finding that 70% of project failures are attributed to the personality of the

entrepreneurs (20% to misunderstanding of the market, and only 10% to technical


6. - Evaluation by an expert network

The Technological Incubators Programme has set up a national database of experts

in almost all fields of science and technology. This is of crucial importance, as the

incubators are submitted for evaluation along with ideas that come from widely

varied fields, and it is often difficult to find an expert able to evaluate them,

especially at the local level. It is strongly recommended that incubators be

networked, and that they share the opportunity to get professional advice from a

large national database of experts.

7. - Transferring the firm abroad or selling the intellectual property

In general, the public authority that launches a support programme to high-tech

start-ups is usually interested in developing the economy of its area of jurisdiction.

Consequently, some authorities such as the Office of the Chief Scientist in Israel

have historically imposed various limits on the companies that received grants

from the government. These limits have caused considerable distress among

entrepreneurs, as the sale of either a company to foreign entities, or the sale of

intellectual property for a certain product, is common practice in the high-tech

sector. Israeli authorities have coped with this problem by introducing the rule by


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which a company is completely free to do as it wishes concerning the matter,

provided it refunds back to the state a sum which is the double of its financial


8 - The importance of the entrepreneur’s share

One of the most important rules of the newly incubated projects is that the

entrepreneur team owns at least 30% of the shares after the first round of

investment (entrance into the incubator). Indeed, according to Rina Pridor [Pridor,

2002], it is very important to keep the inventor, who has the necessary know-how

on the new technology used by the firm, motivated. By the same token, he should

be working as much as possible on the project, up to the ideal of his full time


9 - Enterprise governance and entrance of new investors

If the entrepreneur is crucial in the first stages of the venture, he can become a

burden after some time, when the firm should insert new investors, and by doing

so, make the entrepreneur less influential. Indeed, it has been shown that many

entrepreneurs are reluctant to relinquish control of their firms, thereby limiting its

growth. In order to cope with this, some incubators have been authorized to act as

trustees, and keep 20% of the shares in their hands with the power to sell them to

an external investor, without the prior acceptance of the other shareholders [Pridor,


10 - Importance of the incubator’s manager

Shefer and Frenkel (2002) have shown that the capability and motivation of the

incubators’ managers is crucial. "Growing" a new initiative is no easier than

running an existent and established one; therefore the manager and his team are to

be carefully chosen and adequately remunerated and motivated.

11 - University incubators and seed funds

Proximity to a university research centre has been shown to be a significant factor

for entrepreneurs in the field of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and medical

devices [Shefer and Frenkel, 2002]. This can also be linked to the higher academic

level that is usually held by such entrepreneurs.

Moreover, when establishing a university incubator or a seed fund, one should take

into account a few problems that are likely to arise:


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11 A - Conflict of interest. It may happen that due to research aspirations of the

university, researchers are tempted to use seed capital for funding their research

even though it is not market-oriented. For this reason, it is sensible to avoid a

university’s control over a seed fund, although it may participate in that fund. Also,

to avoid conflicts of interest, it is important to avoid either the incubator’s

management or the seed fund’s dependency on university management [Pridor,


11B - Professors as entrepreneurs. It is quite common that university researchers do

not have the managerial skills needed to set up and run the new company. There

are two ways to deal with this problem: (A) a professional manager coming from

the industry (possibly the same sector as the entrepreneur) is put in tandem with the

researcher, and becomes the firm’s manager. The researcher invests the necessary

time (typically one or two days per week) to provide needed technical advice, but

is still able to keep his position within the university; or (B) ad hoc business

courses are established for the inexperienced entrepreneur, and he has the

possibility to refine his business plan within their framework [Pridor, 2002].


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This chapter summarizes figures and characteristics of the Italian Innovation

System through the analysis of general indicators for high-tech activity, the

available start-up capital and seed capital sources, and the identification of

concentrations of high-tech activity. Findings on the Italian Innovation System

have been used as basic facts and data for planning the proposed projects which

will be presented in Chapter 4.

3.1 - General Characteristics of the Italian Innovation System

Figure 3.1 presents the major innovation and R&S indicators for Italy as opposed

to the EU average. It is easy to mark the sharp contrast between the first five

indicators (representing the Italian position in the high-tech industry), all

significantly below the EU average, and the last one (new-to-market products)

which is significantly higher than the EU average. In order to correctly interpret

this data, it is necessary to distinguish between two different and often misused

concepts: innovative as opposed to research-intensive firms.

Figure 3.1 - Main Innovation Indicators, Italy vs. Europe









Employment in high-tech Public R&D expense/GDP Business R&D expense/GDP High-tech sectors value added EPO high-tech patent applications New-to-market products

Source: University of Pavia elaboration on Eurostat and OECD data


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An innovative firm often changes its products, services, or its production processes.

It often (but not always) uses new technologies, but does not necessarily produce

them. When such a firm is founded, its time-to-market is usually not longer than

six months. Extremely common in Italy, this kind of firm usually deals with

incremental innovation or with the diffusion of existing technologies and their

adaptation to different kinds of customers. This has been the case for a large

number of Internet companies that were newly created in Italy in the 1990's. One of

them, Tiscali, has become one of the largest Internet service providers in Europe. It

is worth mentioning that even if the Internet can be regarded as a special case,

Northern Italy would still be well known for its many small and medium

enterprises in a variety of low and medium-tech sectors, from fashion to


On the other hand, a research-intensive firm is one that actually creates new

technologies or new products by means of scientific and technological research. It

has a large percentage of highly skilled personnel and a high R&S to turnover ratio,

and its innovation is often radical. With the creation of such a firm, a significant

financial effort is needed even before the first prototype is produced, and time-to-

market is no less than two years. 2

It is important to stress that, unlike “simply innovative” companies, research-

intensive firms are very rare in any part of Italy. Orsi (2001), for example, remarks

that while 80% of R&S industrial expenditures are sustained by firms with over

500 employees, only 2% are sustained by firms with less than 50 employees.

Given the different financial needs of innovative firms as opposed to the research-

intensive ones, and having established that the former are very common in Italy

while the latter hardly exist, policy orientation must distinguish between these two

kinds of activity. For this purpose a uniform policy for both innovative firms and

generic New Technology-Based Firms would be inadequate. For additional studies

on the Italian Innovation System please refer to Malerba, 1993; Malerba and

Gavetti, 1996 and Modena et al., 2001.

2 More on the importance of this distinction can be found in Oakey, 1995 or, in the Italian case, in Calderini, 2000.


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3.2 - High-tech Activity per Sector and Geographical Region

Since the Italian territory is large and non-uniform, it was found necessary to map

the potential for high-tech spin-offs according to various geographical areas. This

was especially important because, as was explained in section 1.4 (paragraph 1), it

is imperative that venture capital funds for the high-tech industry are launched in

areas where conducive background conditions already exist, and where there is

significant potential for high-tech start-ups.

Various data have been processed, such as R&S expenses, production units and

skilled personnel per region, as well as inventors3 per local systems4, and sector.

This part of the IFISE project, which was conducted by Modena et al, (2001), has

come to the following conclusions:

1. The region in Italy with the highest potential for high-tech start-ups is

Lombardia. Activity in this region is distributed among different sectors;

mainly electronics, biotech, fine chemistry, and industrial automation.

2. Italy does not have a comparative advantage in any of the high-tech sectors

except for industrial automation (to the extent that this can be considered a

high-tech sector).

3. The central and northern regions of the country have significantly larger

potential in the high-tech sector than the southern regions. This is especially

true for industrial research, but academic research is also stronger and more

efficient in these areas (see also Balconi et al, 2002; Murst, 1999).

4. Lazio, and Rome in particular, have a high concentration of academic research


5. Few significant local systems exist in Italy in terms of high-tech activity. These

include electronics in the Milan and Turin areas, biotech (pharmaceuticals) in

Milan and Rome, industrial automation in Milan, Turin, and Bologna, and, to a

lesser degree, semiconductors in Catania.

3 Inventors were defined as individuals who have filed at least one patent in a high-tech sector. This definition, and the use of inventors as an indicator of high-tech activity, has already been used by Ferrari et al [1999]. For the use of patents as a ST indicator, see OECD, 1994. 4 These are defined as job-intense commuting areas – see also ISTAT, 1998.


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6. Although the Milan area is by far the most active of the high-tech sectors, its

potential is divided into different sectors such that it cannot be considered a

cluster, at the European level, in any of the high-tech sectors.

These conclusions have been inferred from, among others, tables 3.1 and 3.2.

Keeping in mind that the single most important ingredient for any high-tech

development - and for start-ups in particular - is skilled manpower, much attention

was given to the indicators relating to that factor. To what extent a researcher or an

“inventor” (an individual that has filed a patent pertaining to a high-tech sector)

can be considered a potential entrepreneur is a question that could not be addressed

in the framework of this project. Such a task would involve assessing the readiness

of skilled manpower to set up their own company. However, it is our belief that

well-planned public programmes (including VC provision, assistance and

advertising) do in fact affect the readiness of an individual to become an

independent entrepreneur. Therefore the basic empirical indicator to look at

remains the skilled manpower concentrations.


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Table 3.1 – Major R&D Indicators per Geographical Region


R&D personnel in public and

private enterprise:

% of national


R&D personnel in

public institutions:

% of national


Total R&D

person-nel: % of national


R&D person-nel total

per 1,000


Added value: % of

national total

Civilian R&D

expen-diture % of

national total


Index of R&D expen-diture (per

popula-tion) 1

Piemonte, Valle d’Aosta 24.5 4.4 13.2 4.3 11.3 15,4 0.33

Lombardia 33.2 11.9 21.2 3.4 27.3 23.6 0.2 Trentino Alto Adige 0.5 0.9 0.7 1.2 1.4 0.8 -0.33

Veneto 4.6 4.6 4.6 1.5 11.1 4.7 -0.24

Friuli Venezia Giulia 2.2 2.1 2.2 2.6 2.2 2.5 0.09

Liguria 3.3 3.7 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.5 0.08

Emilia Romagna 7.6 8.1 7.9 2.9 9.7 7.4 0.03

Toscana 3.9 8.2 6.3 2.5 7.3 5.9 -0.02

Umbria 0.4 1.8 1.2 2.1 1.4 0.9 -0.22

Marche 0.6 1.6 1.2 1.2 2.7 1.0 -0.43

Lazio 9.9 27.4 19.7 5.5 6.6 19.0 0.35 Abruzzo, Molise 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.8 2.1 1.8 -0.22

Campania 4.1 8.8 6.7 1.7 4.1 5.4 -0.29

Puglia 1.5 3.5 2.6 0.9 3.4 2.2 -0.53 Calabria Basilicata 0.4 1.8 1.2 0.6 1.3 1.1 -0.62

Sicily 1.0 6.5 4.1 1.2 3.5 3.5 -0.43

Sardinia 0.3 2.7 1.7 1.4 1.6 1.3 -0.38

Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 2.5 100.0 100.0 0.00

Northwest 61.0 20.0 37.9 3.6 41.6 42.5 0.23

Northeast 14.9 15.7 15.4 2.1 24.4 15.4 -0.09

Centre 14.8 39.0 28.4 3.7 18 26.8 0.17 South and islands 9.3 25.3 18.3 1.3 16 15.3 -0.4

Highest values are shown in bold 1(Regional expenditure divided by national expenditure)/(regional population/national population). The index was normalized as to give results in the interval [-1,1]. National average value corresponds to zero


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Table 3.2 below was created so as to locate any concentrations of high-tech activity

in a local system in a given sector. A local system is defined as a work-intensive

area, the extent of which is defined by commuting distance. Looking at a local

system rather than looking at a whole region permits us to spot smaller realities that

would fade within a regional context. Moreover, this analysis gives some insight

into the various sectors, thereby permitting identification of local advantage within

local systems. For example, we have found that Catania, which is part of the

underdeveloped region of Sicily, has significant activity in the field of

semiconductors. The analysis also shows how the high-tech activity in Milan is

distributed among different sectors. The last column in Table 3.2 gives a measure

of the ratio of inventors to employees in a given sector and a given local system as

opposed to the same ratio as calculated at national level. This gives a comparison

of innovative trends between areas that are active in the same sector. For instance

while the area of Milan shows a higher level of employees and production units in

the field of fine chemistry, employees in the areas of Novara and Cairo Montenotte

(Savona) show a stronger trend to patenting and therefore to product or processes

innovation. A deeper analysis of the interpretation of these indicators can be found

in Modena [2002].


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Table 3.2 - R&D Indicators per Main High-tech Sector and Local System

Sector Region Labour local system (LLS) 1

Inventors per LLS and % of total investors in the period

1995-99 2

Weighted inventors per LLS

and % of total number of patents

- 1995-99 2

Production units per

LLS and % of sector

total - 1996 3

Employees per LLS and % of sector total –

1996 3

Index of inventors Intensity


Lombardia Milano 224 (31.8%) 108 (32.2%) 281 (30.1%) 27,420 (40.9%) -0.13 Lazio Rome 85 (12.1%) 58 (17.3%) 125 (13.4%) 6,864 (10.2%) 0.08


Sector (national) total 705 (100%) 335 (100%) 933 (100%) 67,032 (100%) Lombardia Milano 186 (28.4%) 228 (35.4%) 260 (13. 4%) 12,966 (25. 9%) 0.05 Sicilia Catania 39 (11.2%) 50 (7.8%) 13 (0.7%) 1,969 (3.9%) 0.08

Computer hardware, semiconductors and electronics components Sector (national) total

655 (100%) 644 (100%) 1,943 (100%) 49,984 (100%)

Lombardia Milano 145 (25.3%) 104 (28.0%) 331 (15.1%) 14˙253 (26.1%) -0.02Piemonte

Torino 62 30 103 1,872 0.52Ivrea (TO) 15 6 8 129 0.83Total 77 (13.4%) 36 (9.7%) 111 (5.1%) 2,001 (3.7%) 0.57

Lazio Roma 48 (8.4%) 35 (9.4%) 173 (7.9%) 5,802 (10.6%) -0.12

Consumer electronics and telecommunication hardware

Sector (national) total 573 (100%) 371 (100%) 2,198 (100%) 54,618 (100%) Lombardia Milano 121 (21.7%) 65 (18.6%) 355 (21.8%) 5,839 (21.2%) 0.01 Piemonte

Torino 38 (6.8%) 19 (5.4%) 90 (5.5%) 1,422 (5.2%) 0.14 Emilia Romagna Bologna 27 (4.8%) 20 (5.7%) 41 (2.5%) 1,110 (4.0%) 0.09

Precision instruments

Sector (national) total

557 (100%) 349 (100%) 1,631 (100%) 27,581 (100%) Lombardia Milano 67 37 400 7,794 -0.07

Bergamo 7 15 58 1,198 -0.26Como 12 11 30 941 0.12Total 86 (25.7%) 63 (30.7%) 488 (21.3%) 9,933 (29.5%) -0.07

Liguria Cairo Montenotte (SV) 55 (16.5%) 35 (17.1%) 1 (0.0%) 1,499 (4.5%) 0.57 Piemonte Novara 26 (7.8%) 13 (6.3%) 17 (0.7%) 788 (2.3%) 0.54

Fine chemistry

Sector (national) total 334 (100%) 205 (100%) 2,228 (100%) 33,656 (100%) Piemonte Torino 39 (16.6%) 34 (15.7%) 62 (7.2%) 722 (4.9%) 0.54Lombardia Milano 21 (8.9%) 19 (8.8%) 156 (18.1%) 3,406 (23.1%) -0.44 Emilia Romagna Bologna 11 (4.7%) 17 (7.8%) 33 (3.8%) 886 (6.0%) -0.12


Industrial Automation

Sector (national) total 235 (100%) 217 (100%) 862 (100%) 14,772 (100%)

1 Source: ISTAT, 1997, Local Labour Systems 2 Source: University of Pavia elaboration on EPO data 3 Source: ISTAT, 1996 4 Intensity of inventors is defined as the ratio of inventors to personnel in a specific sector and local system. The index was normalized as to give results in the interval [-1,1]. The average value for a sector at national level corresponds to zero


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In order to get further insights on high-tech activity by sector, it was decided to

look into more details of the biotech, electronics, and telecommunication sectors. A

short outline follows in the next two sections.

3.3 - The Electronics and Telecommunication Sector

Although Italy is a large market for electronics and telecom businesses (it is the

largest European market for mobile phones), the country creates little production -

and innovation - as testified by the negative trade balance shown in table 3.3. The

relatively strong VC investment in 2000-2001 can be easily explained by industry

deregulation, which led to a large number of small carrier providers.

Table 3.3 - Electronic Components, Computer Hardware and Telecommunication Equipment - National Basic Indicators

Electronics components 1998 1999 2000 99/98 00/99 Turnover 2,117 2,159 2,319 2.0% 7.4% Export 1,020 1,137 1,198 11.4% 5.4% Import 1,539 1,562 1,647 1.4% 5.5% Trade balance -519 -425 -449 18.1% -5.6% Computer hardware 1998 1999 2000 99/98 00/99 Turnover 3,712 3,935 4,328 6.0% 10.0% Export 1,978 2,012 2,133 1.7% 6.0% Import 2,999 3,285 3,739 9.4% 13.9% Trade balance -1,021 -1,273 -1,606 -24.7% -26.1% Telecommunications equipment 1998 1999 2000 99/98 00/99 Turnover 10,716 11,290 12,627 5.3% 11.8% Export 2,789 2,846 2,918 2.0% 2.5% Import 3,202 3,424 3,951 6.9% 15.4% Trade balance -413 -578 -1,033 -39.9% -78.7%

Source: Website ANIE, 2002

To the extent that the Internet can be considered part of the telecommunications

sector, it is worth recalling that the tide of new Internet companies that swept

through Europe in the late 1990's also touched Italy. However, in addition to some

Internet providers like the aforementioned Tiscali, most of the resulting firms were

“dotcoms”, i.e., websites aimed at the commercialisation of various products or

services. No significant radical innovation appears to have been developed in Italy.


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The computer sector has been heavily affected by the closing of the Olivetti

computer production company, which was one of largest manufacturers in Europe

in the 1980's. Currently, no computer producer is active in the country.

In the field of electronics, the only large firm with significant operations in Italy is

STMicroelectronics, which holds its major R&D centres in Milan and Catania

(Sicily). Other significant R&D firms are Alcatel, Siemens, Bull, Ericsson and

Telecom Italia; however, none of these has more than 1,000 R&D personnel in

Italy [Modena et al, 2001].

The activity in Milan and Catania for this sector has been studied further in order to

check the spin-off potential in both areas. As clearly emerges from table 3.1 and

3.2, the greater Milan area (including Pavia, Bergamo, Brescia and Varese) has the

highest activity for the electronics sectors. The technical schools of Milan and

Pavia together count some 500 researchers in electronics-related fields. The R&D

centres of large multinationals, including Alcatel, Bull, Ericsson, Siemes, Pirelli

and STMicroelectronics, as well as smaller centres of Agilent, Lucent and Phillips,

account together for some 5,300 R&D personnel (Gattoni, et al, 2001).

Private venture capital is available in Milan, as most VC management companies

are located in the area, but no significant public support grants are obtainable as the

area is not considered a priority development area.

The IFISE team reasoned that given these conditions, the provision of seed capital

for the high-tech industry could bring more research-intensive firms to the level at

which they could be of interest to venture capital funds (which mostly provide

subsequent funding), thereby enhancing their success probability. Project One in

Chapter 4 is also aimed at answering this need.

As far as the area of Catania (Sicily) is concerned, it was found that approximately

1,200 engineers and scientists are present in the area. A little less than 1,000 of

these are currently working for STMicroelectronics, which dominates the industry

in the region. Between 10 to 20 start-ups (according to definition) were found in

the area at various levels of research intensity; at least five of them are STM spin-

offs and related to the semiconductor sector. No venture capital fund is established

in the area and only one VC investment has been reported. Torrisi [2002], who has

studied the Catania area, defines this set of conditions as a “pre-cluster” situation.


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We reasoned that the existing conditions in Catania are not sufficient to justify the

creation of venture capital funds dedicated to the high-tech sectors. In other words,

a critical mass of activity and skilled personnel is not present in the region

[Modena, 2002]. Therefore the desirable policy for this area would be to continue

attracting R&D departments of large multinational firms, as was done in the past,

until a critical mass of activity is achieved. This can be done by means of the

generous funds available under the EU structural funds, since Catania (Sicily) is an

“Objective 1 area” (see also section 3.6.6).

3.4 - The Biotech Sector

In the last ten years the biotech sector has created interest among investors,

especially due to the scientific revolution which has occurred mainly in the field of

genetics. Despite being the fifth-largest world market for pharmaceuticals, Italy has

largely remained out of the industrial blossoming that has swept the sector. Table

3.4 shows how both investments and human resources in industrial R&S are lower

in Italy than in the major developed countries.

Table 3.4 – R&D Investments and Personnel in the Biotech-Pharmaceutical Sector in Italy and in the Major Industrialized Countries

Investments in R&D

Italy France Germany UK U.S.A. Japan

Investments R&S/turnover (%) 6.02 12.33 10.72 19.97 15.91 20.04

R&D Personnel

Italy France Germany UK U.S.A. Japan

R&D Personnel (number)

5,024 15,200 15,000 20,90

0 51,000 34,437

R&D personnel/total personnel (%) 7.18 16.87 12.99 28.25 19.62 28.24

Source: Farmindustria, 2000


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However, Italy boasts strong academic research in this sector. It was found that as

many as 10,000 researchers (or about half of all researchers in S&T) are active in

related fields (genetics, medicine, biotech or pharmaceuticals). These are relatively

evenly distributed throughout the country [Modena, 2002]. It is also worth noting

that the number of physicians per capita in Italy is twice as large as the average in

other European countries. Although doctors as such may not be considered

potential entrepreneurs, they certainly make up a reservoir of skilled manpower in

the biotech-pharmaceutical field.

The most active centres in Italy are the greater Milan and Rome metropolitan areas,

although only Milan can count on significant industrial R&D. Other significant

concentrations of academic activity exist throughout the country (such as Turin,

Padova, Bologna, Pavia and Naples).

In spite of a large market and the significant potential found in the academic sector,

biotech spin-offs hardly exist. Figure 3.2 shows that Italy has one of the lowest

number of enterprises in the biotech sector in Europe (around 50). This number is

even lower than that of countries like Finland and Denmark, whose population is

less than a tenth of Italy’s and which have no exceptional life science industry.

Figure 3.2 - Enterprises in the Biotech Sector in Major European Countries per Country

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Other countries







Source: Ernst & Young, 2003


Page 56: Israel Experience for Europe

The identification of such a market failure is of great importance, as it helps to

show that a generous public programme dedicated to the biotech sector would be in

the common interest of Italy and Europe, in that it would help use unexploited

potential. In order to strengthen our case, we should mention that private VC fund

investments in the biotech-related field also hardly exist (see table 3.5). Moreover,

as compared to their colleagues in the U.S., U.K., Germany and France, large firms

in Italy are very reluctant to invest in the acquisition of licenses for new products if

these have not reached phase three of development [Farmindustria, 2000]. Fiorilli

[2002] has validated these results by interviewing a number of market actors in

Italy. These interviews also pointed out that a programme for targeting early stage

investments would be most useful for bringing research results from academic

laboratories to a point where they could be of interest for private investors.

Table 3.5 - Number of Investments and of Early Stage Investments in the Biotech and Pharmaceuticals Sectors - year 2001

Sector Number of investments Number of early stage investments

Biotech 6 1

Pharmaceuticals 5 3

Total 11 4

Source: Gervasoni, 2002

It is our belief that the above arguments could be used by any public authority

wishing to launch a programme dedicated to the biotech sector as partial

demonstration that the programme does not “adversely affect trading conditions to

an extent contrary to the common interest”, in compliance with article 87 of the EU

regulations concerning state investment (see also section 3.6.1.).

3.5 - The Supply of Private Seed and Venture Capital Sources

Venture capital in Italy has remained largely underdeveloped; a conclusion that

clearly emerges from figure 3.3, which shows that Italy’s VC investment as a

percentage of GDP is among the lowest in the industrial economies. However, in

recent years, and especially between 1999 and 2000, a positive growth trend was


Page 57: Israel Experience for Europe

detected. In particular, seed and start-up investments have increased from 153 in

1999 to 339 in 2000, corresponding to 130 and 244 firms respectively. This was

probably due to the explosion of the Internet sector and to the privatisation of the

telecommunication sector. The crisis of these two sectors in 2001 has caused a

restriction of activity for both.

Figure 3.3 - Internal VC Investments as a Percentage of GDP












e N










































h K










2000 1999 Source: GEM – Copyright © 2001, Paul D. Reynolds, S. Michael Camp, William D. Bygrave, Erkko Autio, Michael Hay and Kauffman Centre for Entrepreneurial Leadership at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. All rights reserved. In Murray, 2002 Figure 3.4 shows the investments of venture capital funds in early stages, by region

of investment. It is quite clear that there is a strong bias for investment in the

region of Lombardia. We reasoned that although it was shown that Lombardia has

the strongest potential for innovative new firms, the concentration of VC

investments there is also biased by the strong concentration of VC headquarters,

which in turn is likely to be the result of most of the financial institutions in Italy

being located in that area.


Page 58: Israel Experience for Europe

Figure 3.4 - Early Stage Investment by Italian VC Funds by Region (2000- 2001)




12 8 8 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 1


10 6 4 5 28


0 3 0 3 0 0 1 3 1 1












ilia R

































2000 2001

Source: Gervasoni, 2002 Table 3.6 shows the distribution of VC investments in seed and start-up capital by

sector (year 2000). It emerges that investments in research-intense sectors such as

biotech and telecomm hardware are quite rare. They are more frequent in the

Internet and telecomm carrier sectors which, as we have already mentioned, should

often be considered non-high-tech in Italy. It is also worth mentioning that data

relating to year 2001 and first half of year 2002 show that investments in the

telecommunication and internet sectors are strongly decreasing due to the “end of

the internet bubble”. Most interestingly, industrial products, a sector in which Italy

is supposed to have an advantage over other countries, appears to attract very little

money. The industrial automation sector, in particular, which was shown to be the

only high-tech sector in which Italy outperforms the European average [Modena et

al, 2001], has attracted only 1% of all investment (by number) in year 2001

[Gervasoni, 2002].


Page 59: Israel Experience for Europe

Table 3.6 - Seed and Start-up Investments of VC Funds in Italy – year 2000

Sector Amount (€ m) Number

Agriculture 1.5 4

Financial services 29.7 20

Other services 69.6 37

Manufacturing 0.28 2

Construction 0.52 1

Industrial products 0.66 3

Consumer products 37.7 10

Internet 108.1 73

Chemistry 2.1 3

Computers 67.7 61

Telecommunications 138.0 76

Energy 2.6 1

Telecom hardware 31.7 12

Medical devices 15.4 11

Biotech 11.1 5

Other 23.1 20

Total 539.7 339

Source: AIFI, 2001

A study by AIFI5 (2001a) aimed at assessing the perceived difficulties of Italian

venture capitalists has come to the following conclusions:

(1) Only 19% of the managers surveyed were satisfied with the institutional

framework for venture capital in Italy. The most common reasons for this

dissatisfaction were: bureaucratic barriers, lack of specific incentives for VC and

the high-tech sectors, and the tax environment.

(2) Only 5% were satisfied with the financial environment associated with the

high-tech sectors. The most common reasons for this low level of satisfaction were:

the lack of communication between the financial and industrial (high-tech) world,

the lack of incentives aimed at lowering the risks associated with investment, and

the lack of an efficient public incubators programme.

5 The Italian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association


Page 60: Israel Experience for Europe

(3) All VC operatives feel the need for a change in the legal framework,

particularly in the Board of Directors’ responsibilities concerning bankruptcy law.

These issues are thoroughly explained in the Manifesto [AIFI, 2000].

3.6 - Public Incentives to Innovative Firms in Italy

Before any new project is proposed, it is important to show that the existing ones

are insufficient or inadequate to explore Italy’s potential. Since not much data was

available on the performance of these programmes, the discussion of their

inadequacy for Italy’s needs is based on their structure and the available

information. Prior to this discussion, the EU regulations that affect the planning

and implementation of any public support programme in Europe are briefly


3.6.1 - The EU regulations

Article 87 of the European Treaty (which regulates the state incentive to risk

capital) mandates that state subsidies in general not be permitted in the EU except

for some specific forms of help, including: “aid to facilitate the development of

certain economic activities or of certain economic areas, where such aid does not

adversely affect trading conditions to an extent contrary to the common interest”.

Competition regulations heavily affect programmes throughout Europe including

those that were launched in Italy; these will be briefly described in the following

sections. It is important to note that a regulatory article such as the above does not

rule out public support for seed and venture capital funds for grants given to SMEs.

The European Commission simply requires that the authority promoting the

incentive programme demonstrate that there are no negative effects on market

actors who could be affected by the proposed programme. Interestingly, the

Commission has issued a clarification document [Official Journal of the European

Communities, 2001] in which it explains that certain situations are recognized as

“market failures” (see paragraph 4.1.3 points 1 and 5), although this does not mean

that they are the only conditions that may be considered to constitute a market



Page 61: Israel Experience for Europe

3.6.2 - Law 297/99 and the incentives to research operated by new firms

Law 297, enacted in 1999 [law 297/99], is the main law for R&D in Italy, and it

includes a special programme for new firms. The programme is dedicated to

university and public researchers who decide to set up a new firm exploiting the

results of their research. New initiatives are generally granted up to €516,000, plus

up to 50% of the eligible R&D budget and 25% of the eligible budget for pre-

competitive activities. This programme started in April, 2001. After approximately

one year of operation, it had only supported 12 start-ups in all of Italy.

The youth of the program makes it difficult to analyse its efficiency. However, we

can point to some basic weak points: (1) The state is still in charge of the projects’

evaluation, something which is strongly not recommended for for-profit ventures

(see also section 1.4. point 6). (2) Only public spin-offs are eligible beneficiaries,

which excludes private industry spin-offs, the most important source of

entrepreneurship. (3) The programme requires that the intellectual property rights

division between the researcher and his institution be made clear before the

inception of the new venture. In most Italian universities this is impossible, as such

patent regulation is still in its legal - and cultural - infancy.

3.6.3 - Regional programmes

In addition to programmes regarding Objective 1 areas (see section 3.6.6.), some

regions have launched programmes for fostering new enterprises. Among them are

Law 35/96 in Lombardy and Law 27/93 in Tuscany. Without entering into the

details of such programmes, we believe that they are not suitable to research-

intensive start-ups. The main reason for that is they all grant a maximum of

€100,000 over three years, which in itself is not a suitable sum to set up a new

high-tech company (Israeli incubators, for example, grant as much as $350,000 for

two years). This sum of €100,000 is defined by EC regulations as the limit below

which there is no need to ask permission of the DG Competition for programme


3.6.4 - European programmes

The European Investment Fund (EIF), which represents the European Central Bank

for risk capital, has recently launched various incentives for the risk of capital on


Page 62: Israel Experience for Europe

enterprises which are already operational in Italy [Gazzetta Ufficiale, 2002]. Apart

from minor guarantee schemes for small enterprises, the fund participates in

regional funds dedicated to SMEs. The EIF invests under the same conditions as

the private investors, with shares between 10 - 25% and a maximum of €10 million

per fund [Website EIF, 2002]. We argue that investments at the “private

conditions” level provide very little incentive to other private investors to

participate in the proposed fund. Indeed, the participation of a public entity in a

fund is not per se an incentive, and does not help in convincing the private investor

to enter high risk ventures such as those in depressed areas or seed investments for

high-tech initiatives.

Another programme concerns the contribution towards the hiring of qualified

managers for venture capital funds. Contributions in this case reach €100,000 per

manager, up to a maximum of €300,000; in any case for not more than 5% of the

fund’s budget and no more than 50% of the management company's expenses.

Although interesting, this programme appears too weak to convince investors to

direct their funds into high-risk firms.

Obviously, new high-tech enterprises are also eligible for the EU framework

programmes from which they can obtain R&D grants. However, it is known that

delays in EC approval of proposals and payments can easily stretch to several

months, and new companies are often required to renounce the advance payment.

Such adverse conditions can be fatal to small companies dealing with severe cash

constraints and the need to produce their product ahead of competitors. Another

drawback of new firms’ participation in the framework programmes is that the

public sector still acts as the decision-maker for investment.

3.6.5 - The Startech programme

Startech is a national Italian programme which gives both consulting services and

seed capital to new technology-based firms. It operates through the temporary

acquisition of equity in the investees’ firms, up to 49% (and not more than

€516,000) of the budget, which shall not exceed €2.5 million. Divestment shall

happen within three to five years. Startech activities are implemented through the

collaboration of universities, research centers, and large firms, and with the

participation of the Sviluppo Italia territorial system.


Page 63: Israel Experience for Europe

Since September 2001, the experimental programme has generated significant

interest, with over 150 proposals received in the first six months. However, it was

suspended in February 2002 due to agency reorganization. The programme is

supposed to start again soon, with the vision that private banks will be allowed to

take part in the Startech Capital Agency (which makes the investment), thereby

allowing private sources to be involved from the beginning in the project. At the

time this document is written, September 2002, the amended programme has not

started yet. While it is impossible to judge a programme that has not yet begun, it is

worth noting that once again, in this case the state becomes an active investor.

3.6.6 - Laws 95/95 for the incentive of juvenile entrepreneurship

This law supports the creation of new enterprises, provided that the founders are

young and that the firm is set up in one of the areas designated as economically

depressed. Contributions are very generous; they can reach €2.5m and up to 90%

of the budget in Objective 1 areas (basically, the south of the country). Firms

operating in the fields of industry, agriculture and services are eligible for the

benefits, although innovative firms are preferred.

In this case we find a generous programme, able to insert large amounts of money

into the new ventures and dedicated to regions where the potential for high-tech

start-ups is the country’s weakest. This picture clearly emerges from Figure 3.5,

which shows the map of the main Objective 1 regions on the one side, and the

concentrations of inventors (individuals who have filed at least one patent in a

high-tech sector), on the other.

The IFISE team reasoned that while it is highly desirable that private equity funds

be found in depressed areas, high-tech sectors can only blossom in those regions

where specific background conditions exist. Special programmes should be

dedicated to the latter, which take their particular needs into account (such as

Projects 1 and 2 in sections 4.2 and 4.3). Depressed areas should be helped in

attracting private capital for whatever sector has the potential (or the local

advantage) to blossom within their boundaries. This consideration has lead to

proposing Project 3 (section 4.4).


Page 64: Israel Experience for Europe


Figure 3.5A - Main Objective 1 (depressed) Areas Figure 3.5B - Concentration of Inventors

Main Objective 1 (depressed) Areas Source: University of Pavia Elaboration on EPO data


1 – 6

7 – 21

22 – 44

45 – 84

85 – 229

230 – 826

Numeber of Inventors


Cairo Montenotte





Page 65: Israel Experience for Europe



4.1 - General Planning Orientations

This chapter presents the four projects which have been proposed to Italian policy

makers for the establishment of seed and venture capital sources in Italy.

After defining the principles and guidelines necessary for planning, and having

analysed the potential of the high-tech sector in Italy, the IFISE team planned for

efficient seed and venture capital sources by means of the following courses of

action: (1) The principles extrapolated from the Israeli and European practises were

recombined and applied to the Italian reality. (2) Proposed programmes were

discussed by means of intensive brainstorming with the participation of experts

such as Dr. Rina Pridor, director of the Technological Incubators Programme, and

Mr. Yigal Erlich, initiator and director of the Yozma Programme. (3) Finally,

programmes were submitted to Italian policy makers and modified, taking their

comments into account.

In each project presentation, the reasons for choosing the specific tool are first

presented, after which the programme and the main rules for its proper functioning

are explained. Before presenting our proposals, we shall summarize some general

guidelines that have been used in the planning process. The planning process has

been directed and its conclusions drawn by Mr. Vittorio Modena, IFISE project

coordinator (see also Modena [2002]).

1. Locational aspects

As was shown in section 3.2, most of the potential for research-intensive

companies is found in the north and centre of the country. In some of the central

and northern regions like Lombardia, there is more venture capital activity, in

others less (Tuscany); all of them suffer from a lack of seed capital for research-

intensive firms. In the southern regions, potential for high-tech firms is

considerably lower, although the presence of possibly excellent research groups is

not excluded. In these southern regions there is on the one hand very scarce venture


Page 66: Israel Experience for Europe

capital activity, and on the other, great availability of public funds. This has

brought us to suggest that the high-potential regions should be strongly considered

for dedicated programmes for the creation of venture capital funds dealing with

research-intensive firms, whereas Objective 1 areas should be granted incentives

for funds working in all industrial sectors. This reasoning led to the formulation of

Project 1 for high-potential regions and Project 3 for depressed regions

(sections 4.2 and 4.4). It should be mentioned that the disadvantage of depressed

areas was taken into account, as both the constraints regarding investment in

research-intensive firms and those regarding seed investment do not apply for

Project 3.

2. Sectorial aspects

As was shown in section 2.4.-4, if there is no specific reason to encourage

specialized funds, it is better to allow the market to shape the formation of the new

VC funds. This is the case for Projects 1 and 3 (section 4.2 and 4.4). An exception

was made for the biotech and pharmaceutical sectors, which were dedicated a

specific project. It is worth noting that other sectors such as industrial automation

seem to have attracted very little investment in spite of their considerable presence

in Italy. However, this was not considered a sufficient reason to dedicate a special

programme for them.

3. Conformity with EC regulations

Projects 1 and 3 presented here would certainly be subject to article 87 of the

European Treaty (see section 3.6.1). In this respect, if any of these programmes are

to be adopted, it will be necessary to demonstrate that these incentives are in fact

responding to a common interest and that they do not harm any market actors. This

“market failure” demonstration may vary according to the sector and the

geographical area for which it is aimed. Some of the facts and data that were

gathered in the framework of the IFISE project may be useful for this purpose. In


1. Investment in early stages (seed capital) of the high-tech start-ups is widely

considered in literature as a segment where public intervention is needed. It is

worth noting that the EC accepts that economic phenomena are at the base of the

frequent market failures found in innovative enterprises: e.g., imperfect or


Page 67: Israel Experience for Europe

asymmetric information, or transaction costs. The former is related to the

difficulty encountered in finding reliable information on sophisticated high-tech

markets, the second to the high costs associated to the evaluation of innovative

and small firms [Official Journal of the European Communities (2001)].

2. In some regions there is a marked lack of venture capital investments (see section


3. In some regions the potential for new high-tech firms seems to be higher than the

available VC resources would suggest.

4. In the case of biotech there is a clear gap between the potential of the sector and

investments being made (see section 3.4). Furthermore, it appears that private

investors are particularly reluctant to enter the initial phases of biotech-

pharmaceutical product development.

5. Generally, the European Commission considers in a positive light many of the

scheme characteristics adopted when developing our projects: (a) that schemes

be aimed at certain regions and certain enterprises; (b) that beneficiaries be small

or micro-enterprises; (c) that decision making regarding funds be done by profit-

oriented teams; (e) that beneficiaries be more than one fund or firm, and that the

scheme be launched by means of a public call for tender; (f) that the private

investors be represented in the decision making body and that there be quality

and timing objectives; and (g) that a monitoring facility of the whole scheme be

set up [Official Journal of the European Communities (2001)].

4. The Italian legal framework and institutional aspects

The IFISE team has detected both a lack of coordination between the various

support systems for innovation, and the current institutional framework’s difficulty

in setting flexible and complementary programmes which form the basic

characteristics of an efficient innovation policy (see section 1.4 - 2). The necessity

for coordination of the relevant measures has brought to the formulation of Project


As for the legal framework relating to risk capital and start-ups, the IFISE team

shares the concerns expressed by the AIFI’s Manifesto [AIFI, 2000] regarding the

responsibility of the Board of Directors in cases of bankruptcy. The reader is

advised to consult that document for further details.


Page 68: Israel Experience for Europe

The next section will present the four projects that are being proposed to Italian

policy makers:

1. Rotational seed capital funds for new high-tech companies in regions with high


2. Biotech-pharmaceuticals incubators.

3. VC funds for depressed regions.

4. A coordinating institution for high-tech industries incentive policies.


Page 69: Israel Experience for Europe

4.2 - Project 1. Rotational Seed Capital Funds for New High-tech Companies

in Regions with High Potential

4.2.1 Motivations behind the project

1. A clear distinction was made between the general concept of “innovative

companies” and the more specific one of "high-tech firms". High-tech firms can be

distinguished by very intense research activity and by the very steep expenses they

face in order to realize prototypes of their products. Despite hosting a very large

number of innovative companies, Italy falls short in regard to research-intensive

ones (see section 3.1). The aim of this project is to encourage the creation of new

research-intensive firms.

2. Seed capital must be available in a generous and continuous manner (see section

2.4-1). Indeed, it was in shown that even in countries where a large amount of

venture capital is present, companies face both the lack of seed capital and the need

for governmental action. Therefore, it was decided that the best way to guarantee a

continuous income of funding is with rotational funds, in which governmental

support must be renewed every four years.

3. It was noticed that in Israel, both seed capital funds and technological incubators

provide support to many different sectors, and that specialized incubators perform

as well as the non-specialized ones (see section 2.4-4). In addition, it was

mentioned that Italian industry does not specialize in high technology sectors (see

section 3.1). For these reasons it was decided that all industry fields should be

dedicated the same instrument, with the exception of the biotech industry, for

which a special project was developed.

4. In Italy some incubators exist, but very few of them disburse grants to the high-

tech industry. They do provide some consulting and physical space to new

companies that specialize in research, but this in itself is not enough to overcome a

number of the major obstacles to fully establishing a new firm. Space availability is

not a crucial element for start-up support; instead, what matters most is the

availability of funds. Therefore, existing Italian incubators shall be allowed to

request government funds, so as to be able to offer seed capital to their firms as

well as current incubator opportunities.

5. Despite the above considerations concerning space availability, physical


Page 70: Israel Experience for Europe

proximity between the investing fund’s management and its entrepreneur is of

great importance, as it is the key to communication between the two parties.

6. It was noticed that most of the venture capital funds in Italy are concentrated in

the Milan area, even though other regions have significant potential.

7. A different plan was created for the economically depressed areas (see Project 3,

section 4.4). Given their lack of high-tech resources, the above requirements would

not be adequate for these regions.

4.2.2 - Project outline

The Project has the following objectives:

1. To create efficient funds of risk capital for the high-tech industry in high

potential regions.

2. To give the opportunity to interested entrepreneurs to develop companies with

intense research activity in any high potential region.

3. To strengthen the deal flow of high-tech initiatives for venture capital funds

which currently exist in Italy.

It will be necessary to create an autonomous fund of funds of investments dedicated

to the new high-tech companies (research intensive firms). This fund of funds will

invest up to 40% of the new seed funds’ budget and give private investors the

option to buy back its shares, at the original price plus the inflation rate, for a

period of six years from the creation of the fund. The general scheme is depicted in

figure 4.1.

In addition, management companies working at the seed funds will be entitled to a

grant of €200,000 and to up to 50% of their budget for the first four years of work,

plus up to 25% of their budget for the following two years. The program is

repeated every four years, so that seed capital funds can always be available for

new ventures.

A fund of funds of this type should be set up in any Italian region that shows

potential for the high-tech industry. The dimension and number of such funds

would vary according to the potential of each region. To give an example, in

Lombardia, the Italian region with the highest potential, eight to twelve seed funds

could be created. The typical dimension of each seed fund would oscillate between

€20-40 million, and the investment of the fund of funds would not exceed €10


Page 71: Israel Experience for Europe

million per individual fund and 40% of its budget (whichever figure is lower).

Regional authorities would monitor the program and the funds’ operation.

Figure 4.1 – Scheme for Public Incentives to Seed Funds

Up 40%


60% of budget Private Investors SEED FUN


In order for the management co

above, their investments will be s

1. Investments shall be made in

decided by the fund of funds’ ma

“microenterprise” which, accord

with annual revenues of less th

million, and less than ten employ

2. Investments in a single compa

availability (for example, 20%).

3. The seed fund should invest


4. The seed fund should invest

within four years, and all of the a

5. The seed fund should invest in





mpanies to have access to incentives as charted

ubject to specific rules:

new firms. The definition of a new firm will be

nagement. A possible definition could be that of a

ing to the European Commission, is a company

an €7 million, or a balance sheet with less €5

ees [Web-Site Definition of SMEs, 2002].

ny should not exceed some percentage of the fund

in more than five companies and in less than

at least half of the available capital (first round)

vailable capital within eight years.

companies that reside and are developed in Italy


Page 72: Israel Experience for Europe

(or in the region from which the funds originate). This rule can be overcome by

payment of a penalty (for example, a sum equal to 200% of the government share

invested in the project).

6. Investments must be made in research-intensive firms. A special commission

will set the criteria to distinguish high-research companies from non-high-research

ones. An example of a high-research company is one in which at least 50% of the

expenses are dedicated to research and development. For R&D expenses’

definition, precise terms should be used. An example of such terminology could be

the definitions included in the Frascati Manual [Website Frascati handbook, 2002].

7. The entrepreneur’s share has to be large enough to keep him interested and

motivated for the success of the project. For example, a minimum of 20% of the

new company’s shares should belong to the founder or group of founders, until the

company has attracted investments for €1 million.

4.2.3 - Requirements for seed funds’ management companies

1. Existing incubators are qualified for investments and encouraged to participate.

2. The seed fund’s manager should have experience in research as well as in high-

tech industry. He or she will be employed full-time.

3. There will be a second member of the management company, namely

someone with experience in corporate finance.

4. Sectoral funds are eligible entities. They will have to prove that they have

experience and connections in the field.

5. The seed fund should prove that it has at least one foreign investor (which must

be an expert in the high-tech industry).

6. The seed fund should prove that it has at least one investor with experience in

industry or finance.

7. University funds are encouraged to participate. However, their decision making

process shall be independent from that of the university's administration.

4.2.4 - Additional criteria for the selection of the management company

In addition to the above-mentioned requirements, management companies will be

selected according to the following criteria:

1. If a company requests government aid for a second fund, a commission will


Page 73: Israel Experience for Europe

analyse the accomplishments reached by the company in the framework of its first


2. Experience and skills of the management company.

3. Networking skills with the high-tech industry, technical universities and VC

funds associated with the management company and/or the private investors in the


4. VC participation in the seed funds will be seen as a figure of merit.

4.2.5 – Fund of funds’ role and monitoring

1. The supporting region will provide 2% of the program’s funds for the

monitoring of the program and for the study and revision of the rules on which

the program is based. The program will be reviewed every four years.

2. The fund of funds will not participate in any decision regarding investments,

nor the investments’ administration.

3. The government will monitor the program so as to ensure that investments are

made solely in new research-intensive firms and not in new companies with

little research activity.

4. Monitoring of the investments’ legality will take place in two ways: (a) a

representative of the fund of funds will participate in funds’ meetings to make

sure that the investments’ requirements are complied with. However, the

representative, who should have a strong background in technology, won’t be

influential on any business decision for the fund; (b) after four years from the

initial investment, he or she will check that the funds were actually invested in

the high tech industry. To do so, they will follow specific pre-defined criteria.

The program’s success will be evaluated by benchmarking the success of the

companies in which the investments were made. Such a process will take place

after four years from the beginning of the program and every four years from

then on.

5. Private funds will be able to free themselves from governmental monitoring

by: (a) buying all of the government’s shares and transforming the entire fund

into a regular private one; or (b) paying the government twice the money it had

previously invested in a single project, hence freeing that specific project from

government monitoring.


Page 74: Israel Experience for Europe

4.2.6 - Qualified supporting institutions

Institutions qualified to support these programmes may be banks foundations,

Sviluppo Italia (the Italian development agency), the European Investment Fund or

any combination of them.


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4.3 - Project 2. Biotech-Pharmaceuticals Incubators

4.3.1 - Motivations behind the project

The IFISE project is recommending the Biotech-pharmaceuticals incubators for the

following reasons:

1. The biotech industry is growing very rapidly, creating room for new initiatives.

2. In Italy there is unexploited potential, especially in terms of academic spin-offs.

3. Biotech initiatives need special infrastructures and have special requirements in

order to succeed. For this reason physical support will be needed along with

financial support.

4. Compared to other companies, biotech companies need larger public funds and

more time before they are able to attract substantial private investments [see also

Kaufmann and Levin, 2001].

4.3.2 - Basic facts and guidelines used for planning

1. Entrepreneurs in the biotech and pharmaceutical industry usually have an

academic background, and therefore prefer to be close to universities.

2. In Italy there is low potential for spin-offs originating from the industry (since

very little research is conducted within the industry itself); on the other hand,

there is potential for spin-offs from the public research.

3. Researchers working in the industry are linked to their companies in terms of

copyrights for new discoveries. It is therefore improbable that many new

industrial spin-offs will be created.

4. For the three reasons cited above the biotech incubator should be in proximity

to a university and have a collaboration contract with it. However, the decision

making body of the incubator won’t depend on that of the university.

5. Biotech projects will have the right to receive a larger amount of support from

the government and to stay longer in the incubators than other high-tech

projects. However, a limit shall be fixed for their stay.

6. Three types of equipment are generally utilized by the biotech companies: (1)

equipment employed daily, which single companies will buy; (2) occasionally

employed equipment, usually purchased by the incubator, and (3) expensive

and exclusive equipment, which companies will rent from larger facilities


Page 76: Israel Experience for Europe

(such as universities or research centres). The incubator will also be used to

reach a critical mass for the purchase of occasionally employed equipment. It

should host a laboratory provided with such equipment (as explained in 2.2) to

be used for projects inside the incubator.

7. Large corporations will be encouraged to participate in acquiring part of the

incubator’s property. However, they won’t be allowed to hold a majority of

shares nor decisional power, in order to avoid the temptation/danger of their

taking control or advantage of the ideas promoted by the incubator.

8. This programme shall be conducted at the national level, since few centres of

excellence are present within all of Italy.

4.3.3 - Programme definition and incentives

Biotech incubators have the objective of creating integrative and effective

development tools able to provide the new entrepreneur with the essential funds,

space, consulting and equipment necessary for setting up a new company in this

field. Each incubator will be managed by a private management company. Both the

new firm and the incubator’s management company will be granted financial aid.

The programme will be established as follows:

1. A total of six incubators should be created in Italy. Selection of candidate

incubators and their monitoring will be done by a public agency constituted ad


2. Projects should be chosen according to their quality and success (in terms of

profit) potential.

3. The budget for infrastructures (buildings excluded) should exceed €2 million.

The public grant will amount to up to 50% of the approved budget and to up to

€2 million.

4. The grant per project will amount to up to 50% and to up to €1.5 million for

the first four years. Two years after the project begins, a special study will

determine whether support for the project should continue or should be


5. Management companies of the incubators will be entitled to a grant of

€150,000 per year and to up to 50% of their budget for their first six years of



Page 77: Israel Experience for Europe

4.3.4 - Investment rules

1. The incubator will accept projects from any source (be it an adjacent university

or not).

2. Investments should be made in new projects. Projects must have the specific

objective of producing new products; they cannot be intended for the production or

marketing of existing ones.

3. Investments in a single project should not exceed 25% of the incubator’s budget.

Four years after its creation, the incubator will be handling more than three

projects, but less than fifteen.

4. The incubator must invest in projects that are located in Italy, and the projects

will remain within Italian territory. However, if the incubator will pay the

government double the amount that it had originally received for the project, it will

be free to sell the project and/or the scientific knowledge to the foreign market.

5. The inventor of the product must dedicate at least one full day per week to the

new firm.

6. The project leader (be he the inventor or a professional manager) will have to

dedicate at least 50% of his time to the project (the closer to 100%, the better).

7. Incubators shall be networked, and share functions such as publicity and a

database of expert evaluators.

4.3.5 - Qualified management companies

1. The incubator should be placed in one of the cities that will be judged as having

a critical mass of potential entrepreneurs. For this purpose both the academic

researcher present in the adjacent university and local industrial activity will be

taken into consideration (see Modena, 2002; for data on R&S activity).

2. The management company will be owned by a group of private investors who

will hold the majority of the shares. This management company will have to show

that it has the necessary funds to complete the public funding, both for the

incubator’s operations and project financing.

3. The management company will provide physical space for the technological

incubator (an area of no less that 800 square meters).

4. The incubator’s project will include the purchase of equipment for projects


Page 78: Israel Experience for Europe

within the incubator.

5. The incubator should be located in the vicinity of one of the universities that was

considered to have potential within the biotech sector (according to precise and

empirical indicators; see for example Modena, 2002), and should create

cooperative agreements with that university.

6. The incubator should prove that the infrastructures necessary for the projects are

found in its vicinity (aside from the incubator’s own equipment).

7. Should the university own or manage part of the incubator, its shares should not

exceed 30%, and should remain as a minority share.

8. The incubator must respect bioethical laws.

4.3.6 - Selection criteria for management companies

1. The nature of the contract (described by a letter of readiness) with the university.

2. The experience and skills of the management team.

3. The ability of the management team to network with the pharmaceutical industry

and the realm of finance at a national and international level.

4.3.7 - Role of the central agency and monitoring

Once the incubator is established, it will submit to the central agency the proposed

initiatives as they become available. The agency will check the conformity of the

proposals and will give its approval within sixty days. Moreover:

1. A representative of the public administration will be a member of the Board of

Directors of each incubator. He or she will not have any influence in the

business decisions of the incubator, but will simply verify that all of the

programme investment requirements are met.

2. Two percent of the budget for the biotech incubators’ program will be utilized

to monitor the initiative. The monitoring will take place in two distinct stages:

a. Each incubator’s work will be checked by an external expert every four


b. Every four years, by means of an independent research study, the program

will be subject to analysis, and eventually modified.

The agency will also be responsible for publicizing the programme throughout the

large national and international corporate community.


Page 79: Israel Experience for Europe

4.3.8 - Possible launching institutions

The program should be carried out on a national level. This is because university

research centres are widely spread around the country. A national program for the

creation of biotech incubators could be supported by one or more of the following

institutions: the Office of Higher Education, the Office of Industry, Sviluppo Italia

(the Italian Development Agency), and/or the Office of Innovation, Development

and Technology.


Page 80: Israel Experience for Europe

4.4 - Project 3. VC Funds for Depressed Regions

4.4.1 - Motivations behind the project

The discussion of how to develop an economically depressed region brought up the

following points:

1. In poor regions, and particularly in Objective 1 regions, large amounts of public

funds are available for any entrepreneurial project. Most of these funds are

provided by the European Commission.

2. Venture capital funds in Italy do not serve Objective 1 regions. Indeed, in 2001

only 7% of investments (representing 2% of the capital invested) were made in the

southern and island regions. Some regions have seen no investment at all.

3. In general, there is little potential for research-intensive spin-offs in these


4. Most often, an entrepreneur prefers to use public funds instead of seeking private

ones, since in the latter case he/she would have to give up part of his/her company

shares. It is hard for the private investors to compete against the public sector;

therefore they become reluctant to invest in such areas. It is our belief that, in the

long run, the public sector should decrease its funds, so as to give space to the

private investors.

4.4.2 - Description of the proposed project

The project aims at creating venture capital to be invested in any (low tech and

high-tech) industrial sector. Once the initial difficulties are overcome, hopefully

there will be more and more private investments, so that in the long run the funds

will remain active without needing further public support. The general scheme will

be the same as that used for seed capital funds, as shown in figure 4.2.


Page 81: Israel Experience for Europe

Figure 4.2 - Public Incentive Scheme for Investment Funds in Economically Depressed Areas

Up to 40%


60% Private Sources VC FUND


Regional funds of funds sho

managed VC funds up to 40%

private investor to buy back p

conform to the following rules:

1. VC funds for economically

sectors, since potential in thes

invested in any sphere of indus

2. Funds will be managed by pr

3. Investments won’t be reserv

currently existing ones, in o

companies shall be small and p

4. Up to €5 million can be inv

have to invest in at least four, b

5. The programme operation w

be announced by the supervisin

the programme fails in creating

considered. Nonetheless, it is

traditional spheres of the indust



uld be created. They should invest in

of their capital and up to €20 million, al

ublic shares at their original price. VC

depressed regions shouldn’t be limited to

e regions is limited. For this reason, fun

try, including the more traditional ones.

ivate companies.

ed for new companies only, but will be a

rder to foster their rapid improvemen

otentially high-growth.

ested in each firm by the VC fund. The

ut not more than fifteen, companies.

ill be limited in time. A competition for fu

g institution and will remain open for 5-

venture capital, then a second competit

important to point out that VC funds

ry are economic activities that do not nee




lowing the

funds will


ds will be

vailable to

t. Investee

fund will

nding will

6 years. If

ion will be

for more

d incentive

Page 82: Israel Experience for Europe

on a continuous basis. The program should therefore be completed within 5-10

years from its beginning date.

6. The number of funds will depend on the size of each region and its demand for

equity capital.

4.4.3 - Qualified management companies

Qualified management companies with a management team expert in the industry

will be able to participate.

4.4.4. - Rules of investment

1. Investments must be made exclusively in companies located in Objective 1


2. Investments in any field of industry are encouraged. Investments in real estate,

however, are excluded.

4.4.5 - Monitoring

A representative of the fund of funds will participate in Board of Trustees meetings

in order to verify that the nature of the investments conforms to guidelines, but

he/she won’t be allowed to influence any commercial decision. His approval will

be essential to the investment decision.

4.4.6 - Possible launching institutions

It was concluded that this project would be more successful if managed on a

regional level. The regions with depressed economies would have easy access to

financial support from European funds (from Structural Funds, for example). The

regional fund of funds should be managed by a special regional agency.


Page 83: Israel Experience for Europe

4.5 - Project 4. A Coordinating Institution for High-tech Industries' Incentive


This research has shown that in a field as demanding and as fluid as that of high-

tech, it is important that a competent and powerful institution take control of the

situation (see section 1.4.2.). In Israel that institution is called the Office of the

Chief Scientist. It is a governmental agency with approximately 20 full-time and

over 50 part-time workers, all with high-tech or financial backgrounds. The agency

has the power to create, stop or modify any public program for the high-tech


In Italy, a similar agency should be created. The agency should be able to:

1. Disburse governmental funds to the high-tech industry without the need for any

additional governmental permission, even with a budget as large as €200-300


2. Conduct national and international studies to understand market trends.

3. Be updated on national and international market trends by means of internal or

external expert surveys and studies.


Page 84: Israel Experience for Europe

4.6. - Recommendations for Future Research and for the Definition of

Innovation Policies

For a better definition of innovation policies, it is recommended that researchers

and policy makers consider the following actions:





Identify both the success factors and the failure points of the many European VC

and incubator programs so as to comprehend the vast field of possible situations.

Be aware of a region’s potential when planning for it.

Set different goals for projects in depressed regions than those for projects in

regions with high potential for high-tech, unless they coincide.

Identify and research market failures in the high-tech industry, so effective

programmes can be set up without repeating mistakes. In line with this

recommendation, it is important to develop more and better innovation indicators

(for example, those regarding scientific publications are not sufficiently

disaggregated for sector and geographical area).


Page 85: Israel Experience for Europe


Apart from thanking all IFISE partners for their work and the European

Commission for its financial support, this project owes thanks to: Ugo Besso,

Alessandro Carlizzi, Luciano Chiappalone, Lina D’Amato, Francesca Negri,

Alberto Pagliarini and Rina Pridor.

Participants also would like to thank all interviewees in Italy, Israel and elsewhere.


Page 86: Israel Experience for Europe




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Page 87: Israel Experience for Europe

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Page 88: Israel Experience for Europe

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