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10/11/10 10:24 PM Islam Online- News Section Page 1 of 2 Members of the US families announcing donations they raised for the Fallujah refugees (AFP) An Iraqi family with relief supplies in Fallujah Bereaved US Families Share Iraqis Agonies of War By Adam Wild Aba, IOL Correspo ndent WASHINGTON, January 4 ( – With pictures of their smiling marine sons in their wallets and memories about the good old days always vivid, bereaved US families wrapped up last week a visit to Iraq in protest at the American occupation and in solidarity with thousands of Iraqis displaced by the US monster firepower. Californian Rosa Suarez del Solar and her Husband Fernando, whose marine son died in Iraq in March last year, led the grief-stricken families, anti-war activists and families of 9/11 victims in their soul- searching tour, which kicked off on December 26. And they were unified by a common ground: A strong determination to expose the US administration of George W. Bush and its misleading everything is going OK clichés to the entire world.  “We lost our son to an illegal war that is now destroying the lives of thousands of Iraqi children,” Fernando said. “We, as parents, must say ‘Stop the killing, comfort the children.'” In addition to Rosa and Fernando, the delegation also includes Jeffrey Ritterman, of Physicians for Social Responsibility, Jodie Evans, co- founder of CodePink: Women f or Peace, Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Global Exchange and CodePink, and Hany Khalil, a national organizer for the group United for Peace and Justice. The organizations sponsoring their tour are CodePink, Project Guerrero Azteca for peace, Global Exchange, the Middle East Children's Alliance, Physicians f or Social Responsibility, Peace Action, United for Peace and Justice, and Voices in the Wilderness. They secured diplomatic courtesy letters from US Senators Barbara Boxer of California and Raul Grijalva of Arizona and Congressmen Dennis Kucinich of Ohio and Henry Waxman of California. Fernando said had it not been for the help of the two congressmen, their tour would have not seen the light due to obstacles laid by the Pentagon. Fallujah Aid Feeling for thousands of Iraqis killed and made homeless by the US military  juggernaut, they raised US$600,000 worth of humanitarian aid to the refugees of the war-torn city of Fallujah. In an Internet appeal, they raised over US$100,000 in donations from Americans, who found it hard to buy the sweet-talk of their administration and joined the anti-war alliance.  “Your donations have provided thousands of cold, grieving refugees, especially children, with blankets, sweaters, heaters, portable stoves, clean water and antibiotics,” the group thanked the benevolent in a CodePink’s online statement. At least 2,000 Iraqis and 71 US soldiers were killed in a sweeping US raid into Fallujah in November, which displaced some 200,000 people and turned the city into a virtual ghost town. The refugees started returning to their “uninhabitable” homeland last month, facing new draconian US police measures with their finger prints taken and their retinas scanned. They were further forced to wear special ID badges.  Cluster Bombs Fernando said he believed it when he saw unexploded cluster bombs scattering across vast swathes of Iraq. He said the tennis ball-like bombs threaten the lives of thousands of Iraqi children, who innocently used to sift through the debris and the rubble of their destroyed homes. [an error occurred while processing this directive] Related Links Destroyed Fallujah  “Uninhabitable”  US Plans Police State Measures for Fallujans: Report  Dollars Can’t Make Up for Loss of Loved Ones: Fallujans  Fallujah Mosque Killings War Crime: Rights Groups  Destruction, Killings in Fallujah. Click to Watch....  Marines Killed Four Wounded Iraqi Prisoners: US Reporter In the Site: A Reality Check: Our Youth, How Safe Are They on the Internet? Islamic Sites in Bosnia: 10 Years After the War A Hungarian Orientalist Finds Islam Open Source Centre Success Muslim Refugees in South Africa Training Program for Science Journalists How Islam Affect Our Lives Islam and Other Religions Protection of Non- Muslims' Places of Worship  

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Members of the US families announcingdonations they raised for the Fallujahrefugees (AFP)

An Iraqi family with relief supplies in Fallujah

Bereaved US Families Share Iraqis Agonies of War

By Adam Wild Aba, IOL Correspo ndent

WASHINGTON, January 4( – With pictures of their smiling marine sons in theirwallets and memories about the goodold days always vivid, bereaved U S

families wrapped up last week a visit t oIraq in protest at the Americanoccupation and in solidarity withthousands of Iraqis displaced by the USmonster firepower.

Californian Rosa Suarez del Solar and her Husband Fernando, whosemarine son died in Iraq in March last y ear, led the grief-strickenfamilies, anti-war activists and fa milies of 9/11 victims in their soul-searching tour, which kicked off on December 26.

And they were unified by a comm on gr ound: A strong determinationto expose the US administration of George W. Bush and itsmisleading everything is going OK clich és to the entire world.

“We lost our son to an illegal war that is now destroying the lives of thousands of Iraqi children,” Fern ando said. “We, as parents, mustsay ‘Stop the killing, comfort the children.'”

In addition to Rosa and Fernan do, the delegation also includes Jeffrey

Ritterman, of Physicians for So cial Res ponsibility, Jodie Evans, co-founder of CodePink: Women f or Peac e, Medea Benjamin, co-founderof Global Exchange and CodePi nk, and Hany Khalil, a nationalorganizer for the group United for Peac e and Justice.

The organizations sponsoring th eir tour are CodePink, ProjectGuerrero Azteca for peace, Glo bal Exch ange, the Middle EastChildren's Alliance, Physicians f or Soci al Responsibility, Peace Action,United for Peace and Justice, a nd Voic es in the Wilderness.

They secured diplomatic courte sy letter s from US Senators BarbaraBoxer of California and Raul Gr ijalva of Arizona and CongressmenDennis Kucinich of Ohio and Henry Waxman of California.

Fernando said had it not been for the help of the two congressmen,their tour would have not seen the light due to obstacles laid by thePentagon.

Fallujah Aid

Feeling for thousands of Iraqis killed andmade homeless by the US military

juggernaut, they raised US$600,000 worthof humanitarian aid to the refugees of thewar-torn city of Fallujah.

In an Internet appeal, they raised overUS$100,000 in donations from Americans,who found it hard to buy the sweet-talk of their administration and joined the anti-waralliance.

“Your donations have provided thousands of cold, grieving refugees, especially children,with blankets, sweaters, heaters, portablestoves, clean water and antibiotics,” the group thanked thebenevolent in a CodePink’s online statement.

At least 2,000 Iraqis and 71 US soldiers were killed in a sweeping USraid into Fallujah in November, which displaced some 200,000 people

and turned the city into a virtual ghost town.The refugees started returning to their “uninhabitable” homeland lastmonth, facing new draconian US police measures with their fingerprints taken and their retinas scanned. They were further forced towear special ID badges.

Cluster Bombs

Fernando said he believed it when he saw unexploded cluster bombsscattering across vast swathes of Iraq.

He said the tennis ball-like bombs threaten the lives of thousands of Iraqi children, who innocently used to sift through the debris and therubble of their destroyed homes.

[an error occurred whileprocessing this


Related LinksDestroyedFallujah

“Uninhabitable” US PlansPolice StateMeasures forFallujans:

Report Dollars Can’tMake Up forLoss of LovedOnes: Fallujans FallujahMosque KillingsWar Crime:Rights Groups Destruction,Killings inFallujah. Clickto Watch.... Marines KilledFour WoundedIraqi Prisoners:US Reporter

In the Site:A RealityCheck:Our Youth,How SafeAre Theyon theInternet?

IslamicSites inBosnia: 10Years Afterthe War



MuslimRefugeesin SouthAfrica

TrainingProgramfor ScienceJournalists

How IslamAffect OurLives

Islam andOtherReligions

Protectionof Non-Muslims'Places of Worship

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International aid agencies had said that hundreds of Iraqi civilianswere maimed after tampering with the bombs with children makingmost of the victims.

Britain’s The Observer published last year a map showing vast areasof the occupied country at danger from live munitions.

The 12-person delegation met with Iraqi doctors, human rightsworkers, and families hurt by the occupation.

In Jordan, they were banned by authorities from holding a candlelitvigil outside UN headquarters on December 31.

“We are all very upset because we had done similar protests all over

the world. We're very shocked,” Benjamin told Agence France-PresseAFP.

As they were heading home, the families sang in unison, “All we aresaying, is give peace a chance.”

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