isis 2 guarantees

Isis 2 guarantees Did you understand how Isis 2 ordering and durability work?

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Isis 2 guarantees. Did you understand how Isis 2 ordering and durability work?. Group multicast. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Isis2 guarantees

Did you understand how Isis2 ordering and durability work?

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Group multicast

• In the Isis2 programming manual, you’ll see that multicast primatives like g.Send allow you to specify the destinations for a message: you can call g.Send(rcode, List<Address> dests, args)

• True or false: g.Send(rcode, args) behaves exactly the same as g.Send(rcode, g.GetView().members, args)?


g.GetView().members = {S,P,Q}. Here S is the sender.


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Group Multicast

• False. When you use g.Send(rcode, args) to send a message to the entire group, Isis2 uses a lock to synchronize sending with the group membership– This ensures that your message goes to all members in some

view of the group (the sender gets a copy too)– In the second approach , a race could arise if some member

was joining the group just as you do the send.



g.GetView().members = {S,P,Q}. Here S is the sender.

The problem is that the g.Send() really is issued after the GetView() was evaluated. During that split

second, R might have joined!

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Fault-Tolerance for Multicasts

• Suppose that you use g.Send() to send a message and some member of the group, process p, receives it and prints the message to the local console (without doing any other Isis2 system calls first).

• True or false: If g was in view {p,q,r} when p received the message, q and r will receive it too.

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Fault-Tolerance for Multicasts

• False.– g.Send() is an optimistic delivery multicast– It doesn’t wait to be certain that every member

has received a copy. Thus there are patterns of failures in which the sender could crash, and in which process p also crashes simultaneously, where q and r might never receive the message


S sends a message, but then crashes

P receives it. Then P crashes too


… Q and R do not receive it

… new view reports the failures

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Fault-Tolerance for Multicasts

• True or False: In Isis2 the only way to prevent the scenario seen here is to use the more costly g.SafeSend()



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Fault-Tolerance for Multicasts

• As worded, False: The SafeSend protocol has a pessimistic mode of delivery: before any copy is delivered, every member logs the message. But you can also avoid the risk of an outcome like this one by using an optimistic protocol but calling the g.Flush() method before “talking” to the outside world.



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Fault-Tolerance for Multicasts

• True or False: In Isis2 there is a way to “mask” the optimistic delivery behavior so that no external observer could ever know it arose.



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Fault-Tolerance for Multicasts

• True. If the recipient of a g.Send() calls g.Flush() before printing to the console, an outside observer will never see a non-atomic delivery.



g.Flush() delays until delivery is finished

P calls g.Flush() before printing anything. It has received the message, but until g.Flush finishes, doesn’t act upon it.

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Ordering for Multicasts

• Suppose S uses g.Send to send M0, then M1

True or false: Every receiver gets M0 before M1


M0 M1

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Ordering for Multicasts

• True. g.Send() preserves the “FIFO” or sender ordering. FIFO is short for “first in, first out” but in Isis2 means “first sent, first delivered”


M0 M1

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Ordering for Multicasts

• True or false. Suppose that only the leader (0’th ranked member) sends multicasts in a group. Then with g.Send(), every member sees every multicast in the identical order.


M0 M1


M2 M3

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Ordering for Multicasts

• True. After the old leader fails and the new view is reported, we won’t see further messages from the old leader. Thus the ordering guarantee of Send (FIFO) is all we need, on a “view by view” basis.


M0 M1


M2 M3

The group will never receive additional multicasts from S after S leaves the view

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Ordering for Multicasts

• Suppose S uses g.Send to send M0, and then much later in real-time, R sends M1

True or false: Every receiver gets M0 before M1




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Ordering for Multicasts

• False. Message loss or scheduling delays could affect delivery ordering. g.Send() only promises to maintain the ordering for messages that had the identical sender. These messages had different senders.




P gets M1, then M0

All others get M0 before M1

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• Suppose S uses g.OrderedSend to send M0, and then much later in real-time, R sends M1

True or false: Every receiver gets M0 before M1




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Every process gets M3 M2 even though M2 was sent first


• False. With OrderedSend, every process gets messages in the identical order. But it might not be the real-time order in which messages were sent. So every process gets M0 M1, or every process gets M1 M0.






Every process gets M0 M1

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• With OrderedSend, every process gets messages in the order they were sent, assuming they were sent by some single source.






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• True. In this example, M0 will always be delivered before M2. And M1 will always be delivered before M3. OrderedSend respects the FIFO ordering, but might not follow a real-time (clock) ordering if the senders are different (like for M2 and M3)






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Fault-Tolerance for g.OrderedSend

• Suppose that you use g.OrderedSend() to send a message and some member of the group, process p, receives it and prints the message to the local console (without doing any other Isis2 system calls first).

• True or false: If g was in view {p,q,r} when p received the message, q and r will receive it too.

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Fault-Tolerance for Multicasts

• False.– g.OrderedSend() is an optimistic delivery multicast– It doesn’t wait to be certain that every member

has received a copy. Thus there are patterns of failures in which the sender could crash, and in which process p also crashes simultaneously, where q and r might never receive the message


S sends a message, but then crashes

P receives it. Then P crashes too


… Q and R do not receive it

… new view reports the failures

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Fault-Tolerance for g.OrderedSend

• Suppose that you use g.OrderedSend() to send a message and some member of the group, process p, receives it, but calls g.Flush() before any external action is taken.

• Then no external observer will ever observe a non-atomic delivery.

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Fault-Tolerance for g.OrderedSend

• True. If the recipient of a g.OrderedSend() calls g.Flush() before printing to the console, an outside observer will never see a non-atomic delivery.



P calls g.Flush() before printing anything. It has received the message, but until g.Flush finishes, doesn’t act upon it.

g.Flush() delays until delivery is finished

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Ordering for g.OrderedSend

• Like g.Send(), g.OrderedSend() will always select an ordering that preserves the sender (FIFO) order. g.OrderedSend() goes beyond what g.Send() offers by also ensuring that even with multiple concurrent senders, ever process sees messages in the same order.

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Ordering for g.OrderedSend

• True. All Isis2 multicast primitives maintain the sender order, even if a message is lost and must be retransmitted.


M0 M1

Due to a message loss, delivering M1 immediately would violate FIFO order. Isis2

delays M1 until after M0 is retransmitted.

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Ordering for g.SafeSend

• The ordering provided by g.SafeSend() is actually identical to that of g.OrderedSend().

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Ordering for g.SafeSend

• True. The ordering provided by g.SafeSend() is actually identical to that of g.OrderedSend().

• Both provide FIFO ordering for the sender. And both place concurrent multicasts from different senders into some fixed order, which cannot easily be predicted and might not be the real-time ordering, and then deliver in that fixed order.

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g.OrderedSend vs. g.Send

• g.OrderedSend is always slower than g.Send, but faster than g.SafeSend

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g.OrderedSend vs. g.Send

• False. g.OrderedSend adapts to the situation. It will be as fast as g.Send if there is just one sender in the group. But it will run slower if there are multiple concurrent senders.

• Even so, g.OrderedSend is always faster than g.SafeSend, which logs messages to a disk file before delivering them.

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• If g.OrderedSend() is used, and g.Flush() is called prior to interacting with external entities, the result is identical to g.SafeSend()

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• This issue is very subtle and goes beyond what was covered in the video.

• [Case A: true] In a soft-state (first tier) service this statement would be true. In such a situation, you cannot distinguish between g.OrderedSend+g.Flush and g.SafeSend, provided that g.Flush is called prior to interacting with the outside world.

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• [Case B: false] With a durable service things get more complex. In the event of a total failure where all group members crash concurrently, g.SafeSend maintains a log and will replay all messages after failure. g.OrderedSend doesn’t log its messages, hence no replay occurs.

• This matters when a group is used as the “front end” to a durable replicated database. In such cases we need g.SafeSend.

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• True or false: Calling g.Flush(k) causes Isis2:1. To form a list of known active multicasts, namely messages

that have been sent or received but that are still active in the system.

2. Check how many recipients each of the multicasts has.3. And then wait until there are at least k recipients that have

acknowledge receipt of each.

• Thus, after g.Flush(k) returns, a multicast can’t vanish from the system unless k concurrent failures occur, and they would need to include every one of the processes that acknowledged receipt.

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• True. Without a value specified for k, g.Flush() waits until every group member has received any pending multicasts. With k>1 specified, g.Flush() waits until k group members have acknowledged each pending multicast.

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• True or False: it makes no sense at all to call g.Flush(1).

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• True. The value of k tells Isis2 how many “acknowledged copies” must exist of every pending multicast known to the process P at which the call to g.Flush(k) was done.

• But any multicast known to P clearly has k=1, since P itself has a copy. Thus k=1 is meaningless. We normally use k=2 or k=3.

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Let’s try a harder case

• Mx is an update and YT means “your turn”. We want them processed in the identical order. The idea is that S “owns” some variable X and sends updates M0 and M1. Then R takes over and sends updates.


M0 M1 YT

M2 M3 YT

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Let’s try a harder case

• Assume the service is running in the soft-state tier. Will this algorithm work properly if OrderedSend() is used for the Mx and YT multicasts?


M0 M1 YT

M2 M3 YT

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Let’s try a harder case

• … Yes. OrderedSend() respects FIFO order, and as long as R waits to receive YT before sending M2 M3, every process will receive every multicast in the identical order.


M0 M1 YT

M2 M3 YT

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Let’s try a harder case

• If FIFO order is what we need, will this code be correct if g.Send() is used for the Mx and YT multicasts?


M0 M1 YT

M2 M3 YT

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Let’s try a harder case

• … No. Consider this example. g.Send() could reach R before it reaches P and Q. This creates a race condition, and M2 and M3 might be received out of order.


M0 M1 YT

M2 M3 YT

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Let’s try a harder case

• …What if we use g.Send(), but insert a call to g.Flush() before sending the YT multicasts?


M0 M1 YT

M2 M3 YT



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Let’s try a harder case

• … yes. This version works because M1 M2 are already stable before the YT multicast is sent. But by waiting before sending YT it could be slow… the flush waits for acknowledgements


M0 M1 YT

M2 M3 YT



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Let’s try a harder case

• …What if we use g.Send(), but insert a call to g.Flush after receiving the YT multicasts?


M0 M1 YT

M2 M3 YTflush


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Let’s try a harder case

• … yes! The g.Flush() waits for unstable multicasts to finish, and we know that R has seen M0 M1 YT. So those finish, and every process receives M2 M3 after M0 M1


M0 M1 YT

M2 M3 YTflush


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Another hard case

• Suppose a group manages red objects and blue objects, and they have nothing to do with one-another. Moreover, suppose there is a single member that sends red updates, and a different single member that sends blue updates.

A. We can use g.Send() for the updatesB. We should use g.OrderedSend() for updates

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Another hard case

• Suppose a group manages red objects and blue objects, and they have nothing to do with one-another. Moreover, suppose there is a single member that sends red updates, and a different single member that sends blue updates.

A. We can use g.Send() for the updatesB. We should use g.OrderedSend() for updates

g.Send() will have one order for red updates (based on the FIFO send order) and another one for blue. Thus updates may

interleave in different orders at different members, but this won’t matter because the group treats red and blue objects

as being independent.

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Another hard case

• Same setup, but now suppose we also need to do a green operation that looks at both red and blue objects and computes some sort of aggregate statistic over the full set.

A. We can still use g.Send() for the updates, but should use g.OrderedSend() for the green operations.

B. We should use g.OrderedSend() for everything

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Another hard case

• Same setup, but now suppose we also need to do a green operation that looks at both red and blue objects and computes some sort of aggregate statistic over the full set.

A. We can still use g.Send() for the updates, but should use g.OrderedSend() for the green operations.

B. We should use g.OrderedSend() for everything

This won’t work because OrderedSend isn’t ordered relative to Send. Thus the green operations could “see” an

inconsistent state in which the red and blue updates are only partially completed at some members

If every operation uses OrderedSend, the green operations see some well defined single state consistent across the entire group.

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Which is the most efficient?

• OrderedSend() is slower than Send() in this setting• Flush() by the sender is faster than by a receiver.– The sender is first to learn that multicasts are stable.– Receiver needs to wait until the sender reports stability.

• Best solution: call Flush before sending YT• Mystery: Will the new sender delay waiting to learn

about stability of the prior YT? – Yes if the code that sends the multicasts is slow enough, but

perhaps not if the code is very fast– May need to experiment to find out!

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Visualizing the flush delay

• The acks and the stability report are shown by green dashes here. The g.Flush() needs to wait for that stability report.– At the sender, this happens as fast as possible…


M0 M1 YT

M2 M3 YT


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Visualizing the flush delay

• At the receiver in this example, a call to g.Flush() needs to wait for a stability report from the prior sender…– So this could be slower


M0 M1 YT

M2 M3 YT


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• True or false: An Isis2 checkpoint is used to– Initialize a joining group member– Maintain the group state even across failures in

which all group members crash or shut down

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• True. An Isis2 checkpoint is used to– Initialize a joining group member (state transfer)– Maintain the group state even across failures in

which all group members crash or shut down.For this you must call g.Persistent(filename), specifying a file in which the state can be stored.

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• True. This is important to keep in mind when using a secured Isis2 process group.

• g.SetSecure() encrypts data on the wire, but not in memory within the group members, and any checkpoints stored to disk will be unencrypted. Isis2 assumes that the operating system security model is adequate to protect the contents of the checkpoint file.

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Checkpoints for State Transfer

• True or false. Isis2 prevents race conditions relative to group multicasts that might be occurring just as a member joins. This ensures that the state in a state transfer has every relevant update.

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Checkpoints for State Transfer

• True. Isis2 finishes pending multicasts, then creates a checkpoint for the state transfer. A joining member loads the state transfer before receiving messages in the new view.


Even in a very busy group, exactly the right data is included in the state transfer: every prior update is

represented, and any future update will reach the new member. The virtual synchrony model gives these

terms mathematically rigorous meaning!

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Checkpoints for State Transfer

• True or false. With Paxos, the same sort of reconfiguration behavior is provided by the so-called “dynamic membership” feature.

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Checkpoints for State Transfer

• False. The classic Paxos protocols do include a dynamic membership option, but messages sent in a past view might become committed in a future view.

• A recent “virtually synchronous Paxos” model merges the two approaches. Isis2 implements that model.

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Relative speed

• True or false. The g.SafeSend() protocol requires 2 phases for delivery– In the first phase messages are written to logs,

which might be stored on disk and members vote on message ordering.

– In the second phase, ordered, durable delivery occurs.

– In a hidden background step, low-level acknowledgements form a kind of third phase.

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Relative speed

• True. Like the Paxos protocol on which Safesend is based, the Isis2 protocol is fairly expensive and behaves like a 2-phase commit.

• It should only be used when a group manages replicated state that lives outside the system, perhaps in replicas of an ACID database.


Messages are stored in a log during the first phase. This causes brief delays, while waiting for the disk I/O

Ordered delivery occurs in the second phase

Low-level messages are acknowledged in the background, but this is normally not visible to users

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Relative speed

• True or false. Other versions of Paxos don’t cost remotely so much, and they don’t have disk based logs. So the Isis2 version is unusually expensive.

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Relative speed

• True. By default, the g.SafeSend log is maintained in memory, but this is not a completely safe option: if the group experiences a total failure, those in-memory logs are lost and hence durability is not maintained. To ensure durability across total failures, the data must be stored on disk.

• Use the “g.SafeSend disklogger durability method” for this purpose.

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Relative speed

• True or false. g.OrderedSend() is basically just as costly as g.SafeSend(), especially if g.Flush() is called before interacting with external users.

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Relative speed

• False. g.OrderedSend() is much cheaper, even with g.Flush() used in the recommended way. In fact g.OrderedSend() is often as fast as g.Send(), which is depicted in the graphs below

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Understanding OrderedSend

• With a single sender in a group, OrderedSend is mapped directly to Send. So the speed is exactly as on that graph.

• With two or more senders, incoming messages get queued, and then the leader sends a SETORDER message, using Send. – Each SETORDER can order many OrderedSends– As soon as it arrives those OrderedSends are dequeued and

delivered. The steady-state speed will be similar to Send but a little slower than what was seen on the graph.

– This is a continuous concurrent process in applications that send steady rates of multicasts.

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Relative speed

• True or false. g.OrderedSend():1. Delivers “optimistically”, meaning during the first

phase, as soon as the ordering is determined2. Doesn’t log messages to disk3. With a single sender, just runs g.Send(). The

more costly ordering decision is only active if there are two or more senders running during some single view of the group

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Relative speed

• True. g.OrderedSend():1. Delivers “optimistically”, meaning during the first phase,

as soon as the ordering is determined. This is why g.Flush(k) is recommended before interacting with an external user.

2. Doesn’t log messages to disk. No replay of past messages is available. SafeSend maintains a permanent record.

3. With a single sender, just runs g.Send(). The more costly ordering decision is only active if there are two or more senders running during some single view of the group. The protocol counts senders and changes modes if more than one member sends.

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Relative speed

• True or false. It is always a good idea to try and replace g.OrderedSend() with g.Send()

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Relative speed

• False. Although g.Send() is faster when there are multiple senders (the case in which g.OrderedSend must pick an ordering and tell everyone what it is), g.OrderedSend() always delivers every message in the same order at all members. If you replace g.OrderedSend with g.Send but actually needed identical ordering, your code will be inconsistent. Thus this change must be made carefully.

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Relative speed

• True or false. With the g.SafeSend() protocol, if you plan to use it in the soft-state tier, you can configure it to keep the message logs in memory rather than on disk. But for use with some kind of external database replicas (e.g. if the messages are database updates) you need to configure SafeSend to use a disk-based log.

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Relative speed

• False. Paxos is poorly understood even by many practitioners who use prebuilt Paxos implementations in their systems.

• In fact Paxos always has the kind of structure seen in the g.SafeSend() protocol. The Isis2 protocol is a faithful implementation of Paxos.

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• By replicating a file or database and using g.SafeSend(), one can create identical replicas that will be correct even if a total failure of the group occurs, and then a restart.

• True or false: To use this option, the application must ensure that there is a way to determine which updates were applied to a recovering database replica.

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• True. When restarting, Isis2 will replay the logged SafeSend messages. We want them applied to the database exactly once, hence must somehow check to see if these are repeats of operations the database processed prior to crashing.

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• By replicating a file or database and using g.SafeSend(), one can create identical replicas that will be correct even if a total failure of the group occurs, and then a restart. This option is valuable even in the “first” or “soft state” tier of the cloud.

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• False. The g.SafeSend() multicast is only used when building a durable replicated database with Isis2, and isn’t meaningful in the so-called soft-state tier of the cloud.

• In the soft state tier of the cloud, a failure resets the state of the failed node. Any local files or databases are restored to the original state from when the VM image was created.

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Soft State Tier

• True or False: The outer tier of the cloud is said to be the soft-state or tier-one layer. Programs in this layer cannot maintain values in variables or in files, and must be purely functional.

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Soft State Tier

• False: The term soft-state doesn’t mean that a program can’t have variables or local files. In fact these programs are just like any others and they run in VM images that include file systems. The issue is that if the cloud shuts such a node down, the state is erased. When the node restarts it is always restored to the intial state that was originally in the VM.

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Views and Multicasts

• Isis2 delivers new View events and multicasts on the same single thread (per group).

• Thus if this thread blocks for any reason (on a lock, or a Semaphore, or even by calling Sleep or doing a file I/O) no other group events can occur until the thread unblocks

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Views and Multicasts

• True. A common mistake made by new users of Isis2 is to write code that blocks or even simply runs very slowly in response to an incoming View or multicast.

• If you need to do something slow, fork off a new thread. That will maintain “liveness” of the system.

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Views and Multicasts

• If processes print the current group View when they receive a multicast, every receiver of the multicast will print the identical View.

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Views and Multicasts

• True. In the Isis2 virtual synchrony model, multicasts are “totally ordered” relative to Views.

• For example, if process P receives a multicast M when the group membership is, {P,Q,R}, we know that Q and R will also receive M, and that they will see group view {P,Q,R} too.

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Views and Point-to-Point Messages

• Suppose that an application uses the Isis2 unicast options: P2PSend or P2PQuery. Then these also are ordered relative to views

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Views and Point-to-Point Messages

• True. P2PSend or P2PQuery have a sender, and Isis2 guarantees that the sender will still be a group member when the P2P message delivery occurs.

• Thus if process S crashes and process P sees the new view, P is certain to never receive a multicast or a P2P message from S in the future. In Isis2, a process never receives messages “from the dead”.

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Other options

• True or false: g.RawSend() is FIFO ordered, but doesn’t attempt to recover lost messages.

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Other options

• True. g.RawSend() is FIFO ordered, but doesn’t attempt to recover lost messages. In the event of a network packet loss, a gap can occur. But if M0 was sent before M2, and Isis2 delivers M2, it will never deliver M0 later even if a copy somehow shows up “late”.

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Other options

• True or false: g.CausalSend() has an ordering guarantee that can be described as the transitive closure of the FIFO property.

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Other options

• True. g.CausalSend() guarantees that if M was sent before M’, by any group member, then M’ will be delivered after M.

• This is a version of Lamport’s happens before relationship, sometimes written M M’.