iron values trailer park challenge chapter 13

{ IRON VALUES Trailer Park Challenge Chapter XIII

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Post on 11-Apr-2017



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Trailer Park ChallengeChapter XIII

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Welcome back! Quick run-down of the sims in picture:Founder Ilo, spouse Bruce, heiress Neodymium, spouse Benjamin, spare Neptunium, first-born Samarium, triplets Curium, Livermorium & Tellurium, plus dogs Benny and Dakota.

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Now, where were we?

“Hello? I’m about to give birth here!”

Oh right. Carry on.

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Gallium ( ) can be liquid near room temperatures, making it ♀possible to use in high-temperature thermometers. It expands on solidifying, therefore it should not be stored in glass or metal containers, as they may break as the metal solidifies.

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Zirconium ( ) is a greyish-white lustrous metal which, if finely ♂divided, can ignite spontaneously in air, especially at elevated temperatures. Zirconium is found in S-type stars, and has been identified in the sun and meteorites.

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Francium ( ) is found in uranium minerals, and can be made ♀artificially by bombarding thorium with protons. The longest lived isotope, 223Fr, has a half-life of 22 minutes. No weighable quantity of the element has been prepared or isolated.

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Hydrargyrum ( ), better known as quicksilver or mercury, is a ♂heavy, silvery-white liquid metal. Organic mercury compounds are important - and dangerous. If you are in possession of any mercury you are advised to contact a properly qualified chemist or public health laboratory for its safe disposal.

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Yep, pregnancy 2 ended up in quadruplets.

Now I have 13 sims and two dogs to take care of.

And there’s still one more pregnancy to go…

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Wait, you’re here again?

“I never left.”

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“I really need to pee but everyone’s blocking the door so I’m just going to jump into your arms like this!”

“Oof! Careful, honey!”

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To ease the gameplay celebrate the multi-birth I bought some pet beds for the triplets!

…I didn’t break any rule, did I? This room is locked for the dogs, so I shouldn’t need to build a porch to place the beds on.

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Tellurium: “Hungwy!”

Teresa: “Of course I’ll get you some food, little guy! Wow, talk about irresponsible parents.”

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Neptunium: “After I’ve finished eating this sparkly plate of pancakes you’ll get a nice, long bath.”

Curium: “No want baf! MOOOOMMYYYYY!”

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Benny: “This human seems to be quite good with sponges. Maybe she can give me a good wash-down.”

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“Well aren’t you a good boy!”

“Bath please.”

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“Why do I *huff* have to *grunt* do this?”

Because I tell you to, boyo.

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“Voice, I don’t want to do homework. I want to go to college.”

You’ve only earned the dancing scholarship so far and time’s a tickin’. Homework is a safer bet than getting abducted.

“Wait, what do you mean ‘abducted’?”

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Samarium: “I do so not deserve a D.”

Homework equals grades. Why do you Rautas have such a hard time accepting it?

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Observe closely as the Simmus Romancus advances towards its mate. This particular style of walking, unique to the species, has been named ‘the strut’. It is most commonly executed by alpha males with high levels of self-esteem.

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These two are already besties :D Tessa Ramirez has acquired a rival for his hand (if he loses the heir poll, or I pull out the townie converter).

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Stinky the Skunk: “I am not to be petted by the likes of you!”

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“And remember Sam, if your teacher gives you an F all you have to do is give her one of your Grandpa’s old business cards.”

“Shouldn’t I earn my grades?”

“Yes, but it’s always good to have a back-up plan.”

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“Neener-neener, you’re a gnome! Haw-haw!”

“Please unhand me, Mr. Green.”

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“Stupid sister, stupid aspiration, stupid gnome-thieves…”

“Nep, there’s a plate for you in the kitchen if –”

“I don’t need any help from you!”

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“Someone cleaned up after me. I do not approve of this.”

Eventually I got sick of even trying to get him to college. Plus the ages wouldn’t have synced, since I take after Keika in sending sims to college when there’s 8 days left of teenhood.

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“We bouf smelly!”

It’s time to do something about this.

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After all, dogs shouldn’t be allowed to be unhygienic for long periods of time.

What do you mean I have my priorities wrong?

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This household is so obsessed with baths that the water doesn’t even have time to drain.

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“My baby feels really light.”

Maybe because it’s teethless.

“It? Can’t you even recognise Gal- I mean Zirc – uh… hold on…”

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Rest in pieces, stereo from when Bruce moved in. You’ve served us well, from wedding music to midnight smustling raves.

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Say hello to our upgrade!

What better way is there to invest in your children’s future than to get them a good old-fashioned jukebox?

Besides, y’know, feeding and clothing them.

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“Why does my life suck so hard?!”

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“Oh my, I feel a bit woozy. I should probably switch carpools.”

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“Too bad it’s not the kid. Those are usually easier to charm.”

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“Who’s that little baby? I have no idea!”

“It’s Zirconium, Dad.”

“Why, those chaps are not giving a rat’s bum about me!”

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“Hiya there, Neptunium! I’m your designated counselor, or ‘Social Bunny’ as you may call it, and together we’re going to re-build you into a happy, healthy teenager again!”

“Yeah right. You’re a figment of my imagination, so get lost.”

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I tend to forget how entertaining it is to see Neo dance. She’s so gracious in her movements.

Neptunium & toddler: “*photobomb*”

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Dakota: “What makes you think you have the right to tell me when to make puppies or not, huh?!”

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Personally I’d like to lie on the mat, but to each their own.

“Do not want Cujium!”

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“This is so much fun! Yee-hooooo!”

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Bruce: “We haven’t lied down and talked like this in ages.”

Ilo: “Yeah, we should do this mo – wait, I think I hear a diaper in the need of changing.”

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“I want foooooood!”

There’s a whole serving platter on the counter. Get going.

“Nah, I’ll just stay here pestering the babies for hours.”

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I do not know why he is sneaking, but he has every reason to after what he did >:(

Oh wait, I haven’t published that part of the asylum yet. Well, you’ll see when I post it.

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Oh joy, here come the toddlers.

First off is Zirc.

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Next up is Hydra, whose nickname fits with his zodiac sign.

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“Look at me, I’m a bird!”

Then Francie.

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And lastly Gal. Or Gallie. We’ll have to sort that out.

Where did all these nice points from? Grandpa Bruce has 7, but he doesn’t act like it. Neither does Pras.

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Because I cannot be bothered with seven toddlers at once, the triplets are aging up a day in advance.

“So long, dummy-suckers!”

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First up is Tel, with the same personality as Gal/Gallie.

The reason I’m reposting their stats is to try and give them some kind of character (and to remind the world of how great I am at cropping pictures).

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Next is Curi, with the same personality as Francie.

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Then, as a dramatic finale, Livermorium. Reasons for tanking into red:1. He doesn’t get a nickname.2. He shares personality with both Sam and Zirc.

It’s the Clone Wars, people. Total nice point average: 5.38

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“Teehee! Tickle!”

“This child tastes odd. Almost as if it was metallic.”

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“It’s okay Uncle Nep, I won’t tell anyone. Want to toss some football with me?”

“You’re way too nice for your own good.”

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“All work and no play makes Ben a dull boy…”

“But you played with the kids just now?”

“…I didn’t mean that kind of playing.”

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“You guys might want to get some groceries while you’re out.”

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Random dirty joke picture to hold the place for random info:I think Nightlife is my favorite expansion pack. Mostly because of the dates that can get a sim from red to platinum in practically no time, but also because it took several years for me to get my hands on anything besides Double Deluxe.

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Back on track:

Don’t you think Ben’s wedding ring looks as if someone put it there using Windows Paint?

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How have I not noticed you before, Unsavory Charlatan?

You’re PERFECT for what I’ve had in mind for more than a year!

Though I think I’ll finish at least one story before attempting it.

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“You’re like the cutest couple ever! Come on, kiss!”

“We’ll do it, but not because you’re telling us to.”

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“Honey, try not to splash too much in the puddle that appeared out of nowhere. I’m using water-based colors.”

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Oh look, someone else is wetting their pants too.

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“Zzz… do not want clone…”

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Ah, and just as I fulfilled his friend want.

At least he’s not in the red anymore.

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One less diaper fear to fulfill. For now.

I’d say it’s Francie, but custom hair is tricky so it might be Gallie.

I’ve picked Gallie so I don’t constantly think of Cal.

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Micro-managing can get a bit tiring with a bigger household hack, so this baby is back in business. With three perma-plat sims I don’t have to worry about mini-heart attacks.

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“Benny, sweetie…”

“Bathe us and you’ve got a deal.”

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“Don’t you think the comfort soup I just made would be a healthier option?”

“Ilo, it’s nice that you care and all, but right now I’m in the mood for some Candy Land treats.”

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“Dear diary,

I love Grandma. She always tucks us in at night.”

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“Curi says that it’s lame. Though I think he actually likes it, but is just copying Livermorium. They don’t include me in their games and hang-outs even though we’re triplets. That’s kind of mean.”

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Apparently relationship points can be gained simply by asking someone to join.

You think you know everything there is to know about the game, and then events like these pop up.

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“Freeze, scum!”

“Okay officer! I won’t do it again!”

“*sigh* Curi, you’re doing it wrong.”

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Francium: “Just lie down and relax, Mister Teddy.”

Mr Teddy: “HALP”

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Breaking news: Ben just got fat!

“It’s all this homegrown food, I tells ya.”

Or the Candy Land treats.

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“Yum, sparkles. Why don’t they serve us this more often?”


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Autonomous peek-a-boo with Hydra!

Since you’re both in such a good mood, I’m going to do something I didn’t think I would do:

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Have one of the multiplets learn to walk.

This picture is making me melt inside. I just want to write KYUTE over and over again, but I think I’ve already made my point.

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Summer has come to an end, and so has this chapter.

It was a bit shorter than usually, mostly because I try to play rotationally (as evidenced by the thingamajig up there) and due to repetitive gameplay (8 CHILDREN FOR BOB’S SAKE).

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~~~~~~~~~Shout-outs this chapter:

Keika (keika20), author of The White Legacy (completed) and Wynter Wonderland WYDC.

“Altered Fates” Alternate Universe Legacy by Ani-Mei (animeangel1983). I actually read her latest chapter just before writing the last of this update. She also has a bunch of other

challenges you should go check out (even though I haven’t read them all yet).

A Sweetmeaton BACC by Bouncer (the Candy Land references), who’s left some wonderful comments and PMs on my challenges lately *virtual hug*. Despite some grammar errors

their writing is a lot better than they think.

And lastly, though not specifically mentioned in this chapter, MichelleCYoung. She’s written (among other things) the Badass Alphabetocalypse (completed) and is currently working on (again, among other things) Youngdale BARQC. The prologue is a bachelor challenge starring

our beloved Neppy.

Happy simming!