iron values trailer park challenge chapter 14 part 2

{ IRON VALUES Trailer Park Challenge Chapter XIV, Part 2/3

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Trailer Park ChallengeChapter XIV, Part 2/3

Page 2: Iron Values Trailer Park Challenge Chapter 14 Part 2

Apparently the 8 sim limit on loading screens can be overridden if the additional sims are babies/toddlers, but as soon as they grow up they go into hiding.

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With this many children around I had to play a little tetris with the beds to get them all to fit in that small area while still being accessible.Now there’s a bed for each child and two double beds that the teen and older sims get to fight about. Luckily three of them can just live off the energizer since they’re perma-plat!

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Captain Francie leads her pirate tub crew into battle!

“Could you please back off?”

Oh right, the three shyness points.

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Look! Dakota is interacting with someone in a way that doesn’t involve asking for treats!

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Bruce and Ilo are more joined at the hip than Bruce and his loincloth. To think that they’ll both be going to the Ethereal Luau soon...

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I still have some plans left for my founder, so she gets to drink from the fountain of youth (or radioactive booze for all I care, as long as it does the trick).

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Bruce on the other hand stays young by teaching “Thriller” moves to his grandchildren.

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One word: priorities.

“What? A grimy counter is worse than a few stinky bottles lying around!”

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“I'm pregnant!”

“That's nothing we haven’t seen before, sweetie.”

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“Do you think Voice will ever play something other than that same hip-hop record over and over again?”

“As long as I'm fed I don't mind.”

Gallie, you make me sound like a bad overseer D:

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“Impaling my brother with a jumping rope makes me feel fulfilled.”

Yup, definitely this generation's Ura.

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“I’m in yo fridge, stealing yo juices!”

That’s it, I’m changing the radio station to country.

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Dear SW warning,please stop pestering me about the kids starving. They are refusing to eat during mealtimes being taught independence and self-sustainability.

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Prepare to see almost exclusively tomboys in my game: I have a set of unlockers that allow girls to wear (most) boy clothes.

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Lee, your grades are already suffering. Shouldn't you at least attend the classes?

“Nah. School is too stressful; I'd rather relax in this bubble bath instead.”

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I'd scold Zirc for “being too cool for school” as well, but at least he uses his hookie-time to improve the environment score.

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Oh, Ben... I thought you were smarter than that.

“But it looked soft!”

Who are you, Lennie Small?

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“Oh crap I hit a pipeline!”

Well, you need to shower anyway… see it as a water wiggler.

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While Ben is busy with his outdoors shenanigans, Neo is embracing her pregnancy glow through harmonious painting.

Neo: *stabs canvas repeatedly*

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Did you just eat the only successful cupcake Tel made?

“What? I’d never take a pastry my grandchild’s put so much effort into.”

Are you going to tell him that one of the dogs ate it?

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It’d be a pretty bad lie: obviously they have much more refined taste than that.

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“Please feed me. My owners have left me starving.”


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“Yuck. What is this dump?”

If it isn’t Russell! Criticize the trailer park all you want: it’s still a whole lot better than the house you spent your two first life stages in.

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Why was I even surprised at this? *sigh*

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Russell, being the jock he is, mistakes Sam’s smustle moves for boxing practice and joins in with his Sports enthusiasm.

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“And then the factory worker said – “

Ben: *goes to happy place*

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“How dare you prank me?! Learn to respect your elders!”

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“Don’t you start something you can’t handle, fatso. I can bench press more than your whole weight.”

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So Russell slapped Ben, then Ben slapped Russell, and it would have probably turned into a full-blown fight had I not interfered.

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Someone brought Tessa over again, but there are so many kids that she couldn’t get out before the bus driver took off.

Oh, glitches <3

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“Dance with me, Russell!”

“Another time, spud. I need to go get my nunchucks.”

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“Grampa! Some chick wonders if you want to go Downtown!”

Oh, but Bruce gave up on that life a long time ago.

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See, he loses crush state just from exchanging hellos!

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“A-ha! You can’t beat me up in front of my children, especially when they’re crowding the hallway!”

Zirc: *makes an adorable face*

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Two birds with one stone (or the Nordic, less grim version: two flies with one shot): I’ll get rid of the SW bad-grades-messages and Lee gets to fulfill a major want.

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“Mr R is so not hot. His kids are ugly too!”

That’s enough dear.

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I’m trying not to include too many Ilo x Bruce pics, but I can’t. I just can’t.

Ooh, maybe I should throw them a golden anniversary party!

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“I’ve become old.”

You realised that just now? How long have I been playing with reflections off?

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“Who’s a stinky doggy? You’re a stinky doggy!”

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Sam, is something troubling you at school?

“No, why do you ask?”

Because you’re cleaning stuff again. I thought last chapter’s outburst would be a one-time thing!

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Meanwhile, I find a sad kind of comfort in the fact that Gallie continues to stand up after passing out, unlike her brothers.

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Look who’s gaining creativity and aspiration points!

“I’m also helping out for the yard sale!”

Win-win all around.

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I know hindsight is 20/20, but my foresight must have been something more than merely blind.

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Hopefully with a separate dog tub there’ll be less traffic in the bathrooms.

Also, this was somehow saved into my Storytelling folder, with the title “Screenshot” instead of “snapshot_randomdigits” o.O

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“♪Hush little clone, now don’t say a wordBrother’s gonna buy you an Angry Bird”

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“I popped. Hehe.”

Boy am I glad that you hadn’t put the pan on the stove yet!

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Since you’re in such a good mood, why don’t you go ahead and do your siblings’ homework?

“Are you sure the teacher won’t notice?”

Of course! Besides, he only cares whether it’s filled in or not.

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“That wasn’t very nice, uncle Nep!”

“Tough luck, kiddo. The world is a harsh place and you softies need to learn how to face it!”

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“Why is Tel always the one occupying the bathroom?”

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“You are one hot mama!”

Ben x Neo is still going strong, despite all the tiring rugrats.I still want some illegitimacy points, but it wouldn’t feel right to do that to their marriage.

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“Oh nooo, silly me to oversleep and miss the bus. Seems I’ll –”

Start marching, mister. I’m not letting a kid with nothing but green needs stay at home!

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Rise and shine, princess! You get to go to school too!

Gallie: *groan*

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Captain Preggers, distorting towels with her ginormous belly!

“*sigh* When will I ever get rid of you?”

Maybe when you’re dead, but I make no promises!

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“Hi Cal! How nice of you to pass by!”

Cal: “Block the image… block the image…”

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Hold on now, what’s this? Why yes, it’s Ben taking his pa-in-law on a little Sunday (actually Friday) drive! It’s also the maiden voyage of the car Ben fixed up some eternity ago.

Where is the car of questionable condition headed then?

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To Peerless Park, where Ben can fulfill some of his useless Nature hobby wants and the two of them can bond in the manly art of – wait, it’s hailing? RUN BENJAMIN RUN

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“You simply MUST see FernGully: The Last Rainforest. It is a movie that will make you completely reevaluate what you’re doing with your life!”

“No offense, but if I want big-lipped alligator moments, I can just call up one of my exes.”

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Like I was about to say, B & B have a chance to bond through the manly art of fishing without a bunch of kids to look after!

Bruce: “Let me teach you how this is done, boyo! I’ll maybe even let you borrow some of my riverblossom minnow!”

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Aw, that’s what happens when you get too macho. But hey, you could try to use some of the seaweed from the boot as bait?

“Stop patronizing me.”

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“Voice, I’m tired. Can I take a nap in the witch’s lap?”

Eh… let’s get you home instead. Infallibly good or not, it’s best not to mess with anything that has a discernible aura.

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Between them both, the Father & Son duo managed to catch a whopping total of 15 fish!

And no, I’m not bad at basic math…

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…I’m just so proud that I had one of the rainbow trouts mounted on the wall :D Let’s see if it’ll get any company before summer rolls around.

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“G’day Mr. R. Would you please tell the other Mr. R that I’m taking one of your precious newspapers to agitate him?”

“Thank you Sam. Would you mind guiding your Grampa to bed before he passes out?”

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Thus concludes part 2. I’ll leave you off with a picture that makes me want to yell “OUT OF CHARACTER! OUT OF CHARACTER!” at the screen.

Happy simming!