
See if you can locate all the organs of the digestiv e system

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Post on 23-Mar-2016




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See if you can locate all the organs of the digestive system 1 What signs do we see here? 2 Here we see an assimilation ring and a hyperactive stomach. 3 You will see an overactive or hyperactive stomach as a distinctly whitish or lighter stomach zone than the remainder of the iris. The zone appears to be elevated. This means the hydrochloric acid level is above normal; heartburn is also a common symptom in this condition. Thus, the color of the zone reflects the tissue condition in the stomach. 4


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See if you can locate all the organs of the digestive system

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What signs do we see here?

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Here we see an assimilation ring and a hyperactive stomach.

A dark brown circle is often evident immediately outside of the pupil. This is known by various names: assimilation ring, pupil ruff, or neurasthenic ring.Interpretations of this brown/orange ring vary. German iridology states it signifies constitutional and physiological changes in nerve function. Hall suggests that people with this sign are over-reactive to their inner emotions and tend to become ill if they are subject to emotional disharmony. American iridology believes a ballooning ruff signifies poor or faulty assimilation of nutrients. In other words, despite an excellent diet a person would not achieve maximum well-being because they are unable to absorb nutrients from the food. A narrow ruff signifies a sensitive constitution. Ideally, the assimilation ring should not be visible.

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Hyperactive Stomach

You will see an overactive or hyperactive stomach as a distinctly whitish or lighter stomach zone than the remainder of the iris. The zone appears to be elevated. This means the hydrochloric acid level is above normal; heartburn is also a common symptom in this condition. Thus, the color of the zone reflects the tissue condition in the stomach.

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Mechanical Signs Seen in the Bowel. Lower left: stricture or spastic bowel. Lower right: prolapsed transverse colon.

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What signs do we see here?

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Ballooning or stricture appears in the iris as a contraction of the autonomic nervous wreath, sometimes right into the pupil margin or out of zone two into zone 3. Usually in a ballooned bowel, the area ballooning is darker in the iris, indicating a blockage of hardened impacted feces. This condition is also known as irritable bowel syndrome.There is often pain in the morning severe enough to waken the sufferer from a deep sleep. Stools alternate between loose, and hard and sheep like. There is often a lot of pain, wind, and spasms.

ProtocolRelaxation is an essential factor in addressing the condition. A high fiber diet that increases the rate of colonic transit, is important. Stress slow relaxed meals with an emphasis on chewing food thoroughly. Avoid foods such as onions or cabbage, which will cause flatulence and pain.A colonic may help. A colonic is carried out at specialized clinics. Warm fluid is pulsed in and out of the bowel under pressure. It cleans the bowel completely, stimulating peristaltic action in the colon and toning the bowel muscle. In effect, one colonic gives the bowel about two weeks work.

Ballooning or Stricture

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See if you can locate all the organs of the urinary system.

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What sign do we see here?

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Kidney Congestion in Left IrisHere we see hypofunction - a dark congested area over theFrequently, you will see kidney disease in only one kidney. When both kidneys are affected, it suggests that the system is toxic and overloaded with poisons. Check the remaining eliminative organs as they may be under functioning.Nephritis or acute inflammation of the kidneys shows up as small white streaks or clouds, which become yellow as the condition becomes chronic. With chronic kidney damage, the autonomic nervous wreath is contracted inwards. If a bladder infection is associated with the kidney weakness, there will be sharp white lines or wisps in the bladder area.

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The kidneys carry out the following functions in the body:

· They regulate the osmotic pressure of extra cellular fluids. This is accomplished by the relative amounts of water and sodium chloride excreted. If large quantities of water are ingested, more water will be eliminated.· They regulate the electrolytic pattern of extra cellular fluids. The kidneys not only regulate the total concentration of water and electrolytes but also regulate the concentration of each electrolyte.· They excrete metabolic wastes. The kidneys excrete waste matter such as urea, uric acid, creatinine, and ammonia.· They regulate the acid alkaline balance of the plasma. By regulating the rate of excretion of hydrogen ions and electrolytes, the kidneys help to keep the acid/alkaline balance of the plasma within normal limits.· They regulate the volume of extracellular fluid. They accomplish this by the elimination of water.· They secrete an enzyme called renin. Renin helps to regulate sodium and water retention and blood pressure.

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Regeneration of the kidney

Our health depends on the proper functioning of our kidneys. Many kidney diseases are caused by congestion of some part of the urinary passage, accumulation of acids from the diet, and too little fresh water.

As well as iris signs of kidney malfunctions, you can sometimes detect kidney trouble through massage or observation. Unusual puffiness of tissue, especially in the abdominal region and in the legs, may be an indication of kidney malfunction. This is called retention of fluids or edema. The back region of the spine over the kidneys is often tender and the person with kidney troubles can have edema or bags under the eyes, and a “puffy” or edematous face. In severe cases, the whole body swells because the tissues become waterlogged, as the kidneys are not functioning to eliminate the fluid.

· If one kidney is removed, the remaining organ will enlarge as the nephrons increase in size.

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ProtocolsNutrition- In acute cases of kidney inflammation, bed rest may be necessary and a juice fast for 8-12 days may be followed. Juices can be made from fresh carrots, cucumbers,

and celery, with smaller amounts of garlic and parsley.Drink vegetable broth and water.The bowels should move at least once a day. If necessary, use enemas or herbal laxatives.Introduce solid food slowly, but continue to restrict sodium, potassium, and protein. Vitamins A, B, E, and C will help speed recovery and fight infection. Avoid all substances that irritate the kidney: alcohol, aspirin, salt, strong spices, preservatives, and colorings in food.

· Only 25% of total functioning kidney tissue is necessary for the survival of the individual.

· The mucus lining of the tubules will regenerate after injury or illness, but the entire nephron will not regenerate.

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Vitamin Supplements

Daily dosageVitamin C & Bioflavonoids: Up to 10,000 mg during acute stage. Then reduce to 5,000 mg in divided doses throughout the day.Vitamin A as beta carotene: 75,000 I.U., reduce to 25,000 when acute symptoms cease.Vitamin E: Up to 1,000 I.U. Vitamin E will aid in the repair of any tissue damage due to infection.Vitamin B: High dose formula: four to eight tablets.Zinc: 100 to 200 mg.

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HerbsAntiseptic and diuretic herbs will help to overcome any infection and demulcents

will ease any inflammation.Diaphoretic herbs should be included in any formula if there is a fever, and a mild laxative may be necessary to cleanse the bowels.The following is effective:1-oz/30-gm Golden Seal1-oz/30-gm Echinacea1-oz/30-gm Buchu leaves1-oz/30-gm Uva Ursi1-oz/30-gm Meadowsweet1-oz/30-gm MarshmallowBring to the boil all the herbs except the buchu and marshmallow and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain over the buchu and marshmallow. Steep for 20 minutes. Strain. Use: 4-6-T., three to four times a day. This mixture can also be prepared as an extract or tincture.

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AromatherapyCajuput oil: 5-drops three times a day, on 1-t of honey.Eucalyptus: 3-drops three times a day, on 1-t of honey.Juniper: 4-drops three times a day, on 1-t of honey.Sage: 3-drops three times a day, on 1-t of honey.Sandalwood: 3-drops three times a day, on 1-t of honey.

Color TherapyChronic kidney weakness: violet light and colorsAcute conditions: blue light and colors

Other useful herbs that will encourage kidney functioning, are: barley water,

burdock root, cleavers, cornsilk, dandelion, echinacea, fenugreek, garlic, golden rod, green garden bean decoction, juniper, linseed, meadowsweet, nettle, parsley, shavegrass, uva ursi, watermelon seed tea, and wild carrot.

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Fenugreek and BarleyFor general kidney weaknesses, fenugreek and barley are excellent. 1-T fenugreek1-T barley1-T chopped parsley500-ml (1-pint) water

Simmer fenugreek and barley in water for 10 minutes. Add chopped parsley and steep for five minutes. Drink throughout the day. Use for two to three days every 3-4 months as a kidney tonic, particularly by those who have weak or damaged kidneys.

GeneralEpsom salt packs and castor oil packs over the abdominal and kidney area. Hot footbaths with camphor and fennel oil added: soak feet for 20 minutes, once a day.