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Post on 22-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Investing

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Page 2: Investing

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Page 3: Investing

InvestingTypes of

Businesses Bonds Vocabulary SMG Info

10 Point

20 Points

30 Points

40 Points

50 Points

10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point

20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points

30 Points

40 Points

50 Points

30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points

40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points

50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points

Stock Market

Page 4: Investing

List 4 ways that people can invest

their money.

Page 5: Investing

1) Stocks

2) Bonds

3) Mutual Funds

4) Property

5) Education

Page 6: Investing

Which type of investment is riskier,

stocks or bonds?

Page 7: Investing

Purchasing Stocks is riskier because you are not guaranteed to make money. You could lose

everything you invested.

Page 8: Investing

An investor who has purchased shares of

ownership in a corporation is called________________.

Page 9: Investing

A Stockholder or Shareholder

Page 10: Investing

When investing in the stock market

you should buy ________, & sell _________!

Page 11: Investing

Buy LOW &

Sell HIGH!

Page 12: Investing

What is the main purpose of investing?

Page 13: Investing

The purpose of investing is to make your money grow. You are taking a risk in the hope

that you will make your money increase.

Page 14: Investing

What is a sole proprietorship?

Give an example!

Page 15: Investing

A sole proprietorship is a business owned by

1 person.

Example: doctor

Page 16: Investing

What is a partnership?

Give an example!

Page 17: Investing

A partnership is a business owned by

more than 1 person.

Example: Law firm

Page 18: Investing

What is a corporation?

Give an example!

Page 19: Investing

A corporation is a business organization owned by a group of

investors called stockholders.

Example: McDonalds

Page 20: Investing

Which type of business is the only one that is public &

can be traded on the stock market?

Page 21: Investing


Page 22: Investing

All businesses need investment capital. What is investment


Page 23: Investing

Investment capital is the money

required to start a business.

Page 24: Investing

What is the Dow Jones Industrial Average & why is it important?

Page 25: Investing

The Dow Jones IA is the average value of 30 large industrial stocks. It is important because it helps us measure the overall health of the

market. It tells whether the market is strong and people are buying stocks & when the market is not

doing as well and fewer people are buying stocks.

Page 26: Investing

Tell about the origins for the

terms Bull Market & Bear Market.

Page 27: Investing

The terms :Bull Market & Bear Market were used to describe the

movement of the stock market based how the animals attack. A bull thrusts its horns Up into the

air, so this term is used to describe when the market is UP. A

bear swipes its paws DOWN, so this term is used to describe when the

market is DOWN.

Page 28: Investing

What is a stock?

Page 29: Investing

A stock is a share of ownership in a corporation.

Page 30: Investing

Why might people invest in stocks?

Page 31: Investing

-It can be a fast way to earn money

-Usually more lucrative than buying bonds

-You can earn dividends from


Page 32: Investing

Explain the difference between

Bull Market & Bear Market.

Page 33: Investing

Bull market is a symbol that means the Dow Jones IA is up. It is a sign that the

market is strong and that people are confident & buying stocks. Bear

market is the opposite. It tells us that the Dow Jones IA is down. Fewer

people are buying stocks. They are not confident & stock prices are dropping.

Page 34: Investing

True or False

A bond is like an I.O.U. or lending someone money.

Page 35: Investing


Page 36: Investing

True or False

Bonds are more lucrative (you can make more money) than

stocks are.

Page 37: Investing


Page 38: Investing

Name 2 Types of Bonds:

Page 39: Investing

Corporate Bonds &

Government Bonds

Page 40: Investing

Explain what a BOND is:

Page 41: Investing

When buying a bond, you are lending a corporation or

government money. In return you get a certificate that

promises the corporation/government will pay you back the money plus


Page 42: Investing

Why might people want to invest in bonds and not stocks?

Give 2 reasons.

Page 43: Investing

-Bonds are a safer investment

-You get back the original amount plus interest

-Almost always guaranteed to make back the money

Page 44: Investing

A share of a company’s profits paid to

stockholders is called a ____________.

Page 45: Investing


Page 46: Investing

What is collateral?

Page 47: Investing

Collateral is something of value that a borrower promises to a lender as a

guarantee that a loan will be repaid.

Page 48: Investing

What is a stock exchange?

Give an example.

Page 49: Investing

A stock exchange is a place where the

buying & selling of stocks takes place.

Example: NYSE

Page 50: Investing

True or False

The stock market is a place you can go to buy things.

Page 51: Investing


Page 52: Investing

What does speculation mean?

Page 53: Investing

Speculation is your thoughts or guesses about something. In business it means taking a risk based

on your what you think will happen, in the hopes that

you make a profit.

Page 54: Investing

Look @ the image above. What is the ticker symbol?

Page 55: Investing

Ticker Symbol = K

Page 56: Investing

Look @ the image above. What is the price per share?

Page 57: Investing

Price per share = $52.84

Page 58: Investing

Look @ the image above. What is the day high? Day low?

Page 59: Investing

Day High = $ 53.08

Day Low = $ 52.70

Page 60: Investing

Look @ the image above. If you bought 10 shares, how much would it


Page 61: Investing

10 shares = $528.40

Page 62: Investing

If the shares were $60.50 per share in 15 years & you sold all 10 shares.

Would you earn money or lose money?

Page 63: Investing

You would make money

Page 64: Investing

Make your wager

Page 65: Investing

If you sold your 10 stocks of Kellogg for $60.50 per share, how much money would

you earn?

Page 66: Investing

You would earn:
