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Photography:Municipality of Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje


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Fushë Kosove/ Kosovo Polje



Page 4: invest in Fushe Kosova Eng€¦ · Layout and Design: Photography: Municipality of Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje FUSHË KOSOVË KOSOVO POLJE Invest in. 3 SERBIA MONTENEGRO ALBANIA MACEDONIA


I once dreamed and now I am working to accomplish a lot of great things for Fushë Kosova, for our town, villages, on our

signifi cant natural and cultural sites, for all our citizens. And I did my best and worked tirelessly, through challenges, times and all diffi culties that were so many and for sure had their toll. I owed that to Fushë Kosova as I was its citizen. As Mayor of Fushë Kosova to uphold the trust and the free vote of citizens, I committed myself to the task of employing all the possible human resources of the municipal and central administration all the infl ow of donations and all opportunities to align them with our own budget capacities for a more enhanced development in Fushë Kosova.

Fushë Kosova has changes –it is a new Fushë Kosova now. We will accomplish even more as our citizens deserve a lot more.

We will implement other projects as well, in order for Fushë Kosova to be within all the developing and integrating parameters in the Republic of Kosovo.

In the capacity of Mayor, based on our needs and priorities as a government for a more robust economic development, to any potential investor in our municipality I commit myself to provide support on the following:

Geodesic and cadastral surveys;

Urban consent (clearance);

Construction permits;

Property transfer in the Cadastral Records;

Technical Acceptance of premises/investment.

Build a modern infrastructure;

Construct roads, water and sewage, squares, parks, schools;

-Protection of living environment pursuant to the parameters of local and European Directives

Mr. Burim BerishaMayor of Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje Municipality

Foreword by the Mayor

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Kosovo Southeastern Europe, at the heart of Balkans, time zone


Member of Central Europe Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA).

Geostrategic position: at the crossroads of European Corri-dors 7 and 10 – the main gateway between Europe and Asia.

Four neighboring countries: Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.

Territory: 10,887 km. sq. – surrounded by mountains and divided into two subregions of similar size, population and landscape.

Mild continental climate, average temperature in January is -5°C and in June 24°C with favorable precipitations.

Kosovo has the most favorable business conditions in the region. Based on the business indicators of the World Bank reports, the Government of Kosovo has undertaken substantial reform initiatives to improve the business environment. Specifi cally, the Government has:

Lifted business license.

Reduced the necessary documentation for export-import.

Lifted all business registration tax.

Lifted the requirement to deposit the startup capital for limited liabilites company.

Enhanced investment protection

Country Data

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6 Municipal Profi le

Fushë Kosovo is a town on the central position of the Kosovo Plateau, at proximity of eight (8) km. from the Kosovo

capital, Prishtina. For a long time, Fushë Kosova is known as a railway crossroad through which the ancient Illyrian road “Via-Ignatia” stretches, connecting Byzantium with Constatinopole. Fushë Kosova has good natural conditions, suitable geographical position and suitable climate condition for hunting, cattle breeding, farming and later of other branches as well as the landscape that ensured security. This area was inhabited from the ancient times from the Illyrian-Dardan natives in the VIII century BC. (Bardh i Madh), Neolithic (Harilaç) etc., the antiquity and middle Ages, such Ulari (Uglari), Kumanova (near Vragoli), Bardh i Vogël, Harilaç etc. This is proved on the numerous archeological discoveries in the settlements of the Municipality.

It is 530-550 above the sea level. In the East, in borders Prishtina Municipality, Kastriot Municipality in the north, Graçanica Municipality in the South and Drenas Municipality in the West. It is comprised of 16 settlements. It is located at signifi cant crossroads of transport such as the railway connecting Fushë Kosova-Skopje-Mitrovica connected subsequently to international

routes. Further, it is at the junction of signifi cant highways. On its territory is located the Prishtina Civil Aviation Airport. Fushë Kosova is located 8 km. in the southwest of Prishtina. It is located within the geographical coordinates 42.63° in the north, 21.12° east. Its overall surface is 9517.04 ha or 84km. Based on the 2011 census, the number of resident population is 34,718, while based on the local data this number is believed to be around 45,000 inhabitants. Its main settlement is Fushë Kosova. Density of the population is 412 inhabitants per km. sq. Based on the census; the municipality has 9495 apartments and 6553 households.

In the post-war period, Fushë Kosova served as an accumulation point for the inhabitants that aimed to be closed to the city of Prishtina. This pace would continue for the next ten years. The landscape of Fushë Kosova Municipality features fl at and hilly areas. The fl at area of the municipality, particularly the valley along the rivers “Sitnica, Prishtevka and Graqanka” is endowed with fertile land with great potential for developing intensive agriculture and development of agricultural industry and other sectors of agriculture and cattle breeding.

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Fushë Kosova town, including the region of the municipality, is located roughly in the center of Kosovo. Due to this

central position, the town is of specifi c geographical position. In Fushë Kosovo cross roads connecting Kosovo with the countries of the region and Europe. The busiest road is the Highway M9, connecting Prishtina and Peja and further Podgorica (Montenegro). Also, this road on the eastern part of the town intersects with the other Highway M2 that is of great signifi cance, as it connects Kosovo with the whole region. Based on the data on the number of vehicles, the traffi c increased considerably. This increase may be explained, to some extent, on changing in the traffi c patterns on different parts of the town, as a result of uncontrolled displacements from rural to urban areas, increase in the number of people owning vehicles, poor and inadequate services of public transport vehicles for passengers etc., while a particular problem presents the nature of this road itself (road with numerous urban lanes and the quality of a national highway).

Due to the lack of accurate date on the number of vehicles on the Fushë Kosova region, the number of people who own vehicles and the structure of vehicles on the area remains unclear. Based on previous data on the number of vehicles, the ratio of people who owned vehicles was 1 vehicle per 15.9 capita. While the number of the population increased, considering the level

of people who own vehicles in the whole country, this ratio has changed considerably. Based on the data of the Department of Roads in Kosovo for the period to 31 January 2012, is concluded that the number of vehicles, for 12 hour period (7-19) in the Highway M9 is 13,000 vehicles.

Railway- Fushë Kosova is the crossroad of all networks to other regions in Kosovo and the world which is a great advantage making Fushë Kosova attractive for investment owing to its strategic position.

Prishtina International Airport is located partially on the territory of the municipality. The Airport provides services for passengers and transport of goods.

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Municipal Administration is considered quite effective in terms of service delivery. One of the most important institutions

acting in municipality within the Directorate of Finance and Economic Development is the Economic Development Offi ce. This Offi ce is staffed with trained and proactive people providing full support for businesses and economic and agricultural development in the municipality. In close cooperation with other actors of the municipal administration it provides a range of business services such as business registration services up to full support for investments. The administration pays special attention to the effi ciency and promptness in carrying out tasks. The requests of the business

community are processed promptly and with special care to meet all their needs. Realizing the need for an improved business environment, the municipality has undertaken an initiative for paying close attention, in attracting investment through provision of different conveniences, such as tax cuts, incentives and other benefi ts in economic and agricultural development. In addition, the municipality has adapted a proactive approach towards public private partnership. The municipality allocated funds to develop agriculture aiming to have economic development and new jobs. Further, there is considerable improvement on all areas of infrastructure and other municipal services.

Municipal Administration

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From January 1st 2012, startup business registration is free of charge and no verifying documentation is required, i.e. only

the application form is fi lled out and ID card presented (Law 02/L-123 on Trading Associations).

From 2005 the Municipal Business Center is operational within the Directorate of Economy, Finance and Development and is now a vital part of municipal administration.

Business CommunityThere is a broad and miscellaneous business community. It has excellent relations with the Mayor and gives it special treatment considering the great number of people it employs. The municipal government is involved in supporting and organizing this community for the purpose of building a greater partnership between the business community, civil society and the municipality.

This partnership would serve to better address the needs and barriers they face.

Business Registration and Business Community

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10Agriculture, Natural Resources, Tourism and Competitive Advantages

Agriculture in Fushë Kosova is the second most important branch of economy and food production is of strategic

signifi cance for the society and the development of agriculture. In the Municipal Rural Strategy, we have prioritized it highly. Production of abundant and quality food for the whole humanity, presents one of the most humanitarian and important duty for the present and future generations. It may be freely said that the health primarily depends on agriculture and nutrition followed by environment and medicine.

Agriculture is the main economic activity and a sector that generates most of the revenues in the post-war period, as half of the population in the Municipality lives in rural areas. Mainly, they win their incomes from agriculture. However, a very signifi cant indicator of development of agricultural activities is development of food industry based on agricultural products. Products of farmers from the private sector meet the needs for family consumption only, subsequently nothing remains for the market. Fushë Kosova Municipality owns 4511 ha of agricultural land and 1619 ha of forests, 6130 ha in total.

Cereals –are the staple food of the population, cattle breeding and processing industry. Its production is strategic for the fact

that this is enabled and favorable by the natural resources. The problem is how to fi nd ways and opportunities to use them naturally and effi ciently. In the future a new system of agricultural production needs to be established, reformed and Western-line in the circumstances of private and modernized society. Products of greater genetic potential need to be grown and modern technology are to be applied in order to improve productivity per unit of area. The most cultivated cereals are wheat and corn.

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Vegetables- is a signifi cant branch of agriculture in our municipality and is one of the oldest areas of agriculture. On the last years may be noticed a great interest of farmers on growing vegetables in greenhouses and resort to cheap modes of constructing them. Vegetable growing in protected/conditioned environment present its most intensive way of its production. Further intensifying of vegetable growing on all kinds of environments among us would exclude the seasonal aspect of growing vegetables and would enable constant supply of market with fresh vegetables round the year at affordable prices for all consumers.

Cattle breeding- is a quite important sector of agriculture that continuously had great performance. A great part of population in Fushë Kosova are cattle farmers and generates incomes from cattle breeding production. For that reason, it is necessary that this sector of cattle breeding to be stimulated and advanced to achieve higher production of milk and its by-products. Based on the data on our municipality there are:

4500 cows;

900 sheep;

200 goats;

28,000 hens;

hens in farms – 3000

1000 bee hives

Apiculture (bee-keeping) – It is estimated that in Fushë Kosova are 1000 bee hives. There is still potential for its further development and promotion, taking into account its favorable

conditions on rural areas. Incomes from apiculture are quite high, such as from honey and its by-products.

Arable Land in Fushë Kosova

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Fushë Kosova marks the beginning of institutional involvement, in closing up the so-called emergency phase investments

to open a new chapter, that of investment for development. Investments made in the last years and on the previous years of post-war period have enhanced the quality of life for citizens as well as have established the infrastructure for opening new business environments. For the last four years were asphalted 98 km., water supply was constructed on all settlements, sewage, sidewalks, construction of schools, health clinics. Currently we are investing on protecting the living environment.

In the territory of Fushë Kosova are huge reserves of coal (lignite) exploited in the surface mining of Bardh i Madh. In addition to lignite, as an energy source, that is widely found on the central part of Fushë Kosova on the southwestern part, in Harilaç, are found iron and nickel reserves as well as magnesite . Northwestern part of the municipal territory is mountainous and has natural resources for construction material. In Harilaç village are found rocks of high solidity such as: trees, serpentinite, harzburgite etc foreseen to be used on infrastructure for the future. In villages of Graboc i Poshtëm and Bardh i Madh are found lime stone that are widely used in the road infrastructure. In addition to solid stones on the central part of the municipality are found soft rocks such as clay that can be used to produce bricks and roof tiles of different sizes and shapes.

Inrastructure and Attractive Sites

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Projects implemented in the 2008-2009 periodUsing investment and donations from others in coordination with municipal investments total amount invested by the end of 2009: 8,124,830.06 €

Currently (in 2013) the municipal government increased expenditures of budget funds on improving public services compared to previous years. A more detailed outline of priority investments amounts to: 7,566,471.00

Struktura e Investimeve 2010-2013Culture, Youth, Sport and Archeology 700,000.00

Infrastructure and Sports 1,362,500.00

Education 1,086,082.00

Health 466,560.00

Environment, Forestation etc 565,000.00

Agricultural Business 400,000.00

Sidewalks, reconstruction, bridges, containers 725,000.00

Participation 467,500.00

Water, Sewage, Maintenance 670,000.00

Establishing Lighting and improve parks 1,123,829.00

Total 7,566,471.00

Commercial Activities

Fushë Kosova took the decision to allocate the Business Park of common interest in the cadastral zone of Miradi e Epërme,

Miradi e Poshtme. The industrial zones are clearly defi ned on the map as well.

Major Employers: “MIGROSI’’ Shopping Center,

“TREPHARM”-production of pharmaceutical products,


“BYLMETI”-milk processing,

“EURO-LONA” milk processing,

“MOBIN”-manufacturing and sales of furniture,

“VIVA”-Shopping Center,

“-PETROL”- gas station,

“PATRONI”-gas station,

“BITËX”-manufacturing of paints and polishes

“CORAL”-production of meat products,

“PRIMA-PHARM”- production of pharmaceutical products,

“EXTRA AL PVC”- manufacturing of doors and windows (PVC),

“BEKA”- manufacturing of doors and windows (PVC),

“TREGTIA”- Construction Company ,

“POZHEGU BROTHERS”- Construction Company

“M&SILLOSI”-cereals processing


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14 Cultural Heritage

Cultural heritage on this municipality is of great signifi cance having a miscellany of discoveries and traditions.

Archeological discoveries in Fushë Kosova (Harilaç and Bardh Fortress) supported the conclusion that this area is one of the oldest in the pre-historic civilization in the Balkans. The extraordinary touristic and cultural values are closely interwoven and connected with the natural values. On the whole territory is located signifi cant cultural-historic sites. In the town and its surroundings are located a rage of signifi cant cultural attractions:

Town’s mosque;

Serbian Church in town and Serb villages;

Town’s Museum;

Harilaç Fortress;

Bardh i Madh Fortress;

Memorial of “Imer Sfarqa”;

Memorial of “Hashim Hajdini”;

Fushë Kosova has great potential for development due to is amazing cultural attractions, including museum, archeological, religious items that are of value beyond the municipality. We are in the process of developing policies to revive cultural tourism that would enable tourists high quality services.

Photo of Harilaç Fortress and a view from Harilaç

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15Quality of Life and Activities

Fushë Kosova is an economic, educational, cultural and sports center. The Municipality invested greatly in improving quality

of life for citizens. As a result, it offers many opportunities for recreational activities and entertainment in the town and the surrounding areas and the number of such activities is constantly growing. The Municipality facilitates and actively participates on the following events:

Kosovo Municipalities Fair, organized by MLGA and

is a great opportunity to promote competitive values,

Sales Fair – for local products organized in September.

Cultural Heritage Days – organized by municipality

and is held in October.

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This publication was funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Democratic and Effective Municipalities Initiative Program in Kosovo.

The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily refl ect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government.