introductory rites - · 3 • introductory rites • 9:30; noon it came upon a midnight...


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9:30; Noon It Came Upon a Midnight Clear arr. Alfred Pochon The Basilica Strings

Adeste Fidelis arr. Alfred Pochon The Basilica Strings

Wexford Carol arr. Richard Price The Basilica Brass Ensemble


Gesù Bambino Pietro Yon (1886-1943) Jill Olson Moser, violin

7:30; 9:30; Noon Noël / Christmas Henri Mulet (1878-1967) No. 8 from Esquisses Byzantines

7:30 O laufet, ihr Hirten / Run, Ye Shepherds Max Drischner (1891-1971)

The Day the Child Was Born James Bitanga, Philippines

El Desembre Congelat Traditional Catalan carol arr. Russell Robinson

El desembre congelat Confús es retira

Abril de flors coronat, Tot e món admira.

Quan en un jardi d'amor Neix una di vina flor.

D'una ro, ro, ro, d'una sa, sa, sa, D'una roh, d'una sah, d'una rosa bella,

Fecunda y comcella.

Cold December’s winds were stilled In the month of snowing. Though the world with dark was filled, Springtime’s hope was growing. Then a rose-tree blossomed new: One sweet flower upon it grew; Ah, the rose, Ah, the rose-tree blooming, Sweet the air perfuming.


4:30 I Wonder as I Wander Appalachian carol arr. B. Wayne Bisbee

Midnight Stars Make Bright the Skies Qi-fang Liang, China arr. Mark Sedio

Natufurahi Siku Ya Leo Traditional Taita / Kenyan melody arr. Boniface Mganga

“Hoyahe!” Alleluia! “Hoyahe!” Natufurahi siku ya leo.

Tulitukuze jina la Bwana.Mjini mwa Daudi alizaliwa,

Yesu mwenyewe mwana wa MunguTuyakumbuke mapenzi ya Yesu

Aliyoyaleta yeye mwenyewe.

Hoyahe! Alleluia! Hoyahe! Let us rejoice this day! Let us praise the name of the Lord!In David’s city he was born, Jesus Christ, the Son of God.Let us remember the love of Jesus that he hath brought unto us.

Bring a Torch, Jeanette Isabella Traditional French carol arr. Douglas Wagner

Colin McGuire, violin

Infant Holy, Infant Lowly Traditional Polish carol arr. Evelyn R. Larter

James Prindiville, alto saxophone

Midnight stars make bright the skies, Bethlehem in slumber lies: glist’ning heav’n sends forth a great light, shepherds see a wondrous sight!

Angel ranks in chorus sing. Silken sounds from heaven ring. Frightened shepherds hear them say: “Christ is born on earth today!”

Glory be to God on high, blest are all beneath the sky. Midnight slumber lies o’er all, one lone bright lamp lights the stall.

Choose old clothing, wrap him warmly, manger cradle be. Born to save us from our sin, Word made flesh, our lives to win, came to earth from heaven’s throne, mortals’ sin to bear alone.

Glory be to God on high, blest are all beneath the sky.



7:30 Introit: Christmas Mass at Dawn Gregorian Chant Mode VII

Lux fulgebit * hodie super nos: quia natus est nobis Dominus: et vocabitur Admirabilis, Deus, Princeps pacis, Pater futuri saeculi:

cuius regni non erit finis.

Dominus regnavit, decorem indutus est: indutus est Dominus fortitudinem, et praecinxit se.

Radiant light will shine upon us today, for the Lord is born unto us. He shall be called Wonderful God, Prince of Peace, Father of the world to come.

His reign shall have no end.

The Lord reigns, he is enrobed with majesty; the Lord is clothed with strength, he has girded himself.

-Cf. Is 9:2, 6; Lk 1:33; Ps 92


9:30; Noon Introit: Christmas Mass during the Day Gregorian Chant Mode VII

Puer * natus est nobis, et filius datus est nobis: cuius imperium super humerum eius:

et vocabitur nomen eius, magni consilii Angelus.

Cantate Domino canticum novum: quia mirabilia fecit.

Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. Dominion is on his shoulder

and his name shall be called the Angel of Great Counsel.

Sing unto the Lord a new song, for he has accomplished wondrous deeds.

-Is 9:6; Ps 97


Procession O Come, All Ye Faithful


Text: Adeste Fideles, John F. Wade, c. 1711·1786; tr. by Frederick Oakeley, 1802-1880, alt. Tune: ADESTE FIDELES, irr. with refrain; John F. Wade, c. 1711-1786.

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O Come, All Ye FaithfulW4-426

Text: Adeste Fideles, John F. Wade, c. 1711-1786; tr. by Frederick Oakeley, 1802-1880, alt.Tune: ADESTE FIDELES, irr. with refrain; John F. Wade, c.1711-1786.



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Text: The Roman Missal © ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission.Music: Mass in Honor of Mary, Mother of God; Donald Krubsack © 2010, Liturgical Press.

All rights reserved. Used with permission under A-704048.


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We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory,

Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Refrain

Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world,

have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. Refrain

For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,

with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Final Refrain

After responding to “Amen” to the opening prayer, please be seated.


Responsorial Psalm (7:30) Psalm 97

Text: Psalm 97, New American Bible, excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States of America, second typical edition© 2001, 1998, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, D. C. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

Music: Brian Michael Page; © 1992 Christus Vincit Music, Saint Noël Chabanel Psalms, by Corpus Christi Watershed Project © 2010 by Creative Commons.All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Responsorial Psalm (9:30; Noon) Psalm 98




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on us this.˙


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Text: Psalm 98 © 1970, 1997, 1998, Confraternity of Sacred Doctrine. All rights reserved. Used with permission. English Translation of Psalm Response from the Lectionary for Mass © 1968, 1981, 1997, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Setting: Donald B. Krubsack, composer-in-residence b.1964 © 2016 Donald B. Krubsack. All rights reserved. Used with permission.



œ œ œ œ

All the ends of the


earth haveœ

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seen the sav ing

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pow er of


God.- -

• LITURGY OF THE WORD •A reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah (7:30) 62:11-12

Your Savior comes!

A reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah (9:30; Noon; 4:30) 52:7-10 All the ends of the earth will behold the salvation of our God.

& œ œ œ œ ˙The word of the Lord.

œ œ œ ˙Thanks be to God.

& œ œ œ œ ˙The word of the Lord.

œ œ œ ˙Thanks be to God.

& œ œ œ œ œ ˙

The Gos pel of the Lord.

œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙

Praise to you, Lord Je sus Christ.- -

Advent / Christmas Reading Responses

Cantor: Assembly:

Cantor: Assembly:

Priest / Cantor: Assembly:





Responsorial Psalm (4:30) Psalm 98

Text: Psalm 97/98: 1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4, 5-6. Tune: Bob Hurd, © 1998, OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission under A-704048.

A reading from the Letter of Saint Paul to Titus (7:30) 3:4-7 He saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit.

A reading from the Letter to the Hebrews (9:30; Noon; 4:30) 1:1-6 In our own times, God speaks to us through His Son.

& œ œ œ œ ˙The word of the Lord.

œ œ œ ˙Thanks be to God.

& œ œ œ œ ˙The word of the Lord.

œ œ œ ˙Thanks be to God.

& œ œ œ œ œ ˙

The Gos pel of the Lord.

œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙

Praise to you, Lord Je sus Christ.- -

Advent / Christmas Reading Responses

Cantor: Assembly:

Cantor: Assembly:

Priest / Cantor: Assembly:



GOSPEL READING RESPONSEGospel Acclamation (7:30, 4:30)

(Please stand.)

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(7:30) Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.

(9:30; noon; 4:30) A holy day has dawned upon us. Come, you nations, and adore the Lord. For today a great light has come upon the earth.

Music: Mass in Honor of Mary, Mother of God; Donald Krubsack © 2010, Liturgical Press. All rights reserved. Used with permission under A-704048.

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.˙God.- -

Psalm 98: Los confines de la tierra / All the ends of the earthBob Hurd


Text: Psalm 97/98: 1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4, 5-6. Tune: Bob Hurd, © 1998, OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission under A-704048.


Gospel Response Angels We Have Heard on High

Text: attr. Ambrose of Milan, 340-397; Martin Luther, 1483-1546; tr. hymnal version Les anges dans nos compagnes; French, c. 18th c.; tr. from Crown of Jesus Music, London, 1862.

Tune: GLORIA, 7777 with refrain; French traditional.

A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke (7:30) 2:15-20 They went in haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger.

A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John (9:30; Noon; 4:30) 1:1-18 And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his glory.

(9:30; Noon) Personent Hodie Piæ Cantiones; Dorian mode, 1582 arr. Lara Hoggard (1915-2007)

Personent hodie voces puerulae laudantes jucunde qui nobis est natus

summo Deo datus, et de Virgineo ventre procreatus.

In mundo nascitur, pannis involvitur, praesepi ponitur stabulo brutorum,

rector supernorum. (Perdidit spolia princeps infernorum!)

Omnes clericuli pariter pueri cantent ut angeli, advenisti mundo:

“Gloria in excelsis Deo!”

Let youthful voices resound today joyfully praising Him who is born for us who is given unto us by the most high God, and brought forth from a Virgin. He is born in the world, is wrapped in swaddling cloths, and placed in a manger in a stable of beasts. He is the ruler over all things. (The Prince of Darkness thus has lost his prey!) Let all the young choristers now sing as did the angels, praising Him who has come into the world: “Glory to God in the Highest!”

Solemn Gospel Processional and Acclamation (Please stand.)

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Praise we sing to

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Christ the Lord,

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Christmas Seasonal Gospel Response


7 7 7 7 with refrain

Text: attr. Ambrose of Milan, 340-397; Martin Luther, 1483-1546; tr. hymnal version Les anges dans nos campagnes; French, c. 18thC; tr. from Crown of Jesus Music, London, 1862. Tune: GLORIA, 7 7 7 7 with refrain; French Traditional



I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,

the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made.

For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.

He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Nicene Creed (Please stand.) ( At the words in bold, all bow. )

Homily (Please be seated.)

Setting: Oración de los fieles; Peter M. Kolar, © 2001, 2003, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission under A-704048.

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Collection (Please be seated.)

As the Body of Christ, you and I face daily needs in the world we live in. Your generous financial gift helps The Basilica—you and me—to support those most in need

through the many programs and outreach we offer here. Please be as generous as you are able. Thank you.

To text your weekly contribution during the collection or another convenient time, text GIVE to 612.249.7559. When prompted, click on the link and follow the steps to complete your transaction.



• LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST • Preparation of the Altar & the Gifts

Please stand as the offering of bread and wine is brought to the altar.

9:30; Noon For Unto Us A Child Is Born George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) from Messiah

The Basilica Cathedral Choir Christopher Stroh, organist The Basilica Brass Ensemble & Strings

4:30 African Noel Traditional African carol arr. Victor C. Johnson

7:30 Whence Is That Goodly Fragrance French carol arr. Sir David Willcocks Jill Olson Moser, violin

In the Bleak Midwinter Gustav Holst (1874-1934) arr. Roberta Rowland-Raybold Colin McGuire, violin

Shepherd’s Joy: A Celtic Christmas Celebration Mark Hayes

One quiet night when all was still, I saw a wondrous sight while tending sheep upon a hill one peaceful winter’s night:

for in the sky there shone a light so glorious and bright. Behold, an angel did appear upon that special night.

Glory to God! Glory to God on high! Messiah has come! Love has transformed this night!

Then angels quickly filled the sky with glory all around, praising God with joyful voice; I listened to their sound.

Then all the shepherds went to where the Baby could be found, then bowed in homage to the King, their faces on the ground.

Ding, Dong, Merrily On High arr. Richard Price The Basilica Brass Ensemble

For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder,

and His Name shall be called Wonderful! Counselor! the Mighty God! the Everlasting Father! the Prince of Peace!

-Isaiah 9:6


Prayer over the Offerings

Priest: Pray, brothers and sisters, that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God, the almighty Father.

Assembly: May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name,

for our good and the good of all his holy Church.

Eucharistic Prayer

& b œ œ œ œ œ œThe Lord be with you.


œ œ œ œ œ œAnd with your spir it.



& b œ œ œ œ œ œ œLift up your hearts.

Priest:œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

We lift them up to the Lord.


& b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œLet us give thanks to the Lord our God.

Priest:œ œ œ œ œ œ œIt is right and just.


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œ œ œ œ œ œAnd with your spir it.



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Lift up your hearts.


œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œWe lift them up to the Lord.


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Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.


œ œ œ œ œ œ œIt is right and just.


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Text: Tune:

Priest: It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give you thanks, Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God. For in the mystery of the Word made flesh a new light of your glory has shone upon the eyes of our mind, so that, as we recognize in him God made visible, we may be caught up through him in love of things invisible. And so, with the Angels and Archangels, with Thrones and Dominions, and with all the hosts and Powers of heaven, we sing the hymn of your glory, as without end we acclaim:


Preface Acclamation

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œ œ œ œyou have set us

wfree.- - -

Memorial Acclamation

Great Amen

Eucharistic Acclamations Text: The Roman Missal © ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Music: Mass in Honor of Mary, Mother of God; Donald Krubsack © 2010, Liturgical Press. All rights reserved. Used with permission under A-704048.

Please kneel.

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The Lord’s Prayer (Please stand.)

Greeting of Peace

• COMMUNION RITE •Breaking of Bread

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.˙Text: The Roman Missal © ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Music: Mass in Honor of Mary, Mother of God; Donald Krubsack © 2010, Liturgical Press. All rights reserved. Used with permission under A-704048.

Please kneel.

Invitation to Communion


Communion Procession

Carol O Little Town of Bethlehem

Text: Phillips Brooks, 1835·1893. Tune: ST. LOUIS, 8 6 8 6 7 6 8 6; Lewis H. Redner, 1831-1908.

9:30; Noon Once in Royal David’s City arr. Richard Price The Basilica Brass Ensemble


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O Little Town of BethlehemW4-435

3-Stanza version

Text: Phillips Brooks, 1835-1893.Tune: ST. LOUIS, 8 6 8 6 7 6 8 6; Lewis H. Redner, 1831-1908.

7:30 Mary’s Slumber Song Max Reger (1873-1943) Jill Olson Moser, violin

Sussex Carol arr. Sir David Willcocks Jill Olson Moser, violin



4:30 A Brazilian Carol Traditional Brazilian carol arr. Ken Litton

Sleep peacefully without a fear, sweet Jesus, this night. In darkness deep, the donkeys sleep; the silent star shines bright.

Your mother can’t rock a cradle crafted for kings, but only wrap You tenderly in gentle songs she sings.

With Joseph always by her side, so faithful in love;

she whispers there a tender prayer Your Father hears above. Poor shepherds receive with joy the message they heard:

the Father’s will has now been done, fulfilled in this, His Word.

The three wise kings who wind their way to Bethlehem’s stall bring gold and myrrh, and frankincense to crown You, Lord of all.

Sleep on through the quiet night, oh, sweet Savior, mine. Though this bright night lose all its light, Your Morning Star will shine.

A la Media Noche Traditional Puerto Rican carol arr. Greg Gilpin

A la media noche, al rigor del hielo nace Jesu Cristo, Redentor del Cielo.

A la media noche, el gallo cantaba, y en su voz decia ya Cristo ha nacido.

At the hour of midnight, in the icy harshness, born was Jesus Christ, Redeemer of Heaven. At the hour of midnight, the cock crowed, and his voice proclaimed that Christ was born.

9:30; Noon Goin’ to Bethlehem Jay Althouse (b.1951) The Basilica Cathedral Choir

Goin’ to Bethlehem, see that baby. Goin’ to Bethlehem, see that child. Goin’ to Bethlehem, see that baby,

Goin’ to Bethlehem, gonna take awhile.

Look over yonder and see the wisemen, on a journey they travel afar.

Look over yonder and see the wisemen, led to Bethlehem by a star.

Goin’ to Bethlehem...

Look over younder and see the shepherds watching over their flocks by night.

Look over younder and see the shepherds, by the light of a star so bright.

Goin’ to Bethlehem...

I’m gonna sing heavenly melodies when I see that child.

I’m gonna shout hallelujah when I see that child. Oh,

Goin’ to Bethlehem...

Look over yonder and see the angels; from the heavens they come to earth. Look over yonder and see the angels,

singing praise of a baby’s birth.

Goin’ to Bethlehem...

-Jay Althouse


Prayer after Communion (Please stand.)

Recessional Hymn Joy to the World

Blessing and Sending

Text: Psalm 98; Isaac Watts, 1674-1748.Tune: ANTIOCH, CM; Arr. from George Frideric Handel, 1685-1759, in T. Hawkes’ Collection of Tunes, 1833.

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Joy to the WorldW4-424


Text: Psalm 98; Isaac Watts, 1674-1748.Tune: ANTIOCH, CM; Arr. from George F. Handel, 1685-1759, in T. Hawkes’ Collection of Tunes, 1833.

9:30; Noon Pastorale Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713) from Concerto Grosso, Op. 6., No. 8.

The Basilica Strings


Postlude9:30; Noon Hallelujah Chorus George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) from Messiah The Basilica Cathedral Choir The Basilica Brass Ensemble & Strings

Hallelujah: For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth, Hallelujah!

The kingdom of this world is become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ;

and he shall reign forever and ever. King of kings and Lord of lords, Hallelujah!

7:30; 9:30; Noon Good Christian Friends, Rejoice! Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) In dulci jubilo BWV 729

Rhapsodie sur des Noëls Eugene Gigout (1844-1925)Rhapsody on Christmas Themes

Christopher Stroh, organ

4:30 Angels We Have Heard on High Traditional French carol arr. Tim Rumsey

Colin McGuire, violin James Prindiville, clarinet

Walter Tambor, piano



Agnes Aamodt

Celeste Adams

Damian Albores

Catherine Alfano

Tony Alfano

Jennifer Anderson

Charlie Andrews

Anna Angarola

Jon Arrus

Jim Aubrey

Margie Aubrey

Rose Augarola

Alphonse Augarola

Mary Baird

Kathleen Baron

Henry Baron

Katherine Bartling

Ralph Bartling

Austin W. Battin

Gerald M. Baumann

Catherine E. Baumann

Thomas M. Baumann

Mr. & Mrs. Alois Baumann

Gary Baxter

Mildred Beaumont

Shirley Beck

Florence Bennett

Mary Bohn

Rolf Bohn

Tony H. Bojar

Margaret Bradley

Tom Bradley

John Brandenhoff

Barbara Brandenhoff

Don Brandt

Clay Brandt

Minnie Brockhause

Myrl Brown

Gladys Brown

Jeffrey Brown

Beverly Brown

Stan Buczek

Fred Buffett

Rebecca Buffett

Tyrone Bujold

Richard Burger

Bonita Capiz

Gerald Chapman

Maxine Chapman

Kenneth Chisholm

Ida Chisholm

James Clement

Joan Connelly

Lois Connoy

James Cook

Catherine Cook

Theresa Cook

Lucy Corbett

Robert E. Cullen

Catherine M. Cullen

Ken Czupta

Tom Dean

Rose Dean

Dave Dehlson

Tom Dendreicks

John T. Doyle

Dr. Duprez-Toleuova Family

William Duesman

Georgeanne Duesman

Rowan Duffy

Marick Duffy

Hertha Dutt


Hertha Dutt

Frank Early

Adele Early

Joseph Enneh

Eileen Enneh

Richard Ennen

Kathryn Ennen

Mary Evans

francis Fiala

Ethel Fiala

Gladys Fisher

Mary Flaherty

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Flaherty

Artemino Flores

Florentina Flores

Don Foss

Robert Foster

Margaret Foster

Carolynn M. Frankman

Dave Fraser

Gary Fuller

Frances Galle

Theresa Gangl

Francis Gangl

Sarah Gardner

Rod Gardner

John Geisen

Mildred Geisen

Elvira Giannini

Paul Goodwin

Carol Goulet

Ronald Goulet

Laurence Goulet, Jr.

Laurence Goulet, Sr.

Norman Grant

Jim Greulich

Marion Greulich

Barbara Ann Grim

Veronica Groshek

Robert Groshek

Delores Gunderson

Virgina Gutherie

Mark Gutherie

Robert Gutkowski

Jason Haasl

Habiger/Cooper Family

Dorothy Hagberg

Ray Hagen

Ruth Hagen

Ione Haines

Ernie Haines

Harvey Hansen

Agnes Hansen

Michael Harding

Joe Hartogh

Anna Harvey Lyndon

Dick Hasselman

Carolyn Hasselman

Charles Hathaway

Bernice Hathaway

Chris Marie Heffelbower

Carol Ann Heidt

Harriet Heilman

Lester Helmeke

Barry Hendreickson

Ed Hentges

Alice Hentges

Thom Higgins

John Hoffer

Ann Hoffer

Mr. & Mrs. Charlie F. Hopkily

Tommy Horton

Nicolas Hrezdovie

Petronela Hrezdovie

Edgar Hymel


Beth Hymel

Tom Infelise

Nick Jaeger

Myrt Jaeger

Gloria Jaramillo

Nestor Jaramillo, Sr.

Loretta Javra

Brad Johnson

Sara E. Johnson

Paul Johnson

Leona Johnson

Amber Kaufmon

Dorothy Kenney

Ellen Kenny

John Kessler

Lillian Keyworth

Viola Kiruken

Leah Kisor

David Joseph Kleiber

Kevin Klein

Marie Koluen

Paula Jikan Kondrick

Ella Kopek

Hazel Kramer

Louis Kramer

Willa Mae Kroft

Carol T. Kroll

Jean Kucera

Barbara Lalonde

Lucille Lane

Hermana Mary Latour

Stephanie Ann Lehr

Carla Lehtinen

George Leiter

Josephine Leiter

Alcuin Leukam

Alice Leukam

Joseph Levandoski

Chester Levandoski

Henry Levandoski

Marion Levandoski

Kerry Levandoski

Tom Lewis

Chas Libby

LaVerne Libby

Chuck Libby, Jr.

Elaine Lindberg

Lucille Lindberg

Rick Lindberg

Philip (Bud) Lindstedt

Martha Long

Tammy Luboski

Eileen Lundberg

Owen Lynch

Elaine Lynch

Eleanor Mady

Mary Malby

Nathan Malby

Phil Malin

Josie Mandile

Dick F. Marcus

Milton Marthaller

Ethelyn Marthaller

Dennis Marthaller

Terri Marthaller Hofland

Douglas Martin

Nora Martin

William J. Martin Family

Tom Mason

Irene Mason

Lynette M. Mass

Joseph Mazzitelli

Irma Mazzitelli

Albert McConnell

Peggy McConnell


R.A. McDonald

Chad McGuire

Robert J. Mchale, Sr.

Joseph McHugo

Deloris McHugo

Lynne McHugo

Timothy McHugo

David McHugo

James McNamara

Rosemary McNamara

Leo McNamara

Sarah McNamara

Daniel McNamara

Colleen McNamara

John Meko

Lillian Meko

Lester Melby

Helen Melby

Matthew Melby

Mark Melby

Jean Michel Metry

Jean Meuleners

Leander Meuleners

Norman Meyer

Robert Miklausich

Eileen Miley

Grant Miley

Freol Miller

Anna Miller

Cmdr. Ray P. Miller, USN

Leona Mitzel

Roger Moe

Regan Moore

Rimi Moore

Dr. Frank Mork

Loretta Mork

Bill Mork

Mr & Mrs. Frank Morris

Benedetta Moscone

Ernido Moscone

James Theresa Mullen, CSJ

Patrick Mulloy

Margaret Mulloy

Patrick Murray

Richard Murray

Joan Murray

Gordon Nelson

Patty Nielsen

Germaine Norris

Manley Norris

Germanie Norris

Julia Norris

Marie Oberle

Madeline O’Connel Wall

Alice Oden

Russell O’Leary

Lauretta O’Leary

Donna Mae O’Leary

John Oliverius

Sharon Olley

Margaret Olson

Earl Olson

Darlene Olson Kellogg

Curt O’Reilly

Rita O’Reilly

Colin Owens

Siri Owens

Irma Paffel

Joseph Paffel

Manuel Palma

Pat Panagas

Paul Bolin’s Grandmothers

Nicholas James Pekarek

Philip Perkins

Connie Perpich

James Pinta

Eva Pinta

Leo Plaisance

Ezetta Plaisance

George Plante

Marvell Pomish

George Prairrie

Agnes Prairrie

Russell Provo

Patricia Provo

Jerome Quinn

Ellen Quinn

R. Kosek Family

Dennis RaDue

Alfred J. Rashid II

Tony Rask

Colette Reeves

Joseph Ricci

Louis Riegert

Anne Riegert

Babe Riestenberg

Bob Riestenberg

Rolland Robertson

Marjory Robertson

Lloyd Rocheford

Nicholas Rocheford

Tim Rocheford

E. Eulaine Rock

Redmond V. Rock

Nancy Rouch

Mary Joe Rueb

Edward W. Russell

Ryan Family

Ireneo Saldana

Josefa Saldana

Guadalupe Salinas

Bernardo Sanchez

Louise Sanderson

Den Sanderson

Jeffrey Sanderson

Ralph Scheffler

Roy Scheidecker

Melvin Schulzetenberge

Kathy Schumacher

Joe Schumscher

Joseph Schutman Family

Hilda Schutz

Vincent Sczcubialka

Victoria Sczcubialka

Jerome “Red” Sheehan

Charles Shields, Jr.

Restie Sibal

Sioning Sibal

Angeline Sienka

Bart Sienka

Alice M. St. John

Lidwina Stacy

Nicholas Stans

Dr. & Mrs. Theodore J. Stazeski

Clarence Stich

Blanche Stich

Pete Stigers

May Grace Stigers

Elizabeth Stocco

Martin Street

Teretha Street

Pagel Streetar

John Summerville

Helen Summerville

Grarnita Sutton

Aurthur Syfax

Minnie Syfax

Leona Syfax

Veronica Syfax Sadler

Macel Syverson


Henry Syverson

Richard Taffe

Alice Taffe

Judd Tellock

Marcia Terry

John Thein

Rose Thein

Nicole Jeanne Thorson

Father Leo Tibesar

Thomas Tierney

Marjorie Tierney

Greg Tolaas

Frank Tomaschko

Edward Toohey

Helen Toohey

Mary Troyer

Stan Venne, Sr.

June Verner

Leo Virnig

Margaret Virnig

Nicholas Vitelli

Jodi Walden

Dr. Carl B. Walden

Dr. Beth Anne Walden

Robert Wang

Remy Wang

Christopher Wang

August Wang

Mavis Warn

Marion Wethern

Katherine Wethern

Gerald White

Vera White

Carl Wild

Agnes Lorraine Wild

Bruce Wilkie

Roy Willadson

Dr. Paul Williams

Dr. Robert Wilson

Lucille Wilson

Dorothy Wincek

Joe Wincek

Norman Wingert

Lorraine Wingert

Henry Wolff

Fern Wood

Mark Wood

Edward Xeghi

Connie Xeghi

Edward David Xeghi

Lorraine Youg

Duane Young

Betty Ziegler

Francile Zimmer

John Zimmer

Margeret Zimmerman

Robert Zitur



Streetar Family Members

Sister Paula

St. Paul’s Monastery


The Pastor and The Staff


The Basilica of Saint Mary

Wish You a Blessed Christmas

and a Happy New Year!

Please return the worship leaflet to the back of the church for the next Mass. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Cover: Nativity - 1 © 2014, Lucinda Naylor | Eyekons Madonna and Child - 2 © 2014, Lucinda Naylor | Eyekons

Advent Angel - 1, 2, 3, 4, and 11 © 2014, Lucinda Naylor | EyekonsText: © ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Sacred Text © Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. All rights reserved. Used with permission.Introit Translation: The Gregorian Missal for Sundays, Abbaye Saint-Pierre, Solemses, France © 1990, ICEL.

All rights reserved. Used with permission.Monday, December 25, 2017