introduction to rackspace cloud university


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An introduction to Rackspace Hosting's CloudU - Cloud University - programme. This is an educational programme for businesses providing background, insights and practical advice on Cloud Computing.


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“Cloud providers are not doing a very good job of educating small businesses about what the cloud is, and more importantly, why they should care.”

• Ubiquitous ‘buzz’ term

• Ad campaigns muddy the water

• Lack of practical advice

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Grow Your Cloud Knowledge

• Cloud computing curriculum designed by independent analyst Ben Kepes

• In depth information about some of the most important topics facing business today

• Monthly live webinars

– US and UK times

– Archived on the CloudU website:

• Corresponding Whitepapers – Planning a Move to the Cloud

• Register to be notified of future events


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Ben Kepes


• CloudU Curator

• Founder and Managing Director of Diversity Limited – consultancy specialising in cloud computing/SaaS, collaboration, business strategy and user-centric design

• World-respected commentator

• Organiser of CloudCamp and previously editor of

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CloudU Syllabus: Whitepapers and Webinars


JANRevolution Not Evolution How Cloud Computing Differs from Traditional IT and Why it Matters

FEBCloudonomics The Economics of Cloud Computing

MARUnderstanding the Cloud Stack SaaS, PaaS and IaaS

APRSpecial Earth Day Edition: Sustainability in the Cloud The Global Environmental Benefits of IT Hosting and the Cloud

APRSay Goodbye to DIY DatacentersAn Infrastructure-as-a-Service Intensive

MAYElephant in the RoomCloud Security and What Vendors and Customers Need To Do To Stay Secure

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CloudU Syllabus: Future


JUNPlanning a Move to the Cloud – June 30th 1pm CT Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls

JULRunning a Business on the CloudManaging Strategies for the New IT

AUGCreative ConfigurationsMixing and Matching Public, Private and Hybrid Cloud for Maximum Benefits

Does Data Want to be Free?Exploring Issues in the Open Cloud from Vendor Lock-In to Open Standards

OCTYou Want to Put My Database Where?Determining the Right For Between Your Technology and the Cloud, and When It Makes Sense to Stay In-House

NOViTunes Meets Big BusinessThe Rise of Software-as-a-Service Marketplaces and How to Leverage Them for Your Business


DECA Future in the Clouds?Predicting the Landscape in 3 Years’ Time

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CloudU: Grow Your Cloud Knowledge

June 30th 1pm CT Planning a Move to the Cloud Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls