introduction to population studies

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Introduction to Population Studies. Demography. Study of population. Birthrate. Number of live births per thousand population. Death rate. Number of deaths per thousand Also called mortality rate. Infant mortality rate. Number of deaths among infants under age one per thousand live births. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Introduction to Population Studies

Introduction to Population Studies

DemographyStudy of population

BirthrateNumber of live births per thousand population.

Death rate

Number of deaths per thousandAlso called mortality rateInfant mortality rateNumber of deaths among infants under age one per thousand live births

Fertility rateAverage number of children a woman of childbearing years would have in her lifetime.

Growth ratePopulation growth rate. (birthrate-deathrate)

Population pyramidGraphic device that shows sex and age distribution of a population

Push factorsThose things that cause people to leave their homeland

Faminewarno human rights etc

Pull factorsDraw people to another location because of possible favorable things.


Population densityAverage number of people who live in a measurable area (square mile)

Carrying capacityNumber of organisms a piece of land can support (non-renewable, renewable resources)

ImmigrantsPeople who move into the country

EmigrantsPeople who leave the country to live in other places.

Zero population growthWhen the combination of birthrate and immigration rate equals the combined death rate and emigration rate.

What effect can rapid population growth cause?NegativesIncrease diseaseOver demand for resourcesIncrease in famine

PositivesIncreased technologyIncreased creativity