introduction to building performance analysis

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  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Building Performance Analysis


    Introduction to Building Performance Analysis

    Environmental Impacts and Buildings

    Mathematical models of global climate change have linked a human-driven increase in GHGs

    to anincrease in global temperatures(especially in the past !" years# since the industrial

    revolution$% &he primary source of this increase in GH's has been attributed to the emissions

    generated by the use of fossil fuel-based energy%

    Buildings account for 40%of orldide energy use ) hich is much more than

    transportation% Moreover# energy use in the form of electricity often drives the largest

    environmental impacts%

    &hese e*act impacts can +uantified by lifecycle assessment (LC!# ,linkthe most thorough

    ay to determine the environmental impacts of a design% .'As can measure greenhouse gas

    (units " C#$e " C#$ euivalent!to measure global arming potential# or might measure

    other things like human health# ater# and land-use impacts% /ou may hear the ord

    0embodied energy1 or 0embodied carbon1 2 this refers to the energy or greenhouse gas

    emissions caused throughout an ob3ect4s lifecycle% Alternatively# sometimes an overall

    normali5ed score is used to combine many kinds of impacts into a single number (i%e% 6co-

    Indicator 77$%

    Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) is a foundational tool for sustainable design. It is a way of quantifying

    the environmental impact of your designs so that you and your customers can make more

    informed decisions. o learn more about LCA! see our brief primer below that introduces the basic

    terms! methodologies! and tools."link#

    A "8 .'A study found that 09pecifically ithin commercial buildings# the use and operation

    phase of the material and building life cycle is so dominant that the impacts of construction#

    demolition:disposal# and transportation are nearly irrelevant for most traditionally

    constructed buildings%1
  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Building Performance Analysis


    &et 'ero Energy Buildings

    ;or high performance building design# it4s most useful to measure and compare designs using

    absolute energy and resource metrics% &hese comparisons are ob3ective# universally

    applicable# and apples-to-apples%

    educir cargas energticas

    % iseCo de estrategias pasivas

    @% ptimi5aciFn de sistemas activas

    D% >ecuperaciFn de energa

    !% GeneraciFn energtica in-situ

    J% 'omprar e*cedentes energticos

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Building Performance Analysis


    )esign *oals for +igh ,erformance Buildings

    High performance buildings aren4t only about energy% &hey also need to perform ell for


    #ccupant Comfort

    hermal Comfort

    'reating comfortable conditions is one of the biggest uses of energy in buildings and it is also

    critical to the happiness and productivityof its users% &o keep people comfortable you need

    to provide the right mi*ture of temperature. humidity. radiant temperature and air

    speed% &he right level of these variables depends on hat activity is occurring# ho active the

    people are# and hat they are earing% 6veryone has slightly different criteria for comfort# so

    comfort is often measured by the percentage of occupants /ho report theyre satisfied

    ith the conditions%

    1isual Comfort

    Maintaining visual comfort means ensuring that people have enough light for their activities#

    the light has the right +uality and balance# and people have good vies% .ighting is often

    measured either by the amount of light falling on a surface (illuminance!or the amount

    of light reflecting off of a surface (luminance! % &hese are ob3ective measures# but ho

    people e*perience this light is often sub3ective% Good visual comfort also generally means that

    as much of this light is natural light as possible% Good controls can automatically balance

    natural and artificial lighting%.earn more about natural and artificial lighting and ho to measure it% ,link

    ir 2uality

    ;resh air re+uires a certain percentage of outside air circulating into spaces% 'lean air

    re+uires pollutant and pathogen levels to be belo certain thresholds% Air can be kept fresh

    ith high ventilation rates. either using natural ventilation such as operable /indo/s.

    or active systems such as +1C fans and ducts% 'lean air can be achieved by filtering air#

    by flushing spaces ith fresh outside air# and by not contaminating the air ith impurities

    from the building# such as volatile organic compounds from paints or materials% ,link

    coustic Comfort

    Ho humans perceive sounds and loudness is a sub3ective measure% Hoever# you can create

    a comfortable environment by controlling ob3ective measures like decibel level(sound

    pressure$# reverberation time# and the sound reflection and dampingproperties of

    materials% 'reating barriers and sound breaks beteen sources of noise is important% /ou can

    optimi5e room shape and si5e to reduce echoes and reverberation% And you can use acoustic

    tiles on ceilings and alls to dampen the sound%
  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Building Performance Analysis


    3esource se 5 Buildings

    6aterial se

    Materials have their on environmental impacts from e*traction and production# and they

    also hugely affect the thermal# visual# and acoustic performance of the building% Materials arealso important because they create the physical space that your building occupants


    Embodied energy or embodied carbon can be used as a measure of the environmental

    impactof a material4s e*traction# processing# manufacture# and distribution%

    Energy ystems

    6nergy systems produce# use# convert# and store energy for the building% In high performance

    buildings these systems need to be both efficient and effective%

    6nergy use in buildings is also one of the biggest costs throughout the lifetime of a building%

    &his can be measured by looking at the 7ilo/att hours per year. per unit area(6nergy Ese

    Intensity or 6EI$% Being energy efficient means getting the most out of the systems and

    technologies that you4ve chosen to use% &his can be measured by the coefficient of

    performance of the e+uipment%

    Generally# the architect4s ork defines the energy 0demand1 (their design places re+uirements

    and constraints on ho the building orks$ and engineers define ho to 0supply1 this energy%

    8ater se

    Kater is measured in terms of both +uantity and +uality% &he florate of fi*tures like faucets

    and the storage capacity of tanks and cisterns are different ays to measure +uantity% Kater

    +uality can be measured in a variety of ays# and you need different +ualities for different

    uses% Khether the ater is potable or not dictates ho it can be used% Indicators like pH#

    dissolved organics# suspended solids# and turbidity help measure +uality% Also# plumbing

    systems that separate potable ater# greyater# and blackater can help get the most out of

    every drop%

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Building Performance Analysis


    Building )esign ,rocess

    *reen Building )esign ,hases

    &he process outlined ne*t more closely resembles integrated pro9ect delivery (I,)!# ,link

    ith tighter collaboration# and shared goals# beteen stakeholders and design disciplines%

    Many pro3ects# hoever# are still done using the esign-Bid-Build process%

    8% Predesign

    % 'onceptual esign

    @% esign evelopment

    D% etailed esign L ocumentation

    !% 'onstruction

    J% perations and Maintenance


    9tudying the e*isting conditions of the building site% It4s also important to set targets for

    sustainability# like achieving net 5ero energy or certifying the building through a program like

    .66% /ou4ll develop and revisit these +uantitative and +ualitative goals as you move through

    all of the phases%

    Conceptual )esign

    /our first designs ill e*plore alternate building and system design options% &he primary focusfor energy efficiency during this phase are daylighting and glare# natural ventilation# shading

    and solar gains# distribution of internal loads# and envelope materials%

    )esign )evelopment

    uring this phase you4ll begin problem solving and studying the details of alternate design

    concepts chosen in the conceptual design stage%

    )etailed )esign and )ocumentation

    nce the final design is aligned upon# the team ill prepare for construction by creating a fully

    articulated design and building information model% A final version of the simulation and

    energy analysis ill document the target energy performance and provide a benchmark for

    validation during the construction phases% Kith this information you4ll also be ready to finali5e

    many of the documents you4ll need for building certification systems like .66%


    Kith the design fully orked-out by the engineers and architects# you4ll no ensure that the

    construction team can efficiently build the pro3ect to the design and performance


    &his is hen building materials are usually purchased% ften the specifications allo like-or-
  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Building Performance Analysis


    better4 substitutions% A detailed BIM model and coordinated energy model ill help assure

    that any substitutions ill actually meet performance re+uirements%

    #perations and 6aintenance

    nce all of the occupants move in# you4ll ant to continue monitoring energy use and thermal

    comfort to confirm that the building is running smoothly# to continually improve operations(continuous commissioning$# and to detect errors and faults in e+uipment or controls early%

    ngoing monitoring and maintenance is important to ensure the building continues to

    perform ell%

    Also# because changes are usually made during construction# you ill revise the BIM model

    and the details of the energy model according to the final design%

    Building ,erformance nalysis (B,!

    In addition to driving a more efficient overall design process# BIM is poerful for sustainable

    design because it can help you iteratively test# analy5e# and improve your design% &his is called

    Building ,erformance nalysis (B,!%

    9tatistician George 6%P% Bo* is +uoted as saying? :ll models are /rong. but some are


  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Building Performance Analysis


    )esign ,hases 5 BI6 Level of )etail

    uring the design process# you4ll be making both big and small decisions% ften the decisions

    you4ll make move from a larger scale (overall building form! to smaller scale

    (components and materials for a shading device!%

    ,redesign phase

    At this point of design# try not to be frustrated about not taking to many decissions% &his is all

    about creating the references around the pro3ect# and making sure that climate and physical

    conte*t are implemented in your design development%

    Enderstanding the climate ill give the team a good idea of hat kind of passive design

    strategies ill be appropriate for the pro3ect% 6arly sun studies can yield additional insights

    that ill inform conceptual design strategies%

    &ools to consider

    'ivil @ or >evit (site map$

    Oasari or >evit (surroundings# e*isting conditions$

    6cotect Keather &ool

    Conceptual )esign phase

    uring conceptual design# the model usually consists of overall building massing(height#

    volume# location# orientation$# along ith basic assumptions about construction type and

    building schedules% Most details of the building ill not be knon at this time# so conceptual

    energy models ill be built ith simple volumes and areas. default values. and genericmaterialsand e+uipment% 'onceptual models help the team align on high-level decisions like

    the form# orientation# and program of the building%

    &ools to consider?




    )esign )evelopment

    &hese models consist of generali5ed systems or assemblies ith appro=imate+uantities#

    si5e# and shape% &he geometry is built from generic elements but more refined assumptions

    are made on constructions# materials# e+uipment%

    )etailed )esign and )ocumentation


    #perations and 6aintenance

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Building Performance Analysis


    oft/are /or7flo/s

    Getting the most out of softare analysis re+uires that you think critically about hen and

    ho to use it% Ask yourself? Khat are you trying to decide and optimi5e Khat4s the right tool

    for the 3ob

    Here4s a conceptual frame/or7that e use throughout this course for :2uic7 3eferenceno/ing *oals and 6etrics

    &he first step of the analysis process is creating a clear picture of /hat youre trying to

    learnand hat aspects of the design you4re trying optimi5e% &hat can help you understand

    hat tools to use# and hat to look for in the analysis results%

    sing ools for imulation 5 nalysis

    nce you kno your goals and metrics# you can start running simulationsand doing

    analysis% It4s best to first do some back-of-the napkin calculations to have an idea of /hat

    the results should bebefore you run the simulations%

    )esign #ptimi?ation )ecisions

    &he results of your simulation are only useful if you analy5e them and can use them to

    improve the design% &his means comparing your results ith other design options# industry

    baselines and best practices# and your e*pected results%

    It4s important to pay attention to patterns and anomalies in the results# identify sensitivity ofdesign parameters# and understand the role of various parts of the systems% /our

    analysis should focus on understanding and improving the variablesthat are driving the

    performance and cost of your design%

    By folloing this process# you4ll be prepared to make an informed design decision%

    &he original inspiration from this ork came from an Autodesk Eniversity Presentation by

    Asb3orn .evring and aniel

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Building Performance Analysis


    utodes7 Building )esign ools

    Autodesk makes a host of products for building design% Autodesk4s core BIM tools ith BPA

    capabilities are? >evit# Oasari# and Green Building 9tudio%

    *reen Building tudiois a eb-based simulation engine for hole building energy

    analysis% It is based on the 6- simulation engine and poers the hole-buildingenergy analysis tools across Autodesk products% It can perform analysis on any gbQM.

    file and does not have modeling capabilities%

    3evitis Autodesk4s flagship BIM product% It is a full-featured parametric building

    information modeling platform for use throughout the design process% >evit models

    use 0Building 6lements1 like alls# roofs# indos# and floors to create @ models%

    &here are also conceptual massing capabilities# using basic shapes to model building

    form and orientation earlier in the design process% In addition to architectural design# it

    has tools for M6P design and structural design%

    1asariis a simplified# parametric BIM tool that uses the same modeling conventions as>evit4s conceptual massing tools 2 and the same file format as >evit%

    8hole Building Energy nalysis

    Green Building 9tudio is Autodesk4s core hole building energy simulation engine# and poers

    the analysis in both >evit and Oasari%

    3evitsupports energy analysis for both conceptual formsand detailed


    1asarisupports energy analysis only for conceptual forms%

    ,erformance-based )esign tudies

    It includes studies like sun path. solar radiation. /ind. airflo/. climate. and daylighting%

    utodes7 3evitand 1asarihave some additional built-in capabilities for doing

    performance-based design studies%

    utodes7 Ecotectis a more speciali5ed tool that e*cels at these types of studies%

    $hole building energy simulation results from %reen &uilding


    $ind flow and solar radiation studies based in

    Autodesk asari.