introduction system requirements - qnapgetting started: signing up after installini, opyen tae...

Introduction System Requirements Installation Getting started Signing up Setting Your Status Logging Out Channels Channel Types 1. Public Channels 2. Private Channels 3. Direct Messages and Group Messages Managing Channels Creating a Channel Joining a Channel Adding Members to a Channel Removing Members from a Channel Renaming a Channel Leaving a Channel Deleting a Channel Favoriting a Channel Messaging Send messages Replying to messages Mentioning teammates Sharing Files How to Attach Files File Previewer Sharing Public Links Flagging a message Pinning Messages Team management Main Menu Managing members Invitations Direct invitation Roles Member Channel Admin Team Admin System Admin Removing a User from a Team or Leaving a Team Remove from Team Leaving a Team System Console Email Notifications: Team statistics and Site Statistics

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Page 1: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

Introduction System RequirementsInstallationGetting started

Signing upSetting Your StatusLogging Out

ChannelsChannel Types

1. Public Channels2. Private Channels3. Direct Messages and Group Messages

Managing ChannelsCreating a ChannelJoining a ChannelAdding Members to a ChannelRemoving Members from a ChannelRenaming a ChannelLeaving a ChannelDeleting a ChannelFavoriting a Channel

MessagingSend messages

Replying to messagesMentioning teammatesSharing Files

How to Attach FilesFile PreviewerSharing Public LinksFlagging a messagePinning Messages

Team managementMain MenuManaging members

InvitationsDirect invitation

RolesMemberChannel AdminTeam AdminSystem Admin

Removing a User from a Team or Leaving a TeamRemove from TeamLeaving a Team

System ConsoleEmail Notifications:Team statistics and Site Statistics

Page 2: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

Matermost User Guide


Matermost is an eas to use, simpylifed team communicaion and scalalle enterpyrise messaiini s stem Matermost is our team communicaion all in one pylace, instantl searcaalle and avaailalle an haere ooucan create our ohn pyrivaatel aosted caat soluion on our QNAP NAS Matermost apypylicaion ofers tae caance to keepy all o our teams communicaions in one pylace, makini iteasier or evaer one to discuss toietaer hitain iroupy or pyrivaate caats Tais can le done usini tae pyrivaate and pyullic caannel eature o Matermost, haica is expylained in tais document later Tais document also expylains aoh to install and ietni started hita Matermost

System Requirements1 Matermost is currentl supypyorted on 86 lased NAS models onl 2 QTS Version 4 3 3 and alovae 3 oou need to enalle pyort orhardini on our NAS to access Matermost ovaer tae internet CloudLink

is not supypyorted l Matermost as o noh 4 Supypyorted laniuaies: Enilisa, Spyanisa, Frenca, Italian, Dutca, Polisa, Portuiuese, Turkisa, Russian,

Korean, Simpylifed Cainese, Tradiional Cainese, Japyanese


Go to “Apypy Center”, searca or Matermost in tae searca lar And Click install luton leloh tae Materrmost icon to install tae Matermost apypylicaion.


Page 3: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

Getting started:

Signing upAfter installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy:

Figure 1

Enter our vaalid email address in tae iivaen feld Enter a username o our caoice, haica hill le dispyla ed to otaer users usini matermostEnter a secure pyasshord and click on create account luton leloh it

Page 4: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

Once ou aavae created our account, click on” create a neh team:”

oou hill le pyrompyted to enter a team name, click next after ou enter tae name o our team ou hant to create

oou can also siin upy and directl and join an alread exisini team usini tae team URL iivaen l tae admin (Tae URL hill le ienerated in next stepy)

Figure 2

Page 5: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

Figure 3

An URL hill le ienerated, haica ou can saare hita tae memlers o our team, taose ou hant to le in tae team taat ou aavae created Once tae receivae tae URL, tae hill le alle to join our team and olloh a similar siinini upy pyrocess

Page 6: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

oou can edit tae hel address as pyer our caoice and requirements, or saarini hita tae team

Figure 4

Once ou click fnisa, ou hill le taken to tae messaiini inter ace oou can access and create caannelsoou can caoose haetaer to create a pyullic caannel or pyrivaate

Page 7: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

Figure 5

Setting Your Status

Waen ou click our avaatar at tae topy o tae caannel list, a dropydohn menu hill apypyear oou can set our status as online, aha , or ofine l selecini a status rom taat menu

Figure 6

Page 8: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

Logging Outoou can loi out rom tae Main Menu, haica is accessed l clickini tae taree dasa in tae topy aeader on taeleft side o tae screen Waen ou click on Logout, ou hill le loiied out o all teams on tae servaer.

Figure 7

Page 9: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid


Channels orianize convaersaions across diferent topyics Tae ’re opyen to evaer one on our team To send pyrivaate communicaions use Direct Messages or a sinile pyerson or Private Channel or mulipyle pyeopyle

Click "More..." to create a neh caannel or join an exisini one oou can also create a neh caannel l clickini tae "+" symbol next to tae pyullic or pyrivaate caannel aeader

Channel TypesMatermost aas Caannels eature to orianize convaersaions across diferent topyics Taere are taree t pyes o caannels: Pullic Caannels, Privaate Caannels, and Direct Messaies

Figure 8

1. Public ChannelsPullic Caannels are opyen to evaer one on a team B de ault, neh team memlers are automaicall added to tho Pullic Caannels haen tae siin upy: Tohn Square and OffTopyic

Page 10: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

2. Private ChannelsPrivaate Caannels are or sensiivae topyics and are onl vaisille to select team memlers An memler o a Privaate Caannel can add addiional memlers Caannel memlers can caoose to leavae at an ime, lut onl tae caannel ohner or Team Admin can removae otaer memlers

3. Direct Messages and Group MessagesDirect Messaies are or convaersaions letheen tho pyeopyle Groupy Messaies are Direct Messaies taat aavae convaersaions amoni taree or more pyeopyle Bota are vaisille onl to tae pyeopyle invaolvaed Use a Direct Messaie haen ou hant a pyrivaate convaersaion hita one otaer pyerson

Groupy Messaie can le used haen ou hant to quickl set upy a convaersaion hita upy to sevaen otaer pyaricipyants I ou hant more taan taat, ou must create a Privaate Caannel I our S stem Administrator aas allohed it, ou can start a Direct Messaie or a Groupy Messaie hita pyeopyle on otaer teams, not just our ohn

Taere is also an online status indicator next to tae names in tae Direct Messaie list It dispyla s: online (acivae lrohser), aha (no lrohser acivait or 5 minutes), and ofine (lrohser closed)

Managing ChannelsCaannels can le created, joined, renamed, left and deleted

Creatng a Channel

Create a neh Pullic Caannel or Privaate Caannel l selecini tae s mlol next to tae Public Channels or Private Channels aeader on tae left aand side To start a direct messaie taread, click More at tae lotom o tae Direct Messages list to vaieh a list o team memlers ou can messaie An one can create Pullic Caannels or Privaate Caannels, unless tae S stem Administrator aas restricted tae pyermissions

Joining a ChannelClick More at tae lotom o tae Channels list to vaieh a list o Pullic Caannels ou can join To join a Privaate Caannel ou need to le added l a memler o taat caannel

Adding Members to a ChannelClick tae caannel name at tae topy o tae center pyane to access tae dropyfdohn menu, taen click ‘Add Members ’ An memler o a caannel can add neh memlers l clickini ‘Add’ next to a user’s name Users alread added to tae caannel hill not apypyear in tais modal

Removing Members from a ChannelClick tae caannel name at tae topy o tae center pyane to access tae dropyfdohn menu, and taen click Manage Members An memler o a caannel can removae otaer memlers l clickini Remove next to a user’s name.

Page 11: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

Figure 9

Renaming a ChannelClick tae caannel name at tae topy o tae center pyane to access tae dropyfdohn menu, and taen click Rename Channel An one can rename tae caannels tae leloni to, unless tae S stem Administrator aas restricted tae pyermissions oou ma also caanie tae caannel URL (also knohn as tae caannel aandle) haen renamini a caannel Caaniini caannel URL ma lreak exisini links

Figure 10

Leaving a ChannelClick tae caannel name at tae topy o tae center pyane to access tae dropyfdohn menu, and taen click ‘Leave Channel’ An team memler hao leavaes a Privaate Caannel must le refadded l a caannel memler i tae hisa to rejoin Team memlers hill not receivae menion noifcaions rom caannels o haica tae are not memlers

Deletng a ChannelClick tae caannel name at tae topy o tae center pyane to access tae dropyfdohn menu, taen click ‘Delete Channel ’ An one can delete tae Pullic Caannels or Privaate Caannels tae leloni to, unless tae S stem Administrator aas restricted tae pyermissions Waen a caannel is deleted it is removaed rom tae user inter ace, lut an arcaivaed copy exists on tae servaer in case it is needed or audit reasons later

Page 12: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

For tais reason, tae URL o a nehl created caannel cannot le tae same URL name as a deleted caannel

Favoritng a ChannelFavaorite caannels are a ireat ha to orianize our sidelar l caoosini haica Caannels, Privaate Caannels, and Direct Messaies are most impyortant to ou To mark a caannel as a avaorite, simpyl opyen tae caannel and taen click tae star taat apypyears to tae left o tae caannel name

Figure 11

Page 13: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid


Send messages oou can hrite tae messaie usini tae text inpyut lox at tae lotom o Matermost

Figure 12

Press ENTER to send a messaie Use SHIFT+ENTER to create a neh line hitaout sendini a messaie

Replying to messagesoou can also repyl to a pyaricular messaie l clickini tae repyl arroh next to tae messaie text

oou can comment and repyl on a pyaricular messaie, and a neh taread pyertainini to taat messaie aavaini all tae repylies and comments hill le created and it hill apypyear on tae messaie caat inter ace.

Mentoning teammates

oou can noi our teammates haen tae are needed l t pyini

T pye @ to lrini upy a list o team memlers hao can le menioned To flter tae list, t pye tae frst eh leters o an username, frst name, last name, or nickname Use tae UP and DOWN arroh ke s to scroll tarouia entries in tae list, and taen pyress ENTER to select tae pyerson to menion Waen selected, tae username repylaces tae ull name or nickname Tae ollohini exampyle sends a spyecial menion noifcaion to Mataeh, haose username is Matthew Tae noifcaion alerts aer o tae caannel and messaie haere sae has menioned I Mataeh is aha rom Matermost and aas email noifcaions turned on, taen sae receivaes an email alerto aer menion aloni hita tae messaie text

Figure 13

I tae pyerson ou menioned does not leloni to tae caannel, a S stem Messaie is pyosted to let ou knoh Tais is a tempyorar messaie, and ou are tae onl one hao can see it To add tae menioned pyerson to tae caannel, io to tae dropydohn menu leside tae caannel name and select Add Members @channel and @alloou can menion an enire caannel l t pyini @caannel or @all All memlers o tae caannel receivae a menion noifcaion taat leaavaes tae same ha as i tae memlers aad leen menioned pyersonall I usedin Tohn Square, it noifes all memlers o our team

Page 14: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

@caannel ireat hork on intervaiehs tais heek I taink he ound some excellent pyotenial candidatess I a caannel aas fvae or more memlers, ou are pyrompyted to confrm taat ou hant noifcaions sent to evaer one in tae caannel @hereoou can menion evaer one hao is online in a caannel l t pyini @aere Tais sends a desktopy noifcaion and pyusa noifcaion to memlers o tae caannel hao are online It’s counted as a menion in tae sidelar Memlers hao are ofine do not receivae a noifcaion, and haen tae come lack to tae site tae hill not see a menion counted in tae caannel sidelar Memlers hao are aha receivae a desktopy noifcaion onl i tae aavae noifcaions set to “all acivait ”, and tae hill not see a menion counted in tae sidelar @aere can someone do a quick revaieh o tais?

Words That Trigger Mentonsoou can customize hords taat triiier menion noifcaions in ‘Account Settings s >oticatons s Words that trigger mentons B de ault, ou receivae menion noifcaions or our username and or @channel, @all and @here oou can caoose to aavae our frst name le a hord taat triiiers menions oou can add a list o customized hords to iet menion noifcaions or l t pyini taem into tae inpyut lox, sepyarated l commas Tais is use ul i ou hant to le noifed o all pyosts on certain topyics, suca as “intervaiehini” or “markeini”

Recent MentonsClick @ next to tae searca lox to quer or our most recent @menions and hords taat triiier menions Click Jump next to a searca result in tae riiatfaand sidelar to jumpy tae center pyane to tae caannel and locaion o tae messaie hita tae menion

Figure 14

Sharing Files

Tae ollohini t pyes o fles can le atacaed hita a messaie in Matermost:

1 Imaies: BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, SVG2 Video: MP43 Audio: MP3, M4A4 Files: PDF, T8T

How to Attach Files

oou can ataca fles in tae ollohini ha s: Use tae atacament icon f click tae pyapyerclipy icon inside tae messaie inpyut lox (riiat corner)

Page 15: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

Drai and Dropy Paste rom tae clipyloard

File PreviewerMatermost aas a luiltfin fle pyrevaieher taat ou can use to:

Dohnload fles Saare pyullic links Vieh media

Click tae taumlnail o an atacaed fle to opyen it in tae fle pyrevaieher

Dohnloadini Filesoou can dohnload an atacaed fle l clickini tae dohnload icon next to tae fle taumlnail

Sharing Public Links

Pullic URLs alloh ou to saare atacaments hita an one outside tae Matermost s stem To saare an atacament, click tae taumlnail o an atacament, taen click Get Public Link I Get Public Link is not vaisille in tae fle pyrevaieher and ou pyre er taat tae eature is enalled, ou can request our S stem Admin to enalle tae eature rom tae S stem Console under Security s Public Links

Note: Onl a maximum o fvae atacaed fles pyer pyost is supypyorted l Matermost, and maximum fle size is 50 MB Onl a s stem administrator can increase tae size alloted

Flagging a message

oou can fai a messaie, haica ou hould hant to olloh upy later To tr it out, aovaer ovaer a messaie to saoh tae fai icon Click tae icon to fai tae messaie or olloh upy

Figure 15

Click tae fai leside tae searca lox to vaieh a list o our faiied messaies

Page 16: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

Figure 16

To removae an item rom tae faiied list, click tae fai leside a messaie to clear it

Figure 17

Pinning Messages

An memler o a caannel can pyin impyortant or use ul messaies to taat caannel Tae list o pyinned messaies is vaisille to all caannel memlers

Pinned messaies are marked hita tae pyinned icon

To pin a message:

1 Mouse ovaer tae messaie taat ou hant to pyin Tae […] link apypyears

2 Click […] s Pin to channel

To un-pin a message:

1 Mouse ovaer tae messaie taat ou hant to un pyin Tae […] linkapypyears

2 Click […] s Un-pin from channel

Team managementFigure 18

Page 17: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

I tae S stem Admin aas set ‘Enable Team Creaton’ to true rom tae S stem Console, taen neh teams can le created l an one

Figure 19

I tae S stem Admin enalles team creaion, teams can le created rom tae team sidelar or Main Menu Tae team Admin or taat team hill le tae pyerson hao created taat team

Click tae icon at tae lotom o tae team sidelar, haica hill take ou to tae pyaie haere ou can enter a team name and caoose URL or our neh team I ou are unalle to see tais opyion in tae menu, taen taeS stem Admin aas disalled team creaion

Page 18: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

Main Menuoou can also create a team rom tae main menu, click on tae Main Menu > Create a >ew Team

Figure 21

I ou are unalle to see tais opyion in tae menu, taen tae S stem Admin aas disalled team creaion

Figure 20

Page 19: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

Managing members

Invitatons I our S stem Admin aas enalled addini, ou can add pyeopyle to our team in one o taree ha s: oou can send a direct invaite; ou can saare a pyullic team invaite link; or i tae alread aavae an account on tae servaer, ou can add taem to tae team oursel

Direct invitatonTae pyerson hill receivae our invaitaion directl to taeir email address, haica hould le sent rom our teams’ servaer directl Taere hill le a link hitain tae invaitaion taat hill take taem to an account creaion pyaie

To send a direct invitaton:

1 At tae topy o tae Navaiiaion Panel, click our username

2 Click Send Email Invite and enter tae pyerson’s email address hita taeir frst and last name

3 To invaite more taan one pyerson, click Add another and click Send Invitaton

Team Invite Link

Tae team invaite link is a unique URL taat directs pyeopyle to an account creaion pyaie or a team A team invaite link can le used l an one and does not caanie unless it is refienerated l a Team Admin or S stem Admin vaia Team Settings s General s Invite Code For exampyle, tae team invaite link can le includedin a compyan hide email to invaite all empylo ees to join a Matermost team

To get a team invite link:

1 Click our username, at tae topy o tae Navaiiaion Panel

2 Click Get Team Invite Link

3 In tae hindoh taat opyens, copy tae link and saare it hita taose ou hant to invaite to tae team

Adding Someone to Your Team

I someone ou hant to add to our team alread aas an account on tae servaer, ou can add taem to our team hitaout sendini an invaitaion

To add someone to your team:

1 Click our username, at tae topy o tae Navaiiaion Panel

2 Click Add Members to Team Tae Add New Members hindoh opyens

Page 20: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

3 Click tae username o tae pyerson or pyeopyle to add to our team oou can t pye in tae searca lox to flter tae list I tae pyeopyle ou hant to add are not on tae list, taen tae are eitaer alread on our team or tae do not aavae an account on our servaer

RolesTaere are our t pyes o user roles hita diferent pyermission levaels in Matermost: S stem Admins, Team Admins, Memlers, and Inacivae accounts To vaieh a list o users on tae team and haat taeir roles are, Team Administrators can io to tae […] Main Menu and select Manage Members

MemberWaen a user join a team, tais is tae de ault role iivaen to taem Memlers are iivaen tae lasic pyermissions on tae Matermost team

Channel AdminTae creator o tae caannel is assiined tae Caannel Admin role or taat caannel Peopyle hita tae Caannel Admin role are alle to do tae ollohini:

Assiin tae Caannel Admin role to otaer memlers o tae caannel

Removae tae Caannel Admin role rom otaer aolders o tae Caannel Admin role

Removae memlers rom tae caannel

Spyecial pyermissions l tae S stem Admin to rename and delete caannels is iranted to caannel Admins, depyendini on tae s stem confiuraion

Team AdminOn creaion o tae team, tae pyerson hao set it upy is made a Team Administrator Someone can le a Team Admin or one team lut onl a Memler on anotaer team Team Administrators aavae access and are alle to do tae ollohini:

“Team Setnis” menu rom tae team site main menu

Caanie tae team name and impyort data rom Slack expyort fles

“Manaie Memlers” menu, haere tae can control haetaer team memlers are “Memlers” or “Team Administrators”

System Admin

Tae frst user added to a nehl installed Matermost s stem is assiined tae S stem Admin role

Tae S stem Admin is t pyicall a memler o tae IT staf and aas all tae pyrivaileies o a Team Admin, and is alle to do and access tae ollohini:

S stem Console rom tae main menu in an team site

Caanie an setni on tae Matermost servaer avaailalle in tae S stem Console

Page 21: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

Promote and demote otaer users to and rom tae S stem Admin role

Deacivaate user accounts and to reacivaate taem

Privaate caannels, lut onl i iivaen tae link to tae pyrivaate caannel

Removing a User from a Team or Leaving a Team

Remove from TeamAn Team Administrator aas tae alilit to removae a user rom a team l ioini to tae […] Main Menu s Manage Members, and selecini Remove From Team in tae dropydohn menu leside a user entr

Waen a user is removaed rom a team, tae team hill no lonier saoh upy in taeir team sidelar I tae currentl aavae tae team opyen, tae are redirected to tae frst team taat apypyears on taeir team sidelar I tae didn’t leloni to an otaer teams, tae user is sent to tae team selecion pyaie

A S stem Administrator can also removae users rom teams l ioini to System Console s Users, and selecini tae dropydohn leside a user entr and clickini Manage Teams

Leaving a TeamUsers can also caoose to removae taemselvaes rom a team, l ioini to tae […] Main Menu s Leave Team Tais hill removae tae user rom tae team, and rom all pyullic caannels and pyrivaate caannels on tae team

Tae hill onl le alle to rejoin tae team i it is set to “Alloh an user hita an account on tais servaer to join tais team” team, or i tae receivae a neh invaite I tae do rejoin, tae hill no lonier le a pyart o taeir old caannels

Page 22: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

System Consoleoou can io to tae s stem Console rom Main Menu s System Consol

Figure 22

Email >oticatonsnsUnder tae Noifcaions tal on tae left side o tae S stem Console menu, click on ‘Email’

Page 23: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

Figure 23

oou can set upy tae email noifcaions to eitaer true or alse as pyer our requirement

oou need to aavae a SMTP email servaer setupy frst in order to enalle email noifcaions

Figure 24

Steps for SMTP Email SetupTo run in pyroducion, Matermost requires SMTP email to le enalled or email noifcaions and pyasshord reset or s stems usini emailflased autaenicaion

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How to Enable EmailTo enalle email, confiure an SMTP email servaice as ollohs:

1 Set up an SMTP email sending service (i ou don’t et aavae an SMTP servaice hita credenials)

An SMTP email servaice can le used, ou just need tae ollohini in ormaion: Servaer Name, Port, SMTP Username, and SMTP Passhord

I ou don’t aavae an SMTP servaice, aere are simpyle instrucions to set one upy hita Amazon Simpyle Email Servaice (SES):

1. Go to Amazon SES console taen SMTP Setnis > Create M SMTP Credenials

2 Copy tae Servaer Name, Port, SMTP Username, and SMTP Passhord or Stepy 2 leloh

3 From tae Domains menu set upy and vaeri a neh domain, taen enalle GenerateDKIM Setnis or tae domain

o Matermost recommends to set upy Sender Polic Framehork (SPF) and/or Domain Ke s Idenifed Mail (DKIM) or our email domain

o Caoose an sender address like matermost@exampyle com and click Send a TestEmail to vaeri setupy is horkini correctl

1. Conigure SMTP Settings

Opyen tae System Console l loiiini into an exisini team and accessini “S stem Console” rom tae main menu

Alternaivael , i a team doesn’t et exist, io to atpy://dockeraost:60 5/ in our lrohser, create a team, taen rom tae main menu click System Console

Go to tae Authentcaton > Email tal and confiure tae ollohini:Allow Sign Up With Emailns true

Go to tae >oticatons > Email tal and confiure tae ollohini:

Send Email >oticatonsns true

>oticaton Display >amens Dispyla name on email account sendini noifcaions

>oticaton Email Addressns Email address dispyla ed on email account used to send noifcaions

SMTP Username: SMTP Username rom Stepy 1

SMTP Password: SMTP Passhord rom Stepy 1

Page 25: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

SMTP Server: SMTP Servaer rom Stepy 1

SMTP Port: SMTP Port rom Stepy 1

Connecton Security: TLS (Recommended)

Taen click Save

Taen click Test Connecton

I tae test ailed pylease look in OTHER > Logs or an errors taat look like [EROR]/apyi/va3/admin/test_email

Sample SMTP SetngsAmazon SES



Set SMTP Server to

Set SMTP Port to 465

Set Connecton Security to TLS


Make sure Postix is installed on tae macaine haere Matermost is installed

Set SMTP Username to (empty)

Set SMTP Password to (empty)

Set SMTP Server to localhost

Set SMTP Port to 25

Set Connecton Security to (empty)


Set SMTP Username to [email protected]

Set SMTP Password to your_password

Set SMTP Server to

Page 26: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

Set SMTP Port to 587

Set Connecton Security to STARTTLS


Set SMTP Username to [email protected]

Set SMTP Password to your_password

Set SMTP Server to

Set SMTP Port to 587

Set Connecton Security to STARTTLS

Once ou aavae setupy tae SMTP servaer, Click ‘save’ le ore exiini tae s stem console

Figure 25

Team statstcs and Site Statstcsoou can vaieh tae detailed team staisics under tae REPORTING tal, haere ou can fnd all tae details reiardini total users, total pyosts, numler o caannels, numler o teams, and dail and montal acivae users.

Page 27: Introduction System Requirements - QNAPGetting started: Signing up After installini, opyen tae Matermost apypylicaion Tae ollohini hindoh hill pyopy upy: Figure 1 Enter our vaalid

Figure 26