introduction short story

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Introduction Short Story


Literature Component

Literature ComponentForm 1 Short story

What is a short story?A short story is a piece of writing that tells stories. It is shorter than a novel.The characters in a short story are fewer than the novel.The storyline of a short story is less complicated than a novel.The setting does not vary much and the story takes place over a shorter period of time.A short story usually only has one main theme and probably one or two sub-themes.

Elements of a short story

plotThis is the outline of events in the short story.It often develops in four stages:

a) the exposition- the part of the story that introduces the characters, gives readers a background of the story.b) conflict- the point in the story where the main characters face problems or complications. c) climax- the most exciting part of the story.d) resolution- the solution to the conflict is introduced leading to the end of the story.

settingThis refers to the time, place and people or society where the story takes place.The physical setting means the place where the story happens. There is usually more than one physical setting in a short story.Time setting tells us when the story took place and how long it lasted.The social setting of a short story refers to the social background of the people in the story. We can learn and understand many things about the people in the story by looking at the social setting of the story.

Characters The people in the story are called characters.The main characters are the main person in the story. The story is about them. Sometimes there may be more than one main character in a story.The minor characters are the other people in the story. They play a smaller role in the story. themeThe theme is the main idea or message that the writer wants to express.The story is told around this main idea. There may be more than one theme in a story.

Moral valuesThese refer to any lessons that we can learn from the story.

Tone and moodTone and mood refer to the feelings that the story invokes in the reader.The story may be sad, humorous, intriguing or horrifying.

Point of viewThis refers to the way the story is told. A writer may choose to tell the story in the first persons point of view. This means that the writer is writing as he is one of the characters in the story. The words I will be used.

A story can also be told in the third persons point of view. This means that the writer is not directly involved in the story. The words he, she, it or they. The author knows everything about the characters; their feelings and their thoughts. Language and styleThese refer to how the story is written. The writer may use any number of ways to write the story and achieve the effect that he or she wants.Some narrative devices that a writer may use are: simile- Comparing one thing with another using words such as like and as. metaphor- Comparison made between two things without the use of words like and as. personification- A way of writing about ideas, things and animals as though they have human qualities. imagery- Using words or phrases that appeal to the readers senses, in other words, what we see, hear or feel while we are reading the story. symbolism- Using a specific object to represent abstract ideas.