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  • 7/24/2019 Internet Blog HASNIYA


  • 7/24/2019 Internet Blog HASNIYA



    network of networks, joining manygovernment, university and private omptoget!er and providing an infrastruturet!e use of E"mai#, $u##etin $oards, %#e ar!yperte&t douments, data$ases and ot!omputationa# resoures'

    T!e vast o##etion of omputer networksw!i! form and at as a sing#e !uge netwfor transport of data and messages arosdistanes w!i! an $e anyw!ere from t!

    same o(e to anyw!ere in t!e wor#d'

  • 7/24/2019 Internet Blog HASNIYA



    It started asresear! projet toe&periment wit! onnetingomputers toget!er wit! paket

    swit!ed networks' It was deve#opewit! funding and #eaders!ip of t!e)efense )epartment*s AdvanedResear! +rojets Ageny AR+A-'

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    0123 4 5SSR #aun!es Sputnik into spae' Inresponse, t!e 5SA reates t!e AdvanedResear! +rojets Ageny AR+A- wit! t!emission of $eoming t!e #eading fore insiene and new te!no#ogies''

    0167 4 8'9'R' /ik#ider of .IT proposes t!eonept of a :;a#ati Network'< =or t!e %rtime ideas a$out a g#o$a# network ofomputers are introdued' 8'9'R' /ik#ider is#ater !osen to !ead AR+AS rese>r! Eorts

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    0167 " +au# @aran, a mem$er of t!eRAN) 9orporation, determines a wayfor t!e Air =ore to ontro# $om$ersand missi#es in ase of a nu#ear event'

    His resu#ts a## for a deentra#iednetwork omprised of paket swit!es' 016B " AR+A ontrats out work to @@N'

    @@N is a##ed upon to $ui#d t!e %rstswit!'

    0161 4 R+ANET reated " @@N reatest!e %rst swit!ed network $y #inkingfour dierent nodes in 9a#ifornia and5ta!C one at t!e 5niversity of 5ta!, oneat t!e 5niversity of 9a#ifornia at Santa

    @ar$ara, one at Stanford and one at t!e

    0137 R T #i ki f @@N

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    0137 " Ray Tom#inson working for @@Nreates t!e %rst program devoted toemai#'

    0137 " AR+A o(ia##y !anges its nameto )AR+A )efense Advaned Resear!+rojets Ageny'

    0137 " Network 9ontro# +rotoo# isintrodued to a##ow omputers runningon t!e same network to ommuniate

    wit! ea! ot!er' 013D " inton 9erf working from

    Stanford and @o$ Fa!n from )AR+A$egin work deve#oping T9+GI+ to a##owomputers on dierent networks to

    ommuniate wit! ea! ot!er'

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    system as t!e Internet for t!e %rsttime'

    0136 " Et!ernet is deve#oped $y )r'Ro$ert .' .eta#fe'

    0136 4 SATNET, a sate##ite program isdeve#oped to #ink t!e 5nited States andEurope' Sate##ites are owned $y aonsortium of nations, t!ere$ye&panding t!e rea! of t!e Internet

    $eyond t!e 5SA' 0136 4 E#ia$et! II, ueen of t!e 5nited

    Fingdom, sends out an emai# on! from t!e Roya# Signa#s andRadar Esta$#is!ment RSRE- in .a#vern'

    0136 " ATJ T @e## /a$s deve#ops 559+

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    0131 " 5SENET, t!e %rst news groupnetwork is deve#oped $y Tom Trusott,

    8im E##is and Steve @e##ovin'

    0131 " I@. introdues @ITNET to workon emai#s and #istserv systems' 01B0 " T!e Nationa# Siene =oundation

    re#eases 9SNET 26 to a##ow omputersto network wit!out $eing onneted to

    t!e government networks' 01BD " Internet Ativities @oard

    re#eased' 01BD " T9+GI+ $eomes t!e standard for

    internet protoo#'

    01BD ) i N S t

  • 7/24/2019 Internet Blog HASNIYA


    01BD " )omain Name Systemintrodued to a##ow domain names toautomatia##y $e assigned an I+num$er'

    01B " .9I reates T0 #ines to a##ow forfaster transportation of informationover t!e internet'

    01B" T!e num$er of Hosts $reaks0,LLL

    01B2" 0LL years to t!e day of t!e #astspike $eing driven on t!e 9anadian+ai% Rai#way, t!e #ast 9anadianuniversity was onneted to NetNort!in a one year eort to !ave oast"to"

    oast onnetivity

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    01B3" T!e num$er of !osts $reaks 0L,LLL

    01BB " Tra( rises and p#ans are to %nd a newrep#aement for t!e T0 #ines'

    01B1" T!e Num$er of !osts $reaks 0LL LLL

    01B1" Arpanet eases to e&ist 011L " Advaned Network J Servies ANS-

    forms to resear! new ways to make internetspeeds even faster' T!e group deve#ops t!e TD#ine and insta##s in on a num$er of networks'

    011L " A !yperte&t system is reated andimp#emented $y Tim @erners"/ee w!i#eworking for 9ERN'

    011L" T!e %rst sear! engine is reated $y.;i## 5niversity, a##ed t!e Ar!ie Sear!


  • 7/24/2019 Internet Blog HASNIYA


    0110" 5'S green"#ig!t for ommeria#enterprise to take p#ae on t!e Internet

    0110 " T!e Nationa# Siene =oundation NS=-reates t!e Nationa# Resear! and EduationNetwork NREN-'

    0110 " 9ERN re#eases t!e Wor#d Wide We$pu$#i#y on August 6t!, 0110

    0117 4 T!e Internet Soiety ISM9- is!artered

    0117" Num$er of !osts $reaks 0,LLL,LL

    011D " InterNI9 re#eased to provide genera#

    servies, a data$ase and internet diretory'

    011D" T!e %rst we$ $rowser, .osai reated$y N9SA-, is re#eased' .osai #ater $eomes

    t!e Netsape $rowser w!i! was t!e mostO

  • 7/24/2019 Internet Blog HASNIYA


    011 " New networks added frePuent#y' 011 " =irst internet ordering system

    reated $y +ia Hut'

    011 " =irst internet $ank openedQ =irstirtua#' 0112 " NS= ontrats out t!eir aess to

    four internet providers' 0112 " NS= se##s domains for a 2L

    annua# fee' 0112 4 Netsape goes pu$#i wit! Drd

    #argest ever NAS)A I+M s!are va#ue 0112" Registration of domains is no

    #onger free'

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    waged main#y $etween .irosoft andNetsape' New versions are re#easedPuarter#y wit! t!e aid of internet userseager to test new $eta- versions'

    0116 4 Internet7 projet is initiated $yD universities

    0116 " Internet Servie +roviders $eginappearing su! as Sprint and .9I'

    0116 " Nokia re#eases %rst e## p!one

    wit! internet aess' 0113" Arin- is esta$#is!ed to !and#e

    administration and registration of I+num$ers, now !and#ed $y NetworkSo#utions IinterNi-


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    011B"Internet 9orporation for AssignedNames and Num$ers I9ANN- reated to$e a$#e to oversee a num$er ofInternet"re#ated tasks

    0111 " A wire#ess te!no#ogy a##edBL7'00$, more ommon#y referred to asWi"=i, is standardied'

    7LLL" T!e dot om $u$$#e $ursts,numeria##y, on .ar! 0L, 7LLL, w!en

    t!e te!no#ogy !eavy NAS)Aomposite inde& peaked at 2,LB'67

    7LL0 " @#ak$erry re#eases %rst internete## p!one in t!e 5nited States'

    7LL0 4 T!e spread of +7+ %#e s!aring

    orporate and L a(#iate mem$ers

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    orporate and L a(#iate mem$ers 7LLD" T!e =ren! .inistry of 9u#ture $ans t!e

    use of t!e word e"mai# $y governmentministries, and adopts t!e use of t!e more=ren! sounding ourrie#

    7LL 4 T!e Term We$ 7'L rises in popu#arityw!en MORei##y and .edia/ive !ost t!e %rstWe$ 7'L onferene'

    7LL" .ydoom, t!e fastest ever spreadingemai# omputer worm is re#eased' Estimated 0in 07 emai#s are infeted'

    7LL2" Estonia oers Internet oting nationa##yfor #oa# e#etions

    7LL2"outu$e #aun!es

    7LL6" T!ere are an estimated 17 mi##ionwe$sites on#ine

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    internationa# sate##iteommuniations provider Inte#satuts servie for non"payment

    7LL6" Internet7 announed apartners!ip wit! /eve# D9ommuniations to #aun! a $randnew nationwide network, $oostingits apaity from 0L;$ps to

    0LL;$ps 7LL3" Internet7 o(ia##y retires

    A$i#ene and now refers to its new,!ig!er apaity network as t!e

    Internet7 Network

    t!e Internet 5sing software a##ed )isruption

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    t!e Internet' 5sing software a##ed )isruption"To#erant Networking, or )TN, doens of spaeimages are transmitted to and from a NASAsiene spaeraft #oated a$out more t!anD7 mi##ion ki#ometers from Eart!

    7LL1 4 I9ANN gains autonomy from t!e 5'Sgovernment

    7L0L" =ae$ook announes in =e$ruary t!at it!as LL mi##ion ative users'

    7L0L 4 T!e 5'S House of Representativespasses t!e 9y$erseurity En!anement AtH'R' L60-

    7L07 " A major on#ine protest s!ook up 5'S'9ongressiona# support for two anti"We$ piray$i##s " t!e Stop Mn#ine +iray At in t!e Houseand t!e +rotet I+ At in t!e Senate' .any in

    t!e te! industry are onerned t!at t!e $i##s

  • 7/24/2019 Internet Blog HASNIYA



    Every !ost on t!e Internet must !ave a uniPue I+

    address T!e I+ address is a D7"$it num$er w!i! we write indotted deima# notation

    T!e %rst part of t!e I+ address is t!e network address4 t!e remainder is t!e !ost I)

    A su$net mask is used to determine t!e network

    address from a I+ !ost address A## !osts on t!e same network are on%gured wit! t!esame su$net mask


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    I+ network addresses must $e uniPue, or t!e Internetwi## not $e sta$#e

    T!e Internet Network Information 9entre InterNI9-was origina##y responsi$#e for issuing Internet networaddresses

    Today, t!e Internet Assigned Num$er Aut!ority IANAissues network addresses to Information Servie

    +roviders IS+s- IS+s sp#it networks up into su$nets and se## t!em onto t!eir ustomer

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    I+ addresses are used to identify !osts on a

    T9+GI+ network E&amp#eQ 0D'77L'0'1 Num$ers are not Vfriend#y* 4 peop#e prefernames

    )NS is a protoo# used to map I+ addresses

    to te&tua# names E'g' www'w#v'a'uk maps to 0D'77L'0'1

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    )NS names !ave a !ierar!ia#struture

    E&amp#eQ www'w#v'a'uk

    )NS names !ave a !ierar!ia#struture

    E&amp#eQ www'w#v'a'uk

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    HTT+ is t!e protoo# used to aess resoures on t!e Wor#d WideWe$A $rowser app#iation is used to send a rePuest to t!e WWW serverfor a resoure, e'g' a we$ page, grap!is %#e, audio %#e, et'

    T!e server responds $y sending t!e resoure a %#e- to t!e #ient

    and #osing t!e onnetion

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    Protocol for copying les beteen client !n" !n #TPser$er

    %ses ! TCP connection for reli!ble tr!nsfer of les it&error'c&ec(ing

    Most brosers s)pport #TP* or yo) c!n )se ! "e"ic!te"#TP client progr!+* e,g W-.#TP

    Tri$i!l #ile Tr!nsfer Protocol /T#TP0 is ! lig&teig&t$ersion for s+!ll +e+ory "e$ices


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    TELNET Te#net a##ows a user to run ommands

    and programs remote#y on anot!er

    omputer aross t!e Internet T!e user runs a Te#net #ient program

    on t!e #oa# !ost A Te#net server proess must $e

    running on t!e remote !ost T!e user must !ave t!e neessary

    permissions and password to aesst!e remote !ost

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    e&perimenta# nationa# resear! networks NRNOs-, su! asInternet7 and N;I Ne&t ;eneration Internet-, are deve#oping!ig! speed, ne&t generation networks'In t!e 5nited States, Internet7 is t!e foremost non for pro%t

    advaned networking onsortium #ed $y over 7LL universities inooperation wit! 3L #eading orporations, 2L internationa#partners and 2 non pro%t and government agenies'T!e Internet7 ommunity is ative#y engaged in deve#oping andtesting new network te!no#ogies t!at are ritia# to t!e futureprogress of t!e Internet'

    ,ne&t"generation !y$rid optia# and paket

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    ,ne&t"generation !y$rid optia# and paketnetwork t!at furnis!es a 0LL;$ps network$ak$one, providing t!e 5'S resear! andeduation ommunity wit! a nationwidedynami,

    New Pua#ity of servie oS- te!no#ogies, forinstane, wou#d a##ow t!e Internet to providedierent #eve#s of servie, depending on t!etype of data $eing transmitted' )ierenttypes of data pakets ou#d reeive dierent#eve#s of priority as t!ey trave# over a

    network' As ne&t generation Internet deve#opment

    ontinues to pus! t!e $oundaries of w!atOspossi$#e, t!e e&isting Internet is a#so $eingen!aned to provide !ig!er transmission

    speeds, inreased seurity and dierent #eve#s

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