international conference on martensitic transformations...

International Conference on Martensitic International Conference on Martensitic Transformations 2014 July 6-11, 2014, Bilbao, Spain

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Page 1: International Conference on Martensitic Transformations · THE CATHEDRAL OF BURGOS: SAINT METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL CHURCH. The Cathedral

International Conference on MartensiticInternational Conference on MartensiticTransformations 2014

July 6-11, 2014, Bilbao, Spain

Page 2: International Conference on Martensitic Transformations · THE CATHEDRAL OF BURGOS: SAINT METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL CHURCH. The Cathedral

THE CATHEDRAL OF BURGOS: SAINT METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL CHURCH.The Cathedral of Burgos was declared part of the World Patrimony by theUNESCO in1984. SIts building began in 1221 and it was founded by the Kingg g y gFerdinand III, the Saint, and Bishop Maurice. In the cathedral there aresplendid chapels dating from the 13th century until the18th century, such asthe Chapel of Saint Nicholas (XIIIth c.), the Chapel of the Constables (XVthc.) and the Chapel of Saint Tecla (XVIIIth c.).c.) and the Chapel of Saint Tecla (XVIIIth c.).There is a magnificent sixteenth-century dome , the work of Juan deVallejo. In the centre of the crossing the tomb of the Cid Campeador andof his wife Doña Jimena can be found. Their remains were brought here in19211921.From the outside, the towers of the main facade can be seen, as they arehighlighted by two agnificent gothic spires, the work of Juan de Colonia atthe end of the XVth century. There are also various entrance doorst e e d o t e Vt ce tu y. e e a e also va ous e t a ce doo snoteworthy for their beauty: the Coroneria (XIIIth c.), Sarmental (XIIIth c.)and Pellejeria (XVIth c.).MUSEUMWe will also visit the Museum of Human Evolution were we can see fossilsand stone tools of the earliest known Hominins in West Europe that havebeen found in Atapuerca. "The Archeological Site of Atapuerca" has beendesignated a UNESCO World Heritage Siteg g

Page 3: International Conference on Martensitic Transformations · THE CATHEDRAL OF BURGOS: SAINT METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL CHURCH. The Cathedral wikipedia org/wiki/Burgos Cathedral

Page 4: International Conference on Martensitic Transformations · THE CATHEDRAL OF BURGOS: SAINT METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL CHURCH. The Cathedral

hBurgos is in the main Route of the Camino de


Page 5: International Conference on Martensitic Transformations · THE CATHEDRAL OF BURGOS: SAINT METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL CHURCH. The Cathedral

Chapel of the Constables (XVth c )Chapel of the Constables (XVth c.)

Chapel of Saint Tecla (XVIIIth c.)

Page 6: International Conference on Martensitic Transformations · THE CATHEDRAL OF BURGOS: SAINT METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL CHURCH. The Cathedral

Sarmental (XIIIth c.)

The Coroneria (XIIIth c.)

Pellejeria (XVIth c.)

Page 7: International Conference on Martensitic Transformations · THE CATHEDRAL OF BURGOS: SAINT METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL CHURCH. The Cathedral
Page 8: International Conference on Martensitic Transformations · THE CATHEDRAL OF BURGOS: SAINT METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL CHURCH. The Cathedral

1. Pórtico del Sarmental.

2. Transepto, brazo Sur.

3. Puerta del claustro alto.

17. Nave Central, Coro.

18. Capilla de la Natividad.

19. Capilla de la

4. Capilla de la Visitación.

5. Capilla de San Enrique.

6. Capilla de San Juan deSahagún


20. Capilla de San Gregorio.

21. Naves laterales,Deambulatorio y Girola.Sahagún.

7. Capilla de las Reliquias.

8. Capilla de laPresentación.


22. Capilla del Condestable.

23. Sacristía.

24. Claustro alto.

9. Capilla del SantísimoCristo de Burgos.

10. Nave Central yPapamoscas.

25. Capilla claustral de SanJerónimo.

26. Capilla del CorpusChristi.

11. Capilla de Santa Tecla.

12. Capilla de Santa Ana ode la Concepción.

T t b N t

27. Sala Capitular.

28. Capilla de SantaCatalina.

C ill d S J13. Transepto, brazo Norte yEscalera Dorada.

14. Capilla de San Nicolás.

15. Crucero, Cimborrio,

29. Capilla de San JuanBautista y Santiago.

30. Nártex, Puerta de SantaMaría.

Tumba del Cid y Dña.Jimena.

16. Capilla y Retablo Mayor.

31. Puerta de la Coronería.

32. Puerta de la Pellejería.

33. Claustro bajo.

Page 9: International Conference on Martensitic Transformations · THE CATHEDRAL OF BURGOS: SAINT METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL CHURCH. The Cathedral
Page 10: International Conference on Martensitic Transformations · THE CATHEDRAL OF BURGOS: SAINT METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL CHURCH. The Cathedral

Excavation of the site of GranDolina, in Atapuerca (Burgos). TheTD6 level where the remains ofTD6 level where the remains ofHomo antecessor appeared is beingexcavated just below the

ff ldiscaffolding.

Original Remains of Homo antecessor in the museumantecessor in the museum.