interest and investment motivation of undiksha college ...universitas pendidikan ganesha singaraja,...


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Page 1: Interest and Investment Motivation of Undiksha College ...Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Singaraja, Indonesia ... Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha)

Interest and Investment Motivation of UndikshaCollege Students (Case Study on Car 3i Network)

Luh Gede Kusuma DewiDepartment of Economic and Accounting

Universitas Pendidikan GaneshaSingaraja, Indonesia

[email protected]

I Made Dwita AtmajaDepartment of Economic and Accounting

Universitas Pendidikan GaneshaSingaraja, Indonesia

[email protected]

Komang Krisna HeryandaDepartment of Economic and Accounting

Universitas Pendidikan GaneshaSingaraja, Indonesia

[email protected]

Sunitha DeviDepartment of Economic and Accounting

Universitas Pendidikan GaneshaSingaraja, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract—This study aims to examine the interests andmotivations of students in investing (Car 3i Network case study).This study uses a quantitative approach with a population of allstudents of the Faculty of Economics, Ganesha University ofEducation (Undiksha) participating in Car 3i, totaling 100people. The data analysis used is the t test with SPSS version 16.0for Windows. The results of this study indicate that interest andmotivation have a significant coefficient value for interest of0.316 and a significance level of 0.002 while motivation has acoefficient value of 0.717 and a significance level of 0.000.Between interest and motivation has a significance level smallerthan α=0.05 so this hypothesis is accepted. Based on the researchresults of the hypothesis for students' interest and motivation ininvesting, it can be concluded that the acceptance of the interestand motivation hypothesis proves that students who invest havegood interest and motivation, this is due to the benefits of eitherdirectly investing or inviting friends to invest in. car 3i network.Income obtained either monthly or the end result of investmentfor 5 years.

Keywords—Motivation, interest, investment, CAR, 3i network,case study


Indonesia is already in the Revolution Industrial 4.0 era.Lifestyle, is the thing that feels the most change in this era.Millennials may have a different outlook on life than theprevious generation. Ease of accessing information is veryeasy to do, communication that has been constrained bydistance is also easy to reach. The new lifestyle also affectsthe outlook on human life. Millineal generation is very fond of‘online’ lifestyle.

In young adult life, emotional development is inseparablefrom their interactions with the social environment. If thesocial environment around them is a "virtual" socialenvironment and not in reality, then the emotionaldevelopment of them also tends not to be strong. At present,

many millineal circles assume that life is to be enjoyed whichtends to lead to a hedonism lifestyle. Consumptive lifestylescan not be separated from the hedonism lifestyle adopted. Onthe one hand, consumptive lifestyles and patterns provideenjoyment and satisfaction both physically andpsychologically.1 But consciously or not, consumptivelifestyles actually have an unfavorable impact on "financialhealth". Consumptive lifestyle can be said as a waste. Whilewaste itself can be interpreted as an excessive behaviorbeyond what is needed. The country's economy is influencedby the nature of this hedonist. The rupiah was the secondworst currency in Asia, this was due to the fall of the rupiah inJuly 2018.

Financial market observers stated that there were eightfactors that caused the rupiah to continue to weaken, one ofwhich was the attitude of Indonesian society's hedonism. Theabove facts explained that the danger of hedonism amongmillennials would later damage the country's economic life.Millennials seem to have to look for alternative entrepreneursand allocate funds for old age investment.

College students as agents of change-in many lines ofcommunity life-they have a strategic position as a pioneer inthe advancement of science, including in socializing andinforming about investment. In the context of Indonesia'seconomic development, students have a very important role.College students are expected to become one of the idealyoung investor candidates and contribute actively to advanceand increase investment in the form of savings, insurance,capital markets and so on.

Insurance and investment program called Car 3i Networkare popular nowdays. The Car 3i Networks Program is aprogram offered by PT AJ Central Asia Raya (CAR LifeInsurance) owned by the Salim Group. This business offereda life insurance marketing system through the agency network.Many people are interested and join this business, including

International Conference on Tourism, Economics, Accounting, Management, and Social Science (TEAMS 19)

Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 103


Page 2: Interest and Investment Motivation of Undiksha College ...Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Singaraja, Indonesia ... Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha)

the college students of Ganesha Education University(Undiksha). It is interesting to study, what makes a lot ofpeople interested in this product, especially for that collegestudent.

Based on the research’s background, the formulation of theproblem to be solved in this study is “What is the interest ofUndiksha college students in investing on Car 3i Network?”and “What are their motivations in investing on Car 3iNetwork”. Hopefully this research will provide additionalreferences needed related to future investments, an empiricalreference to investment studies and information related tofactors that influence investment decisions made by collegestudents.


A. Definition of MotivationAccording to Weiner (1990) cited Elliot et al. (2000),

motivation is defined as an internal condition that arouses usto act, drives us to achieve certain goals, and keeps usinterested in certain activities. There are many things thatmotivate someone to do something in his life. However,according to Sardiman (2005) states that in general there aretwo types of motivation, intrinsic motivation and extrinsicmotivation. Motivation as a belief and driving a person to dosomething is a psychological impulse that is in a person alsoinfluenced by several factors, namely internal factors andexternal factors (Winardi, 2002).

B. Definition of InterestsThere are several definitions of interest from several

experts, one of them according to Sumadi, 1988 which statesthat interest is the tendency in an individual to be interested inan object or like something object. Other experts say thatinterest as a result of experience that grows on and isconsidered valuable by individuals is the force that drivessomeone to do something (Winarno Surachmad, 1980: 90).

According to Crow and Crow in Johny Kills (1988), statesthat there are three factors in determining one's interest,including, factors that arise from within the individual, socialmotive factors and emotional factors. This opinion is in linewith that expressed by Sudarsono.

C. Definition of InvestmentAccording to Haming and Basalamah (2010) investment is

the understanding of current expenditures for the purchase ofreal assets (property, cars, etc.) or also financial assets with theaim of obtaining greater returns in the future. According toSadono Sukirno (2012), there are two forms of investment; 1)Investment in Real Assets, and 2) Investment in financialassets. There are several types of investments that are commonin the business world, including; Deposits, Bonds, Mutualfunds, Stock investment, and Gold.

D. Definition of Car 3i Network

Car 3i Network offers the advantage that in addition tojoining life insurance, customers also have the opportunity toinvest while earning passive income by becoming an

insurance agent. At a life insurance company, an agent canrecruit other agents to become team members.

E. Research Thinking FrameworkThe research framework can be seen as shown below;

III. RESEARCH METHODSThe method used in this study is Sugiyono's research

method concerning causal research. Which examines thecausal relationship. The subject of this study was the Studentsof Ganesha Education University. The object of his research isUndiksha's motivation and role in promoting investmentactivities among students. The data used in this study werecollected through several methods, namely: Literature Study,Observation, Interview. In testing the research instrument wastested for validity using the technique of product momentcorrelation analysis using SPSS version 16.0 for windows.Reliability test was calculated with Cronbach's alphacoefficient using SPSS (Statistical Social Science Program)version 16.0 for windows. The calculation criteria using alphacronbach are as follows:a) If alpha> 0.90 then reliability is perfectb) If alpha is between 0.70 - 0.90 then reliability is highc) If alpha is between 0.50 - 0.70 then moderate reliabilityd) If alpha <0.50 then reliability is low

In this study also conducted a classic assumption test. Themultiple linear regression model can be called a good model ifthe model meets the classical statistical assumption test whichconsists of tests of normality, multicollinearity,autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity. Because the data is nottime series data, no autocorrelation test is needed. The datathat has been collected is then processed using the SPSSversion 16.0 program. The data analysis technique used in thisstudy is multiple linear regression analysis. T-test is alsoapplied to test the effect of variable X on Y, whether thevariables X1 (Interest) and X2 (motivation) really affect the Yvariable (investment) separately or partially (Ghozali, 2011).Tests carried out using significance level 0.05 (α = 5%).Acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis is carried out withthe following criteria:1) If the significance value> 0.05 then H0 is rejected(regression coefficient is not significant). This means that

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partially the independent variable has no significant effect onthe dependent variable.2) If significant <0.05 then H0 is accepted (significantregression coefficient). This means that partially theindependent variable has a significant effect on the dependentvariable.

IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONA. Test results for validity and reliability

The research instrument indicates adequate reliability ifCronbach's alpha coefficient is greater or equal to 0.70. Whilethe test results show the Cronbach alpha coefficient is greaterthan 0.7, it can be concluded that this variable is reliable.

B. Normality TestThe KOLMOGOROV-SMIRNOV test results show that

the Asymp.Sig value is 0.057. This value is greater than 0.05so it can be concluded that residuals are normally distributed.Thus it can be concluded that based on test results it is knownthat the model is not affected by normality problems.

C. Multicolliniarity TestThe results of the calculation of the tolerance value also

shows that there are no independent variables that have atolerance value of less than 0.10, which means there is nocorrelation between variables whose value is more than 95%.So this correlation is still below 95% and it can be said thatthere is no serious multicollinearity. VIF value also shows novalue greater than 10. Thus it can be concluded that there is nomulticollinearity between independent variables in theregression model.1) Regression (Autocorrelation Test with LM Test)

The approach to find out the existence ofheteroscedasticity is to use the LM test statistical approach.LM Test results can be seen in the results of the regressionanalysis of the effect of the lagres variable on UnstandardizedResidual. Based on the results of regression analysis thesignificance value of the lagres variable is greater than thealpha value of 0.05, it can be concluded that the lagresvariable is not statistically significant affecting theUnstandardized Residual variable. So it can be concluded thatthe regression model does not contain autocorrelation.2) Regression (Heterokedasticity Test with Glejser Test)

To get certainty, it is necessary to test the hypothesis byusing the Glejser test. The Glejser Test proposes to regress aresidual absolute value (UbsUt) as a dependent variable withthe following equation:D. Goodnessog Fit Test1) Coefficient of Determination

The table gives an R value of 0.832 in the research modeland a coefficient of determination of 0.693. It appears that theability of the independent variable in explaining the varianceof the dependent variable is 69.3%. So this model is quitegood. There are still 30.7% variance of the dependent variablethat has not been able to be explained by the independentvariables in this research model.2) Test F

It appears that the calculated F value in the research modelis 109,376 with a significance level of 0,000. The significancevalue is under 0.05 which indicates that the independentvariables simultaneously have a significant effect onINVESTMENT at a significance of 5%

E. Hypothesis Testing1) Hypothesis Testing 1Based on the analysis of the data above, it appears that the

calculated t value for the variable of interest is significant.Thus the H1 hypothesis in this study which reads: There is asignificant influence between INTEREST on INVESTMENTreceived.

2) Hypothesis Testing 2Based on the analysis of the data above, it appears that the

calculated t value for the MOTIVATION variable issignificant. Thus the H2 hypothesis in this study which reads:There is a significant influence between MOTIVATIONtowards INVESTMENT received.

The purpose of this study was to obtain evidence of theinfluence of interest and motivation on investment in Ganeshauniversity education students. The results of this study indicatethat interest and motivation have a significant coefficientvalue for interest of 0.316 and a significance level of 0.002while motivation has a coefficient value of 0.717 and asignificance level of 0.000. Between interest and motivationhas a significance level smaller than α = 0.05 so thishypothesis is accepted.F. Conclusion

Based on the research results of the hypothesis forstudents' interest and motivation in investing, it can beconcluded that the acceptance of the interest and motivationhypothesis proves that students who invest have good interestand motivation, this is due to the benefits of either directlyinvesting or inviting friends to invest in. car 3i network.Income obtained either monthly or the end result ofinvestment for 5 years. This research only focuses on students'interest and motivation in investing so that in the future itneeds to be developed both in terms of investmentdevelopment, capital, types of investment that are developingin Indonesia such as stocks and forex.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTThis research process has been funded by the internal fundfrom the Faculty of Economics, Universitas PendidikanGanesha. Thank you to the Dean of the Faculty of Economicsfor the funding that has been given. Mr. Komang KrisnaHeryanda, Mr. I Made Dwita Atmaja, Mrs. Sunitha Devi thankyou for your endless support for this research. Thank you toall those who helped this research process.


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