integrative cancer - new theories and advances in treatment from hippocrates to the human genome

1 Integrative Cancer New Theories and Advances in Treatment By Serge Jurasunas M.D. (Hom) N.D. From Hippocrates to the Human Genome

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Page 1: Integrative Cancer - New theories and Advances in Treatment From Hippocrates to the Human Genome


Integrative Cancer New Theories and Advances in Treatment

By Serge Jurasunas M.D. (Hom) N.D.

From Hippocrates to the Human Genome

Page 2: Integrative Cancer - New theories and Advances in Treatment From Hippocrates to the Human Genome


Integrative Cancer

New Theories and Advances in Treatment

Serge Jurasunas M.D. (Hom) N.D.

Professor of Naturopathic Oncology

Panam University of Natural Sciences and Medicine

Despite the progress of conventional oncology, the expectation and promises to cure

cancer are failing while at the same time several hundreds of billions of dollars have

been spent only to result in little improvement. Over past decades the media has

promoted the so-called miraculous new drugs to cure cancer which moreover benefits

the new “market” for pharmaceutical lab medicines rather than a true emphasis on

actually curing cancer. Some voices even speak of expecting little or no progress in the

future, since surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation have reached a maximum plateau.

According to Professor Pierquim, a noted French cancerologist, results from

chemotherapy remain modest. According to him only 5% of all chemotherapy cases are

effective, in 10% of the cases chemotherapy is useful, but in 85% of all cases

chemotherapy is questionable and may even be useless. An NHK National TV program

in Japan, in December 2009 with cancer specialists from various countries, featuring the

latest cancer research concluded that the “Modern way of cancer treatment only by

conventional medicine is hopeless”. We now entering a new Era which will change the

medical paradigm since cancerology is facing some serious problems since an excess of

chemotherapy has a double edge effect and often aggravates the disease, since after 6

months of conventional treatment, cancer cells become more resistant to apoptosis and

antineoplasic agent, while lowering the quality of life of the patient and not to say

lowering lifespan extension.

Therefore there is an urgent need to challenge cancer with new theories and to discover

new anticancer treatments with less toxicity and more efficiency, as well as increase

quality of life and life expectancy. The guiding principal is a holistic and integrative

view that is multifaceted and patient driven. I have spent now 50 years treating patients

and been particularly involved in cancer research, clinical practice and innovative

treatment for the past 35 years. Enough today to be a position to know what is cancer

and how to treat cancer from old theories of Hippocrates to the human genome.

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Over the past year, there has been an increasing demand for CAM and integrative

oncology from all over the world. In our clinic, the percentage of cancer patients

looking for a complementary support, patients with disease recurrence and metastases

condition, often after chemotherapy failure is increasing year after year and the results

that we obtain speaks for itself. The paradigm of chemotherapy, radiation, and standard

chemotherapy may be efficient only in 50% - 80% maximum of cancer cases; however

we are speaking about primary local cases without metastases invasion. Cancers such as

that of the pancreas and lung currently are incurable. Even so cancer recurrence remains

very high, 70% of breast cancer patients are subject to a recurrence within the first 3

years, even if primary cancer enters into remission. While generally speaking cancer

with metastasis cannot be cured by conventional medicine. In fact 90% of mortality is

caused by metastases diagnosed either at primary tumor or later at recurrence, and from

an excess of chemotherapy. Metastases are a cause of suffering and chemotherapy is

poor and inefficient since usually metastases are more resistant than the primary tumor,

or often are stem cells more difficult to kill. Conventional oncology is totally disarmed

to prevent cancer recurrence since it only focuses on the tumor and chemotherapy

remaining the cornerstone of mainstream cancer treatment, neglecting preventive

methods with nutrition and dietary compounds and predictive diagnostics, such as the

ones from molecular markers testing that can anticipate disease recurrence, follow up

patients outcome, and personalize the treatment together with other preventive

approaches that include nutrition, dietary bioactive agents, immune surveillance,

activation of apoptosis, and modulation of inflammatory mediators.

New lines of research have shown that metastasis can spread at early tumor growth but

today could be detected early on with new sensitive blood tests and also with the

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molecular markers testing we use in our clinic. Unfortunately this is not practiced by

Conventional Oncology, but readily accessible in our clinic.

Metastases Invasion from Surgery

Metastases are cancer cells that detach from the primary tumor and colonize other

organs. A tumor can metastasize before being diagnosed or often as the result of

chemotherapy treatment that promotes inflammation and increases the risk.

Chemotherapy also decreases immune activity which in turn increase metastases

invasion. It has been demonstrated that during treatment 30% of patients develop

metastasis condition from the primary tumor. While surgery by itself could be

responsible for, let us say from 30% to even 40% of cancer recurrence from the

dissemination of metastasis in the blood circulation during surgery. Surgeons do not like

to hear this, but from 50 million to 200 million cancer cells spread during surgery into

the blood circulation. New sensitive technology using a method call RTPCR

Technology (Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction) is a method to find

circulating messenger RNA from tumor cells and after biopsy or surgery you see a huge

increase of tumor cell in peripheral blood. The whole surgical process: anesthesia,

cutting tissue, etc., decreases all the immune cell activity, usually restored only after 3

weeks afterwards, factors that facilitate “Minimum Residual Disease (MRD) expansion.

This is one reason why immune surveillance and stimulation of the immune activity

before and after surgery is important to protect the body from cancer cell invasion.

Therefore we can further understand that we need complementary treatment in order to

keep the cancer under control, prevent the diffusion of micrometastases, preventing

further recurrence. This is one subject of research almost ignored in oncology since

there are no studies associated with the prevention of cancer recurrence.

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Today, the survival rate for metastatic cancer is still about the same as 45 years ago and

only 6% of cancer patients live up to 5 years with palliative therapy. After billions of

dollars have been spent, this reflects more of a marketing initiative from the cancer

industry rather than a real answer to curing cancer? In the USA the total cost spent on

cancer exceeds 200 billion dollars annually, a huge business for the pharmaceutical

industries, oncologists, and hospital care.

Why Such Failure?

First cancer is a very complex cellular disease characterized by a progressive loss of

regulation of the cell cycle that divides unchecked. Cancer is a disease of the cell cycle

since unchecked damaged cells continue to divide, accumulate mutations, loose

differentiation, loose tumor suppressor genes, increase in oncogene expression and

increase resistance to apoptosis. Cancer cells evade apoptosis which is critical for tumor

growth. Cancer cells start to proliferate, build new vascularization to grow and invade

surrounding tissues and metastasize into blood circulation and establish new tumors at

other locations in the body. Mitochondria and ATP production are also seriously

implicated in cancer disease. In cancer, mitochondria are fewer and have abnormal

morphologies while ATP energy production is much lower and contributes to the loss of

cellular differentiation.

The tumor also uses growth factors available in the surrounding tissue like the VEGF or

FGF necessary to make vascularization in order to grow and expand. It also produces

some proteolytic enzymes necessary for the tumor to digest the collagen tissue around

and grow. Today modern medical science implicates angiogenesis as one of the main

factors for tumor expansion and an important target in the treatment of cancer (see page

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30). Therefore attacking the cancer only through chemotherapy no longer seems to be

an efficient answer and possible cure because of associated factors such mutation of the

P53 tumor suppressor gene, overexpressed BCL2, Survivin, and angiogenesis being

responsible for tumor resistance. However in our clinic we have developed therapies to

target the apoptotic players and angiogenic factors such the VEGF, including enzymes

of degradation such as the MMP'S (see example page 22).

Second, the treatment of cancer relies on the medical paradigm (1886) speculating that

local cancer is a local incurable disease and should be broken up. The toxic treatment

paradigm developed after the II World War (1945) is based on establishing toxicity as

the only treatment, based on empirical observation rather that scientific evidence,

although some progress has been done. We are still far from the repeated expectation of

having the cure of cancer and new avenues should be explored.

Conventional treatment modalities are based on attacking cancer with surgery, chemo

and radiation. Certainly weapons of mass destruction but are far from being enough and

toxicity may be a barrier to obtaining results. Often severe side effects oblige the

patients to postpone treatment. Also there are now enough scientific references that

implicate P53 mutation and overexpressed oncogenes such as BcL2 that needs to be

targeted. Cancer patients taking chemotherapy need protection against tissue damage,

bone marrow damage that protects blood cells. Integrative Oncology focus on apoptosis

pathways that selectively kill cancer cells and at the same time stimulate immune cell

activity while it also gives better attention to the health status of the patient since each

person is an individual with different gene response. One important question that

conventional medicine is missing is “Are cancer patient’s healthy persons?

Unfortunately it seems that conventional medicine sees cancer patients as healthy ones

of which I have seen so many examples. In my opinion this is a major mistake.

Conventional treatment unfortunately is facing some problems such as multi- drug

resistance to chemotherapy, occurrences of metastases, adverse toxic effects including

death and generally weakens the patient, often already weak from the tumor itself and

also from his/her poor nutritional status, as well as a debilitated immune system that

gets worse during chemotherapy. It is proven that chemotherapy may further decrease

immune cell activity, already down to 50% compared to the normal activity of a healthy


The majority of the cancer drugs are not taken in by the cancer cells alone, but also by

healthy cells and organs like the liver, nerves, intestines, and kidneys. Blood

components also get damaged in the process.

What finally kills the cancer patient is not the disease itself, but the consequences of

chemo/radiation. Cancer patients can develop thrombosis, heart failure, pulmonary

thromboembolism, renal failure, infection and severe anemia which increase the risk of

death with chemotherapy by 25%. Good cells die along with the bad ones, but the bad

cells will not always die. If they are resistant to chemotherapy which is often the case,

they may be damaged but not destroyed. Furthermore cancer cells with P53 mutation

are damaged by antineoplasic agents but do not die. They accumulate more mutations

and are increasing resistance to chemotherapy, while healthy cells may also at the same

time turn into precancerous and cancer cells, and are responsible for further cancer

lesions. One other problem is cancer stem cells that are resistant to chemotherapy

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regimen, they often survive and are reactivated after cancer remission (see figure page

27). Some cancer patients may be in remission, but indeed they are not free from the

disease since cancer usually returns, called a cancer recurrence after a period lasting

from 3 months to 10 years or even longer, called “cancer dormancy”, very common in

breast cancer. Today the 5 year survival is no longer a reliable mark of cancer cure.

Only for breast cancer 70% of patients undergo a disease recurrence within the first 3

years, no matter the surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Over the years I am

confronted with so many of similar cases, as short as 3 months to 14 years with lung

and brain metastasis.

Cancers such as lung and pancreatic are totally incurable by conventional therapy and

only 2-3% of patients live up to 5 years but rarely. Even the best cases treated by

chemotherapy only can extend life from 1 ½ - 2 years maximum sometime less.

Pancreatic cancer is often associated by a P53 mutation, RAS activity and COX2 is

active in 90% of all pancreatic cancer cases which accelerate the development of the

tumor. So far my best cases of pancreatic cancer extend up to 5 years and more, in

contrast to chemotherapy alone. However many patients with pancreatic cancer still

believe that chemotherapy by itself will cure their cancer.

Therefore such cases definitively require some additional support. From my personal

experience, the molecular marker tests and especially the P53 are very important as

biomarkers of cancer, diagnostic, prognostic together with other apoptotic players as

BAX, antiapoptotic gene as BCL2 and Survivin an inhibitor of apoptosis highly

expressed only in cancer cells but not healthy tissues, secondly they serve as diagnostic,

prognostic and follow up of the best treatment that can be utilized to target the disease.

However what is also important is the fact that a molecular marker testing may really

provide information that anticipate a cancer activity and prevent disease recurrence

which is a breakthrough in cancer. Prevention, earlier detection or prevention from

cancer recurrence is the main goal of oncology.

The Survivin gene is overexpressed in cancers such as breast, brain, colon, or prostate

and is associated with lymph nodes, invasion, metastases and risk of cancer recurrence.

Having been detected only in cancer tissue Survivin detection can serve as an early

marker of cancer. Survivin overexpression induces resistance to cancer cells destruction

by chemotherapy and is new therapeutic target in cancer. In our clinic we have gained

considerable experience by targeting this gene often highly expressed in certain cancers

by using some selected natural bioactive compounds such as liquid curcumin,

resveratrol, and quercetin, with anti-cancer properties.

Recently I received an email from a young man asking for some eventual support to

balance an anemic condition of his father undergoing chemotherapy for a pancreatic

cancer. But his concern was if such treatment would interfere with chemotherapy, this

being just one example which alerts us to the total ignorance people have regarding

CAM and pancreatic cancer, as well as the evolution of this disease. Therefore, first

early tumor diagnosis or even before it starts to grow is not important, where in this

particular cancer, P53 mutation and COX2 activity are two independent predictors but

also BCL2 and overexpressed Survivin would not be considered important as well.

After the initial treatment of chemotherapy/radiation and cancer remission (partial or

total) the patient (often feeling very weak) is sent home, some with prescriptions for

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oral chemotherapy, called “preventive chemotherapy”, and pain relief medication such

as morphine. Breast cancer patients go home with a prescription of Tamoxifen or

Xeloda but with no other advice concerning dietary style. No wonder cancer recurrence

is so high.

Therefore the patient’s cancer is declared a “goner”, yet the patient is far from being

free of the disease, with a very fragile immune system and other organs, intoxicated

from chemotherapy, then sent home as I said before, abandoned without further advice,

or nutritional support. Often these patients are suffering from severe pains and have to

be put under morphine with nothing else.

What really can be done is to tailor a nutritional program for the patient together with

some selected dietary agents, vitamins, antioxidants necessary to prevent disease

recurrence. Unfortunately, too often the cancer returns because nothing is done about it.

Routine analysis and checkups do not help to prevent against recurrence, but just serve

to check if cancer is here or not here, while molecular markers testing can to the

contrary, anticipate disease recurrence and stop it before it becomes active. We have

further reason to believe that medical check-ups may fail to diagnose a tumor, which

often happens. In case of disease recurrence, which I already mentioned about 20 years

ago, it then becomes more difficult to kill a secondary tumor because cancer cells are

more resistant than the progenitor, worse they may be cancer stem cells and

chemotherapy is inefficient even useless but only contribute to kill the patient.

Disease recurrence means that the bad soil in which cancer could grow has to be

reversed and changed into good soil which means we must treat the terrain and the

causes. A primary tumor or secondary tumor is not just a mass isolated from the rest of

the body or from adjacent tissue. On the contrary the tumor is quite dependent on the

soil in which it grows. However today in our clinic we carry several types of tests that

include P53 and other pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic players, a marker of the

metabolic activity of tumor, “Tumor marker 2 – Pyruvate kinase (TM2.PK) an enzyme

that the tumor uses to produce energy from glucose. Such blood analysis may evaluate

the result of your treatment, if the tumor is still active or not and important, it can

anticipate a recurrence if the level is increasing and subsequently permits us to tailor a

personalized treatment in such cases.

Conventional oncology is focused on the tumor itself but neglects the environmental

tissue and inflammation that today is recognized to be associated with tumor growth.

This false politic limit the oncologist to set up protocols that is only adapted to kill the

local tumor or metastasis without consideration of other metabolic factors and the

eventuality of cancer cells resistance. A number of inflammatory mediators, immune

suppressor or that stimulates angiogenesis as the NF.KB, COX-2 or TGFB is ignored

but are the accelerator of tumor growth. Eventually a tumor can be resistant to

chemotherapy if the P53 tumor suppressor gene is mutated, BAX inactive and BCL2

overexpressed. The response of chemotherapy/radiation is very much dependent of the

activity of the P53 tumor suppressor gene and the ratio between BCL2 and BAX and

needs to be monitored. We then perfectly understand the necessity of a complementary

treatment to target the inflammatory mediators and activate apoptosis to increase the

destruction of cancer cells

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Some days ago a woman in her 60’s came into my clinic, a biologist with her sister,

who is a medical doctor. She had advanced lung cancer with secondary tumors in her

pancreas and liver. The patient could hardly walk or keep her head straight, it rested

leaning on her shoulder. She had a very bad physical appearance, a yellowish

complexion; she had lost much weight and felt very weak. Despite this condition she

had been scheduled to undergo chemotherapy the following week, meaning to her death,

but this is the basic standard protocol followed by doctors for tumors while the patient ,

no matter the physical or/and psychological state is ignored.

Therefore, it is becoming clear that we have lost “The War on Cancer” due to several

reasons: The medical theory of cancer needs new discoveries and clinical applications

as we know today that the tissue environment plays a key role in cancerogenesis and

tumor growth. The current paradigm of attacking the tumor focusing on bombarding the

tumor or cancer metastasis only with toxic drugs and ignoring some complementary

approaches in order to protect healthy cells and increasing the killing of cancer cells

through apoptosis does not make very good sense.

Ignoring the conditions of our body that may help and support the cancer, while

ignoring the basic knowledge of nutrition which is the prime key in both prevention and

cancer treatment, plus ignoring the critical role of the immune system as a key support

to increase the destruction of cancer cells, the total abandonment of patients against

disease recurrence shows great carelessness from the medical system.

Under normal conditions, the immune system kills thousands of cancer cells on a daily

basis. It is virtually accepted that cancer growth is in part due to a failure of the

immune system.

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Natural killer cells (NK cells) for instance, are our first line of defense against cancer.

They are voracious cells that once activated can kill a cancer cell in 5 minutes.

Conventional therapy could kill many tumor cells, the ones which are not resistant to

apoptosis, but the immune system also plays a crucial role by destroying cancer cells

and may further prevent cancer cells from escaping into the blood circulation. In

treating cancer the immune system plays a key role and must be stimulated and become

more active than it was when the cancer was first diagnosed.

There is some controversy between oncologists; some say that now the new way to treat

cancer is by stimulation of the immune system, however with the experimentation of

chemical and unnatural compounds that induce side effects while nature offers a variety

of substances with efficacy to stimulate the immune system.

Today non-conventional laboratories offer blood tests to monitor the activities of NK

cells which usually in cancer patients are ranging from 0% to 30% compared with

healthy patients ranging from 60-75%. This activity can be increased with some natural

compounds as the RBAC (biobran) acting as Biological Response Modifiers (BRM). A

single NK cell can destroy up to 27 cancer cells before it dies. It takes less than 5

minutes for a NK cell to destroy a cancer cell. When activated they are rapacious and

can destroy millions of cancer cells. Therefore when taking RBAC after a period of 2

weeks of treatment we may observe a significant level increase of NK cells activity up

to tenfold leading to the destruction of cancer cells (see the figure above). However in

advanced cancer patients, the immune system is debilitated in such way that immune

treatment is only minimally effective unless we increase mitochondrial ATP production

and the concentration of cyclic AMP in the blood.

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NK Immunorestration of Cancer Patients by a

Modifier Arabinoxylan Rice Bran

The figure demonstrates the baseline values of cytotoxic responses of NK

cells in 32 patients at one to two weeks after treatment. Patients

demonstrate overall significant low level in NK function – treatment with

MGn3 result in significant increase in NK activity up to tenfold.

An active immune system is potentially the best defense against metastases invasion

and serves as a potential support to chemotherapy. 95% of all breast cancer patients

have detectable circulating tumor cells. Yet conventional therapy may on the contrary

weaken the immune cells. Many doctors do not seem to understand or even deny the

paramount importance of the immune system. In France, Dr. D. Belpomme, a Professor

of Cancerology, totally denies the role of the immune system in the treatment of cancer

or even in its prevention which reflects a total ignorance of supposed cancerologist’s

knowledge. We can easily understand why progress is so slow to be put into practice,

using new advancements.

Yet the cancer patients are never informed, most are ignorant about what to do and we

know the immune system of a cancer patient is functioning only from 10% to 50% of its

capacity when compared to a healthy person. Chemicals from the environment,

nutrients deficiency, and high oxidative stress can weaken and impair immune activity.

Pesticides can disrupt P53 tumor suppressor genes (or induce mutation) which activates

the mechanism of apoptosis when cells are damaged. Researchers from USA found that

a footprint of pesticides on the P53 gene was blocking its activity. Apoptosis is of

crucial importance in the destruction of abnormal/cancer cells and in fact chemotherapy

is only efficient when apoptosis channel is functioning, namely the P53 and BAX genes.

We find heavy metals in practically most of our patients and that includes mercury and

lead. How can you cure a body intoxicated with heavy metals while undergoing even

more toxic treatments with conventional chemotherapy? An integral part of our cancer

treatment is based on the detoxification of the body to expel heavy metals that not only

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can damage the cell’s DNA including the mitochondria very sensitive to heavy metals

but damage the immune cells defense as well.

Anticancer treatment therapy is itself quite complex, but for the past 40 years I have

deeply focused on detoxification through diet, fresh vegetable juice, along with

supplementation to boost the liver, colon and kidney function (containing vitamins,

minerals, herbs and enzymes). Indeed the bedrock of my method to detoxify, boost the

immune system restore the cellular respiration through activation of the mitochondria

using a natural compound made exclusively from Live Yeast cells (enzyme yeast cells)

that are similar to human cells and contain all the nutrients, nucleic acid, enzymes of

cellular respiration that support cancer treatment, being one of my main pillars in any

comprehensive approach of cancer. (See at the end of the document reference nº 13-14)

Enzyme Yeast Cells (Zell-oxygen) are very efficient in detoxifying the body and

eliminating toxins, mucous, heavy metals and can be coupled with the well-known

chlorella which in our clinic we use the high quality of Sun-chlorella or fermented

chlorella. Both contain like enzyme yeast cells, a high level of glutathione, methionine,

cysteine, nucleic acids, and chlorophyll as well to boost detoxification.

However both enzyme yeast cells and chlorella are very rich in nutrients and support

debilitated patients with malnutrition during the chemotherapy regimen. Fermented

chlorella is also an adjuvant to balance blood parameters against or reverse anemia

during chemotherapy responsible for fatigue that occur with many patients. It improves

quality of life of the patient.

Nutrition is an Important Factor in a

Comprehensive Cancer Treatment

Over the past 3 decades we developed several types of anticancer diets which have been

experimented upon to date with few thousand cancer patients. I can’t emphasize enough

how important it is to take an integrative approach of cancer, combining nutritional diet

and extra intake of vitamins, enzymes, food that stimulates the immune system in a way

to support the body and in a way that attacks cancer cells from all directions. A healthy

diet is crucial to win the battle against cancer but often not enough. This is why you

need additional natural dietary agents in supplementation form and that include

curcumin, resveratrol, pomegranate, apigenin, and quercetin. We also developed several

anticancer formulas in our own pharmaceutical laboratory or through our contacts in

Japan associated with research laboratories and other companies manufacturing new

compounds. For instance here in our laboratory we developed a new formula of

curcumin in liquid sachet to be immediately absorbed by the body and with anticancer

properties. We are also using an oligopeptide which contains short chain amino acids

from a fish extract that we discovered after experimentation reversed P53 mutation to a

normal tumor suppressor state, increasing the destruction of cancer cells.

As a rule cancer should be attacked in as many directions as possible. In this way the

patient has the best chance to attain a cure, and survive the disease. Treating cancer

means treating simultaneously the tumor, the cause of the tumor, shutting down

inflammatory mediators that help tumor’s growth, boosting the immune system,

decreasing oxidative stress, targeting angiogenesis, while restoring and activating

mitochondria function to increase ATP energy production and induce apoptosis.

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A Global Approach to Cancer

We have been a pioneer in suggesting a global approach to cancer

1 - Chemotherapy/Radiation.

2 – Nutritional diet.

3 – Boosting the immune system.

4 – Angiogenic therapy.

5 – Increase apoptosis through dietary agents.

6 – Shut down inflammatory mediators.

7 – Increase cellular respiration by repairing MTDNA components and the inner


8 – Strengthen the nervous system.

9 – Decreasing oxidative stress.

10 – Overall increase chemotherapy effectiveness.

11– While restoring and activating mitochondria to increase ATP production and

to induce apoptosis.

Anticancer diets for cancer patients are of paramount importance since we know that

some vegetables and other dietary agents contribute to inhibit the tumor growth by

targeting several mechanisms as apoptosis, immune cells activity, inflammatory

mediators and angiogenesis (see page 23). For this reason, and I am pointing to my 50

years of experience in treating cancer patients with diet and them how to use foods,

especially natural organic food that offers more nutritional value and without being

poisoned, which can greatly help the patient to have a better chance to recover from the

disease. Some of the best foods I know to treat cancer include red beets, broccoli,

asparagus, onion, artichoke, garlic, black radish, carrots, yellow and red pepper,

turmeric, whole bran rice, oats, buckwheat, kefir, mushroom, and tofu. But of course it

is necessary to know how to use and cook these foods and in what quantity which

include large intake of mixed raw organic vegetables and fruits. However most of the

oncologists have little or no knowledge about anticancer food and usually they are

against supplementation that contain antioxidants. According to them, antioxidants

interfere with radiation and chemotherapy which is not exactly true since first

chemotherapy in many cases increases inflammation that boosts tumor growth.

Chemotherapy should be more effective and less toxic, which unfortunately it does not

do, which is precisely why the use of a complementary treatment with dietary agents,

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antioxidants, along with innovative molecular testing and non-toxic protocols may

increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy, and survivability of the patient.

Many studies have shown that taking antioxidants during chemotherapy is safe, since

they protect healthy tissue and prevent peroxidation of the cancer cell’s lipid membrane

that in turn decreases the speed of the cell’s cycle. Chemotherapy is efficient only with

cancer cells having high speed replication. Another reason is the fact that

chemotherapeutic agents boost the Nuclear Factor Kappa-B, increasing inflammation,

which is associated with the inhibition of apoptosis, further increasing the angiogenesis

factor and immune suppression. Some dietary agents like Curcumin can target

transcription factors such NF.KB, P53 tumor suppressor gene, BAX, BCL2 and inhibit

angiogenesis. Curcumin alone with the antineoplasic agent cisplatin increase the

destruction of cancer cells. Curcumin by itself has almost the same effect of cisplatin

(see figure page 23).

On the contrary our treatment may protect healthy cells and tissues from excessive

oxidation. Recent research has shown that persistent oxidative stress during

chemotherapy increases the risk of tumor growth, invasion, and metastases. This is what

I often observed with bad cases of cancer, still undergoing chemotherapy. The oxidative

stress test (oxidata test) or other similar tests, such as the metabolic oxidative dried

blood test, can monitor the state of high oxidative stress level in the patient and its need

to be reversed with some antioxidants, curcumin, enzyme yeast cells, and SOD.

Nutritional supplementation, dietary agents, antioxidants have different effects on

cancer cells than on normal cells, as they target apoptotic pathways, inhibit anti-

apoptotic proteins, reduce or inhibit inflammatory mediators, or MDR1 gene, inhibit

angiogenesis and modulate immune function (see Modulation of apoptosis by active

dietary compounds for cancer therapy – – scientific work ).

However, these nutrients do not always have a direct anti-cancer effect, but instead may

interfere with various aspects of the disease. We know that during the development of

cancer a series of pro-cancer events occur and dietary agents as curcumin, resveratrol,

pomegranate, genistan, etc., can interfere with these processes without harming normal


At the 2nd

International Congress of Complementary Oncology held in Munich, June


2012, I had shown a complete list of dietary agents with their targeting process

on molecular pathways and their role against inflammation and cancer.

These events are:

P53 mutation appears necessary to develop a mechanism of cancer and it is a first step

required in treating cancer disease by reversing the oncogenic function of mutant P53 to

wild type function. Increasing P53 activity or reversing it to a normal function increases

apoptosis and cancer cell self-destruction, inducing tumor regression. I presented

several examples in some of my last articles published in the USA, at this Congress.

During the past year we experimented with a number of natural compounds in our clinic

to see if they may reverse mutant P53 and activate the P53 apoptosis pathway to obtain

better results with chemotherapy. Indeed oligopeptide, curcumin, enzyme yeast cells,

resveratrol, and fermented chlorella have demonstrated efficiency to reverse mutant P53

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to a normal P53 tumor suppressor gene as demonstrated by over 100 of P53 blood

analysis done to our patients before and after treatment follow later on with other

apoptotic players over nearly 10 years period.

We can use Enzyme Yeast cells (Zell-oxygen) synergistically with chemotherapy for

better results in many ways but lately I discovered that enzyme yeast cells can help to

restore mutant P53 to normal P53 function. P53 mutation is known to gain oncogenic

function and activates tumor growth, metastases invasion and increases resistance to

chemotherapy. Our work into this avenue is pioneering, since we are among the very

few doctors who are able to reverse mutant P53 with selected dietary agents and other

natural compounds.

In most cancer cases we handle the oncogene BCL2 and Survivin are overexpressed but

we have gain enough experience to target both genes and decrease or inhibit their

activity. Targeting BCL2 and Survivin which is associated with poor prognosis is now

considered as an anticancer therapy and this is what we are doing now, obtaining better

results with our patients.

Molecular Markers Testing and Chemo Sensitivity Testing In our clinic, patients are encouraged to have a blood analysis to check on their

molecular markers including P53, BAX, BCL2, Survivin, P21 and eventually Vesicular

Endothelium Growth Factor (VEGF), a growth factor that increases angiogenesis. The

results of this test serves as diagnostic, prognostic and follow up treatment with our

protocol. A second test after a period of about one or two months, permits us to see if

there is a change or improvement regarding the quantity of cancer cells destroyed

which is very important. The tumor Marker 2-Pyruvate Kinase (TM2PK) test is giving

us information about the metabolic activity of the tumor cells and if less active after the


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Multidrug Resistance Tests (MDR), chemo sensitivity test for both chemotherapy and

non-toxic anticancer agents, along with dietary agents are of paramount importance and

are other services we perform in our clinic. We find it really makes a big difference

since we may by-pass chemotherapy resistance and select the best dietary agents or

natural anticancer compounds that target cancer cells with increased killing capacity.

Increasing Immune Activity

Of course there is a need to improve and reactivate the immune cell mechanism and

with apoptosis pathway. These are the 2 main defenses against cancer or for metastasis

invasion. Our approach used for the past 35 years includes fresh thymus extract i.m.,

sun-chlorella, enzyme yeast cells, various Japanese mushrooms, and the

immunomodulator RBAC, a very efficient Biological Response Modifier that activates

NK cells (see figures page 9-10), cytotoxic-T-cells, B-cells, macrophages and dendritic

cells. Patients are given a blood test to determine their immune status at the first

consultation. After one month, new testing may show a significant increase in immune

defense activity.


Another important step of among all the phases in our integrative cancer concept is

detoxification. I can be proud to be a pioneer since I started to detox my patients nearly

50 years ago, which at that time was mostly unknown. I developed several methods to

detoxify the body where today it has become an important technique included in the

practice of complementary oncology.

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A toxic body loaded with heavy metals, pollutants, food toxins, decreased immune cell

activity, disturbs the nervous system, and induces an inflammatory process.

But if we speak about cancer patients, usually they are intoxicated when the disease is

diagnosed. Most of them have a bad liver, sluggish and intoxicated colon and

chemotherapy makes it worse, but the tumor itself releases toxins, dead tissues or other

metabolic wastes that poison the blood, overload the liver, overstimulate the immune

system, may block up kidneys, favor inflammation, infection and even develop a variety

of symptoms, but usually minor ones. However the patient can feel weak with some

pains in the body and still need to be further detoxified.

In Naturopathic medicine detoxification is one essential step in treating any disease and

this is what I have done using a variety of different methods developed over the years

which have demonstrated efficiency, such as:

Energy Sand Bath (E.S.B.) using the SGE stone, alkalization, different cocktail drinks,

liquid betula, chlorella extract and enzyme yeast cells preparation rich in glutathione,

cysteine, methionine, sulphur, vitamin C, E, betacarotene, magnesium, potassium, etc.

Plus we utilize various poultices made from herbs and clay, colon cleanser, coffee

enemas, herbal enemas, and total body wrapping.

Live Blood Analysis

Performing a Live Blood Analysis is important since it offers a direct observation of

fresh blood status, therefore any damaged red cell membranes, immune cells, bacterial

invasion, excess toxins, and oxidize lipid plaques, platelets aggregation, necrotic tissues,

nutritional deficiencies can be easily observed and thus immediately corrected.

F. Breast cancer recurrence – infected ground – active

multiplication of dark PLFS – Poor immune defense –

strong oxidative stress – poor response to chemotherapy.

Besides intoxication, cancer patients develop infections, candida invasion, and bacterial

growth easily observed in fresh blood, which can become dangerous, especially when

medical doctors are not aware about its presence. 30% of cancer mortality is related to

infection, yeast, and candida invasion resulting from immunosuppression by

chemotherapy. Indeed immune stimulation plays a key role in cancer treatment. Only by

performing Live Blood Analysis (or Darkfield) can we underscore some infection or

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associated intoxications, which after an applied treatment can be corrected with

noticeable improvement in the blood observation. One other interesting test is the

oxidative metabolic blood test that I developed over 30 years ago, which can monitor

the cancer stage associated with oxidative stress, inflammatory processes, and heavy

metal intoxication. Both tests can provide information on over 60 items that may be

most valuable in fully understanding the patient’s condition to prepare an appropriate,

individualized treatment. Furthermore the oxidative metabolic blood test defines each

stage of the disease as I have developed over years of observation and there is a line

where it shown that the stage reaches an advanced irreversible case. Often the test has

shown how the patient worsened from chemotherapy, instead of improving.

Degenerated RBC’s in a case of pancreatic cancer. This

is a collapse of the metabolic function, bone marrow,

liver, spleen and high nutrients deficiency.

Cancer is not a disease that appears suddenly, it takes years with several processes and

steps involved in cancerogenesis development. Before a normal cell becomes abnormal,

it divides into daughters to become transformed cells which undergo several mutating

events, loss of apoptosis, before turning into cancer cells and tumor progression.

We intoxicate ourselves, we overtax our body with wrong food, the oxidative load is too

high, we may smoke, take various medicinal drugs, antibiotics, breathe pollution… all

are the cause of cancer and this is why we cannot see the cancer as only a single local

disease that just needs surgery, chemo or radiation and you are cured! Cancer needs a

biological answer to exogenous imbalances created by a variety of factors such as

lifestyle, wrong food, hormonal imbalance, silent inflammation, environmental toxins

and psychological or social stress. Therefore the approach of cancer needs a complete

approach and not only focusing only the local cancer.

When the disease is diagnosed we must look back 10-15 years and try to understand

what we have done wrong to let a supposedly healthy body degenerate and develop


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Today, the survival rate for metastatic cancer is still the same as 45 years ago,

responsible for 90% of cancer death and only 6% of cancer patients survive a 5 year


Metabolic Oxidative Stress Test

Cancer stage IV (Lung) High free radical activity – major

inflammation – Persistent oxidative stress

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Ovarian cancer with metastases to the liver, lung, and colon.

Excessive and persistent oxidative stress from chemotherapy

inducing strong cancer cell resistance – a Hopeless case.

Years ago some doctors were speaking of cancer being only the symptom of the disease

and it could be true and therefore if we treat only the tumor we don’t treat the disease

and this is one reason why medicine looks into the wrong direction and neglects other

important factors. Usually, the conventional oncologists do not believe in the body’s

ability to restore or heal itself, but Hippocrates did some 2500 years ago. A weak body,

a sick body, an intoxicated body cannot get rid of a tumor that further invades other

parts of the body.


This is one empiric but interesting approach that permits us to monitor the whole health

status of patients by observing the irises and the various landmarks, signs which

indicate some abnormal condition, hereditary weakness, the organs function or other

genetic signs such as neuro-genetic arc reflex syndrome associated with the tumor,

colon and the nervous system through the collarette. It is important since the autonomic

nervous system modulates the immune response and there is a crosstalk with both the

nervous system and the immune system.

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F. 49 years – Ovarian Cancer

Iris sign: Neuro-genetic-arc, reflex syndrome

Other such indications in breast cancer have shown lymphatic congestion, stress,

problem of anxiety, abnormal colon, thymus and spleen deficiency as examples. I have

spent 50 years treating cancer patients, performing iris observations together with other

diagnostics which now include molecular markers testing. It is of crucial importance to

observe the iris of cancer patients and collect information associated with hereditary

status of the patients and his life style

F. Aged person – L. Iris - Colon cancer (sigmoid)

Chronic metabolic dysfunction

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We Must Be Gentler When Treating Cancer

Targeting Cancer: A Modern Approach to Cancer

Angiogenesis is one Important Hallmark of cancer and for the past 20 years we have

included this approach in our cancer treatment. Angiogenesis therapy is a main goal in

any cancer approach since tumors need blood vessels for the growth and spread of

metastases. Tumors can produce some growth factors known as Vesicular Endothelium

Growth Factors (V.E.G.F.) or use some others like the Fibroblast Growth Factor to

attract vascularization and start growing. Tumors also produce enzymes of degradation,

the matrix metalloproteinases necessary to destroy the surrounding tissue and invade the


Our approach to angiogenesis includes a natural compound made from frozen molecules

of shark Cartilage extract with strong anti-angiogenic property to inhibit both VEGF

and the protease enzymes MMP’s 2- 4-12 that the tumor needs for the degradation of

the basal membrane. For years we have observed how the compound contributes to

faster reduction of the tumor size and is very efficient in eliminating metastasis,

especially bone metastasis when taken together with other compounds that activate

immune cells such the N.K cells (see the example page 22-29) and prevent the

formation of new tumors after cancer remission. Together with conventional therapy the

Liquid Cartilage Extract (L.C.E.) inhibits the VEGF and contributes to reduce faster the

size of tumor or in case of resistant tumor). Tests in-vivo and in- vitro at the MD

Anderson Medical Center (University of Texas), have shown the efficacy of L.C.E. in

the treatment of cancer.

Therefore cancer destruction can be enhanced even further by the combined treatment

of chemotherapy, L.C.E., increasing apoptosis and boosting the immune system using a

Biological Response Modifier such Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Compound (RBAC),

thymus extract, RN13, Curcumin, oligonucleotide, Enzyme Yeast Cells, and Chlorella

Growth Factor.

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The Therapy of Tegaran

Tegaran is a newly developed compound that has anticancer properties which target

apoptosis and increase immune cell activity. Tegaran is made from fermented soya that

contains important ingredients such isoflavones, saponins, phytic acid, phytosterols,

protease inhibitors, and genistein:

The Anticancer Properties

Anti-angiogenesis (VEGF – MMP’s)

Immunostimulant (NK cells activation)

Anti-inflammatory (NF.KB inhibition – TNF.a – IL-6)

Increase apoptotic gene expression such as P53, BAX, and P21

Decrease anti-apoptotic gene expression such as BCL-2

Combat cachexia – increase appetite

Modulate MDR1

Overall Tegaran has demonstrated efficacy to increase chemotherapy effectiveness by

activation of the destruction of cancer cells through apoptosis by targeting resistant

cancer cells. This compound works in synergy with chemotherapy, increase appetite,

patients gain weight and increase lifespan in advanced terminal cases. For instance,

prostate cancer with high PSA responds very well to Tegaran as frequently observed.

As an example we decreased PSA from 650 ng/ul to 230 ng/ul in 3 months’ time which

is excellent. Other cases resulted in changes from 680 ng/ul to 35ng/ul also in about 3

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months. We have another example of a gastric tumor of 18 cm and secondary lesions of

8 cm reduced to 70-80 percent of size after 3 months of treatment, which cannot be

achieved by chemotherapy alone. The first scan taken in April 2015 on the right showed

the huge (dark) tumor and the enormous difference in size in June of 2015, while the 4th

scan in February 2016 showed no sign of a gastric tumor and of the many other smaller

lesions on the abdomen were reduced. It was a combination therapy that worked in

synergy with chemotherapy using Tegaran, LCE that achieved such success (see the

case page 32-33).

Another interesting treatment that we use although not new is called TIB (Immuno-

Biological Treatment) which is based on Professor Solomides’ discovery made over 50

years ago, targets disruption of the cancer cell’s membrane, along with greater

efficiency with immune cells and anti-viral activity. TIB is formulated with different

preparations to be taken either orally, i.m. or i.v. according to the type of cancer which

makes this therapy unique. Excellent results were obtained with lymphoma, breast

cancer with metastasis, pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer, and metastasis invasion.

Of course this is only an example of some Integrative Cancer treatments we use at

Holiterapias among many other exclusive therapies such as frozen embryo, umbilical

cord, spleen, thymus, and pancreas Our methods to treat cancer have become wide

spread in many countries and used by integrative medical doctors and progressive


Overall you can already see the fundamental difference between conventional cancer

treatment and our personal approach. Our system directs a multi-phase approach to

cancer that includes apoptosis, shutting down the inflammatory mediators, and

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inhibition of the angiogenic factors, inducing an immune answer and changing the bad


By targeting antiapoptotic proteins as BCL-2 and Survivin, a new approach to cancer,

tumors become less resistant and less vascularized making it more easier for immune

cells such N.K. cells, dendritic cells to kill cancer cells. BCL2 and Survivin are

activated in most cancers and responsible for their resistance to chemotherapy. Brain

cancer often harbors overexpressed Survivin gene that in turn increases the angiogenesis

mechanism making it difficult to achieve results with conventional treatments

especially because the brain barrier defense. More lately by targeting of Survivin gene

in brain cancer, we now have an alternative to combat angiogenesis, which weakens the

tumor and facilitates its destruction through chemotherapy. Especially interesting is how

we use non-toxic therapies to attack the tumor while at the same time we support the

entire body. In undergoing conventional oncology treatment, patients often suffer from

adverse toxic effects. Some are medium, others very strong, and even in some cases

mortal to patients. Some strong adverse effects may oblige the patients to postpone

chemotherapy or even halt treatment leaving the patient with no alternative.

Cancer Cell’s Become Resistant to Chemo

Cancer cells tend to become resistant to chemo which I already explained. Molecular

tests along with the MDR (Multi-Drug Resistant) test can inform us about this

resistance. However when the apoptotic channel is not functioning we may use some

alternative channel to increase immune cell’s activity or even necrosis in the interim.

This is where Vitamin C, I.V. can be used as an adjuvant agent to kill cancer cells. I

also use a high dose of my low molecular antioxidant compound Anoxe (and vitamin C)

to increase high levels of intracellular hydrogen peroxide that become poison to cancer

cells. Cancer cells are poor in SOD and glutathione, and therefore unable to convert

superoxide in hydrogen peroxidase, which is further eliminated by glutathione or

catalase. This is an alternative to increase cancer cell killing, but we need to be careful

with necrosis that in turn induces inflammation which helps cancer cells to grow and

further spread.

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Molecular targets


Target Therapies








IL 6








Primary and compensatory


Expressly for this reason we use the Tumor Marker 2 test – Pyruvate Kinase activity

that we mentioned before since it indicates also about inflammation caused by necrosis

that in turn stimulates tumor growth and invasion of metastases and requires treatment

to reduce inflammatory processes. Taking the TM2.PK test informs us about the result

of the treatment and the decreasing tumor activity and remission status.

Hyperthermia is also one alternative method to destroy cancer cells either through the

apoptosis mechanism or necrosis when the P53 channel is not functioning. The

associated P53 mutation can be verified with blood analysis and molecular markers


Chemotherapy and Antioxidants

Most oncologists tell their patients not to take antioxidants because they could interfere

with the oxidative action of antineoplasic drugs which show oncologists are poorly

educated in this particular area. We know that at high dosages free radicals are toxic to

healthy cells, however at low doses are necessary to activate cell’s signaling pathway

and target most of the transcription factors and to induce apoptosis. Therefore to the

contrary, antioxidants help to induce a cell’s cycle arrest or inhibit BCL-2

overexpression activity from oxidative stress.

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Many lines of research have shown that antioxidants to the contrary increase

chemotherapy effectiveness and decrease adverse toxic effects. Of course it depends on

the quality and the dose as previously explained. Very high doses become pro-oxidant

and not antioxidant, so I mention both sides offering different ways you can help to kill

cancer cells.

Also chemotherapy depletes the level of antioxidants in the blood circulation which

decreases immune system activity, but also increases oxidative stress during

chemotherapy, which increases the risk of tumor progression, invasion and metastases.

We believe it is also important to supply the patient with enough oxygen, since most of

them have decreasing oxygen levels in blood and tissue. It also increases the energy

level to overcome the fatigue that most patients suffer from during chemotherapy.

Of course oxygen is very important; however the end utilization of oxygen is in the

mitochondria that require large quantities in order to synthesize ATP (cellular energy).

However anaerobic cancer cells possess damaged and fewer mitochondria compare to

healthy cells with a dramatic decrease of ATP energy which is necessary for cell’s

differentiation. Apoptotic channel or self-destruction of cancer cells is active by the P53

tumor suppressor gene that sends the signal; however the mechanism of apoptosis is

triggered through the mitochondria and not the cell itself. The membrane of

mitochondria play a key role with the release of the enzyme cytochrome C that is

essential for the mechanism of apoptosis, not mentioning the requirement of ATP

energy for cellular differentiation and even for activation of the immune cells. For this

reason mitochondria is both associated with cancer disease and cancer cure.

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One can realize that treating cancer is not just a matter of only killing cancer cells with

chemotherapy that at the same time may damage the mitochondria and reduce their

numbers, and then see cancer cells become less differentiated and turn more resistant,

while patients become weaker because of decreasing ATP energy.

Cancer is often a battle between apoptosis and cancer cell’s resistance and survival as

shown by the figure above. Patients should know about this, and better understand about

what can be done. Diet is very important eating vegetables and spices that can target

apoptosis such as curcumin, pomegranate, etc. We favor organic food, educating

patients, also by recommending books for reading, and that patients perform some

exercises, followed by an alternative treatment and overall, to do everything possible to

fight the disease and recover, attaining a remission period.

There is no “magic bullet” only a comprehensive treatment, which can then be

customized according to the patient. Some patients immediately seek alternative

support, sometimes even before surgery which is best for minimizing metastasis

invasion. Just a few days ago a cancer patient came to me for a consultation, after I had

not seen her for the past 6 months. She had an advanced colon cancer with large lesions

in her liver. They gave her 6 months to live, but now we are going on 8 years with a

good quality of life. Recently she saw the surgeon who performs this surgery and he

was most surprised to see her. According to him she should have been dead long ago.

Cancer is every one’s business, but please do not rely solely on oncologists and


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Each patient needs a personalized diagnosis and cancer treatment program, which we

offer already with molecular marker tests and iridology, along with our special

treatments that provide individualized information about the tumor and the patient.

Cancer: A Psychological Stress

Some cancers like breast cancer are a very emotive disease. This emotional response

may often be associated with the cancer itself. Years ago we made a formulary for

patients to feel better. We realized that many of them have lived under high stress or

psychological pressure before the disease was diagnosed. We know today that there is a

mind-body link as well as communication between the brain and immune cells, leading

us to strongly believe that there is a connection between the type of cancer and the

emotion of the patient. Although it is not a scientific diagnosis, iridology is a very

interesting way to identify the physical and psychological states of the patient, including

hereditary condition. We realize that each patient is an individual with his unique body-

mind and disease. Many studies have shown how oxidative stress and anxiety among

other factors, decreases immune system response.

Dietary Agents with Anti-Cancer Properties

See the article: The P53-Tumor suppressor gene: Understanding P53-Based anticancer

therapy utilizing dietary agents by Serge Jurasunas, Townsend Letter - The Examiner of

Alternative Medicine, August/Sept 2015 – 67-73

Patients with depression, anxiety have much less capacity to fight and overcome the

disease as I often observed with so many cancer patients. Conventional medicine which

is based on finding one drug (one cure, has difficulties to accept and integrate the

concept of emotional stress into their treatment strategy. At hospital the patient loses his

personality and becomes a “physical target” for tumor destruction. Usually the patient is

not able to question the oncologist while in a hospital atmosphere undergoing

chemotherapy. For this reason, we at Holiterapias has set up a “Mind-body” section and

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organize group meetings for our cancer patients in order to emotionally support them in

their fight. We include some basic teachings about health, nutrition, and disease.

Treating or fighting cancer is not easy, even difficult but many patients get pushed into

conventional treatment, while they fear the treatment they are confident of the cure,

until it is too late. Too many cancer patients are looking for an alternative only after

they get worse with metastases invasion because being too trusting with traditional

medicine, ignorant about what more can be done and this is tragic. Both oncologists and

patients need to be educated and open their minds about what more can be done

concerning the disease of cancer. We cannot generalize and be critical about

conventional medicine but it is time as so many patients ask, “Why there is not

collaboration between the two medicines?”

The human mind is very complicated and often we look into one direction and forgot

other directions and cancer is not simply a local disease, a tumor is to be destroyed by

any means, ignoring that the patient himself or herself is part of the cancer, often

ignoring that the tumor is also associated with the nervous system, the mental attitude,

the endogenous environment, the excess of toxins, and the immune system.

The figure on page 3 is the example of the new paradigm in complementary oncology to

treat cancer with conventional medicine and a biological therapy that target cancer is

many directions as possible and may prevent micro-metastases, reduce adverse toxic

effects, increase the rate of remission and decrease the rate of disease recurrence.

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Page 32: Integrative Cancer - New theories and Advances in Treatment From Hippocrates to the Human Genome


How to Approach Cancer

Change your mental attitude.

Serious dietary change.

Change in lifestyle.

Make an objective to overcome the disease by all means possible.

Do not see cancer as a punishment or bad link but rather result of

wrong habits, food, and excess of medicinal drugs.

Count on yourself to cure your disease and not only on the doctor.

Trust first the doctor that you choose, rather than the therapy.

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A Survival Case

Berta – Interview on July 2003 with a British Journalist

Over 25 years ago Berta was diagnosed with breast cancer and liver metastases. She

was very depressed and afraid to die, while taking chemotherapy with strong toxic


She came to me in poor physical condition and was willing to do anything that could

save her, although her depression required additional psychological support.

After two years of combination treatments, which included of course a better way to eat

and to live with less stress, Berta finally achieved her remission which now has lasted

over 25 years. Bertha is now in good physical health. Berta offers her experience to

inspire other breast cancer patients showing that there are real alternatives, how more

can be done by not counting only on conventional medicine.

Page 34: Integrative Cancer - New theories and Advances in Treatment From Hippocrates to the Human Genome


Advanced Gastric Cancer Case F.41 years – Asymptomatic Prime Lesion 18 cm – Secondary lesions 8 cm

New scans done in February, 2016 have shown that the large lesion of 18cm and

additional lesions of 8cm were totally eliminated, which is a major victory and

demonstrates the efficiency of a combination therapy that includes chemotherapy and

natural agents. The patient is in good health condition, never suffered from the side

effects of chemotherapy and lives her normal life. She follows a special anticancer diet.

Page 35: Integrative Cancer - New theories and Advances in Treatment From Hippocrates to the Human Genome


Prime tumor 18cm – secondary lesions 8cm

Result of the blood analysis

1st Test: 28/04/2015


Test: 26/06/2015

After the applied


P53 Gene expression Ref. Range: 10-50 units/µl of plasma

58 units/µl of plasma

223 units/µl of plasma

P53 Protein Level normal

Ref. Range: 0,10 – 1,00 units/µl of


1 unit/µl of plasma

4 units/µl of plasma

P53 Protein Level


35,4 units/µl of plasma

Not detectable

Tumor Marker 2 – Pyruvate

Kinase - TM2.PK Ref. range: 5 - 15 units

72,4 units/µl of plasma

23,8 units/µl of plasma

Comments: The combined treatment with dietary active agents significantly increased about 4 times

the expression of the P53 gene and increased only to certain extent normal P53 protein.

We reversed the production of mutant protein to normal wild type. TM2.PK activity

decreased to almost normal range.

Page 36: Integrative Cancer - New theories and Advances in Treatment From Hippocrates to the Human Genome


Case of a Breast Cancer Recurrence

Breast cancer recurrence in a 50 year old woman and after one year of new

chemotherapy, bone metastasis is increasing

Published in, The Townsend Letter magazine (USA) April 2011

Page 37: Integrative Cancer - New theories and Advances in Treatment From Hippocrates to the Human Genome


Example of an Applied Treatment to Target Molecular

Markers in a Case of Breast Cancer with over 30 Liver





Ref. Range

P53 gene expression 200 427 10-50 units/ul of plasma

P53 level mutated ND ND ND units/ml of plasma

P53 level wild ND 0,4 0.10-1.00 units/ml of


Bcl-2 gene expression 8000 796 <10 units/ul of plasma

Bax gene expression 167 1543 10-100 units/ul of plasma

Bcl-2/Bax ratio 0.02 1.93

Survivin gene expression 171 900 <10 units/ul of plasma

P21 gene expression 139 738 10-50 units/ul of plasma

Survivin/p21 ratio 0.8 0.8

VegF gene expression 2353 ND 10-100 units/ul of plasma

Increased P53 activity Increasing P21 activity

Decreased of BCL2 activity Normalize VEGF activity

Increasing BAX activity Strong anti-tumor activity

Complete case published in Townsend Letter: The Examiner of Alternative Medicine –

August/Sept 2014

Available online:

Page 38: Integrative Cancer - New theories and Advances in Treatment From Hippocrates to the Human Genome


Dr. Serge Jurasunas with a group of cancer patients during a body/mind meeting at

Holiterapias. They look all very happy.

Page 39: Integrative Cancer - New theories and Advances in Treatment From Hippocrates to the Human Genome


Further reading:

Serge Jurasunas: How to understand and treat cancer from a Molecular basis.

The International Physician’s Round table – 29-31 January 2016 – Tampa – Florida.

Serge Jurasunas: The P53 Tumor Suppressor Gene – Understanding P53 – Based

anticancer therapies utilizing dietary agents – Townsend letter – August/Sept 2015

Serge Jurasunas: New advanced in pancreatic cancer – Townsend Letter – August/Sept

2009 (available online)

Dr. Serge Jurasunas in his consulting office

Page 40: Integrative Cancer - New theories and Advances in Treatment From Hippocrates to the Human Genome


References 1. Brady JG, Moysich KP et al – Environmental pollutants and breast cancer.

Silent spring Institute – Cancer 2007 – 109 (512): 2667-2712

2. Surgery might actually lead to the spread of cancer and increased death from

breast cancer – The Lancet 357: 1048-2001

3. Moss, Ralph – The great illusion of chemotherapy – German Society of

Oncology meeting – Baden Baden – Germany Oct. 28-2000

4. Serge Jurasunas – Therapeutic application of a new low molecular antioxidant

compound (Anoxe) in ROS activity – clinical – Int. Symposium on ROS and

Nitrogen Species: Diagnostic, Preventive and Therapeutic Values – 8-12 July

2002 – St. Petersburg – Russia

5. Van Andenne, Manfried – Oxygen Multistep Therapy” (Book) – Thienne Med

Publisher – New York – 300-309 – 1990

6. Weller M. – Predicting Response to cancer chemotherapy: The role of P53 –

Cell Tissue Res. – 1998: 292 (3) 435-445

7. Use of complementary and alternative medicine in cancer patients: A European

Survey – Ann Oncol. 2005: 16-655-663

8. Ghoneum M. – Enhancement of human natural killer cell activity by modified

arabinoxylan from rice bran (MGn3) – Int. J. Immunother. 1998: 14-89-99

9. Lohninger A., Hamler F. – Chelidonium majus L. (Ukrain) in the treatment of

cancer patients. Drugs Exp. Clin. Res. 1999: 18-73-77

10. Serge Jurasunas – The Effectiveness of a combination therapy in an advanced

uterine cancer with neoplasic infiltrative lesions – Townsend Letter –

August/Sept 2008

11. Serge Jurasunas – A Review of Clinical cancer cases (Booklet)

12. Serge Jurasunas – Protocol of Pancreatic Cancer (see on the internet)

13. Serge Jurasunas – The clinical evidence of cellular respiration to target cancer –

Townsend Letter – August/Sept 2012 – 67-79.

14. Serge Jurasunas – The therapy of enzyme yeast cells in cancer disease, C.F.S.

and aging process (Booklet)

Page 41: Integrative Cancer - New theories and Advances in Treatment From Hippocrates to the Human Genome


For more information:

Molecular Markers testing

Pontential Application with cancer patients

• Prevention

• Diagnostic

• Prognostic

• Follow up of the treatment

• Personalize treatment

E-mail: [email protected]

“How to understand and treat cancer from a Molecular basis (Conference Tampa –

Florida – 2016)” Plus 4 additional lectures, posted Slide Share