instructions for a windows 7 repair installation

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    My computer won't start!!Started by Jabbawookiez , Today, 12:04 PM

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    #1 Jabbawookiez

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    Posted Today, 12:04 PM

    Hello, so I've already posted this at toms hardware, but it is kinda urgent so I'm hoping I can get an answer, and also

    thanks if you took the time to read this.

    So I'll try and make a long story short, my computer which I built in December, has been running fine up until about two

    months ago. Like I said about two months ago it blue screened, but started fine, so I thought nothing of it, now again it

    blue screened about a month ago as well, but started fine again so no second thoughts. Well finally last night it blue

    screened and turned back on fine, but then my comp froze, and now it crashes when I try to: boot it normally, in safe

    mode, in safe mode with networking, or after a system start up repair, I've already tried running a sfc /scan I the safe

    mode with command prompt, it said it found some corrupted files but could not fix them. I also have gotten a

    "BAD_POOL_HEADER" blue screen error as well. Please any help would be greatly appreciated, and thanks.

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    Posted Today, 12:18 PM

    Jabbawookiez, on 05 May 2014 - 1:04 PM, said:

    1) it crashes when I try to: boot it normally, in safe mode, in safe mode with networking, or after a system start up repair.

    2) I've already tried running a sfc /scan I the safe mode with command prompt, it said it found some corrupted files but could not fix

    them. I also have gotten a "BAD_POOL_HEADER" blue screen error as well. Please any help would be greatly appreciated, and


    This is a little confusing.

    First you post that you can't boot normally or in Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking.

    Second you post that you have run sfc /scannow in Safe Mode with Command Prompt.

    If you were able to run the sfc /scannow it will have created a log, please post that.

    To find sfc /scannow file type cmd in the search box, right click on cmd when it appears above the search box and

    choose run as administrator, copy and paste the following, then press Enter.

    findstr /c:"[SR]" %windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log >%userprofile%\Desktop\sfcdetails.txt

    This will place a new icon on the desktop titled sfcdetails. Click on this to open the log, copy and paste the log in

    your topic.

    Edited by dc3, Today, 12:22 PM.

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    User Error: Strike any user to continue.

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    Posted Today, 12:33 PM

    Sorry if it's a little confusing, I'm obviously not very tech savy, so are you telling me to run safe mode with command

    prompt and do all that, because that is the only thing that doesn't crash when I try to boot up my comp.? Thanks.

    Edit- okay now it won't let me boot up in safe mode with command prompt, so I can't boot my comp in any modes now.

    Edited by Jabbawookiez, Today, 12:37 PM.

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    Posted Today, 12:38 PM


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    Location: Sierra Foothills ofNorthern Ca.

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    Posted Today, 12:40 PM

    Okay, I'm really sorry and appreciate the help, but now it crashes when I try to boot in safe mode with command

    prompt as well, so what should I try now? Thanks.

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    Posted Today, 01:00 PM

    It's time to run a Repair Installation.

    Instructions for a Windows 7 Repair installation.

    A Windows 7 Repair Installation will require a installation disc.

    If you do not have a Windows 7 installation disc you can download a free legal ISO image of Windows 7 SP1 at

    Windows 7 Forums. You will need to download the same version of Windows 7 that you have installed, This image is

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    Gender: MaleLocation: Sierra Foothills of

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    hosted by the Digital River store which is an official distribution partner of Microsoft. This is a genuine untouched

    image which is safe to download.

    Attention: If you do have a Windows installation disc, skip Part A and go to Part B, Step 1b.

    Part A, Steps 1a - 6a

    How to burn ISO image using Windows Burn Disk Image.

    Notice: This applies only to Windows 7 and Windows 8, earlier versions do not have this.

    1. Place a blank CD or DVD in the tray of your optical drive and close the tray.

    2. After you have downloaded the ISO image you want to burn right click on the Start orb, then choose Windows


    3. When Explorer opens click on Downloads in the left pane. Scroll down till you find the ISO file you want and

    double click on it. Click on Burn Disk Image.

    4. In the image below you will see Dick] burner:, this should be set to the optical drive you want to use. Click on

    Verify disc after burning if you want to Windows to verity the disc image after burn. Click on burn.

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    5. In the image below you can see that the green progress bar, when the image is finished burning the bar will be


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    6. After the image has completed being burned click on Close .

    Please note : In order to boot from this DVD you may need to change the boot order in the BIOS so that the CD/DVD-

    ROM is the first device in the boot order, and the hdd is the second device.

    Part B, Steps 1b - 10b

    1b) Place the installation disc in the tray of the CD/DVD drive, close the tray and restart the computer.

    2b) You will be prompted to press any key to start the installation, I find the space bar handy.

    At this point the setup process will load files, this will take several minutes.

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    3b) You will now need to choose the Language, Time, currency format, and Keyboard or input method that you'd like

    to use.

    After this is done click on Next.

    4b) Click on the Repair your computer link at the bottom-left of the Install Windows window.

    This link will begin the Windows 7 System Recovery Options.

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    5b) System Recovery Options will now search your hard drive(s) for any Windows 7 installations. This will take

    several minutes.

    No participation is required on your part at this time, wait till it has finished and the next window opens.

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    6b) Choose the Windows 7 installation that you'd like to perform the Startup Repair on, then click on Next

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    7b) Click on the Startup Repair link from list of recovery tools in System Recovery Options.

    For a future reference, there are several other diagnostic and recovery tools available in the Windows 7 System

    Recovery Options including System Restore , System Image Recovery, Windows Memory Diagnostic, and

    Command Prompt.

    8b) The Startup Repair tool will now search for problems in the system files.

    If Startup Repair finds a problem with any system files the tool may suggest a solution which you will need to confirm,

    or may solve the problem automatically.

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    9b) Startup Repair will now attempt to repair whatever problems it found with system files.

    Note : If Startup Repair did not find any problems with system files you won't see this step.

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    Important: Your computer may or may not restart several times during this repair process. This is normal, you should

    allow it to continue until you see the Restart your computer to complete the repairs window.

    10b) Click on Finish, this will restart your computer.

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    It is possible that the Startup Repair will not be able to fix the problem. If the Startup Repair tool determines this, it may

    automatically run the the repair after your computer restarts. If it does not automatically run the repair but you are still

    having problems with Windows 7 repeat these steps to run Startup Repair again manually.

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    Posted Today, 01:19 PM

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    Okay I will give this a go, thanks!!

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    Posted Today, 03:01 PM

    Ok, so I ran the startup repair, but it opens up a window saying startup repair cannot repair this computer


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    Posted Today, 04:12 PM

    Go back to step 7b and choose Command Prompt. When it opens type sfc /scannow, then press Enter.

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    Go back to step 7b and choose Command Prompt. When it opens type sfc /scannow, then press Enter.

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