inspiring history: shaping the future

chr nicle chronicle the News from the Southern Vermont College — St. Joseph College Community SPRING 2012 INSIDE THIS ISSUE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 3 SVC ATHLETICS UPDATE 6-7 DEVELOPMENT NEWS 8 REUNION SCHEDULE 9 CLASS NOTES 10-11 UPCOMING EVENTS 12 INSPIRING HISTORY: Shaping the Future Edward Everett’s Country Manor Turns 100 The President Goes to Washington

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Page 1: INSPIRING HISTORY: Shaping the Future

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News from the Southern Vermont College — St. Joseph College Community








INSP IR ING H ISTORY:Shaping the Future

Edward Everett’s Country Manor Turns 100

The President Goes to Washington

Page 2: INSPIRING HISTORY: Shaping the Future

Looking for an SVC onesie, T-Shirtor hoodie? Check out the selectiononline at the Campus Store,, or call Breanna Gosch, Virtual StoreManager at 802-447-6318. Breanna has assembleda dazzling array of gift items, memorabilia and SVCstock for alums and students. In her spare time, Breanna works with another type of stock: she’s achampion rodeo rider in the Eastern Circuit.

LEARNING ABOUT GIVING: Students in Business Professor Jebediah Gorham’s Philanthropy course atSouthern Vermont College aren’t only reading, writing and studying for examinations; they have the enviable task of giving away real money to community organizations.

Designed by Professor Gorham, students in the newclass are working in collaboration with The Bank ofBennington, which has provided a $5,000 donationto fund grants the students will award. A mix ofupper-level students who are majoring in Business,Communications and Healthcare Management, thestudents have studied philanthropic giving and vis-ited the Bank to meet key personnel and learn abouttheir giving model.

“Students have prepared requests for proposals (RFPs) divided up into threedesignated giving areas: Autism-related Programming and Outreach, Youth Enrichment Grants and Abuse Rehabilitation programs,” according to ProfessorGorham. Students will review requests from Bennington County organizationswithin those areas as they come in (due April 13) and then use a point systemto determine which will receive grants of up to $1,600.

“Giving back is part of who we are,” said The Bank of Bennington President JimBrown. “We are all part of the Bennington area community, and we all benefit by supporting the many non-profit entities who work to make this abetter place to live. These SVC students are learning first-hand about social responsibility, philanthropy and the needs of our community. This is a great experience for them, and The Bank of Bennington is glad to be a part of it.”

Allan M. Faxon, Jr.,’81 will be honored atSouthern Vermont College’s 85th Commence-ment Exercises in May. Faxon enlisted in theMarines following his SVC graduation and tran-sitioned to the Marine Corps Reserves after serv-ing in posts from San Diego to Okinawa, Japan.After 9/11, Faxon was asked to be part of a specialMarines anti-terrorism unit and spent severalmonths in Afghanistan. In 2005, he was sent toIraq to serve as Deputy Chief for Logistics. In2008, he was sent back to Afghanistan as leadengineer for the Helmand Province and to over-see the building of two base camps and one of thelargest airfields ever built in a combat zone.Faxon is currently working for Homeland Secu-rity in Columbus, Ohio. In photo at left, Faxon isspeaking at Burr & Burton Academy where hehas taught math, sciences and coached for manyyears. His wife, Nancy O’Connell ’83 will acceptthe award on his behalf at Commencement.

When the U.S. Department of Education (DOE)invited SVC President Karen Gross to come toWashington, D.C., to serve for one year as a Sen-ior Policy Advisor to the White House and theDOE, it was an offer, she said, that was difficult torefuse. “The Department of Ed is working on somany of the same things—retention rates, keep-ing college affordable, vulnerable youth—whichwe at SVC have been focused on,” said Gross.“Some of the unique initiatives we’ve used todeal with these issues put us on the DOE radar.While I hope to be able to share ideas while at theDOE, I also hope to bring new ideas back to SVC.”

With the Board of Trustee’s approval, Grosswas allowed the one-year leave and to tap ChiefOperating Officer, Jim Beckwith as Acting Pres-ident in the interim. “Jim and I have workedalongside each other in all strategic, long termand day to day issues for the last five years,” saidGross. “Along with an excellent senior manage-ment team, Jim will continue the good workwe’ve been doing here.” Under the terms of herDOE appointment, Gross will be researching,blogging and speaking on issues in higher ed, in-cluding increasing student access to college, im-proved alignment between high school andcollege, educational affordability, programmaticquality and college completion rates. She willreturn to SVC in January 2013.



Philanthropy Class &

Bank of Bennington Create Community Grants

Philanthropy Professor Jebediah Gorham



Page 3: INSPIRING HISTORY: Shaping the Future

One hundred yearsago, a quart of milk couldbe purchased for about25 cents, Irving Berlin’sfirst hit, “Alexander’sRagtime Band,” playedfrom bandstands anddance halls and theUnited States wasbasking in an era ofwealth and prosperity.

Despite a panic anddepression in the1890s, the Gilded Agecontinued for the veryrich, and massive es-tates popped up in theNortheast. “This wasan architecturally pro-ductive generation,”Glenn Andres, profes-sor of Art History atMiddlebury College,said recently at South-ern Vermont College.“The Vanderbilt familyalone built at least 10 great estates from the Carolinas to Ve r m o n t , ” A n d r e sadded.

Vanderbilt’s Bilt-more in the south andShelburne Farms innorthern Vermontwere “particularly no-table as ambitiousworking landscapeswith model agricul-tural operations.”

Andres, along withBennington Museumhistorian TylerResch and McCulloughL i b r a r y d i r e c t o rS u s a n n eWa r r e n ,s p o k e

before a crowd of morethan 200 guests at theCollege’s Everett Man-sion during a lecture,entitled The History ofEverett Mansion, anevent held this winterin celebration of the100th anniversary of itsconstruction.

E d w a r d H a m l i nE v e r e t t w a s “ a n aggressive, wealthy,

late-nineteenth century American,


tax entrepreneur andcapitalist,” accordingto Resch. Everett wasborn into money andblessed with wisebusiness investmentstimed fortuitously,Resch also claimed.Everett’s companymanufactured “a muchneeded product—glassbottles—for a beverageindustry that was mar-keting itself nationally,in a nation whose pop-ulation literally dou-

bled during hisworking life.”


Everett retired at age60 in 1911, “he chose todo it in the most ex-travagant way possi-ble,” Resch said, hiringWashington, D.C.-based architect,George Oakley Totten,Jr., to design both hiscity house in the U.S.Capitol and a country‘cottage’ in Vermont.

Totten fit well themold of the Gilded Agearchitect, according toAndres, having beentrained at the famedEcole des Beaux Arts inParis—the place whichset the standard forgrand formal designwith functional build-ing plans of the times.(Vanderbilt’s architect,Richard Morris Hunt,was the first Americanto train at the school.)

Today Everett’s Totten-designed city

housei n

EVERETT MANSION: Creating “a Gentlemen’s Estate” in the Early 1900sEVERETT MANSION: Creating “a Gentleman’s Estate” in the Early 1900s

Left to right: Edward Everett on horseback; Totten’s Turkish Embassy; commencing construction

continuedon page 5

Page 4: INSPIRING HISTORY: Shaping the Future

Students in Adjunct Professor Joan Sakalas’class Social Problems last fall knew they wouldhave a whopper of a final project on which theywould be graded. What they didn’t know washow much more they would get out of the class,than just a grade. All students performed somesort of community service, either locally or intheir hometown. Several of them are seeing theirprograms flourish, according to ProfessorSakalas, who was moved by the depth andbreadth of some of their proposals. “Our stu-dents are doing such amazing things,” Sakalassaid, “the communities want them to continue.”

Sophomore Brittney Millay studied hungeramong youth in her hometown of Claremont,N.H. and learned that many students do not eatbreakfast before school. Working with TrinityEpiscopal Church, she set up a program to pro-vide free breakfast to all students. The churchhas continued her program every weekdaymorning, now including school bus drop-offsand to-go containers for students in a hurry.“Breakfast is such an important meal,” said Brit-tney, a History & Politics major who hopes to goto law school to study civil rights and public in-terest law to further her community work. “Itfelt good to help so many children by offeringgood, healthy food.”

Other students have started sports programspromoting healthy habits and worked with theirhometown schools on current issues like bully-ing and mentoring.

TIME FLIES, as the saying goes. As this Spring issue is distributed to SVCalumni, parents of current students, donors and friends of the College, wewill be one quarter through the calendar year of my time in this office,while President Karen Gross attends to her duties as a Senior Policy Advi-sor at the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) in Washington, D.C.

Karen’s invitation to Washington was, in a sense, praise for the pro-grams SVC has initiated to increase retention and help vulnerable studentsget to and through college. Programs, like Pipelines into Partnerships andCampus Community Dinner Series, attracted national media interest andthe attention of the DOE when Undersecretary Martha Kantor visited theCollege in 2010. Initiatives like these are ways we are working to furtherstrengthen SVC’s bright future.

“Inspiring History: Shaping the Future” is the theme of SVC’s 2011-2012Lecture Series. In our most recent lecture, we learned about a unique timein history when the enterprising businessman Edward Everett made surethe granite exterior to his castle-style Mansion was finished in a period ofeight months—in the early 1900s era before bulldozers or Bobcats, thatmeans fueled by man and horse, not horsepower.

Finishing the interior of the Mansion took more time; it would be threeyears before the Everett family moved into their summer home. This iswhy we chose to celebrate the Centennial with events in place from 2011-2014. At the end of that four years, other milestones: SVC will mark 88years as a College and 40 years since it changed from The College of St.Joseph to become the private institution, Southern Vermont College.

Time marches on...and the senior team and all staff at SVC are workinghard to continue the College’s upward trajectory of enrollment, applica-tions, retention and attention. Our foundation is strong; as EdwardEverett dared to create monumental things here in record time, so do we.“Inspiring History”? Yes it is. “Shaping the Future”? You bet.

Please enjoy this issue of the SVC/SJC Chronicle. —JB

FROM THE PRESIDENT’S OFFICE:Acting President James B. Beckwith

TAKING HOMEWORK SERIOUSLY:Social Problems Class Helps at Home


Prompted by an assign-ment in her Social Prob-

lems class, CriminalJustice major Rita Hall

started a program in herMaryland hometown

called, Girls, Girls, Girls.The program helps pro-

vide high school girls withmentoring role models

and activities to helpthem “be all they can be.”

MORE ACADEMIC NEWS:RAD TECH ROCKS: 2011 Graduates of the Radiologic Sciences degree program received a 100 percent pass rate (and a test score

average of 87 percent) on the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) examination in radiography, considered the

‘gold standard’ of the field according to Linda Lippacher, faculty director of the program.

TEEING UP: FOUR! Starting in 2012-2013, Southern Vermont College will implement its new 4x4 curriculum. Simply stated, most

courses will be four (4) credits, and a standard, full-time load will be constituted by four (4) of these courses (4X4). The key

feature of the new curriculum is "laboratory learning" which means that, in every class, there will be co-learners. Professors will

facilitate opportunities for students to learn from one another, but everyone in every class will be teaching and learning.

InspiringHistory;Shapingthe Future:TimeMarchesOn

InspiringHistory:Shapingthe Future-TimeMarchesOn


Page 5: INSPIRING HISTORY: Shaping the Future

1984 by George OrwellDavid Brown, Social Sciences Adjunct Faculty

Allegory of the Cave by PlatoJoan Sakalas, Social Sciences Adjunct Faculty

Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourtKitty Farnham, Administrative Assistant, Success Center

Black Like Me by John Howard GriffinMichael Zauzig, Women’s Soccer Coach

The Book Thief by Markus ZusakSarah Knapp-Oliver, Social Sciences Faculty

Fast Food Nation: the Dark Side of the All-American Mealby Eric SchlosserSarah Koehl Sanfilippo, Director of Library Services

The Glass Castle by Jeanette WallsSusan Biggs, Director of Communications

Grapes of Wrath by John SteinbeckSusan Sykas, Nursing Faculty

Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan SwiftStefano Donati, Learning Differences Assistant

Hamlet and others by William ShakespeareLynda Sinkiewich, Humanities Faculty

The House on Mango Street by Sandra CisnerosAlbert DeCiccio, Provost

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca SklootKaren Gross, President

Ishmael by Daniel QuinnSara Patch, Director of Residence Life

The Jungle by Upton SinclairSue Metzner, Director of Human Resources

On the Beach by Nevil ShuteSue Harris, Clerk

One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia MarquezBryna Siegel Finer, Humanities Faculty

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by Jeanette WintersonNicole Myers, Humanities Adjunct Faculty

The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton JusterCatherine Burns, Learning Cooperative Coordinator

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James JoyceDaryl Kenny, Director of Alumni Relations & Annual Giving

A Soldier of the Great War by Mark HelprinKim Schultz, Administrative Assistant, Nursing & Rad Tech

The True Story of Hansel & Gretel: A Novel of War and Survival by Louise MurphyMarion Whiteford, Assistant Director of Communications

Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992 by Anna Deavere SmithMichelle Deal, Humanities Faculty

Walden by Henry David ThoreauAndrea Robare, Reference Librarian

The World According to Garp by John IrvingKaroline Sears, Coordinator of Student Programs, Residence Director

Written on the Body by Jeanette WintersonScott O’Callaghan, Humanities Faculty Chair

Sarah Sanfilippo, Director of Library Services at SVC recently canvassed faculty, staff and administrators to offer theirchoice of a book that should be read in College. All books are available in the SVC library.

MUST Reads! Books Every College Student Should Know

D.C. is the home of the Turkish Embassy. The country manor,called “The Orchards,” is now a central administration andclassroom building for Southern Vermont College. The Ben-nington house is different from Totten’s other designs,which Andres points out “trace their origins to the FrenchRenaissance and Baroque, the Mansion is more medieval inits sources, some critics invoke Norman architecture….”

After Everett purchased the 500-acre John S. Holden farmon the eastern slopes of Mount Anthony in Bennington in1910, he moved quickly to survey and start excavation,bringing in horticulturist H.A. Albyn for the grounds. InApril, 1911, a crew of 32 expert stonemasons from Italy beganquarrying, cutting and placing tons of granite for the exteriorof the building.

“In December, 1911, only 12 months after Everett had purchased the site, the structure was enclosed and the imported Italian roof tiles were in place,” according to Su-sanne Warren—a feat that, for its time, was “truly astonish-ing.” “It took another four years to finish the interior andfurnish the house in the most elegant and opulent mannerpossible,” Warren reported. “Cuban mahogany paneling inthe dining room (now the school’s library) Italian marble forfireplaces and stairways, English silver for the door handles,chandeliers and wall lamps.”

Warren demonstrated that The Orchards was less a summer retreat and more “a gentleman’s estate modelingthe most advanced horticultural techniques.” Everett soonbought another 720 acres on Carpenter Hill, for his extensiveorchards, and with a total of 55,000 apple trees, 15,000 pear,quince, plum and cherry trees, would eventually succeed in creating the largest privately-owned orchard in the country.

Much of Everett’s horticultural enterprise is now part ofworking orchards like the Apple Barn, and a few apple treesstill dot the landscape behind the Mansion. Everett’s second wife sold the Mansion to the Holy Cross Novitiate,which occupied the building until 1974. Southern VermontCollege, previously known as the College of St. Joseph, became an independent private college that year and occupied the estate.

Currently, the Everett Mansion serves 550 students and130 SVC faculty and staff. Now listed on the National Regis-ter of Historic Places, the Mansion has been carefully main-tained and restored to protect its physical beauty. The grand,castle-style summer home, designed by a worldly architectfor an enterprising businessman, still maintains its old worldcharm, for new generations to enjoy. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON EDWARD EVERETT AND THE MANSION,VISIT WWW.SVC.EDU/CENTENNIAL/.

Everett Mansion continued from page 3


Page 6: INSPIRING HISTORY: Shaping the Future


CALLING ALL ATHLETE ALUMS: For More Sports News, visit!

Strong Showing at NCAA Regionals for SVC Cross Country Coach Maria Stuber helped push both Men’s and Women’s Cross Country Teams to compete in the NCAARegionals this past fall for the first time since 2003. The SVC men came in fourth place and the womenwere seventh place. In photo at left is Olivia Botteron, who finished the season as top runner at region-als with a 29:05 6K, a third fastest 6K time in school history. In center photo, Hesbon Ogeka in the lead.Victor Velazquez, at right, also had a strong season, named Rookie of the Week by NECC.

Taeshon Johnson Garners NECC All-ConferenceThe Conference recognized junior guard Taeshon Johnson forfirst team in Men’s Basketball. Johnson finished the 2011-2012season as NECC leading scorer in conference play (23.6 pointsper game) and overall (22.2 points per game). Johnson finishedthe season with 534 points, that is the fifth most scored at SVCin a single season.

Women’s Volleyball Wins NECC Championship;Plays in NCAA Tournament

Arguably the most memorable run in SVC history and one of thegreatest turnarounds in NCAA history. Only two years ago, Head CoachJosh Stokes took over a program that was 1-21. In 2011, this year thewomen went 31-3, won an NECC regular season championship, anNECC Tournament Championship and advanced to the NCAA tourna-ment. It was only the second time in SVC history that a team movedon to the Nationals and a first for an SVC women’s program.

Women’s Volley-ball Team Beats Williams College

In September, for onlythe second time inSVC history, a Moun-taineers team beatthe Williams CollegeEphs and nothingcould be sweeter thanthe Women’s Volley-ball team’s victory, 3-1, on the away court.



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Page 7: INSPIRING HISTORY: Shaping the Future

V C S P O R T S 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 2

WE CAME, WE SAW… WE WENT TO CARMODY’SThe group of dedicated alumni who came back to SVC to playhoops in February was, unfortunately, not enough to field a bas-ketball team, but a good time was had by all after they headedto Carmody’s in downtown Bennington. In the MountaineerAthletic Center, from left, Jeff Burke ’96, Charles Beekman ’02,Jeff Casey, Sean Brown ’96, SVC Coach Mike McDonough, ScottFruscio ’96, Dennis Green ’97 and Chris Davis ’99.

Dave Gage Sets NCAA Record for 82 Hit By Pitches In April, 2011, senior second baseman Dave Gage set a DivisionIII record for hit by pitches in a career. The captain ended hiscareer with 82 hits by pitches and 32 in his senior season, aNCAA best for 2011. Dave is now Sports Information Director forSVC athletics and also assistant Men’s Baseball coach.

SVC Baseball Makes NECC Championship Playoff Game Needing to win four of its final five regular season games, theSVC baseball team did just that, then made another run in theNECC tournament to make the championship game. In the finalgame, the Mountaineers left the tying run on third base fivetimes, and lost 3-2 against host Mitchell College.

51 Consecutive Sets? That’s the 3rd Longest Streak in NCAA History

It started when the Women’s Volleyball team beat WilliamsCollege in September and only got better…For the next 50 con-secutive sets, the Mountaineers went undefeated. The streakstands as the third longest in NCAA Division III history.

Men’s Soccer Captain Nick Haggerty Scores 100th PointNick, a senior, reached the milestone 100th goal at an awaygame against Mitchell College in September. He finished his career at SVC with 118 points, second best in school history.

Claircius Named to NECC All-Conference Second Team

Senior Joa Claircius has been a four-year starterof the Mountaineers, helping lead SVC to back-to-back, seven-win seasons, the most since1998-99. In January, the team traveled toWheelock where Claircius scored 29 points be-hind 10-19 shooting. Claircius averaged 15.7points per game this season, fourth best in theNECC. The guard finished tenth in the conferencewith 8.2 rebounds a game.

Women’s Soccer Makes it to the PlayoffsIn his first season as Head Coach, Michael Zauzigreturned the Women’s Soccer program to theplayoffs in 2011 (for the first time since 1999.) Theteam won two New England Collegiate Confer-ence games, earning the seventh seed in theNECC Playoffs. In photo, Shawnee Webster.

Alvarez Named National Player of the Week by

Volleyball Assoc.In October, Junioroutside hitter JessicaAlvarez was namedthe American Volley-ball Association na-tional player of theweek, a first for anySVC athlete.


Page 8: INSPIRING HISTORY: Shaping the Future

On October 8, 2011, SVC lost one of its most remarkable friends and sup-porters, Selma Greenberg, wife of Norman Greenberg. “Mrs. Greenberg wasan extraordinary woman, exhibiting grace and dignity throughout her life.Her sense of humor and warmth were always present, “ said SVC PresidentKaren Gross.

Selma Greenberg was a deep believer in SVC’s mission and particularlystressed the important role the College played within the Bennington com-munity. Selma and her family helped cut the ribbon at the unveiling ofHunter Hall and the Greenberg Atrium in 2009. The Atrium is a multi-func-tional space built through their support, which has been used countlesstimes for College functions and student lounging. “I am deeply saddenedMrs. Greenberg will no longer be with us,” Gross said. “Her legacy offriendship and support will be with us always.”

The Board of Trustees at Southern VermontCollege is pleased to announce that the Collegehas received a substantial endowment gift fromthe estate of the late Helen Dixon Kunzelmannof Old Bennington. Mrs. Kunzelmann, who waswell known for her many contributions to, andaffection for the Bennington community, died inJune at the age of 93.

The Helen Dixon Kunzelmann Endowmentwill be distributed to the College over a period ofseveral years. (Under estate stipulations, theamount of the gift cannot be released.) The in-come from the endowment is designed to enablethe College to pursue its educational goals andprovide support for initiatives at SVC that willfurther student success, including throughscholarships.

President Karen Gross called the gift, “educa-tionally transformative, providing both short-and long-term benefits to the College.” HelenKunzelmann was a graduate of the Dana HallSchool and Vassar College. For information onmaking a bequest to Southern Vermont College,please email [email protected].

The Southern Vermont College Board of Trustees appointed Dr. AlfredoQuiñones-Hinojosa, Associate Professor of Neurosurgery and Oncology,Director of the Johns Hopkins Pituitary Tumor Center and Director of theBrain Tumor Program at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, to itsBoard in December. A migrant farmer from Mexico who spent his days inthe fields of the San Joaquin Valley and studied at a community college atnight, Dr. Quiñones-Hinojosa went on to Harvard Medical School and hasbecome a leader in the field of neurosurgery, oncology and stem cell re-search. His inspiring story, which has been featured in the The New YorkTimes, National Public Radio, The Today Show and Public Broadcastingseries NOVA, has been documented in his book, Becoming Dr. Q: My Jour-ney from Migrant Farm Worker to Brain Surgeon.

Dr. Q, as he is now known to students and patients, addressed the SVCgraduating class of 2011 last May, a segment of which was aired on C-SPAN. After SVC awarded him with an Honorary Degree of Humane Let-ters, he urged the graduates to “find the steel in your soul…thatdetermination and resilience within you and no matter what, keep mov-ing forward.”

“Dr. Q is an inspiring physician, teacher, researcher and role model. Hislife story and his successes enable generations of students to see thepower of the possible,” stated Board Chair Deborah Wiley. “We welcomehis wisdom and experience—in life and in healthcare—to our Board.”

In addition to Harvard Medical School, Dr. Q attended University ofCalifornia, San Francisco, to complete his residency and then pursued apostdoctoral fellowship in developmental and stem cell biology, whichbrought him to Johns Hopkins. Named one of the 100 most influentialHispanics in 2008, selected by Popular Science magazine as one of the An-nual Brilliant Ten, he also received the 2008 National Leadership in Sci-ence and Medical Award by the Merage Foundation and the WoodrowWilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C.

Kunzelmann Bequest Supports College Endowment

Renowned Johns HopkinsNeurosurgeon Quiñones-Hinojosa Joins SVC Board

SVC Mourns the Loss of Selma Greenberg


Page 9: INSPIRING HISTORY: Shaping the Future

Last fall, SVC unveiled four, large-scale, abstract murals

depicting the seasons, as seen from Hunter Hall, by

Williamstown artist Joan Benjamin. The work, commissioned

by the school, is now on permanent display at the College in

the soaring Greenberg Atrium. Michael Cassin, Education Di-

rector at the Francine & Sterling Clark Art Institute, was on

hand for the opening celebration of the artwork. “The work

is here to be seen, they are here to be lived with and enjoyed,

they are here to be engaged with,” Cassin said. “It’s an in-

credible thing for students, faculty and visitors to enjoy in

this lovely space.”

HOW DO YOU SPELL GRATITUDE? It’s a message that bears repeating…

THANK YOU. Each year, Southern Vermont

College counts on the generosity of Annual

Fund donors to support scholarships, sup-

plies, special opportunities for student and

faculty enrichment…and much more. The

Annual Fund helps us help students like

these succeed… right down to the letter!

Please consider a gift to the Annual Fund

in the enclosed envelope or visit SVC. THANK YOU!



FRIDAY, MAY 18 5 PM - 7 PM Welcome Reception, MansionTerrace/Burgdorff Gallery

SATURDAY, MAY 19 9:30 AM Alumni/Community 5K Fun Run, Greystone Lawn(Upper Campus)11 AM - 12:30 PM Alumni Association Meeting, President’sMeeting Room, Everett Mansion1 PM - 4 PM Alumni Barbecue, Mansion Lawn, Ongoingthroughout the afternoon: Campus Hikes, Alumni games(softball/frisbee/volleyball/basketball), Kid activities6 PM Alumni Dinner & Dancing, Mt. Anthony Country Club

SUNDAY, MAY 20 10 AM – 12 PM Continental Breakfast in the Mansion11:30 AM Alumni Admissions Q&A, (all alumni interested in participating as admissions ambassadors welcome), President’s Meeting Room, Everett Mansion




FRIDAY, MAY 18 5 PM - 7 PM Welcome Reception, MansionTerrace/Burgdorff Gallery

SATURDAY, MAY 19 9:30 AM Alumni/Community 5K Fun Run, Greystone Lawn(Upper Campus)11 AM - 12:30 PM Alumni Association Meeting, President’s Meeting Room, Everett Mansion1 PM - 4 PM Alumni Barbecue, Mansion Lawn, Ongoingthroughout the afternoon: Campus Hikes, Alumni games(softball/frisbee/volleyball/basketball), Kid activities6 PM Alumni Dinner & Dancing, Mt. Anthony Country Club

SUNDAY, MAY 20 10 AM – 12 PM Continental Breakfast in the Mansion11:30 AM Alumni Admissions Q&A, (all alumni interested in participating as admissions ambassadors welcome), President’s Meeting Room, Everett Mansion


Seasonal Art of Joan Benjamin onPermanent Displayin Atrium


Page 10: INSPIRING HISTORY: Shaping the Future

Bethany Stolz ’10 is headed to Memphis, Tenn., to train and enterthe classroom as a special educationinstructor for Teach for America, thetwo-year program that strives toclose the achievement gap for all stu-dents. Since graduating from SVC,Bethany joined Americorps as amember of the National Civilian Com-munity Corps in Maryland.

THREE GREAT ALUMNAE TELLING THE SVC STORYSVC graduates now working in the Admissions Office:

Despite being employed full time for IBM innorthern Vermont, Travis Lebel has volunteeredtime weekly to local organizations that improvethe lives and well being of his community for more than 27 years. Organizations includeLions Club, food drives, Operation Happiness,Franklin County Humane Society and the Spe-cial Olympics among others. Travis says he loves“giving back to the community” but his effortsmay soon pay off in other ways. IBM has an in-centive plan for those who volunteer; if employ-ees can prove they have donated 10,000 hours ata given organization, the company donates acomputer system to the group.

It’s great to have Maggie Burke ’86 back in theneighborhood! She’s the new Executive Direc-tor of the Visiting Nurses Association and Hos-pice for Southwestern Vermont Medical Center.

Susan Dombrowski ’90 has joined the Norwich, CT-based CorePlus Federal Credit Union as Director of Marketing and Public Relations.

Amy Marquise ’05 earned her MBA from Sage College last May.

Sarah Yard ’11 just couldn’t bear to leave SVC andhas joined the Admissions team as an AssistantDirector.

Heather Broome ’10 completes her BS in Nursinghere at SVC this May and begins work on hermaster’s degree at Sage Graduate College nextfall. She plans to become a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Kathleen Harding ’03 was recently selected as a2012 Featured Athlete by ATHLETA clothing forwomen. She is an award-winning, pro mountainbike racer, who will compete this year for TeamCystic Fibrosis. Check out the whole story at

Trevor Harvey ’09 was promoted to the “Best ofthe Best” program at Enterprise Rent-A-Car.He’s gotten a transfer to Albany InternationalAirport. We miss him here in Bennington, butare pleased and proud!

Neel Patel ’11 has spent the past few months visiting family and friends in his native India.

If you happened to be watching The Price IsRight on January 30, you saw Amy Walker Gleason’00 come up a Big Winner!

Nicholas Holden ’08 is the newest member of theBennington Police Department.

In her new position as the school nurse at NorthBennington Graded School, Pam Gulley ’10arranged for the school to acquire an automatedexternal defibrillator. Nicely done!

Harry Gold ’92 continues to make headlines! Hiscompany, Overdrive Interactive, won 15 awards,including Best of Show, at the 2011 New EnglandDirect Marketing Association Awards for Creative Excellence.


Beth McLean ’00, ’03,Campus Visits Coordinator and Administrative Assistant

Leslie Surdam ’09, Coordinator of Enrollment Data Systems

Sarah Yard ’11Assistant Director ofAdmissions

DOING WELL, DOING GOOD Travis Lebel ’89—“I help out where I can.”

Class NotesView the latest Class Notes online at


Page 11: INSPIRING HISTORY: Shaping the Future

Derek Nagle ’08 and Jessica Chase Nagle ’09, ’11welcomed daughter Anja on March 18, 2011.

Joe Frey ’08 and wife Sara welcomed JacksonLeon on July 3, 2011. Brothers Isaac and Evanthink he’s a real firecracker (sorry)!

On July 28, 2011, Erin and Scott McEnaney ’01 welcomed daughter Dana. Big brother Eli is delighted!

Trista Hoot Comtois ’09 and husband Michaeladopted four-year-old Nina. Nina is originallyfrom Haiti, and almost-three-year-old brotherConnor is thrilled.

On February 9, Tony Kasulinous ’94 and wifeTracy gave birth to baby #5, Laney Kate. Tonysays he is working on his own soccer team!

Photographer extraordinaire Max Flatow ’06 willbe back on campus to photograph SVC’s 85thCommencement in May. He did an amazing jobin 2010! It’s great to have him back.

Erik Hansen ’91 is publishing a book of poetry entitled Compass. It will be out in April, which isNational Poetry Month. For those of us who havehad the privilege of getting an advance peek, it’spretty great!

Vermont State Trooper Wayne Godfrey ’06 has be-come a member of a K-9 unit; one of only two atthe Shaftsbury Barracks. His German Shepherdpartner, Tarawa, is 85 lbs. of adorable… as longas you’re on the right side of the law!

As the single biggest vote-getter in the March6th election, Jim Carroll ’90 became Bennington’snewest Selectman!

Flavia Paolucci Jacobs ’91has been hired as PolicyDevelopment Coordi-nator for the ArkansasEnvironmental QualityDepartment. Read theincredible story of herlong and winding roadto true love and marriage with Stephen

Jacobs ’93 on the SVC website’s Alumni ProfilePage,

Just in case you missedit…Chad Levesque ’98and Chris Davis ’99, pic-tured here with Chris’sdaughter, Emma, andPresident Karen Gross,were inducted into the SVC Mountaineer Athletics Hall of Fameon October 1, 2011.

And just in case you really missed it, Denise WelchLand ’97 took home Distinguished Alumni Honors at the 2011 SVC Commencement, whileZachary Garafalo ’09 was named DistinguishedYoung Alumnus.

I N M E M O R I U MSVC marks the passing of:

Mona K. Young ’85 Spring 2011

Violetta C. Santo October 4, 2011

Brian Kriger ’83 December 10, 2011

Lionel Marcoux ’34 December 30, 2011

Rita Bishop Niles ’54 February 27, 2012

Talk about having a big year! In addition to beginning his new position asBranch Manager at NBT Bank, Bryce Cutler ’94 married Kerry Dillman lastAugust 20.

On August 27, Max Flatow ’06 (photo, left) wedAmy Sunners in Waitsfield, VT. If the date rings abell, that was the weekend of Hurricane Irene.There’s a wedding that will be remembered!

On September 10, 2011, Jennifer Bland Finlan ’90wed Fred Hamm.

The Dubois family will be very busy for the nextfew months. Matt Dubois ’04 will wed Tami Maheux on March 10, and DanDubois ’01 marries Rachel Lachat on July 7! (Just buy the tuxedos, guys...)

Jill Sheldon ’02 is engaged to marry Jeffrey Morris. An October 20 weddingis planned in Delton, FL.

Kayla Hewitt ’10, ’11 is engaged to marry Adam Denio. The wedding will takeplace on June 16 at the Park McCullough House in North Bennington.

Tara Chickerell ’07 and Barrett McInnis ’06 will tie the knot on April 28th inCelebration, FL. Sounds like a great place to get married!


Send us YOUR NEWS! Email your updates and photos to Daryl Kenny, Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving

at [email protected] or [email protected].

Welcoming Bundles of Joy…

Bells Are Ringing…







Page 12: INSPIRING HISTORY: Shaping the Future

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SOUTHERN VERMONT COLLEGE UPCOMING EVENTSOn Being a Townie: Writing the MemoirAndre Dubus III, author House of Sand and Fog, TownieTuesday, April 3, 2:15 p.m. | Everett Mansion Theatre

American Red Cross Blood DriveWednesday, April 4, 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Mountaineer Athletic Center

SVC Admissions Open HouseSaturday, April 21, 9 a.m For more information contact [email protected]

Healthcare Forum on Nursing Research ProgramThursday, April 26, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. | Everett Mansion Theatre

The Buddhist President: Envisioning a Politics of Compassion for AmericaThomas Redden, Ph.D., History/Politics Professor, Zen Buddhist priestFriday, April 27, 7 - 8:30 p.m., Maple Street School, Manchester, VT

Book talk: Birds of a Lesser ParadiseMegan Mayhew Bergman, Professor, authorThursday, May 3, 2:15 p.m. Everett Mansion Theatre

Southern Vermont College 85th Commencement ExercisesCommencement Speaker Dr. Ruth Levy Guyer, author, bioethicistSaturday, May 12, 1 p.m.

Visit for more event details.

The Chronicle is produced by the Communications Office of

Southern Vermont College

Susan Amberg BiggsDirector of Communications

Marion WhitefordAssistant Director of


Katerin Design Design & Production

Contributors: Bree Della Rocca ‘05

David Gage ‘11, Director ofSports Information

Daryl Kenny, Director of Alumni& Annual Giving

Photography: Lee Krohn

Adam Samrov/Bennington Banner

[email protected]


