infinitive with to -gerund

INFINITIVE WITH ‘TO’ หหหหหหหหหหหหหหหหหหหห 1. ททททททททททททททททททททท ทททททททททททททททททททททท ทททท To draw a cat is easy. To drive fast is not safe. To speak English well is difficult. To respect our parents is our duty. ททททททททท Infinitive ททททททททททททททททททท ททททททททท ททททททททททททททททททททททท It is + adjective + infinitive with ‘to’ ททททททททท pronoun ‘It’ ททททททททททททททททททท Infinitive ทททททททททททททททท ทททททททททททททททททททท Infinitive ททททททท ทททททท ทททท To draw a cat is easy. = It is easy to draw a cat. To drive fast is not safe. = It is not safe to drive fast. To speak English well is difficult = It is difficult to speak English well. To respect our parents is our duty. = It is our duty to respect our parents. 2. ททททททททททททททททททททท ทททททททททททททททททททท ทททท Birds love to sing. He refused to obey the orders.

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Page 1: Infinitive With to -Gerund



1. ทำ��หน้��ทำ��อย่��งคำ��น้�ม ใช้�เป็�น้ป็ระธ�น้ของป็ระโย่คำ เช้�น้

To draw a cat is easy.

To drive fast is not safe.

To speak English well is difficult.

To respect our parents is our duty.

ถ้��เร�ใช้� Infinitive เป็�น้ป็ระธ�น้ของป็ระโย่คำ เร�ส�ม�รถ้เป็ลี่��ย่น้ร�ป็ป็ระโย่คำได้�เป็�น้

It is + adjective + infinitive with ‘to’

ก�รน้��เอ� pronoun ‘It’ ข !น้ต้�น้ป็ระโย่คำแลี่ะเอ� Infinitive ไว้�ทำ��ย่ป็ระโย่คำน้�! น้%ย่มใช้�

ม�กกว้��ก�รเอ� Infinitive ข !น้ต้�น้ป็ระโย่คำ เช้�น้

To draw a cat is easy. = It is easy to draw a cat.

To drive fast is not safe. = It is not safe to drive fast.

To speak English well is difficult = It is difficult to speak English well.

To respect our parents is our duty. = It is our duty to respect our parents.

2. ทำ��หน้��ทำ��อย่��งคำ��น้�ม ใช้�เป็�น้กรรมของป็ระโย่คำ เช้�น้

Birds love to sing.

He refused to obey the orders.

We prefer to travel by plane.

The girl is trying to lift that heavy box.

3. ทำ��หน้��ทำ��เหม&อน้อย่��งคำ�� adjective ใช้�ต้�มหลี่'งคำ��น้�ม ทำ��หน้��ทำ��ขย่�ย่น้�มหร&อ

สรรพน้�มทำ��ไม�เจ�ะจง เช้�น้

Show me the way to do that.

(to do เป็�น้ Infinitive ทำ��หน้��ทำ��เหม&อน้คำ�� adjective ขย่�ย่ the way)

Give me something to eat.

He has nothing to do.

Page 2: Infinitive With to -Gerund

Here is a house to let.

He wants a book to read.

She has an exercise to finish.

4.ทำ��หน้��ทำ��เหม&อน้คำ��ว้%เศษณ์- (adverb)

ใช้�ขย่�ย่คำ��กร%ย่� เพ&�อบอกว้'ต้ถ้/ป็ระสงคำ- (expresses purpose) เช้�น้

She went out to look for the cat.

They came in to wake me up.

ใช้�ขย่�ย่คำ/ณ์ศ'พทำ- (adjective) เพ&�อแสด้งอ�รมณ์- (emotion) แลี่ะคำว้�มป็ร�รถ้น้� (desire) เช้�น้

I’m sorry to say that I can’t come.

He was angry to see that nothing had been done.

I am glad to hear of your success.

คำ��คำ/ณ์ศ'พทำ-ทำ��ต้�มด้�ว้ย่ infinitive คำ&อ glad , sorry , afraid , ready , worthy , certain , easy ,

hard , useless , possible , right , unable , wrong , first , last เช้�น้

I’m afraid to walk in the dark alone.

We are ready to leave now.

He is worthy to have a place in the team.

It is useless to talk to that silly man.

ใช้�ใน้ร�ป็ absolute phrase ขย่�ย่ป็ระโย่คำทำ'!งป็ระโย่คำ เช้�น้

To tell you the truth, he is a great pretender.

To hear him talk, you may think he is very poor.

ร�ปของ Infinitive

1. Simple Infinitive (= to + V1) เช้�น้

to read , to write etc.

2. Prefect Infinitive (= to have + V3) เช้�น้

to have read , to have written , etc.

He should have helped her.

Page 3: Infinitive With to -Gerund

She oughtn’t to have gone near that bull.

3. Passive Infinitive ม� 2 ช้น้%ด้ คำ&อ

present ( to be + V3 ) เช้�น้ to be read , to be written

perfect ( to have been + V3 ) เช้�น้ to have been seen , to have been caught

การใช้� Infinitive

1. ใช้� infinitive with ‘to’ ต้�มหลี่'งคำ��กร%ย่�ต้�อไป็น้�!

attempt , hesitate , afford , appear , arrange , care , decide , determine , deserve , fail ,

happen , hope , hurry , intend , manage , offer , plan , pretend , prove , seem , refuse, prepare , agree


He doesn’t care to come to our party.

I hope to go to America.

She seems to be happy.

2.หลี่'งคำ��กร%ย่�ต้�อไป็น้�! จะต้�มด้�ว้ย่ object ก�อน้ ‘to’ -infinitive

advise , allow , cause , challenge , command , encourage , force , get , instruct , invite , lead

, order , persuade , remind , teach , tell , urge , warn เช้�น้

The show caused us to cancel the match.

The teacher allowed the students to use a dictionary.

His success encouraged him to continue his studies.

The manager instructed the clerk to write a letter.

3.กร%ย่�ต้�อไป็น้�!อ�จต้�มด้�ว้ย่ ‘to’ -infinitive หร&ออ�จม�กรรมม�คำ'�น้ก�อน้ต้�มด้�ว้ย่ ‘to’ -

infinitive ได้�แก� want , wish , expect , ask , beg , request , intend , promise , choose

I want to swim. I want him to swim.

I expect to see him. I expect him to write to me.

I promise to go there. I promise her to go there.

I asked to see it. I asked him to show it to me.

He helped mend the puncture. He helped me (to) mend the puncture.

Page 4: Infinitive With to -Gerund

* help me do

something*to do

ส��หร'บ expect + ‘to’ ม'กจะใช้�ก'บคำว้�มคำ%ด้ทำ��เก��ย่ว้ก'บอน้�คำต้ (express a thought about

the future) เช้�น้

I expect to be there. = I think that I shall be there.

ส��หร'บ expect + object + ‘to’ infinitive อ�จจะหม�ย่ถ้ งคำว้�มคำ%ด้ทำ��เก��ย่ว้ก'บอน้�คำต้

ก0ได้� แต้�ม'กจะใช้�ใน้คำว้�มหม�ย่ด้'งน้�!

I expect him to be there. = I think that he will be there. = I think it is his duty to be

there. I’ll be annoyed if he’s not there.

4.Noun Clause ทำ��ข !น้ต้�น้ด้�ว้ย่ Question Words ( what , which , when , where , how )

ส�ม�รถ้เป็ลี่��ย่น้ให�เป็�น้ phrase ได้�โด้ย่ใช้� ‘to’ infinitive หลี่'ง Question Words เช้�น้

I don’t know what I should do.

= I don’t know what to do.

He asked me where I should stay.

= He asked me where to stay.

I told him how he could go there.

= I told him how to go there.

She told me when I had to come for dinner.

= She told me when to come for dinner.

เร�ใช้� ‘to’ infinitive หลี่'ง Question Words หลี่'งคำ��กร%ย่�ต้�อไป็น้�! discover , consider ,

wonder , find out , know , understand , explain , learn , ask , tell , advise , decide

5.Verb to be + about + ‘to’ infinitive ใช้�แสด้งเหต้/ก�รณ์-ทำ��จะเก%ด้ข !น้ใน้อน้�คำต้อ'น้ใกลี่�

(the very immediate future)

He is about to leave the house.

= He is going to leave the house in a few minutes.

to be + just about to + ‘to’ infinitive แสด้งอน้�คำต้อ'น้ใกลี่�ม�กกว้�� to be about to เช้�น้ He is

just about to leave the house.

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6. to be + ‘to’ infinitive (to be to = must) แสด้งคำ��ส'�ง (command) หร&อแผน้ก�ร (plan) เช้�น้

She is to return tomorrow. (plan)

You are not to communicate with anybody. (command)

7. ใช้�ต้�มหลี่'งคำ��คำ/ณ์ศ'พทำ-ทำ��แสด้งคำ/ณ์สมบ'ต้% (Adjective of personal quality) หร&อลี่'กษณ์ะ

น้%ส'ย่ (characteristic) เช้�น้ good , kind , brave , etc. จะใช้�ร�ป็ป็ระโย่คำด้'งน้�!

adj. + of + (pro.) noun + ‘to’ infinitive



- It was brave of him to jump.

- It is good of you to accompany me.

ส��หร'บคำ/ณ์ศ'พทำ-อ&�น้ ๆ ส�ว้น้ม�กจะต้�มด้�ว้ย่ ‘to’ infinitive เลี่ย่ หร&อถ้��เจ�ะจงบ/คำคำลี่จะ


for + (pro.) noun + ‘to’ infinitive เช้�น้

- The horse is hard to control.

- The horse is hard for Tom to control.

- The book seems difficult to read.

- It is difficult for him to read the book.

8. ใช้�ใน้ร�ป็ too - to แลี่ะ enough - to ด้'งน้�!

Subject + verb + too


adjective + for + (pro.) noun + ‘to’ infinitive


เช้�น้ He is too old to run fast.

This room is too hot (for me) to work in.

= This room is very hot. I can’t work in it.

He talked too fast (for me) to understand.

= He talked very fast. I can’t understand him.

Page 6: Infinitive With to -Gerund

Subject + verb


adjective enough + for + (pro.) noun + ‘to’ infinitive



This fruit is ripe enough for us to pick.

= This fruit is ripe. We can pick it.

Mary is driving fast enough to arrive in time.

= Mary is driving very fast. She’ll arrive in time.

9. ใช้�ต้�มหลี่'ง so + adjective + as เช้�น้

If you are so stupid as to lend her your bicycle, you must expect it to be damaged.

Would you be so good as to send us your catalogue?

10. ใช้�ต้�มหลี่'ง so as to แสด้งคำว้�มม/�งหม�ย่

I will have everything ready so as not to keep you waiting.

Infinitive without ‘to’


1. เม&�ออย่��หลี่'งต้�ม auxiliary verb (ทำ'!งหมด้ย่กเว้�น้ be , have , ought , used ซึ่ �งต้�มด้�ว้ย่

‘to’ infinitive) เช้�น้ will , shall , does , do , did , should , would , may , might , must , can , could


She will be there at 3.30 p.m.

I must go now.

You can help your parents.

Don’t come in.

2.เม&�ออย่��ต้�มหลี่'งคำ�� had better , would rather , rather than , but

It is very cold, we had better wear a coat.

I would rather die than suffer.

I prefer to talk rather than listen.

Page 7: Infinitive With to -Gerund

There’s nothing to do but wait till he comes.

3. หลี่'งคำ��กร%ย่�ต้�อไป็น้�! have (ใน้ส��น้ว้น้ to have someone do something), please , help , let

แลี่ะ make (เม&�อ make อย่��ใน้ป็ระโย่คำ active voice) เช้�น้

I have my maid wash the dishes.

Please let me go.

He helped me (to) do my homework.

She let the prisoner escape. (Active)

The prisoner was let escape. (Passive)

I made him tell the truth. (Active)

He was made to tell the truth. (Passive)

จ�กต้'ว้อย่��ง จะเห0น้ว้�� make เม&�ออย่��ใน้ passive form ต้�องต้�มด้�ว้ย่ ‘to’ infinitive

ส�ว้น้ let ย่'งคำงเด้%ม

4.หลี่'งคำ��กร%ย่�ต้�อไป็น้�! จะต้�มด้�ว้ย่ infinitive without ‘to’ หร&อ Present Participle (V +

ing) ก0ได้� แต้�คำว้�มหม�ย่ต้��งก'น้เลี่0กน้�อย่ คำ&อ เร�ใช้� infinitive without ‘to’ ก'บก�รกระทำ��

ซึ่ �งเสร0จสมบ�รณ์-แลี่�ว้ (a complete action) แลี่ะใช้� present participle ก'บก�รกระทำ��ทำ��ย่'งด้��เน้%น้

อย่�� (an incomplete action)












I saw him cross the road and run away.

(a complete action)

Page 8: Infinitive With to -Gerund

แสด้งอ�ก�รทำ��เสร0จสมบ�รณ์- คำ&อเห0น้ต้'!งแต้�เร%�มข��มจน้ไป็ถ้ งอ�กฟ�กถ้น้น้

I saw him crossing the street.

แสด้งก�รข��มถ้น้น้ย่'งไม�เสร0จสมบ�รณ์- คำ&อเห0น้ขณ์ะก��ลี่'งข��มถ้น้น้


Put ‘to’ where necessary the infinitives in brackets.

1. Mother wouldn’t let her baby (play) …………… with her gold watch.

2. Would you like (go) …………… now or shall we (wait) …………… till the end?

3. The teacher made me (do) …………… it all over again.

4. I’d like her (go) …………… to college but I can’t (make) her (go) …………… .

5. I’m sorry (disappoint) …………… you but I can’t (let) …………… you (have) ……………

any more money till the end of this month.

6. It is easy (be) …………… wise after the event.

7. It is better (travel) …………… hopefully than (travel) …………… for fun.

8. Do you wish (make) …………… a complaint ?

9. If the baby is a boy , there is (be) …………… a salute of 21 guns.

10. They told me (try) …………… (come) …………… early.

11. I advised her (ask) …………… the bus conductor (tell) …………… her where (get)

…………… off.

12. There is nothing (do) …………… but (wait) …………… till somebody comes (let)

…………… us out.

13. Would you rather (be) …………… more stupid than you look or (look) …………… more

stupid than you are?

14. Before she let us (go) …………… she made us (promise) …………… (not tell) ……………

anyone what we had seen.

15. She persuades them (wait) …………… a little longer.



Put ‘to’ where necessary the infinitives in brackets.

Page 9: Infinitive With to -Gerund

16. Mother wouldn’t let her baby (play) …play… with her gold watch.

17. Would you like (go) …to go… now or shall we (wait) ……wait…… till the end?

18. The teacher made me (do) …do…… it all over again.

19. I’d like her (go) …to go…… to college but I can’t (make) her (go) …make , go… .

20. I’m sorry (disappoint) …to disappoint… you but I can’t (let) …let… you (have) …have…

any more money till the end of this month.

21. It is easy (be) …to be… wise after the event.

22. It is better (travel) … to travel… hopefully than (travel) … travel… for fun.

23. Do you wish (make) … to make… a complaint ?

24. If the baby is a boy , there is (be) … to be … a salute of 21 guns.

25. They told me (try) … to try… (come) … to come… early.

26. I advised her (ask) … to ask … the bus conductor (tell) … to tell … her where (get) … to get

… off.

27. There is nothing (do) … to do … but (wait) … wait … till somebody comes (let) … to let…

us out.

28. Would you rather (be) … be … more stupid than you look or (look) … look … more stupid

than you are?

29. Before she let us (go) … go … she made us (promise) … promise … (not tell) … not to

tell… anyone what we had seen.

30. She persuades them (wait) … to wait… a little longer.


Gerund คำ&อ คำ��ทำ��ม�ร�ป็ม�จ�กคำ��กร%ย่�ซึ่ �งเต้%ม ing เช้�น้เด้�ย่ว้ก'บ present participle เช้�น้

running , talking , playing , etc.

Page 10: Infinitive With to -Gerund

Gerund ทำ��หน้��ทำ��ส�ว้น้หน้ �งเป็�น้ verb ส�ว้น้หน้ �งเป็�น้ noun ด้'งน้'!น้จ งม�ช้&�ออ�กอย่��งหน้ �ง

ว้�� verb noun (แต้� participle ทำ��หน้��ทำ��ส�ว้น้หน้ �งเป็�น้ verb ส�ว้น้หน้ �งเป็�น้ adjective)

Gerund มี�วิ�ธี�ใช้�ดั�งต่�อไปน้��

1. เป็�น้ป็ระธ�น้ของกร%ย่� (subject to a verb) เช้�น้

Running every morning is good for health.

Smoking is not good.

Reading French is easier than speaking.

Eating between meals is bad for the figure.

2. เป็�น้กรรมของกร%ย่� (object to a verb) เช้�น้

She likes reading poetry.

He learns typing.

Have you finished writing your letter ?

3. เป็�น้กรรมของบ/รพบทำ (object after preposition) เช้�น้

They were punished for stealing.

We were prevented from seeing the prisoner.

They are used to cooking.

He left without paying.

4. เป็�น้ส�ว้น้ทำ��ทำ��ให�ป็ระโย่คำน้'!น้สมบ�รณ์- (complement to a verb) เช้�น้

Seeing is believing.

Sleeping is resting.

What a good student should be is learning and obeying his teacher.

5. ใช้�หลี่'งคำ��ว้�� go แลี่ะ come ซึ่ �งเป็�น้ส��น้ว้น้ ก�รใช้� gerund หลี่'ง go ม'กน้%ย่มใช้�ใน้

ก�รก�ฬ� เช้�น้

He will go sailing soon.

I am going riding this afternoon.

Jillian went skiing on Monday.

They are carrying towels ; they must be going bathing.

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He is cleaning his gun ; he is going shooting tomorrow.

Can you lend me some money ? I am going shopping.

ก�รใช้� gerund หลี่'งคำ��ว้�� come เป็�น้ก�รแสด้งเช้&!อเช้%ญ เช้�น้

Come swimming at my pool tomorrow.

Come sailing with me next Saturday.

หมีายเหต่ : ภ�ษ�พ�ด้ป็8จจ/บ'น้ บ�งส��น้ว้น้ใช้� infinitive ต้�มหลี่'ง go แลี่ะ come เช้�น้

Come play tennis with me if you’re free.

Come have a cup of tea with me.

Let’s go eat.

6. ใช้�ใน้ก�รห��มหร&อลี่ะเว้�น้ไม�ให�กระทำ�� (prohibitions) เช้�น้

No smoking. No spitting. No parking.

7. ใช้� gerund หลี่'งคำ��กร%ย่�ต้�อไป็น้�! คำ&อ stop , finish , detest , prevent , avoid , dislike,

risk , deny , recollect , resent , delay , postpone , enjoy , imagine , forgive , pardon , excuse, suggest ,

try (= experiment) , keep (= continue) , understand , mind (= object) , admit , appreciate , consider ,

escape , give up , go on , mention , practice , resist (= oppose ข'ด้ขว้�ง) escape , tolerate เช้�น้

I enjoy reading the novel.

The Japanese tourists postponed visiting our school.

He delayed replying to my letter.

The students suggested playing badminton tomorrow.

He resented being punished.

I detest writing compositions about subjects I am not interested in.

He finished writing that report before I did.

Imagine seeing a ghost in your bedroom.

ใช้� gerund หลี่'งกลี่/�มคำ��ต้�อไป็น้�! can’t bear , can’t stand (= endure) , can’t help

(= prevent , or avoid) , it is no use , it is no good , can’t resist , to feel like (= have a wish) , to look

forward to (= anticipate) to be used to , to be accustomed to , to take to , to be busy , to be worth


Page 12: Infinitive With to -Gerund

I couldn’t help being late. My train was delayed by fog.

(= It wasn’t my fault that I was late.)

It’s no use waiting. There won’t be another bus.

That film is worth seeing.

I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.

I am used to walking home.

I’ll take to gardening when I retire.

We are considering going to Hua-Hin this summer.

8. ใช้�ก'บกร%ย่� mind ใน้ป็ระโย่คำคำ��ถ้�มทำ��แสด้งก�รขอร�อง (request) แลี่ะป็ระโย่คำป็ฏิ%เสธ เช้�น้

- Would you mind waiting a moment ?

(= Please wait a moment.)

- Would you mind not smoking ?

(= Please don’t smoke.)

I don’t mind walking.

He doesn’t mind living here.

(= He lives here and doesn’t object to it.)

She doesn’t mind his living here.

(= He lives here and she doesn’t object to this.)

He didn’t mind leaving.

(= He left home quite happily.)

He didn’t mind Mary leaving home.

(= Mary left and he was quite happy about it.)

9. ใช้�ก'บ possessive adjective (her , his , your , my) แลี่ะคำ��น้�มทำ��แสด้งคำว้�มเป็�น้เจ��ของ (Mary’s , Jimmy’s) เช้�น้

I don’t like your coming late.

Do you mind Mary’s

hiscoming too ?

ใน้ภ�ษ�พ�ด้เร�ใช้� object ทำ��เป็�น้ (pro.) noun แทำน้ possessive form ได้� เช้�น้

I don’t like you coming late.

Page 13: Infinitive With to -Gerund

Do you mind Mary

himcoming too ?

10. หลี่'งคำ��ต้�อไป็น้�! คำ&อ attempt , continue , dislike , dread , begin , start , intend แลี่ะ propose จะใช้� gerund หร&อ infinitive ก0ได้� โด้ย่คำว้�มหม�ย่ไม�แต้กต้��งก'น้เลี่ย่ เช้�น้

The traffic continued to move


I begin working

to work

I intendto buy

buyinga new dress tomorrow.

(intend อ��งถ้ งเหต้/ก�รณ์-ทำ��เก%ด้ข !น้ใน้อน้�คำต้)

11. กลี่/�มคำ�� it needs , it requires , it wants ซึ่ �ง it หม�ย่ถ้ ง ส%�งของ ป็กต้%ต้�มด้�ว้ย่

gerund หร&อ passive infinitive แต้�เร�น้%ย่มใช้� gerund ม�กกว้��My hair needs cutting.

(= It needs to be cut.)

This machine needs cleaning.

(= It needs to be cleaned.)

12. คำ��กร%ย่�ต้�อไป็น้�!จะใช้�ร�ป็ป็ระโย่คำด้'งน้�!12.1 allow

permit someone to do (something)


12.2 allow

permit doing (something)


เช้�น้ They don’t allow us to smoke.

They don’t allow smoking here.

Page 14: Infinitive With to -Gerund

The doctor advised me to go to bed early.

The doctor advised (my) going to bed early.

13 กร%ย่�บ�งคำ��ใช้�ก'บ infinitive ม�คำว้�มหม�ย่อย่��งหน้ �ง แลี่ะเม&�อใช้�ก'บ gerund ม�คำว้�มหม�ย่อ�กอย่��งหน้ �ง

13.1 forget to do (= future action น้ กถ้ งส%�งทำ��จะทำ��)


regret doing (= past action น้ กถ้ งเหต้/ก�รณ์-ทำ��ผ��น้ม�แลี่�ว้)

I remember posting your letter.

(= I have posted your letter and I still remember the day and the post


I remember to post your letter.

(= I have not yet posted your letter , but I shall keep in mind that I have to

post it.)

He forgot to post the letter.

(= He didn’t post the letter.)

He forgot posting the letter.

(= He posted the letter but he has forgotten all about it.)

13.2 Love to do (= future action)


hate doing (= habit)

I love to go with you. (future)

I love going to the cinema. (habit)

13.3 forget to do (= particular occasion “would like”)

like +

regret doing (= habit)

13.4 forget to do (= future action หย่/ด้เพ&�อทำ��ส%�งใหม�)

Page 15: Infinitive With to -Gerund

stop +

regret doing (= has already begun หย่/ด้ส%�งทำ��ทำ��อย่��)

He stopped to talk to me.

(= He saw me in the street , stopped and started talking to me.)

He stopped talking to me.

(= He talked to me for some time , then he stopped and was silent.)

13.5 forget to do (= attempt พย่�ย่�มทำ��จะ)

try +

regret doing (= experiment ทำด้ลี่อง)

She tried to write in pencil.

(= She made an attempt. She wanted to see if she could do it.)

This soup has no taste. Try putting some salt in it.

(= Put some salt in and see whether it improves the soup.)

13.6 forget to do (= intend ต้'!งใจทำ��จะ ใช้�ก'บป็ระธ�น้ทำ��เป็�น้


mean +

regret doing (= signify หม�ย่คำว้�มถ้ งก�ร ใช้�ก'บป็ระธ�น้


I didn’t mean to hurt you.

I mean to work harder next year.

To go abroad means spending a lot of money.

The transport strike meant having to walk to work.

ควิามีแต่กต่�างระหวิ�าง gerund ก�บ present


Page 16: Infinitive With to -Gerund

คำ��กร%ย่�ทำ��ลี่งทำ��ย่ด้�ว้ย่ ing อ�จเป็�น้ gerund หร&อ present participle ก0ได้�แลี่�ว้แต้�หน้��ทำ��

ทำ��ใช้� ถ้�� verb + ing น้'!น้ ทำ��หน้��ทำ��เป็�น้คำ��น้�ม คำ&อ คำ��น้�มน้'!น้ไม�ส�ม�รถ้จะกระทำ��กร%ย่�ได้�

หร&อคำ��น้�มน้'!น้เป็�น้กรรมของ บ/รพบทำ ‘for’ Verb + ing น้'!น้จะเป็�น้ gerund

ถ้��เป็�น้ Verb + ing น้'!น้ ทำ��หน้��ทำ��เป็�น้ adjective หร&อน้�มน้'!น้เป็�น้ผ��กระทำ��กร%ย่�น้'!น้ได้�

verb + ing น้'!น้ จะเป็�น้ present participle

a dancing room = a room for dancing (gerund)

a dancing girl = a girl who dances (participle)

a sleeping man = a man who is sleeping (participle)

a sleeping car = a car for sleeping (participle)

running water = water that runs (participle)

a sewing machine = a machine for sewing (gerund)

the smoking room = the room for smoking (gerund)

a singing bird = a bird that sings (participle)

a swimming pool = a pool for swimming (gerund)

a swimming fish = a fish that is swimming (participle)

a walking stick = a stick for walking (gerund)

the fading rose = the rose which is fading (participle)

a working tool = a tool for working (gerund)

a hard - working pupil = a pupil who is working hard (participle)

Entering the room in the middle of a party is sometimes an embarrassing experience.

(เป็�น้ gerund เพร�ะว้�� Entering is the subject of the main verb ‘is’)

Entering the house, she stumbled over the door mat. (เป็�น้ Present Participle เพร�ะ

ว้�� Participle Phrase which tells us what action was happening parallel to the action of the main verb



Page 17: Infinitive With to -Gerund

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of gerund, infinitive or present participle.

1. Don’t forget (lock) ………. all the doors before (go) ………. to bed.

2. I can’t understand her (behave) ………. like that.

3. It’s no use (wait) ………. .

4. She is looking forward to (see) ………. him.

5. The students like (play) ………. games but hate (do) ………. lessons.

6. I regret (inform) ………. you that your application has been refused.

7. (Lie) ………. on this beach is much more pleasant than (sit) ………. in the office.

8. I advise you (start) ………. (book) ………. for a flat at once.

9. My watch keeps (stop) ……. That’s because you keep (forget) …….. (wind) …... It.

10. Please go on (write) ………. . I don’t mind (wait) ………. .

11. Your windows need (clean) ………. . Would you like me (do) ………. them for you?

12. I suggest (telephone) ………. the hospital before (ask) ………. the police (look) ………. for


13. She postponed (make) ………. a decision till it was too late (do) ………. anything.

14. It is usually easier (learn) ………. a subject by (read) ………. books than by (listen) ……….

to lectures.

15. Try (forget) ………. it, it isn’t worth (worry) ………. about.

16. It’s much better (go) ………. to a hairdresser than (try) ………. (save) ………. time by (cut)

………. your own hair.

17. It’s no use (try) ………. (interrupt) ………. him. You’ll have (wait) ………. till he stops (talk)

………. .

Page 18: Infinitive With to -Gerund

18. Ask them (come) ………. in, don’t keep them (stand) ………. at the door.

19. It is easy (see) ………. animals on the road in daylight but at night it is difficult (avoid)

………. (hit) ………. them.

20. It is no good (write) ………. to them. The best thing (do) ………. is (go) ………. and (see)

………. Them.

21. I don’t know how (get) ………. to Jim’s house so I stop (ask) ………. the way.

22. I caught him (climb) ………. over my wall. I asked him (explain) ………. but he refused (say)

………. anything, so I had (let) ………. him (go) ………. .

23. She offered (lend) ………. me the money. I didn’t like (take) ………. it but I had no


24. There is no way of (get) ………. out of the building except by (climb) ………. down a rope

and Betty was too terrified (do) ………. this.

25. The enemy began (fire) ………. He felt bullets (strike) ………. the wall behind him.

แบบทำด้สอบช้/ด้ทำ�� 3

Circle the best answer.

1. You can’t see Suda now, she …………… a bath.

1) has had 2) is having 3) has 4) was having

2. There …………… the guest lecturer!

1) does come 2) comes 3) come 4) is coming

3. I ……………a cake when the light went out. I had to finish it in the dark.

1) was making 2) made 3) is making 4) had made

4. While I …..…, someone ……... my clothes and I had to walk home in my bathing dress.

Page 19: Infinitive With to -Gerund

1) swam ……. was stealing 2) was swimming …….. had stolen

3) swam ……. stole 4) was swimming …….. stole

5. He ……………for two weeks. He is trying to give it up.

1) didn’t smoke 2) hasn’t smoked

3) doesn’t smoke 4) hadn’t smoked

6. It’s about time they …………… tennis.

1) stop play 2) stopped playing

3) stop to play 4) will stop to play

7. Wait here until the principal ……………

1) come 2) will come 3) is coming 4) comes

8. How long is it since we …………… school ?

1) left 2) have left 3) shall leave 4) leave

9. I ……………young people should read more.

1) thought 2) think 3) have thought 4) am thought

10. “…………… to enter the University next year ?”

1) Will you 2) Are you going

3) Can you 4) Who will

11. My mother is busy ……………in the kitchen at present.

1) to cook 2) cooking 3) cooked 4) cook

12. I ……………Thai food when I came here.

1) never taste 2) have never tasted

3) had never tasted 4) will never taste

13. This is the first time I ……………New York.

1) saw 2) had seen 3) have seen 4) am seeing

14. Where ……………recently ?

1) are you 2) will you be

3) were you 4) have you been

15. So far , you …………… no mistakes on this exercise.

1) have made 2) made

3) are making 4) were making

16. I have lived in Lampang ……………

1) during four years 2) since four years

Page 20: Infinitive With to -Gerund

3) four years ago 4) for four years

17. “Would you mind ……………here ?”

“Not at all.”

1) me work 2) my work 3) me to work 4) my working

18. People used …………… fire by …………… two sticks together.

1) make , rubbing 2) to make , rubbing

3) to make , rub 4) to making , rubbing

19. I tried …………… them …………… to your proposal.

1) to persuade , to agree 2) persuading , to agree

3) to persuade , agree 4) persuading , agreeing

20. We …………… this room today because the window in the other room is broken.

1) use 2) used 3) using 4) are using

21. “Did you advise him …………… to the police ?”

“No, I didn’t like …………… any advice on such a difficult matter.”

1) going , to give 2) to go , to give

3) going , giving 4) to go , being given

22. It is pleasant ……….... by the fire at night and …………. the wind …….…. outside.

1) to sit , hear , blowing 2) sit , to hear , to blow

3) sitting , hearing , to blow 4) sitting , hear , blow

23. “Did you remember …………… the door ?”

“No, I didn’t. I’d better …………… back and …………… it now.”

1) to lock , going , doing 2) locking , go , do

3) to lock , go , do 4) locking , to go , do

24. After ……………the conditions I decided …………… for the competition.

1) to hear , not enter 2) hearing , not entering

3) heard , don’t enter 4) hearing , not to enter

25. “I used ………. a lot but I haven’t had a chance ………. any since ………. here.”

“I swim sometimes. Would you like ………. with me next time?”

1) to swim , doing , come , come

2) swimming , to do , coming , to come

3) to swim , to do , coming , to come

4) to swimming , doing , coming , coming

Page 21: Infinitive With to -Gerund

26. I’m very sorry for …………… late. It was good of you …………… for me.

1) to be , to have waited 2) being , to wait

3) been , to wait 4) being , waiting

27. I remember that restaurant ; we stopped there …………… on the way to Hadyai.

1) eaten 2) ate 3) eating 4) to eat

28. Please don’t forget …………… me your address.

1) send 2) to send 3) sending 4) sent

29. It’s no use …………… him, because he doesn’t know.

1) asking 2) to ask 3) ask 4) asked

30. Where can I get this …………… ?

1) to print 2) printing

3) printed 4) to be printed

31. I’m going to have him …………… me a suit.

1) make 2) made 3) making 4) to make

32. I have a bad tooth. I am going to the dentist’s to have it ……………

1) pulling out 2) pull out 3) is pulled out 4) pulled out

33. We have both read and …………… the new sentences.

1) write 2) wrote 3) writing 4) written

34. It is my habit to go …………… every Saturday morning.

1) to shop 2) shopping 3) shop 4) to shopping

35. My friend is so proud that I can’t make him …………… his mind.

1) to change 2) changing 3) change 4) changes

36. I told one of my students …………… me a glass of water.

1) go and bring 2) going and bringing

3) went and brought 4) to go and bring

37. He denied …………… anything about the missing jewels.

1) knowing 2) to known 3) know 4) be known

38. They felt the plane ……………for a while.

1) to shake 2) shaken 3) shake 4) shock

39. You certainly mustn’t miss ……………this wonderful film.

1) see 2) seeing 3) to see 4) saw

Page 22: Infinitive With to -Gerund

40. They promised …………… this work for me.

1) finished 2) to finishing 3) finish 4) to finish

41. We would appreciate …………… from you.

1) to hear 2) hearing 3) heard 4) hear

42. I shall get the boy …………… stamps for you.

1) buying 2) bought 3) to buy 4) buy

43. Practise …………… at least one or two hours every day.

1) write 2) written 3) writing 4) to write

44. I don’t feel like …………… to school this morning.

1) to go 2) go 3) going 4) having go

45. I heard him …………… the man …………… the dog.

1) telling ………. to stop hitting 2) telling ………. to stop to hit

3) to tell ………. to stop hitting 4) tell ………. stop hitting

46. This machine needs ……………

1) repaired 2) to be repair 3) repairing 4) to repair

47. He will explain the moment that he …………… home.

1) gets 2) got 3) will get 4) get

48. You must wake her! She …………… soundly for ten hours!

1) had slept 2) is sleeping

3) slept 4) has been sleeping

49. The principal ……………very busy for the last week.

1) is 2) was 3) has been 4) had been

50. There …………… ! We can start now.

1) comes he 2) he comes 3) has he come 4) he will be

51. By the time we got there, the first act ……………

1) began 2) had already begun

3) will have begun 4) would have begun

52. By the end of this year, I ……………this school for five years.

1) attended 2) had attended

3) shall attend 4) shall have been attending

53. Think carefully before …………… your answers on the sheet.

Page 23: Infinitive With to -Gerund

1) write 2) writing 3) being written 4) wrote

54. One hour should be enough for you …………… it.

1) finishing reading 2) to finish to read

3) finishing be reading 4) to finish reading

55. He’d rather …………… books than …………… to the music.

1) reading , listening 2) read , listen

3) read , to listen 4) to read , listen

56. A : “Where are all my children ?”

B : “ ……………”

1) Here you are ! 2) Here your children are !

3) There are they ! 4) There they are !

57. “Is Andy sick ?”

“Yes, …………… all those long hours exhausted him.”

1) he worked 2) he had worked

3) to work 4) working

58. “Why don’t they mind the busy traffic in Bangkok ?”

“Because they …………… it.”

1) are used to 2) are using 3) are used 4) used to

59. I still remember …………… when I was ten.

1) to go to Chiangmai 2) went to Chiangmai

3) that I go to Chiangmai 4) going to Chiangmai

60. Somsak , ……………, could answer all the questions.

1) very intelligence 2) to be very intelligent

3) being very intelligent 4) being very intelligence

61. I am looking forward to …………… your parents for the first time.

1) met 2) met 3) meet 4) meeting

62. We were pleased …………… that the work had been started.

1) to see 2) seeing 3) to be seen 4) for seeing

63. I’d rather not let you …………… my television set.

1) repairing 2) repaired 3) to repair 4) repair

Page 24: Infinitive With to -Gerund

64. My sister isn’t used to …………… her hair very short.

1) wear 2) be wearing

3) wearing 4) have been wearing

65. He won’t change his mind, so my …………… to see him would be useless.

1) go 2) have gone 3) going 4) to go

66. Do you mean …………… me …………… all day long ?

1) to keep , waited 2) keep , waiting

3) keeping , wait 4) to keep , waiting

67. …………… is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours whenever I’m free.

1) Fishing 2) The fish 3) The fishing 4) Fishery

68. …………… their teacher’s furious eyes, they found themselves trembling.

1) Meet 2) To meet 3) Met 4) Meeting

69. The monkey was holding a box …………… a glass when the keeper came in.

1) contained 2) containing 3) to contain 4) contain

70. I can’t imagine …………… married to Miss Havana.

1) her getting 2) his getting 3) him to get 4) her to get

71. …………… in this factory for thirty years, my father retired last year.

1) Having worked 2) Worked

3) Have worked 4) Having been worked

72. The director doesn’t allow …………… in the office.

1) to smoke 2) anyone smoking

3) smoking 4) the smoke

73. By the end of this week, the men …………… that beautiful house.

1) will have painting 2) will have painted

3) will have been painting 4) have painted

74. Formerly, he …………… for the ABC Company in New York.

1) is working 2) was working 3) worked 4) has worked

75. Listen ! I …………… someone …………… at the front door.

1) think ………. is knocking 2) thought ………. is knocking

3) thought ………. had knocked 4) think ………. Knocks

76. I’m getting tired. I …………… this car since 8.00 a.m.

1) am driving 2) had driven

Page 25: Infinitive With to -Gerund

3) drove 4) have been driving

77. Don’t call me at 2.30. I …………… job applicants at that time.

1) am interviewing 2) interview

3) will be interviewing 4) was interviewing

78. The idea came to me while I …………… to the office one day.

1) drove 2) drive 3) was driving 4) had driven

79. “I’m certainly behind on my reading.”

“Well, I …………… a book every week, but I don’t read any more now”

1) am reading 2) used to reading

3) read 4) used to read

80. “I’m so sorry I’m late.”

“You should be. I …………… for you in the rain for twenty minutes.”

1) had been waiting 2) waited

3) have been waiting 4) been waiting

81. “What were you doing before the accident happened?

“I …………… a picture for my brother.”

1) have painted 2) had been painting

3) have been painting 4) have been painted

82. He has never been the same person since he …………… that illness.

1) has had 2) had had 3) has 4) had

83. No one …………… from him since he left for America.

1) heard 2) had been 3) has heard 4) hears

84. We …………… each other for the past ten years.

1) knew 2) had known 3) have known 4) know

85. It …………… a long time since we last saw you.

1) is 2) has been 3) was 4) look

86. Street accidents …………… in Bangkok every day.

1) occurred 2) occurring

3) are occurred 4) occur

87. Good health …………… upon good food, exercise, and enough sleep.

1) depend 2) depends 3) is depended 4) depended

Page 26: Infinitive With to -Gerund

88. At this time tomorrow he …………… this book.

1) will have read 2) will be reading

3) has read 4) will read

89. Having visited Bangkok , ……………

1) Chiangmai was the next trip

2) the tourists have been to Chiangmai

3) the tourists went to Chiangmai

4) Chiangmai would be seen next

90. In the morning the buses …………… of people …………… to work and to school.

1) are full ………. are going 2) are full ………. going

3) full ………. to go 4) full ………. going

91. After turning the radio, ……………

1) no sound came out 2) the sound went out of order

3) he heard nothing 4) nobody heard any sound

92. The student, …………… his lesson thoroughly, was prepared for the exam.

1) to study 2) studying

3) studied 4) having studied

93. He bought a car ……………

1) has made in Japan 2) make in Japan

3) made in Japan 4) being made in Japan

94. …......… the proposed project for two whole months, the government finally gave approval.

1) Considering 2) Being considered

3) Having been considered 4) Having considered

95. He managed to make his importance …………… wherever he goes.

1) feel 2) to feel 3) felt 4) being felt

96. ………… with the answer from the management, the workers threatened to go on strike.

1) Disappointed 2) Disappointing

3) Being disappointing 4) Having disappointed

97. Lots of things in this shop are worth ……………

1) of buying 2) buying 3) to buy 4) for buy

98. The book …………… from the bookstore is about Japanese history.

Page 27: Infinitive With to -Gerund

1) bought 2) buying

3) was bought 4) has been bought

99. I can’t stand …………… the same word many times.

1) repeat 2) repeats 3) repeating 4) repeated

100. “Why didn’t he come to our party ?”

“I guess he wanted to avoid …………… his former girlfriend.”

1) being met 2) meeting 3) to meet 4) meet

101. “He is a good student.”

“I am not surprised. He does nothing but ……………”

1) study 2) studies 3) studying 4) to study

102. “Henry is very thoughtful to his mother.”

“Yes, he remembers …………… to her every week.”

1) he writes 2) to write 3) writing 4) written

103. “Have you finished …………… the book ?”

“No, not yet. I enjoy …………… it very much.”

1) to read ……. read 2) reading ……. to read

3) to read ……. reading 4) reading ……. reading

104. We went …………… at the pool last Saturday.

1) swim 2) swam 3) to swimming 4) swimming

105. “Do you think we should leave now ?”

“Yes, it’s wiser …………… before the traffic gets too heavy.”

1) than leaving 2) to leave 3) when leaving 4) leave

106. My friend …………… forty pages of this book by tomorrow noon.

1) will read 2) will be reading

3) will have read 4) has read

107. He …………… at the photo for ten minutes before he realized it was the wrong one.

1) looked 2) had been looking

3) have been looking 4) was looking

108. He …………… to school every day when he was young.

1) walked 2) walks 3) has walked 4) is walking

109. Students frequently …………… mistakes of tense usage when they do this exercise.

1) made 2) make 3) makes 4) are making

Page 28: Infinitive With to -Gerund

110. Since 1900 women’s fashions …………… a lot.

1) changed 2) has changed

3) have changed 4) are changing

111. My friend …………… “Rebecca” many times.

1) has read 2) is reading 3) read 4) reads

112. Please shut the windows. The rain …………… in now.

1) are coming 2) came

3) is coming 4) comes

113. Which is not correct ?

1) We saw them go out. 2) They were seen to go out.

3) We saw them going out. 4) They were seen go out.

114. They …………… the bridge for over a year and it still isn’t finished.

1) had built 2) have been building

3) built 4) were building

115. Wait until it …………… raining or you …………… wet.

1) stops ……. have not got 2) stops …….. will get

3) will stop …….. will get 4) will stop …….. are

116. She …………… letters all morning but I …………… to write any yet.

1) wrote ………. have not started

2) wrote ………. didn’t start

3) has been writing ………. have not started

4) has written ………. didn’t start

117. Question : “What do you do in your spare time ?”

Answer : “ ……………”

1) I read, collected stamps and playing badminton.

2) I read, collect stamps and play badminton.

3) I read, collect stamps and playing badminton.

4) I read, collecting stamps and playing badminton.

118. “Do you remember ……… us about their fascinating boat trip to Damnern Saduak?

1) they tell 2) them tell

3) their telling 4) them told

Page 29: Infinitive With to -Gerund

119. The Institute is committed to …………… the quality of life in Asia through teaching and

research in technology and through the promotion of human resourcefulness.

1) improve 2) improving

3) be improved 4) have improved

120. I warned him several times …………… me.

1) to stop annoying 2) to stop to annoy

3) stopped annoying 4) stopped to annoy

121. They would not let him …………… his car there.

1) to park 2) park

3) parking 4) parked

122. After being questioned, he was allowed …………… home.

1) to go 2) go 3) going 4) went

123. Don’t forget ………… the light before you go to bed.

1) to switch off 2) switching off

3) to switching off 4) switched off

124. Would you mind …………… me how …………… this word ?

1) to tell , pronounce 2) telling , pronounce

3) to tell , to pronounce 4) telling , to pronounce

125. Your handwriting is difficult to read.

You ought to have your letter ……………

1) to type 2) type 3) typed 4) typing


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of gerund, infinitive or present participle.

26. Don’t forget (lock) …to lock ... all the doors before (go) … going ... to bed.

27. I can’t understand her (behave) … behaving ... like that.

28. It’s no use (wait) … waiting ... .

29. She is looking forward to (see) … seeing … him.

30. The students like (play) … playing … games but hate (do) … doing …. lessons.

Page 30: Infinitive With to -Gerund

31. I regret (inform) … inform…. you that your application has been refused.

32. (Lie) .. Lying .. on this beach is much more pleasant than (sit) .. sitting.. in the office.

33. I advise you (start) …. (book).. to start booking / to book … for a flat at once.

34. My watch keeps (stop) … stopping … That’s because you keep (forget)….(wind) forgetting

to wind.. It.

35. Please go on (write) … writing … . I don’t mind (wait) … waiting … .

36. Your windows need (clean) … cleaning/ to be cleaned … . Would you like me (do) … to

do…. them for you?

37. I suggest (telephone) … telephoning … the hospital before (ask) … asking…. the police

(look) … to look …. for him.

38. She postponed (make) … making…. a decision till it was too late (do) … to do … anything.

39. It is usually easier (learn) … to learn … a subject by (read) … reading … books than by

(listen) … listening…. to lectures.

40. Try (forget) … to forget…. it, it isn’t worth (worry) … worrying…. about.

41. It’s much better (go) … to go … to a hairdresser than (try) .. try .. (save) .. to save.. time by

(cut) … cutting…. your own hair.

42. It’s no use (try) … (interrupt) … trying to interrupt … him. You’ll have (wait) … to

wait…. till he stops (talk) … talking … .

43. Ask them (come) .. to come .. in, don’t keep them (stand) .. standing .. at the door.

44. It is easy (see) … to see…. animals on the road in daylight but at night it is difficult (avoid)

……. (hit) … to avoid hitting…. them.

45. It is no good (write) … writing…. to them. The best thing (do) … to do …. is (go) … to

go …. and (see) … see…. Them.

46. I don’t know how (get) … to get .. to Jim’s house so I stop (ask) .. to ask .. the way.

47. I caught him (climb) .. climbing .. over my wall. I asked him (explain) .. to explain .. but he

refused (say) … to say .. anything, so I had (let) … to let .. him (go) … go … .

48. She offered (lend) … to lend…. me the money. I didn’t like (take) … taking…. it but I had no


49. There is no way of (get) … getting…. out of the building except by (climb) …

climbing…. down a rope and Betty was too terrified (do) … to do…. this.

50. The enemy began (fire) … to fire / firing …. He felt bullets (strike) … striking…. the wall

behind him.

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แบบทำด้สอบช้/ด้ทำ�� 3 Infinitive with to-gerund

Circle the best answer.

126. You can’t see Suda now, she …………… a bath.

1) has had 2) is having 3) has 4) was having

127. There …………… the guest lecturer!

1) does come 2) comes 3) come 4) is coming

128. I ……………a cake when the light went out. I had to finish it in the dark.

1) was making 2) made 3) is making 4) had made

129. While I …..…, someone ……... my clothes and I had to walk home in my bathing dress.

1) swam ……. was stealing 2) was swimming …….. had stolen

3) swam ……. stole 4) was swimming …….. stole

130. He ……………for two weeks. He is trying to give it up.

1) didn’t smoke 2) hasn’t smoked

3) doesn’t smoke 4) hadn’t smoked

131. It’s about time they …………… tennis.

1) stop play 2) stopped playing

3) stop to play 4) will stop to play

132. Wait here until the principal ……………

1) come 2) will come 3) is coming 4) comes

133. How long is it since we …………… school ?

1) left 2) have left 3) shall leave 4) leave

134. I ……………young people should read more.

1) thought 2) think 3) have thought 4) am thought

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135. “…………… to enter the University next year ?”

1) Will you 2) Are you going

3) Can you 4) Who will

136. My mother is busy ……………in the kitchen at present.

1) to cook 2) cooking 3) cooked 4) cook

137. I ……………Thai food when I came here.

1) never taste 2) have never tasted

3) had never tasted 4) will never taste

138. This is the first time I ……………New York.

1) saw 2) had seen 3) have seen 4) am seeing

139. Where ……………recently ?

1) are you 2) will you be

3) were you 4) have you been

140. So far , you …………… no mistakes on this exercise.

1) have made 2) made

3) are making 4) were making

141. I have lived in Lampang ……………

1) during four years 2) since four years

3) four years ago 4) for four years

142. “Would you mind ……………here ?”

“Not at all.”

1) me work 2) my work 3) me to work 4) my working

143. People used …………… fire by …………… two sticks together.

1) make , rubbing 2) to make , rubbing

3) to make , rub 4) to making , rubbing

144. I tried …………… them …………… to your proposal.

1) to persuade , to agree 2) persuading , to agree

3) to persuade , agree 4) persuading , agreeing

145. We …………… this room today because the window in the other room is broken.

1) use 2) used 3) using 4) are using

146. “Did you advise him …………… to the police ?”

“No, I didn’t like …………… any advice on such a difficult matter.”

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1) going , to give 2) to go , to give

3) going , giving 4) to go , being given

147. It is pleasant ……….... by the fire at night and …………. the wind …….…. outside.

1) to sit , hear , blowing 2) sit , to hear , to blow

3) sitting , hearing , to blow 4) sitting , hear , blow

148. “Did you remember …………… the door ?”

“No, I didn’t. I’d better …………… back and …………… it now.”

1) to lock , going , doing 2) locking , go , do

3) to lock , go , do 4) locking , to go , do

149. After ……………the conditions I decided …………… for the competition.

1) to hear , not enter 2) hearing , not entering

3) heard , don’t enter 4) hearing , not to enter

150. “I used ………. a lot but I haven’t had a chance ………. any since ………. here.”

“I swim sometimes. Would you like ………. with me next time?”

1) to swim , doing , come , come

2) swimming , to do , coming , to come

3) to swim , to do , coming , to come

4) to swimming , doing , coming , coming

151. I’m very sorry for …………… late. It was good of you …………… for me.

1) to be , to have waited 2) being , to wait

3) been , to wait 4) being , waiting

152. I remember that restaurant ; we stopped there …………… on the way to Hadyai.

1) eaten 2) ate 3) eating 4) to eat

153. Please don’t forget …………… me your address.

1) send 2) to send 3) sending 4) sent

154. It’s no use …………… him, because he doesn’t know.

1) asking 2) to ask 3) ask 4) asked

155. Where can I get this …………… ?

1) to print 2) printing

3) printed 4) to be printed

156. I’m going to have him …………… me a suit.

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1) make 2) made 3) making 4) to make

157. I have a bad tooth. I am going to the dentist’s to have it ……………

1) pulling out 2) pull out 3) is pulled out 4) pulled out

158. We have both read and …………… the new sentences.

1) write 2) wrote 3) writing 4) written

159. It is my habit to go …………… every Saturday morning.

1) to shop 2) shopping 3) shop 4) to shopping

160. My friend is so proud that I can’t make him …………… his mind.

1) to change 2) changing 3) change 4) changes

161. I told one of my students …………… me a glass of water.

1) go and bring 2) going and bringing

3) went and brought 4) to go and bring

162. He denied …………… anything about the missing jewels.

1) knowing 2) to known 3) know 4) be known

163. They felt the plane ……………for a while.

1) to shake 2) shaken 3) shake 4) shock

164. You certainly mustn’t miss ……………this wonderful film.

1) see 2) seeing 3) to see 4) saw

165. They promised …………… this work for me.

1) finished 2) to finishing 3) finish 4) to finish

166. We would appreciate …………… from you.

1) to hear 2) hearing 3) heard 4) hear

167. I shall get the boy …………… stamps for you.

1) buying 2) bought 3) to buy 4) buy

168. Practise …………… at least one or two hours every day.

1) write 2) written 3) writing 4) to write

169. I don’t feel like …………… to school this morning.

1) to go 2) go 3) going 4) having go

170. I heard him …………… the man …………… the dog.

1) telling ………. to stop hitting 2) telling ………. to stop to hit

3) to tell ………. to stop hitting 4) tell ………. stop hitting

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171. This machine needs ……………

1) repaired 2) to be repair 3) repairing 4) to repair

172. He will explain the moment that he …………… home.

1) gets 2) got 3) will get 4) get

173. You must wake her! She …………… soundly for ten hours!

1) had slept 2) is sleeping

3) slept 4) has been sleeping

174. The principal ……………very busy for the last week.

1) is 2) was 3) has been 4) had been

175. There …………… ! We can start now.

1) comes he 2) he comes 3) has he come 4) he will be

176. By the time we got there, the first act ……………

1) began 2) had already begun

3) will have begun 4) would have begun

177. By the end of this year, I ……………this school for five years.

1) attended 2) had attended

3) shall attend 4) shall have been attending

178. Think carefully before …………… your answers on the sheet.

1) write 2) writing 3) being written 4) wrote

179. One hour should be enough for you …………… it.

1) finishing reading 2) to finish to read

3) finishing be reading 4) to finish reading

180. He’d rather …………… books than …………… to the music.

1) reading , listening 2) read , listen

3) read , to listen 4) to read , listen

181. A : “Where are all my children ?”

B : “ ……………”

1) Here you are ! 2) Here your children are !

3) There are they ! 4) There they are !

182. “Is Andy sick ?”

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“Yes, …………… all those long hours exhausted him.”

1) he worked 2) he had worked

3) to work 4) working

183. “Why don’t they mind the busy traffic in Bangkok ?”

“Because they …………… it.”

1) are used to 2) are using 3) are used 4) used to

184. I still remember …………… when I was ten.

1) to go to Chiangmai 2) went to Chiangmai

3) that I go to Chiangmai 4) going to Chiangmai

185. Somsak , ……………, could answer all the questions.

1) very intelligence 2) to be very intelligent

3) being very intelligent 4) being very intelligence

186. I am looking forward to …………… your parents for the first time.

1) met 2) met 3) meet 4) meeting

187. We were pleased …………… that the work had been started.

1) to see 2) seeing 3) to be seen 4) for seeing

188. I’d rather not let you …………… my television set.

1) repairing 2) repaired 3) to repair 4) repair

189. My sister isn’t used to …………… her hair very short.

1) wear 2) be wearing

3) wearing 4) have been wearing

190. He won’t change his mind, so my …………… to see him would be useless.

1) go 2) have gone 3) going 4) to go

191. Do you mean …………… me …………… all day long ?

1) to keep , waited 2) keep , waiting

3) keeping , wait 4) to keep , waiting

192. …………… is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours whenever I’m free.

1) Fishing 2) The fish 3) The fishing 4) Fishery

193. …………… their teacher’s furious eyes, they found themselves trembling.

1) Meet 2) To meet 3) Met 4) Meeting

194. The monkey was holding a box …………… a glass when the keeper came in.

1) contained 2) containing 3) to contain 4) contain

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195. I can’t imagine …………… married to Miss Havana.

1) her getting 2) his getting 3) him to get 4) her to get

196. …………… in this factory for thirty years, my father retired last year.

1) Having worked 2) Worked

3) Have worked 4) Having been worked

197. The director doesn’t allow …………… in the office.

1) to smoke 2) anyone smoking

3) smoking 4) the smoke

198. By the end of this week, the men …………… that beautiful house.

1) will have painting 2) will have painted

3) will have been painting 4) have painted

199. Formerly, he …………… for the ABC Company in New York.

1) is working 2) was working 3) worked 4) has worked

200. Listen ! I …………… someone …………… at the front door.

1) think ………. is knocking 2) thought ………. is knocking

3) thought ………. had knocked 4) think ………. Knocks

201. I’m getting tired. I …………… this car since 8.00 a.m.

1) am driving 2) had driven

3) drove 4) have been driving

202. Don’t call me at 2.30. I …………… job applicants at that time.

1) am interviewing 2) interview

3) will be interviewing 4) was interviewing

203. The idea came to me while I …………… to the office one day.

1) drove 2) drive 3) was driving 4) had driven

204. “I’m certainly behind on my reading.”

“Well, I …………… a book every week, but I don’t read any more now”

1) am reading 2) used to reading

3) read 4) used to read

205. “I’m so sorry I’m late.”

“You should be. I …………… for you in the rain for twenty minutes.”

1) had been waiting 2) waited

3) have been waiting 4) been waiting

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206. “What were you doing before the accident happened?

“I …………… a picture for my brother.”

1) have painted 2) had been painting

3) have been painting 4) have been painted

207. He has never been the same person since he …………… that illness.

1) has had 2) had had 3) has 4) had

208. No one …………… from him since he left for America.

1) heard 2) had been 3) has heard 4) hears

209. We …………… each other for the past ten years.

1) knew 2) had known 3) have known 4) know

210. It …………… a long time since we last saw you.

1) is 2) has been 3) was 4) look

211. Street accidents …………… in Bangkok every day.

1) occurred 2) occurring

3) are occurred 4) occur

212. Good health …………… upon good food, exercise, and enough sleep.

1) depend 2) depends 3) is depended 4) depended

213. At this time tomorrow he …………… this book.

1) will have read 2) will be reading

3) has read 4) will read

214. Having visited Bangkok , ……………

1) Chiangmai was the next trip

2) the tourists have been to Chiangmai

3) the tourists went to Chiangmai

4) Chiangmai would be seen next

215. In the morning the buses …………… of people …………… to work and to school.

1) are full ………. are going 2) are full ………. going

3) full ………. to go 4) full ………. going

216. After turning the radio, ……………

1) no sound came out 2) the sound went out of order

3) he heard nothing 4) nobody heard any sound

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217. The student, …………… his lesson thoroughly, was prepared for the exam.

1) to study 2) studying

3) studied 4) having studied

218. He bought a car ……………

1) has made in Japan 2) make in Japan

3) made in Japan 4) being made in Japan

219. …......… the proposed project for two whole months, the government finally gave approval.

1) Considering 2) Being considered

3) Having been considered 4) Having considered

220. He managed to make his importance …………… wherever he goes.

1) feel 2) to feel 3) felt 4) being felt

221. ………… with the answer from the management, the workers threatened to go on strike.

1) Disappointed 2) Disappointing

3) Being disappointing 4) Having disappointed

222. Lots of things in this shop are worth ……………

1) of buying 2) buying 3) to buy 4) for buy

223. The book …………… from the bookstore is about Japanese history.

1) bought 2) buying

3) was bought 4) has been bought

224. I can’t stand …………… the same word many times.

1) repeat 2) repeats 3) repeating 4) repeated

225. “Why didn’t he come to our party ?”

“I guess he wanted to avoid …………… his former girlfriend.”

1) being met 2) meeting 3) to meet 4) meet

226. “He is a good student.”

“I am not surprised. He does nothing but ……………”

1) study 2) studies 3) studying 4) to study

227. “Henry is very thoughtful to his mother.”

“Yes, he remembers …………… to her every week.”

1) he writes 2) to write 3) writing 4) written

228. “Have you finished …………… the book ?”

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“No, not yet. I enjoy …………… it very much.”

1) to read ……. read 2) reading ……. to read

3) to read ……. reading 4) reading ……. reading

229. We went …………… at the pool last Saturday.

1) swim 2) swam 3) to swimming 4) swimming

230. “Do you think we should leave now ?”

“Yes, it’s wiser …………… before the traffic gets too heavy.”

1) than leaving 2) to leave 3) when leaving 4) leave

231. My friend …………… forty pages of this book by tomorrow noon.

1) will read 2) will be reading

3) will have read 4) has read

232. He …………… at the photo for ten minutes before he realized it was the wrong one.

1) looked 2) had been looking

3) have been looking 4) was looking

233. He …………… to school every day when he was young.

1) walked 2) walks 3) has walked 4) is walking

234. Students frequently …………… mistakes of tense usage when they do this exercise.

1) made 2) make 3) makes 4) are making

235. Since 1900 women’s fashions …………… a lot.

1) changed 2) has changed

3) have changed 4) are changing

236. My friend …………… “Rebecca” many times.

1) has read 2) is reading 3) read 4) reads

237. Please shut the windows. The rain …………… in now.

1) are coming 2) came

3) is coming 4) comes

238. Which is not correct ?

1) We saw them go out. 2) They were seen to go out.

3) We saw them going out. 4) They were seen go out.

239. They …………… the bridge for over a year and it still isn’t finished.

1) had built 2) have been building

3) built 4) were building

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240. Wait until it …………… raining or you …………… wet.

1) stops ……. have not got 2) stops …….. will get

3) will stop …….. will get 4) will stop …….. are

241. She …………… letters all morning but I …………… to write any yet.

1) wrote ………. have not started

2) wrote ………. didn’t start

3) has been writing ………. have not started

4) has written ………. didn’t start

242. Question : “What do you do in your spare time ?”

Answer : “ ……………”

1) I read, collected stamps and playing badminton.

2) I read, collect stamps and play badminton.

3) I read, collect stamps and playing badminton.

4) I read, collecting stamps and playing badminton.

243. “Do you remember ……… us about their fascinating boat trip to Damnern Saduak?

1) they tell 2) them tell

3) their telling 4) them told

244. The Institute is committed to …………… the quality of life in Asia through teaching and

research in technology and through the promotion of human resourcefulness.

1) improve 2) improving

3) be improved 4) have improved

245. I warned him several times …………… me.

1) to stop annoying 2) to stop to annoy

3) stopped annoying 4) stopped to annoy

246. They would not let him …………… his car there.

1) to park 2) park

3) parking 4) parked

247. After being questioned, he was allowed …………… home.

1) to go 2) go 3) going 4) went

248. Don’t forget ………… the light before you go to bed.

1) to switch off 2) switching off

3) to switching off 4) switched off

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249. Would you mind …………… me how …………… this word ?

1) to tell , pronounce 2) telling , pronounce

3) to tell , to pronounce 4) telling , to pronounce

250. Your handwriting is difficult to read.

You ought to have your letter ……………

1) to type 2) type 3) typed 4) typing