industrialization and urbanization in america


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Industrialization and Urbanization in America. Objectives. USH.2.1 Identify the factors necessary for industrialization USH.2.1 Describe economic developments that transformed the United States into a major industrial power. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Industrialization and Urbanization in America
Page 2: Industrialization and Urbanization in America

USH.2.1 Identify the factors necessary for industrialization

USH.2.1 Describe economic developments that transformed the United States into a major industrial power.

USH.2.2 Identify key ideas, movements, and inventions and explain their impact on rural communities and urban communities in the United States

USH 2.3-2.7; and many more

Page 3: Industrialization and Urbanization in America

The process of social and economic change that transforms a human group from a pre-industrial society into an industrial one.

Developed country means an industrialized country

Developing country means a traditional country; trying to change to an industrialized country

Fundamental changes: Daily lives are change: family, work, etc. Politics change

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“Gilded Age” 4 main changes/factors:

Technology Innovation Resources Organization

Not every American was happy with the change

Every aspect of American culture and politics were changed

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Moving from rural to urban Farm living to city living

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Social Darwinism: Herbert Spenser:

“survival of the fittest” Do not intervene with poverty

William Graham Sumner: Applied Social Darwinism Wrote: “What the Social Classes owe to

Each other” (1883) He says they owe nothing to each other

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Social Darwinism Andrew Carnegie:

Came from poor Scottish to America Wrote “Gospel of Wealth” Owned 2/3 of steel (named U.S. Steel) Gave $350 million away Built many libraries for children

Horatio Alger: Books on how to change from poverty to

rich successful people “From Farm Boy to Senator” “Ragged Dick”

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Andrew Carnegie

U.S. Steel

Company Owner

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Horatio Alger

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Protestant Work Ethic Hard working is morally good Wealth is morally good Poverty is morally wrong Everything determined by you

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Elisha Otis Safety Elevator (1852)

Alexander Graham Bell Telephone (1876)

Thomas Edison (1847-1931) Electricity-light bulb (1880)

Granville Woods African American inventor Steam Boiler Furnace (1884)

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Guglielmo Marconi Wireless telegraph (1896)

1850s: English Henry Bessemer Developed Bessemer Process:

Process of purifying iron, resulting in strong, but lightweight steel

America quickly adopts the process 1890-U.S. outproducing Great Britain

with steel manufacturing.

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Suspension Bridges created from the creation of steel

Brooklyn Bridge (1883 completed) 1st suspension bridge suspended by steel

cables Transportation innovations

George Westinghouse created air brakes for trains in 1869

Gustavus Swift developed refrigerated cars for carrying food on trains in 1887

1883-three transcontinental railroad lines were created

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Gilded Age Presidents Rutherford B. Hayes:

Put down a railroad strike in 1877 by killing 70 workers with the federal army

James Garfield July 2-shot in arm Sept.-died from infection Handed out many jobs

Chester Arthur Fair to both political parties

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Gilded Age Presidents Grover Cleveland

Vetoed almost everything that came across his desk

Benjamin Harrison Cheated the election Lost popular vote but won electorial vote-

2nd to occur Grover Cleveland

Only President to run two separate terms Blamed for the 1893 Depression Labor Party was his biggest supporter


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President Benjamin Harrison

William Henry

Harrison’s son

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Congress Created Veterans Benefits

1st time vets received benefits Given to only white and black union vets

Tariffs: Tax imports Protect American industry

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Meat packed with much harmful additives inside package

Upton Sinclair: The Jungle Spoke on meat packing Conditions of the work

Meat was dropped on the floor, sneezed on, coughed on, and still went through

Pg 220

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Urban places overcrowded Most families live with more than one

family in a tenements 1879: windows had to be in every room Trash was thrown out of the window in

the street Work 12, 14, or even 16 hrs. a day Apartments (tenements) had no plumbing

and no sewage Water shortage

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Factory work became a very popular way to earn money

Sweatshops are factories that are hot, dark, and dirty workhouses with workers working 12 hr shifts.

Factory work was very dangerous and locked in

No OSHA Workers were killed regularly Workers had very few breaks

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Knights of Labor founded 1869 by Uriah Stephens

Recruited African Americans regularly 1881: Terence V. Powderly became leader

of the Knights Said that everyone are welcome except

Chinese They oppose wage labor

American Federal of Labor (AFL) founded 1886 by Samuel Gompers

Only let skilled workers in They had strikes, but no political reforms

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Knights of Labor

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American Federal of Labor


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Push Factors: Religious persecution for Russians and

Eastern European Jews Wanted to have a new start Land reform and low prices forced many

farmers off their land in Mexico, Poland, and China

Pull Factors: Plentiful land offered Jobs needed Political Freedom

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East Coast: Ellis Island Before 1880: European immigrants that

could assimilate into American culture easily

Germans Scandinavians Irish

After 1880: European immigrants having a harder time assimilating mostly because they were poverty

Jews, Slaves (Polish, Bulgarians, etc), and Italians

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West Coast Angel Island All come after 1880

Chinese Mexicans Japanese Etc.

Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882-1943 told them no more Chinese come into America

Most of the Chinese workers worked on the transcontinental railroad

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European Immigrants: Irish were considered the European

Blacks Italians were lynched and killed

New Orleans (1891) Jews were never really liked by anyone

Leo Frank (1913)

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Asian Immigrants: Chinese were told by the Supreme Court

that they were not of the Caucasian race In re ah Yup 1876

Indians thought that they were of the right race and was told no

U.S. vs. Bhagat Singh Thind 1923 Japanese believed they were of the

Caucasian race and did not gain citizenship

Owaza vs. U.S. 1922

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Amusement Parks Outdoor activities Musical dramas Movie theaters Sports: Baseball, horse racing, bike

racing, boxing, football, etc.

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Rose out of a falling economy (deflation) Ex: corn falls 43% Wheat falls 50%

Farmers organize The Grange (1867) by Oliver H. Kelley

“Patron of Husbandry” Created by people who raise livestock

and agriculture

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Farmers organize Farmer's Alliances (1876) started in Texas

Active in 48 states when started Wanted to get the government to work

with them Populist Party (1892): “People's Party”

Wanted to build a new federal government from the ground up

Omaha Platform: adopted views in July 1892

Unlimited coinage of silver Graduated income tax Government ownership of railroad and

telegraph companies Bank regulations

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William McKinley vs. William Jennings Bryan

Populist party gave Bryan their support “Cross of Gold” speech

“You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify man upon a cross of gold.”

Bryan went all out on election: first tour of the nation as a presidential candidate, speak directly to people, and many other things.

William McKinley won election with 271 electoral votes while Bryan had only 176