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  • 8/10/2019 Industrial Data Communication


    Industrial Data


    Communication protocols

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    Serial Communication

    The concept of serial communication is simple. A serial port sends and receives data

    one bit at a time over one wire. While it takes eight times as long to transfer each byte

    of data this way, only a few wires are required.

    Three Modes of Communication

    Simplex Communication

    A simplex system is one that is designed for sending messages in one direction

    only. This is illustrated in figure 1. This is of limited interest in an industrial

    communications system as feedback from the instrument is essential to confirm

    the action requested has indeed occurred.
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    Half Duplex Communication

    Half duplex communications occurs when data flows in both directions; although

    in only one direction at a time. Half duplex communications (as discussed later)

    is provided by the RS-485 physical standard (to be discussed later) where only

    one station can transmit at a time. A protocol (which can be thought of as the

    pattern of bits and bytes) can be half duplex as well an example here is


    Full Duplex Communication

    In a full duplex system, the data can flow in both directions simultaneously.

    Examples of hardware standards supporting full duplex are the physical standard

    EIA-232E (sometimes referred to as RS-232C).
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    Serial versus Parallel communications

    Most computers are equipped with serial ports and a parallel port. Although these two

    types of ports are used for communicating with external devices, they work in different

    ways :

    Parallel ports

    A parallel port sends and receives data eight bits at a time over 8 separate wires. This

    allows data to be transferred very quickly. Parallel ports are typically used to connect a

    PC to a printer and are rarely used for much. The cable length cannot be very long,

    generally less than a few meters.

    Serial Ports

    A serial port sends and receives data one bit at a time over one wire. While it takes

    eight times as long to transfer each byte of data this way, only a few wires are required.

    In fact, two-way (full duplex) communications is possible with only three separate wires -

    one to send, one to receive, and a common signal ground wire. Cables for serial

    communications can be much longer than the parallel ones.

    RS232 Standard

    RS-232 was introduced in 1960, and is currently the most widely used communication

    protocol. It is simple, inexpensive to implement, and though relatively slow. Signals are

    processed by determining whether they are positive or negative when compared with a

    ground. Because signals traveling this single wire are vulnerable to degradation,

    RS-232 systems are recommended for communication over short distances (up to 50

    feet) and at relatively slow data rates, (up to 20 kbps). However, in practice, these limits

    can be exceeded. AnRS-232based system allows only two devices to communicate.

    Hardware Basics

    The electrical characteristics of the RS232C standard is contained in the EIA

    (Electronics Industry Association). The main ones are the following :

    A Space (logic 0) will be between +3 and +25 Volts.

    A Mark (Logic 1) will be between -3 and -25 Volts.

    The region between +3 and -3 volts is undefined.

    An open circuit voltage should never exceed 25 volts. (In Reference to GND)
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    A short circuit current should not exceed 500mA. The driver should be able to

    handle this without damage. (Take note of this one!)

    Connector Types

    Serial Ports come in two sizes, There are the D -Type 25 pin connector and the D-Type

    9 pin connector both of which are male on the back of the PC, thus you will require a

    female connector on your device.

    RS-232 Signal Descriptio ns

    TxD: Transmit Data--This wire is used for sending data.

    RxD: Receive Data--This line is used for receiving data.

    GND: Signal Ground--This pin is the same for DTE and DCE devices, and it provides

    the return path for both data and hand-shake signals.

    DTR: Data Terminal Ready--Used by a DTE to signal that it is plugged in and available

    to begin communication.

    DSR: Data Set Ready--Sister signal to DTR, it is used by the DCE to indicate it is ready

    to begin communication.

    CTS: Clear to Send--Used by DCE to signal it is available to send data, and used in

    response to a RTS request for data.

    RTS: Request to Send--Used by a DTE to indicate that it wants to send data. Also, in a

    multi-drop network, used to turn carrier on the modem on and off.

    DCD: Data Carrier Detect--Used by a DCE to indicate to the DTE that it has received a

    carrier signal from the modem and that real data is being transmitted.

    RI: Ring Indicator--Used by DCE modem to tell the DTE that the phone is ringing and

    that data will be forthcoming.

    The following table gives the pin outs of the different connectors, along with the signals

    involved on the serial communication port:
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    Pin 6 Pin 6 DSRData Set


    DSR (Data Set Ready) is the

    companion to DTR in the same

    way that CTS is to RTS.

    Pin 7 Pin 5 SGSignal


    Pin 8 Pin 1 CDCarrier


    A modem uses Carrier Detect to

    signal that it has made a

    connection with another modem,

    or has detected a carrier tone.

    Pin 20 Pin 4 DTRDataTerminal


    Its intended function is very

    similar to the RTS line. Some

    serial devices use DTR and DSR

    as signals to simply confirm thata device is connected and is

    turned on. The DTR and DSR

    lines were originally designed to

    provide an alternate method of

    hardware handshaking.

    Pin 22 Pin 9 RIRing


    A modem toggles the state of

    this line when an incoming call

    rings your phone.
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    DTE devices

    Communications servers


    Serial printers

    Computers with native RS-232-E serial ports

    DCE devicesModems and other communications equipment
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    Whether DTE or DCE

    Unfortunately, as more and more electronic computers and instruments outside the

    telephone industry began using RS-232, it became difficult to decide if the new gadget

    should be a DTE or DCE device since in reality both DTE and DCE devices transmit

    and receive data.

    Device Type Function DB251Pin No. DB92Pin No.

    DTE Transmit 2 3

    Receive 3 2

    Ground 7 5

    DCE Transmit 3 2

    Receive 2 3

    Ground 7 5
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    Common RS-232 cable wirings

    This document includes information how to make common wires for RS-232

    connections. Pinouts for standard 25 pin connection and de-facto 9 pin connector used

    in PCs are shown.

    Normal DTE-DCE connection

    These wirings can be used with normal Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) to Data

    Communications Equipment (DCE) connections. The wiring are standard way to do

    asynchronous DTE to DCE connection and they support hardware handshaking.

    DTE (25 pin) DCE (25 pin)

    TD 2 ------------------------> 2

    RD 3 4

    CTS 5 6

    DCD 8 ------------------------> 8

    DTR 20 ------------------------> 20

    SG 7 ------------------------- 7

    RI 22 2

    RD 2 4

    CTS 8 6

    DCD 1 ------------------------> 8

    DTR 4 ------------------------> 20

    SG 5 ------------------------- 7

    RI 9

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    Two-wire DTE-DCE wiring

    This wiring can be used between DTE and DCE where hardware handshaking is not


    DTE (25 pin) DCE (25 pin)TD 2 ------------------------> 2

    RD 3 2

    RD 2

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    Null modem cable

    This cable can be used when you must connect two DTE equipments like computers to

    each other directly without using any data communication equipment in between

    computers. This wiring supports hardware handshaking.

    DTE (25 pin) DTE (25 pin)

    TD 2 ---------\ /------------- 2

    RD 3 3

    RTS 4 ---------\ /------------- 4

    CTS 5 5

    DSR 6 6

    DCD 8 8

    DTR 20 ---------/ \------------- 20

    SG 7 ------------------------- 7

    DTE (25 pin) DTE (9 pin)

    TD 2 ---------\ /------------- 3

    RD 3 2

    RTS 4 ---------\ /------------- 7

    CTS 5 8

    DSR 6 6

    DCD 8 1

    DTR 20 ---------/ \------------- 4

    SG 7 ------------------------- 5
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    DTE (9 pin) DTE (9 pin)

    RD 2 ---------\ /------------- 2

    TD 3 3

    RTS 7 ---------\ /------------- 7

    CTS 8 8

    DSR 6 6

    DCD 1 1

    DTR 4 ---------/ \------------- 4

    SG 5 ------------------------- 5
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    Two-wire DTE-DTE connection

    This cable can be used when you must connect two DTE equipments like computers to

    each other directly without using any data communication equipment between

    computers. This wiring needs only two signal wires and ground between computers butdoes not support hardware handshaking.

    DTE (25 pin) DTE (25 pin)

    TD 2 ---------\ /------------- 2

    RD 3 3

    RTS 4 ----, ,----- 4

    CTS 5 5

    DSR 6 6

    DCD 8 8

    DTR 20 ----' '----- 20

    SG 7 ------------------------- 7

    DTE (25 pin) DTE (9 pin)

    TD 2 ---------\ /------------- 3

    RD 3 2

    RTS 4 ----, ,----- 7

    CTS 5 8

    DSR 6 6DCD 8 1

    DTR 20 ----' '----- 4

    SG 7 ------------------------- 5

    DTE (9 pin) DTE (9 pin)

    TD 3 ---------\ /------------- 3

    RD 2 2

    RTS 7 ----, ,----- 7

    CTS 8 8

    DSR 6 6

    DCD 1 1

    DTR 4 ----' '----- 4

    SG 5 ------------------------- 5
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    Balanced Transmission

    The RS-422 communication provides a mechanism by which serial data can be

    transmitted over great distances (to 4,000 feet) and at very high speeds (to 10 Mbps).

    This is accomplished by splitting each signal across two separate wires in opposite

    states, one inverted and one not inverted. The difference in voltage between the two

    lines is compared by the receiver to determine the logical state of the signal. This wire

    configuration, called differential data transmission or balanced transmission, is well

    suited to noisy environments.

    WithRS-232communication, which is unbalanced transmission and uses only one wire,

    signal degradation can take place if there is a difference in ground potential between the

    transmitting and receiving ends of the cable.

    With balanced transmission, this potential difference will affect both wires equally, and

    thus not effect their inverse relationship. Twisted pairs of wire, which ensure that neither

    line is permanently closer to a noise source than the other, are often used to best

    equalize influences on the two lines.

    Errors can be caused by high noise levels affecting one side of the receiver to a

    different extent than the other. To combat this, each receiver is generally grounded.

    Errors in balanced transmission systems such as RS-422 can also be caused by signal

    reflections. As data transfer speeds increase and travel over longer distances, the

    signal can be reflected back from the far end of the wire. To combat this, termination

    resistors are placed at the far end of the cable which make the cable appear electrically

    as if it is infinitely long--infinitely long lines don't have ends, and thus can't reflect from
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    one end to the other. These termination resistors will differ depending on the protocol

    used. For RS-422 a 100 ohm resistor is placed at the receiving device.

    With RS-422 a master can use one communication line to converse with up to 10

    slaves. With that many parties wanting to talk, a mechanism for controlling theconversation must be implemented. Rs-422 communication does not support


    RS-485 --The True Multidrop Network

    RS-485 is an upgraded version of the RS-422 protocol that was specifically designed to

    address the problem of communication between multiple devices on a single data line. It

    is a balanced transmission system that is virtually identical to RS-422 with the important

    addition of the ability to allow up to 32 devices to communicate using the same data

    line. Thus all 32 devices can directly communicate with each other, taking on the role of

    master and slave as needed. This is achieved with tristatable drivers, which are usually

    controlled by a programmable handshake line to ensure that only one device acts as a

    driver at any one time. Communication can be initiated from any point on the line. For

    RS-485, 60 ohm resistors are placed at the two furthest points of the communication

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    Comparison of specs. among RS232, RS422 & RS485

    RS-232 RS-422 RS-485

    Mode of Operation single ended differential differential

    Drivers per Line 1 1 32

    Receivers per Line 1 10 32

    Maximum Cable Length 50 feet 4000 feet 4000 feet

    Maximum Data Rate 20 kbps 10 Mbps 10 Mbps

    Driver Output Maximum Voltage 25V -0.25 to +6V -7 to +12V

    Driver Output Signal Level (loaded) 5V 2V 1.5V

    Driver Output Signal Level (unloaded) 15V 5V 5V

    Driver Load Impedance 3kto 7k 100k 54k

    Max. Driver Output Current (Power on) n/a n/a 100A

    Max. Driver Output Current (Power off) VMAX/300 100A 100A

    Receiver Input Voltage Range 15V -7V to +7V -7V to +12V

    Receiver Input Sensitivity 3V 200mV 200mV

    Receiver Input Resistance 3kto 7k 4k 12k
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    The synchronization problem

    Serial communication normally consists of transmitting binary data across an electrical

    or optical link such as RS232 or V.35. The data, being binary, is usually represented by

    two physical states. For example, +5v may represent 1 and -5v represent 0. The

    accurate decoding of the data at the remote end is dependent on the sender and

    receiver maintaining synchronization during decoding. The receiver must sample the

    signal in phase with the sender.

    If the sender and receiver were both supplied by exactly the same clock source, then

    transmission could take place forever with the assurance that signal sampling at the

    receiver was always in perfect synchronization with the transmitter. This is seldom the

    case, so in practice the receiver is periodically brought into synch. With the transmitter.It is left to the internal clocking accuracy of the transmitter and receiver to maintain

    sampling integrity between synchronization pulses.

    Asynchronous Vs Synchronous Communication

    Asynchronous communication

    There are two approaches possible in transmitting data over a communications link. The

    asynchronous approach is the more basic one used by EIA-232E which operates at a

    lower speed. The higher speed Local Area Networks running at 10 Mbit/s operate usingthe more efficient synchronous communications.

    An asynchronous system is one in which each character or byte is sent within a frame.

    The receiver does not start detection until it receives the first bit, known as the start bit.

    The start bit is in the opposite voltage state to the idle voltage and allows the receiver to

    synchronize to the bits following.

    In asynch. serial communication, the electrical interface is held in the mark position

    between characters. The start of transmission of a character is signaled by a drop in

    signal level to the space level. At this point, the receiver starts its clock. After one bit

    time (the start bit) come 8 bits of true data followed by one or more stop bits at the mark
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    level. The receiver tries to sample the signal in the middle of each bit time. The byte will

    be read correctly if the line is still in the intended state when the last stop bit is read.

    Thus the transmitter and receiver only have to have approximately the same clock

    rate. A little arithmetic will show that for a 10 bit sequence, the last bit will be interpreted

    correctly even if the sender and receiver clocks differ by as much as 5%.

    Asynch. is relatively simple, and therefore inexpensive. However, it has a high

    overhead, in that each byte carries at least two extra bits: a 25% loss of line bandwidth.

    A 56kbps line can only carry 5600 bytes/second asynchronously, in ideal conditions.

    Start Bit Signals the start of the frame

    Data Usually 7 or 8 bits of data, but can be 5 or 6

    Parity Bit Optional Error detection bit

    Stop bits Usually 1, 1.5 or 2 bits.
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    Synchronous Communication

    In synchronous communications, data is not sent in individual bytes, but as frames of

    large data blocks. Frame sizes vary from a few bytes through 1500 bytes for Ethernet or

    4096 bytes for most Frame Relay systems. The clock is embedded in the data streamencoding, or provided on separate clock lines such that the sender and receiver are

    always in synchronization during a frame transmission.

    A synchronous system uses a string of bits to synchronize the receiver before the data

    is detected. A typical synchronous system frame format is shown below in figure

    Preamble This comprises one or more bytes that allow the receiving unit to

    synchronies with the frame

    SFD The start of frame delimiter signals the beginning of the frame

    Destination The address to which the frame is sent

    Source The address from which the frame is sent

    Length Indicates the number of bytes in the data field

    Data The actual message

    FCS The Frame Check Sequence is for error detection

    What is Handshaking?

    The method used by RS-232 communication allows for a simple connection of three

    lines: Tx, Rx, and Ground. However, for the data to be transmitted, both sides have

    to be clocking the data at the same baud rate. Even though this method is sufficient

    for most applications, it is limited in being able to respond to problems such as the

    receiver getting overloaded. This is where serial handshaking can help.
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    Following are three most forms of handshaking with RS-232:

    Software Handshaking

    Hardware Handshaking

    Software Handshaking: This style uses actual data bytes as control characters. The

    lines necessary are still the simple three line set of Tx, Rx, and ground since the control

    characters are sent over the transmission line like regular data. The function SetXMode

    allows the user to enable or disable the use of two control characters, XON and XOFF.

    These characters are sent by the receiver of the data to pause the transmitter during


    Hardware Handshaking: The second method of handshaking is to use actual

    hardware lines. Like the Tx and Rx lines, the RTS/CTS and DTR/DSR lines work

    together with one being the output and the other the input. The first set of lines are RTS

    (Request to Send) and CTS (Clear to Send). When a receiver is ready for data, it will

    assert the RTS line indicating it is ready to receive data. This is then read by the sender

    at the CTS input, indicating it is clear to send the data. The next set of lines are DTR

    (Data Terminal Ready) and DSR (Data Set Ready). These lines are used mainly for

    modem communication. They allow the serial port and the modem to communicate their

    status. For example, when the modem is ready for data to be sent from the PC, it will

    assert the DTR line indicating that a connection has been made across the phone line.

    This is read in through the DSR line and the PC can begin to send data. The general

    rule of thumb is that the DTR/DSR lines are used to indicate that the system is ready for

    communication where the RTS/CTS lines are used for individual packets of data.
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    Serial Communication Protocol

    A protocol is an agreement between two parties about how the two parties should

    behave. A communication protocol is a protocol about how two parties should speak to

    each other. Serial communication protocols assume that bits are transmitted in series

    down a single channel. A serial protocolhas to address the following issues

    How does the receiver know when to start looking for information?

    When should the receiver look at the channel for the information bits?

    What is the bit order? (MSB or LSB first)

    How does the receiver know when the transmission is complete?

    Open systems Model

    In digital data communications, wiring together of two or more devices is one of the first

    steps in establishing a network. As well as this hardware requirement, software must

    also be addressed. The OSI reference Model consists of the following seven layers:

    Layer 1: Physical Layer

    Electrical and mechanical definition of the system

    Layer 2: Data Link Layer

    Framing and Error correction format of the data
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    Layer 3: Network Layer

    Optimum routing of messages from one network to another

    Layer 4: Transport Layer

    Channel for transfer of messages of one application process to another

    Layer 5: Session Layer

    Organization and synchronization of the data exchange

    Layer 6: Presentation Layer

    Data format or representation

    Layer 7 Application Layer

    File Transfer, message exchange

    The OSI Model provides an overall framework for the vendor in which to package their

    communications solutions comprising the hardware communications links and the


    In the world of instrumentation, this OSI model is often simplified to use only three

    layers:Layer 1: Physical Layer

    Layer 2: Data Link Layer

    Layer 3: Application Layer
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    Examples of how these layers are applied:

    RS-232 and RS-485 are examples of the Physical Layer

    The Modbus Protocol is an example of the Data Link Layer

    The HART smart instrumentation protocol comprises the Physical, Data Link and

    Application Layers. Foundation Fieldbus comprise the Physical, Data Link and

    Application Layers.
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    HART Protocol


    The HART protocol was originated by Rosemount in the late 1980's. HART is an

    acronym for "Highway Addressable Remote Transducer." The protocol was "open" for

    other companies to use and a User Group formed in 1990.

    In March of 1993, the group voted to create an independent, nonprofit organization to

    better support the HART Protocol. In July of that year, the HART Communication

    Foundation was established to provide worldwide support for application of the

    technology. The Foundation would own the HART technology, manage the protocol

    standards, and ensure that the technology is openly available for the benefit of the

    industry.The HART Protocol - An Overview

    HART- FSK Based

    The HART protocol uses 1200 baud Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) based on the Bell

    202 standard to superimpose digital information on the conventional 4 to 2OmA

    analogue signal at a low level on top of the 4-20mA as show in Figures. The HART

    protocol communicates at 1200 bps without interrupting the 4-20mA signal and allows a

    host application (master) to get two or more digital updates per second from a field

    device. As the average value of FSK signal is always Zero, 420 mA signal is not

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    Specification of the HART protocol is based largely on the OSI Seven Layer

    Communication Model (see Figure).

    The HART protocol specifications directly address 3 layers in the OSI model: the

    Physical, Data Link and Application Layers.
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    The Physical Layer

    The Physical Layer connects devices together and communicates a bit-stream from one

    device to another. It is concerned with the mechanical and electrical properties of the

    connection and the medium (the copper wire cable) connecting the devices.

    Data Link Layer

    While the Physical Layer transmits the bit stream, the Data Link Layer is responsible for

    reliably transferring that data across the channel. It organizes the raw bit stream into

    packets (framing), adds error detection codes to the data stream. The bit stream is

    organized into 8-bit bytes that are further grouped into messages. A HART transaction

    consists of a master command and a slave response

    The Application Layer

    It defines the commands, responses, data types and status reporting supported by the

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    Backward Compatibility

    Unlike other digital communication technologies, the HART Protocol provides a unique

    communication solution that is backward compatible with the installed base ofinstrumentation in use today. This backward compatibility ensures that investments in

    existing cabling and current control strategies will remain secure well into the future.

    Two Way Communication

    Designed to compliment traditional 4-20mA analog signaling, the HART Protocol

    supports two way digital communications for process measurement and control devices.

    and makes it possible for additional information beyond just the normal process

    variable to be communicated to/from a smart field instrument.

    Combination of Analog & Digital

    HART Field Communications Protocol extends this 4-20mA standard to enhance

    communication with smart field instruments. The HART protocol was designed

    specifically for use with intelligent measurement and control instruments, which

    traditionally communicate using 4-20mA analog signals. HART preserves the 4-20mA

    signal and enables two-way digital communications to occur without disturbing the

    integrity of the 4-20mA signal.


    HART is a master/slave protocol which means that a field (slave) device only speaks

    when spoken to by a master. The HART protocol can be used in various modes for

    communicating information to/from smart field instruments and central control or

    monitoring systems. HART provides for up to two masters (primary and secondary) as

    show in Figure 3.
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    This allows secondary masters such as handheld communicators to be used without

    interfering with communications to/from the primary master, i.e. control/monitoring

    system. The most commonly employed HART communication mode is master/slave

    communication of digital information simultaneous with transmission of the 4-20mA

    signal as shown in Figure 4.

    Network Configuration

    The HART protocol permits digital communication with field devices in either point-to-

    point or multidrop network configuration.

    Point to Point Configuration

    In point to point configuration only one slave is connected with Master

    Multidrop Network Configuration

    In this configuration Master is connected with several slaves (smart devices).

    Considerable installation savings are possible with the multidrop networking capability

    of HART, which allows multiple field devices to be connected to the same pair of wires.

    In multidrop applications, communication with field devices is restricted to digital only as

    the loop current is fixed at a minimum value and loses any meaning relative to the

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    Burst Mode

    Figure 5 highlights the optional "burst" communication mode where a single slave

    device can continuously broadcast a standard HART reply message. Higher update

    rates are possible with this optional digital communication mode and use is normally

    restricted to point-to-point topologies.

    The HART Command Set

    The HART Command Set is organized into following three groups and provides

    read/write access to the wealth of additional information available in smart field

    instruments employing this technology.Universal Commands: Must be implemented by all HART devices and provide

    interoperability across the large and growing base of products from different suppliers

    supporting the HART technology. Universal Commands provide access to information

    that is useful in normal plant operation such as the instrument manufacturer, model, tag,

    serial number, descriptor, range limits, and process variables.

    Common Practice Commands: Provide access to functions, which can be carried out

    by many devices though not all.

    Device Specific Commands: Provide access to functions, which may be unique to a

    particular device.
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    Figure 7 highlights the type of information that can be obtained from these devices.

    Device Description Language (DDL)

    Device Description Language (DDL), a recent enhancement to the HART technology,

    extends interoperability to a higher level than provided through the Universal and

    common Practice Commands. As reflected in Figure 8, DDL provides a field device

    (slave) product developer to create a complete description of their instrument and all

    relevant characteristics, such that it can talk to any host device using the language.Universal hand-held communicators capable of configuring any HART-based instrument

    through DDL are available today.
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    Digital Process VariableValues

    Primary Variable with engineering units

    Secondary Process Variables with engineering units

    Loop Current (milliamps) and percent range

    Status and Diagnostic Device malfunction

    Primary Variable out of limits

    Secondary Variable out of limits

    Loop Current fixed or saturated

    Configuration changed

    Loop test (force loop current)

    Device Identification Instrument tag and descriptor Manufacturer

    Device type and revision

    Final assembly number

    Sensor serial number

    Calibration Information Date

    Range units

    Upper and lower range values

    Upper and lower sensor limits

    Sensor min span




    Communication Signals
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    Data Information Data update rate:

    Requst/response mode23 updates per second

    Optional burst mode34 updates per second

    Data byte structure:

    1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 odd parity bit, 1 stop bit

    Data integrity:

    Two-dimensional error checking

    Status information in every reply message

    Simple Command


    Communication Masters Two communication masters

    Variables Up to 256 variables per device

    Wiring Topologies Point to point--simultaneous analog and digital

    Point to point--digital only

    Multidrop network--digital only (up to 15 devices)
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    Cable Lengths Maximum twisted-pair length--10,000 ft (3,048 m)

    Maximum multiple twisted-pair length--5,000 ft (1,524 m)

    Cable length depends on characteristics of individual

    products/cable; see specifications for detailed length


    Intrinsically Safe With appropriate barrier/isolator

    35-40 data items Standard in every HART device

    Device Status & Diagnostic Alerts Process Variables & Units

    Loop Current & % Range

    Basic Configuration Parameters

    Manufacturer & Device Tag

    Standard commands provide easy access

    Increases control system integrity

    Get early warning of device problems

    Use capability of multi-variable devices Automatically track and detect changes (mismatch) in Range or Engineering


    Validate PV and Loop Current values at control system against those from device

    Tested and Accepted global standard

    Supported by all major instrumentation manufacturers

    Install and commission devices in fraction of the time

    Enhanced communications and diagnostics reduce maintenance & downtime

    Low or no additional cost by many suppliers Improves Plant Operation and Product Quality

    Additional process variables and performance indicators

    Continuous device status for early detection of warnings and errors

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    The HART Server is a software application that provides a method for accessing the

    real time process and diagnostic information available in HART field instrumentation.

    HART capable instruments can be connected to the PC serial port through commonly

    available RS-232 interfaces. Using the HART Server significantly simplifies access to

    HART compatible field device data.
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    Field Level Networks


    Types of buses

    Sensor bus

    Device bus


    Using multiple buses


    What 's the r ight f ield- level bus for p rocess con trol?

    Digital field networks or buses typically connect sensors, actuators, and other I/O

    devices with a multi-drop wiring scheme.

    Because different network technologies have different capabilities, choosing the right

    bus (or buses) for your operation can help minimize project cost and maximize

    operational benefits. Making the wrong choice will, at best, cost you money and it

    can keep you from achieving the higher yield, better quality, and lower operating costs

    your plant is capable of.

    Types of Buses

    Field-level buses can be grouped in three categories, depending on the device type and

    Application for which they were designed:

    Sensor bus

    Device bus

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    Sensor buses are common in discrete manufacturing. They're used with proximity

    switches, pushbuttons, motor starters, and other simple devices where costs must be

    minimized and only a few bits of information need to be transmitted.

    Sensor buses are designed to handle these "bit-level" communications for simple,

    transaction based control and sensing, such as turning something on or off, or indicating

    an on-off state. These buses usually cover short to medium distances, using either 2 or

    4 wires. They typically are not intrinsically safe. Although designed for discrete

    manufacturing, some sensor buses are used in process plants.


    Device buses are designed to meet the needs of more-complex devices, often in

    fast-moving discrete operations requiring short, fast communications. Paper machines,packaging lines, and motor control centers often use this type of bus.

    With message capacities from several bytes to over 200 bytes, depending on the

    protocol, device buses can handle more information than sensor buses not only

    discrete "on" and "off" signals, but also periodic adjustments and some ancillary analog


    Device buses are usually 4-wire and not intrinsically safe. They can communicate athigh speed for short distances, and slower speeds for longer distances.

    Two examples of device buses DeviceNet and Profibus-DP were designed for

    discrete manufacturing but have been adapted for use in process plants.


    The third type of field network is the most appropriate for control and diagnostics in

    process operations. That's because fieldbuses provide highly reliable two-way

    communications between "smart" devices and systems in time-critical applications.

    They're optimized for messages containing several variables all sampled at the same

    time and the status of each variable.

    Fieldbuses can be a digital replacement for analog 4-20 mA communications in process
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    operations. Because requirements in these operations are different from those in

    discrete manufacturing, fieldbuses typically have slower transmission rates than device

    or sensor buses.

    Other differences include support for intrinsic safety and the ability to run on existing

    field instrument wiring. In the case of FOUNDATION fieldbus, the technology also

    includes standard and open function blocks that support distributed control in the field.

    Using Multiple Buses

    Many plants use multiple field-level networks, with different types of buses to meet

    different needs.

    That makes sense but the added complexity can increase implementation and

    maintenance costs unless you are using a system that works with different categories of

    buses without mapping or gateways.

    You can minimize those added costs by limiting the number of network types at each

    level of the plant hierarchy.
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    Understanding Ethernet


    Connecting to the business network

    Connecting automation subsystems

    FOUNDATION fieldbus HSE

    Ethernet as a fieldbus?

    Using multiple networks


    What's the role of Ethernet?

    Because it's widely used in office networking, Ethernet is familiar and inexpensive. But

    the plant floor isn't an office, and requirements for process automation aren't the same

    as for business applications.

    Even so, in the right applications and with the right extensions Ethernet can

    reduce costs and improve performance.

    Is today's Ethernet technology appropriate for process control?

    How is FOUNDATION fieldbus high-speed Ethernet different from standard Ethernet?

    Connecting to the business network

    Ethernet is the dominant business network technology worldwide, and it's standard

    practice for automation systems to provide Ethernet connectivity for business


    Connecting automation subsystems

    Most automation systems are a collection of subsystems including controllers,

    operator interfaces, and application processors. While some use a proprietary network

    to connect these subsystems, the increasingly common approach is to use Ethernet

    with proprietary extensions.

    The most common method used to carry data from other protocols is tunneling.
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    FOUNDATION fieldbus HSE

    The FOUNDATION fieldbus HSE (high-speed Ethernet) protocol uses Ethernet in an

    open, interoperable way. With support for redundancy and the FOUNDATION fieldbus

    User Layer, HSE has the attributes to become a standards-based automation system


    Ethernet as a fieldbus?

    Interest in using Ethernet to network field-level devices comes from the desire to

    combine high performance connectivity and low cost. For discrete manufacturing, this

    idea has merit. For process automation, the issue is more complex.

    Tough requirements.A process-automation fieldbus has requirements very different

    from those for an office-automation network, including

    Extreme environmental conditions

    Intrinsic safety

    Power and signal over the same wires (for two-wire devices)

    Compatibility with existing instrument wiring.

    Commercial, off-the-shelf Ethernet can't meet these requirements. Industrial Ethernet

    with environmentally hardened components, different memory requirements, and

    greater robustness comes closer.

    The down side. But the cost of adding those capabilities reduces the economic

    advantage of Ethernet. And industrial Ethernet doesn't provide intrinsic safety, power

    and signal over the same wires, or compatibility with standard instrument wiring.

    Ethernet as a fieldbus?

    Many plants use multiple networks, including Ethernet where appropriate. That's

    reasonable, because no one bus can meet all needs.

    But each added layer increases the number of tools, parts, and training as well as

    overall implementation and maintenance complexity. That's why there's a trend to

    simplify or flatten the overall hierarchy of networks in a plant.
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    For new plants or plant expansions, using the following four types of networks offers a

    realistic balance of simplicity and capability:

    FOUNDATION fieldbus for basic and advanced regulatory control and for

    discrete control associated with regulatory control

    One type of device or sensor bus for motor control and machine control

    An Ethernet-based automation-system backbone, such as FOUNDATION

    fieldbus HSE

    A switch or gateway to the Ethernet business network
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    Introduction to FOUNDATION fieldbus


    What is FOUNDATION fieldbus?

    The digital bus advantage

    An established standard


    Safe and effective process control


    Why sho uld I care about FOUNDATION fieldbu s?

    The fact is, it can. It offers distinct advantages over traditional analog and discrete

    wiring or even other digital buses at lower total installed cost and lower ongoing


    FOUNDATION fieldbus can deliver these benefits because it's different from


    communication technologies. That doesn't mean it's harder to learn or to use just


    How can FOUNDATION fieldbus carry more information than 4-20 mA wiring?

    Who controls FOUNDATION fieldbus technology?

    For what kind of application was FOUNDATION fieldbus originally designed?

    What is FOUNDATION Fieldbus

    FOUNDATION fieldbus is an all-digital, serial, two-way communications system that

    serves as the base-level network in a plant or factory automation environment.
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    It's ideal for applications using basic and advanced regulatory control, and for much of

    the discrete control associated with those functions.

    Two related implementations of FOUNDATION fieldbus have been introduced to meet

    different needs within the process automation environment. These two implementations

    use different physical media and communication speeds.

    H1 works at 31.25 Kbit/sec and generally connects to field devices. It provides

    communication and power over standard twisted-pair wiring. H1 is currently the most

    common implementation.

    HSE (High-speed Ethernet) works at 100 Mbit/sec and generally connects input/output

    subsystems, host systems, linking devices, gateways, and field devices using standard

    Ethernet cabling. It doesn't currently provide power over the cable, although work is

    under way to address this.

    The digital bus advantage

    Conventional analog and discrete field instruments use point-to-point wiring: one wire

    pair per device. They're also limited to carrying only one piece of information -- usually a

    process variable or control output -- over those wires.

    As a digital bus, FOUNDATION fieldbus doesn't have those limitations.
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    Multidrop wiring. FOUNDATION fieldbus will support up to 32 devices on a single pair

    of wires (called a segment) -- more if repeaters are used. In actual practice,

    considerations such as power, process modularity, and loop execution speed make 4 to

    16 devices per H1 segment more typical.

    That means if you have 1000 devices -- which would require 1000 wire pairs with

    traditional technology -- you only need 60 to 250 wire pairs with FOUNDATION fieldbus.

    That's a lot of savings in wiring (and wiring installation).

    Multivariable instruments. That same wire pair can handle multiple variables from one

    field device. For example, one temperature transmitter might communicate inputs from

    as many as eight sensors -- reducing both wiring and instrument costs.

    Two-way communication. In addition, the information flow can now be two-way. A

    valve controller can accept a control output from a host system or other source and

    send back the actual valve position for more precise control. In an analog world, that

    would take another pair of wires.

    New types of information. Traditional analog and discrete devices have no way to tell

    you if they're operating correctly, or if the process information they're sending is valid.

    As a consequence, technicians spend a lot of time verifying device operation.

    But FOUNDATION fieldbus devices can tell you if they're operatingcorrectly, and if the information they're sending is good, bad, or uncertain. Thiseliminates the need for most routine checks -- and helps you detect failureconditions before they cause a major process problem.

    Control in the field. FOUNDATION fieldbus also offers the option of executing some or

    all control algorithms in field devices rather than a central host system. Depending on

    the application, control in the field may provide lower costs and better performance --

    while enabling automatic control to continue even if there's a host-related failure.

    An established standard

    FOUNDATION fieldbus is covered by standards from three major organizations:
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    ANSI/ISA 50.02

    IEC 61158

    CENELEC EN50170:1996/A1

    The technology is managed by the independent, not-for-profit Fieldbus Foundation,

    whose 150+ member companies include users as well as all major process automation

    suppliers around the globe.

    Safe and efficient process control

    Some communication protocols that were originally designed for factory or office

    automation are proving useful in specific applications in process plants. But none of

    these protocols was designed with the full requirements of process control in mind. As a

    result, they are less-than optimum choices for providing safe and effective process


    FOUNDATION fieldbus H1, on the other hand, was developed specifically to meet the

    needs of the process industry.

    It can withstand the harsh and hazardous environment of process plants.

    It delivers power and communications over the same pair of wires.

    It can use existing plant wiring.

    It supports intrinsic safety.

    In short, it's designed to operate where your process does.

    Control you can count on. FOUNDATION fieldbus also provides deterministic process

    control. If fieldbus devices lose their connection to the host system, they are capable of

    maintaining safe and effective control across the bus.
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    Fieldbus communications


    The communications model

    Physical layer

    Data link and application layers

    User layer

    Scheduled communications

    Unscheduled communications

    Parameter status

    Application clock

    Link active scheduler

    Device address assignment

    Find tag service


    How d oes data get wh ere it 's needed -- when i t 's n eeded?

    One of the most important aspects of FOUNDATION fieldbus is its ability to collect and

    deliver vast amounts of information -- not only process variables and control signals, but

    other types of instrument and process data as well.

    It does this consistently and reliably, while also providing interoperability between

    devices from different manufacturers -- and compatibility with existing wiring. This

    course describes key

    The communications model

    The FOUNDATION fieldbus communications model has three parts:

    The physical layer

    The data link and application layers

    The user layer

    Physical layer
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    The first functional layer of the FOUNDATION fieldbus communications model is the

    physical layer, which deals with translating messages into physical signals on the wire --

    and vice versa.

    The physical layer also provides the common electrical interface for all FOUNDATION

    fieldbus devices. FOUNDATION fieldbus H1 segments require 9-32 volts DC power and

    approximately 15-20 mA of current per device. They operate at a communication speed

    of 31.25 kbaud.

    The FOUNDATION fieldbus physical layer is defined by approved standards (IEC 1158-

    2 and ANSI/ISA 50.02, part 2). It can run on existing field wiring over long distances,

    supports two-wire devices, and offers intrinsic safety as an option. In short, it's an ideal

    match for a typical process-automation environment.

    Data link and application layers

    The second part of the communication model combines several technologies that

    together control transmission of data on the fieldbus. The data link and applications

    layers provide a standard way of "packaging" the data, as well as managing the

    schedule for communication and function-block execution.

    User layer

    The user layer sits on top of the communications stack, where it enables you to interact

    with the other layers and with other applications.

    The user layer contains resource blocks, transducer blocks, and function blocks that

    describe -- and execute -- device capabilities such as control and diagnostics. Device

    descriptions enable the host system to interact with and understand these blocks

    without custom programming.
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    Scheduled communications

    All devices and function blocks on a FOUNDATION fieldbus segment execute and

    communicate process control information on a regular, repeating cycle.

    Timing for this type of communication is determined by a master schedule in a Link

    Active Scheduler, which is a function residing in the host system. These

    communications are also deterministic. This means that they always occur on a

    predetermined schedule, so information is certain to be broadcast (and received)

    precisely when it's needed.

    The result is regular and precision execution of communication and control, which helps

    reduce process variability. For fast or time-critical control loops, control on

    FOUNDATION fieldbus can improve plant performance.

    Unscheduled communications

    FOUNDATION fieldbus supports a great deal of information beyond process loop

    control data.

    These other types of information include

    Configuration information sent to devices or a central database

    Alarm, event, and trend data

    Information for operator displays

    Diagnostic and status information.

    This information is important, but not as time-critical as loop control information.

    Flexible timing. FOUNDATION fieldbus gives this information a lower priority on the

    segment than scheduled control-loop-related communications. However, a certain

    amount of time in the communication cycle is reserved for these unscheduled (or

    "acyclic") communications to ensure that the segment is not too loaded to carry the

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    Application clock

    Every device on a FOUNDATION fieldbus segment shares the same time.

    A system management function called the application clock periodically broadcasts

    the time -- either local time or Universal Coordinated Time -- to all devices. Each device

    uses an internal clock to keep time between these synchronization broadcasts.

    Alarms and events are time-stamped at the device where they occur, when they occur

    not later when they're received by a historian, alarm log, or other application on a host


    Because of this approach, FOUNDATION fieldbus provides superior time resolution and

    accuracy for activities such as sequence-of-events recording and analysis.

    Device address assignment

    As a digital, multidrop bus, FOUNDATION fieldbus carries signals to and from several

    devices over the same cable. To identify which information is associated with which

    device, each device is assigned an address.

    Depending on the communication protocol, addresses can be assigned in several ways,

    from dip switches or off-line addressing to automatic online assignment.

    Methods such as using dip switches or offline addressing carry the risk of human errors,

    such as inadvertently assigning an address to more than one device. These addressing

    errors can cause communication problems, or in extreme cases prevent the bus from

    working. That's why FOUNDATION fieldbus doesn't allow these methods of address

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    The MODBUS Protocol is an asynchronous protocol designed to connect directly to

    computer communication ports. The protocol may be used either in a point-to-point or in

    a multi-drop configuration. The protocol can be used in either half or full-duplex


    Protocol overview

    Master-Slave protocol

    This protocol takes place at level 2 of the OSI model.

    A master-slave type system has one node (the master node) that issues explicit

    commands to one of the "slave" nodes and processes responses. Slave nodes will not

    typically transmit data without a request from the master node, and do not communicate

    with other slaves.

    Layers of Modbus

    At the physical level, MODBUS over Serial Line systems may use different physical

    interfaces (RS485, RS232). TIA/EIA-485 (RS485) Two-Wire interface is the most

    common. As an add-on option, RS485 Four-Wire interface may also be implemented. A

    TIA/EIA-232- E (RS232) serial interface may also be used as an interface, when only

    short point to point communication is required.

    The following figure gives a general representation of MODBUS serial communication

    stack compared to the 7 layers of the OSI model.
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    MODBUS Data Link LayerMODBUS Master / Slaves protocol principle

    The MODBUS Serial Line protocol is a Master-Slaves protocol. Only one master (at the

    same time) is connected to the bus, and one or several (247 maximum number) slaves

    nodes are also connected to the same serial bus. A MODBUS communication is always

    initiated by the master. The slave nodes will never transmit data without receiving a

    request from the master node. The slave nodes

    will never communicate with each other. The master node initiates only one MODBUS

    transaction at the same time.

    The master node issues a MODBUS request to the slave nodes in two modes :

    Unicast Mode

    Broadcast Mode

    Unicast Mode

    In this mode, the master addresses an individual slave. After receiving and processing

    the request, the slave returns a message (a 'reply') to the master.

    In that mode, a MODBUS transaction consists of 2 messages : a request from the

    master, and a reply from the slave. Each slave must have a unique address (from 1 to

    247) so that it can be addressed independently from other nodes.

    Broadcast Mode

    In this mode, the master can send a request to all slaves. No response is returned to

    broadcast requests sent by the master. The broadcast requests are necessarily writing

    commands. All devices must accept the broadcast for writing function. The address 0 is

    reserved to identify a broadcast exchange.
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    MODBUS Addressing rules

    The MODBUS addressing space comprises 256 different addresses.

    The Address 0 is reserved as the broadcast address. All slave nodes must recognize

    the broadcast address.

    The MODBUS Master node has no specific address, only the slave nodes must have an

    address. This address must be unique on a MODBUS serial bus.
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    MODBUS frame description

    The MODBUS application protocol [1] defines a simple Protocol Data Unit (PDU)

    independent of the underlying communication layers:

    The mapping of MODBUS protocol on a specific bus or network introduces some

    additional fields on the Protocol Data Unit. The client that initiates a MODBUS

    transaction builds the MODBUS PDU, and then adds fields in order to build the

    appropriate communication PDU.

    On MODBUS Serial Line, the Address field only contains the slave address.

    As described in the previous section the valid slave nodes addresses are in the range of

    0247 decimal. The individual slave devices are assigned addresses in the range of 1

    247. A master addresses a slave by placing the slave address in the address field of

    the message. When the slave returns its response, it places its own address in the

    response address field to let the master know which slave is responding.

    The function code indicates to the server what kind of action to perform. The function

    code can be followed by a data field that contains request and response parameters.

    Error checking field is the result of a "Redundancy Checking" calculation that is

    performed on the message contents.
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    2.4.1 Master State diagram

    The following drawing explains the Master behavior :

    Some explanations about the state diagram above :

    State "Idle"= no pending request. This is the initial state after power-up. A request can

    only be sent in "Idle" state. After sending a request, the Master leaves the "Idle" state,

    and cannot send a second request at the same time

    When a unicast request is sent to a slave, the master goes into "Waiting for reply"

    state, and a Response Time-out is started.

    When a reply is received, the Master checks the reply before starting the data

    processing. The checking may result in an error, for example a reply from an

    unexpected slave, or an error in the received frame. In case of an error detected on the

    frame, a retry may be performed.The maximum number of retries depends on the

    master set-up.

    When a broadcast requestis sent on the serial bus, no response is returned from theslaves. Nevertheless a delay is respected by the Master in order to allow any slave to

    process the current request before sending a new one. This delay is called "Turnaround

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    In unicast the Response time out must be set long enough for any slave to process the

    request and return the response, in broadcast the Turnaround delay must be long

    enough for any slave to process only the request and be able to receive a new one.

    2.4.2 Slave State Diagram

    The following drawing explains the Slave behavior :

    Some explanations about the above state diagram :

    State "Idle" = no pending request. This is the initial state after power-up.

    When a request is received, the slave checks the packet before performing the action

    requested in the packet. Different errors may occur: format error in the request, invalid

    action, In case of error, a reply must be sent to the master.

    Once the required action has been completed, a unicast message requires that a reply

    must be formatted and sent to the master.

    If the slave detects an error in the received frame, no response is returned to the

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    Serial Transmission Modes

    Two different serial transmission modes are defined.

    The RTU mode

    The ASCII mode.

    It defines the bit contents of message fields transmitted serially on the line. It

    determines how information is packed into the message fields and decoded.

    RTU Transmission Mode

    When devices communicate on a MODBUS serial line using the RTU (Remote Terminal

    Unit) mode, each 8bit byte in a message contains two 4bit hexadecimal characters.

    Each message must be transmitted in a continuous stream of characters.

    The format for each byte ( 11 bits ) in RTU mode is :

    Coding System: 8bit binary

    Bits per Byte: 1 start bit

    8 data bits, least significant bit sent first

    1 bit for parity completion

    1 stop bit

    How Characters are Transmitted Serially :

    Each character or byte is sent in this order (left to right):

    Least Significant Bit (LSB) . . . Most Significant Bit (MSB)

    Devices may accept by configuration either Even, Odd, or No Parity checking. If No

    Parity is implemented, an additional stop bit is transmitted to fill out the character frame

    to a full 11-bit asynchronous character :
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    Frame description :

    MODBUS Message RTU Framing

    A MODBUS message is placed by the transmitting device into a frame that has a known

    beginning and ending point. This allows devices that receive a new frame to begin at

    the start of the message, and to know when the message is completed. Partial

    messages must be detected and errors must be set as a result.

    In RTU mode, message frames are separated by a silent interval of at least 3.5

    character times. In the following sections, this time

    interval is called t3,5.
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    The entire message frame must be transmitted as a continuous stream of characters. If

    a silent interval of more than 1.5 character times occurs between two characters, the

    message frame is declared incomplete and

    should be discarded by the receiver.

    MODBUS ASCII modeWhen controllers are setup to communicate on a Modbus network using ASCII

    (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) mode, each 8bit byte in amessage is sent as two ASCII characters. The main advantage of this mode is that itallows time intervals of up to one second to occur between characters

    without causing an error.

    This mode is used when capabilities of the device does not allow the onformance with

    RTU mode requirements regarding timers management.

    This mode is less efficient than RTU since each byte needs two characters.

    The format for each byte in ASCII mode is:

    Coding System: Hexadecimal, ASCII characters 09, AF

    One hexadecimal character contained in each ASCII character of the message.

    Bits per Byte: 1 start bit

    7 data bits, least significant bit sent first

    1 bit for even/odd parity; no bit for no parity

    1 stop bit if parity is used; 2 bits if no parity

    Error Check Field:Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC)

    Example : The byte 0X5B is encoded as two characters : 0x35 and 0x42

    (0x35 ="5", and 0x42 ="B" in ASCII ).
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    Implementation Classes

    Each device on a MODBUS Serial Line must respect all the mandatoryrequirements of

    a same implementation class.

    The following parameters are used to classify the MODBUS Serial Line devices :



    Transmission mode

    Baud rate

    Character format

    Electrical interface parameter

    Two implementation classes are proposed, the Basic and the Regular classes.

    The regular class must provide configuration capabilities.
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    Operational Description

    The UHF Telemetry Radio Modem is typically a full duplex 9600 bits per second device,

    which converts digital data into an analogue form suitable for transmission over a radio

    channel. It uses specially filtered direct binary frequency modulation techniques to

    achieve this. It conversely, converts the analogue signal derived from a radio channel

    into a digital data signal.

    The heart of the unit is the modem. This performs all waveform shaping, clock recovery,

    and framing and CRC error generation and checking. These functions are performed

    simultaneously, allowing full duplex operation at up to 9600bps. The user is provided

    with two RS232 compatible ports, which may each be configured with a standard

    interface or protocol drivers. The unit may also be configured for repeater operation. It

    may be configured to use RS232 handshake lines, or XON/XOFF flow control on Port.

    The host user port may be configured for baud rates of 300 to 19K2, with 7 or 8 bit

    character size, 1 or 2 stop bits, and parity off/odd/even.

    Configuration of the modem is fully programmable, with parameters held in non-volatile

    memory. All configuration parameters are accessible with the proprietary Installation


    Following are some of configuration parameters.

    o XON/XOFF or RTS/CTS/DTR/DCD handshake mode.

    o Default transmitter lead in delay.

    o Constant specifying minimum RF RSSI for valid receive.

    o Constant specifying minimum Tx power level.

    o Asynchronous serial port parameters.

    o User interface operating mode :

    o User port interface protocol
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    Rx frequency range : 923MHz to 933MHz (see note 1)

    Tx frequency range : 847MHz to 857MHz (see note 2)

    Channel spacing : 25kHz

    Frequency stability : 1 ppm (-100C to 650C amb), [opt -300C to 700C],


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    The unit can be divided into following section.

    Radio section

    Antenna diplexer section.

    Modem section

    Radio Section

    The radio section is built on a single PCB. This section consists of the following main

    blocks :

    o Receiver.

    o Transmitter.

    o Frequency control.


    The diplexer couples both the transmit and receive RF paths to the antenna while

    providing high isolation between them.


    The modem section is a single PCB having following main blocks:

    o Modem along with control circuitary

    o Reset and watchdog.

    o Memory (RAM & EPROM)

    o Host interface.

    o Radio interface.

    o Transmit signal conditioning.

    o Receive signal conditioning.
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    Communication Techniques adopted by SCADA

    Polling method

    Report by exception method


    Polling communication, where a Master (normally a PLC or PC) polls the Slaves

    (normally RTUs).

    Report by exception

    Report By Exception, where packets are sent whenever:

    i) If there is a change in the STATUS of the RTU.

    ii) After a user specified time out, even if there are no changes in these register


    Main Units of SCADA

    Master Unit


    HMI Software

    Master UnitNormally a PLC or PC is used as Master Unit of SCADA which polls RTUs & sends the

    status of I/Os of RTUs to HMI Software for monitoring purpose.
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    Typical RTU Main functions














    TO BUS







    COMM11200Bd FSK



















    Main components of RTU




    Address Decoder

    Watch Dog Ckt.

    FSK Modem

    Addressing Modes

    Configuration & address Switches

    Power Supply


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    Opto couplers

    A/D Convertor (ADC)

    D/A Convertor

    Analog Inputs

    Analog Outputs

    Digital Inputs

    Digital Outputs

    Serial Ports

    Serial Input/Output bus

    Analogue-to-digital converter (ADC)

    The analogue signal is sampled(i.e. measured at regularly spaced instants) (Figure )

    and then quantised(i.e. converted to discrete numeric values) (Figure ). The greater

    the number of quantisation levels, the lesser the quantisation error. The converse

    operation to the ADC is performed by a digital-to-analogue converter (DAC).

    Figure: Periodic sampling of an analogue signal
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    Figure: Quantisation of a sampled signal

    The ADC process is governed by an important law. The Nyquist-Shannon Theorem

    states that an analogue signal of bandwidth B can be completely recreated from its

    sampled form provided it is sampled at a rate s equal to at least twice its bandwidth.That is:

    The rate at which an ADC generates bits depends on how many bits are used in the

    converter. For example, a speech signal has an approximate bandwidth of 4KHz. If this

    is sampled by an 8-bit ADC at the Nyquist sampling rate, the bit rate Ris:

    RTU Registers/Boards

    Physical I/Os Registers/Boards

    Global Communication Registers/Boards

    HMI SCADA Software

    HMI SCADA Software provides a user interface to monitor & control I/Os of RTUs.

    Normally Master Unit of SCADA which polls slaves (RTUs) acts as a Modbus Slave &

    HMI Software as Modbus Server.
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    Upgradation Details of SCADA System of Dhodak

    R T U 1

    R T U 8

    R a d io M o d e m M T U

    P T U 1

    P T U 2

    P T U 3

    P T U 4

    4 8 5 B U S

    R T U 1

    R T U 8

    R a d io M o d e m

    M T U P T U 1

    P T U 2

    P T U 3

    P T U 4

    4 8 5 B U S

    AL M O S

    P r o t o c o l

    C o n v e r t e r

    An y th i r d p a r t y p o f t w a r e

    ( D C S )

    f o r m o n i t o r in g & c o n t r o l o f

    R S 2 3 2

    2 3 2 o r 4 8 5

    2 3 2 o r 4 8 5

    C u r r e n t S y s t e m

    L CD

    L CD

    L CD

    L CD

    L CD

    L CD

    L CD

    L CD

    L CD

    L CD

    M O D B U S

    P r o t o c o l

    R e p e a t e r

    P l a n t S i t e

    W e l l S i t e s

    Di s t a n c e b e t w e e n P la n t & R e p e a t e r : 2 5 K M

    R e p e a t e r

    P r o p o s e d S y s t e m

    W e l l S i t e s P l a n t S i t e

    R S 2 3 2 / R s 4 8 5

    AL M O S Pro to c o l

    C o n v e r t e r

    An y th ir d P a r t y S o f t w a r e

    f o r m o n it o r in g & c o n t r o l

    o f

    M o d b u s P r o t o c o l

    R a d io M o d e m

    P C f o r P r o d u c t i o n

    O f f i ce

    T x : 8 5 2 M h z

    R x : 9 2 8 M h z

    T x : 8 5 2 M h z

    R x : 9 2 8 M h z

    T x : 8 5 2 M h z

    R x : 9 2 8 M h z

    T x : 8 5 2 M h z

    R x : 9 2 8 M h z

    T x : 8 5 2 M h z

    R x : 9 2 8 M h z

    T x : 8 5 2 M h z

    R x : 9 2 8 M h z

    T x : 8 5 2 M h z

    R x : 9 2 8 M h z

    T x : 9 2 8 M h z

    R x : 8 5 2 M h z

    T x : 9 2 8 M h z

    R x : 8 5 2 M h z

    Communication Arrangements

    In the new arrangement the MTUs central role is taken over by the PC. The PC needs

    at least 4 RS 232 ports to communicate to the different sub systems.

    1) Connection to the Well RTU-s. This communication going through first a couple

    of land line modems. The actual communication between the well RTU-s and the

    central site uses a radio network including a repeater.

    2) Connection to the MTU. There is an RS232 communication line between the PCand the MTU. The speed is 9600 Baud. This communication uses the MTU

    CPUs RS232 port.

    3) Connection to the PTU-s. A two wire 485 bus is used to communicate between

    the PC and the PTU-s. The speed is 9600 Baud. This communication uses the

    PTU CPU-s RS232 port.
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    4) Connection to the MODBUS Master. There is an RS232 communication line

    between the PC and the MODBUS Master. The speed is 9600 Baud.

    PC-to-PC Communication

    Communications between the Protocol converter PC and a third party SCADA package

    is based on the MODBUS RTU protocol implemented on a serial line. The

    communication protocol parameters can be viewed and changed used WASPED.

    ALCOM-to-RTU Communication

    Communications between PCs and RTU-s are based on a proprietary Almos protocol.

    In the DHODAK implementation all RTU-s are connected via radio network (RTU-s),

    485 bus (PTU-s) and through direct RS232. RTU-s are identified by a unique station

    address, which must be unique in the entire system.

    The radio network contains the HOST computer, a repeater, and the remote stations.

    Because of the usage of the repeaters there are two different frequencies are used for

    TX and RX.

    ALCOM-to-RTU Communication

    The ALCOMRTU communication protocol is a MASTER (ALCOM) SLAVE (RTU)

    type communication protocol.

    RTU can only talk if ALCOM has selected the RTU for talking by asking information or

    by writing information into the RTU and asking for acknowledge.

    Each RTU has a unique station address. Whenever ALCOM wants to communicate to

    a given RTU the required communication command will contain the station address of

    the given RTU.
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    Field Name Explanation Default

    InOutUsage N.A 0

    BaudRate Communication baud rate

    between the