indoor geo location system

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  • 8/2/2019 Indoor Geo Location System


    Indoor Geo Location System


    CMRIT, Department of ECE

    1. INTRODUCTIONRecently, there is an increasing interest in accurate location finding techniques and

    location based applications for indoor areas. The Global Positioning System (GPS) and

    wireless enhanced 911(E-911) services also address the issue of location finding. However,

    these technologies cannot provide accurate indoor geo location, which has its own

    independent market and unique technical challenges.

    Despite extraordinary advances in global positioning system (GPS) technology, millions

    of square meters of indoor space are out of reach of GPS satellites. Their signals, originating

    high above the earth, are not designed to penetrate most construction materials, and no

    amount of technical wizardry is likely to help. So the greater part of the world's commerce,

    being conducted indoors, cannot be followed by GPS satellites.

    1.1.What is indoor geo location?

    Indoor Geo location is the process of findinggeo locationof an electronic device inside

    a building. Since technologies used for indoor geo location are substantially different from

    technologies used for outdoorgeo locationthis area is considered as a separate area of

    science and technology.

    1.2. Need for indoor geo localization:

    Consider some everyday business challenges. Perpetual physical inventory is needed

    for manufacturing control, as well as to keep assets from being lost or pilfered. Mobile assets,

    such as hospital crash carts, need to be on hand in an emergency. Costly and baroqueprocedures presently track and find manufacturing work-in-process. Nor is the office

    immune: loss of valuable equipment such as laptop computers has become a serious problem,

    and locating people in a large office takes time and disrupts other activities.

    1.3. Tracking:

    What these systems share is a need to find and track physical assets and people that

    are inside buildings. The design differences between an efficient asset-tracking system and

    GPS arc more basic. First and foremost, control of the situation shifts from users of GPS

    receivers, querying the system for a fix on their position, to overhead scanners, checking upon the positions of many specially tagged objects and people. In GPS, each receiver must

    determine its own position in reference to a fixed infrastructure, whereas inside a building,

    the tracking infrastructure must keep tabs on thousands of tags.
  • 8/2/2019 Indoor Geo Location System


    Indoor Geo Location System


    CMRIT, Department of ECE

    2. ARCHITECTURE OF INDOOR GEOLOCATION SYSYTEMThe architecture mainly consists of 3 parts.

    1. Geolocation base station (GBS)

    2. Geolocation control station (GCS)

    3. Mobile station (MS)

    Similar to the cellular geo location system, the architecture of indoor geo location

    system is mainly classified into 2 categories. Mobile based architecture and network based

    architecture. Most of the indoor geo location techniques proposed to date have been focused

    on network based system architecture. The geo location base station(GBS) extract location

    metrics from the radio signals transmitted by the mobile station and relay the information to a

    geo location control station(GCS). The communication between GBS and GCS can be either

    wired or wireless. Then the position of the mobile station is estimated, displayed and tracked

    at the GCS. With the mobile based system architecture the mobile station estimates self

    position by measuring received radio signals from multiple fixed GBS. Compared to mobile

    based architecture, network based architecture system has the advantage that mobile station

    can be implemented as a simple structured transceiver with small size and low power

    consumption that can be easily carried by people or attached to valuable equipments like tag.

  • 8/2/2019 Indoor Geo Location System


    Indoor Geo Location System


    CMRIT, Department of ECE

    3. TYPES OF VARIOUS INDOOR GEOLOCATION TECHNIQUESIt is not easy to model the radio propagation in the indoor environment because of

    severe multipath, low probability for availability of line-of-sight (LOS)path, and specific site

    parameters such as floor layout, moving objects, and numerous reflecting surfaces. There is

    no good model for indoor radio multipath characteristic so far. Except using traditional

    triangulation, positioning algorithms using scene analysis or proximity are developed to

    mitigate the measurement errors. Targeting different applications or services, these three

    algorithms have unique advantages and disadvantages. Hence, using more than one type of

    positioning algorithms at the same time could get better performance.

    Fig.1.Types of various indoor geo location systems

    3.1. Direction-Based technique:The direction-based technique consists of the Angle of Arrival Method (AOA) which uses

    the Ling of Sight (LOS) approach.
















  • 8/2/2019 Indoor Geo Location System


    Indoor Geo Location System


    CMRIT, Department of ECE

    3.1.1.Angle of arrival:The angle of arrival geo location technique the direction of arrival of the received

    signal to determine the location of the mobile station. The direction of the incoming signals

    are received and measured from the target transmitter to a direction using directional

    antennas or antenna arrays. If the line of sight signal path is blocked, then the angle of arrival

    being used is a reflected or scattered signal for its direction estimation. This technique is not

    feasible when dealing with indoor geo location because often times there will be walls or

    objects blocking the line of sight signal path.

    Direction is determined from the AOA (angle of arrival) of received signal. Receiver

    (GBS) measures the direction of the received signal from the target transmitter (MS) using

    directional antennas / antenna array. Accuracy depends on where the transmitter is located

    with respect to the receiver. More than 2 receivers are needed for accuracy.

    In AOA, the location of the desired target can be found by the intersection of several

    pairs of angle direction lines, each formed by the circular radius from a base station or a

    beacon station to the mobile target.AOA methods may use at least two known reference

    points (A, B), and two measured angles 1, 2 to derive the 2-D location of the target P.

    Estimation of AOA, commonly referred to as direction finding (DF), can be accomplished

    either with directional antennae or with an array of antenna.

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    Indoor Geo Location System


    CMRIT, Department of ECE Advantages:

    A position estimate may be determined with as few as three measuring units for 3-D

    positioning or two measuring units for 2-D positioning, and that no time synchronization

    between measuring units is required. Disadvantages:

    The disadvantages include relatively large and complex hardware requirement(s), and

    location estimate degradation as the mobile target moves farther from the measuring units.

    For accurate positioning, the angle measurements need to be accurate, but the high

    accuracy measurements in wireless networks may be limited by shadowing, by multipath

    reflections arriving from misleading directions, or by the directivity of the measuring


    Some literatures also call AOA as direction of arrival (DOA.). Application:

    Can be used in next generation cellular system where smart antennas are used to

    increase capacity.

    3.2. Distance Based Technique:The Distance-Based Techniques involve the following methods:-

    -Time of Arrival (TOA)

    -Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA)

    -Signal Strength

    -Received Signal Phase

    3.2.1.Time of Arrival:The time of arrival technique uses the distance between the mobile station and

    receiver to estimate location.At least three measurements are necessary to calculate the

    possible position of the user. The measurements estimate the position in two dimensions and

    four measurements estimate the position in three dimension. By estimating the distance

    between the receiver and the mobile to be d, the mobile is located on a circle with radius d

    centered on the receiver. Distance is equal to the velocity of light multiplied by the time taken

    by the signal to reach the base station.

    The distance from the mobile target to the measuring unit is directly proportional to

    the propagation time. In order to enable 2-D positioning, TOA measurements must be made

    with respect to signals from at least three reference points, as shown in Fig. For TOA-basedsystems, the one-way propagation time is measured, and the distance between measuring unit

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    Indoor Geo Location System


    CMRIT, Department of ECE

    and signal transmitter is calculated. In general, direct TOA results in two problems. First, all

    transmitters and receivers in the system have to be precisely synchronized. Second, a

    timestamp must be labeled in the transmitting signal in order for the measuring unit to discern

    the distance the signal has traveled. TOA can be measured using different signaling

    techniques such as direct sequence spread-spectrum (DSSS) or ultrawide band (UWB)measurements.

    A straightforward approach uses a geometric method to compute the intersection

    points of the circles of TOA. The position of the target can also be computed by minimizing

    the sum of squares of a nonlinear cost function, i.e., least-squares algorithm. It assumes that

    the mobile terminal, located at (x0, y0), transmits a signal at time t0, the N base stations

    located at (x1, y1), (x2, y2), . . . ,(xN , yN ) receive the signal at time t1, t2, . . . , tN . As a

    performance measure, the cost function can be formed by

    fi(x) is given as follows.

    fi(x) = c(ti t) sqr root((xi x)^2+ (yi y)^2)

    where c is the speed of light, and x = (x, y, t)T.

    This function is formed for each measuring unit, i = 1, . . . , N , and fi(x) could

    be made zero with the proper choice of x, y, and t. The location estimate is determined by

    minimizing the function F(x).

    Fig.3.Position Based on TOA method

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    Indoor Geo Location System


    CMRIT, Department of ECE

    There are other algorithms for TOA-based indoor location system such as closest-

    neighbor (CN) and residual weighting (RWGH). The CN algorithm estimates the location of

    the user as the location of the base station or reference point that is located closest to that user.

    The RWGH algorithm can be basically viewed as a form of weighted least-squares algorithm.

    It is suitable for LOS, non-LOS (NLOS) and mixed LOS/NLOS channel conditions.

    3.2.2.Time difference of arrival:Some outdoor geo location applications use the time difference of arrival technique.

    This is where the differences of the time of arrivals are use to locate the mobile. The time

    difference of arrival technique is similar to that of the time of arrival technique but instead of

    using circles, the time difference of arrival uses hyperbolas on which the transmitter must be

    located with foci at the receiver. At least three measurements are needed to calculate a fixed

    position at the intersection of the hyperbolas.

    The idea of TDOA is to determine the relative position of the mobile transmitter by

    examining the difference in time at which the signal arrives at multiple measuring units,

    rather than the absolute arrival time of TOA. For each TDOA measurement, the transmitter

    must lie on a hyperboloid with a constant range difference between the two measuring units.

    Fig.4.Positioning based on TDOA measurement

    Except the exact solutions to the hyperbolic TDOA equation shown in through

    nonlinear regression, an easier solution is to linearize the equations through the use of a

    Taylor-series expansion and create an iterative algorithm. A 2-D target location can be

    estimated from the two intersections of two or more TDOA measurements. Two hyperbolas

    are formed from TDOA measurements at three fixed measuring units (A, B, and C) to

    provide an intersection point, which locates the target P. The conventional methods for

    computing TDOA estimates are to use correlation techniques. TDOA can be estimated from

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    Indoor Geo Location System


    CMRIT, Department of ECE

    the cross correlation between the signals received at a pair of measuring units. Suppose that

    for the transmitted signal s(t), the received signal at measuring unit i is xi(t). Assume that

    xi(t)is corrupted by the noise ni(t) and delayed by di, then

    xi(t) =s(t di) + ni(t).

    Similarly, the signal xj(t) = s(t dj)+nj(t), which arrives at measuring unit j, is

    delayed by dj and corrupted by the noise nj(t).

    The TDOA estimate is the value that maximizes Rxi, xj( ), i.e., the range differences. This

    approach requires that the measuring units share a precise time reference and reference

    signals, but does not impose any requirement on the mobile target. Frequency domain

    processing techniques are usually used to calculate . Except the previous TDOA methods, a

    delay measurement-based TDOA measuring method was proposed in for 802. 11 wireless

    LANs, which eliminates the requirement of initial synchronization in the conventional

    method. RLS Algorithm:

    It is used when there are errors in the distance measurements. Let the distance di from the i th GBS ,


    where c velocity of light

    t time taken by the signal to reach the GBS.

    Location ofi th GBS(xi , yi) Location of mobile(x , y) We have N equations of the form:

    fi(x , y)= (x-xi)^2 + (y-yi)^2-di^2 for i= 1,2,3,,N


    3.2.3.Signal Strength Method:The signal strength technique uses the transmitted power at the mobile station and the

    received signal strength at the base station to provide an estimate of the distance between the

    transmitter and the receiver. Similar to the time of arrival technique, the distance gives the

    circle centered on the receiver which the mobile transmitter is on.

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    Indoor Geo Location System


    CMRIT, Department of ECE

    Fig.5.Received Signal Strength Method

    The above two schemes have some drawbacks. For indoor environments, it is difficult

    to find a LOS channel between the transmitter and the receiver. Radio propagation in such

    environments would suffer from multipath effect. The time and angle of an arrival signal

    would be affected by the multipath effect; thus, the accuracy of estimated location could be

    decreased. An alternative approach is to estimate the distance of the mobile unit from some

    set of measuring units, using the attenuation of emitted signal strength. Signal attenuation-

    based methods attempt to calculate the signal path loss due to propagation. Theoretical and

    empirical models are used to translate the difference between the transmitted signal strength

    and the received signal strength into a range estimate, as shown in Fig.5.

    Due to severe multipath fading and shadowing present in the indoor environment,

    path-loss models do not always hold. The parameters employed in these models are site-

    specific. The accuracy of this method can be improved by utilizing the premeasured RSS

    contours centered at the receiver [7] or multiple measurements at several base stations. A

    fuzzy logic algorithm shown in [8] is able to significantly improve the location accuracyusing RSS measurement. Advantages:

    Low complexity receiver. Disadvantages:

    Very unreliable due to shadow fading (fluctuations around the mean value and expected

    value caused due to signal being blocked from GBS).

    GBS do not distinguish between signal strength in los path and reflected path

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    Indoor Geo Location System


    CMRIT, Department of ECE

    3.2.4. Received Signal Phase Method:

    The received signal phase technique used with reference receivers measures the

    carrier phase. Differential Global Positioning System improves location accuracy within

    twenty meters to one meter as compared with Global Positioning Systems which uses range

    measurements. In indoor geo location systems, it is possible to use signal phase methods with

    time of arrival, time difference of arrival or received signal strength techniques to better

    estimate the location.

    The received signal phase method uses the carrier phase (or phase difference) to

    estimate the range. This method is also called phase of arrival(POA). Assuming that all

    transmitting stations emit pure sinusoidal signals that are of the same frequency f, with zero

    phase offset, in order to determine the phases of signals received at a target point, the signal

    transmitted from each transmitter to the receiver needs a finite transit delay. In Fig., the

    transmitter stations A up to D are placed at particular locations within an imaginary cubicbuilding. The delay is expressed as a fraction of the signals wavelength, and is denoted with

    the symbol i = (2fDi)/c in equation Si(t) = sin(2ft + i),

    where i (A, B, C, D), and c is the speed of light. As long as the transmitted signals

    wavelength is longer than the diagonal of the cubic building, i.e., 0 < i < 2, we can get the

    range estimation Di = (ci)/(2f). Then, we can use the same positioning algorithms using

    TOA measurement. The receiver may measure phase differences between two signals

    transmitted by pairs of stations, and positioning systems are able to adopt the algorithms

    using TDOA measurement to locate the target.

    For an indoor positioning system, it is possible to use the signal phase method

    together with TOA/TDOA or RSS method to fine-tune the location positioning. However, the

    received signal phase method has one problem of ambiguous carrier phase measurements to

    overcome. It needs an LOS signal path, otherwise it will cause more errors for the indoor

    environment. Advantages:

    Differential GPS can improve location accuracy from about 20m to within 1m. Disadvantages:

    Ambiguity resulting from periodic property of the signal phase. Multipath condition causes more errors. Application:

    Used in indoor geo location system, along with TOA/TDOA or RSS method to fine-tune the location of MS.

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    Indoor Geo Location System


    CMRIT, Department of ECE

    3.3. Finger-print Based Technique:

    Another technique that estimates position location is signal fingerprinting. The

    multipath structure of the channel is unique to every location and may be considered

    fingerprint or signature of the location if the same radio frequency signal is transmitted from

    that location. This technique may be used in indoor geo location applications where a

    location pattern develops from multipath rays in a multipath structure in an area. Develops a

    signature database of a location grid in specific service areas. The received signal is

    measured as a vehicle moves along this grid in specific areas and recorded in signature

    database. When another vehicle moves in the same area, the signal received from it is

    compared with the entry in the database, thus its location is determined.

    RF-based scene analysis refers to the type of algorithms that first collect feature

    (fingerprints) of a scene and then estimate the location of an object by matching online

    measurements with the closest a priori location fingerprints. RSS-based locationfingerprinting is commonly used in scene analysis. Location fingerprinting refers to

    techniques that match the fingerprint of some characteristic of a signal that is location

    dependent. There are two stages for location fingerprinting: offline stage and online stage (or

    run-time stage). During the offline stage, a site survey is performed in an environment. The

    location coordinates/labels and respective signal strengths from nearby base

    stations/measuring units are collected. During the online stage, a location positioning

    technique uses the currently observed signal strengths and previously collected information to

    figure out an estimated location. The main challenge to the techniques based on location

    fingerprinting is that the receivedsignal strength could be affected by diffraction, reflection,

    and scattering in the propagation indoor environments.

    There are at least five location fingerprinting-based positioning algorithms using

    pattern recognition technique so far: probabilistic methods, k-nearest-neighbor (kNN), neural

    networks, support vector machine (SVM), and smallest M-vertex polygon (SMP).

  • 8/2/2019 Indoor Geo Location System


    Indoor Geo Location System


    CMRIT, Department of ECE


    It is not enough to measure the performance of a positioning technique only by

    observing its accuracy. Considering the difference between the indoor and outdoor wirelessgeo location, we provide the following performance benchmarking for indoor wireless

    location system: accuracy, precision, complexity, scalability, robustness, and cost.

    4.1. Accuracy:

    Accuracy (or location error) is the most important requirement of positioning systems.

    Usually, mean distance error is adopted as the performance metric, which is the average

    Euclidean distance between the estimated location and the true location. Accuracy can be

    considered to be a potential bias, or systematic effect/offset of a positioning system. The

    higher the accuracy, the better the system; however, there is often a tradeoff betweenaccuracy and other characteristics. Some compromise between suitable accuracy and other

    characteristics is needed.

    4.2. Precision:

    Accuracy only considers the value of mean distance errors. However, location

    precision considers how consistently the system works, i.e., it is a measure of the robustness

    of the positioning technique as it reveals the variation in its performance over many trials. We

    also notice that some literatures define the location precision as the standard deviation in the

    location error or the geometric dilution of precision (GDOP), but we prefer it as thedistribution of distance error between the estimated location and the true location. Usually,

    the cumulative probability functions (CDF) of the distance error is used for measuring the

    precision of a system. When two positioning techniques are compared, if their accuracies are

    the same, we prefer the system with the CDF graph, which reaches high probability values

    faster, because its distance error is concentrated in small values. In practice, CDF is described

    by the percentile format. For example, one system has a location precision of 90% within 2.3

    m (the CDF of distance error of 2.3 m is 0.9), and 95% within 3.5 m; another one has a

    precision of 50% within 2.3 m and 95% within 3.3 m. We could choose the former system

    because of its higher precision.

    4.3. Complexity:

    Complexity of a positioning system can be attributed to hardware, software, and

    operation factors. In this paper, we emphasize on software complexity, i.e., computing

    complexity of the positioning algorithm. If the computation of the positioning algorithm is

    performed on a centralized server side, the positioning could be calculated quickly due to the

    powerful processing capability and the sufficient power supply. If it is carried out on the

    mobile unit side, the effects of complexity could be evident. Most of the mobile units lack

    strong processing power and long battery life; so, we would prefer positioning algorithmswith low complexity. Usually, it is difficult to derive the analytic complexity formula of

  • 8/2/2019 Indoor Geo Location System


    Indoor Geo Location System


    CMRIT, Department of ECE

    different positioning techniques; thus, the computing time is considered. Location rate is an

    important indicator for complexity. The dual of location rate is location lag, which is the

    delay between a mobile target moving to a new location and reporting the new location of

    that target by the system.

    4.4. Robustness:

    A positioning technique with high robustness could function normally even when

    some signals are not available, or when some of the RSS value or angle character are never

    seen before. Sometimes, the signal from a transmitter unit is totally blocked, so the signal

    cannot be obtained from some measuring units. The only information to estimate the location

    is the signal from other measuring units. Sometimes, some measuring units could be out of

    function or damaged in a harsh environment. The positioning techniques have to use this

    incomplete information to compute the location.

    4.5. Scalability:

    The scalability character of a system ensures the normal positioning function when

    the positioning scope gets large. Usually, the positioning performance degrade when the

    distance between the transmitter and receiver increases. A location system may need to scale

    on two axes: geography and density. Geographic scale means that the area or volume is

    covered. Density means the number of units located per unit geographic area/space per time

    period. As more area/space is covered or units are crowded in an area/space, wireless signal

    channels may become congested, more calculation may be needed to perform location

    positioning, or more communication infrastructure may be required. Another measure ofscalability is the dimensional space of the system. The current system can locate the objects

    in 2-D or 3-D space. Some systems can support both 2-D and 3-D spaces.

    4.6. Cost:

    The cost of a positioning system may depend on many factors. Important factors

    include money, time, space, weight, and energy. The time factor is related to installation and

    maintenance. Mobile units may have tight space and weight constraints. Measuring unit

    density is considered to be a space cost. Sometimes, we have to consider some sunk costs.

    For example, a positioning system layered over a wireless network may be considered tohave no hardware cost if all the necessary units of that network have already been purchased

    for other purposes. Energy is an important cost factor of a system. Some mobile units (e.g.,

    electronic article surveillance (EAS) tags and passive RFID tags, which are addressed later)

    are completely energy passive. These units only respond to external fields and, thus, could

    have an unlimited lifetime. Other mobile units (e.g., devices with rechargeable battery) have

    a lifetime of several hours without recharging.

  • 8/2/2019 Indoor Geo Location System


    Indoor Geo Location System


    CMRIT, Department of ECE


    The time of arrival technique estimate location by calculating the position of the

    mobile by using circles centered on the mobile or the fixed transceivers. The time difference

    of arrival does a similar technique using hyperbolas and does not require the knowledge of

    transmit time from the transmitter. To create estimates of time, TOA and TDOA techniques

    employ pulse transmission, phase information, or spread spectrum to arrive at locations of

    mobile stations The time of arrival techniques are seen as superior to angle of arrival

    techniques because the AOA method is not appropriate for indoor geo location systems. The

    angle of arrival is suited for outdoor geo location but has poor accuracy. It has a low delay

    but may be costly due to the need for antenna arrays that need to be installed in areas. The

    signal strength method cannot be used in situations where the precision of the location needs

    to be within accuracy of a few meters.

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    Indoor Geo Location System


    CMRIT, Department of ECE


    Commercial indoor geo location products have already appeared in the market. The abovefigure shows the example of an indoor geo location system. It is a pin point local positioning


    The system architecture is shown in the above figure. The Pin-Point system uses

    simple structured tags that can be attached to valuable assets or personal badges. Indoor areas

    are divided into cells while each cell being served by a cell controller. The cell controller is

    connected to at most 16 antennas located at known positions. To locate tag position, cell

    controller transmits 2.4GHz spread spectrum signal through different antennas in TDD mode.

    Once receiving signals from the Cell Controller antenna network, tags simply change the

    frequency of the received signal to 5.8GHz and transmit back to the Cell Controller with tag

    ID information phase-modulated onto the signal. The distance between the tag and antenna is

  • 8/2/2019 Indoor Geo Location System


    Indoor Geo Location System


    CMRIT, Department of ECE

    determined by round trip time of flight. With the measured distances from tag to antennas,

    the tag position can be obtained in the same way as in TOA method. A host computer is

    connected to cell controller through TCP/IP to manage the location information of the tags.

    Since the cell controller generates the signal and measures the round trip time of flight, there

    is no need to synchronize the clocks of tags and antennas.

    The multipath effect is one of the limiting factor of the indoor geo location system.

    Without multi path signal components, the time of arrival(TOA) could be easily determined

    from the triangular auto-correlation function of the spread spectrum signal.

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    Indoor Geo Location System


    CMRIT, Department of ECE


    Positioning and tracking applications:

    Commercial: finding in-demand equipments, in-need personnel, such as elderly, children

    and patience

    Military and public safety: positioning and guiding soldiers, firefighters in mission

    Location-aided techniques:

    Location-aware routing, location-aided handoff, location-aided network planning

    Location-based services:

    Location sensitive billing, location aware services, location specific advertisement

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    Indoor Geo Location System


    CMRIT, Department of ECE


    Future trends of wireless indoor positioning systems are as follows.

    1) New or hybrid position algorithms are needed. A few of the works have already been

    started supporting such algorithms. For example, a calibration-free location algorithm based

    on triangulation, triangular interpolation and extrapolation (TIX). A hybrid algorithm is

    presented in for indoor positioning using WLAN that aims to combine the benefits of the RF

    propagation loss model and fingerprinting method. The selective fusion location estimation

    (SELFLOC) algorithm infers the user location by selectively fusing location information

    from multiple wireless technologies and/or multiple classical location algorithms in a

    theoretically optimal manner.

    2) Internetworking of different wireless positioning systems is a research and practical topicin order to extend the positioning range.

    3) Wireless combined with other technologies such as optical (e.g., IR), inertial, dc

    electromagnetic and ultrasonic for indoor location is another trend. How to combine these

    technologies into a practical system is a topic of sensor fusion.

    4) How to deploy sensors to improve the positioning accuracy, how to finish deploying

    wireless positioning system in a short time, especially for emergency responder application.

    5) Wireless indoor location using UWB (from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz) techniques and indoorpositioning using mobile cellular network are other promising research topics.

    6) How to integrate indoor and outdoor positioning system is another area of research. This

    integration may help in developing more efficient and robust detection systems for

    positioning of mobile computing nodes. In this case, a mobile node will be tracked indoor or

    outdoor using the same detection system.

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    Indoor Geo Location System


    CMRIT, Department of ECE


    This paper surveys the current indoor positioning techniques and systems. Different

    performance measurement criteria are discussed and several tradeoffs among them are

    observed. For example, the one between complexity and accuracy/precision needs careful

    consideration when we choose positioning systems and techniques for different applications

    environments such as warehousing, robotics, or emergency. Usually, location fingerprinting

    scheme is better for open areas while Active RFID is suitable for dense environments. In

    terms of scalability and availability, these positioning techniques and systems have their own

    important characteristics when applied in real environments. The choice of technique and

    technology significantly affects the granularity and accuracy of the location information.

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    Indoor Geo Location System


    CMRIT, Department of ECE


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    Indoor Geo Location System
