indochina destination guide

1 destination guide Indochina

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Marmalade Toast, bespoke travel & destination management Indochina Destination Guide, Platinum Partners


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1d e s t i n a t i o n   g u i d e

I n d o c h i n a

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Created  to  offer  clients  a  bespoke,  discerning  and  100%  tailor  made  travel  management  solu:on;  Marmalade  Toast  bespoke  travel  &  des:na:on  management  believe  that  each  and  every  customer  has  a  unique  set  of  travel  requirements.  As  such  our  travel  solu:ons  are  tailored  to  suit  your  every  travel  need.  

We  believe  in  pushing  boundaries  and  being  innova:ve.  We  are  obsessed  with  connec:ons  and  possible  rela:onships  and  the  benefits  that  these  will  yield  for  our  clients.  We  believe  in  open  lines  of  communica:on,  ensuring  that  we  speak  frequently  to  both  you  and  our  suppliers  to  ensure  that  your  travel  requirements  are  fully  understood  and  your  expecta:ons  surpassed.  We  believe  that  your  travel  should  be  seamless,  and  that  your  every  need  is  taken  care  of.

Our  Management  Team:

Lance  Liebenberg,  Managing  DirectorWith  an  illustrious  career  in  public  rela:ons  and  

event  management,  looking  aJer  some  of  South  Africa's  most  famous  and  influen:al,  Lance  was  our  proverbial  customer.  A  corporate  traveller  who  spent  his  life  on  the  road  living  on  planes  and  in  hotels.  AJer  successfully  seOng  up  his  own  pr  &  brand  strategy  firm,  he  soon  saw  a  gap  in  the  travel  market  for  his  own  clients  who  would  benefit  from  a  tailored  travel  

service  to  suit  their  individual  needs.  He  is  currently  the  Managing  Director  for  both  LLC+PR  and  Marmalade  Toast,  and  divides  his  :me  between  South  Africa  and  Asia.

David  van  den  HeeverTravel  DirectorAJer  successfully  obtaining  a  higher  qualifica:on  

in  travel,  David  worked  in  the  :cke:ng  department  for  a  well  known  youth  travel  provider  before  moving  to  Malaysian  Airlines.  He  quickly  moved  up  the  ranks  in  the  industry  and  had  an  incredibly  successful  career  as  a  senior  travel  consultant  for  some  of  South  Africa's  largest  travel  consor:ums,  including  an  in-­‐house  role  for  Investec  Private  Bank.  David's  exper:se  lie  in  understanding  the  corporate  traveller  and  their  oJen  :me  sensi:ve  requests  and  needs  -­‐  he  has  been  with  Marmalade  Toast  since  its  incep:on  and  con:nues  to  look  aJer  the  company's  pla:num  clients.

“All travel has its advantages. If the passenger visits better countries, he may learn to improve his own. And if fortune carries him to worse, he may learn to enjoy it.”Samuel Johnson

marmalade toast, bespoke traveland destination management


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Southeast Asia & Indochina From white sands and palm lined beaches, to terraced rice paddies and tea plantations Southeast Asia and the Indochina region is an incredibly diverse product, an absolute feast for the senses. The people, culture, food and vistas throughout Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia and Singapore have touched us at our very core and had a profound impact onour lives.

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The Seductiveness of Indochina

Halong  Bay,  while  away  the  :me  sailing  between  the  limestone  pinnacles  on  a  jade  green  sea  on  a  luxurious  tradi:onal  siamese  junkTh

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Decades  aJer  independence  from  French  colonial  rule,   Indochina  is  as  vibrant  as  ever.  The  mere  men:on  of   the   region   evokes   images   of   straw   hats,   jungle  temples,  ancient  kingdoms,  and  a  mix  of  cuisines  at  the  crossroads  of  the  Asian  heartland.

Today,   backpackers   and   luxury   travellers   alike  flock   to  Vietnam,   Cambodia,   and   Laos   to   be   awed  by  inspiring   natural   beauty,   charmed   by   well-­‐preserved  historic   towns,   and   dwarfed   by   towering   symbols   of  faith.   It   is   also   an   area   of   unforgeZable   tastes.   In  Phnom   Penh,   be   seduced   by   the   splendours   of   pre  Khmer   Rouge   Cambodia   at   the   Royal   Palace   with   its  two  stunning   pagodas.  The  magnificent  5000-­‐:le  Silver  Pagoda   houses   a   90kg   solid   gold  Buddha   weighing   90  kilograms,   the   Emerald  Pagoda   a   17th   c.   emerald   and  baccarat   crystal   Buddha.   Then   shop   for   treasures   of  your  own  at  the  nearby  Russian  Market.  

Fly   into  the  heart  of  Cambodia's  (and  once  all   of  South  East   Asia's)  most   splendid   empire,   Angkor,   and  be  guided  through  three  centuries  of  excavated  Khmer  empire   ruins   now   listed   as   a   UNESCO   world   heritage  wonder.    Rub  shoulders  with  stone  angel  apsarases  and  living-­‐pilgrim-­‐monks   as   you   squeeze   through   the  shoulder   hugging   corridors   of   Preah   Khan's   Sacred  Sword  Temple.    Be   awed  by  the  enormous  stone   faces  of  Bayon,   the   mysterious  "Tomb  Raider"   ambience   of  the  fig  tree   smothered  Ta  Som   and  Ta  Prohm   temples,  and  be   transported  as  you  watch  the   sun  set  over  Pre  Rup  and  the  Siem  Reap  Plain.

Saigon  as  it  was  once  known,  is  a  city  layered  with  nostalgia.   From   your   city  tour   through   the   boulevards  of  French  colonial  architecture.

Fly   or   rail   to   the   city   of   Hue,   Vietnam's   former  royal   capital   set  beau:fully  amidst   landscaped  gardens  on  the   banks  of  the   Perfume   River,   and  back-­‐dropped  by   the   forested   slopes   of   the   Truong   Son   Mountain  Range.   Vietnamese   say   that   what   Halong   Bay   is   to  nature,  Hue  is  to  the  art  of  humankind.

Hoi  An  is  a  highpoint  for  most  visitors  to  Vietnam.  Historically   rich  and  aesthe:cally   beau:ful,   Hoi  An  has  a  UNESCO  World  Heritage  lis:ng  from  its  former  role  as  a  trading  post  for  Chinese  merchants  who  have  docked  their   junks  inside   the  estuary  of  the  Thubon  River  since  the   16th   century.   Their   elegantly   :led   and   lacquer-­‐panelled  Trading  Houses  and  Community  halls  lend  this  river  front  town  a  seduc:ve  old  world  charm.

Soak  up  the   ambience  of  the  capital,  a  city  whose  bustling  streets  are  a  blend  of  both  Chinese  and  French  Colonial   architecture   and   design.   Coffee   shops,   bars,  fantas:c   restaurants,   and   excellent   shopping   make  Hanoi,  Vietnam's  most  cosmopolitan  city.  

A   full   day   city   tour   takes   you   to   Ho   Chi   Minh's  Former   Residence   and   Mausoleum   (when   he   is   not  away   being   retouched   in   Moscow,)   the   One-­‐Pillar  Pagoda,  the  sacred  Hoan  Kiem  Lake,  and  Vietnam's  first  university  -­‐  the  11th  Century  Temple  of  Literature.

A  trip  to  Halong  Bay  to  sail  on  board  a  tradi:onal  Siamese  junk  as  you  explore  the  breathtaking  beauty  of  this  area.   Halong   Bay,   in   the   Gulf   of   Tonkin,   includes  

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some   1,600   islands   and   islets,   forming   a   spectacular  seascape  of  limestone  pillars

Savour   the   deliciously   relaxing   pace   of   the   only  capital   city   in   Asia   where   you   could  possibly   s:ll   use  this   descrip:on.   Tree-­‐lined   avenues   doZed   with  brightly   painted   temples   and   quaint   French  architecture   all   inevitably   lead   to   the   banks   of   the  Mekong  River  where  sunset  riverside   beer  gardens  (by  comparison  to  the  streets  of  the  city)  buzz  with  energy.  Vien:ane   has   a   gentle   quietness   that   has   mostly  disappeared  in  other  Asian  ci:es.

Fly  across  the   jungles  of  Laos  to  the   former  royal  capital   whose   one   hundred  temple   spires  sparkle   like  diamonds   set   amidst   a   ring   of   emerald   mountains.  Poe:c  words   cannot   do   jus:ce   to  this  bas:on   of   old  Asia   -­‐   the   en:re   city   of   Luang   Prabang   now  appropriately   listed   by   UNESCO   as   a   world   cultural  heritage  wonder.

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Vietnam's  narrow   borders  bulge   against   the   ceaseless  bustle  of   Ho   Chi   Minh   City   and   Hanoi,   two   modern   metropolises  tempered   by   colonial   architecture   and   tree-­‐lined   boulevards.  Tranquility  rests  by  the  crumbling  temples,  wood-­‐panelled  pagodas  and  verdant   valleys  of   rural   Vietnam;   divers  at  Nha  Trang  plunge  the  glistening  green  of  the  South  China  Sea  to  explore  a  rainbow  of  coral   and   neon-­‐clad   fish.   And   everywhere   there's   the   food:  whether   slurping   spicy   noodles   from   Saigon   street   stalls   or  savouring  French  croissants  in  a  Hue  pa:sserie  Vietnamese  cuisine  is  full-­‐flavoured,  fascina:ng  and  affordable.

Ci<es:   A   compelling   clash   of   commercial   clout   and   colonial  grandeur,   Ho   Chi   Minh   City   (formerly   known   as   Saigon)   flanks  soaring   skyscrapers   with   tree-­‐lined   boulevards   and   a  lingering   aura   of   French  finesse.   Find   refuge   from   the  endless  flow  of  mopeds  that  surge  and  spluZer  their  way  through  capital  Hanoi  in  the  humble   temples  and  quaint  craJ   shops  of   its  Old   Quarter.   Now   a   UNESCO   World  Heritage   Site,   ancient   Hoi   An's   crumbing   facades   are  illuminated  by  the  soJ  glow  of  lantern  light.

Countryside:   Soggy   swathes   of   rice   paddies  dominate   the   verdant   Mekong   Delta,   but   the   mighty  Mekong  River  also  ripples  past  blossoming  fruit  orchards  and  towering   sugarcane  fields  before   tumbling   into  the  South  China  Sea.  The  arid  plains  of  central  Mui  Ne  reveal  cascades  of  sand  dunes  that  gleam  white,  pink  and  gold  in  the  sun.   In  northern  Vietnam,  the  mountainous  region  of   Sapa   is   a   dizzying   weave   of   lush   trails   and   remote  villages  occupied  by  tradi:onal  hill  tribes.

Coast:  The   sweeping   curl   of  Nha  Trang's  crescent-­‐shaped  beach   overlooks  a   shimmering   emerald   stretch  of  the   South  China  Sea.  Divers  and  snorkelers  driJ  over  

the   soJ  coral  that  spreads  from   outlying   islands,  casually  guarded  by   luminescent   shoals   of   buZerfly   and   angelfish.   East   of   Hanoi,  Halong   Bay   is  an  ethereal   landscape   of   towering   limestone   karsts  that  rise  forebodingly  from  its  silvery  waters.

Ea<ng   and   Drinking:   Hearty   bowls   of   steaming   pho   -­‐-­‐   a  fragrant  soup  served  with  chicken  or  beef,   a  fiskul  of  noodles  and  crunchy  bean  sprouts  -­‐-­‐  are  served  everywhere.  Regional  varia:ons  might   add  a   kick   of   ginger,   zest   of   lime   or   shaving   of   cinnamon.  Colonial   influence   means   crusty   bagueZes   and   sugar-­‐scented  pastries  are   an  unexpected  Ho  Chi  Minh  City  specialty.  Perch  on  a  plas:c  stool  at  one  of  Hanoi's  roadside   stalls  and  sip  bia  hoi,  freshly  brewed,  frothy  Vietnamese  beer.

The Socialist Republic of Vietnam From Frommers Guide to Vietnam




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Step  back   into  history   at  Hanoi's  most   storied  5-­‐star  hotel.  A  Grand   Dame   of   Southeast   Asia,   Sofitel   Legend  Metropole   Hanoi  welcomes  guests  to  experience   her  colonial  grandeur  and  :meless  elegance.   Located   steps  from   the   Opera  House   in  Hanoi's  French  Quarter  this  legendary  property  brings  guests  into  in:mate  contact  with  the  opulence  of  another  era.   Surround  yourself  in  heritage   as  you  stroll  stately   corridors  and  explore  a  drama:c  past.  Behind  it’s  classical  white   façade  green  shuZers,   original  wrought  iron  details  and  stately  wood  paneling   reside   over   a   century  of   stories.   Stand  on  the   walkways  that  grace   its   lush   courtyard   lawn  and   immerse  yourself  in  the  hotels  rich  tradi:ons.

Savour   luxury   hotel   rooms   and   suites   that   have   welcomed  many   of   the   worlds   greatest   luminaries.   The   fin-­‐de-­‐siecle   style  Graham   Greene,   Charlie   Chaplin   and   Somerset   Maugham   Suites  offer  a  luxurious  window  onto  character  of  Old  Indochine.  Likewise  find   yesteryear   serenity   reflected   in   the   sanctuary   of   Le   Spa   du  Metropole.   Lavish   your   body   with   French   beauty   therapies   and  healing   Asian  rituals  in   spa   treatment   rooms  that  echo  a   :meless  refinement.

The   ci:es   most   famed   restaurants   and   bars   call   the   Hotel  Metropole   home.   Dine   on   legendary   cuisine   from   the   French  menus   of   Le   Beaulieu   to   the   sumptuous   Italian   masterpieces   of  Angelina   to   the   exo:c   flavours   of   Hanoi   at   Spices   Garden.Host  magnifique   celebra:ons   on   a   rooJop   garden   or   within   the  sophis:cated   embrace   of   a   lavish   salon.   Arrange   a   wedding   to  

remember  or  convene  an  event  to  impress.  Enjoy  a  historic  seOng  that  makes  a  monumental  impact.

At   Sofitel   Legend  Metropole   Hanoi   genera:ons  of  staff   have  learned  to  master  the  :me-­‐honoured  art  de  recevoir.  Encounter  an  iconic  landmark  making  cherished  memories  since  1901.

Grand  Pres<ge  Suite  (200m2)Grand  Pres:ge  Suite,   pride   of  the   Club  Metropole,  has  been  

created  to  ensure   guest’s  upmost  comfort   in  a   contemporary,   yet  luxurious   atmosphere.   Enjoy   the   latest   level   of   technology  equipment  within  the  historic  charm  of  the  colonial  hotel.

Approximately  200  square  meters,  featuring  ambient  ligh:ng,  the   suite   creates  a   fantas:c  retreat.   Digital  Bose   surround  sound,  large   plasma   TV’s,   a   comfortable   lounge,   library   and   office   area,  one   Master   bedroom,   one   connec:ng   Grand   Premium   Room,  individual   spa   room,   dining   area   for   8   people,   magnificent  bathroom  with  French  standing  bathtub  and  steam  shower,  nightly  drinks  from  the   full   open  bar  and  around  the   clock  Butler   service;  all   feature,  making  this  the  most  exclusive   residence   in  the   Hotel.  The   Grand  Pres:ge   suite   is  truly   the   ul:mate  expression  of  luxury  and  opulence  at  the  Sofitel  Legend  Metropole  Hanoi.

Suite  from  R37’200.00  per  night

Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi


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“According   to   legend,   Halong   Bay   was   formed   when   a  dragon  fell  to  earth  and  churned  up  the  sea  with  its  thrashing  tail,  throwing  up  thousands  of  strangely-­‐shaped  islands.  With  its  jade  green   water   and   steep   grey   islands,   Halong   Bay   is   ethereally  beau?ful.  Surrounded  by  misty   islands,  visitors  can  enjoy  morning  tai  chi  classes  on  their  junk’s  sun  deck.  They  can  kayak  through  a  maze  of  deserted   islands;   cycle   through  emerald  paddy   fields  on  Cat  Ba  Island;  and  visit  local  floa?ng  fishing  villages.  Arguably  the  most   famous   des?na?on   in   Vietnam,   Halong   Bay   is   a   natural  wonder.”

THE  THREE  SISTERS  Affec:onately   known   by   their   crews   as   the   “3   sisters”   -­‐  

Ginger,   Jasmine  and  Violet  were  named  aJer  flowers  na:ve  to  the  region.   Its   history,   tradi:on   and   obscurity   are   paid   tribute,   being  brought   to  life   in  great   detail   on  board  of   each  of  the   tradi:onal  Indochine  luxury   junks.  And  as  with  a  family  of  sisters,  each  boasts  its  own  personality,  character  and  story.  Ginger   is  the  eldest  sister,  being  the  first  Indochine   junk  added  to  the  Heritage  Line  Collec:on  in  2006.   Jasmine   is  the  middle   child,  and  the   largest   of  the   three.  Then   there   is   Violet,   the   youngest   and   most   lavish   member   -­‐  domina:ng  the  Bay  with  her  beauty  and  imposing  appearance.

VIOLET:   It  was  a  life  the  quiet  aristocrat  longed  for.  Years  ago,  a   French   aristocrat   and   his  wife   seZled   in   the   legendary  Halong  

Bay.   They   had   three   stunning   daughters,   the   most   special   being  Violet  of  this  bourgeoisie  family.  Halong  Bay,  known  in  Vietnamese  as  the   Bay  of  the  Descending  Dragons,   was  the   perfect  seOng   for  Violet.  A  myriad  of  islands  and  alcoves;  the  flora,  the  fauna  and  the  beaches  cuddle   the  Bay  in  a  tranquil  embrace.  Her  childhood  years  certainly  honed  the  poet  and  the  dreamer  in  her  –  she  grew  up  in  a  perfect  blend  with  nature.  She  was  surrounded  by  nothing  else  but  the   stars   and   the   moon,   the   clouds,   the   water,   the   flowers   and  even   the   dragons.   Every   night,   she   would   sit   beneath   the   stars,  quaff   the   beauty   of   the   night   and   pen   her   most   poe:c   lines.  Though   the   youngest,   Violet   is   not   at   all   cowed   by   Ginger   and  Jasmine,   her   two   elder   sisters.   She   has   a   decidedly   defiant   air  about  her.  When  she  glides  on  the  water,  the  moon  and  stars  stop  shining  and  the  winds  whisper  her  name.

The  Jewels  of  Halong  Bay  (3  days,  2  nights):  

Day  1:  Welcome  aboard  and  start  sailing  through  Halong  Bay.  Allow   your  eyes  to  swim  through  the  azure  waters  of   this  magical  place,   where   thousands   of   sculpted   limestone   pinnacles   and  islands   rise   from   the   water   like   gigan:c   dragon’s   teeth.   Pass  through   picturesque   areas   like   the   Mat   Quy   and   Am   islets.   A  delectable   buffet   lunch   is   served   shortly   upon   boarding   and   you  find  yourself  geOng  acquainted  with  the   facili:es  of  the  boat.  The  boat  starts  to  cruise   into  the  Bay  and  within  the   first  hour  you  can  

The Halong Violet



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already   enjoy   this  World   Heritage   Site.   A   first   visit   will   take   our  guests  by   tender  to  the   Tien  Ong  Cave.   The  Cave   is  huge  –   about  2000m2   –and   is   peppered   with   beau:ful   stalac:tes   and  stalagmites,  formed  out  of  ancient  limestone  karsts  about  700,000  years  ago.   The   cave   is  four  meters   above   sea   level.   This  visit   will  last  approximately  20  minutes   (we   strongly   recommend   that   you  do   not   wear   high   heel   shoes   for   this   excursion).   The   voyage  con:nues   with   the   arrival   at   the   Cua   Van   Fishing   Village,   the  biggest  and  oldest  fishing  village   in  Halong  Bay  via  a  pleasant  boat  ride   (a   maximum   of   four   persons  per  boat).   You  will   pass  by   this  ancient   village   which   comprises   floa:ng   houses   and   floa:ng  schools  –  simply   irresis:ble.  AJer  returning  to  the  boat   in  the   late  aJernoon  guests  can   sharpen   their   culinary   skills  at   our   cooking  class  performance   conducted  by  our  energe:c  chef.  Surely  you  can  give   him   a   helping   hand   and   try   your   skills   in   preparing   special  Vietnamese  dishes.  The  boat  cruises  slowly  with  the  evening  sun  to  its   mooring   points.   If   not   now   when   then   it   is   :me   to   enjoy   a  massage  or  at  least  to  quaff  a  drink  –  in  the  miraculous  descending  sun   –   on   our   terrace   deck.   At   approximately   19h00   guests   can  aZend   a   presenta:on   in   the   restaurant   area   about   Halong   Bay  before  dinner  is  served.   The  night   is  yours  –   kick  back  on  a   comfy  pillowed  bench  and  inhale   the  surreal  beauty  whilst  sipping  a  glass  of  wine.  Not  many  places  in  the  world  offer  those  special  feelings.  The  mooring  place  is  a  fantas:c  overnight  spot  with  gliZering  lights  from  the  other  boats  and  a  calm  sea,  perfect  for  your  first  dream  in  the  middle   of  the   Bay  where  once   Dragons  played  amid  sparkling  jewels.  

Day   2:   Today,   all  guests  will   embark  on  our   day  boat  –   the  Halong   Sunset.  You  will  cruise  to  the  Bay’s  untouched  areas,  deep  in  Lan  Ha  Bay.  Take  a  light  bike   ride  along  the   coast  line  of  Cat  Ba,  through  the   rain   forest  to  the   Viet  Hai  village.   A   fantas:c  way   to  get   in   touch   with   the   nature   of   the   biggest   Halong   island.   If  weather   condi:ons   are   good:   In   the   morning,   the   Sunset   crew  welcomes  all  guests  from  Ginger,  Jasmine  and  Violet.  A  breakfast  is  served  in  the   cozy  restaurant  while  the  Sunset  moves  deeper  into  the   Halong   Bay   straight   to   Cat   Ba   Island.   The   nature   is   simply  marvellous  in  this  area   of  the   Bay.  We  arrive  at  Viet  Hai   dock   and  take   a   leisure   bicycle   ride   along   the   water   front,   passing   forests  and  a   stone   tunnel  on  the  way   to  the   Viet  Hai  Village.  We   explore  the  village  with  its  tradi:onal  houses  and  its  residents.  Guests  can  take   a  short  walk  to  the   surrounding   jungle.  The   journey  con:nues  to  the  local  primary  school  (Heritage  Line  supports  this  school  with  teaching   equipment).   A  m e m o r a b l e   w a y   o f  i n t e r a c : n g   w i t h   t h e  children  in  the   classroom   is  to   become   their   subs:tute  teacher   or   sing   along   with  the  kids  –  if  you  dare.  AJer  this,   guests   cycle   back   to  the   dock   and   board   the  junk.   The   cruise   con:nues  unhurried   to   Ho   Ba   Ham.  During   this   slow   trundle,  lunch   is   served.   At   this  secluded  area   guests  kayak  through  water   tunnels  and  close   to   stunning   rock   and  islets.  This  beau:ful   lagoon  allows  as  well  to  jump  from  the   boat   or   at   a   quiet  beach  for  a  refreshing  bath.  Back   on   board   take   your  seat   or   bench   on   the   sun  deck   and   simply   dive   into  the  nature   on  the  way  back  to   your   mother   junk   for  

your   second   night.   If   weather   condi:ons   are   not   good   (strong  waves  prohibit  cruising  to  Viet  Hai  Village)  the   in  the  morning,  the  Sunset  crew  welcomes  all   guests  from  Ginger,   Jasmine  and  Violet.  A   breakfast   is   served   in   the   cozy   restaurant   while   the   Sunset  moves  deeper  into  the  Halong  Bay  straight  to  Cat  Ba   Island.   Even  the   weather   might   not   be   that   suitable   but   s:ll   the   Bay   offers  mysterious  views  and  photo  objects  from   the  sun  deck.   Kayak  and  swim  at  the  Hai  Quan  lagoon  area  and  get  in  close   touch  with  the  Bay.  Before  midday,  we  cruise  to  the  “Surprise  Cave”.  Lunch  will  be  served  in  the  restaurant  of  the  Sunset.  AJer   lunch,  guests  visit  the  “Surprise   Cave”  or   they   can   engage   in  kayaking  around  the   Luon  cave   tunnel.   In  the   aJernoon,   the   Sunset   cruises  back   via  several  Halong   Bay   sights  –   Cua   Van  fishing   village   –   Soi   Sim   –   Dau  Xuoi  channel  and  Toad  Islet  –  before  boarding  the  mother  junk  again  for  the   night.   Prepara:on  and   inclusions  on   this   day:   Biking   helmet,  First   aid   kit,   durable   shoes,  water   boZle   during   cycling,   torch   for  cave  visit,  rain  coats  (in  case  of  light  showers,  in  the  event  of  heavy  rain,   biking  will  be   cancelled),  kayaks/paddles  and  life   jackets.  For  guests  who  do  not  want   to  go  cycling  to  Viet  Hai:   Enjoy  a   relaxing  spa   treatment  on  board  or  walk  along   the  water  front,  fish  at  the  dock  or  take  a  cooking  lesson  from  the  chef.

Day   3:   For   early   risers,   complimentary   tea,   coffee   and  pastries  are  served  in  the   restaurant  followed  by  –  if  you  so  desire  –   a   Tai   Chi   Class   on   the   terrace   deck   (07h00h).   A   great  morning  ac:vity  to  feel  one  with  this  natural  wonder.   Then  it  is  :me  for  an  early   morning   bath   –   in   the   Bay.   By   tender   boat   we   bring   the  guests  to  a  natural  white  sandy  stretch  of  a  beach  with  crystal  clear  water.   Sporty  ones  can   climb   up  to  a   hill   top  to  have   a   last  view  from   above   over   Halong   Bay   before   we   return   to   the   boat   and  cruise   slowly   back   to   Halong   City,   passing   picturesque   areas   like  the  Ti  Top  island,  the  Tam  Cung  Cave  and  Poem  Mountain.  During  our  trundle,  a  buffet  brunch  is  served  before  we  arrive  at  the  shore  at  around  11h00.  The  crew  will  bid  you  farewell  and  you  disembark  with  our  tender  boat  to  the  Royal  Park  Pier.  

Inclusions  Entrance   fees,   taxes,   service   charge,   English   speaking   guide   on  board,  Cooking  class,  All  meals  on  board  (drinks  for  own  account)  Tai  Chi  class  ,  Kayaking  in  Lan  Ha  Bay  Cycling  on  Cat  Ba  Island.

Suite  from  R13’754.00  for  3  days  2  nights  (charters  available)

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Along  a   seemingly   infinite   stretch  of  sand,   amidst   Vietnam’s  richest  cultural  heritage,  a   strand  of  sophis:cated,  visually   striking  villas   lines   the   drama:c   beachfront.   Inspired   by   2,500   years   of  history,   The   Nam  Hai’s  architecture  and  interior  design  presents  a  drama:c   play   on   wind   and   water   inspired   by   ancient   feng   shui  philosophy  and  the  grandeur  of  the  Tu  Doc  royal  tombs  of  Hue.  

Explore   the   nearby  UNESCO  World  Heritage   Sites  of  Hoi  An,  My   Son   and   Hue   with   its   Buddhist   pagodas,   royal   tombs   and  historic  citadels.  Return  to  our  calm,  tropical  shore  on  Ha  My  Beach  to  relax  around   three   expansive   swimming  pools,   in   the   spa  on  a  lotus  pond,   over   gourmet  Eastern   and  Western   cuisine   or   in  the  privacy  of  one   of  our   100  private   retreats,   elegantly  finished  with  Vietnamese  lacquer  and  diaphanous  silk,  some  of  which  are  served  by  a  most  aZen:ve  butler.

60   one-­‐bedroom   villas   and   40   pool   villas   spread   over   35  hectares  of  tropical  gardens  and  along  the  pris:ne   shoreline  of  Ha  My  Beach.  Top-­‐notch  butlers  assigned  to  each  pool  villa  ensure   all  guests  receive  unsurpassed  hospitality  with  expecta:ons  exceeded.  

Sought  aJer  contemporary  Vietnamese  artwork  hangs  in  high  ceilinged   living   spaces   among   delicate,   hand   spun   silks   and  polished   local   woods.   In   all   the   villas,   whether   one,   two   or   five  bedrooms   in   total,   each   bedroom   pavilion   centres   around   an  elevated   plakorm   inspired   by   tradi:onal   Vietnamese   garden  houses   encompasses   the   king-­‐sized   bed,   a   sunken  wri:ng   desk,  padded  divan  and  our  unique   lacquered  eggshell  bath.  In  each,  the  

lavish  bathroom  opens  out  onto  a  private   tropical   garden  with  an  outdoor  rain   shower.   Pool  villas  add  a  private   courtyard  entrance  leading   to  the   temperature   controlled  swimming  pool   that  makes  plunging  possible  any:me  of  year,  and  beyond  that  a  separate  fully  equipped  kitchen  and  your  butler’s  quarters.

Two  Bedroom  Pool  Villa  (400m2)Couples   traveling   together   and   families  will   appreciate   the  

proximity   yet   spaciousness   of   these   two-­‐bedroom   compounds.  Inside  high  tradi:onal  Vietnamese-­‐inspired  walls,  plunge  into  a  free  form  swimming  pool   surrounded  by  tropical  gardens.  The   pitched  roof  pillared   living  &   dining  pavilion  stands  adjacent   but   separate  from   the   bedroom   villas,   complete   with  high-­‐tech  ameni:es   and  ideal  for  familial  gatherings.  

Pool   Villa   Benefits:   Private   butler   service,   Complimentary  return  airport  transfers,  Complimentary  daily  aJernoon  tea  service  with   snacks   in   the   villa,   Complimentary   pre-­‐dinner   drinks   with  canapés  served  in  the   villa  from  18h00-­‐19h00  pm,   Complimentary  private   car   transfers  to  Hoi   An  Heritage   Town  and  Da  Nang   City,  Complimentary   minibar   in   the   villa   with   selected   alcoholic  beverages,   replenished  once  daily,   Complimentary   laundry  service  (excluding  dry-­‐cleaning)

Villa  from  R12’100.00  per  night

The Nam Hai






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Experience  the  essence  of  the  modern  Vietnamese   lifestyle  at  Park  HyaZ  Saigon,   a  5-­‐star  hotel  situated  at   Lam  Son  Square   in  Ho  Ch i   Minh   C i ty   (HCMC)   cent re .   The   grand   hote l   in  Saigon  majes:cally   rises  nine   stories   above   District   1,   steps   from  the   elegant   Opera   House,   Notre   Dame   Cathedral,   Reunifica:on  Palace,   Ben   Thanh   Market,   and   other   Saigon   main   tourist  aZrac:ons,  the  exhibi:on  centre  and  business  district.  Ho  Chi  Minh  Interna:onal  Airport,  Tan  Son  Nhat,   is  just  7  km  away,  allowing  for  effortless  airport  access  in  a  city  known  for  its  bustling  streets.

Park  HyaZ  Saigon’s  244  rooms  &  suites  redefine  urban  luxury,  blending   sophis:cated   design   and  décor   with   the   latest   modern  comforts  as  the   leading  Ho  Chi  Minh  hotel.  The  Park  HyaZ  Saigon  plays   host   to   world-­‐class   restaurants   and   bars,   including   Italian  Restaurant   Opera,   Square   One   Vietnamese   Restaurant,   Park  Lounge,  with  a   tradi:onal   AJernoon   Tea,   and   2   Lam   Son  mar:ni  bar,   one   of   the   city’s   top   nightlife   des:na:ons.   For   sheer  relaxa:on,  Park  HyaZ   features  Xuan  Spa,   a  tranquil  urban  retreat  offering  private  therapy  rooms,  a  fitness  centre  and  outdoor  pool.

Presiden<al  Suite  (160m2)Located  on  the   highest  floor   and   160   square  metres  in   size,  

enter   the   Presiden:al   Suite   through   its   foyer   leading   into   a  spacious  living  room  with  wooden  floors,   furnished  with  an  elegant  sofa   set.   The   dining   area   seats  up   to   8   persons  and   has   a   fully  

equipped   kitcheneZe   with   full   bar   set-­‐up.   The   suite   is   equipped  with  the  latest  in-­‐room  technology  including  mul:-­‐channel  40’’  LCD  satellite  television,  DVD  player,  dual  line   digital  speakerphone  with  voicemail  system  and  broadband  Internet  access.

The  presiden:al  comfort  features  include  a  vanity  area,  walk-­‐in  closet,   a   personal  safe,  and  large  French  windows  with  wooden  planta:on  shuZers  that   open   for  natural   ven:la:on,   along  with  a  beau:ful  view  of  Saigon.

The   spacious   marble-­‐:led   bathroom   is   equipped   with   an  extravagant  whirlpool  bath,  a  separate   rain-­‐shower  wet  area  and  a  built-­‐in  LCD  TV  panel.

Suite  from  R8’974.00  per  night

Park Hyatt Saigon


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From   its   icy   start   in   the   Tibetan  Plateau,   the   Mekong   River  winds  through  China,  Burma,   Laos,   Thailand,   and  Cambodia  before  breaking  into  tributaries  in  Vietnam’s  Mekong  Delta.  The  glistening  rice   paddies,   tangled  fruit   orchards  and  floa:ng   fish   farms  of  the  delta   all   depend   on   this   river’s   bounty.   Heritage   Line’s   cruises  explore   the   age-­‐old  ways  of   life   supported   by   this  majes:c  river.  Guests  can  ride  bicycles  through  the  rice  fields;  sip  homemade  fruit  liqueur  in  a   pomello  orchard;  and  explore  quiet  riverside   temples.  Vietnam  is  perhaps   the  only  country  to  use   the  words  “land”  and  “water”  to  mean  “na:on”.  Crisscrossed  by  a  myriad  of  waterways,  the  only  way  to  experience   the  Mekong  Delta   is  by  boat.  Heritage  Line’s   cruises   take   you   through   Vietnam’s   rural   heartland   to  Cambodia’s  temple-­‐strewn  capital.  Op:ons  include  the   seven-­‐night  Lost  Civilisa:on  cruise;   the  three-­‐  or  four-­‐night  Serenity  cruise;  the  three-­‐night   Pearl   of   the   Orient   cruise;   and  the   two-­‐night  Deep   in  the  Delta   cruise.   Guests  seeking  privacy   can  opt   for  special   tailor-­‐made  excursions.  

The  JahanThe   Jahan  is,  without   a   doubt,   Heritage-­‐Line’s  flagship  cruise  

liner.   This   Bri:sh-­‐Indian   colonial-­‐themed   cruise   ship   has   all   the  trappings   of   a   century-­‐old   marvel.   The   décor,   the   colours,   the  architecture,   the   carefully   chosen   pain:ngs   and   decora:ve   items  bear  witness  of  an  era  gone-­‐by  when  Indian  traders  and  seafarers  sailed   the   seas   and   the   Mighty   Mekong   to   ply   their   trade   in  

Cambodia.   Every   artefact,   every   design   and   every   hue   was  delicately   created   to   bring   back   Cambodia’s   glorious   past.   This  luxury  bou:que  cruise  ship  is  designed  to  be  the  crème  de  la  crème  of  cruise  ships  plying  the  Mekong.  Twenty  six  beau:fully  appointed  cabins  each  with  a  private  balcony  offer  a  regal  residence  during  an  excep:onal   cruise   adventure.   Two   enormous   and   extravagant  suites  with  private   Jacuzzi   showcase   the  pearls  of  this  vessel.   The  Indian  Colonial  Raj   of   India   Lobby  &   Lounge  with   its  Old  England  styled   recep:on   is   the   place   to   kick   back   and   unwind.   On   the  terrace   deck  –   the   biggest   pool  on  any  Mekong   cruise.   Enjoy   the  breath-­‐taking   Indian-­‐styled   Observatory   Lounge   with   wide   cozy  divans   and   amazing   front   view   or   the   exquisite   romance   and  privacy  of  our  Apsara  Spa.   A   cocktail   at  the   The   India  Club  Funnel  Bar  with  its  handcraJed  camel  bone   inlays  will  transport  you  finally  back  in  :me.

Lost  Civilisa<on  (7  nights,  upstream,  high  water):  

Day  1:   Bid  farewell   to  the  hustle   and  bustle   of   Saigon  as  we  travel   70  kilometres  south  by   land   to  My  Tho  to  embark  on   your  bou:que  Ship.  We  will  be  served  a  refreshing  welcome  drink  as  the  ship  steadily  glides  along   the  Mekong.  We  will  bathe  in  the   fading  sunset  on  the  balcony  followed  by  a  briefing  at  the   lounge.  Later,  a  welcome   dinner   awaits   us.   When   approaching   Cai   Be,   the   Ship  

The Jahan



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drops   anchor   to   moor   midstream   where   the   river   is   several  kilometres  wide.  Including  dinner.  Overnight  in  Cai  Be.  

Day  2:  Cai  Be  –  Sa  Dec  –  Chau  DocThe  day  –  in  fact  everyday  –  starts  with  an  invigora:ng  Tai  Chi  

lesson   on   the   sun   deck,   just   as   the   sun   begins   its   gentle   glow.  Coffee   and  tea   awaits  the   early   bird.   The  day’s  tour  starts  with  a  visit  to  Cai  Be’s  boisterous  and  colourful  floa:ng  market  on  board  a  tradi:onal   sampan   (a   flat   boZomed   tradi:onal   Vietnamese  wooden   boat).   During   the   languid   ride,   discover   breathtaking  landscapes  along  the   river  and  quaff  the   rus:c  life   on  the  Mekong  Delta.  The  cruise  will  halt  intermiZently  to  allow  us  to  observe  how  rice   paste,   rice   cookies  and  coconut  candies  are  made,  along  with  the  Longan  fruit  drying   process.  AJer   touring  the   canals,  we  head  to  an  ancient  house   surrounded  by  fruit   orchards  before   heading  to  the  Ship  for  lunch.  In  the  aJernoon,  we  cruise  to  Sa  Dec.

Upon   arrival,   we   embark   a   tradi:onal   sampan   to   tour   Binh  Thanh   Island   and   its   manmade   canals.   Here,   every   villager   is  involved  in  the   process  of  growing  and  processing  water  hyacinths  into  natural  fibre  floor  mats  and  raZan  baskets.  We  then  board  the  Ship  for  a   tranquil  evening   cruise   towards  Chau  Doc.  Including   breakfast,   lunch  and   dinner.   The   ship  will  moor  midstream  overnight  near  Chau  Doc.

Day   3:   Chau   Doc   (Border   Crossing)   –   Phnom                  Penh

Welcome   to   the   fish   sanctuary   of   Vietnam.  Begin  your  day  with  a  hearty  breakfast  at  the   Dining  Hall  or   in  the   quiet   sanctuary  of  your  balcony.   Brace  yourself  for  a  short  excursion  in  Chau  Doc,  a  pleasant  town   near   the   Cambodian   border   with   sizeable  Chinese,  Kinh  and  Khmer  communi:es.  We   will   also  visit   the   colourful   local   market   near   an   ancient  temple.  This  is  followed  by  a  trip  to  the  quay,  where  we   will  be   feted  to  a   boat  excursion  to  the   floa:ng  villages  and  rus:c  cakish  farms  where   we   will   learn  exci:ng   facts  about  the  breeding   of  Basa  fish   in  the  Mekong  Delta.  Then,  it  is  back  to  the  ship  for  a  lunch.By  mid-­‐aJernoon,   the   cruise   liner  will  make   its  way  to   the   border   for   Phnom   Penh,   the   capital   city   of  Cambodia.  It  is  an  opportune  :me   to  relax  on  board,  sharpen  your   culinary  skills  with  our   hands-­‐on  cooking   classes  or  tour   the   ship  with  our  impeccable   Cruise  Director.   Or,   beZer   yet,  do  all   three.  “The  Highway  Blues”  beckons  as  we   float  into  a  state  of  mild  bliss  caused  by  the   hypno:c  murmur  of  the   ship’s  engine.  AJer  hours  of  cruising,  we  will  feel  the  rush  of  entering   into  a  new  country  and  to  embrace  new  adventures.Including   breakfast,   lunch  and  dinner.   Overnight  midstream   near  Phnom  Penh.

Note:   Due   to  high  water   in   the  Mekong  Delta  between   July  and   December   the   following  program  applies:   This  morning,   you  will  start  your  excursion  on  a  local  boat  (sampan)  and  discover  the  border   town   of   Tan   Chau.   Firstly,   the   journey   takes   you   to   the  “evergreen”  islands  where  you  will  be  thrilled  to  learn  the  life  of  the  locals.The  inhabitants  of  these  islands  live  on  houses  poised  on  high  sHlts  –   a   centuries-­‐old   tradiHon   in   this   part   of   the   Mekong  Delta.   We  stop  to  visit  a  fish  farm   located  in  the   Tan  Chau  canal  –   this  farm  consists  of  floaHng  houses   and  the   villagers  make   their   living   by  culHvaHng  fish.  You  conHnue  by  boat  to  Tan  Chau  pier,  disembark  here   and   stroll   around   this   colourful   local   market   with   lots   of  regional  products.  You  return  to  the   cruise  Ship  aPer  your  market  visit.

Day  4:  Phnom  PenhPhnom  Penh  was  once   the  Paris  of  the  East.  Despite   its  rapid  

development,  it  has  retained  a   lot  of  its  rus:c  charm  and  elegance.  AJer  breakfast,   we  will  be   cap:vated  by   a   comprehensive   lecture  

on  Cambodia’s  modern  history.  This  will  be  followed  by  a  city  tour  of   this   dynamic,   historical   capital   city   of   Cambodia,   which   has  managed   to   preserve   huge   slices   of   its   French   colonial   allure.  Sightseeing   in  the   morning   will   include   visi:ng   the   dazzling  white  and   gold   edifice   of   the   Royal   Palace   and   the   Silver   Pagoda,   and  witnessing   excep:onally   beau:ful   Khmer   craJ   at   the   Na:onal  Museum.AJer   lunch   at   a   local   restaurant,   we   will   visit   the   Genocide  Museum   and   the   Killing   Field   in   town.   Be   prepared   to   be   heart  wrenched  by  this  stark   reminder  of  the   genocide   that   transpired  during  Cambodia’s  Khmer  Rouge  regime.We  go  back  to  the  Ship  aJer  our  museum  visit.  Take  a  rest  on  your  cabin   balcony   or   the   lounge   and   get   prepared   for   an   exci:ng  evening  event.  The  evening  starts  with  a  variety  of  cocktails  served  on  the  sun  deck.  Take  a  seat  and  enjoy  the   following  Apsara  dance  performance.  Experience  the  brilliance  and  richness  of  this  culture,  the   soothing   sounds   of   tradi:onal   music,   the   calming   scent   of  incense   s:cks  and  a  barbeque  on  the  sun  deck.   It  is  indeed  a   truly  marvellous  experience,  dining   in  the   open  with   the   stars  and  the  moon  as  our  companions.

Including  breakfast,  lunch  and  dinner.  Overnight  in  Phnom  Penh.

Day  5:  Phnom  Penh  –  Kampong  ChamWe  will  depart   before   the   break   of  dawn  from   Phnom   Penh  

with  a  stop  at  the   liZle   known  Chong   Koh  silk  weaving  village.  We  will   then   return   to   the   Ship   and  will   cruise   past   the   Mekong’s  tranquil  villages,  exhilara:ng  river  life  and  sun-­‐hardened  fishermen  on  their  shiJ  boats.We   will   tour   the   rural  Angkor   Ban  village  where   :me   stood   s:ll.  We  are  transported  back  a   hundred  years  into  an  era  unsullied  by  modernity.   The   houses   here   are   truly   rus:c,   made   by   hand   and  without  any  concrete.  But  most  of  all,  we   feel  overwhelmed  by  the  unbridled  warmth  of  the  villagers.Travellers   can   take   part   in   the   daily   ac:vi:es   of   the   villagers   to  experience  village   life  first  hand.  Then,  we   are  back  to  the  Ship  to  cruise  towards  Kampong  Cham.Including   breakfast,   lunch   and   dinner.   Overnight   in   Kampong  Cham.

Day  6:  Kampong  Cham  –  Wat  HancheyWe   will   wake   up   in   the   small   hours   of   the   morning,   truly  

energised   to   embark   on   a   land   journey   to   the   pre-­‐Angkorian  temple   of   Wat   Hanchey.   Travellers   either   take   a   motor-­‐taxi   or  climb  291  steps  to  the   top.   Located  at  the  top  of  a  hill  overlooking  the   river,   it   offers   one   of   the   most   breath-­‐taking   views   in  Cambodia.  Built  in  the  8th  century,  this  ancient  structure,  together  with   a   bigger   and   newer   addi:on   underscores   the   superb  

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architecture   of   the   Chenla   Empire   which   predates   the   mighty  Angkor   temple   complex.   We   even  get   to  engage   in   light   banter  with  some   of  the  monks  in  the   area.  We  will   return  to  the  Ship  to  witness   a   blessing   ceremony   performed   by   orange-­‐clad   local  monks.When   the   :de   allows,   we   will   enjoy   a   surprise   sojourn   in   our  zodiacs   (inflatable   boats)  to  the   nearby   bank   to  swim   in   the   tea-­‐coloured   Mekong   River,   an   experience   that   will,   no   doubt,  dominate  dinner  conversa:ons  in  the  weeks  to  come.  We  will  then  cruise   towards   Kampong   Cham   to   visit   Wat   Nokor,   a   wat   built  within  the   ruins  of  an  ancient  temple  which  holds  a  :meless  story.  On  the  way  back  to  the  Ship,  we  will  visit  an  orphanage.  Along  the  way,   we   will   have   to   manoeuvre   a   2-­‐kilometre   rickety   bamboo  bridge.  Our  sense  of  balance  lies  in  the  balance!Including   breakfast,   lunch   and   dinner.   Overnight   cruise   to  Kampong  Chhnang.

Day  7:  Kampong  Cham  –  Kampong  Chhnang    Before   the   sun  peeks  over   the   horizon,   the   cruiser   sets   sail  

towards   Kampong   Chhnang   on   the   Tonle   River   –   an   amazingly  narrow   river  –  which  glides  through   leafy   swaths  of  the   Southeast  Asian  jungle.  We  are   greeted  by  cacophonous  children  who  waive  enthusias:cally   early   in   the   morning   when   they   bring   their  livestock   for   a   bath   in   the   meandering   Tonle   River.   Then   we  approach   Kampong   Chhnang,   Cambodia’s   “waterworld”   where  everything  is  on  s:lts  balanced  on  water  rich  soil–   it’s  an   awesome   sight   whilst   prac:sing   Tai   Chi   on   the  deck.Here   we   take   a  motorboat  excursion  to   the   landing,  followed  by  a  short  bus  trip  to  see   the   Khmer-­‐styled  poZery   at   the   Aundaung   Russey   village.   Then,   it   is  back   to   the   river   for   an   adventurous   motorboat  excursion   to   the   wetlands,   floa:ng   houses  and   fish  farms  in  the  region.We   then  return   to   the   Ship   for   lunch  whilst   cruising  the  narrow  and  meandering  Tonle  River.  Your  floa:ng  sanctuary   will   then   cruise   gently,   in   the   aJernoon,  along  the   narrow  and  meandering  Tonle   River.   In  the  evening,  a   sumptuous  spread  will  be   served.   And  for  the   big   surprise   –   bring   along   your   dance   shoes  and  learn   to   jiggle   the   Cambodian   way   with   our   staff  doubling  up  as  dance   instructors.   (If  you  can’t  dance,  do  not  fret.  Neither  can  our  staff)  Including  breakfast,  lunch  and  dinner.  Overnight  in  Kampong  Chhnang.

Day  8:  Tonle  Sap  –  Siem  Reap  Th i s   g rea t   l a ke   domina te s  Cambodia   and   is   the   largest  freshwater   lake   in   Asia   with  abundant   birdlife.   This   lake   is   so  wide   that   one   can   not   see   its  shores  from  the  middle  of  the  lake.Enjoy  the  s:llness  of  the  water  and  the  quiet  tranquility   on  the  way  to  Siem  Reap.  The  water  level  varies  a  great  deal  according  to  the  :me  of  the  year  and  the  amount  of  rainfall  recorded.   Thus,   minor   changes  to  the   i:nerary   may   occur   during  different  seasons.Our   Heritage   Line   cruise   liner  comes   to  an   end   as  we   reach   this  city   of   the   fabled   Angkor   temple  complex.   We   bid   farewell   to   the  cruise   as   our   journey   comes   to   a  close.   But   the   memories   and   the  friendships   made   on   board   linger  on   for   a   lot   longer.   We   will   cross  

the   Tonle   Lake   at   dawn  and   at   9.00h,   we   will   disembark   at   the  Siem  Reap  Port  for  onward  coach  transfer  to  the  drop  off   point  in  town.Including  breakfast.

Inclusions:   Meals   as   specified;   Interes:ng   lectures   and  educa:onal   workshops;   Vietnamese   and   Khmer   cooking   classes;  Tradi:onal   Apsara   dance   performances;   Fruit   and   drink   tas:ngs;  Tai  Chi  classes  -­‐  Movies  and  documentaries  on  large   screen  in  our  home-­‐feel  lounges;  Cyclo  rides  or   sampan  paddling;  Helping  hands  healing   heart   –   get   to   know   Heritage   Line   social   engagement   in  South  East   Asia;  Wifi   access  in  our   lobby   lounges;   Bonfire   beach  cocktail   event;   Onboard   barbecue   dinner   feast;   Library   with  literature,   newspapers,   magazines,   CD   &   DVD;   Bou:que   shop;  Board  games;  Kayaking  ;  Discover  the  secret  charms  of  the  Mekong  by   our   private   excursions   with   your   personal   guide.   Premium  Values  Our  Signature  and  Suite  guests  receive  even  more  body  and  soul  pampering:   In-­‐suite   dining,   private   candle   light  dinner   in  the  Observatory   Lounge,   complimentary   mini   bar,   laundry,   private  excursions  and  spa   sessions.  The   private  butler   is  at  hand  to  help  you  any:me  –  be  it  with  your  luggage,  a  simple  shoe-­‐shine  or  draw  a  scented  bath  -­‐  please  note  that  available  premium  values  depend  on  booked  cruise  op:on  and  boat.    

Signature  Suite  from  R90’878.00  for  7  nights

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Travel   in  Cambodia  can  be   a  biZersweet  experience.  Beneath  the  veneer  of  pris:ne   landscapes  and  broad  smiles,  this  remains  a  place   where   poli:cs  are   vola:le,   poverty   rife   and   the   wounds  of  the   Khmer   Rouge   years   s:ll   fresh.   The   temples   of   Angkor   are  Cambodia   for  most  people,   but   they're   just   the   beginning   of  the  story.  Beyond  that  wat  lies  a  country  that  is  slowly,   slowly  opening  up   -­‐-­‐   from   the   shanty-­‐to-­‐chic   capital   Phnom   Penh   to   the  northeast's  dense,  jungle-­‐filled  mountains  and  Sihanoukville's  liZle-­‐known  beaches.

Thanks   to   the   temples  of   Angkor   in   its  backyard,   Siem   Riep  has   rapidly   gone   from   dusty   backwater   to   five-­‐star   boom   town.  Chao:c,  ever-­‐evolving  Phnom  Penh  catapults  you  from  the  horrors  of  the  Khmer  Rouge   at  Tuol   Sleng  Museum  to  the  splendour   of  its  gilded   Royal   Palace.   Life   moves   at   a   more   relaxed   pace   in  BaZambang,   with   its   faded   French   colonial   architecture   and  Angkorian   temples,   and   the   Vietnamese   Floa:ng   Village   on   the  shores  of  Tonlé  Sap  Lake.

Ea<ng  and  DrinkingCambodians  will   tell   you   they   eat   anything   with   four   legs  

except   a   table   and   anything   that   flies   except   an   airplane.   The  grasshoppers,  meaty  tarantulas  and  uniden:fied  flying  objects  sold  at  markets  prove   their   point.   You  might   find  peppercorn-­‐studded  crab   in   coastal   Siakhounville,   freshwater   fish   on   the   Mekong's  banks   or   shrimp   pancakes   by   Tonlé   Sap   Lake   more   palatable.  Phnom  Penh,  Siem   Riep  and  BaZambang  dish  up  everything   from  coconut-­‐infused   Khmer   curries   at   street   stalls   to   classic   French  cuisine  in  colonial  villas.

NatureOff-­‐limits   for   decades,   rural   Cambodia   now   invites   cau:ous  

explora:on.   Lapped   by   the   Gulf   of   Thailand,   Sihanoukville's  beaches   and   islands   are   paradise   found.   Slightly   north,   hike   to  misty   falls  and,   if   you're   lucky,   spy   a   :ger   in  Bokor   Na:onal  Park  and   the   wild  Cardamom  Mountains.   Elephant   treks   in  Mondulkiri  and  Ratanakiri's  crater   lakes  await   in   the  mountainous  northeast,  home   to  hill   tribes.   Endangered   Irrawaddy   dolphins  get   cameras  clicking   in   Kra:e,   a   five-­‐hour   boat   ride   down   the   Mekong   River  from  Phnom  Penh.

History  and  CultureAngkor,   heart   of  the   mighty   Khmer   Empire   from   the   9th   to  

the   13th   century,   is   Cambodia's   pride   and   joy.   The   biggest   and  most   iconic  temple   is  Angkor  Wat  itself,  with  its  lotus  bud-­‐shaped  towers,   reflec:ng  moat  and  intricate   friezes.  The   jungle-­‐strangled  ruins  of  Ta   Prohm  of  Tomb  Raider   fame   and  Bayon's  216  gigan:c  stone  faces  are  also  unmissable.  To  do  Angkor  jus:ce,  allow  several  days  and  hire  a  bicycle   to  reach  scores  of  liZle-­‐known,  but  equally  enigma:c,  temples.

The Kingdom of CambodiaFrom Frommers Guide to Cambodia




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Across   from   the   Royal   Palace,   this   is   one   of   the   greatest  hotels  of  the   legendary  Grand  Tour  of  Indochina.  Embraced  by  15  acres   of   beau:fully   landscaped   French   gardens,   this   legendary  mee:ng   place   combines   old-­‐world   grandeur   with   peace   and  tranquility  in  one  of  the  world's  most  spiritual  des:na:ons.An   elegant   cage   elevator   adorns   the   lobby,   gracefully   carrying  guests  upwards  as   if   it  was  1932  all  over   again.   Overhead,   ceiling  fans   gently   beat   a   rhythm   and   move   the   s:ll   air.   From   a   cool  uncluZered  lobby,   Art  Deco  black-­‐and-­‐white  :led  halls  lead  you  to  rooms  of  perfect  luxury.  Welcome   to  Raffles  Grand  Hotel  d'Angkor,  once  the  home  of  royalty,  now  the  King  of  Hotels.

Located  in  the   heart  of  Siem  Reap,   in  the  Old  French  Quarter  only   8   kilometres   from   the   extraordinary   Angkor   Wat   temple  complex,  Raffles  Grand  Hotel  d'Angkor   is  the  ideal  place   to  explore  the   spiritual   and   archaeological   masterwork.   Relax   and   revitalise  beside   a   magnificent   pool   inspired   by   Angkorian   architecture   or  take   a  short  stroll   along   the   riverside   to  discover   the  vibrant   local  markets.

Sate   your   appe:te   from  a  wide   range   of  fine  dining   choices;  exo:c   Khmer   cuisine   at   the   Restaurant   Le   Grand,   or   fine   wine,  champagne   and  cocktails  at   the  Elephant  Bar.   For  a  one-­‐of-­‐a-­‐kind,  simply   unforgeZable   dining   experience,   The   Raffles   can   also  arrange  private  dining  at  one  of  the  magnificent  temples  of  Angkor.  Sublime.

Bijou  bou:ques  abound  -­‐  for  unique  handicraJs,  fashion  and  souvenirs;   while   the   award-­‐winning   Raffles   Spa   is   almost  compulsory   for   personalised   pampering   in   the   Cambodian   style.  For   romance   and   relaxa:on,   history   and   hospitality,   serenity   and  bliss,   Raffles   Grand   Hotel   d'Angkor   is  a   sensuous,   spiritual   oasis  loved  by  those  with  a  taste  for  the  very  best.

Two-­‐Bedroom  Uma  Villa  (318  m2)Located   on   the   serene   grounds   of   the   hotel   with  

uninterrupted  views  of   the   swimming   pool   and  garden,   the   Two-­‐Bedroom   Villas   have   been   tastefully   decorated   with   modern  comforts   so  they  feel   like   a   home  away   from  home.   Favoured  by  the   rich   and   famous,   this   luxurious  accommoda:on   is   exclusive,  private  and  beau:fully  'Raffles'.  Each  villa  has  one  master  bedroom  (with   a   king-­‐size   four-­‐poster   bed)   one   bedroom   (with   two   twin  beds),   two  en-­‐suite  bathrooms  and  a   third  bathroom,  as  well   as  a  spacious  living   room  with  dining   area.   Beau:fully  decorated  with  original   Angkorian   artefacts,   an:que   furniture,   Persian-­‐style  carpets  and  wooden  floors,   each  villa  includes  full   pantry   facili:es  with  a   private   wine   cellar,   and  24  hour  personal   butler   service   to  accommodate  all  your  needs.

Villa  rates  from  R22’609.00  per  night

Raffles Grand Hotel d’Angkor



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The  ruins  of  Angkor  are   surrounded  by  forest  and  rice  paddies,  north  of  the  Tonle  Sap,  south  of  the  Kulen  Hills  and   just  minutes  from   the   town  of   Siem  Reap.   A  UNESCO  World  Heritage   Site,   over   1,000  temples   can  be   found   in   the   area   –   all   that   remain   of   the  magnificent   Khmer   Empire   which  flourished   from   the  9th  to  the  13th  centuries.   The  Angkorian  period  began  in  AD  802  when  the  Khmer  Hindu  monarch  Jayavarman  II   declared   himself   a   “universal   monarch”   and   “god-­‐king”,  and  lasted  un:l  1431  when  AyuZhayan  invaders  sacked   the   Khmer   capital,   causing   its   popula:on   to  migrate  south  towards  modern-­‐day  Phnom  Penh.   In  its  heyday,   Angkor   is   said   to   have   been   the   largest   pre-­‐industrial   city   in   the   world,   with   sophis:cated  agricultural   systems   capable   of   suppor:ng   up   to  one  million   people.   Today,   the   ruins  have   been  reclaimed  by  the   jungle,   but  Angkor’s  excep:onal  stone   carvings  speak  eloquently  of  the  region’s  storied  past.

Angkor  WatThe   best-­‐known  and  most  enduring  image   of  the  

ancient  Khmer  Empire  is  Angkor  Wat  with  its  intricately  carved   quincunx   of   towers.   These   soar   skywards  crea:ng   the   impression   of   a   ‘temple   mountain’  symbolising  mythological  Mt.  Meru,   the   centre   of  the  universe.  Built  for  King  Suryavarman  II  in  the  early  12th  century  as  his  state   temple   and  capital   city,   it  became  the  centre  of  Khmer  Hindu  tradi:on  for   the  remainder  of   the   century.   Angkor   Wat’s   exterior   walls   are  wrapped  in  extensive   bas-­‐reliefs.  Of  par:cular  interest  is  the  panel  depic:ng  the  ‘Churning  of  the  Sea  of  Milk’.

Baphoun  TempleDescribed   as   the   world’s   largest   three-­‐

dimensional  puzzle  and  interrupted  by  civil  war,   it  took  archaeologists   in   Cambodia   over   half   a   century   to  painstakingly  restore  the  11th-­‐century  Baphuon  ruins.

Baphuon   was   built   by   Udayadityavarman   II.   He  remodelled   the   centre   of  Angkor   by   building   his  own  state   temple,   the   Baphuon   next   to   the   Royal   Palace.  

The   Baphuon  is  part  of  a   vast   landscape   of  ritual   and  water   management.   To   the   south   the   Baphuon   is   it  connected   to   the   10th  century   Bakheng   temple   by   a  great  roadway.  To  the  west  the   Baphuon  is  aligned  on  the   north   bank   of   the   early   11th   century   West   Baray  reservoir.   In   the   centre   of   the   West   Baray   he  constructed  a  unique   and  exquisite  water   temple,  the  West  Mebon.  At  the  heart  of  the  West  Mebon,  within  a  square,   walled  enclosure   surrounded  by   the   water   of  the  baray,   a   6m  long   reclining  bronze   statue  of  Vishnu  looked   out   over   a   lily   pond.   From   the   middle   of   the  eastern   bank   of   the   West   Baray   a   huge   canal   ran  eastwards  to  meet  the   great  roadway  between  Phnom  Bakheng   and   the   Baphuon.   This   great,   designed  landscape   epitomises   the   elaborate   interconnec:on  between   complex   ritual   architecture   and   pragma:c  water  management  engineering  in  Angkor.

Phnom  BakhengBuilt   in   907   AD   on   a   natural   hill,   this  was   the  

centre  of  the  first  city  at  Angkor,  called  Yasodharapura  aJer  its  founder  Yasovarman  I.  Overlooking  the  Angkor  site,   the   hilltop   loca:on   offers   excellent   views   of  Angkor  Wat  and  the  Western  Baray.

Tour  DetailsVisit   Cambodia's   magnificent   Angkor   temple  

complex  on  this  private   full-­‐day  Angkor  Wat  tour   from  Siem   Reap.   In   the   morning,   visit   the   Roluos   Temple  Group,   then   return   to   Siem   Reap   for   lunch.   In   the  aJernoon,  spend  two  and  a  half  hours  touring  majes:c  Angkor  Wat   before   climbing   up   to  Phnom  Bakheng   to  enjoy   a   magnificent   sunset   over   Angkor   and   its  surroundings.

Highlights-­‐   Your   own   private   English-­‐speaking   full-­‐day  

guided  tour  the  ancient  Angkor  temples

The Grandeur of Angkor WatFull day ancient temples tourBy Viator



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-­‐   Capture   the   magnificent   sunset   over   Angkor   Wat   as   you  climb  up  to  Phnom  Bakheng

-­‐   Explore   the   Angkor   temple   complex   and   it's   countless  ceremonial  structures

-­‐  Enjoy  lunch  in  Siem  ReapHotel  pickup  and  drop  off  by  air-­‐condi:oned  private  vehicle

Located  near  the  small  town  of  Siem  Reap,  the  Angkor  temple  complex   is   comprised   of   countless   ceremonial   structures   built  between   the   9th  and   13th   centuries  by   the   once   mighty   Khmer  Empire.   In   the   morning,   you   will   pickup   from   your   hotel   and  headed   in   the   direc:on   of   the   Roluos   Temple   Group,   which  includes  the  oldest  temples  of  the  Angkor  Complex.  Return  to  Siem  Reap  for   lunch  and   in   the   aJernoon,   then   take   a   two   and   a  half  hour  tour  around  the  majes:c  Angkor  Wat.

Your   tour   concludes   with   a   climb   up   to   Phnom   Bakheng  where   you  will   be   able   to   enjoy   a   magnificent   sunset   view   over  Angkor  Wat  and  the  surrounding  countryside.

Departure  point:   Tour   departs   from   your   selected   point   of  departure  in  Siem        Reap

Departure  <me:  8:00amDura<on:  10  hours  (approx.)Return  details:  Tour  returns  to  your  original  departure  point

Inclusions:   Private   English-­‐speaking   guided   full-­‐day   tour   of  Angkor's   majes:c   temples,   Hotel   pickup   and   drop   off   by   air-­‐condi:oned  private  vehicle,  Entrance  fees,  Lunch  in  Siem  Reap

Exclusions:   Beverages,  Gratui:es  (op:onal),   Pickup  at   cruise  port  in  Siem  Reap  is  NOT  included  and  is  an  addi:onal  cost

Private  tour  cost  from  R722.00  per  person



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A  history  of  hospitality.   The   luxury  of  :me.  The  secret  charm  of   Cambodia.   One   of   Asia's   essen:al   des:na:on   hotels,   Raffles  Phnom  Penh  has  been  the  iconic  res:ng  place  for  the  well  travelled  since  1929.  Soum  swa-­‐khom!  

A   luxury  hotel   fit   for  Royalty.   Raffles  Hotel  Le   Royal   has,   for  nearly  a   century,   been  the   premier  hotel   in  Phnom  Penh,   blessed  with  history  and  style,  atmosphere  and  aesthe:cs.  First  established  in  1929,   it  welcomes  as  it  has  always  done   a   diverse   interna:onal  clientele  of  entrepreneurs,  writers,  journalists,   royalty  and  intrepid  travellers   of   all   stripes.   Graced   through   the   years   by   legends  including   former   U.S   First   Lady   Jacqueline   Kennedy   and   French  writer,   statesman   and  adventurer   André   Malraux,   Raffles  Phnom  Penh   sets   the   benchmark   for   refined   enchantment   and   divine  relaxa:on.  Perfectly   of   its  place,   this   excep:onal   establishment   is  the  genuine  ar:cle;  infused  with  the  history  of  Phnom  Penh  itself.  

Located   at   the   heart   of   this   intoxica:ng   city,   directly  across  from  the  American  embassy,  this  landmark   luxury  hotel  offers  easy  access   to   the   Central  Market   and  Russian  Market   and  makes  an  ideal  base   for  sightseeing   tours  of  Wat  Phnom,   the   Royal   Palace,  the  Silver  Pagoda  and  along  the  mythical  Mekong.

Cambodian   cuisine   is,   of   course,   one   of   the   world's  undiscovered  treasures  and  guests  can  enjoy  the  finest  French  and  Cambodian  delicacies  in  Restaurant   Le   Royal.   Or   you  might   try   a  Femme   Fatale,   the   signature   cocktail   of   the   Elephant   Bar,   the  centre   of   the   city’s  brilliant   social   scene.   Meanwhile,   the   Raffles  

Spa  offers  true   relaxa:on  in  the  Cambodian  style;  gentle,  aroma:c  massages   and   therapies   to   soothe   the   soul.   For   therapy   of   a  different  kind,  bijou  bou:ques  within  the  hotel   showcase  exclusive  Khmer   collec:ons:   beau:ful,   elegant,   authen:c   design   from   this  mys:cal   Kingdom.   For   romance   and   relaxa:on,   business   or  pleasure,   Raffles  Hotel  Le   Royal,   Phnom  Penh   is  an   extraordinary  place   in   an   extraordinary   loca:on:   an   exci:ng,   enchan:ng   place  loved  by  those   with  an  adventurous  spirit  and  a  taste   for   the   very  best.

The  Royal  Suite  (228  m2)Le  Royal  Suite   is  our  premier  suite,  offering   unrivalled  luxury,  

privacy  and  space.   It  is  located  on  the   4th  storey  of  the   hotel   and  provides   wonderful   views   of   the   Tropical   gardens.   The   suite   is  beau:fully   decorated   with   exquisite   Cambodian   and   French  furniture   and  at  228  m2.   contains  two  bedrooms,  a  dining   room,  a  large  living  room  and  a  fully-­‐equipped  pantry.

Suite  services  include:  Raffles  butler  service,  24-­‐hour  in-­‐room  dining,   Daily   local   newspaper   delivery,   Fresh   tropical   fruits,  replenished  daily

Suite  rate  from  R21’912.00  per  night

Raffles Hotel Le Royal


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A   day-­‐long   cycling   retreat   into   the   countryside,  the  Oudong  trail  reveals  Cambodia's  ancient  beauty.

Oudong  was  once   Cambodia's  capital,   but   when  that  :tle  relocated  to  Phnom  Penh  the  area  of  Oudong  returned   to   simpler   life   composed   largely   of   small  villages,   rice   farmers  and  palm   wineries.   Oudong   has  impressive   Khmer  architecture   from  the   historic  glory  days   to   boast   about.   These   majes:c   temples  dot   the  rumpled   hillsides   through  which  our   bike   trail  winds,  making   our   Oudong   Escape   tour   a   relaxing   day-­‐long  retreat  into  the  historic  countryside.

The   trail  is  visually  stunning.  You  will  cycle   sienna  dirt   roads  that   lead   through   swaying   rice   fields,   past  blooming   lily   ponds,   and   into   s:lted   villages.   The  Oudong  bicycle   trail   leaves  behind  the   city  commo:on  of  modern  Phnom  Penh  to  explore   the   Cambodia   that  once   was—a   domina:ng  place   of  powerful  beauty  set  in  natural  surroundings.

What   will   you   see?   Your   bike   trail   begins   at   a  pagoda   just   outside   Phnom   Penh's   city   limits.   Cycling  crumbling   roads  lead  you  into  the  Oudong  countryside  where   rice   fields   sprawl   to   meet   distant   mountains,  mango  orchards  shade  simple  villages,  and  prickly  palm  trees   host   fermen:ng   palm   wine.   The   bicycle   trail  bends  gently  past  the  impressive   Khmer  Temple  of  the  

Heavens   and   into   a   community   street   market.  Surrounded   by   vivid,   rolling   hills,   we'll   lunch   in   the  market  here.

As   if   guarding   the   skies,   the   towering   Oudong  temple   rests   atop   one   of   these   nearby   hills.   AJer  lunch,  climb  the  stairway  to  the   temple  grounds  for  an  inspiring  view  over  the  quilted  countryside.

The  last  leg  of  your  bicycle  trail  con:nues  past  the  local   school   and  back   into  more   remote   seOngs.   You  will  cycle  along  the  shores  of  lakes  brimming  with  lilies  and  lotus  before  mee:ng  your  private  van  to  return  to  your  hotel.

What   is  the  riding   like?   This  is  a  comfortable   40  km,   full-­‐day   ride   that   is   suitable   for   any   level.  Experienced  SpiceRoads  cycle  guides  set  a  relaxed  pace  according   to   the   cycling   strength   of   the   group.  Regarding  road  condi:ons,  expect   a  mix  of  paved  and  dirt  roads.   The   dirt   roads  can  be  bumpy  depending  on  recent  rains.   Of  course,  water,  soJ  drinks,   and  snacks  are   all   included   during   the   ride,   and   SpiceRoads  supplies  a  quality  mountain  bike  and  helmet.

Rate   from  R840.00  per  person  (including  transfer  from  hotel  in  Phnom  Penh)

The Oudong Trail: A day long cycling retreat into the countryBy Spice Roads Cycle Tours


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Suite  318,  Private  Bag  X31Knysna,  6570South  Africa

Global  Office:  +27  11  083  9810Mobile  (SA):  +27  71  166  8859Mobile  (Asia):  +66  90  308  3843

Email:   [email protected]