index - class talents

Jedi Tree Talent Req. Ref. Jedi Consular Adept Negotiator - SAGA-39 Adversary Lore - JATM-14 Aggressive Negotiator Adept Negotiator LECG-26 Cleanse Mind - FUCG-24 Collective Visions Farseeing KOTOR-24 Consular's Vitality - CWCG-22 Consular’s Wisdom Adept Negotiator LECG-26 Entreat Aid - LECG-26 Force of Will - FUCG-24 Force Persuasion Adept Negotiator SAGA-40 Guiding Strikes - RECG-23 Improved Consular's Vitality - CWCG-22 Know Weakness Adversary Lore JATM-14 Master Negotiator Adept Negotiator SAGA-40 Recall - RECG-23 Skilled Advisor - SAGA-40 Visionary Attack Farseeing, Watchcircle Initiate KOTOR-24 Visionary Defense Farseeing, Watchcircle Initiate KOTOR-25 Renew Vision KOTOR-25 Watchcircle Initiate Farseeing KOTOR-25 Jedi Guardian Acrobatic Recovery - SAGA-40 Battle Meditation - SAGA-40 Close Maneuvering - RECG-23 Cover Escape - GAW-18 Defensive Acuity - LECG-27 Elusive Target - SAGA-40 Exposing Strike - CWCG-22 Force Intuition - SAGA-40 Forceful Warrior - FUCG-24 Grenade Defense - JATM-14 Guardian Strike - CWCG-22 Hold the Line - JATM-14 Immovable - RECG-23 Improved Battle Meditation Battle Meditation KOTOR-25 Mobile Combatant - FUCG-24 Resilience - SAGA-40 Jedi Sentinel Clear Mind - SAGA-40 Dampen Presence - FUCG-24 Dark Retaliation Sentinel Strike KOTOR-25 Dark Side Bane Dark Side Sense LECG-27 Dark Side Sense - SAGA-40 Dark Side Scourge Dark Side Sense SAGA-40 Force Haze Clear Mind SAGA-40 Gradual Resistance - RECG-23 Master of the Great Hunt - JATM-14 Persistent Haze Clear Mind, Force Haze S&V-13 Prime Targets - GAW-18 Reap Retribution - RECG-23 Resist Dark Side Dark Side Sense SAGA-41 Sense Primal Force - UR-19 Sentinel Strike - KOTOR-25 Sentinel's Observation - CWCG-22 Sentinel’s Gambit - KOTOR-25 Steel Resolve - FUCG-24 Unseen Eyes Clear Mind, Force Haze CWCG-22 Lightsaber Block - SAGA-41

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Level-up Aid for players and GMs of the Star Wars, Saga Edition RPG.


Page 1: Index - Class Talents

JediTree Talent Req. Ref.Jedi Consular Adept Negotiator - SAGA-39

Adversary Lore - JATM-14Aggressive Negotiator Adept Negotiator LECG-26Cleanse Mind - FUCG-24Collective Visions Farseeing KOTOR-24Consular's Vitality - CWCG-22Consular’s Wisdom Adept Negotiator LECG-26Entreat Aid - LECG-26Force of Will - FUCG-24Force Persuasion Adept Negotiator SAGA-40Guiding Strikes - RECG-23Improved Consular's Vitality - CWCG-22Know Weakness Adversary Lore JATM-14Master Negotiator Adept Negotiator SAGA-40Recall - RECG-23Skilled Advisor - SAGA-40Visionary Attack Farseeing, Watchcircle Initiate KOTOR-24Visionary Defense Farseeing, Watchcircle Initiate KOTOR-25Renew Vision KOTOR-25Watchcircle Initiate Farseeing KOTOR-25

Jedi Guardian Acrobatic Recovery - SAGA-40Battle Meditation - SAGA-40Close Maneuvering - RECG-23Cover Escape - GAW-18Defensive Acuity - LECG-27Elusive Target - SAGA-40Exposing Strike - CWCG-22Force Intuition - SAGA-40Forceful Warrior - FUCG-24Grenade Defense - JATM-14Guardian Strike - CWCG-22Hold the Line - JATM-14Immovable - RECG-23Improved Battle Meditation Battle Meditation KOTOR-25Mobile Combatant - FUCG-24Resilience - SAGA-40

Jedi Sentinel Clear Mind - SAGA-40Dampen Presence - FUCG-24Dark Retaliation Sentinel Strike KOTOR-25Dark Side Bane Dark Side Sense LECG-27Dark Side Sense - SAGA-40Dark Side Scourge Dark Side Sense SAGA-40Force Haze Clear Mind SAGA-40Gradual Resistance - RECG-23Master of the Great Hunt - JATM-14Persistent Haze Clear Mind, Force Haze S&V-13Prime Targets - GAW-18Reap Retribution - RECG-23Resist Dark Side Dark Side Sense SAGA-41Sense Primal Force - UR-19Sentinel Strike - KOTOR-25Sentinel's Observation - CWCG-22Sentinel’s Gambit - KOTOR-25Steel Resolve - FUCG-24Unseen Eyes Clear Mind, Force Haze CWCG-22

Lightsaber Combat Block - SAGA-41Cortosis Gauntlet Block Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium) LECG-27Deflect - SAGA-41Lightsaber Defense - SAGA-41Weapon Specialization (Lightsabers)

Weapon Focus (Lightsabers) SAGA-41

Lightsaber Throw - SAGA-41Precise Redirection - RECG-24Precision - LECG-27Redirect Deflect, Base Attack Bonus +5 SAGA-41Riposte Block, Base Attack Bonus +5 KOTOR-25Shoto Focus - JATM-14

Page 2: Index - Class Talents

NobleTree Talent Req. Ref.Anticipation Anticipate Movement - GAW-18

Forewarn Allies - GAW-18Get Down - GAW-18Heavy Fire Zone - GAW-18Summon Aid - GAW-19

Collaborator Double Agent - CWCG-22Enemy Tactics - CWCG-23Feed Information - CWCG-23Friendly Fire Enemy Tactics CWCG-23Protection Double Agent CWCG-23

Disgrace Ambush Dirty Tactics S&V-13Castigate - S&V-14Dirty Tactics - S&V-14Misplaced Loyalty Dirty Tactics S&V-14Two-Faced Dirty Tactics, Misplaced Loyalty S&V-14Unreadable - S&V-14

Exile Arrogant Bluster Trained in the Persuasion skill UR-19Band Together Galactic Guidance, Self-Reliant, trained in the

Persuasion and Knowledge (galactic lore) skillsUR-19

Galactic Guidance Trained in the Knowledge (Galactic Lore) skill UR-19Rant Trained in the Persuasion skill UR-20Self-Reliant UR-20

Fencing Demoralizing Defense Noble Fencing Style KOTOR-26Leading Feint Noble Fencing Style KOTOR-26Noble Fencing Style trained in the Deception and Persuasion Skills KOTOR-27Personal Affront Noble Fencing Style, Base Attack Bonus +5 KOTOR-27Transposing Strike Noble Fencing Style, Base Attack Bonus +5 KOTOR-27

Gambling Leader Assault Gambit - RECG-24Direct Fire Assault Gambit RECG-24Face the Foe - RECG-24Lead From the Front Face the Foe RECG-24Luck Favors the Bold Face the Foe RECG-24

Ideologue Instruction - FUCG-25Idealist Charisma 13 FUCG-25Know Your Enemy - FUCG-25Known Dissident Know Your Enemy FUCG-25Lead by Example - FUCG-25

Influence Presence - SAGA-43Demand Surrender Presence SAGA-43Fluster Presence, trained in the Persuasion Skill KOTOR-26Improved Weaken Resolve Presence, Weaken Resolve SAGA-43Intimidating Defense Presence, trained in the Persuasion Skill KOTOR-26Weaken Resolve Presence SAGA-43

Inspiration Beloved Bolster Ally, Inspire Confidence S&V-14Bolster Ally - SAGA-43Ignite Fervor Bolster Ally, Inspire Confidence SAGA-43Inspire Confidence - SAGA-44Inspire Haste - SAGA-44Inspire Zeal Bolster Ally, Inspire Confidence, Ignite Fervor SAGA-44Willpower Inspire Confidence FUCG-25

Leadership Born Leader - SAGA-44Commanding Presence Born Leader, Tactical Savvy GAW-19Coordinate - SAGA-44Distant Command Born Leader SAGA-44Fearless Leader Born Leader SAGA-44Rally Born Leader, Distant Command SAGA-44Reactionary Attack Born Leader, trained in the Persuasion Skill KOTOR-26Tactical Savvy Born Leader GAW-19Trust Born Leader, Coordinate SAGA-44Unwavering Ally - RECG-25

Lineage Connections - SAGA-44Educated - SAGA-44Engineer Educated, trained in the Knowledge (Technology) Skill SOTG-16Influential Friends Connections FUCG-25Powerful Friends Connections, Influential Friends FUCG-26Spontaneous Skill Educated SAGA-44Wealth - SAGA-44

Loyal Protector Inspire Loyalty - CWCG-23Undying Loyalty Inspire Loyalty CWCG-23Punishing Protection Inspire Loyalty CWCG-23Protector Actions Inspire Loyalty CWCG-23

Page 3: Index - Class Talents

Noble (Cont.)Tree Talent Req. Ref.Master of Intrigue Advanced Planning - GOI-20

Blend In - GOI-20Done It All - GOI-20Get into Position - GOI-20Master Manipulator Advanced Planning, Get into Position GOI-20Retaliation Advanced Planning GOI-20

Provocateur Cast Suspicion - LECG-27Distress to Discord - LECG-27Friend or Foe Cast Suspicion LECG-27Seize the Moment Distress to Discord LECG-27Stolen Advantage Cast Suspicion LECG-28True Betrayal Cast Suspicion, Friend or Foe LECG-28

Skill Challenge Guaranteed Boon - GOI-20Leading Skill - GOI-20Learn from Mistakes - GOI-20Try Your Luck - GOI-20

Superior Skill Assured Skill - GOI-21Critical Skill Success - GOI-21Exceptional Skill Trained in the chosen skill GOI-21Reliable Boon - GOI-21Skill Boon Trained in the chosen skill GOI-21Skill Confidence Critical Skill Success, trained in the chosen skill GOI-21Skillful Recovery Trained in the chosen skill GOI-21

ScoundrelTree Talent Req. Ref.Brigand Cheap Trick Trained in Deception GAW-19

Easy Prey Cheap Trick GAW-19Quick Strike Cheap Trick GAW-19Sly Combatant Cheap Trick, Easy Prey GAW-19

Fortune Avert Disaster Fool’s Luck S&V-14Better Lucky than Dead Fool’s Luck S&V-14Dumb Luck Knack, Lucky Shot S&V-14Fool’s Luck - SAGA-46Fortune’s Favor - SAGA-46Gambler - SAGA-46Knack - SAGA-46Labyrinthine Mind - S&V-15Lucky Shot Knack SAGA-46Lucky Stop Knack KOTOR-27Ricochet Shot Knack, Lucky Shot S&V-15Uncanny Luck Knack, Lucky Shot S&V-15Unlikely Shot Knack, Lucky Shot S&V-15

Malkite Poisoner Malkite Techniques - TOTG-13Modify Poison Malkite Techniques TOTG-13Numbing Poison Malkite Techniques TOTG-13Undetectable Poison Malkite Techniques TOTG-13Vicious Poison Malkite Techniques TOTG-13

Misfortune Backstabber Sneak Attack GAW-20Befuddle - S&V-15Cunning Strategist Disruptive, Walk the Line S&V-15Dastardly Strike - SAGA-46Disruptive - SAGA-46Hesitate - S&V-15Improved Skirmisher Skirmisher S&V-15Improved Sneak Attack Point Blank Shot, Sneak Attack GAW-20Seducer - LECG-29Seize Object - LECG-29Skirmisher - SAGA-46Sneak Attack - SAGA-46Sow Confusion Hesitate S&V-15Stymie - CWCG-24Sudden Strike Skirmisher, Sneak Attack S&V-15Walk the Line Disruptive SAGA-46Weakening Strike Dastardly Strike S&V-15

Opportunist Advantageous Opening - CWCG-24Retribution - CWCG-24Slip By - CWCG-24Thrive on Chaos Advantageous Opening CWCG-24Vindication Retribution CWCG-24

Outlaw Tech Fast Repairs trained in the Mechanics Skill SOTG-16Hot Wire trained in the Mechanics Skill SOTG-16Quick Fix trained in the Mechanics Skill SOTG-17

Page 4: Index - Class Talents

Personalized Modifications - SOTG-17

Scoundrel (Cont.)Tree Talent Req. Ref.Outsider Oafish - UR-20

Outsider’s Eye Trained in the Perception skill UR-20Outsider’s Query Trained in the Persuasion skill UR-21Wary Outsider’s Eye, trained in the Perception skill UR-21

Recklessness Find Openings - RECG-25Hit the Deck - RECG-25Lure Closer Trick Step RECG-25Risk for Reward Find Openings RECG-25Trick Step - RECG-26

Revolutionary Bomb Thrower Trained in the Mechanics skill GOI-21For the Cause Make an Example GOI-21Make an Example - GOI-22Revolutionary Rhetoric - GOI-22

Run and Gun Cheap Shot Opportunistic Strike KOTOR-27No Escape Opportunistic Strike KOTOR-27Opportunistic Strike - KOTOR-27Slippery Strike Strike and Run KOTOR-27Strike and Run - KOTOR-28

Slicer Electronic Forgery trained in the Use Computer Skill FUCG-27Electronic Sabotage trained in the Use Computer Skill FUCG-27Gimmick - SAGA-47Master Slicer Gimmick SAGA-47Security Slicer trained in the Mechanics Skill FUCG-27Trace - SAGA-47Virus Electronic Sabotage, trained in the Use Computer Skill S&V-16

Smuggling Art of Concealment - FUCG-27Fast Talker Art of Concealment FUCG-27Hidden Weapons Art of Concealment FUCG-27Illicit Dealings - FUCG-27Surprise Strike - FUCG-27

Spacer Cramped Quarters Fighting Spacehound, Starship Raider S&V-16Deep Space Raider Spacehound, Starship Raider UR-21Hyperdriven - SAGA-47Make a Break for It Spacehound, Stellar Warrior S&V-16Spacehound - SAGA-47Starship Raider Spacehound SAGA-47Stellar Warrior Spacehound SAGA-47

Yuuzhan Vong Biotech

Biotech Adept - LECG-29Bugbite - LECG-29Curved Throw Bugbite LECG-29Surprising Weapons - LECG-29Veiled Biotech Trained in Stealth LECG-29

ScoutTree Talent Req. Ref.Advanced Patrol Forward Patrol Watchful Step GAW-20

Mobile Combatant Forward Patrol, Watchful Step GAW-20Trailblazer Trained in Survival GAW-21Watchful Step - GAW-21

Awareness Acute Senses - SAGA-49Expert Tracker Acute Senses SAGA-49Improved Initiative Acute Senses SAGA-49Keen Shot Acute Senses SAGA-49Reset Initiative Acute Senses, Improved Initiative, trained in the

Initiative SkillFUCG-28

Uncanny Dodge I Acute Senses, Improved Initiative SAGA-49Uncanny Dodge II Acute Senses, Improved Initiative, Uncanny Dodge I SAGA-49Weak Point Acute Senses, Keen Shot KOTOR-28

Camouflage Dig In - GAW-20Extended Ambush Improved Stealth UR-21Ghost Assailant - GAW-20Hidden Movement Improved Stealth SAGA-49Hide in Plain Sight Hidden Movement, Improved Stealth S&V-16Hunker Down - S&V-16Improved Stealth - SAGA-49Shadow Striker Hidden Movement, Improved Stealth S&V-16Slip By - GAW-20Total Concealment Hidden Movement, Improved Stealth SAGA-49

Espionage Fade Out Trained in the Stealth skill GOI-22Keep Together - GOI-22Prudent Escape - GOI-22Reactive Stealth Trained in the Stealth skill GOI-23

Page 5: Index - Class Talents

Sizing - GOI-22

Page 6: Index - Class Talents

Scout (Cont.)Tree Talent Req. Ref.Fringer Barter - SAGA-49

Flee Long Stride S&V-17Fringe Savant - SAGA-50Jury-Rigger - SAGA-50Keep it Together Jury-Rigger S&V-17Long Stride - SAGA-50Sidestep Long Stride S&V-17Surge Long Stride S&V-17Swift Strider Long Stride, Sidestep S&V-17

Hyperspace Explorer Deep-Space Gambit - KOTOR-28Guidance trained in the Perception skill KOTOR-28Hidden Attacker trained in the Stealth skill KOTOR-29Hyperspace Savant trained in the Pilot skill KOTOR-29Silent Movement Trained in the Stealth skill UR-21Vehicle Sneak trained in the Pilot skill KOTOR-29

Master Scout Piercing Hit Acute Senses, Keen Shot UR-21Quicktrap Jury-Rigger, Tripwire, trained in the Mechanics skill UR-22Speedclimber Long Stride, Surefooted, trained in the Climb skill UR-22Surprisingly Quick Skill Focus (Initiative), trained in the Initiative skill UR-22Tripwire Jury-Rigger, trained in the Mechanics skill UR-22

Mobile Scout Battle Mount Expert Rider, Terrain Guidance, trained in the Ride skill UR-22Expert Rider Trained in the Ride skill UR-23Mechanized Rider Trained in the Pilot and Ride skills UR-23Terrain Guidance Trained in the Ride skill UR-23

Reconnaissance Close Combat Assault Reconnaissance Team Leader CWCG-25Get Into Position Reconnaissance Team Leader, Base Attack Bonus +5 CWCG-25Reconnaissance Actions Reconnaissance Team Leader CWCG-25Reconnaissance Team Leader - CWCG-25

Spy Blend In - FUCG-28Incognito Blend In FUCG-28Improved Surveillance Surveillance, trained in the Perception Skill FUCG-28Intimate Knowledge Surveillance, trained in the Perception Skill FUCG-28Surveillance trained in the Perception Skill FUCG-28Traceless Tampering - FUCG-28

Surveillance Advanced Intel Spotter CWCG-25Hidden Eyes - CWCG-25Hunt the Hunter - CWCG-25Seek and Destroy Hidden Eyes CWCG-25Spotter - CWCG-25

Survivor Evasion - SAGA-50Extreme Effort - SAGA-50Sprint - SAGA-50Surefooted - SAGA-50

Unpredictable Aggressive Surge - RECG-26Blast Back - RECG-26Fade Away - RECG-26Second Strike Blast Back RECG-26Swerve Fade Away RECG-26

Versatility Adapt and Survive - LECG-30Defensive Protection - LECG-30Quick on Your Feet - LECG-30Ready and Willing - LECG-30Unbalancing Adaptation Adapt and Survive LECG-30

SoldierTree Talent Req. Ref.Ambusher Ambush Specialist - RECG-28

Destructive Ambusher Ambush Specialist RECG-28Keep It Going Ambush Specialist RECG-28Keep Them Reeling Ambush Specialist RECG-28Perceptive Ambusher Ambush Specialist RECG-28Spring the Trap - RECG-28

Armor Specialist Armor Mastery Armored Defense SAGA-51Armored Defense - SAGA-52Improved Armored Defense Armored Defense SAGA-52Juggernaught Armored Defense SAGA-52Second Skin Armored Defense SAGA-52Shield Expert Armor Proficiency (Light) KOTOR-29

Page 7: Index - Class Talents

Soldier (Cont.)Tree Talent Req. Ref.Brawler Bayonet Master Gun Club CWCG-26

Cantina Brawler - S&V-17Counterpunch - S&V-18Crowd Control Entangler GOI-23Devastating Melee Smash Melee Smash KOTOR-29Disarm and Engage - GOI-23Entangler - GOI-23Experienced Brawler Melee Smash, Stunning Strike S&V-18Expert Grappler - SAGA-52Gun Club - SAGA-52Grabber - LECG-31Hammerblow - LECG-31Make Do - S&V-18Man Down - S&V-18Melee Smash - SAGA-52Pick a Fight Cantina Brawler S&V-18Reverse Strength - GOI-23Strong Grab - LECG-31Stunning Strike Melee Smash SAGA-52Sucker Punch - S&V-18Unbalance Opponent Expert Grappler SAGA-52Unrelenting Assault Melee Smash CWCG-26

Brute Squad Gang Leader - LECG-30Melee Assault - LECG-31Melee Brute - LECG-31Melee Opportunist - LECG-31Squad Brutality - LECG-31Squad Superiority - LECG-31

Commando Battle Analysis - SAGA-52Coordinated Effort Dedicated Protector GOI-23Cover Fire Battle Analysis SAGA-52Dedicated Guardian Dedicated Protector, Harms Away GOI-24Dedicated Protector Harms Way GOI-24Defensive Position Battle Analysis GAW-21Demolitionist - SAGA-52Draw Fire - SAGA-52Hard Target Tough as Nails TOTG-95Harm’s Way trained in the Initiative Skill SAGA-52Indomitable - SAGA-52Keep Them at Bay - CWCG-26Out of Harm’s Way Harm’s Way, trained in the Initiative skill UR-23Tough as Nails - SAGA-53

Mercenary Combined Fire Coordinated Attack TOTG-57Commanding Presence - FUCG-28Dirty Fighting - FUCG-28Feared Warrior Commanding Presence FUCG-29Focused Warrior - FUCG-29Mercenary’s Determination Mercenary’s Grit TOTG-57Mercenary’s Grit - TOTG-57Mercenary’s Teamwork Combined Fire, Coordinated Attack TOTG-57Ruthless Dirty Fighting FUCG-29

Rocket Jumper Burning Assault Jet Pack Training KOTOR-30Improved Trajectory Jet Pack Training KOTOR-30Jet Pack Training - KOTOR-30Jet Pack Withdrawl Jet Pack Training KOTOR-30

Shockboxer Defensive Jab Retaliation Jab GAW-21Nimble Dodge - GAW-21Retaliation Jab - GAW-21Stinging Jab - GAW-21Stunning Shockboxer Stinging Jab GAW-21

Squad Leader Commanding Officer - CWCG-26Coordinated Tactics Commanding Officer CWCG-26Fire at Will Commanding Officer, Base Attack Bonus CWCG-26Squad Actions Commanding Officer CWCG-26

Trooper Comrade in Arms - CWCG-26Focused Targeting Comrade in Arms CWCG-26Phalanx Watch Your Back CWCG-26Stick Together Comrade in Arms CWCG-26Watch Your Back Comrade in Arms CWCG-26

Page 8: Index - Class Talents

Soldier (Cont.)Tree Talent Req. Ref.Veteran Battlefield Remedy Trained in Treat Injury GAW-21

Grizzled Warrior Seen it All, Tested in Battle GAW-21Reckless Tested in Battle GAW-22Seen it All Tested in Battle, trained in Initiative GAW-22Tested in Battle - GAW-22

Warrior Champion Warrior’s Awareness, Warrior’s Determination UR-23Quick Study Warrior’s Awareness UR-23Simple Opportunity Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons) UR-23Warrior’s Awareness - UR-23Warrior’s Determination - UR-23

Weapon Specialist Autofire Assault Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons) GAW-22Crushing Assault Weapon Specialization S&V-18Devastating Attack - SAGA-53Disarming Attack Improved Disarm, Intelligence 13, Weapon

Specialization with Chosen Weapon Group or Exotic Weapon

Impaling Assault Weapon Specialization S&V-18Improved Suppression Fire - LECG-31Penetrating Attack Weapon Focus with Chosen Weapon Group or Exotic


Stinging Assault Weapon Specialization S&V-18Weapon Specialization Weapon Focus with Chosen Weapon Group or Exotic


AssassinTree Talent Req. Ref.Assassin Advantageous Positioning Shift S&V-29

Get Some Distance Advantageous Positioning, Shift S&V-29Murderous Arts I - S&V-29Murderous Arts II Murderous Arts I S&V-29Ruthless - S&V-29Shift - S&V-29Sniping Assassin - S&V-29Sniping Marksman Sniping Assassin S&V-29Sniping Master Sniping Assassin, Sniping Master S&V-29

GenoHaradan Deadly Repercussions - S&V-29Manipulating Strike - S&V-29Improved Manipulating Strike Manipulating Strike S&V-29Pulling the Strings - S&V-29

Malkite Poisoner See ScoundrelMisfortune See Scoundrel

Ace PilotTree Talent Req. Ref.Blockade Runner Close Cover Watch This S&V-25

Outrun - S&V-25Punch Through - S&V-25Small Target - S&V-25Watch This - S&V-26

Expert Pilot Blind Spot - SOTG-17Clip - GOI-24Close Scrape - SOTG-17Elusive Dogfighter - SAGA-207Full Throttle - SAGA-207Improved Attack Run - SOTG-17Juke Vehicular Evasion SAGA-207Keep It Together - SAGA-207Master Defender - GOI-24Relentless Pursuit - SAGA-207Renown Pilot - CWCG-39Roll Out Elusive Dogfighter UR-29Shunt Damage - GOI-24Vehicular Evasion - SAGA-207Vehicle Focus Wisdom 13 SOTG-17Wingman Wisdom 13 SOTG-17

Gunner Crippling Hit Expert Gunner, System Hit SOTG-17Dogfight Gunner Expert Gunner SAGA-207Expert Gunner - SAGA-207Fast Attack Specialist Expert Gunner, Quick Trigger UR-29Great Shot - SOTG-17Overcharged Shot Expert Gunner UR-29Quick Trigger Expert Gunner SAGA-207Synchronized Fire Expert Gunner SOTG-17System Hit Expert Gunner SAGA-207

Page 9: Index - Class Talents

Spacer See Scoundrel

Ace Pilot (Cont.)Tree Talent Req. Ref.Squadron Leader Begin Attack Run Charisma 13 SOTG-17

Reqroup Charisma 13 SOTG-18Squadron Maneuvers Charisma 13, any other Ace Pilot Talent SOTG-18Squadron Tactics Charisma 13, Wisdom 13, and other Ace Pilot Talent,

Squadron Maneuvers, Starship Tactics .SOTG-18

Wingman Concentrate All Fire - RECG-40Escort Pilot - RECG-40Lose Pursuit - RECG-40Run Interference Escort Pilot RECG-40Wingman Retribution Escort Pilot RECG-40

Bounty HunterTree Talent Req. Ref.Bounty Hunter Detective - GOI-24

Dread Hunter’s Mark, Hunter’s Target S&V-26Electronic Trail Nowhere to Hide, trained in the Computer skill GOI-25Familiar Enemies Familiar Foe special quality UR-29Familiar Situation Familiar Foe special quality UR-29Fearsome Notorious FUCG-42Hunter’s Mark - SAGA-208Hunter’s Target Hunter’s Mark SAGA-208Jedi Hunter - FUCG-42Notorious - SAGA-208Nowhere to Hide - SAGA-208Nowhere to Run Hunter’s Mark, Hunter’s Target, Nowhere to Hide S&V-26Quick Cuffs Quick Draw feat UR-29Relentless Hunter’s Mark, Hunter’s Target SAGA-208Revealing Secrets Detective GOI-25Ruthless Negotiator Notorious SAGA-208Signature Item - FUCG-42Tag Hunter’s Mark, Hunter’s Target S&V-26

Force Hunter Force Blank - LECG-40Lightsaber Evasion - LECG-40Precision Fire - LECG-40Steel Mind - LECG-40Strong Willed - LECG-40Telekinetic Resonance - LECG-40

Gand Findsman Findsman Ceremonies Force Sensitivity S&V-26Findsman’s Foresight Findsman Ceremonies S&V-26Omens Findsman Ceremonies S&V-26Target Vision Findsman Ceremonies S&V-26Temporal Awareness Findsman Ceremonies S&V-26

Misfortune See ScoundrelAwareness See Scout

CharlatanTree Talent Req. Ref.Disgrace See NobleFortune See ScoundrelProvocateur See NobleTrickery Cunning Distraction - S&V-31

Damaging Deception Cunning Distraction S&V-31Distracting Shout Cunning Distraction S&V-31Improved Soft Cover Innocuous S&V-31Innocuous - S&V-31Treacherous Improved Soft Cover, Innocuous S&V-31

Corprate AgentTree Talent Req. Ref.Coroporate Power Competitive Drive - KOTOR-42

Competitive Edge - KOTOR-42Corporate Clout Impose Hesitation, Wrong Decision KOTOR-42Impose Confusion Impose Hesitation KOTOR-43Impose Hesitation - KOTOR-43Willful Resolve - KOTOR-43Wrong Decision - KOTOR-43

Leadership See NobleLineage See Noble

Page 10: Index - Class Talents

Clime LordTree Talent Req. Ref.Infamy Fear Me Attract Minion, Inspire Fear I, Inspire Fear II S&V-26

Frighten Attract Minion, Inspire Fear I S&V-26Inspire Fear I - SAGA-210Inspire Fear II Inspire Fear I SAGA-210Inspire Fear III Inspire Fear I, Inspire Fear II SAGA-210Master Manipulator Notorious, Skill Focus (Persuasion), trained in the

Persuasion skillUR-29

Notorious - SAGA-210Small Favor Notorious, trained in the Persuasion UR-29Shared Notoriety Notorious SAGA-210Terrify Frighten, Inspire Fear I, Inspire Fear II S&V-27UnS&Vory Reputation Inspire Fear I, Inspire Fear II, Inspire Fear III. Notorious S&V-27

Crime Lord (Cont.)Tree Talent Req. Ref.Mastermind Attract Minion - SAGA-210

Attract Superior Minion Attract Minion, Impel Ally I, Impel Ally II GOI-25Bodyguard I Attract Minion S&V-27Bodyguard II Attract Minion, Bodyguard I S&V-27Bodyguard III Attract Minion, Bodyguard I, Bodyguard II S&V-27Contingency Plan - GOI-25Impel Ally I - SAGA-210Impel Ally II Impel Ally I SAGA-210Impel Ally III Impel Ally I, Impel Ally II S&V-27Inspire Wrath Impel Ally I, Impel Ally II S&V-27Master’s Orders Impel Ally I, Impel Ally II UR-30Shelter Attract Minion S&V-27Tactical Superiority - S&V-27Tactical Withdrawal - S&V-27Urgency Impel Ally I, Impel Ally II S&V-27Wealth of Allies Attract Minion S&V-27

Droid CommanderTree Talent Req. Ref.Droid Commander Automated Strike Double Attack with the chosen weapon CWCG-43

Droid Defense - CWCG-43Droid Mettle Droid Defense CWCG-43Expanded Sensors - CWCG-43Inspire Competence Expanded Sensors CWCG-44Maintain Focus - CWCG-44Overclocked Troops Droid Defense CWCG-44Reinforced Commands Droid Defense CWCG-44

Inspiration See NobleLeadership See NobleOverride Directed Action - SGTD-28

Directed Movement - SGTD-28Full Control Directed Action, Directed Movement, and Remote


Remote Attack

Elite TrooperTree Talent Req. Ref.Camouflage See ScoutCommando See SoldierCritical Master Deny Move Reduce Mobility FUCG-42

Extended Critical Range (Heavy Weapons)

Base Attack Bonus +10, Weapon Proficiency (Heavy Weapons) .


Extended Critical Range (Rifles)

Base Attack Bonus +10, Weapon Proficiency (Rifles) FUCG-42

Extended Critical Range (simple weapons)

Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons), base attack bonus +10


Flurry Attack Weapon Proficiency for Chosen Weapon FUCG-42Knockback - FUCG-42Reduce Defense - FUCG-42Reduce Mobility - FUCG-42

Manalorian Warrior

Armored Mandalorian Dexterity 13, Mandalorian Glory, proficient in armor worn


Mandalorian Advance - KOTOR-38Mandalorian Ferocity Dexterity 13, Weapon Proficiency for Chosen Exotic

Weapon or Weapon GroupKOTOR-38

Mandalorian Glory - KOTOR-38

Page 11: Index - Class Talents

Elite Trooper (Cont)Master of Teräs Käsi

Ignore Damage Reduction Teräs Käsi Basics. Martial Arts I TOTG-53

Teräs Käsi Basics Martial Arts I TOTG-53Teräs Käsi Mastery Teräs Käsi Basics, Martial Arts I , Martial Arts II ,

Martial Arts III TOTG-53

Unarmed Counterstrike Teräs Käsi Basics, Unarmed Parry, Martial Arts I , Martial Arts II .


Unarmed Parry Teräs Käsi Basics, Martial Arts I , Martial Arts II . TOTG-53Melee Specialist Accurate Blow - CWCG-39

Close-Quarters Fighter - CWCG-40Ignore Armor - CWCG-40Improved Stunning Strike Stuning Strike CWCG-40Whirling Death Melee Smash, Unrelenting Assault CWCG-40

Protection Armored Guard Ward LECG-40Bodyguard’s Sacrifice - LECG-41Guard’s Endurance Ward LECG-41Lifesaver Bodyguard’s Sacrifice LECG-41Out of Harm’s Way LECG-41Roll With It Bodyguard’s Sacrifice, Take the Hit LECG-41Take the Hit Bodyguard’s Sacrifice LECG-41Ward - LECG-41

Republic Commando

Ambush - CWCG-40

Higher Yield trained in the Demolitionist Skill CWCG-40Rapid Reload - CWCG-40Shoulder to Shoulder - CWCG-40Strength in Numbers - CWCG-40Weapon Shift Gun Club CWCG-40

Squad Leader Fall Back Charisma 13 GAW-31Form Up Charisma 13 GAW-31Full Advance Charisma 13 GAW-31Hold Steady Charisma 13 GAW-31Search and Destroy Charisma 13 GAW-31

Weapon Master Controlled Bursts - SAGA-212Exotic Weapon Mastery - SAGA-212Extended Threat Weapon Focus and Weapon Proficiency with weapon


Ferocious Assault Base Attack bonus +12, Controlled Burst GAW-30Greater Devastating Attack Greater Weapon Focus with Chosen Weapon Group or

Exotic Weapon, Deastating Attack, Weapon Focus with Chosen Weapon Group or Exotic Weapon


Greater Penetrating Attack Greater Weapon Focus with Chosen Weapon Group or Exotic Weapon, Penetrating Attack, Weapon Focus with Chosen Weapon Group or Exotic Weapon


Greater Weapon Focus Weapon Focus with Chosen Weapon Group or Exotic Weapon


Greater Weapon Specialization Greater Weapon Focus with Chosen Weapon Group or Exotic Weapon, Weapon Specialization with Chosen Weapon Group or Exotic Weapon, Weapon Focus with Chosen Weapon Group or Exotic Weapon


Multiattack Proficiency (Heavy Weapons)

- SAGA-212

Multiattack Proficiency (Rifles)

- SAGA-212

Multiattack Proficiency (simple weapons)

- UR-30

Two-For-One Throw Weapon Focus (simple weapons), Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons)


EnforcerTree Talent Req. Ref.Enforcement Cover Bracing - FUCG-45

Intentional Crash trained in the Pilot Skill FUCG-45Nonlethal Tactics - FUCG-45Pursuit Dexterity 13 FUCG-45Respected Officer - FUCG-45Slowing Stun - FUCG-45Takedown - FUCG-45

Survivor See Scout

Page 12: Index - Class Talents

Force AdeptTree Talent Req. Ref.Beastwarden Charm Beast - JATM-18

Bonded Mount Charm Beast JATM-18Entreat Beast Charm Beast JATM-18Soothing Presence Charm Beast JATM-18Wild Sense Charm Beast JATM-18

Dark Side Devotee Channel Aggression - SAGA-213Channel Anger Channel Aggression SAGA-213Crippling Strike Channel Aggression SAGA-213Dark Side Talisman - JATM-17Embrace the Dark Side Channel Aggression, Channel Anger SAGA-213Greater Dark Side Talisman - JATM-17

Force Adept Force Power Adept - SAGA-214Force Treatment - SAGA-214Fortified Body Equilibrium SAGA-214Instrument of the Force - UR-30Long Call Mystical Link UR-30Mystical Link - UR-30

Force Item Attune Weapon - SAGA-214Empower Weapon - SAGA-214Focused Force Talisman Force Talisman CWCG-40Force Talisman - SAGA-214Force Throw Empower Weapon KOTOR-38Greater Focused Force Talisman

Focused Force Talisman, Force Talisman CWCG-40

Greater Force Talisman Force Talisman SAGA-214Primitive Block Empower Weapon KOTOR-38

Mystic Channel Vitality - JATM-18Closed Mind - JATM-18Esoteric Technique - JATM-18Mystic Mastery - JATM-18Regimen Aptitude Force Regimen Mastery JATM-18

Imperial Inquisitor Cower Enemies Force Interrogation FUCG-42Force Interrogation - FUCG-43Inquisition - FUCG-43Unsettling Presence Force Interrogation FUCG-43

Telepath Mind Probe - JATM-18Perfect Telepathy - JATM-18Psychic Citadel - JATM-18Psychic Defenses Psychic Citadel JATM-18Telepathic Intruder - JATM-19

Force DiscipleTree Talent Req. Ref.Force Adept See Force AdeptForce Item See Force Adept

GladiatorTree Talent Req. Ref.Awareness See ScoutArmor Specialist See SoldierGladiatorial Combat

Brutal Attack Weapon Focus with Chosen Weapon Group or Exotic Weapon


Call Out Personal Vendetta KOTOR-44Distracting Attack Brutal Attack with Weapon Used KOTOR-44Exotic Weapons Master proficiency in at least one Exotic Weapon KOTOR-44Lockdown Strike - KOTOR-44Multiatack Proficiency (Exotic Weapons)

Exotic Weapons Master KOTOR-45

Personal Vendetta - KOTOR-45Unstoppable - KOTOR-45

Page 13: Index - Class Talents

GunslingerTree Talent Req. Ref.Carbineer Blowback - LECG-41

Close Contact - LECG-41Multiattack Proficiency (Rifles)

- LECG-41

Old Faithful - LECG-41Opportunity Fire - LECG-41Rifle Master - LECG-41Shoot from the Hip - LECG-41Snap Shot - LECG-41

Gunslinger Blind Shot - CWCG-41Damaging Disarm Ranged Disarm GOI-25Debilitating Shot - SAGA-216Deceptive Shot - SAGA-216Improved Quick Draw - SAGA-216Keep Them Honest Careful Shot GAW-31Knockdown Shot - SAGA-216Lingering Debilitation Debilitating Shot UR-31Mobile Attack Multiattack Proficiency (Pistols), Dual Weapon Mastery

I , Weapon Focus (Pistols) KOTOR-39

Multi-attack Proficiency (Pistols)

- SAGA-216

Pistol Duelist - GOI-25Ranged Disarm - SAGA-217Ranged Flank - S&V-27Retreating Fire - UR-31Slowing Shot Debilitating Shot UR-31Swift Shot - UR-31Trigger Work - SAGA-217

Pistoleer Dash and Blast Dual Weapon Mastery I , Running Attack S&V-27Flanking Fire Dual Weapon Mastery I S&V-28Guaranteed Show Dual Weapon Mastery I S&V-28Hailfire Dual Weapon Mastery I S&V-28Twin Shot Dual Weapon Mastery I , Rapid Shot S&V-28

Sharpshooter Bullseye Draw a Bead, Precision Shot, Sniper GAW-31Draw a Bead Precision Shot, Base Attack bonus +10 GAW-31Pinning Shot Precision Shot GAW-31Harrying Shot Pinning Shot, Precision Shot GAW-31Precision Shot Far Shot GAW-31

Fortune See ScoundrelAwareness See Scout

Imperial KnightTree Talent Req. Ref.Armor Specialist See SoldierDuelist See Jedi KnightKnight’s Armor Armored Augmentation I Proficiency with Armor Worn LECG-45

Armored Augmentation II Proficiency with Armor Worn, Armored Augmentation I LECG-45Armor Mastery - LECG-45Cortosis Defense LECG-45Cortosis Retaliation Cortosis Defense LECG-45

Knight’s Resolve Knight’s Morale - LECG-45Oath of Duty - LECG-45Praetoria Ishu Block, Deflect LECG-45Praetoria Vonil Weapon Focus (Lightsabers) LECG-45Strength of the Empire Knight’s Morale LECG-45

Lightsaber Combat

ImproviserTree Talent Req. Ref.Improviser Bigger Bang Improvised Device RECG-43

Capture Droid - RECG-43Custom Model Improvised Device, Tech Specialist RECG-43Improved Jury-Rig - RECG-43Improvised Device - RECG-43

Outlaw Tech See ScoundrelProcurement Black Market Buyer - RECG-43

Excellent Kit - RECG-43Just What is Needed - RECG-43Only the Finest Black Market Buyer RECG-43Right Gear for the Job - RECG-43

Slicer See Scoundrel

Page 14: Index - Class Talents

Independent DroidTree Talent Req. Ref.Autonomy Defensive Electronics - FUCG-47

Ion Resistance 10 - FUCG-47Just a Droid - SGTD-28Modification Specialist - FUCG-47Repair Self - FUCG-47Soft Reset - FUCG-47Swift Droid Any two Talents from the Autonomy talent tree SGTD-28

Elite Droid Break Program rained in the Use Computer Skill SGTD-29Heuristic Mastery Wisdom 15 SGTD-29Scripted Routines Base Attack bonus +5 SGTD-29Ultra Resilient - SGTD-29

Specialized Droid Computer Language Must know the Binary Language FUCG-47Computer Master - FUCG-47Enhanced Manipulation Dexterity 15 FUCG-47Hotwired Prcessor - FUCG-47Power Boost Power Surge SGTD-28Power Surge - FUCG-48Skill Conversion - FUCG-48

InfiltratorTree Talent Req. Ref.Bothan Spynet Bothan Resources Spynet Agent FUCG-50

Knowledge Is Life Spynet Agent FUCG-50Knowledge Is Power Spynet Agent FUCG-50Knowledge Is Strength Spynet Agent FUCG-50Six Questions Spynet Agent FUCG-50Spynet Agent Bothan Species or two talents from the Infiltration Tree FUCG-50

Camouflage See ScoutInfiltration Always Ready trained in the Initiative skill FUCG-49

Concealed Weapon Expert - FUCG-49Creeping Approach trained in the Stealth Skill FUCG-49Set for Stun - FUCG-49Silent Takedown trained in the Stealth Skill FUCG-49

Spy See Scout

Jedi KnightTree Talent Req. Ref.Armor Specialist See SoldierLightsaber Combat See JediDuelist Force Fortification - SAGA-218

Greater Weapon Focus (Lightsabers)

Weapon Focus (Lightsabers) SAGA-218

Greater Weapon Specialization (Lightsabers)

Greater Weapon Focus (Lightsabers), Weapon Focus (Lightsabers) , Weapon Specialization (Lightsabers).


Improved Lightsaber Throw Lightsaber Throw FUCG-43Improved Redirect Deflect, Redirect Shot KOTOR-39Improved Riposte Block, Riposte KOTOR-39Lightsaber Form Savant - JATM-19Multiattack Proficiency (Lightsabers)

- SAGA-218

Severing Strike - SAGA-218Shoto Master - JATM-19Throw Lightsaber Master Improved Lightsaber Throw, Lightsaber Throw FUCG-43

Jedi Archivist Direct - CWCG-41Impart Knowledge Skilled Advisor CWCG-41Insight of the Force - CWCG-41Master Advisor Skilled Advisor CWCG-41Scholarly Knowledge - CWCG-41

Jedi Artisan Call Weapon - JATM-19Lightsaber Specialist Masterwork Lightsaber JATM-19Masterwork Lightsaber - JATM-19Perfect Attunement Masterwork Lightsaber JATM-19Quick Modification Masterwork Lightsaber JATM-19

Jedi Battlemaster Defensive Circle Battle Meditation, Block or Deflect, Jedi Battle Commander


Force Revive Battle Meditation, Jedi Battle Commander KOTOR-39Jedi Battle Commander Battle Meditation KOTOR-39Mobile Attack (Lightsabers) Multiattack Proficiency (Lightsabers), Dual Weapon

Mastery I , Weapon Focus (Lightsabers) KOTOR-39

Slashing Charge Block, Riposte, Weapon Focus (Lightsabers) , Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers)


Jedi Healer Force Treatment - CWCG-41Healing Boost Vital Transfer CWCG-41Improved Healing Boost Healing Boost, Vital Transfer CWCG-41

Page 15: Index - Class Talents

Soothe Vital Transfer CWCG-41Jedi Knight (Cont.)Tree Talent Req. Ref.Jedi Instructor Apprentice Boon - JATM-19

Share Force Secret Must know at least 1 Force Secret JATM-19Share Force Technique Must know at least 1 Force Technique JATM-20Share Force Talent At least one talent from the Lightsaber Combat, Duelist

or Lightsaber Forms talent tree.JATM-20

Transfer Power Force Training JATM-20Jedi Investigator Echoes in the Force - JATM-20

Jedi Quarry - JATM-20Prepared for Danger - JATM-20Sense Deception - JATM-20Unclouded Judgment Sense Deception JATM-20

Jedi Refugee Cover Your Tracks - LECG-41Difficult to See - LECG-41Force Veil Difficult to Sense LECG-41Jedi Network - LECG-42

Jedi Shadow Dark Deception - KOTOR-39Improved Sentinel Strike Sentinel Strike KOTOR-39Improved Sentinel’s Gambit Sentinel’s Gambit KOTOR-39Rebuke the Dark - KOTOR-39Taint of the Dark Side Dark Deception KOTOR-39

Jedi Watchman Force Warning - KOTOR-40Improved Quick Draw (Lightsabers)

Quick Draw , Weapon Focus (Lightsabers) KOTOR-40

Sheltering Stance Block or Deflect, Vigilance KOTOR-40Vigilance - KOTOR-40Watchman’s Advance Force Warning KOTOR-40

Jedi Weapon Master

Combat Trance - JATM-21

Improvised Weapon Master - JATM-21Twin Weapon Style - JATM-21Twin Weapon Mastery - JATM-21Shoto Pin Block JATM-21

Lightsaber Forms Ataru - SAGA-218Djem So - SAGA-218Jar’Kai Lightsaber Defense, Niman SAGA-218Juyo Weapon Focus (Lightsabers) , Weapon Specialization

(Lightsabers), Base Attack Bonus +10SAGA-218

Makashi Lightsaber Defense SAGA-218Niman - SAGA-218Shien Deflect, Redirect Shot SAGA-218Shii-Cho Block, Deflect SAGA-219Sokan Acrobatic Recovery SAGA-219Soresu Block, Deflect SAGA-219Tràkata Weapon Focus (Lightsabers), Weapon Specialization

(Lightsabers), Base Attack Bonus +12SAGA-219

Vaapad Juyo, Weapon Focus (Lightsabers), Weapon Specialization (Lightsabers), Base Attack Bonus +12


Jedi MasterTree Talent Req. Ref.Duelist See Jedi Knight

Martial Arts MasterTree Talent Req. Ref.Awareness See ScoutMartial Arts Forms Echani Expertise Base Attack bonus +10 GAW-32

Hijkata Expertise - GAW-32K’tara Expertise - GAW-33K’thri expertise - GAW-33Stava Expertise - GAW-33Tae-Jitsu Expertise - GAW-33Wruushi Expertise - GAW-33

Master of Teräs Käsi See Elite TrooperUnarmed Mastery Flurry of Blows - GAW-33

Hardened Strike - GAW-33Punishing Strike - GAW-33Tough of Durasteel - GAW-33

Page 16: Index - Class Talents

Master PrivateerTree Talent Req. Ref.Infamy See Crime LordPiracy Bloodthirsty - S&V-33

Fight to the Death Bloodthirsty S&V-33Keep Them Reeling - S&V-33Raider’s Frenzy - S&V-33Raider’s Surge - S&V-33Savage Reputation Bloodthirsty S&V-33Take Them Alive - S&V-33

Privateer Armored Spacer - FUCG-52Attract Privateer - FUCG-52Blaster and Blade I Dual Weapon Mastery I, Weapon Proficiency (Advanced

Melee Weapons and Pistols) s.FUCG-52

Blaster and Blade II Blaster and Blade I, Dual Weapon Mastery I, Weapon Proficiency (Advanced Melee Weapons and Pistols) s.


Blaster and Blade III Blaster and Blade I, Blaster and Blade II, Dual Weapon Mastery I, Weapon Proficiency (Advanced Melee Weapons and Pistols) s.


Boarder - FUCG-52Ion Mastery - FUCG-52Multiattack Proficiency (Advanced Melee Weapons)

- FUCG-52

Preserving Shot - FUCG-52Spacer See Scoundrel

MedicTree Talent Req. Ref.Advanced Medicine

Battlefield Medic Steady Under Pressure FUCG-54

Bring Them Back - FUCG-54Emergency Team - FUCG-54Extra First Aid - FUCG-54Medical Miracle - FUCG-54Natural Healing - FUCG-54Second Chance Steady Under Pressure FUCG-54Steady Under Pressure - FUCG-54

Survivor See Scout

Melee DuelistTree Talent Req. Ref.Brawler See SoldierMelee Duelist Advantageous Strike - KOTOR-47

Dirty Tricks trained in the Deception Skill KOTOR-47Dual Weapon Flourish I Dual Weapon Mastery I , Weapon Finesse KOTOR-47Dual Weapon Flourish II Dual Weapon Mastery I , Dual Weapon Mastery II , Dual

Weapon Flourish I, Master of Elegance, Weapon Finesse KOTOR-47

Master of Elegance Dual Weapon Flourish I or Single Weapon Flourish I, Weapon Finesse


Multiattack Proficiency (Advanced Melee Weapons)

- KOTOR-47

Out of Nowhere trained in the Deception Skill, Weapon Finesse KOTOR-47Single Weapon Flourish I Double Attack (Advanced Melee Weapons or Exotic

Melee Weapon or Lightsabers) , Weapon Finesse KOTOR-47

Single Weapon Flourish II Double Attack (Advanced Melee Weapons or Exotic Melee Weapon or Lightsabers) , Master of Elegance, Single Weapon Flourish I, Weapon Finesse


Weapon Specialist See Soldier

Military EngineerTree Talent Req. Ref.Military Engineer Breach Cover - CWCG-45

Breaching Explosive - CWCG-45Droid Expert Repairs on the Fly CWCG-45Prepared Explosive - CWCG-45Problem Solver - CWCG-45Quick Modification Repairs on the Fly, Tech Specialist CWCG-45Repairs on the Fly - CWCG-45Sabotage Device - CWCG-46Tech S&Vant Skilled in the Knowledge (Technology) Skill CWCG-46Vehicular Boost - CWCG-46

Outlaw Tech See Scoundrel

Page 17: Index - Class Talents

OfficerTree Talent Req. Ref.Commando See SoldierFugitive Commander

Disciplined Trickery - LECG-42

Hasty Withdrawal - LECG-42Stalwart Subordinates - LECG-42Stay in the Fight Stalwart Subordinates LECG-42Stealthy Withdrawal - LECG-42

Leadership See NobleMilitary Tactics Assault Tactics - SAGA-221

Commander’s Prerogative Trained in the Initiative skill UR-31Deployment Tactics - SAGA-221Exploit Weakness Assault Tactics CWCG-42Field Tactics Deployment Tactics SAGA-221Grand Leader - CWCG-42Irregular Tactics Share Talent special quality UR-31One for the Team Deployment Tactics SAGA-221Outmaneuver Deployment Tactics, Field Tactics SAGA-221Shift Defense I - SAGA-222Shift Defense II Shift Defense I SAGA-222Shift Defense III Shift Defense I, Shift Defense II SAGA-222Tactical Edge - SAGA-222Turn the Tide Command Decision, Commander’s Prerogative, trained

in the Initiative skillUR-3131

Uncanny Defense - CWCG-42Naval Officer Combined Fire - SOTG-18

Fleet Deployment Charisma 13 SOTG-18Fleet Tactics Charisma 13, Fleet Deployment SOTG-18It’s a Trap! - SOTG-18Legendary Commander Charisma 13, Intelligence 13, Born Leader SOTG-18

Rebel Recruiter Bolster Numbers Recruit Enemy RECG-40Noble Sacrifice Recruit Enemy RECG-40Recruit Enemy - RECG-41Stay in the Fight Recruit Enemy RECG-41Team Recruiting Recruit Enemy RECG-41

OutlawTree Talent Req. Ref.Fringer See ScoutOutlaw Confounding Attack Tangle Up, Uncanny Instincts S&V-34

Double Up Find an Opening, Sieze the Moment S&V-35Find an Opening Uncanny Instincts S&V-35Opportunistic Defense Uncanny Instincts S&V-35Preturnatural Senses - S&V-35Seize the Moment - S&V-35Tangle Up Uncanny Instincts S&V-35Uncanny Instincts - S&V-35

Slicer See ScoundrelSurvivor See Scout

PathfinderTree Talent Req. Ref.Awareness See ScoutPathfinder Bunker Blaster - RECG-45

Defensive Maneuvers Safe Zone RECG-45Enhance Cover - RECG-45Launch Point Safe Zone RECG-45Obscuring Defenses Safe Zone RECG-45Relocate Safe Zone RECG-45Safe Passage - (Escort Fighter) RECG-45Safe Zone - RECG-45Zone of Recuperation Safe Zone RECG-45

Page 18: Index - Class Talents

SaboteurTree Talent Req. Ref.Misfortune See ScoundrelSlicer See ScoundrelSabotage Device Jammer - FUCG-56

Droid Jammer - FUCG-56Extreme Explosion Skilled Demolitionist, Shaped Explosion FUCG-57Mine Mastery - FUCG-57Shaped Explosion Skilled Demolitionist FUCG-57Skilled Demolitionist - FUCG-57

Turret Blaster Turret I - FUCG-57Blaster Turret II Blaster Turret I FUCG-57Blaster Turret III Blaster Turret I, Blaster Turret II FUCG-57Ion Turret Blaster Turret I FUCG-57Stun Turret Blaster Turret I FUCG-57Turret Self Destruct Blaster Turret I FUCG-57

ShaperTree Talent Req. Ref.Advanced Medicine

See Medic

Implant Adrenaline Implant - LECG-47Precision Implant - LECG-47Resilience Implant - LECG-47Speed Implant - LECG-47Strength Implant - LECG-47

Shaper Biotech Master - LECG-47Expedient Mending Expert Shaper LECG-47Expert Shaper - LECG-47Master Mender Expert Shaper LECG-47Skilled Implanter Biotech Surgery LECG-47

Sith ApprenticeTree Talent Req. Ref.Armor Specialist See SoldierDuelist See Jedi KnightLightsaber Combat See JediSith Dark Healing - SAGA-223

Dark Scourge - SAGA-223Dark Side Adept - SAGA-223Dark Side Master Dark Side Master SAGA-223Force Deception - SAGA-223Improved Dark Healing Dark Healing SAGA-224Stolen Form Any one Force Technique, Weapon Focus (Lightsabers) . TOTG-81Wicked Strike Weapon Focus (Lightsabers) , Weapon Specialization


Sith Alchemy Cause Mutation Sith Alchemy JATM-21Rapid Alchemy - JATM-21Sith Alchemy - JATM-21Sith Alchemy Specialist Sith Alchemy JATM-22

Sith Commander Desperate Measures Focus Terror LECG-43Focus Terror - LECG-43Incite Rage - LECG-43Power of Hatred Incite Rage LECG-43

Sith LordTree Talent Req. Ref.Sith See Sith Apprentice

VanguardTree Talent Req. Ref.Awareness See ScoutSurvivor See ScoutVanguard Enhanced Vision - CWCG-47

Impenetrable Cover Maximize Cover CWCG-47Invisible Attacker Maximize Cover CWCG-47Mark the Target - CWCG-47Maximize Cover - CWCG-47Shellshock Soften the Target CWCG-47Soften the Target - CWCG-47Triangulate Enhanced Vision CWCG-47