in the end all you really have is 23/pittsburgh pa...

10 ^^•A^Ba TUB PITtHURttH COUK1BR Dear Reader*: { Ufa*-' that winter is here, it to Bice to plan something hot u u entree or for & quick lunch. What ^Wr"*" wr^J * W * ^S ^a»^#aS %0&^traeaSSF • "aS^aa* aS* 1 cup or bowl of steaming hot soup Jon a chin winters evening? Just the thing to start the meal off right Bone of our favorite soup] menus are listed below. Try them and see' if you wont like them, too. SOUPS caxAM OF OOTOMT onion* ehr ANNUAL TEA — The Assistance League Gato, Mrs. Carrie Tinney, Mrs. Pauline of the Outdoor Life and Health Aaaocia- Slater, Mrs. Lucille Wells, Mrs. Corine Sto- tion held its annual tea and shower last vail, Mrs. Bessie Burke and Mrs. Lillian^ Sunday evening in the beautiful home of Stevenson-Orange. Members not present Dr. and Mrs. P. M. Fernandee on St An- are Mrs. Josephine Brown, Mrs. Josephine draws Place. Pictured, left to right: Mrs. Carper, Miss Ann White, Mrs. Mary Gard- Carrie Stovall and Mrs. Venia Corporal, ner, Mrs. 'Vina Wheeler and Mrs. Emma Standing: Mrs. Rosell Femades, Mrs. £1 Lee Woody, ) Rae Griggs, Mrs. Alta Shores, Mrs. Denora ' 7 m Crescent Gity Society ly VERA QUAatK TDOE FOB A NSW SLATE * - NSW ORLEANS—Happy New Tear to all men of good will! This is the time to wipe too state eleaa of mistakes of the past year and to press with new vigor la a fight to make this a better world tor all men. This Is also the time your social life will hit a hectic pace. * Get you* ball gowns ready, ande , ; we do mesa gowns, There are ap- proximately thirty-fl** balls sched- uled for January. This week, the Vigbrettea, the Ad Libitum*, the Vagabonds, La Vlda Bridge Club, the Marigold Sewing Circle, the New Orleans Ifardi Ores Associa- tion and the Gardenia Stitch and Chat Club will entertain. Most of the dances will be staged either in the Labor Union Ball or the Autocrat Club. As the boys say, "Let the good times roll." WEDDING BELLS It's really June la January in E N I t 8RJ.Y HAIR IN ISICOMOt good old New Orleans. Ifany of our most charming debutantes chose the Christmas season to say "1 do." A beautiful home wedding on Christmas Day wss that of Camille McCann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L McCann, 23S4 Bienville Ave- nue, to Maurice Baptists, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Baptists of Gary. Ind. The nuptials were pep- formed by the Rev. Norman A Holmes, pastor of Central Congre- gational Church, Where the Mo» Canns are faithful members. The bride is a graduate of Fisk University and of the Social Serv- ice Department of the University of Chicago. She is employed as a social worker in Chicago. Mr. Bap- tists holds an MJL in Business Administration from the Univer- sity of Chicago.'- He is In business in Gary, where the young couple will be at home. The newlyweds slipped away for a honeymoon at "Shangri-la" coun try heme of Mrs. Florestine Col- ^^9Vf/ ei^w^w^e' tt >•*' •** * -*** w _kde i& mie yM Lin mi tie my qw w&ntit Just wrap your own hair around the roll. You can wear it high or down on the neck. Can be used many other way*. Fmll Brmds, IV long .,. . $U$\ TNI P A M I O Y is thick an* shoulder length, 12* wide and fits from oar so esc ........ $&S0 -,; I ' f CMI#NOM-Fits likeyout , natural stair. We stud you exactly what yoo see in the jae^ssfw^sm w $Mt sy 17 lost 42(Kl M. Depi. Jej New TSfk 17, N. T. """SEE MfnMCffOM ewajaNrsssf taMeapooti eat taMaoyfl-m flour 1 t 1 CBSrimm«k Salt to Let Sat heat to trying pea. Asa enieaa L Add near and blend <* ell. Add atock and cook until silently thicntn- ed. Add milk aad aalt. Strain into soap ease aad add grated eiwi to cup* just before earring. Oae toaapooa ef cbMM to ea*h cup of aoup. 1 quart of oysters 3 tablaapoon* butter tablespoon flour plat of milk *" 1 juice of oao onion Season to taste qsuta flour In butter until brown. Add milk aad aeaaoalnta Add opinion juice. Let heat' until eystere become bloated. Serve. VBGETASIJS 3 quarts etock 1 cup carrot*, diced * M> cup* celery, diced 1 cup potatoes, diced t caps tomatoes % cup canned or fresh peas 1 onion eut fin* Salt and pepper to taste Heat stock, add resetahlee end seasoning aad simmer oae hour. Serve hot. BLACK BKAM Beak S cups of Mack heaae ever night. When ready to cook, cover them with cold water. Add a bouquet of herbs, made of parsley, thyme. !. clove, 1 onion and 4 peppercorns. X*t simmer four or five hours or until beans €re .tender. Remove the herbs, drain eft water and press beans through sieve. Add to the, *alp enough stock to make the soup the con- sistency of thin cream. Make a paste of 1 tablespoon of butter and 1 tablespoon of flour, cook until brown and add this to the bean soup. Cook for • minutes. Add 4 tablespoons of sherry. Oarnieh each serving with a slice of lemoa or a slice of hard cooked egs- CHRISTMAS BRIDE—Ar- riving with the joyful mes- sages accompanying the Yule season was the an- 1 nosneement of the Christ- mas Eve marriage of at- tractive Laura Freeman of Atlantic City, to Dr. A. M. Mercer,* prominent Chicago S hysician. The bride is the aughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Freeman 6f the re- sort city. - t ; Una the well-known photographer. Before her marriage, the popular Mrs. Baptists was honored with a miscellaneous shower by Mrs. Clif- ford Belfteld, 1980 St Bernard Ave- nue The many lovely gifts were received from "Santa's pack." Mrs. Ernest Cherrie assisted the 'hostess in cervine; the delightful repast. Guests were Mesdames Lorraine Holmes, Grace Johnson, Althea Carter, Daisy Young, Cecelia Speaker, Daisy Blanchet, Camille McCann, Alida Neveaux, Agnes Watts and Mary Pendleton, and Misses , Helen Martina, Hortense Cruezot, herself then a bride-elect, and Helen Mathieu ERLMA MILLER WEDS Another wedding of great inter est was that of the former Erlma Aurelia Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Miller, 5716 South Claiborne Avenue,. to James E. Lemle, son of Mrs. Georgia Evans of MonsMe, La.; the Rev Robert F. Harripgton, pastor of Mount Zion Methodist Church, officiating. The wedding was celebrated Christmas Eve. The bride is a graduate of Dil- lard University and has pursued graduate work at Columbia. She is the daughter of one of the most prominent businessmen in the deep South, and a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Mr. Lemle, who is in business in New York, where the couple will eventually make their home, attended Southern University. > • • • ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ancar Sr., 2126 Annette Street, recently an- nounced the engagement of their daughter, Ruby, to Anthony Ar- mour of this city. The nuptials are set for early Spring. Congratulations and best wishes to all the happy couples, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baptists, Mr. and Mrs. James Lemle, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Bryce Turner (nee Hortense Creusot). May all your troubles be bouncing bundles! - NOTES ON YOUR CALENDAR Don't forget the Aubrey Pankey recital, Jan. 16, in the Booker T. Washington Auditorium. This promises to be a treat. \j Hear the Beau Brummells Social Club is considering making a sta- ble contribution to aid the NAACP in its present fight, rather than have such an elaborate (if any) Carnival Ball. That's right, gen- tlemen, first things first. The boycott has nation-wide ram- ifications. We should let the liberal national press know about the struggle. If you have Ideas, come out and lend your support to the planning. You see, it isn't what "they" are doing. Any fight to better the condition of the-Negro, improves your lot, too. We are sorry to hear Daniel C. Byrd, executive secretary of the NAACP, is leaving the city this month, to. accept an executive posi- tion with the national office In New York. We need courageous laeders now, and he will certainly be missed. So long, and again Happy New Year! •SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, IMS a FICTURESQUE WEDDING '— Colorful Belle Watson. In the background are Clar- was the recent nuptials of Mr. and lira, ence Moran, Anthony Lonso, Miss Elaine Walter Speed in New Orleans. In the first row, left to right, are Misses Inez Thomas, Doris Campbell, Ruby Mae Ridgley, Joyce- man Brootts, Cherry Carter an5 Gloria PhotU^ Barre, Mr. and Mrs. Speed, St. Clair Sweeney, Jacob Johnson, Irving DeLaval- lade and Edward Jones.—Magnolia Studio Oakland. The wedding will take place in the early sum- mer. Many pre-nuptial showers are being planned for the bride-to-be.—E. F. Joseph Photo. PRETTY VISITOR—Pret- ty Elsie Miranda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Mi- randa of Alameda, Calif., is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Lopez, in New Bed- ford, Mass., and points East She will add a defi- nite note of glamour to both East and West Coast *-E. F. Joseph Photo. Establish Chapter InJ^ Nebraska Baby Clinic Established BATON KdUOB — An added health service is being offered in Bast Baton Rouge Parish schools, Under Miss Louise Bass, regis- tsged nurse with the parish health S t, and Dr. Louis Bass, a baby tie has been set up at the Zion City School. A record-breaking at- tendance turned out for the first clinic. CHILI) STUDY CASES Two school children have been selected as child, study cases in connection with the school study group activities, part of the parish wide in-service education program of child growth and development. These children were given thor- ough physical examinations and careful records will be retained on their mental, emotional and so- cial growth. Parents and teachers are working together to improve the school children's status. Zion City School principal is Mrs. Ruth Y. White. Teachers are Mesdames Shirley T. Hardesty, Florence H. Simmons and Mary A Wilkerson. Mrs. Grace S. Palmer, former prin- cipal, did a fine Job in promoting healthful living, before transfer to the Scott Street School here. —feND JIM CSJW IN WASHINGTON— JpSEPH BERNARDS, CONGENIAL HOSTS w^,™,™™^ if iii„ BATON ROUGE-The luxurious BETROTHED—Miss Alice home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ber- Wimberly, daughter of Mr. ngrd was open to faculty and and Mrs. M. Wimberly of ««*• •* Scott Street School re- « i i ruii# L . . o*» cently when the couple were Berkeley, Calif., has an- charmlnff host , for tne £ eond 3 nounced her engagement to Html Christmas party and prof es- James Edward Seay of «*?ai faculty meeUng. Present were Mrs. A. S. Boy- kin, her faculty of twenty-two teachers, Mesdames I. -,N. Givens, eJanes supervisor; E. O. Williams, music supervisor; M. N. Ringgold, T. Lois Tachneau, Sadie M. Keel, Dr. and Mra R. G. Higgina and | L . L Boy kin. OMAHA, Neb.—Gamma XI Chap- ter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority was recently established here by Mrs. Alice Monroe Reid, central regional director, with the assist- ance of Sye Delta sorors of Kan- sas City, Mo. Charter members of the chapter are Mra Kathryn Favors, Mrs. Katharine Pletcher.^Mrs. Thclma Tucker, Mrs. Esther Woods, Mrs Alice Wilson, Mrs. Beatrice Mos- ley and Mrs. Jewell Robinson. —CNO JIM C«0W IN WMNINSTON— Girl Scouts Rewarded NEW ORLEANS—As a result of their consistency in attendance and splendid work at Charity Hospital, twenty-five Girl Scouts were in- vited to the big Christmas ^party given by the hospital, Saturday, Dec. 20. Girl Scouts from fifteen troops patricipated in the Flint-Good rid ge Hospital program two days before Christmas, Tuesday, Dee. 28. At the end of .two and a half years of scouting, thirty-three rag istered troops now exist for the little girls. There may be more troops if more leaders can become available. Do your turn, turn over a new leaf. Make a promise, or whatever you will, but do Join our Scout family this year by becom- ing a leader for the girls on our long waiting lists. In keeping with the ideals and beliefs of Girl Scouts everywhere, } that Girl Scouting Is a democratic organization for all girls, and since the New Orleans Council of Girl Scouts "is responsible for scouting here. Friday of this week, Jen. 2, the two offices now located at 211 Camp Street and 1824 Josephine Street will be combined into one office at 606 Common Street. Camp dates for established camp in Waveland, Miss., June 14 through 26. for Girl Scouts and Senior Scouts, and June 26 through July 26, for Brownie Scouts, were released recently by Mrs. Alice Williams, camp chairman. WASHINGTON (ANP) — Mrs. I Christine S. Smith, president of the National Association of Col- ored Women, who has recently re- turned from Mexico, has been named to the national board of directors of the National Council NACW PRESIDENT ON FEPC BOARD Jackson, Bridges Wedding TUSKEGEK, Ala—The weddins of Miss Ethel Mas Jackson and Albert C. Bridges was performed by the Rev. T. R. Newman at th» residence of Mr. and Mra Norman Davis of this city recently. For her wedding, the bride selected a beautiful light blue suit She wore navy blue accessories and carried a prayer book topped with an orohld. She was attended by her sister, Miss Naomi Jackson. who wore a light gray suit, with a gardenia corsage. J. Norman Davit wsa best man. NATIVE OF LOUISIANA The bride is a native of New. Orleans, and is a graduate of the [Grady School of Nursing of At. lanta, Ge. She is employed hv the Veterans Administration of this city. The groom Is a native" of At- lanta, Gau, aad a graduate of-Cl&ik University, Atlanta. He is a teacher la the Atlanta Educational system. Among the out-of-town guests were the parents of the bride of New Orleans. The couple will re- side in Atlanta, Ga. —ISO JIM CSeW IN WASNINfiTof- Modernettes Feted NEW ORLEANS—Mr*. Ruhr McClenton was hostess to tfc t Modernettes Social and PVavff, Club recently. The president pre- sided. Present were Mesdames D. Ron- ton, . E. Kelso, M. Wilson, G. };%. for a Permanent Fair Employments L i-t f" ^ M%i,ey ', W ; W^"- <\ " * ^T * ••w" w l 1 Smith, H. Cooper, M. Landry. Gen«\ Practices Also nsmed — was Paul Sifton. legislative repre- sentative of UAW-CIO. ' Watts, Pansy Lands and Mrs. Mc- Clenton. Mrs. Frances Victor, a member, has taken 111. ZETA CONTESTANTS — Attractive New Orleans sub- debutantes are vieing for the coveted title of "Cinderella Girl" in the Zeta Phi Beta Sorsrity's annual contest. Seated, left to right, are Misses Cornelia Doyle, Anne Mae Segue, Yvonne La Fargue and Althea Williams. Stand- ing are Ann Hornsby, Eddie Lee Harris, Betty Turner and Wylene Chatters. Miss Estelle Domio also of New Orleans is shown in the 4nset—Perrault Photo. ACCLAIMED — Miss Mil- dred Amy Thornhill of Montclair, N. J., instructor of music and director of the university choir at Southern University, was recently acclaimed for the •choir's presentation of "Music of Christmastide." —Austin Photo. I MUSIS t2.4f (used) SOCIALITES SPONSOR DANCE —Elite Wethers, Wi New Orleans socialites, members of the thieu, Marcia Segue, Helen Ma- ?ort»LeeGt*iii- Mizpah Club, sponsored a beautiful ger, Paulette Dejoie and Jean Lee, treasur- Christmas dance last week in Laborer's er. Not in the picture is Miss Myrtle Fer- Union Hail. Members, left to right, are rier. The tree wss given to the Lafon Misses Helen Williams, Hortense Creusot, Catholic Boys Home.—Dutton Photo. Martina Creusot. Anona Bulls. Mildred LOOK MAGNOLIA'S BEAUTY CREATIONS Improve Your Appearance With MAGNOLIA'S LUSTROUS HAUL ATTACHMENTS If you buy a Glamour your hair can look like this picture whether it is 2 or 14 Inches long. Send ssmple of hair for perfect match. FREE Postage with cash ordera CURLS OR PAGE BOY $3.00 Also Hair Pomade (double strength) Pressing Oil and Brilliantine. Send for FREE BOOK- LET illustrating Wigs, Puffs, Bands and other hair styles. MAGNOLIA'S BEAUTY SUPPLY MOUNT VEBWON. N. Y. — P. O. Box 21 Boy ef a Out tl*l of Onac* Skews) scrfutM. txpcnlf blended direct ft** the heart of tat nortds OisHse eeueirr. Oram* blmews BCM tat aces been tyaooraoue with the fwlaieatles sf ro- mance. Ads safes* tnm the near traeia sstfts the enchanting tancuorai aired bj sli MM «/ culture. One rial ef fla Bans serfu IWa perfom statei the qoaHriei that tat sreat venren tnrauiarai nanory ear* reuse far tawaafo! Mewnee. Seth riali far enir 1145 delrtarea. Seat S11 eesta wtth each COO. tSASSCBI lUtesfti ( * t Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is 23/Pittsburgh PA Courier... · 2013-12-23 · prominent businessmen in the deep South, and a member of the Alpha


Dear Reader*: { Ufa*-' that winter is here, it to

Bice to plan something hot u u entree or for & quick lunch. What ^ W r " * " wr^J * W * ^S ^ a » ^ # a S %0&^traeaSSF • " a S ^ a a * aS*1

cup or bowl of steaming hot soup Jon a chin winters evening? Just the thing to start the meal off right Bone of our favorite soup] menus are listed below. Try them and see' if you wont like them, too. SOUPS

caxAM OF OOTOMT • onion* ehr

ANNUAL TEA — The Assistance League Gato, Mrs. Carrie Tinney, Mrs. Pauline of the Outdoor Life and Health Aaaocia- Slater, Mrs. Lucille Wells, Mrs. Corine Sto-tion held its annual tea and shower last vail, Mrs. Bessie Burke and Mrs. Lillian^ Sunday evening in the beautiful home of Stevenson-Orange. Members not present Dr. and Mrs. P. M. Fernandee on St An- are Mrs. Josephine Brown, Mrs. Josephine draws Place. Pictured, left to right: Mrs. Carper, Miss Ann White, Mrs. Mary Gard-Carrie Stovall and Mrs. Venia Corporal, ner, Mrs. 'Vina Wheeler and Mrs. Emma Standing: Mrs. Rosell Femades, Mrs. £1 Lee Woody, ) Rae Griggs, Mrs. Alta Shores, Mrs. Denora ' 7


Crescent Gity Society ly VERA QUAatK

TDOE FOB A NSW SLATE * -NSW ORLEANS—Happy New Tear to all men of good will! This

is the time to wipe too state eleaa of mistakes of the past year and to press with new vigor la a fight to make this a better world tor all men. This Is also the time your social life will hit a hectic pace. *

Get you* ball gowns ready, ande , ; we do mesa gowns, There are ap­proximately thirty-fl** balls sched­uled for January. This week, the Vigbrettea, the Ad Libitum*, the Vagabonds, La Vlda Bridge Club, the Marigold Sewing Circle, the New Orleans Ifardi Ores Associa­tion and the Gardenia Stitch and Chat Club will entertain. Most of the dances will be staged either in the Labor Union Ball or the Autocrat Club. As the boys say, "Let the good times roll." WEDDING BELLS

It's really June la January in


good old New Orleans. If any of our most charming debutantes chose the Christmas season to say "1 do."

A beautiful home wedding on Christmas Day wss that of Camille McCann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L McCann, 23S4 Bienville Ave­nue, to Maurice Baptists, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Baptists of Gary. Ind. The nuptials were pep-formed by the Rev. Norman A Holmes, pastor of Central Congre­gational Church, Where the Mo» Canns are faithful members.

The bride is a graduate of Fisk University and of the Social Serv­ice Department of the University of Chicago. She is employed as a social worker in Chicago. Mr. Bap­tists holds an MJL in Business Administration from the Univer­sity of Chicago.'- He is In business in Gary, where the young couple will be at home.

The newlyweds slipped away for a honeymoon at "Shangri-la" coun try heme of Mrs. Florestine Col-

^ ^ 9 V f / ei^w^w^e'

tt >•*' •** * -***

w_kde i& mie yM Lin mi tie my qw w&ntit

Just wrap your own hair around the roll. You

can wear it high or down on the neck. Can be

used many other way*.

Fmll Brmds, IV long . , . . $U$\

T N I P A M IOY is thick an* shoulder length, 12* wide and fits from oar so esc . . . . . . . . $&S0

- , ; I ' f

CMI#NOM-Fits l ikeyout , natural stair. We stud you

exactly what yoo see in the jae^ssfw^sm w $ M t sy

17 lost 42(Kl M. • Depi. Jej • New TSfk 17, N. T.

"""SEE MfnMCffOM ewajaNrsssf

taMeapooti eat taMaoyfl-m flour

1 t 1 CBS rim m«k Salt to

Let Sat heat to trying pea. Asa enieaa L Add near and blend <* ell.

Add atock and cook until silently thicntn-ed. Add milk aad aalt. Strain into soap ease aad add grated e i w i to cup* just before earring. Oae toaapooa ef cbMM to ea*h cup of aoup.

1 quart of oysters 3 tablaapoon* butter

tablespoon flour plat of milk *"

1 juice of oao onion Season to taste

qsuta flour In butter until brown. Add milk aad aeaaoalnta Add opinion juice. Let heat' until eystere become bloated. Serve.

VBGETASIJS 3 quarts etock 1 cup carrot*, diced * M> cup* celery, diced 1 cup potatoes, diced t caps tomatoes % cup canned or fresh peas 1 onion eut fin* Salt and pepper to taste

Heat stock, add resetahlee end seasoning aad simmer oae hour. Serve hot.

BLACK BKAM Beak S cups of Mack heaae ever night.

When ready to cook, cover them with cold water. Add a bouquet of herbs, made of parsley, thyme. !. clove, 1 onion and 4 peppercorns. X*t simmer four or five hours or until beans €re .tender. Remove the herbs, drain eft water and press beans through sieve. Add to the, *alp enough stock to make the soup the con­sistency of thin cream. Make a paste of 1 tablespoon of butter and 1 tablespoon of flour, cook until brown and add this to the bean soup. Cook for • minutes. Add 4 tablespoons of sherry. Oarnieh each serving with a slice of lemoa or a slice of hard cooked egs-

CHRISTMAS BRIDE—Ar­riving with the joyful mes­sages accompanying the Yule season was the an-1

nosneement of the Christ­mas Eve marriage of at­tractive Laura Freeman of Atlantic City, to Dr. A. M. Mercer,* prominent Chicago

Shysician. The bride is the aughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Floyd Freeman 6f the re­sort city.

- t ;

Una the well-known photographer.

Before her marriage, the popular Mrs. Baptists was honored with a miscellaneous shower by Mrs. Clif­ford Belfteld, 1980 S t Bernard Ave­nue The many lovely gifts were received from "Santa's pack." Mrs. Ernest Cherrie assisted the 'hostess in cervine; the delightful repast.

Guests were Mesdames Lorraine Holmes, Grace Johnson, Althea Carter, Daisy Y o u n g , Cecelia Speaker, Daisy Blanchet, Camille McCann, Alida Neveaux, Agnes Watts and Mary Pendleton, and Misses , Helen Martina, Hortense Cruezot, herself then a bride-elect, and Helen Mathieu ERLMA MILLER WEDS

Another wedding of great inter est was that of the former Erlma Aurelia Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Miller, 5716 South Claiborne Avenue,. to James E. Lemle, son of Mrs. Georgia Evans of MonsMe, La.; the Rev Robert F. Harripgton, pastor of Mount Zion Methodist Church, officiating. The wedding was celebrated Christmas Eve.

The bride is a graduate of Dil-lard University and has pursued graduate work at Columbia. She is the daughter of one of the most prominent businessmen in the deep South, and a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.

Mr. Lemle, who is in business in New York, where the couple will eventually make their home, attended Southern University.


Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ancar Sr., 2126 Annette Street, recently an­nounced the engagement of their daughter, Ruby, to Anthony Ar­mour of this city. The nuptials

are set for early Spring. Congratulations and best wishes

to all the happy couples, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baptists, Mr. and Mrs. James Lemle, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Bryce Turner (nee Hortense Creusot). May all your troubles be bouncing bundles! -NOTES ON YOUR CALENDAR

Don't forget the Aubrey Pankey recital, Jan. 16, in the Booker T. Washington Auditorium. T h i s promises to be a treat. \j •

Hear the Beau Brummells Social Club is considering making a sta­

ble contribution to aid the NAACP in its present fight, rather than have such an elaborate (if any) Carnival Ball. That's right, gen­tlemen, first things first.

The boycott has nation-wide ram­ifications. We should let the liberal national press know about the struggle. If you have Ideas, come out and lend your support to the planning. You see, it isn't what "they" are doing. Any fight to better the condition of the-Negro, improves your lot, too.

We are sorry to hear Daniel C. Byrd, executive secretary of the NAACP, is leaving the city this month, to. accept an executive posi­tion with the national office In New York. We need courageous laeders now, and he will certainly be missed.

So long, and again Happy New Year!



FICTURESQUE WEDDING '— Colorful Belle Watson. In the background are Clar-was the recent nuptials of Mr. and lira, ence Moran, Anthony Lonso, Miss Elaine Walter Speed in New Orleans. In the first row, left to right, are Misses Inez Thomas, Doris Campbell, Ruby Mae Ridgley, Joyce-man Brootts, Cherry Carter an5 Gloria PhotU^

Barre, Mr. and Mrs. Speed, St. Clair Sweeney, Jacob Johnson, Irving DeLaval-lade and Edward Jones.—Magnolia Studio

Oakland. The wedding will take place in the early sum­mer. Many pre-nuptial showers are being planned for the bride-to-be.—E. F. Joseph Photo.

PRETTY VISITOR—Pret­ty Elsie Miranda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Mi­randa of Alameda, Calif., is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Lopez, in New Bed­ford, Mass., and points East She will add a defi­nite note of glamour to both East and West Coast *-E. F. Joseph Photo.

Establish Chapter InJ^ Nebraska

Baby Clinic Established

BATON KdUOB — An added health service is being offered in Bast Baton Rouge Parish schools,

Under Miss Louise Bass, regis-tsged nurse with the parish health

St, and Dr. Louis Bass, a baby tie has been set up at the Zion

City School. A record-breaking at­tendance turned out for the first clinic. CHILI) STUDY CASES

Two school children have been selected as child, study cases in connection with the school study group activities, part of the parish wide in-service education program of child growth and development.

These children were given thor­ough physical examinations and careful records will be retained on their mental, emotional and so­cial growth. Parents and teachers are working together to improve the school children's status. Zion City School principal is Mrs. Ruth Y. White. Teachers are Mesdames Shirley T. Hardesty, Florence H. Simmons and Mary A Wilkerson. Mrs. Grace S. Palmer, former prin­cipal, did a fine Job in promoting healthful living, before transfer to the Scott Street School here.



w ^ , ™ , ™ ™ ^ i f i i i „ BATON ROUGE-The luxurious BETROTHED—Miss Alice home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ber-Wimberly, daughter of Mr. ngrd was open to faculty and and Mrs. M. Wimberly of « « * • •* Scott Street School re-« i i rui i# L . . o*» cently when the couple were Berkeley, Calif., has an- charmlnff host, for tne £eond 3 nounced her engagement t o Html Christmas party and prof es-James Edward Seay of «*?ai faculty meeUng.

Present were Mrs. A. S. Boy-kin, her faculty of twenty-two teachers, Mesdames I. -,N. Givens, eJanes supervisor; E. O. Williams, music supervisor; M. N. Ringgold, T. Lois Tachneau, Sadie M. Keel, Dr. and Mra R. G. Higgina and

| L . L Boy kin.

OMAHA, Neb.—Gamma XI Chap­ter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority was recently established here by Mrs. Alice Monroe Reid, central regional director, with the assist­ance of Sye Delta sorors of Kan­sas City, Mo.

Charter members of the chapter are Mra Kathryn Favors, Mrs. Katharine Pletcher.^Mrs. Thclma Tucker, Mrs. Esther Woods, Mrs Alice Wilson, Mrs. Beatrice Mos-ley and Mrs. Jewell Robinson.


Girl Scouts Rewarded NEW ORLEANS—As a result of

their consistency in attendance and splendid work at Charity Hospital, twenty-five Girl Scouts were in­vited to the big Christmas ^party given by the hospital, Saturday, Dec. 20.

Girl Scouts from fifteen troops patricipated in the Flint-Good rid ge Hospital program two days before Christmas, Tuesday, Dee. 28.

At the end of .two and a half years of scouting, thirty-three rag istered troops now exist for the little girls. There may be more troops if more leaders can become available. Do your turn, turn over a new leaf. Make a promise, or whatever you will, but do Join our Scout family this year by becom­ing a leader for the girls on our long waiting lists.

In keeping with the ideals and beliefs of Girl Scouts everywhere,

} that Girl Scouting Is a democratic organization for all girls, and since the New Orleans Council of Girl Scouts "is responsible for scouting here. Friday of this week, Jen. 2, the two offices now located at 211 Camp Street and 1824 Josephine Street will be combined into one office at 606 Common Street.

Camp dates for established camp in Waveland, Miss., June 14 through 26. for Girl Scouts and Senior Scouts, and June 26 through July 26, for Brownie Scouts, were released recently by Mrs. Alice Williams, camp chairman.

WASHINGTON (ANP) — Mrs. I Christine S. Smith, president of the National Association of Col­ored Women, who has recently re­turned from Mexico, has been named to the national board of directors of the National Council


Jackson, Bridges Wedding

TUSKEGEK, Ala—The weddins of Miss Ethel Mas Jackson and Albert C. Bridges was performed by the Rev. T. R. Newman at th» residence of Mr. and Mra Norman Davis of this city recently.

For her wedding, the bride selected a beautiful light blue suit She wore navy blue accessories and carried a prayer book topped with an orohld. She was attended by her sister, Miss Naomi Jackson. who wore a light gray suit, with a gardenia corsage. J. Norman Davit wsa best man. NATIVE OF LOUISIANA

The bride is a native of New. Orleans, and is a graduate of the

[Grady School of Nursing of At. lanta, Ge. She is employed hv the Veterans Administration of this city.

The groom Is a native" of At­lanta, Gau, aad a graduate of-Cl&ik University, Atlanta. He is a teacher la the Atlanta Educational system.

Among the out-of-town guests were the parents of the bride of New Orleans. The couple will re-side in Atlanta, Ga.


Modernettes Feted

NEW ORLEANS—Mr*. Ruhr McClenton was hostess to tfct Modernettes Social and PVavff, Club recently. The president pre­sided.

Present were Mesdames D. Ron­ton, . E. Kelso, M. Wilson, G. };%.

for a Permanent Fair Employments Li-tf" ^ M % i , e y ' , W ; W^"- <\ " * ^ T * • • w " w l1 Smith, H. Cooper, M. Landry. Gen«\

Practices Also nsmed — was Paul Sifton. legislative repre­sentative of UAW-CIO. '

Watts, Pansy Lands and Mrs. Mc­Clenton. Mrs. Frances Victor, a member, has taken 111.

ZETA CONTESTANTS — Attractive New Orleans sub-debutantes are vieing for the coveted title of "Cinderella Girl" in the Zeta Phi Beta Sorsrity's annual contest. Seated, left to right, are Misses Cornelia Doyle, Anne Mae Segue, Yvonne La Fargue and Althea Williams. Stand­ing are Ann Hornsby, Eddie Lee Harris, Betty Turner and Wylene Chatters. Miss Estelle Domio also of New

Orleans is shown in the 4nset—Perrault Photo.

ACCLAIMED — Miss Mil­dred Amy Thornhill of Montclair, N. J., instructor of music and director of the university choir at Southern University, was recently acclaimed for the

•choir's presentation of "Music of Christmastide." —Austin Photo.

I MUSIS t2.4f (used)

SOCIALITES SPONSOR DANCE —Elite Wethers, Wi New Orleans socialites, members of the thieu, Marcia

Segue, Helen Ma-?ort»LeeGt*iii-Mizpah Club, sponsored a beautiful ger, Paulette Dejoie and Jean Lee, treasur-

Christmas dance last week in Laborer's er. Not in the picture is Miss Myrtle Fer-Union Hail. Members, left to right, are rier. The tree wss given to the Lafon Misses Helen Williams, Hortense Creusot, Catholic Boys Home.—Dutton Photo. Martina Creusot. Anona Bulls. Mildred



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