imperialism to progressivism

Imperialism to Progressivi sm

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Imperialism to Progressivism. Interesting Timeline. 1888 : Jack the Ripper murders occur in Whitechapel, London 1888: Slavery banned in Brazil. 1889: Eiffel Tower is inaugurated in Paris. 1889: Aspirin patented. 1890: The cardboard box is invented. 1892: Basketball is invented. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Imperialism to Progressivism

Imperialism to Progressivism

Page 2: Imperialism to Progressivism

Interesting Timeline 1888: Jack the Ripper murders occur in Whitechapel, London 1888: Slavery banned in Brazil. 1889: Eiffel Tower is inaugurated in Paris. 1889: Aspirin patented. 1890: The cardboard box is invented. 1892: Basketball is invented. 1892: Fingerprinting is officially adopted for the first time 1893: US forces overthrow the government of Hawaii 1893: New Zealand becomes the first country to enact women's

suffrage 1894: First commercial film release by Jean Aimé Le Roy 1895: Volleyball is invented 1895–1898: Cuban War for Independence results in Cuban

independence from Spain 1896: Olympic Games revived in Athens. 1896: Philippine Revolution ends declaring Philippines free from

Spanish rule.

Page 3: Imperialism to Progressivism

Assembly Line Manufacturing process where parts are

added to a product in a sequential order to create a product much faster than handcrafting o Henry Ford’s Model T

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Building Support

A. New Markets1. Europe looks to the

United States

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Building SupportB. Superiority- Social

Darwinism1. Anglo-Saxonism: the U.S.

had a duty to shape “less-civilized” areas

a. Manifest Destiny

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Expansion in PacificA. Japan

1. Japanese began to westernize & opened ports2. Suspicious of U.S. Navy coming into Edo Bay

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Expansion in PacificB. Hawaii

1. Recession 1872- in Hawaii 2. Queen Liliuokalani 1893:

Overthrown by planters supported by U.S. Marines

provisional government set up & requested that the U.S. annex Hawaii

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Trade & Diplomacy in Latin America

A. Wanted to increase sales in Latin America

1. Pan-Americanism: U.S. & Latin America working together

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Trade & Diplomacy in Latin AmericaB. Building a Navy

1. 1888- Germany: Ironclads2. 1891- Chileans: Navy beats army in civil war3. 1895- backed Venezuela over European powers