immersion suit - military vests, vests for work and water vests

CARE AND CARE AND BOOKLET INSPECTION INSPECTION U.S. MARINE SAFETY ASSOCIATION This safety booklet is provided as a public service by: Imperial International, Inc., ( Seattle, WA U.S.A. Stearns Inc., ( St. Cloud, MN U.S.A. We disclaim any responsibility or liability for any injury to the person or property of those who read this manual. For further information, contact your immersion suit manufacturer or the USMSA. The United States Marine Safety Association (“USMSA”) is comprised of companies and individuals who design and/or manufacture marine safety equipment, service and/or sell safety equipment, or provide training in the use of such equipment. The Association is dedicated to promoting the highest possible marine safety standards and creating widespread awareness in the use of marine safety equipment. Cover: Photo Courtesy of Stearns Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 1: Photo Courtesy of Imperial International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 5050 Industrial Road Farmingdale, NJ 07727 Tel: (732) 751-0102 Fax: (732) 751-0508 IMMERSION SUIT ©1996 Stearns Inc.

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Page 1: IMMERSION SUIT - Military Vests, Vests for Work and Water Vests




This safety booklet is provided as a publicservice by:

Imperial International, Inc., (

Seattle, WA U.S.A.

Stearns Inc., (

St. Cloud, MN U.S.A.

We disclaim any responsibility or liability forany injury to the person or property of thosewho read this manual. For furtherinformation, contact your immersion suitmanufacturer or the USMSA.

The United States Marine SafetyAssociation (“USMSA”) is comprised ofcompanies and individuals who designand/or manufacture marine safetyequipment, service and/or sell safetyequipment, or provide training in the use ofsuch equipment. The Association isdedicated to promoting the highest possiblemarine safety standards and creatingwidespread awareness in the use of marinesafety equipment.

Cover: Photo Courtesy of Stearns Inc. All Rights Reserved.Page 1: Photo Courtesy of Imperial International, Inc.

All Rights Reserved.

5050 Industrial RoadFarmingdale, NJ 07727

Tel: (732) 751-0102Fax: (732) 751-0508




©1996 Stearns Inc.

Page 2: IMMERSION SUIT - Military Vests, Vests for Work and Water Vests

Inspection is suggested before every voyageor at least quarterly.

1. Check closures on storage bag, as wellas general condition. Wax closure snapson bag for ease of opening. EnsureDonning Instructions are legible. Be surebag, size, and manufacturer of suitlabeling are correct.

2. Lay suit on a flat clean surface. Visuallycheck seams and remainder of the suit,inside and out, for damages. Small rips,tears, or punctures can be repaired by anauthorized repair station. Major tears,rips, punctures and chemical or heatburns must be inspected and repaired bythe suit manufacturer. Make sure suit isdry inside and out before storage.

Be aware that cold water (less than 90degrees Fahrenheit) can lower your bodytemperature. This is called Hypothermia. Ifyour body temperature falls too low, youmay be unable to swim, or hold ontofloating objects. Further cold waterexposure could result in unconsciousnessand drowning.

Even if you are wearing a Personal FlotationDevice (PFD), your body can cool down 25times faster in cold water than in air. A ColdWater Immersion Suit helps reduce the rateyour body is cooling in cold water.

Water temperature, clothing, body size,amount of body fat and movement in thewater all play a part in cold water survival.Thin people cool faster than large people.Children cool faster than adults.

Immersion Suits can help you stay alivelonger in cold water. They can let you floatwithout using energy and they help protectyour body from cold water.

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Reproduction of all or part of this booklet is permitted with the

expressed written consent of the United States Marine

Safety Association (USMSA).



Page 3: IMMERSION SUIT - Military Vests, Vests for Work and Water Vests

When you are in cold water, do not swimunless you are sure you can reach a nearbyboat, fellow survivor, or floating object. Ifyou must swim, swim on your back to keepyour face out of the water.

If a nearby floating object is large, pullyourself up on it. The more your body is outof water, it will lessen heat loss, increasesurvival time, and you will be more visiblefor rescue.

If there are others in the water, andconditions permit, swim in tandem with acompanion. Keeping survivors togetherimproves moral, and makes a larger visibletarget increasing the chance of rescue.

3. The zipper used in an immersion suit isdesigned to provide a water tight seal. Itis important that regular maintenancepractices be performed.

A) Visually check zipper for wear, damage,corrosion and cleanliness. If zipper showsany signs of wear or damage, remove theimmersion suit from service and have afactory authorized repair facility inspect thesuit. Debris and foreign matter can beremoved by using a soft bristle brush andfresh water.

B) Check zipper by sliding up and down with asteady straight pull to check for ease ofoperation. If zipper is non-functional ordifficult to close, remove the immerson suitfrom service and have a factory authorizedrepair facility inspect the suit.

C) Regular lubrication of the inner and outerzipper is essential. Only use a lubricantrecommended by the manufacturer. Use ofgrease or non-approved lubricants can harmthe zipper or suit.

4. Check head support/buoyancy ring forobvious damage and ensure that it isproperly attached. Check inflation hosefor kinks, deterioration or leaks. See thatthe lock screw is in open position. Headsupport/buoyancy ring should be inflatedand tested for leaks using one of thefollowing two methods.

A) Orally inflate the bladder until firm thenimmerse in water looking for air bubbles. Ifbubbles are present, remove immersion suitfrom service and contact the manufactureror a factory authorized repair facility

ORB) Orally inflate until firm, let stand for 24 hours

and check for firmness. If leaks are detected,remove immersion suit from service andcontact the manufacturer or a factoryauthorized repair facility.

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3. 4.

Make sure the lockingring is screwed away fromthe mouthpiece of theimmersion suit inflator, soyou can blow air into thesuit’s bladder.

Page 4: IMMERSION SUIT - Military Vests, Vests for Work and Water Vests

5. Check reflective tape. Replace ifneccessary. For best adhesion, repairshould be completed by a factoryauthorized repair station.

6. Check whistle for audio function andease of accessibility.

7. Be sure an approved distress marker lightwith an unexpired battery is firmlyattached to the suit.

4. Holding the zipper below the slider withone hand, fully close the zipper by firmlypulling straight up on the lanyard withthe other hand. Secure the flap over theface/mouth.

5. Enter water feet first while protectingyour airways with your hands

WARNINGS:Do not inflate the air bladder until you arein the water to prevent damage or injury.

There is a risk of entrapment in submergedvessel compartments due to suit buoyancy.

Jumping into the water is a last resort.Ease/lower yourself into the water ifpossible.

Insert other arm and close zipperand face flap. Adjust wrist and anklebands to fit.

Enter water feet first coveringyour airways.




Page 5: IMMERSION SUIT - Military Vests, Vests for Work and Water Vests

Your life may depend on your ability toquickly don your immersion suit in anemergency. It makes sense to havepracticed beforehand. Monthly practiceshould reduce your donning time fromminutes to seconds.

1. Remove suit from storage bag.

2. You should practice donning the suit, feetfirst, while lying or sitting on the deck.Vessel movement or list will often preventdonning the suit in a standing position.

3. Place your weaker arm into the sleeve ofthe immersion suit. Then using your freehand, reach up and place the immersionsuit hood over your head. Then placeyour strong arm into the sleeve of theimmersion suit.

Washing: In no case should the suit bedrycleaned or exposed to any chemicalsolvents or cleaners. The suit should behandwashed with mild detergent and rinsedthoroughly with plenty of fresh water. Stainscan be cleaned by gently rubbing with asoft bristle brush.

Drying: Hang suit inside out on largewooden hanger in a cool (65-75 degreesFahrenheit), dry and well ventilated area. Donot expose to sunlight or direct heat.Following the drying of the interior of thesuit, it should be reversed to completely drythe outside. When the suit has throughlydried, it can be returned to the bag byfollowing steps 1 to 4 for StorageInstructions.

Immersion suit manufacturers recommend acomplete inspection of your immersion suitby a certified inspection and repair facilityat intervals not exceeding every 2 years.Immersion suits 5 years old should beinspected annually.

Please contact your immersion suitmanufacturer for a listing of certified repairfacilities.

Donning InstructionsDonning Instructions

CerCertified tified

RRepepair Fair Facilityacility

Remove suit from bag Pull on as you would a pair of coveralls

Insert arm into suit and adjust hood over head


Page 6: IMMERSION SUIT - Military Vests, Vests for Work and Water Vests

1. Lay suit out on flat, clean surface witharms out. Make sure zipper is fully openand the lock screw on the inflatable tubeis in the open position.

2. Roll suit, feet first, up to the chin areamaking sure not to crease the headsupport/buoyancy ring or inflatabletubes. Tuck face flap into neck area toprevent Velcro® from attaching to suitwhile in storage.


3. Fold arms over rolled up legs and acrosschest.

4. Tuck hood into the roll and place instorage bag. Secure the bag closures.Be sure suit is stored in clean, dry areaand is immediately accessible in case ofemergency. Do not compress the suit instorage as it may result in loss ofbuoyancy and thermal protection.

Note:Storage recommendations vary

between manufacturers.Consult your suit manufacturer

for additional information.


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1 2

3 4



3 4

1 2

3 4


Lay suit out on flat,clean surface witharms out. Make surezipper is fully open andthe lock screw on theinflatable oral tube isin the open position.

Roll suit, feet first, upto the chin areamaking sure not tocrease the headsupport/buoyancy ringor inflatable tubes.

Fold arms over rolledup legs and acrosschest.

Tuck hood into the rolland place in storagebag. Secure the bagclosures.