imam mehdi

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Post on 21-Nov-2015




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Imam Mehdi


Imam Mehdi will be born in Medina (Qara) , stay in Medina for 30,40 years, baiyah will be in Makkah during Hajj (313 Akabar of Ummah and 7 great scholars) , migrated to Al-Quds later on.[Normal Height, Black Hairs, Big eyes, White face with reddish touch, Personality will be combination of Arab and Ajam touch, Wide forehead, Ammamah on head, before his coming their will differences among Ummah and lot of earthquakes ] Hussaini from father side and Hassani from motherside Dajjal [Will appear in place near Isfanhan in town called Yahodiyah, Will be young, brownish colour, Can see from right eye, on his forehead it will be written Kafir, 70,000 Jews with him, women will be his companions and followers]Esa (a.s) will be coming (in night) either in bait-ul-Maqdas or Umayyad Masjid in Damascus (eastern side), will look like Urwa bin Masood (r.a), normal height, straight long hairs till shoulders, white face, light two chadars on face, 800 men 400 women will enter in his group in initial stage, Imam Mehdi will be caliph at that time, will pray fajar after Imam Mehdi, Will kill Dajal at Bab-e-Ludd (Its in Palestine and their in airport their also)Rising of Star in East with long tail, 1st Ramadhan Solar eclipse and two moon eclipse in Ramadhan, At time of Baiyah of Imam Mehdi during that Hajj Mina will be battle field among Tribes, Sufiyani from Sham will kill 1 lack people till Iraq, Army will come with Black flags from Khurasan under lead of Banu Tameem, Shuaib Bin Saleh At-tamimi (Small beard),Sufiyani will send Army to capture Imam Mehdi , but his army will be buried in Baiydah between Makkah and Medina after this Auwliyah Abdal from Iraq and Sham will come to Makkah to baiyah Imam Mehdi , then Shuaib Saleh army will come under leadership of Imam Mehdi and then lAl-Sham and Constantinople will be conquered, Imam Mehdi back up will be Damascus, and Imam Mehdi will conquer Jerusalem , after doing this Hind will be captured and Sindh also. Dajal hadeeth about 30 dajals: Bhukhari 7121, Tatare attacked Muslim lands: Bhukhari 3590,Surah Bani Israel (17): 4 to 7,Sahi Bhukhari : 2222 , Imam Mehdi, Esa (a.s) , Dajal will come at same timeRelated to verse 7, Imam Jarir (jamia-ul-Biyan) and Imam Suyuti (dur-ru-lmasoor) narrated in their tafseer by hazrat hudhaifa bin Al-Yaman (r.a) that prophet (s.a.w.w) said that this is pointing towards Jerusalem being conquered by Imam Mehdi and will return goodness of Jerusalem back to it, and (1700 war navy fleets will take part in it) 1700 Safina , Safina is a big ship which takes small war ships with it.Gazva-e-Hind,Sunan Nasai, : 3175,3173,3174,3177 (two Armies are free from Hell fire , one in Hind other in Sham with Esa bin Marium)Imam Kather An-Nahaiyah fil-fitan: Hadeeths of Gazva-e-Hind and ArabMusnad Ahmad: 8823, 8775,Imam Ibn Hajar Makki, Al qol al Mukhtasir fi Alamate Mehdi al muntazir: 68 (China conquered) Sunan Tirmidi: 2238 (battle of Constantinople world war Al malhama tul uzma , 6l lack people killed)Sunan Abu Dawood: 4248 (conquest of Constantinople ), 4249 (6 years war to conquer Jerusalem and Constantinople and 7th year dajjal will come) , 4277 ( Mehdi will rise , conquer Constantinople )After Imam Mehdi Al-Mansoor will be caliph for 21 years, then Hushaim Al Mehdi for 3 years 4 months 10 days.Surah Ambiyah : Yajooj Majooj,Medina will be Gair-Abad for 40 years Kabba will be destroyed or raisedSun from Magrib,Daba-tul AradAir good ascent120 years there will be no Muslim on earth, Arabs will worship idols again, Then first Nafkha soor, all people will die, nafkha tul imatat 40 years distance then other Nafkha saniyah.Second Nafkha everybody will rise with out clothes When ?(In Sun Hijri after second century)Sunan Ibn Majah: 2779, 4057Mishkat Shareef: 5460Imam Hakim Mustadrak: 8/4319Imam Jalaudeen Suyuti Al fatawa Imam Nuaim bin Hammad Al-Hawa lil ftawa: 962 (after 1000 years 204 hijri)