ill iii n hi1 i at ijjt ttt t el st afr 4 k i i tim sun wednesday february 25189fl = c h 9 story of...

F r 4 k I I TIm SUN wEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 25189fl c h 9 = STORY OF A SHAMEFUL tIFF WAR joj nr cnironnr MARRIED fO JILjI SIOT CIlKSBttnOVOU- tBrct w H ori M t NOW Xli 4 JI oIgtt FrlemO Te llf> S HI ts to KMB nu rroprrtr rroBt a Daughter Indc Tjaeombf In the Unite States Clrontt- fotirt yiterday beard Ona In the alt brought br Arnold and her VBiband resident of Jersey City by which Saaadtavor Is made to establish Leonora Jkbt to a share In the estate of Blasln Moore QMtbrotirh tallied at about a million end a tJiUil dollar principally real estate In Brook Ira Mr Arnold Is the daughter of Josephine CrtiteTftno claims to hare ben married to ijuinlChsstbrough In Baltlmoreln 18M Hbeonceded that the couple bor the rIa tl nfoc DS another Of husband at wlfewhlch- luon woe continued until tarl part of 1850 when they the a 1 I rar 111 going to Charleiton where she be MBit consort of 1 Rambler name Jac- kie ¬ Bltilas died ten year Inteta- tfl 1 alter this the suit was by of the alleged wife and tt has for nut been banging fire In the Federal courts ttiterdtys proceedings bid fair to bring the lout drawn case to some sort of r determinat- ion ¬ at a uenr da- M testimony taken on either side of the MeWL secniod from wores of witness e the purpose of It all being on the one side to show that Josephine Croder was the legal wife of the deceased and on tho other to show that she had morel been hil mistress that he soon tlrtd of her and that she thereupon took up loll rotation with Gambler Jackson ma that sho never at any time put In a claim for her dower right In Chceobrpngns estate Cb rte9 A CaesebrotiKb nnd htepbvn It Loun btrytxicntcirn of the entnte are the defend the ult 1110 wa born In the house of her grand- mother Mr reslcr nt LO7 Sixth avenue on Jet 91857 nnd she was reined and supported byheTufltIi she the contestant married Mr Arnold As set forth br the contestant she was the second l IaIp or tho nleeet nJuru t a boy having frI Hotel ba mono In Hept mbr 1895 IbKihlld dloJ eon aiterwardand wa burled In Baratog- nThtonmiilnlnnnt describe Chesebrough ns- fcTlDg been tin vccentrlu man bnmbaitlo In IMMCD pompous in manner extravagant In untndltur and having a trong taste for the He munneod sincral theatrical ven aile One nf his eccentricities was a deni Mated prejudice whlih ho oncehed agulnnt- h i baptismal name of Dlaclus and led him to iho ni the Christian name of Rslmltn to his alleged marrlngo he- waOlnulp abroad nnd upon his return In let Count Ho brought Lfkirltb him 01 doumeut which he said he hnd purchased In which he said conferred that title upon him It I snld that tbe mother of the iOiite tnm left him because of his Intemperance and his abusive treatment of tu r while drunk und that after her desert- ion ¬ of him hI made i ery endeavor to have her return Ineffectually io rrore the raarrlagn relation between the two COUOHOI tor the contestants secured the evlilrncti 01 Mirlous clerks nnd other attaches of hotels at which the Otiplu stopped between 1X54 and Puts Kidonce was Introduced to show tnat on one occasion he beat her with a cowhide sad when the hotel proprietor Inter- posed ¬ nareaented the interference saying HbnB m > wife and Im an Englishman In England his a lan D n nubl to do a he lIke Wll concern about her health And welfare both st the Saratoga lintel where their frt child was born nnd at other Hotels In dir where they stopped was offered to show that they hail actually been married but no wddtug certificate wuus produced at any Stage If the case une witness swore however that Cbffobrouuh once showed him a document wuleh lie tibeseuroughl oeelared was the mar contract between himself and Josle roll to disprove tbe claim counsel for Ibi estate submitted testimony to show that while llvlne In the relationship of man and wife tbe contestants mother visited vile re fortu Harry Hill whose place Chesebrongh- fntiuented regularly had heard him declare that he was n single man asserting that he would never marry a common American wo- man that if he ever Intended to marry he would eo to Europe and wed a titled lady Ktlson Drew and Ian Bryant the minstrels were amongtbose whom he always declared that be was a single man and their statements were backed up by Chnrle T NIcol and Dan l 11l O Peterson actors and br Cuthetlno- Bp l btrl4Qwotipllco Captain arJjrhtT- bedefvndafita show that Chesebrongh and Josephine Cregler first met In Borrocooa dance house on flood street and that on tbe Mist Bight they met they became criminally Inti- mate ¬ Counsel lor the daience ay In their brie that the in which tbe first child was xiithered Into 111 world In Saratoga was not the way Io which the legitimate nnspring of lorlng parents are welcomed Instead of pro- viding ¬ a home where she would be attended II lotlnz Hands and skilful physlolan and niirMi be took her to a hotel 25O miles away took a stmneor for a physician and a common cbnnrtxrmatd for a nurse Instead of laying the child at rest when it died In tbelr own cemetery home where their years to come would wet the Kraie anti keep Ibo giasa green over It they burial It tn a strange lot that cost 3 In an un- known ¬ burial place und then the father paid ti25for rum and brandy with which cele- I rite tbe uvent nnd S damage joy breaking down the door of Us altered wife room with abeadstrad roller That night be lost all of tie non y In 1 gambling don The di euc a no Snows that the grand wetter of tint Mrp Arnord sued tCouuitI Cbesebroifcb for linmngen for the seduction of 111 iiHuehtrr ami secured n enilct for f2500 id that orni years ego when Oeorge Khretn- ndortiiok I io trunpr io the heirs of exOov Morgan ii nleo ol iippertr which the former but nCiiilrii1 nom Count CbOHebrougb the lltKHi wi and Inllhlr loorooed an obj- ection ¬ which te to withdraw on Mnc Mid tlOi 00 though tbe property waa worll t411 11111 A eelion of tbe o IQllon at Issue 1 Is ex I POle from Judge at an early day I I7VEU 0 SKVnVO A YALB Mr > Fbtrlr Sent Her Compliment t Mr- Ilronk unit Hint to Pny for It XEr nll Toll SJSIr Jane Eberle a mldi t nf f Lake Street un lined this morning br Recorder 3Iclc ken for sending lomlo- Talrntlnes with Inipijprr comments thereon through the mails Mrs Mary K Brooks Slather narrl woman was complainant Nr mlrll In iwlf defonce olnlmed that Mrs llrht sent them to bar nnd she returned IIei wth her mpllmentH which wereex iri neiJ InliingiingK 101 pot cible to publish trl Drool il 1nlllhnt she bent them frt a m s to by n civil suit tborle ny alo he i roKeiutod for sendIng obMio lIterature through the United States BUll Eiuda > Gilbert Win II Suit Aatit the HtHtc Tie Curt nf Appeals has just affirmed the the Special and General Terms In lb case of the People ex tel Jasper W Gilbert laciest tbe Conintroller with costs to tbe suo- NituI parly The conclusion reached means the narmenthutot tbl BlnteTreasuroU60 brought l hy Judga Gilbert who had been a > pitlre of tie Supreme Court In Brooklyn for l2unt per year for io ears bolng travelling tXlOfl8e allowed hy statute In addition to tbe regular sulnrv The Comptroller refused to j W tliR oxtia amount ulthough he did not Mmiir to paying the regular salary on tbe troimd that IIH Judll Gilbert sued for hU siil rif for tiro ne following his retirement pa account of age ho could not recover as the Uw allowed continuance of compensation only oJustlies whu ball served ten yea of the term for which they were elected Tbe Court Ji Itl nw construvs tho law to Include Ifly Sho has served tsp years In all no Hatter Ill many term hll iliitfpueiit Ag lntfvai Bowel William Boswell has confosied judgment for PI35G I I Io favor1 ot James W Gerard The Pigment roll aver that Mr Boswcll received b 1883 1884 D 1887 various bonds and honey which together with interest make up Ii i following amounts Five Union Pacific Ilnil arqt hon 1096 five Missouri State 6 rjrw bonds U739 3 six 1lttsbnrgh Fort laVA and Chlcnso jtallroad 0 per cent bonds le Kunja and Texas Uall row g p pent biDds IHS29 money received a nit of U I building at 67 Wall street sioi balanoe principal of mortgage of f ° Ph K Johnson HWU aunt r ht estate of tbe ate James W rlceli AtUckc k> Contor PresIdent Julias Gottlelb President of tbe Contractor Colon was attacked in Mulberry street yes wrJay morning by two union laboring men named Morris Kosfo ky and Jacob Levy He aI that l KosfotUy knocked him down nnd rtvnV1 about to kick him when he drew a aiurt acId the nllJ1 will threat until tsflft5 iof Policeman who arrested oth llt In the Tombs YUce auc T 2lnt9C held Kofosky for trial Cour Levy li It was aaM that Qott > Pu to u EMZ MarketPelToe Court Ike iUrMtef anonnaloncloakmaker I 1 DROPPED DEAD A d Xee4 IaaD- Pa deed I ifs wee a bestasus tU tmtmf yea but ho njiet4 the flstioas Wsakats which anally romlted In hurt taller Tea are watn 4 M ho was by narrnniMs woak- wtary dluy and ilrantt faint tIUI lota of 11UI cry confaiod mind trtmbltnK lekln llan coldness of fu and I ttira paltnutlon tula t ap prohtitlon axlaty drowsiness ovll alitplo- tntnnlihta If you hart this symptoms you meet al one e The ear pTtrnntlvo ot Iloan yallnrt Iht iroaUtt t 1 nirvo OuuIIar Dr Orttaft Ntrrar II U th OBlyeartala nratdy for bun sad noV tronbttA tnt thouM b used when the cry fIrst trmptoutt o ncr voDtntH sac wtakaoi apptar asiC thus prevet the ntl rcealt rnrtly vtntablt sad bll Sold p1 bJ druggIst 10 I iJ Jt I itt b < 1 za4- l H F nfftrod trotS keart dI ease eoaataurt pats- with severe ottmck of palpitation until t aatlclpattd sadden death at say tim fbocarat week 4leklllti > tr4 with IB or emenr de- pantleiler > r aced Dr Orn a Ntrrara My Im- prOTmr > t km been contlnnD mmt rnK Tha pnla and palpitation are gone I tlta- pwa I hava an exetllant app Itts and ftol will s4 DT8AHT- Kortondalo York Cos I B- V D Orn lbs nCfllett la caster 1 forms aceTone and 01110 WN a xw York ean b > conceited frtt personally o by l IUo Call or write hIm shoeS your caaa or Nnt for symptom blank to tilt out and a l titter tally aiplaln tag your dlttaaa tltlait advice 0 will b ratnrna- dfrtt ttt oart A OABDAiDKOomitKCTOIlTIlat fur aimed rooms with and without board averr- whtrti all price Information and r tln rlnit I A free SITES S LAKDuS 27eu10 I ar MILLERS HOTEL Sand to ol fiATNRa sj West Mh at New York cIrcular of betel bath 0- AriF and donblt roomt eodbtard moderate ttrmii itnUimen 12- 4Waverltr vlact A PE8IRABIB IIRT OF SELECT IT VIIL- BK HOARDINd ILAPRS WITH rnniFa IN THIH CITV CAN BK- URTAINRD BENT- PROMPTLT WITHOUT ChARliE Tl APPLICANT H- VniaiARLh A1DkILSItINIh box iut HUN UP TOWM orvieS3U5SROADWAYA- CDoU0AL BT 6t Board end rom ftr ladles Ly2I and gentlemen ILFASANTTcomfortabli rooms with Mld near tit I j YateS torah reasonable an Well I 2 D RT as K BT bttwatn let Sail 3d aye = Sleety fur iUhM rom can nllmal iood Uarman eooklnci t ATll ATn 10i rayeantitabllihad Mtctiaaleaboard- Infhoui 5 t for quilt rtiptcublt working ladles iriS nlo tt to SJ weekly QTH ST M EAST Hall room alto reception asS 7 IrK roooi tuptrlor b art table boarders accom- modated HTI1 ST 38 EAsT one block from Broadway references tnnny room I abundant 11 tablt board U Tlf ST 319 WRRTNtttly furnIshed I tack parlor ample closet tot and cold water txctlltnt I bit attendance OD Ir747n AND 4RI WEST Large and small rooms ffff emily or en unite all nnnlnl terms mod etch board I deilrtd no Mar mnli OOD ST 40 RARTEtcnaditoWtront i11 i room adjoining list and cold barn accommodated OOl > RT I Id WEST Deiirablt tiandiomtly fur f f nlihed room tn suits or dotty txctlltni boardj teble boar- d0qoiiaia WE8TLrM tmll rooma mealy rtfertnota- OOD frOrnrnUbed 8uelabad I JE BOARD RT 388 WEBT NletlyfarBlibtd front naUrnom- feOand good beard weekly TABLE BOARD O TI1ST let EASTScond bell I hull I inS double 6J rooms with or without board bath I and ear QS RT ifta EAST Haadaomely furnlihedrooms I ad double with or without board 341 RaiL Fnrnlehed and board 41811 rom or cooplet irat lonlmD male pIano blb t tOO KT rae WKRT llandnme rooms with board tfi very Improvement convenient to all Surface raIlways private MB WRRT IIandKimerooma with board 4JDeJ location referenceiexchanged table bad French ram- ly44Tl 334 WEST near BroadwayLarge teo room newly fnrnlihed taptrlor board and attendance- A QTH 8T 233 WRRT Rnnny senate and hilt rooms t < J with xcellent boards every convenience Ill up- ward RQTH RT At Eett Handiomtly tarnIshed WJTJargt or small with board bath gaa rom 6 7TRSTI8 GARTNleely fDrnlihed room for In print family coarenleat to Lltatlon with 0 wIthout board rtttrtncei u- 124T Mn HAK1IALL iid fat IT 12 EASTLarte front parlor heated good location convenient to nation 1 QPTII S 808 WERT Ilandiornely furnIshed 1 I with board also hal room I tlevaied station convenient private ouf4 tyanttfl YOUICO OEKTLEMAN want hoard In a Protettant BO other If month born 254 Blh av RDS Sril4 acni I paren OCt A and bonitktiplng room for workin- lSi people clean and quiet IlTb tip 34 Clinton place CLINTON PLACE Sfl near Broadway Mcely fur rnom elngle and double all convenIence featlemeB or light houiekteplng DO TOTJ ADESIRASLELISTOFFURWSRED- K ROOM ADDRESSES WITH 1RICEH IN- THIS ClT CANRKORTAINED WITH- OUT FtlR I CIIAROh TO APPLICANT BY AD NISHED DBKS6INQ RKLIAHLE sox IUI BOOltHf SUN UITUWN OKHCE 1264BDWAY Lest Ide- A RHO 3Sth it and RroidwySeltct family largt and small rooms alngly or tn anti nrtt g- lCfJ attendance Vlu wtekly board optional also ileilrable I dentlit I LARGE FURNISHED ROOM to 1 lit 5 per week be Lnlvenlty plan sod broadway 45 Eait- Tuelftnit 4TIIAV34a clay Nicely furnished room alio front bro third floor two gentle- men 1OTH ST cults square LA bit rom- 17Trr for I gsEtJ PtuItDfJr room and 202 BASTRlnglt rooms for reipectablt aleo l front parlor suitable couple V 18T 311 EASTA wellfornlthed room to let prlratt I i home 1 QTH RT 41 hAST near Broadway Handiome back A a parlor inltabla for doctor fnrBlabed or nut ur Dished OATH ST 46 BAST Front and back parlor dreulng t J room end extension baohelortorphjilclaa I de tlrtble DIIbrbol OATH RT 23 EART Apartment parlor Soar for- dentlatordoctor AJ fnrnlihed or unfarnliuedi May 1 or sooner OATH ST 43 EARTNlcely fnrnUhed double rooms fcvF private l family detlrable neighborhood OQD yit EACTLsrge and aqtiare nicely furY I nicheS rooms hot and cold water bath gas o ftrcL OOD 8T SU EART Parlor floor nicely tarnished ttj room large window fj no objection an Invalid I OATH BT IS EAST Ilandiornely furnlihed back reference fit parlor and cola water closets btattd 1 O5TII ST 22t lIAR Wblttt btllLrge nicely fur 6 I nlihed front roomi gentlemen or ttgut houiekeep Ing 10 liAtn RT m BAT BcLnnghlln bell nicety far t4 nlilied hal bath gas 14 weekly V7TI 8T 400 KABT Large front rooms running U I Iol gentlemen t3j back parlor 1 D33 KARTElegantly furnished rooms all 81Sr bachelors partminta with running I tl and gat room suitable for light hoote keeping cheap 8 lTIT3 EARTAn elegantly furntihed room ft yenr lean for ccl 10 plndI40ppor tunity for a lady mutt be told on the family 0 l ST RT USJBAHT Front and bark parlor to lit 01 for a doctor once I lion other In lbs Btlghbor I bood COD 0J ISO EABTLrt sad small furnished OO teparately I or together to rent preference glrtn io permanent party OATH KT24IEASTnar IUooLrl and until nouiekeeplng Ot rom all convDloDo IIIma or light 8 ST MI EAST lltlghft bllNewlr furnlihed a front parlor and connecting bedroom two gentle- men oroonple I 87TI RTOFAST 2d flnnrLdy would like wiar gentlemen having three Uncut rooms 1 1QT ST SM PASTTvo mall connecting 11 i7 rooms In Bleiianl cottige e wetklyi complete timekeeping coal free Wee Mid A N ELEGANTLY FURNISHED RooM fer gentleman 11 at 45 Charlettt near the Btb it nation of lbs bib ar U J GENTLEMRN AND LADIES rliltlor Wt I rooms address IUlto Bun uptown olflca I IM Hroad ray LAn BrnOSTFU IBIIDnOII I folding bell hot and cold Io private home quiet people only lO West ith it r AnoErgoTANDsAcx PAitLORfimW7r i L light business tUo I large olcily inrnlihti rom 10 I7u MacJougal tt SMALL AM LA HUE furnished room with board or alto a lure room for light bouiektiplBf- OOD l IeI2dthl 1 iT I4 ° WBBTLargt waUforalihtd rotmti AAtM eonviBliBctt inS bUt cf atttadaaoti hn reaaonablt I permae1 party ST itO WESTNletly furnished blued teems 22 tar two gentlamtai t east and uwartt 22PBTI2 0 loul WKBTLarge private and hl room f htat OQD ST ItS wnSTllandiomely fornUhed aeoond t > alerT front room not and cold water folding b two lara eloieti table board 13 an 4> 4TII ST 200H WFSTLrKindml fur- s mIsted ball room l watol rIVIellbl tiouiekceplnx 11 front hell ron OTlll T 44JWIST jrtiilfely rurnlihed iquare I and bli room tn aunt or ini n printed lh btait > ttinn txauweealyi I irlvtte house OTTII BT 4 WB8TA neatly furnished agBBy 4t ream I 11 1 Halloa H BUVAM j O4TII ST nsa WIITJtleety araltbtt teoaaAitory X4 bait rota matt ualiy t bmw msdsnw I cf a r- r Wet I 4 e11 ORTtt f no wistNictr mrnuti reonsi f- su Uell MatnllMatlaai feluto II5Sw- eekly f 2 IITiI7WT = arnM rooms i alt eel eleefl a colts aao sad wi r- q8T8Ts5s ahl I wUyfleU rooms from IIH P pi wrOI iJ babgss i QTltRTTh35WE1TSheIy rnrntihM roou ee- mvtf terms pitti oe fEw Ill bouketplDir srtry ee VIII1 JAva RT 210 WBRT nte ty tarnIshed nanromgs Ut suitable for rlblloy i bouMkMplvf x5oi room aul 4OD 11 us west > > 4O for gntiemae II I rwaJrr- lr i UI board Oplo ll r f nne pcat tiier 4SSWUTflaadsons reeas 111 h- rthrlellTValc du n 4 11Rr m wittZieaw oltnnUy hI1 U singly orn sculls i must M so a prclal1 TirtielaM caterer 1 AKtn RT KM WESTLure many raomt beat 1u rnnnlnt water nsoderate price to ttntlimMti- priro fatnily- AiT1I ST 337 WKKTCorarnrtoblr furnished ht tUroomi 1 eunVIInO1 dnlrabl locution table botrdt mloal ao Afitn ST ai WKTRlKuiirnrnUl 4roomwith t V private bath alsO other rlm- l I ovary Improve menu board optional Afftn ST 317 WERT nanaaomaly foralilml m 411 YIIle dlm1 Ur t sits rom S3 ldtlvr el A8TII 81 fas WBRT KKranl Teems slndy or on ull alsootherrooms52 nntUmtn ntfarrodt epnnolD 48181 245 WKDTytennt intu niubt toy or dentist other rooms SoarS optloaali references 48 1TII 8T 102 WEBTLnrrt hall room la tiotllaat boos and location ror cantlaman only 2 48V ST BJS rim or faCe large Il- b49TiTi 0 newly so to lid WEST Haadtomt back parlor salt or two gentlemen enlfaeo references ey 0D 9Trs lie WEBTHandtomt patlom nltablt t chrtlclan or dtatlili alto an aloovt room othtr Tennis RRTI1 RT A4 WESTlftwly aaq elegantly famished uutlnttt and doabto rooms 11 handsome elItes physicians ofllca- RRTI1 RT S7S WEITLtrt cheerful Stoats room W all Improvomantsi sear altvatd and settee tall ways private RQTII 17 WEST BltraBtly fnrntihtd rooms fi7 gentlemen orfamllltti dalliihtfal vicinity railway convenient OTTII ST IRA WEST naadwmt parlor eeall OI for years bJ a physician vary private family 1 WAVKRbKT rLACKLarn far I tU nlilwd I rooms o Draiaa bth hadt elo- etat3adia j p mn ixtt YOUOA SELECT PAPER of S and 6 imn bath FREE TO APRIL I I- UOLLl8ltWuot I- le311 1 WNI 11t errl u a1Illia > WAjtaa7l h av G- ATETONOe pesmisee Mo1hI Rent rooms Free I S75O TO 12 roots flTeronmaltognawboBit4Ia rttpoeta Me neighborhood Offlca 1066 luih av smear 87th at ArARTMKNTK t Ip the improve dwtlllr RM II two three and tsar rooms all hhht blb laundry hut and cold water al Haiti heated K ta l aRUTnl1 R34 Broadway roar iSibsi AT fltEWIESBLDESIIQWst eoth tumaybf- nnidchnnlBtapartroentawaUarranred l roomi and bth In central Belt hbbrbood house I carttlUy atrltteat retereneta rannlrtd rDI tt IA LABIlE Svfo t Mails flatB rooms aU lmW V menu OR widest Street up town l bait veto IL- Dearladlianav4d83 A 3 EAST T4TR TNew laPis apartments of 8 ant roD all Uiht decorattUi rents from 110 II3 AT 1783 ID Ar abnrt CMh tt ataUonHeated XX bade 4 room each 110 sis Inquire at 1781 bar lIen P- AN ELEGANT TOP FLOOR In stogie hool I rooms all Unlit Ii Ia ZS8 West 1Mb at APARTCRNTI or ThREE rooms at a moderate rent I it BEd AIR FLATs 114 TO 132 WEsT 51ST RTBtfor look at thetrotey flat only a few vaoau rIce cl blocks from Central Park and Sixth and Mall roads reIned Bud genteel rent Quit uuubera once lIe baaemtnt N B flout BOttabov 1I1RAPEST APARTMEIT In the rlty thrto and V and font DI rom with waahtub only Si I s Apply to 174 td av DESIRABLE FLATS TO LET In Blh wal HM arid SIloK rooms all Improve- ments rentS from 31 a month must eeea to be apprecIatedApply to owner on premises b ELEGANT Improved apartmenta three and fou fnotofll I 2 i372dtT near 10b St FLATS 1TII OR WITIinCT STEAM HEAT Light well ventilated prmt at reasonable rot Apply CB prtmuea 41 th t or to 1 II IVStITAKKR 278 Boulevard between Wet 794 and West 74th Ita FREE TO AraILWItpl nnronm with limbS avar mi t rent ow liT moathl l406 b- J1ADa ay1 tri tseen aug tIm or at 240111- FRRE TO APRItAti0andl1monthly for nice of flee good led roomi neat entrance hills carpeted decorated rom periecf Ordtllal 24sn hth av seen lor 11 C- Ff luhDJ SON a495 Blh av AUlL Nice flvrroOm nI bath and I lm1 room Ii good Cr1151 05 510 tr4et rent I low 15 and biG monthly Io Da nj o- iItll ci seen any lime or at EIIII 1 raolor JIADI 2tS FLOORS nf 6 and R rooms from tmo 118 In Sns 30X West 14ith it sth av u nation I on corner e In I 71414 ar and IdOi Lexington ar 96th tt aprtmnl I and 4 rom 273J2737 Slim ar 140th akx el2 FREE TO APRIKftat well kept apartments a each IIU and I7 monthly good entrant hall carpeted deooraled wash Ib range 0 Janitor 2441 ar or MKADS ar t FLAT AND APARTMENTR tmtarnithtd and tu > part ot thelty > 1 JnJ BJ < nroadway pear 13thtt FLAT OF SEEN ROOMS to let In the iplindld hoes 0 Bail 30th et i aitthiemodernlmprovsmsnti HUDSON AND W 10TH8T3 and i light rtomt la t new flats P STEAM HliATRD FLATS s tnnmsanlbattI3O flat with bath decorated SIn hot and f water eroim flats HI ether 6room data f47K CULIIN IJWOiflJWIRD27iO8tha near liSlhlL SINGLE STORE roAd busIness locality fTTSO tree In Hatch ISi i t 5s win ar Janitor ton any time or MEAL A SON 8495 8th a- TrffF DOIJQLAH ONE nOOK FROM loll KANT UNIN9URE To lit from May 1 Choice apartment of 13 perfectly light room hardwood mirror ileam clivator door lervlce Ao 11810 inquin2pnitoron s Park row SMALL SELECT FAMILY 4 6room arart TO roentelnnew siegaot single lists south side I Itiith- tt between Sd and Aieianderara hInd1 rooms well lighted ventilated dumb Wash- tub gas allconienlencei tl2to I Janitor or IIAIIKY OVEII OTON U7U8 ad a 1 corner 4Ib1 THE KOTHHAY No iaEaat IStnu elegant apartments of tight light rooms heated hardwood brtoabrao mantels mIrrors door service 011 Immadlatapoiaeiilon Ml sad 5124 from ran- mwo Nay I janitor o F A P0011038- Park APARTMRNTR to let I la corlr Loop bails 1 heated i Tint CS and I t Janitor see East Wlh 1 LRTFlv roomi 110- N TO M L8EI m East tsnth a- lT 0 LET ssth tt 150 EuTwo Soon 4 room and bathrooms CIS and 518 adult only OeD KT AND 1ST AVLlgbl and airy 3 room OOinntr with Improvement rent lew alf houtekteper Mu lit av 33i- j D BTr23it > Roonli In real houses 1 upi tree houieiJ8oup I and a room- s4CATIIARINE n 51Foot iiVra lartt rooms with I all Imprcln Sib and lie 1 RT M 211 KA8T > 8econ5 flat anAtalb i rlr hail tliolroproveaintlLreBtJd TH ST ill ASrElegant aata atlltvt- iravtmenlii 57 In dntclate order 1rr1 8 ATU i1 lc3 TAT BTOD gist eta aUi and S all linnrovMtatantwlyjtBtrtA QATUST 1 EASTcBinxls I rODI biittI l o Imprcttltj nwy raOVId Tl r- t CORNBII UYAVVriata 8 rooms OtJ bath alt ImproremiDtn newly renovated Si I anti I 85TltT MH rARTBlegant new Data 6 rooms and Improvement Sisandhl7I- 1THT21W4 l AND 10 BAIFv taf te rooms aid ifVF I n tianlaomely bal moro ld I Apply to Jaalk- inmarST 1nTII 5 ISO BAro 8 vi roams prDsls WE 1 bones II a I1 tl n B ASt baf block from 1lrt Jlttrlt Uouat rant ntwu aajjiathi 1 lmprovmtta lOWERTtTIIBTear fthTytir roots with AIt batb Inquirejanllt- rtfflO ThREe ROOMS and bathroom owner 91O pllei hot walel a Imprereminti up tail 334 Mail liSts I iJlt mid partrnrntook1ts- ii I UT IIRO KIyn t aBl l niolultu lir- I I HI l i a- ttfurnirtu twttt it 1d vI AIDIXL1 rUaXisHD IOU Stalk I niJ t 1 Iii iIowa ie 3155 rv t 1 Brooklyn Furniture Co1L WILL GIVE A IC ISCOJ ON CARPETSJu- st received a large invoice of CARPETS all new styles and colorings from the leading manufacturers throughout the country prices lower than ever f i MOQUETTES from S11O tt- kjl VELVETS from 1 QQ BODY BRUSSELSfrom 8 T E8TRY BRUSSELS from INGRAINS from 0 30 1 I Oilcloths from 1 to 6 yards wide Mats Matting Rugs Drug ¬ gets1c Ac- Furniture r I of all kinds at the usual low prices at th- eBrooklyn a f Furniture Co- t 559tO t 511 Fulton St Brooklyn N Y wemn Ut go get T 21 SI 27 EAST 77TII RT ar charming A hontu rim l and for a term of years It do sIred at f h decoratai ready on or before Slay J fmloeeDprna htch priced apartments are thi advantages ot these aoutat at ptrmanant hornet tnfaxtmanta may now bomadt OWRER orfct 3 until a room f- AD EII1RASL and i F Lair8ri 834 Broadway near 18th n AVnaar fOth 51CharmIn- gjUsis hljou blots with Plenty ot room for an- tttl hung baantlfnUr dtoorawd ready at once can bo hid for a inm at years rent permIts not ra- qnlrtd oWNtK 19 CeJ r it 3nn w l weml O Uanta YirAMTEDMaillnm prlTit houta out side vf abova aou it txctadlnc BIO 111 R8BMOllAH4MBroomtt- ttot i0 e uhu uqior A PEW HVITES OF- il O H I C I T T I- NTEMPLE COURT AILT T XLULAZVD 5t WnXTZIffOBE- KKMAN 4 ST JUDGE BUILDING CORNER or 111 AT AND I6TU ST Offlcot itudle and one floor to tint Freight and paaatoger eleratora Abeolntelv Ore proof Rent II cludet both heat and ligbt pplyto JUDGE PUBLISHING C- OBUSINESS7PFFICES lir tni tJENTRB OFDOWX To- wspARABUIDINC Corner Wan ant Church iIeTatoL- I1ENTNKkAb0NABLZ tta Steam teat and and oo charge for heat gas or Janitor service THE OCTTA PEHCirA AND to ElfasEn MFa 00 OB the prtmltee A TWO SMALL STORES On south tide of 34th It- e ttof Itroadwty rtntt moderate also otbersla good buineit locatfo- naiIBqHAtNE BROWN az CO Iii We 83d stnearhitroadway C LtNTON PLACE 87 near Bnoadwayiiaaemen- tlute tollable for bnHnett porpotei terms mod- erate Immediate potaenlon HANDSOME RTORB Any bnitneit alio imall store ahop both In 2d A T between 23d and 24th its Apply elItes aau East 24th it- C TOREI IN THE WRING AMSTERDAM AT JB KHITAKEB 278 BOULEVARD BETWEEN WERT TaD AND wEST 74TII BTS SECOND LOFT to lit tIOxOS light from three sIdes r elevator and ottlca room on nut floor Not eat stud S24 West XM it STORE TO LBT at It Dutch it- OQD F ZA1IN- Tlo LETEent Detsutnicos on Sroadwiy 1582 a slots hsndomi2 ileorattit CT whole bolidlng I Sued positIon Nsw York for brtra once curio or higbclaaibnslses reaaonablerent lo responsible rna 4 flEUFKt S 805 210 6th av RT 138113 WFKTRnperlor to I Itatt- OQ4 AO Uxv heat and pauengerelerator- loft BROADWAY StRAIt I3TH ST Offlrei to I lit OO1 elevator steam beaUIIU to heel per nom 35 FOR A DOUDLE STORE and flnlihed base o men 10 lIst ryet corner rthirlne s- Iuitci s Onucri- AT YONICERSNsW block of fivt stores M felt deep plait glaw fronts Pal a month two already rented for grocery and bkery Start chalice for druggIst botcher barber thOM or notion Apply to U 11AV- MKR Radjord building jietly Kiare honkers VUAN WITH tlmta tnreifin manuriotnrlng fancy AB furalluroiin Connecticut to Inrreaae buitneaa- eitahlleliedi good ctiiro mechanic preferred Ad drOll A l W bet l5isn uRIc B PAnDRlff < rrfor 1000 good stock aid work send toe Ion rtnpi- HvlloNsswarnusn NY HARK CUANJE OpposIte Proriora Show window large work room UM of reception rooms tult- ablt for I ladies I lallnr drenmtker or toilet establish ntnt j4fl Weit tad it- IJMNEiH i cfumlturt A B80LUTFLT urong folding beda onlrtA hair me A uetttaHi tabtBetmtrrorbeaa OTIS jQ4W dat I HELL fBrnlrurtwlthogt fequtniog chiP i i give loused credit lowest Iricee- siAHuEAuTeuhWs AtfKHT 103 Wilt 29th It 4 I r- ttlAttbt tWtlf1l tit irt OLD W ATO u K v tao i althnra warranted II per J wotki I flittered on fIrst payment f 21XtlttAOE WAtCh Ct > 240 Broadway 0 ttlti tIJ DR71FOLliERlXTRACTS TERTU wlfhutTairfio Vandal cor Canal itt- tatloatqtltkanititre 0 i Itil- iF fn llixT lItuUjjr d i ui onncdentialiy ipealailit PUYilClAK X gut IUU tt GBSITO AIT DUBAhEa a ttlaltyby e I pert 1US West 4Jd at lloori t t- toadtyt III stos to t only Charge medIcine only tTlDSTDISEA5ES eliTe fatal with medlelnet- AD1E8 IL aloes u ihedeitbsof physIcians oihrs pnovsi buiIr HKATiI cuteallie worst tbsAsabal- Nitunal Mineral Spring Walsri tr1Iw witusass will- as7 ysars OfItcee 011 broadway II ew hurt L PoSITIVE BKLIFKBlmma Ieiinrroyal rule If failure lapoiiible ill vr arile- riihhCfAh loll Feel luthit- DMOHTATE G D1lieaiei I lhir inellai l Jl faculty nronounre net ra lr but l lr lleaili lute cured them lurly one jreare wlllmut rutting Clr pain kidney dlataaea canaot I be cured when they exiet Of LIce SIll uroadway haw York luto and 7d Many av iTaiklat Park Brooklva treulnga inC suday CroaHa f PIU4 PVZzeeeas4 Phyalalaa Dnf Wit Vt Mb Malkerrr a4TuEtlV w taarftt d jicai J ATTENTION I i DR ORINDLti- hatdtvottdhh jl time toy many years to the aiclillv j tInlrt diSeases of mrn mont whaierer cane and HKISdlieaaea red spo painia bones sore throat and mobIl biuonai and ernctloaa 4 onihaekln ulcers palntul Swellings I Ac HIUNrt and UKINAllY complaInts irritationicald loa Innammatlon frequent Inunuation to urinate IB ttulciui discharge gleeu ilncture and kindred afro tiola OIKIANIC VEAKNIsa nrrront debility ImputeS memory mental anxiety absence loot vitality melancholy Inrotuntary oIIIIror weak back and other duea I ee rriiinlnafrom dresses ladle cretlon or overwork recent or old iiieedlly IboroaO I Ir permanently cured tViern uiii i I no to get Hired 7 li the question many a innerer asks hlnueir not knowing whom to trait O I where tbouaamli of othin hare gone to Dr ORIN lILY old eitabllibeil ollloe eon hat been reitorid te portent health Allltoaorlnll chronic oases that hays bten neglected J- ar t liar tat eli Io yield Io the treatment of leMakllfl handa soot cit well under IT UKINDLB8 lapertor treatment y Patleiiti wli ling apeedy relief and sure eon should consult UK II ill bOLE tbeinccenfnl tpeclillit whoi long extensIve exnerlrnt enables Mm to apply the proper treatment at once without tiieleit 1 experiment I thus aarltiK the patient much ilmt and txpenlt il OfFICK OVER TKN YEAR at No 171 West 12th it between Cth and 7th art lowon I charges ailrlcefree lloura BtouRunilaya1to47t o Diseases of Men Oni 1 17LCER8 DISCHARGES t9XEI STRICTURES BLOOD POISON HOBB 1 THROAT or MOUTH skin eruptIons blotcht colored spoIl pilnfnl twilling KIDNEY ant- BLADDER DISEASES Irritations lCIaldll flammatlona frequent desIre to urinate f WEAKNESS NERVOUS DEBILITY trrort of youth BAD DREAMS reitlttt nIghts f Impaired memory wealneirof pover loetvitality weak back sad other diseaSes reiultlcig from txrtaiM 4 Indlecrttlon ororerwork recent old tptedlly ihor- oughly 7 and permanently cured All lingering Chr ° nl9 discus > Caftan all others fail ineectltully treated I havstnade the abovdisasesahitsjoogatody I which enables me in warrant lay remedies to cure the wont caact For qnlck relief Slid lure cure ooniul- tDR GREY the known ipeclallit 1 No 120 East 17th it ntar 4th av j toweittermi advice fret llourt 91051 llday 8 to i and u to Secret f and Private Diseases flC MEN cured In a new daaby a row mood ef trot i melt nohamnnloeaeured Ailaerathroal 0 and tongue bunDles ulcer dlteaieu bnnei gleet atrlo tore blood piiironlng urn d aeaaea kidney and bladder also youtuf errors ferrous debility wish back bed > 1 dreams lowneo of ipirita wtakneae nf body and mlndl loot 1111 and tnnnlmod restored enfter no longer ear I U rental I mmrantee a quiet and sure curs Zeal ta mind practice I makes perfect hull u cured yearly Hunereri from hail I advice I hnuld Consult mt tllgf- tciiei cured In four rlaye I me mercury thee fand lie re hren ruined I by ftoYto not be InUuenoei 5 Go to this fountain iircd- Dr 11ALIHTT MdlealloUlal ui halt IBtb it near lid aT Lowest charzea for medlclnt best adrlcafraa I lloura too- AtilLlTYnr i SMITH 1H4 Ear lUth at near M Oldest reliable I iprolallit In New York city bolt leim blood pulion akin eruiitlona blotches tell spot ulrera scrofula sore innuth throat heart lungi catarrh contmnptlon bladder kidney Bright f disease raiding painful urination gleet etrtctnrt lo fectloui iliiclmrKra SIl treaiinnt only one known t- h1 runes nervous uidliabillt Heaknem trom errors of t youtn IndIscretion excesses impaired memory inelancunly involuntary losses ihynin teem¬ < hUng Impotence varlcoeele Imperfaetly devtl- nped II orirana Thcue Ufavee I must ba treated br I an expert un roarrliwe ant in requirements I have even thine known tnrrlence and a thorough knowledg by home aperlai practice rnabtri me io guarantee I Quickest permanent rerorrrv Manreonie to me for t- An hnnrii tliorongh examination of their case and my 1 auperlpr treatment nfter being deceived by bnrut lirofeiiora airenclei companies liD i 5 curie Ix wee charges for medicine Dntinargej alopped Immedlatalr Write or call ailrlcafree any dIsease Ihoure II toO FOR MEN ONLY I J I POSITIVE JoILOIiTorJunrOO- elliralllld ZfZRTOUB IJDWlTI CURE Wwuuf 8IIUIII14I Effects sfEnorsor Licescesin 015cr detusit SaM EAlthlOOl liii Releeed lIsa A SI1lWIl1lIRalnLO ID oRu231 S 11111I11 Sheehutel sahltg 1101 TUATIaNTistl Is a day sa tsihty roo It States Trnlt4ee iad 7srsige sirs edletbe ieee thtsctsaatts sd m heeled 1 r SWIM ElIIIIIIGAL CI SI TO WEAK MEN Buffering the youthful effects errors mm ot early deny waatlnx weakness toil manhood eOoo I will aond a raluablo treaties containing lull particulars for homo cure iP4 of charge Aiplendtd I medical work t by every plan who I u nrvoie sail dfiillltatrtl Addr- oProf PI < > MLUn Moodm CO- DOCUTA s StMIALWOnn rAPBULKRarttntntot and only Capsules nreicrlUd by regular iihiilclanft for the curt of gonorrhcea and dlirhHrirei from the urinary organ Whether Inhtrlttt or arqulreit II fiper bnxAiilrugglt Jt AFTER ALL OTIIKRS PAILvonallt Vrt 1 4lh Kew Yorkt leading specialist for disease men lilool poisons tilceri ineillnvi liOharge wi len itrlrturee nerronl elf lllllv lout vigor timer Madder and skin dlieaie- arl 4 > nce and klll only noiiaientoniniiouudiilangertttf f and long itanllng cases couched recent cLots 4 to 10- daya in aislstitnts Iliian I ii to a II to 0 cunilayttllll 3 ALL DIHKAKEH OF MEN include ivenidl or weaknea of the genltnnrlnarr i thai of a private nature without minttonlng errry ont I is da- mn ¬ I have hail i 5 yeara eipmenee and guarantee a Ftrftcl c re nr no fee I T MMILh H O B7KUIbat 11 4 = imrCIAA < PRIVATF MATERNITY tdvaB j 0 tarn nf a refined hem mular phyilclani traIned nurie riirmilria privacy Apol- yJillMllAi huI23 liuehcick ay Brooklyn i A Hits IOllhlER Oerman Uarned midwife kt rrti taillfit forennil dinlngconflnementi nine 4ai iO ri1 ami rontinemrnt tl i H prInts boutt I In fmiu ailopieil 217 lei I Hlth it- COMIAI 1- A AII liidlei phyilciaa treats eo- ndrtiilali A all cr > nf a private or delicate natural rivate rant nriuiii rend oiaIDP for boot I loura U to II i 11 tli it 001111 t AhlftillEliTrnillwlfs j boards isSue Defer aM t lien prints bovte for llaj I l confidential medical btttjatoli bunts adoDled 1ST tail Sin it I ALL DIsrUARORa nicer gleet I llrleturea twtll night dUohrgu tad skin dlteattt tK 4art 11 red lug dart flholtUMmEael lOtbsL necrOSiS i A Dr vrillTBIlBADlrtati fmalae perfect taftUf i guaranteed 21 Kail 40th it- HIWEAHEH OF MEN ONLY hoe iprtily relief and tuft core roniult old Pr ORI- WPIU I J ytara specialist 171 Weal will it titlwee 1 I lb anil7th an l iweit cienitni Advice fret Dlt IRAV IIIISS plolIra women ronii- l I lahIli l rrr > fully iih I trittnin lou of tint a I t ii tiini Iris 114 linin iitr led ii tnre and during roaI- Hieuiciil U Lexington ar near ttlihit DR IIUVKBH M vl eit lich i PtOldI5Ilesdtng la t quickest cures oy no charge attar all otter fall pe well remedies mtdiolattl advice trle I to- JBR 1 BE HAKBTM PBMNYkOTAl PIUA IM eel Mat at tmettr ty m UH Ivlalfr f j A PENN8YZTAZfL PANTHER TkoFlrot On Kllletl Near the Wellknow Dutch Mountain SU e 1ST- BCBANTON Feb 24 Chaonoey O Wlsnsr of Forks township Sullivan county was riding through the Ovlnoton woods on horseback last Tuesday night when he heard a noise ahead of bins that sounded like the cry of a child WIener was on his way across Dutch Mountain andth fog was BO dense In the forest that he couldnt see his horse had The cry soon became fainter and the horseman thinking that his supposition was correct resumed his journey up the crooked snow path When got to another turn In the road the walling sound came from tbe forest several rods away from tbe road and ho then realized for the first that he had been following the voice of some wild animal Amos MclntOKb an experienced hunter lives In the first house that Yt Isner came to lie was In bail but he got un at once He recog ulzed tbe cry immediately as that of a panther and he fluid that his folk bad heard It set earn- ing ¬ over on the HracHtono ledge a few nights before The old hunter also said that he- hadntkilldn panther In eighteen yarn and that bo could hardly walt until daylight On Wednesday morning Mcintosh hIs sons Aleck and Thomas Hank Gilbert Joe Handrr son and JolT Boyd went bunting for the in thor They took dYe dogs with them and struck the pantherx trail In a gorge It was evident that tho panther WAS iu hiding near by and tbe whole pack was let loose slmul- tancouply Tlicy made a break for a fallen hemlock that lay across the upturned roots of nnotbrr tree all getting there together They had hardly reached the spot before they wheeled and dashed back toward the hunters ns though a volley ot shot had been tIred at them BbVs under there an sure an cunsl old man McIntosh yelled and all the hunters cocked their rifles The dogs were ordered to fetch the game out and they all made a caT ago dash under the log The pnnther was at home sure enough for the live brave dogs In- stantly ¬ rolled out In a heap with the panther- on too of t them It ripped tbn hide from two of the dogs like a flash and then It sprang back to lie hiding place beloro tbe hunters had a cbn nee to shoot It The disabled dogs were done for and tho three sound Quell again tackled the panther Once more the pant her drove them out tear- ing ¬ two more of them to death tight in line with thn levelled nIbs lint this time the beast didnt get back under the log It made a leap toward lisa bole but six bullets struck It all at once and it sprang Into the air and came down as dead ns a rock It hail killed lout dogs but it hadnt touched the other one and the live one belonged to old man Mcintosh As it lay stretched out in the snow tbe panther measured seven feet throe Inches It wa thin and poor and tbe supposition of tho hunters was that It bad wnndeied there from tbe neighborhood of Dead 1lne Mountain several mlle to the north The last panther killed on Dutch Mountain was In tbo winter of 1872 A MutierofFact Judge DcclaloaH- UNTINODON Pa Fob 24 Sqnlre James Kelly of tbe Second ward of tbls city is origi- nal ¬ in disentangling knotty problems Yester- day ¬ a married woman and a man not her hus- band ¬ boarded tbo stag coach at CassTlIlo and sand love during the whole ot the trip to Mill Creek The womans husband saw their affec- tionate ¬ goodby and escorted his wIle homL and In the presence of the babies gave her nn oidtlmo ttounrlng with the lamlly switch This no enraged tbo wife that she bad her hus- band ¬ arrested and brought before Squire Kelly for assault and battery The Justice listened to tile testimony with close attention The accused man put In the plea of justification and called thiS stage driver to testify to the lovemaking perform- ance ¬ Alter all the testimony bud boon uuv vu- JnRtlco Kelly arose antI said gravely The verdict of the Court Is that the plaintiff return to tier UMinl place of abode and lock the doors that 110 strangers can be admitted for a peilod of six days that the liunband for tile same length of time board with his best neighbor and sleep In iho bern and that each party ray half the costs and stand committed until the sentence Is complied with The large crowd of Rpcctaor nearly raised tbe root from the office by their vociferous ap- plause when the sentence was pronounced Jerey City Typbotdbreedluc Meadow Dr Leonard J Gordon President of tbe ITudaon County Board of Health told the Jer- sey ¬ City Doard of Street and Water Commis- sioners yesterday that typhoid lever was in- creasing ¬ in that city Abiut two miles of meadow land into wbbh Is empted the filth of more than 100000 people was in the heart of the city From 80 to 90 per cent of the ex- cessive ¬ death rate could be traced to tills meadow Honor Inspector Jnmes Fnlllstcrand Assist- ant ¬ Inspector John Daly weie suspended trop duty until further order uir until the Hoard could I Investigate the unclean condition of the citys sewers At the sugtrestloo of President homers the Board will request MiyqrCleve ¬ land and the County Board of Health to go with the Hoard to Gor Abbett and requttt him tn aid In securing legislation to Improve the cltyit sewer nystem procure purer water Riinply and have the meadows drained and filled In Canght HI Enemy Unaware Alfonso CapaocI who has a saloon at 434 East 113lb stieet and Itocco Iagllnco have an old grudge to settle Faglluco vlelteil the sa- loon ¬ during Capaccls absence yesterday When Capaccl returned Fndltico was standing with his tiaok to the door Intently reading A circular which was pastel on tbe wall Cn puccl lIpped UhlnJ bar got a club and creeping up behind frgiluco knocked him down Two more Mow and CapaocI r Paglluco was taken to tbe llarUm HoiDltal with three ugly onlp wounds and a possible fracture of the skull and the police are look- ing ¬ for CapaccL lie CoBldnt Recover Prom tk City The Court of Appeals rendered a decision yesterday that Wilt result 4n saving lbS city eevral hundred thousand dollars The lcclnl n wan In I the ciwn of Triple aaaln the Mityor Ibe plaljiflir Bueil fir ihf recovery if mousy paul for an asarasmetml for lii Boulevard seaore In order to clear tb title to his land from an apparent lien In order to facilitate a sale Later the an samntwa adjudged lobe llltgal Tb Court hd tnat BO money paid for such put poe would be eovrd Otfri 1 rtr- Aa 4OWLRDRD 45 YEAftR epIsode Is the Tidal o f Sb Xmsrk shI- emeay Will Case BAOXTHSACX Feb 24In tie Bergen county Orfhaos Court before President Judge James M Van Valn today the case Involving the validity of a document purporting to be the will of Jane Dtrnpneywai tried The docu- ment ¬ U dated July 12 iBM MrsDempaey died at the Warerley fl use in this city eigh- teen ¬ days later Th wilt wa witnessed by William Conway antI Hermes M Bweet MD It was not found until a few months ago sad If it 1 is sustained Guy a John A sad Lavlnla Dempsey grandchildren and only living heirs otthe testator will Inherit large sums rep ¬ resented In zeal estate In Bergen county and Now York city lawyer George W Dellaway say the property In Bergen county alone bought by Lawyer I E Martin ot Nftw York many years ago for 76000 I is now worth fully UOUOOQ Mr Martins title to this win tmlnvAlId If the will lau Uln o The will glres the property of the testator toiler Son John A and a daughter Mr Melville who died last year during their live then to the next heirs who are the three above paused children of John A Dempy Mrs jttelvIllejt Is alleged auppresleci the will and divided the estate The contestants assert that the paper Is a forgery and Experts Carvaho end Ames are wailing to go cii the jjtand to contradlot Sarah A C fl Alkjn Mr anti Mrs C > LlnnliKb Andrew Hall Hannah Sweet t the widow of Dr tt M Bweet Dr John Law AL tin Block Jennie E Gilford and John M Con yy a son ol William Conway all of whom swore to tho genuineness of the signatures altbongh one or two or them had not seen the handwriting In fortylive years The sensation of the proceedings wa created by Mr Gifford The central ides of the oontestants Is that the vlll In a forgery and Mr A Q Keasby directed his cruticxamlnatlon toestnbllshlne evidence of fraud Mrs QIITord a small ty trim anti nrttlv attired woman looklngnot a day more than M wore that she wa present at the Wavorley House inen manigad by her father and her uncle K B llenali who wItnessed the will Lawyer Koa by aroe deliberately and adjusting hIs glasses stepped toward the wit Mrs GliTord this willone of the signatures upon which you swore to positively purports to have been made 1853 and you say you were present In the Wavcrley House when Mrs Dempsey died Will you please tell us how old you wore at that time 1 About H years old sir i An you srnaw1 l > na AK 111 to his chair with the resn1 Gifford wr It not for your word nobody could Induce me to believe you had lived so long The entire party laughed at the deadly ear net manner and dlpoorndture of the gallant old lawyer whitethnTlttloladr blushed SOnnet as she murmured Thank you Her address an well oa the nddresrc of several other wit- nesses ¬ were taken for the purpoxe of hunting hip their records The alleged wilt Wiltten art a large sheet of paper brought from Rome U gradually falling to pieces owing to its being handled so much photograpns of It are In the hands of tho lawyers The hearing will continue tomorrow NO at WANTS Hit PAT Two Score Other Nfeaactcti halls Labor era Clamor for Wages The first tier of beams of a row of six flat In course of construction In 114th street just west of Fifth avenue wore laid on Monday and about fifty Italian laborer had not been i paid Yesterday they assembled about the hones in a decidedly ugly mood demanding money roundsman Baker and Policeman Connors were sent to the place and remained on dutyh re nearly all day Edward Conllnof 34G Fifteenth street Brook ¬ lyn wps the original contractor and sublet the cellar contract to J Conglln of Thirteenth street Brooklyn Couglln sublet It to Wallace A Jlorrltte of taut 113th street who hired the Italians Coaglln started In to pay the men yesterday and this kept them quiet but to ¬ ward afternoon many complained that they wme paid for less time than they had worked while otters said they had been Informed that their wanes had been paid to some one who Imd called oft their number They are known only by their numbers No 34 complained to Contractor Conlln who accused him or being In collusion with the man who drew his money Thereafter No 34 busied himself eznlainlnu his tionble to any one who would lltten There was no show of violence on the part ot the dissatisfied Italians dmerteaaa Not WauateC SAW ANTOWIO Tex Feb 24The ImmUrra- tlon and colonization questions are being dl > cussed by the pros of Mexico In a recent Issn ot the Titmfo which Is one of the lead- Ing organs ot the Government are pointed out th alleged dangers likely to arise from Amer- ican ¬ immigration to that country The paper frankly avows it onpoiltlon to what It terms miscellaneous colonization and declares Itself strongly In favor or the Immigration of Cath- olic ¬ people It alleges that there I lu a eertalu peril In the colonization ot large bodiesof Americana on the frontier as they are a menace to lbS peace of the country and are given to the promulgation of annexation ideas The paper favors a systematic effort on the part of the Mexican Government to bring to that country Bpanlan Italian French Urman and Belgian immigrants in preference to all others Tka Government and the- Channel oongbelea PrrrsBDrum Feb 24 United States Attor- ney ¬ Walter Lyon brought a test suit toddy against the Baltimore and Ohio Hallroad Com pnny on the part of the Government He asked for un Injunction restraining the defendants from making further encroachments anon the channel of the MonongahtJa litver The en croacbments are alleged to have been made by the railroad to secure ground for their band some new depot and also for yard purposes The space Is about 1200 feet long anti at some points runs 20U feet Into the river He TThltle All Day and Eve In HI Sleep KINOSTON N Y Feb 28Jacob Clay a farmer of the town of Guilderland and about 28 years old has been committed to an Insane asylum Clay has a peculiar mania from which he has derived the name of Whistling Jake It Is almost Impossible for him to keep from whistling and from early morn until late atnlgnt he scarcely stops a minute Even at midnight should be happen to await from sleep the whistling begins and Continues until the unfortunate young man Is completely ex- hausted ¬ The physicians who examined Clay ay it Is the lint case ot the kind that Is re ¬ corded I A Body Preserved iWYear After Burial FITTBBUIUIH Feb 24The body of Mrs Mary timltb who was killed and burled In the Troy Hill Cemetery thirtyfour years ago was removed yesterday to St Mary Cemetery Allegheny The workmen were Hurprbed to line the body as well preserved as though It had been placed under the ground only twen ¬ tyfour hours Their astonishment was In ¬ creased when they discovered that tbe boil had beeom petrified It was removed with much difficulty requiring the use of block and tackle It weighed nearly SOU pounds Went to scow What the raad Jury flit MTACX Fob 24 Lawyer Tompkins counsel for Assemblyman Demarest who 1 is under In ¬ dictment for forgery moved In the Bookland County Court yesterday that a copy of the mlnutttof the proceeding before the Grand Jury be given to his client The object of the motion U is understood in to have the Indict- ments ¬ dismissed upon the ground that some technical error was committed lu the proceed ¬ loge of the Grand Jury Decision was reserved The McrhaaU sad Minafmcturer1 Club The M rqhant anti Manufacturers Club composed principally of wholesale furniture dealers gave recepiIon nt their club house 28 Elizabeth street yesterday afternoon lie freshment weie served at 5 oclock nod the members and their friends enjoyed an Infor- mal ¬ irograiume of music later In the evening This club was organlztjf last August and now ban ninety members The officers are Presi- dent Theodore Hoffstaedter VioePreBldent Ambrose K Barnes Titasurer John E Foe ter Becretary If JiBchieoekelseo Whose t = Bomewber on Broadway or fifth or Mad son avnne between Thirtieth and Thirty sixth streets on Sunday afternoon last wa- lott a beautiful black llk garter with a gold buckle marked with tbe initials iM OWhom it belonged to only the wearer and the pur chaser of the carter now and on Monday the latter went to the jewelry store ot P 110th where the article wa purchased and left a reward for the return of the aame To Be Called Hherman Wquure Time Board of Aldermen tacitly agreed yes ¬ terday to name the open space at Amsterdam avenue anti the Boulevard between Seventieth god Bevntyflr streets bhrmanKjuareln honor of UCp ShewsIz PIllDIte aotlQn On- be ISkIE at the ez maclist of THEATRICAL PEOPLE Ought always to ass the beat ItS peTst bt 3fqn6ra flees vurtfad by the CusblsiProesa Co art the only OBH rtadtrtd absolutely Use from ill poltntnt olt meat The following It a Ittttr rtetlrad from Wra- Ilaalon of the rtBtwatd hasten Pros whose company received lit worldwldt reputation IB their famous play TaBtatmaO- RNTLBMENi I takt pltanr la ttallnc that la my opinion the Bourbon WhIskey hive had from yon It- at pore wholesome and tree from III consiquenee at that article hi toads t have then It a liBfthy trial and hive sent to yen for It from distant points M no bttttr proof could bo furnished of lay eptBlta ot lu txcelltaeo- My atttBtloa waa Brit drawn to your proettt by Dr O 3 Stevens ot Providence R 1 ahem I hid occaaloa to consult asS I can truly say that I feet indebted to hIm for It Conildirlnf that Qoed wine needs BO bush my praise ot your liquor U almost auparfloona X have no heaittion In recommending Its nit to brothtr- artlitt la the theatrical prottatlen Tour very truly WM HANLON

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Page 1: Ill III n hI1 I at iJJt ttt t el st aFr 4 k I I TIm SUN wEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 25189fl = c h 9 STORY OF A SHAMEFUL tIFF WAR jojnr cnironnr MARRIED fO JILjI SIOT CIlKSBttnOVOU- w tBrct

Fr 4




tBrctw H ori Mt NOW Xli4

JIoIgtt FrlemO Te llf> S HI tsto KMB nu rroprrtr rroBt a Daughter

Indc Tjaeombf In the Unite States Clrontt-

fotirt yiterday beard Ona In thealt brought br Arnold and her

VBiband resident of Jersey City by whichSaaadtavor Is made to establish LeonoraJkbt to a share In the estate of Blasln MooreQMtbrotirh tallied at about a million end atJiUildollar principally real estate In Brook

Ira Mr Arnold Is the daughter of JosephineCrtiteTftno claims to hare ben married toijuinlChsstbrough In Baltlmoreln 18M

Hbeonceded that the couple bor the rIatl nfoc DS another Of husband atwlfewhlch-luon woe continued until tarl part of

1850 when they the a1Irar

111going to Charleiton where she beMBit consort of 1 Rambler nameJac-kie


Bltilas died ten year Inteta-tfl1 alter this the suit was by

of the alleged wife and tt has for

nut been banging fire In the Federal courtsttiterdtys proceedings bid fair to bring thelout drawn case to some sort of rdeterminat-



at a uenr da-

M testimony taken on either side of theMeWL secniod from wores of witness ethe

purpose of It all being on the one side to showthat Josephine Croder was the legal wife of

the deceased and on tho other to show thatshe had morel been hil mistress that he soontlrtd of her and that she thereupon took up

loll rotation with Gambler Jacksonma that sho never at any time put In a claimfor her dower right In Chceobrpngns estateCb rte9 A CaesebrotiKb nnd htepbvn It Lounbtrytxicntcirn of the entnte are the defend

the ult1110 wa born In the house of her grand-mother Mr reslcr nt LO7 Sixth avenue onJet 91857 nnd she was reined and supported

byheTufltIi she the contestant married MrArnold As set forth br the contestant she wasthe second lIaIp or tho nleeet nJurut a boy havingfrI Hotel ba mono In Hept mbr 1895IbKihlld dloJ eon aiterwardand wa burledIn Baratog-

nThtonmiilnlnnnt describe Chesebrough ns-

fcTlDg been tin vccentrlu man bnmbaitlo InIMMCD pompous in manner extravagant Inuntndltur and having a trong taste for the

He munneod sincral theatrical venaile One nf his eccentricities was a deniMated prejudice whlih ho oncehed agulnnt-h i baptismal name of Dlaclus and led him toiho ni the Christian name ofRslmltn to his alleged marrlngo he-

waOlnulp abroad nnd upon his return Inlet Count Ho brought

Lfkirltb him01 doumeut which he said hehnd purchased In which he saidconferred that title upon him It I snld thattbe mother of the iOiite tnm left him becauseof his Intemperance and his abusive treatmentof tu r while drunk und that after her desert-ion


of him hI made i ery endeavor to haveher return Ineffectually

io rrore the raarrlagn relation between thetwo COUOHOI tor the contestants secured theevlilrncti 01 Mirlous clerks nnd other attachesof hotels at which the Otiplu stopped between1X54 and Puts Kidonce was Introduced toshow tnat on one occasion he beat her with acowhide sad when the hotel proprietor Inter-posed


nareaented the interference sayingHbnB m > wife and Im an Englishman In


a lan Dnnubl to do ahe lIkeWll concern about her health And welfareboth st the Saratoga lintel where their frtchild was born nnd at other Hotels Indir where they stopped was offered to showthat they hail actually been married but nowddtug certificate wuus produced at any StageIf the case une witness swore however thatCbffobrouuh once showed him a documentwuleh lie tibeseuroughl oeelared was the mar

contract between himself and Josleroll to disprove tbe claim counsel forIbi estate submitted testimony to show thatwhile llvlne In the relationship of man andwife tbe contestants mother visited vile refortu Harry Hill whose place Chesebrongh-fntiuented regularly had heard him declarethat he was nsingle man asserting that hewould never marry a common American wo-man that if he ever Intended to marry hewould eo to Europe and wed a titled ladyKtlson Drew and Ian Bryant the minstrelswere amongtbose whom he always declaredthat be was a single man and their statementswere backed up by Chnrle T NIcol and Danl11l O Peterson actors and br Cuthetlno-Bp l btrl4Qwotipllco Captain arJjrhtT-

bedefvndafita show that Chesebrongh andJosephine Cregler first met In Borrocooa dancehouse on flood street and that on tbe MistBight they met they became criminally Inti-mate


Counsel lor the daience ay In theirbrie that the in which tbe first child wasxiithered Into 111world In Saratoga was notthe way Io which the legitimate nnspring oflorlng parents are welcomed Instead of pro-viding


a home where she would be attendedII lotlnz Hands and skilful physlolan andniirMi be took her to a hotel 25O miles awaytook a stmneor for a physician and a commoncbnnrtxrmatd for a nurse

Instead of laying the child at rest when itdied In tbelr own cemetery home wheretheir years to come would wet theKraie anti keep Ibo giasa green over It theyburial It tn a strange lot that cost 3 In an un-known

¬burial place und then the father paid

ti25for rum and brandy with which cele-II rite tbe uvent nnd S damage joy breakingdown the door of Us altered wife room withabeadstrad roller That night be lost all oftie non y In 1gambling don

The di euc a no Snows that the grandwetter of tint Mrp Arnord sued tCouuitICbesebroifcb for linmngen for the seduction of111 iiHuehtrr ami secured n enilct for f2500id that orni years ego when Oeorge Khretn-ndortiiok Iio trunpr io the heirs of exOovMorgan ii nleo ol iippertr which the formerbut nCiiilrii1 nom Count CbOHebrougb thelltKHi wi and Inllhlr loorooed an obj-


which te to withdrawon Mnc Mid tlOi 00 though tbe property waaworll t411 11111

A eelion of tbe o IQllon at Issue 1Is exI POle from Judge at an early day

II7VEU 0 SKVnVO A YALBMr> Fbtrlr Sent Her Compliment tMr-

Ilronk unit Hint to Pny for ItXEr nll Toll SJSIr Jane Eberle amldi t nff Lake Street un lined this morningbr Recorder 3Iclc ken for sending lomlo-Talrntlnes with Inipijprr comments thereonthrough the mails Mrs Mary K BrooksSlather narrl woman was complainantNr mlrll In iwlf defonce olnlmed that Mrs

llrht sent them to bar nnd she returnedIIei wth her mpllmentH which wereexiri neiJ InliingiingK 101 pot cible to publish

trl Drool il1nlllhnt she bent them frtam s to by n civil suittborle ny alo he iroKeiutod for sendIngobMio lIterature through the United StatesBUll

Eiuda > Gilbert Win II Suit Aatitthe HtHtc

Tie Curt nf Appeals has just affirmed thethe Special and General Terms In

lb case of the People ex tel Jasper W Gilbertlaciest tbe Conintroller with costs to tbe suo-NituI parly The conclusion reached meansthe

narmenthutot tblBlnteTreasuroU60brought lhy Judga Gilbert who had been a>pitlre of tie Supreme Court In Brooklyn forl2unt per year for io ears bolng travellingtXlOfl8e allowed hy statute In addition to tberegular sulnrv The Comptroller refused to jW tliR oxtia amount ulthough he did notMmiir to paying the regular salary on tbetroimd that IIH Judll Gilbert sued for hU siil

rif for tiro ne following his retirementpa account of age ho could not recover as theUw allowed continuance of compensation onlyoJustlies whu ball served ten yea of theterm for which they were elected Tbe CourtJi Itl nw construvs tho law to IncludeIfly Sho has served tsp years In all noHatter Ill many term

hll iliitfpueiit Ag lntfvai BowelWilliam Boswell has confosied judgment for

PI35GI IIo favor1 ot James W Gerard ThePigment roll aver that Mr Boswcll receivedb 1883 1884 D 1887 various bonds andhoney which together with interest make upIii following amounts Five Union PacificIlnil arqt hon 1096 five Missouri State 6

rjrw bonds U7393 six 1lttsbnrgh FortlaVA and Chlcnso jtallroad 0 per cent bonds

le Kunja and Texas Uallrow g p pent biDds IHS29 money receiveda nit of U I building at 67 Wall streetsioi balanoe principal of mortgage off ° Ph K Johnson HWU auntr ht estate of tbe ate James W rlceli

AtUckc k> Contor PresIdentJulias Gottlelb President of tbe Contractor

Colon was attacked in Mulberry street yeswrJay morning by two union laboring mennamed Morris Kosfo ky and Jacob Levy HeaI that lKosfotUy knocked him down nnd

rtvnV1 about to kick him when he drew aaiurt acId the nllJ1 will threat untiltsflft5 iof Policeman who arrestedoth llt In the Tombs YUceaucT2lnt9C held Kofosky for trial Cour

Levy li It was aaM that Qott>

Pu to u EMZ MarketPelToe CourtIke iUrMtef anonnaloncloakmaker



A d Xee4IaaD-

Pa deed I ifs wee a bestasus tU tmtmf yeabut ho njiet4 the flstioas Wsakats

which anally romlted In hurt tallerTea are watn 4 M ho was by narrnniMs woak-

wtary dluy and ilrantt faint tIUIlota of 11UIcry confaiod mind trtmbltnK lekln llancoldness of fu and Ittira paltnutlon tula t approhtitlon axlaty drowsiness ovll alitplo-tntnnlihta

If you hart this symptoms you meet al one e The

ear pTtrnntlvo ot Iloan yallnrt Iht iroaUtt t 1nirvo OuuIIar Dr Orttaft Ntrrar II U thOBlyeartala nratdy for bun sad noVtronbttA tntthouM b used when the cry fIrst trmptoutt oncrvoDtntH sac wtakaoi apptar asiC thus prevetthe ntl rcealt rnrtly vtntablt sad bllSold


bJdruggIst 10I iJ Jt



b< 1 za4-



nfftrod trotS keart dI ease eoaataurt pats-with severe ottmck of palpitation until taatlclpattd sadden death at say tim fbocaratweek 4leklllti> tr4 with IB or emenr de-


r aced Dr Orn a Ntrrara My Im-

prOTmr > t km been contlnnD mmt rnKTha pnla and palpitation are gone Itlta-pwaI hava an exetllant app Itts and ftol will

s4 DT8AHT-

Kortondalo York Cos I B-

V DOrn lbs nCfllett la caster 1forms aceTone and 01110 WNa xw York ean b > conceited frtt personally obylIUo Call or write hIm shoeS your caaa or Nnt forsymptom blank to tilt out and a ltitter tally aiplalntag your dlttaaa tltlait advice 0 will bratnrna-dfrtt

ttt oartA OABDAiDKOomitKCTOIlTIlat fur

aimed rooms with and without board averr-whtrti all price Information and r tln rlnitI


freeSITES S LAKDuS 27eu10I ar

MILLERS HOTEL Sand to olfiATNRa sj West Mh at New YorkcIrcular of betel bath 0-

AriF and donblt roomt eodbtardmoderate ttrmii itnUimen 12-








TOWM orvieS3U5SROADWAYA-CDoU0AL BT 6t Board end rom ftr ladles

Ly2I and gentlemenILFASANTTcomfortabli rooms with Mldnear tit

I jYateS torah reasonable an Well I2D RT as K BT bttwatn let Sail 3d aye =Sleety furiUhM rom can nllmal iood Uarman eooklncitATll ATn 10i rayeantitabllihad Mtctiaaleaboard-Infhoui5t for quilt rtiptcublt working ladles iriSnlottto SJ weekly

QTH ST M EAST Hall room alto reception asS7 IrK roooi tuptrlor b art table boarders accom-


HTI1 ST 38 EAsT one block from Broadway

referencestnnny room I abundant 11tablt board

UTlf ST 319 WRRTNtttly furnIshedI tack parlorample closet tot and cold water txctlltnt Ibit attendance

OD Ir747n AND 4RI WEST Large and small roomsffff emily or en unite all nnnlnl terms modetch board Ideilrtd no Mar mnliOOD ST 40 RARTEtcnaditoWtront i11i room adjoining list and cold

barn accommodatedOOl > RT I Id WEST Deiirablt tiandiomtly furf f nlihed room tn suits or dotty txctlltni boardjteble boar-d0qoiiaia WE8TLrM tmll rooma mealy


frOrnrnUbed 8uelabad I JE BOARDRT 388 WEBT NletlyfarBlibtd front naUrnom-

feOand good beard weekly TABLE BOARDO TI1ST let EASTScond bellI hullI inS double6J rooms with or without board bathI and ear

QS RT ifta EAST Haadaomely furnlihedroomsI ad double with or without board

341 RaiL Fnrnlehed and board41811 romor cooplet iratlonlmD male pIano blbttOO KT rae WKRT llandnme rooms with boardtfi very Improvement convenient to all SurfaceraIlways private

MB WRRT IIandKimerooma with board4JDeJ location referenceiexchanged tablebad French ram-ly44Tl 334 WEST near BroadwayLarge teo

room newly fnrnlihed taptrlor boardand attendance-A QTH 8T 233 WRRT Rnnny senate and hilt roomst <J with xcellent boards every convenience Ill up-

wardRQTH RT At Eett Handiomtly tarnIshedWJTJargt or small with board bath gaa rom67TRSTI8 GARTNleely fDrnlihed room for

In print family coarenleat toLltatlon with 0wIthout board rtttrtncei u-

124TMn HAK1IALL iid fat

IT 12 EASTLarte front parlor heatedgood location convenient to nation

1 QPTII S 808 WERT Ilandiornely furnIshed1 I with board also hal room I tlevaied

station convenient private

ouf4 tyanttfl

YOUICO OEKTLEMAN want hoard In a ProtettantBO other If monthborn 254 Blh avRDS

Sril4 acni I paren OCtA and bonitktiplng room for workin-

lSi people clean and quiet IlTb tip 34 Clinton place

CLINTON PLACE Sfl near Broadway Mcely furrnom elngle and double all convenIence

featlemeB or light houiekteplng




Lest Ide-A RHO 3Sth it and RroidwySeltct family

largt and small rooms alngly or tn anti nrtt g-

lCfJattendance Vlu wtekly board optional alsoileilrableI dentlitI

LARGE FURNISHED ROOM to 1lit 5 per week beLnlvenlty plan sod broadway 45 Eait-


4TIIAV34a clay Nicely furnished roomalio front bro third floor two gentle-


1OTH ST cultssquareLA bit



for I gsEtJ PtuItDfJr room and

202 BASTRlnglt rooms for reipectabltaleol front parlor suitable couple V

18T 311 EASTA wellfornlthed room to letprlrattI i home

1 QTH RT 41 hAST near Broadway Handiome backA a parlor inltabla for doctor fnrBlabed or nut ur


OATH ST 46 BAST Front and back parlor dreulngtJ room end extension baohelortorphjilclaaI detlrtble DIIbrbolOATH RT 23 EART Apartment parlor Soar for-

dentlatordoctorAJ fnrnlihed or unfarnliuedi May1 or sooner

OATH ST 43 EARTNlcely fnrnUhed double roomsfcvF privatel family detlrable neighborhood

OQD yit EACTLsrge and aqtiare nicely furYI nicheS rooms hot and cold water bath gas oftrcL

OOD 8T SU EART Parlor floor nicely tarnishedttj room large window fj no objection an InvalidI

OATH BT IS EAST Ilandiornely furnlihed back

referencefit parlor and cola water closets btattd 1O5TII ST 22t lIAR Wblttt btllLrge nicely fur6 I nlihed front roomi gentlemen or ttgut houiekeepIng 10liAtn RT m BAT BcLnnghlln bell nicety fart4 nlilied hal bath gas 14 weekly

V7TI 8T 400 KABT Large front rooms runningU I Iol gentlemen t3j back parlor 1D33 KARTElegantly furnished rooms all81Sr bachelors partminta with runningItl and gat room suitable for light hootekeeping cheap

8 lTIT3 EARTAn elegantly furntihed roomft yenr lean for ccl10 plndI40pportunity for a lady mutt be told on

the family

0 l ST RT USJBAHT Front and bark parlor to lit01 for a doctor once I lion other In lbs BtlghborI


COD0J ISO EABTLrt sad small furnishedOO teparatelyI or together to rent preferenceglrtn io permanent partyOATH KT24IEASTnar IUooLrl and untilnouiekeeplngOt rom all convDloDo IIIma or light

8 ST MI EAST lltlghft bllNewlr furnliheda front parlor and connecting bedroom two gentle-men oroonple I87TI RTOFAST 2d flnnrLdy would like wiar

gentlemen having three Uncutrooms

1 1QT ST SM PASTTvo mall connecting11 i7 rooms In Bleiianl cottige ewetklyi completetimekeeping coal free

Wee MidA N ELEGANTLY FURNISHED RooM fer gentleman

11 at 45 Charlettt near the Btb it nation of lbs bibar U JGENTLEMRN AND LADIES rliltlor WtI rooms address IUltoBun uptown olflca IIM Hroad ray

LAn BrnOSTFU IBIIDnOII I folding bellhot and cold Io private

home quiet people only lOWest ith itrAnoErgoTANDsAcx PAitLORfimW7riL light business tUo Ilarge olcily inrnlihti rom

10 I7u MacJougal ttSMALL AM LA HUE furnished room with board or

alto a lure room for light bouiektiplBf-

OODlIeI2dthl1iT I4° WBBTLargt waUforalihtd rotmtiAAtM eonviBliBctt inS bUt cf atttadaaoti hnreaaonablt Ipermae1 partyST itO WESTNletly furnished blued teems22 tar two gentlamtai teast and uwartt


privateand hl roomfhtat

OQD ST ItS wnSTllandiomely fornUhed aeoondt> alerT front room not and cold water foldingbtwo laraeloieti table board 13 an

4> 4TII ST 200H WFSTLrKindml fur-s mIsted ball room l watol

rIVIellbl tiouiekceplnx 11front hell ronOTlll T 44JWIST jrtiilfely rurnlihed iquare

I and bli room tn aunt or ini n printed lhbtait > ttinn txauweealyi I irlvtte houseOTTII BT 4 WB8TA neatly furnished agBBy4t ream I11 1Halloa H BUVAM j

O4TII ST nsa WIITJtleety araltbtt teoaaAitoryX4 bait rota matt ualiy t bmw msdsnw

I cf a r-r Wet I

4 e11

ORTtt f no wistNictr mrnuti reonsi f-su Uell MatnllMatlaai feluto II5Sw-eekly f2IITiI7WT = arnM rooms i alt eeleleefl a colts aao sad wi r-

q8T8Ts5s ahl IwUyfleU rooms from IIH Ppi wrOIiJbabgss iQTltRTTh35WE1TSheIy rnrntihM roou ee-mvtfterms


fEw Ill bouketplDir srtry ee VIII1JAva RT 210 WBRT nte ty tarnIshed nanromgsUt suitable for rlblloy i bouMkMplvf x5oiroom aul4OD 11 us west > >4O for gntiemaeIII rwaJrr-lr i UI

board Oplo ll r fnne pcattiier 4SSWUTflaadsons reeas 111 h-rthrlellTValcdu n4 11Rr m wittZieaw oltnnUy hI1U singly orn sculls i must M so a

prclal1 TirtielaM caterer 1AKtn RT KM WESTLure many raomt beat1u rnnnlnt water nsoderate price to ttntlimMti-priro fatnily-

AiT1I ST 337 WKKTCorarnrtoblr furnished httUroomi 1 eunVIInO1 dnlrabl locutiontable botrdt mloal aoAfitn ST ai WKTRlKuiirnrnUl 4roomwithtV private bath alsO other rlm-lI ovary Improvemenu board optionalAfftn ST 317 WERT nanaaomaly foralilml m411YIIledlm1 Ur t sits rom S3 ldtlvrelA8TII 81 fas WBRT KKranl Teems slndy or on

ull alsootherrooms52 nntUmtn ntfarrodtepnnolD48181 245 WKDTytennt intu niubt toy

or dentist other rooms SoarS optloaalireferences

481TII 8T 102 WEBTLnrrt hall room la tiotllaatboos and location ror cantlaman only 2

48V ST BJS rim or faCe large Il-b49TiTi

0 newly so to lidWEST Haadtomt back parlor salt

or two gentlemenenlfaeo references ey 0D

9Trs lie WEBTHandtomt patlom nltabltt chrtlclan or dtatlili alto an aloovt roomothtr TennisRRTI1 RT A4 WESTlftwly aaq elegantly famisheduutlnttt and doabto rooms 11handsome elItesphysicians ofllca-

RRTI1 RT S7S WEITLtrt cheerful Stoats roomW all Improvomantsi sear altvatd and settee tallways privateRQTII 17 WEST BltraBtly fnrntihtd roomsfi7 gentlemen orfamllltti dalliihtfalvicinity railway convenientOTTII ST IRA WEST naadwmt parlor eeallOI for years bJ a physician varyprivate family1 WAVKRbKT rLACKLarn farI tU nlilwdI rooms

oDraiaa bthhadtelo-etat3adia


of S and 6 imnbath




le3111WNI 11terrlu a1Illia

>WAjtaa7l h av G-




Free I

S75O TO 12roots flTeronmaltognawboBit4Ia rttpoeta

Me neighborhoodOfflca 1066 luih av smear 87th at

ArARTMKNTK t Ip the improve dwtlllr RM IItwo three and tsar rooms all hhhtblb laundry hut and cold water alHaiti heated

Kta l aRUTnl1 R34 Broadway roar iSibsi

AT fltEWIESBLDESIIQWst eoth tumaybf-nnidchnnlBtapartroentawaUarranred l roomi

and bthIn central Belt hbbrbood house I carttlUyatrltteat retereneta rannlrtd rDI ttIA LABIlE Svfo t Mails flatB rooms aU lmW V

menu OR widest Street up town lbait veto IL-


A 3EAST T4TR TNew laPis apartments of 8ant roDall Uiht decorattUi rents from 110

II3AT 1783 ID Ar abnrt CMh tt ataUonHeated

XX bade 4 room each 110 sis Inquire at 1781 barlIen P-

AN ELEGANT TOP FLOOR In stogie hool Iroomsall Unlit IiIa ZS8 West 1Mb at

APARTCRNTI or ThREE rooms at a moderate rentI it

BEd AIR FLATs 114 TO 132 WEsT 51ST RTBtforlook at thetrotey flat only a few vaoau

rIce clblocks from Central Park and Sixth and Mallroads reIned Bud genteel rentQuituuubera

once lIe baaemtnt NB flout BOttabov

1I1RAPEST APARTMEIT In the rlty thrto andV and font DI rom with waahtub only Si Is Apply to 174 td av

DESIRABLE FLATS TO LET In Blh wal HM aridSIloK rooms all Improve-

ments rentS from 31 a month must eeea tobe apprecIatedApply to owner on premises bELEGANT Improved apartmenta three and foufnotofllI 2 i372dtT near 10b St

FLATS 1TII OR WITIinCT STEAM HEATLight well ventilated prmtat reasonable rotApply CB prtmuea 41 th t or to

1 II IVStITAKKR278 Boulevard between Wet 794 and West 74th Ita

FREE TO AraILWItpl nnronmwith limbS

avar mit rent ow liT moathl l406 b-

J1ADaay1tri tseen aug tIm or at

240111-FRRE TO APRItAti0andl1monthly for nice

of flee good led roomi neat entrancehills carpeted decorated rom periecf Ordtllal24sn hth av seenlor 11 C-

FfluhDJ SON a495 Blh av

AUlL Nice flvrroOm nI bath and Ilm1room Ii good Cr1151 05 510 tr4etrent Ilow 15 and biG monthly Io Da nj o-iItll ci seen any lime or atEIIII 1 raolor JIADI 2tSFLOORS nf 6 and R rooms from tmo 118 In Sns 30X

West 14ith it sth av u nationI on cornereIn I 71414 ar and IdOi Lexington ar 96th ttaprtmnlIand 4 rom 273J2737 Slim ar 140th akx

el2FREE TO APRIKftat well kept apartments a

each IIU and I7 monthly good entranthall carpeted deooraled wash Ib range 0Janitor 2441 ar or MKADS artFLAT AND APARTMENTR tmtarnithtd and tu >

part ot thelty>1 JnJ BJ < nroadway pear 13thtt

FLAT OF SEEN ROOMS to let In the iplindld hoes0 Bail 30th et i aitthiemodernlmprovsmsnti

HUDSON AND W 10TH8T3 and i light rtomt lat new flats P

STEAM HliATRD FLATS s tnnmsanlbattI3Oflat with bath decorated SIn hot and fwater eroim flats HI ether 6room data f47K

CULIIN IJWOiflJWIRD27iO8tha near liSlhlL

SINGLE STORE roAd busIness locality fTTSOtree In Hatch ISi i t5s win ar Janitor

ton any time or MEAL A SON 8495 8th a-TrffF DOIJQLAH


To lit from May 1 Choice apartment of 13 perfectlylight room hardwood mirror ileam clivator doorlervlce Ao 11810 inquin2pnitoron sPark row

SMALL SELECT FAMILY 4 6room arartTOroentelnnew siegaot single lists south sideI Itiith-tt between Sd and Aieianderara hInd1roomswell lighted ventilated dumb Wash-tub gas allconienlencei tl2toI Janitor or


No iaEaat IStnu elegant apartments of tight lightrooms heated hardwood brtoabrao mantels mIrrorsdoor service 011 Immadlatapoiaeiilon Ml sad5124 from



Nay I janitor oF A P0011038-Park

APARTMRNTR to let Ila corlr Loop bails1 heatedi Tint CS and I t Janitor seeEast Wlh 1

LRTFlvroomi 110-NTO M L8EI m East tsnth a-

lT 0 LET ssth tt 150 EuTwo Soon 4 room andbathrooms CIS and 518 adult only

OeD KT AND 1ST AVLlgbl and airy 3 roomOOinntr with Improvement rent lew alfhoutekteper Mu lit av


D BTr23it > Roonli In real houses 1 upi treehouieiJ8oup I and a room-


51Foot iiVra lartt rooms withI all Imprcln Sib and lie1 RT M 211 KA8T > 8econ5 flat anAtalbi rlr hail tliolroproveaintlLreBtJd

TH ST ill ASrElegant aata atlltvt-iravtmenlii57 In dntclate order 1rr1

8 ATU i1 lc3 TAT BTOD gist eta aUi andS all linnrovMtatantwlyjtBtrtA

QATUST 1 EASTcBinxls IrODI biittIlo Imprcttltj nwy raOVIdTl r-t CORNBII UYAVVriata 8 roomsOtJ bath alt ImproremiDtn newly renovated

SiIanti I85TltT MH rARTBlegant new Data 6 rooms

and Improvement Sisandhl7I-


AND 10 BAIFv tafte rooms aidifVF I n tianlaomelybal moro

ldI Apply to Jaalk-


1nTII 5 ISO BAro 8vi roams prDslsWE1 bones II a I1tln B ASt baf block from 1lrt JlttrltUouat rant ntwu

aajjiathi 1 lmprovmttalOWERTtTIIBTear fthTytir roots withAIt batb Inquirejanllt-rtfflO ThREe ROOMS and bathroom owner91O pllei hot walel a Imprereminti uptail 334 Mail liSts I

iJlt mid partrnrntook1ts-iiI UT IIRO KIyn taBllniolultulir-


I HI l i a-

ttfurnirtu twttt it 1dvI AIDIXL1 rUaXisHD IOUStalk IniJ t1 Iii iIowa ie 3155

rv t1

Brooklyn Furniture Co1L



CARPETSJu-st received alarge invoice of CARPETS all new styles

and colorings from the leading manufacturers throughout thecountry prices lower than ever f

iMOQUETTES from S11O tt-




Oilcloths from 1 to 6 yards wide Mats Matting Rugs Drug¬

gets1c Ac-


I of all kinds at the usual low prices at th-


a f

Furniture Co-t 559tOt 511 Fulton St Brooklyn N Y

wemn Utgo get

T 21 SI 27 EAST 77TII RT ar charmingA hontu rim l and for a term of years It dosIred at f h decoratai ready on or beforeSlay J fmloeeDprna htch priced apartments are

thi advantages ot theseaoutat at ptrmanant hornet tnfaxtmanta may nowbomadt

OWRER orfct3 until aroom f-AD EII1RASL and iF Lair8ri 834 Broadway near 18th nAVnaar fOth 51CharmIn-

gjUsis hljou blots with Plenty ot room for an-

tttl hung baantlfnUr dtoorawd ready at once canbo hid for a inm at years rent permIts not ra-qnlrtd oWNtK 19 CeJ r it 3nn wl

weml O UantaYirAMTEDMaillnm prlTit houta out sidevf abova aou it txctadlnc BIO


ttoti0 e uhu uqiorAPEW HVITES OF-






Offlcot itudle and one floor to tint Freight andpaaatoger eleratora Abeolntelv Ore proof Rent IIcludet both heat and ligbt pplyto



wspARABUIDINCCorner Wan ant Church


tta Steam teat and

and oo charge for heat gas or Janitor serviceTHE OCTTA PEHCirA AND

toElfasEn MFa 00

OB the prtmltee

A TWO SMALL STORES On south tide of 34th It-e ttof Itroadwty rtntt moderate also otbersla

good buineit locatfo-naiIBqHAtNE BROWN az COIii We 83d stnearhitroadway

C LtNTON PLACE 87 near Bnoadwayiiaaemen-tlute tollable for bnHnett porpotei terms mod-

erate Immediate potaenlon

HANDSOME RTORB Any bnitneit alio imall storeahop both In 2d A T between 23d

and 24th its Apply elItes aau East 24th it-



SECOND LOFT to lit tIOxOS light from three sIdesr elevator and ottlca room on nut floor

Not eat stud S24 West XM itSTORE TO LBT at It Dutch it-



Tlo LETEent Detsutnicos on Sroadwiy 1582a slots hsndomi2 ileorattit CT whole bolidlngISued positIon Nsw York for brtra once curio or

higbclaaibnslses reaaonablerent lo responsiblerna 4 flEUFKt S 805 210 6th av

RT 138113 WFKTRnperlor to IItatt-

OQ4AO Uxv heat and pauengerelerator-


BROADWAY StRAIt I3TH ST Offlrei to IlitOO1 elevator steam beaUIIU to heel per nom35 FOR A DOUDLE STORE and flnlihed baseo men 10 lIst ryet corner rthirlne s-

Iuitci s Onucri-

AT YONICERSNsW block of fivt stores M felt deepplait glaw fronts Pal a month two already rented

for grocery and bkery Start chalice for druggIstbotcher barber thOM or notion Apply to U 11AV-MKR Radjord building jietly Kiare honkersVUAN WITH tlmta tnreifin manuriotnrlng fancy

AB furalluroiin Connecticut to Inrreaae buitneaa-eitahlleliedi good ctiiro mechanic preferred AddrOll A l W bet l5isn uRIc

B PAnDRlff <rrfor 1000 good stock aidwork send toe Ion rtnpi-

HvlloNsswarnusn NYHARK CUANJE OpposIte Proriora Show

window large work room UM of reception rooms tult-ablt for IladiesI lallnr drenmtker or toilet establishntnt j4fl Weit tad it-


i cfumlturtA B80LUTFLT urong folding beda onlrtA hair meA uetttaHi tabtBetmtrrorbeaa OTIS jQ4W datI HELL fBrnlrurtwlthogt fequtniog chiP iigive loused credit lowest Iricee-

siAHuEAuTeuhWs AtfKHT 103 Wilt 29th It4I r-

ttlAttbt tWtlf1l titirt OLD W ATO u Kv taoi althnra warranted II perJ wotkiI flittered on fIrst payment

f 21XtlttAOE WAtCh Ct> 240 Broadway

0 ttlti tIJDR71FOLliERlXTRACTS TERTU wlfhutTairfio

Vandal cor Canal itt-


0 i Itil-

iF fn llixT lItuUjjr d iuionncdentialiy ipealailitPUYilClAK X gut IUU tt

GBSITO AIT DUBAhEa a ttlaltyby e Ipert1US West 4Jd at lloori t t-

toadtytIIIstos to t only Charge medIcine only

tTlDSTDISEA5ES eliTe fatal with medlelnet-


IL aloes u ihedeitbsof physIcians oihrs pnovsibuiIr HKATiI cuteallie worst tbsAsabal-Nitunal Mineral Spring Walsri tr1Iw witusass will-

as7 ysars OfItcee 011 broadway II ew hurt

L PoSITIVE BKLIFKBlmma Ieiinrroyalrule If failure lapoiiible ill vr arile-

riihhCfAh loll Feel luthit-DMOHTATE G D1lieaieiI lhir inellailJl faculty nronounre net ra lr but llr lleaili lutecured them lurly one jreare wlllmut rutting Clr painkidney dlataaea canaot Ibe cured when they exiet OfLIce SIll uroadway haw York luto and 7d Manyav iTaiklat Park Brooklva treulnga inC sudayCroaHaf PIU4 PVZzeeeas4 Phyalalaa Dnf WitVt Mb Malkerrr a4TuEtlV w taarftt





time toy many years to the aiclillv jtInlrt diSeases of mrn mont whaierer caneand HKISdlieaaea red spo painiabones sore throat and mobIl biuonai and ernctloaa 4onihaekln ulcers palntul SwellingsI AcHIUNrt and UKINAllY complaInts irritationicaldloa Innammatlon frequent Inunuation to urinate IB

ttulciui discharge gleeu ilncture and kindred afrotiolaOIKIANIC VEAKNIsa nrrront debility ImputeSmemory mental anxiety absence lootvitality melancholy Inrotuntary oIIIIror weakback and other dueaI ee rriiinlnafrom dresses ladle

cretlon or overwork recent or old iiieedlly IboroaOIIr permanently curedtViern uiiii I no to get Hired 7 li the question many a

innerer asks hlnueir not knowing whom to trait O Iwhere tbouaamli of othin hare gone to Dr ORINlILY old eitabllibeil ollloe eon hat been reitorid teportent healthAllltoaorlnll chronic oases that hays bten neglected J-

ar tliar tat eli Io yield Io the treatment of leMakllflhanda soot cit well under IT UKINDLB8 lapertortreatment y

Patleiiti wli ling apeedy relief and sure eon shouldconsult UK II ill bOLE tbeinccenfnl tpeclillit whoilong extensIve exnerlrnt enables Mm to apply theproper treatment at once without tiieleit1 experiment Ithus aarltiK the patient much ilmt and txpenlt il

OfFICK OVER TKN YEARatNo 171 West 12th it between Cth and 7th art lowon Icharges ailrlcefree lloura BtouRunilaya1to47t o

Diseases of Men Oni 1

17LCER8 DISCHARGES t9XEISTRICTURES BLOOD POISON HOBB 1THROAT or MOUTH skin eruptIons blotchtcolored spoIl pilnfnl twilling KIDNEY ant-BLADDER DISEASES Irritations lCIaldllflammatlona frequent desIre to urinate fWEAKNESS NERVOUS DEBILITYtrrort of youth BAD DREAMS reitlttt nIghts fImpaired memory wealneirof pover loetvitalityweak back sad other diseaSes reiultlcig from txrtaiM 4

Indlecrttlon ororerwork recent old tptedlly ihor-oughly 7and permanently cured All lingering Chr°nl9discus > Caftan all others fail ineectltully treated Ihavstnade the abovdisasesahitsjoogatodyI whichenables me in warrant lay remedies to cure the wontcaact For qnlck relief Slid lure cure ooniul-

tDR GREYthe known ipeclallit 1

No 120 East 17th it ntar 4th av jtoweittermi advice fret llourt 91051 llday8 to i and u to


and Private DiseasesflC MEN cured In a new daaby a row mood ef trot imelt nohamnnloeaeured Ailaerathroal 0and tongue bunDles ulcer dlteaieu bnnei gleet atrlotore blood piiironlng urn d aeaaea kidney and bladderalso youtuf errors ferrous debility wish back bed > 1dreams lowneo of ipirita wtakneae nf body and mlndlloot 1111 and tnnnlmod restored enfter no longer earIU rental I mmrantee a quiet and sure curs Zeal tamind practiceI makes perfect hull u cured yearlyHunereri from hailI adviceI hnuld Consult mt tllgf-tciiei cured In four rlaye I me mercury theefand lie re hren ruinedI by ftoYto not be InUuenoei 5Go to this fountain iircd-

Dr 11ALIHTT MdlealloUlalui halt IBtb it near lid aTLowest charzea for medlclnt best adrlcafraa I

lloura too-


SMITH 1H4 Ear lUth at near MOldest reliableI iprolallit In New Yorkcity bolt leim blood pulion akin eruiitlona blotches

tell spot ulrera scrofula sore innuth throat heartlungi catarrh contmnptlon bladder kidney Bright fdisease raiding painful urination gleet etrtctnrt lofectloui iliiclmrKra SIl treaiinnt only one known t-

h1 runes nervous uidliabillt Heaknem trom errors of tyoutn IndIscretion excesses impaired memoryinelancunly involuntary losses ihynin teem¬


hUng Impotence varlcoeele Imperfaetly devtl-nped II

orirana Thcue UfaveeI must ba treated br Ian expert un roarrliwe ant in requirements I haveeven thine known tnrrlence and a thorough knowledgby home aperlai practice rnabtri me io guarantee IQuickest permanent rerorrrv Manreonie to me for t-An hnnrii tliorongh examination of their case and my 1auperlpr treatment nfter being deceived by bnrutlirofeiiora airenclei companies liD i 5 curie Ix weecharges for medicine Dntinargej alopped ImmedlatalrWrite or call ailrlcafree any dIsease Ihoure II toO



CURE Wwuuf 8IIUIII14I EffectssfEnorsor Licescesin 015cr

detusit SaM EAlthlOOl liii Releeed lIsa ASI1lWIl1lIRalnLO ID oRu231 S 11111I11Sheehutel sahltg 1101 TUATIaNTistl Is a day

sa tsihty roo It States Trnlt4ee iad 7srsigesirs edletbe ieee thtsctsaatts sd mheeled 1 r SWIM ElIIIIIIGAL CI SI

TO WEAK MENBufferingtheyouthful



early deny waatlnx weakness toil manhood eOooI will aond a raluablo treaties containinglull particulars for homo cure iP4 of chargeAiplendtdI medical work t by everyplan who Iu nrvoie sail dfiillltatrtl Addr-oProf PI < > MLUn Moodm CO-



StMIALWOnn rAPBULKRarttntntotand only Capsules nreicrlUd by regulariihiilclanft for the curt of gonorrhcea and

dlirhHrirei from the urinary organ Whether Inhtrltttor arqulreit II fiper bnxAiilrugglt


AFTER ALL OTIIKRS PAILvonalltVrt 14lh Kew Yorktleading specialist for disease men lilool poisonstilceri ineillnvi liOharge wilen itrlrturee nerronlelf lllllv lout vigor timer Madder and skin dlieaie-arl

4> nce and klll only noiiaientoniniiouudiilangertttf fand long itanllng cases couched recent cLots 4 to 10-

daya in aislstitnts Iliian Iii to a II to 0 cunilayttllll 3

ALL DIHKAKEH OF MEN include ivenidlor weaknea of the genltnnrlnarr i thai of

a private nature without minttonlng errry ont Iis da-mn


I have hail i5 yeara eipmenee and guarantee aFtrftcl c re nr no fee IT MMILh H O B7KUIbat 11

4 = imrCIAA < PRIVATF MATERNITY tdvaB j0 tarn nf a refined hem mular phyilclani traIned

nurie riirmilria privacy Apol-yJillMllAi huI23 liuehcick ay Brooklyn i

A Hits IOllhlER Oerman Uarned midwifekt rrti taillfit forennil dinlngconflnementi nine

4ai iO ri1 ami rontinemrnt tliH prInts boutt I Infmiu ailopieil 217 leiI Hlth it-



A AII liidlei phyilciaa treats eo-


all cr > nf a private or delicate naturalrivate rant nriuiii rend oiaIDP for bootI loura U to II i11 tli it 001111 t


boards isSue Defer aM tlien prints bovte for llajI l

confidential medical btttjatoli bunts adoDled 1STtail Sin it I

ALL DIsrUARORa nicer gleetI llrleturea twtllnight dUohrgu tad skin dlteattt tK 4art11

red lug dart flholtUMmEael lOtbsL necrOSiS iA Dr vrillTBIlBADlrtati fmalae perfect taftUf iguaranteed 21 Kail 40th it-

HIWEAHEH OF MEN ONLYhoe iprtily relief and tuft core roniult old Pr ORI-


J ytara specialist 171 Weal will it titlwee 1

I lb anil7th an l iweit cienitni Advice fretDlt IRAV IIIISS plolIra women ronii-

l IlahIli l rrr > fully iihI trittnin lou of tint a I

t ii tiini Iris 114 linin iitr led ii tnre and during roaI-Hieuiciil U Lexington ar near ttlihitDR IIUVKBH M vl eit lich iPtOldI5Ilesdtng la

t quickest cures oy no charge attar all otterfall pe well remedies mtdiolattl advice trleI to-


BE HAKBTM PBMNYkOTAl PIUA IMeel Mat at tmettr ty m UH Ivlalfr




TkoFlrot On Kllletl Near the WellknowDutch Mountain SU e 1ST-

BCBANTON Feb 24 Chaonoey O Wlsnsr ofForks township Sullivan county was ridingthrough the Ovlnoton woods on horseback lastTuesday night when he heard a noise aheadof bins that sounded like the cry of a childWIener was on his way across Dutch Mountainandth fog was BO dense In the forest that hecouldnt see his horse had The cry soonbecame fainter and the horseman thinkingthat his supposition was correct resumed hisjourney up the crooked snow path Whengot to another turn In the road the wallingsound came from tbe forest several rods awayfrom tbe road and ho then realized for thefirst that he had been following the voice ofsome wild animal

Amos MclntOKb an experienced hunter livesIn the first house that YtIsner came to liewas In bail but he got un at once He recogulzed tbe cry immediately as that of a pantherand he fluid that his folk bad heard It set earn-ing


over on the HracHtono ledge a few nightsbefore The old hunter also said that he-hadntkilldn panther In eighteen yarn andthat bo could hardly walt until daylight

On Wednesday morning Mcintosh hIs sonsAleck and Thomas Hank Gilbert Joe Handrrson and JolT Boyd went bunting for the inthor They took dYe dogs with them andstruck the pantherx trail In a gorge It wasevident that tho panther WAS iu hiding nearby and tbe whole pack was let loose slmul-tancouply Tlicy made a break for a fallenhemlock that lay across the upturned roots ofnnotbrr tree all getting there together Theyhad hardly reached the spot before theywheeled and dashed back toward the huntersns though a volley ot shot had been tIred atthem

BbVs under there an sure an cunsl oldman McIntosh yelled and all the hunterscocked their rifles The dogs were ordered tofetch the game out and they all made a caTago dash under the log The pnnther was athome sure enough for the live brave dogs In-stantly


rolled out In a heap with the panther-on too of tthem It ripped tbn hide from two ofthe dogs like a flash and then It sprang backto lie hiding place beloro tbe hunters had acbn nee to shoot It

The disabled dogs were done for and thothree sound Quell again tackled the pantherOnce more the pant her drove them out tear-ing


two more of them to death tight in linewith thn levelled nIbs lint this time thebeast didnt get back under the log It made aleap toward lisa bole but six bullets struck Itall at once and it sprang Into the air and camedown as dead ns a rock It hail killed loutdogs but it hadnt touched the other one andthe live one belonged to old man Mcintosh Asit lay stretched out in the snow tbe panthermeasured seven feet throe Inches It wa thinand poor and tbe supposition of tho hunterswas that It bad wnndeied there from tbeneighborhood of Dead 1lne Mountain severalmlle to the north The last panther killed onDutch Mountain was In tbo winter of 1872

A MutierofFact Judge DcclaloaH-

UNTINODON Pa Fob 24 Sqnlre JamesKelly of tbe Second ward of tbls city is origi-nal


in disentangling knotty problems Yester-day


a married woman and a man not her hus-band


boarded tbo stag coach at CassTlIlo andsand love during the whole ot the trip to MillCreek The womans husband saw their affec-


goodby and escorted his wIle homLand In the presence of the babies gave her nnoidtlmo ttounrlng with the lamlly switchThis no enraged tbo wife that she bad her hus-band


arrested and brought before SquireKelly for assault and battery

The Justice listened to tile testimony withclose attention The accused man put In theplea of justification and called thiS stagedriver to testify to the lovemaking perform-ance


Alter all the testimony bud boon uuv vu-JnRtlco Kelly arose antI said gravely Theverdict of the Court Is that the plaintiff returnto tier UMinl place of abode and lock the doorsthat 110 strangers can be admitted for a

peilod of six days that the liunband for tilesame length of time board with his bestneighbor and sleep In iho bern and that eachparty ray half the costs and stand committeduntil the sentence Is complied with

The large crowd of Rpcctaor nearly raisedtbe root from the office by their vociferous ap-plause when the sentence was pronounced

Jerey City Typbotdbreedluc MeadowDr Leonard J Gordon President of tbe

ITudaon County Board of Health told the Jer-sey


City Doard of Street and Water Commis-sioners yesterday that typhoid lever was in-


in that city Abiut two miles ofmeadow land into wbbh Is empted the filthof more than 100000 people was in the heartof the city From 80 to 90 per cent of the ex-cessive


death rate could be traced to tillsmeadow

Honor Inspector Jnmes Fnlllstcrand Assist-ant


Inspector John Daly weie suspended tropduty until further order uir until the HoardcouldI Investigate the unclean condition of thecitys sewers At the sugtrestloo of Presidenthomers the Board will request MiyqrCleve ¬

land and the County Board of Health to gowith the Hoard to Gor Abbett and requttthim tn aid In securing legislation to Improvethe cltyit sewer nystem procure purer waterRiinply and have the meadows drained andfilled In

Canght HI Enemy UnawareAlfonso CapaocI who has a saloon at 434

East 113lb stieet and Itocco Iagllnco have anold grudge to settle Faglluco vlelteil the sa-


during Capaccls absence yesterdayWhen Capaccl returned Fndltico was standingwith his tiaok to the door Intently reading A

circular which was pastel on tbe wall Cnpuccl lIpped UhlnJ bar got a club andcreeping up behind frgiluco knocked himdown Two more Mow and CapaocI rPaglluco was taken to tbe llarUm HoiDltalwith three ugly onlp wounds and a possiblefracture of the skull and the police are look-ing


for CapaccL

lie CoBldnt Recover Prom tk CityThe Court of Appeals rendered a decision

yesterday that Wilt result 4n saving lbScity eevral hundred thousand dollarsThe lcclnl n wan In Ithe ciwn of Tripleaaaln the Mityor Ibe plaljiflir Bueilfir ihf recovery if mousy paul for anasarasmetml for lii Boulevard seaore In orderto clear tb title to his land from an apparentlien In order to facilitate a sale Later the an

samntwa adjudged lobe llltgal TbCourt hd tnat BO money paid for such putpoe would be eovrd

Otfri 1



epIsode Is the Tidal of Sb Xmsrk shI-emeay Will Case

BAOXTHSACX Feb 24In tie Bergen countyOrfhaos Court before President Judge JamesM Van Valn today the case Involving thevalidity of a document purporting to be thewill of Jane Dtrnpneywai tried The docu-


U dated July 12 iBM MrsDempaeydied at the Warerley fl use in this city eigh-teen


days later Th wilt wa witnessed byWilliam Conway antI Hermes M Bweet M DIt was not found until a few months ago sadIf it 1is sustained Guy a John A sad LavlnlaDempsey grandchildren and only living heirsotthe testator will Inherit large sums rep ¬

resented In zeal estate In Bergen countyand Now York city lawyer George W

Dellaway say the property In Bergencounty alone bought by Lawyer I E Martinot Nftw York many years ago for 76000 Iis nowworth fully UOUOOQ Mr Martins title to thiswin tmlnvAlId If the will lau Uln o Thewill glres the property of the testator toilerSon John A and a daughter Mr Melvillewho died last year during their live then tothe next heirs who are the three abovepaused children of John A Dempy MrsjttelvIllejt Is alleged auppresleci the will anddivided the estate

The contestants assert that the paper Is aforgery and Experts Carvaho end Ames arewailing to go cii the jjtand to contradlot SarahA C fl Alkjn Mr anti Mrs C >LlnnliKb Andrew Hall Hannah Sweet tthewidow of Dr tt M Bweet Dr John Law ALtin Block Jennie E Gilford and John M Conyy a son ol William Conway all of whomswore to tho genuineness of the signaturesaltbongh one or two or them had not seen thehandwriting In fortylive years The sensationof the proceedings wa created by Mr GiffordThe central ides of the oontestants Is that thevlll In a forgery and Mr A Q Keasby directedhis cruticxamlnatlon toestnbllshlne evidenceof fraud Mrs QIITord a small ty trim antinrttlv attired woman looklngnot a day morethan M wore that she wa present at theWavorley House inen manigad by her fatherand her uncle K B llenali who wItnessed thewill Lawyer Koa by aroe deliberately andadjusting hIs glasses stepped toward the wit

Mrs GliTord this willone of the signaturesupon which you swore to positively purportsto have been made 1853 and you say youwere present In the Wavcrley House when MrsDempsey died Will you please tell us how oldyou wore at that time 1

About H years old sir i

An you srnaw1l> na AK 111

to his chair with theresn1 Gifford wr It not for your wordnobody could Induce me to believe you hadlived so long

The entire party laughed at the deadly earnet manner and dlpoorndture of the gallantold lawyer whitethnTlttloladr blushed SOnnetas she murmured Thank you Her addressan well oa the nddresrc of several other wit-nesses


were taken for the purpoxe of huntinghip their records The alleged wilt Wiltten arta large sheet of paper brought from Rome Ugradually falling to pieces owing to its beinghandled so much photograpns of It are Inthe hands of tho lawyers The hearing willcontinue tomorrow


Two Score Other Nfeaactcti halls Laborera Clamor for Wages

The first tier of beams of a row of six flatIn course of construction In 114th street justwest of Fifth avenue wore laid on Mondayand about fifty Italian laborer had not been

ipaid Yesterday they assembled about thehones in a decidedly ugly mood demandingmoney roundsman Baker and PolicemanConnors were sent to the place and remainedon dutyh re nearly all day

Edward Conllnof 34G Fifteenth street Brook ¬

lyn wps the original contractor and subletthe cellar contract to J Conglln of Thirteenthstreet Brooklyn Couglln sublet It to WallaceA Jlorrltte of taut 113th street who hired theItalians Coaglln started In to pay the menyesterday and this kept them quiet but to ¬

ward afternoon many complained that theywme paid for less time than they had workedwhile otters said they had been Informed thattheir wanes had been paid to some one whoImd called oft their number They are knownonly by their numbers

No 34 complained to Contractor Conlln whoaccused him or being In collusion with theman who drew his money Thereafter No 34busied himself eznlainlnu his tionble to anyone who would lltten There was no show ofviolence on the part ot the dissatisfied Italians

dmerteaaa Not WauateCSAW ANTOWIO Tex Feb 24The ImmUrra-

tlon and colonization questions are being dl >

cussed by the pros of Mexico In a recentIssn ot the Titmfo which Is one of the lead-Ing organs ot the Government are pointed outth alleged dangers likely to arise from Amer-ican


immigration to that country The paperfrankly avows it onpoiltlon to what It termsmiscellaneous colonization and declares Itselfstrongly In favor or the Immigration of Cath-olic

¬people It alleges that there Ilu a eertalu

peril In the colonization ot large bodiesofAmericana on the frontier as they are amenace to lbS peace of the country and aregiven to the promulgation of annexation ideasThe paper favors a systematic effort on thepart of the Mexican Government to bring tothat country Bpanlan Italian French Urmanand Belgian immigrants in preference to allothers

Tka Government and the-Channel


PrrrsBDrum Feb 24 United States Attor-ney


Walter Lyon brought a test suit toddyagainst the Baltimore and Ohio Hallroad Compnny on the part of the Government He askedfor un Injunction restraining the defendantsfrom making further encroachments anon thechannel of the MonongahtJa litver The encroacbments are alleged to have been made bythe railroad to secure ground for their bandsome new depot and also for yard purposesThe space Is about 1200 feet long anti at somepoints runs 20U feet Into the river

He TThltle All Day and Eve In HI SleepKINOSTON N Y Feb 28Jacob Clay a

farmer of the town of Guilderland and about28 years old has been committed to an Insaneasylum Clay has a peculiar mania fromwhich he has derived the name of WhistlingJake It Is almost Impossible for him to keepfrom whistling and from early morn until lateatnlgnt he scarcely stops a minute Even atmidnight should be happen to await fromsleep the whistling begins and Continues untilthe unfortunate young man Is completely ex-hausted


The physicians who examined Clayay it Is the lint case ot the kind that Is re ¬

corded I

A Body Preserved iWYear After BurialFITTBBUIUIH Feb 24The body of Mrs

Mary timltb who was killed and burled In theTroy Hill Cemetery thirtyfour years ago wasremoved yesterday to St Mary CemeteryAllegheny The workmen were Hurprbed toline the body as well preserved as though Ithad been placed under the ground only twen ¬

tyfour hours Their astonishment was In ¬

creased when they discovered that tbe boilhad beeom petrified It was removed withmuch difficulty requiring the use of block andtackle It weighed nearly SOU pounds

Went to scow What the raad Jury flitMTACX Fob 24 Lawyer Tompkins counsel

for Assemblyman Demarest who 1is under In ¬

dictment for forgery moved In the BooklandCounty Court yesterday that a copy of themlnutttof the proceeding before the GrandJury be given to his client The object of themotion U is understood in to have the Indict-ments


dismissed upon the ground that sometechnical error was committed lu the proceed ¬

loge of the Grand Jury Decision was reserved

The McrhaaU sad Minafmcturer1 ClubThe M rqhant anti Manufacturers Club

composed principally of wholesale furnituredealers gave recepiIon nt their club house28 Elizabeth street yesterday afternoon liefreshment weie served at 5 oclock nod themembers and their friends enjoyed an Infor-mal


irograiume of music later In the eveningThis club was organlztjf last August and nowban ninety members The officers are Presi-dent Theodore Hoffstaedter VioePreBldentAmbrose K Barnes Titasurer John E Foeter Becretary If JiBchieoekelseo

Whose t =Bomewber on Broadway or fifth or Mad

son avnne between Thirtieth and Thirtysixth streets on Sunday afternoon last wa-

lott a beautiful black llk garter with a goldbuckle marked with tbe initials iM OWhomit belonged to only the wearer and the purchaser of the carter now and on Monday thelatter went to the jewelry store ot P 110thwhere the article wa purchased and left areward for the return of the aame

To Be Called Hherman Wquure

Time Board of Aldermen tacitly agreed yes ¬

terday to name the open space at Amsterdamavenue anti the Boulevard between Seventiethgod Bevntyflr streets bhrmanKjuarelnhonor of UCp ShewsIz PIllDIte aotlQn On-

be ISkIE at the ez maclist of

THEATRICAL PEOPLEOught always to ass the beat ItS peTst bt 3fqn6raflees vurtfad by the CusblsiProesa Co art the onlyOBH rtadtrtd absolutely Use from ill poltntnt oltmeat The following It a Ittttr rtetlrad from Wra-

Ilaalon of the rtBtwatd hasten Pros whose companyreceived lit worldwldt reputation IB their famous playTaBtatmaO-

RNTLBMENi I takt pltanr la ttallnc that la myopinion the Bourbon WhIskey hive had from yon It-

at pore wholesome and tree from III consiquenee atthat article hi toads t have then It a liBfthytrial and hive sent to yen for It from distant points Mno bttttr proof could bo furnished of lay eptBlta ot lutxcelltaeo-

My atttBtloa waa Brit drawn to your proettt by DrO 3 Stevens ot Providence R 1 ahem I hid occaaloato consult asS I can truly say that I feet indebted tohIm for It Conildirlnf that Qoed wine needs BO

bush my praise ot your liquor U almost auparfloona X

have no heaittion In recommending Its nit to brothtr-artlitt la the theatrical prottatlen Tour very truly