iiui committees role 1

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  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1


    DUTIES &






    Objectives: To increase our efficiency in our work and make our functioningcordial and smooth so as to achieve our goals.


    The Duties & Responsibilities of Staff, Functions of Various Committees &

    Procedures mentioned herein, shall come into effect from 0!0"!#0$ and shall

    remain in force until further notification% The contents mentioned herein, either

    in full or in part, are liable to be altered b the Colle'e (ana'ement at an time,

    b due notification%

  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1


    Contents % Roles and Responsibilities of Committees

  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1


    % Class Co)ordinator

    %# *iterar!Cultural Committee

    %+ ttendance Committee %$

    Time Table Committee %- Cultural Committee %. Sports Committee %/ nfair

    (eans!Complains Committee %" Placement!career Committee #% Course File +%*aborator +% Duties and Responsibilities of *aborator 1n)char'e +%# Duties

    and Responsibilities of *ab ssistants +%+ Duties and Responsibilities of Facult

    $% *ea2e pplication Procedure $% Procedure for obtainin' *ea2e 3Casual,

    4arned, Vacation etc5% -% 46amination -% Responsibilit of Principal -%#

    Responsibilit of Vice -%+ 46amination Committee -%$ Roles and

    Responsibilities of the 46amination 1n)char'e 3415 -%- Class Test -%.

    7ral!Practical 46ams -%/ Team 8or9 -%" Final 46ams -%: Term 8or9

    42aluation -%0 Re2aluation -% Responsibilit of Facult .% Staff Discipline/% *ibrar

  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1


    1. Roles and Responsibilities of CommitteesVarious committeesare formed in the Colle'e for the smooth and efficient mana'ement of acti2ities%

    1t also 'i2es the opportunit to the facult to 'ro; and de2elop in their

    e6tracurricular acti2it!field and administrati2e s9ills% The committees are

    constituted b the Principal in consultation ;ith 2ice for one academic ear oruntil ne; committees are constituted% The out'oin' Con2eners! 1n)char'es of

    the committees shall hand o2er all the rele2ant documents!files to the ne;

    Con2eners !1n) char'es in the presence of the Principal or a representati2e

    appointed b him% The handed o2er documents shall be also si'ned b all the

    three mentioned abo2e% The procedure follo;ed for constitutin' a committee is

    as follo;s< a5 notice is circulated amon' the facult in2itin' their choice of

    preference of committee% 1f the preference made b the facult is found suitable

    b the team 3Principal and 2ice5 the appro2e the same in consultation ;ith theDirector% 1n case of an tie or an mismatch, the team reassi'ns the staff

    member% b5 =o;e2er, for sufficient reasons the Principal alon' ;ith the 2ice

    ma appoint facult to 2arious committees ;ith the appro2al of the Director%

    1.1. Class Coordinator:Objective: To help students in theirpursuit of knowledge. a% To displa the session plan and portion forClass Test 1 on the respecti2e >otice ?oard!Colle'e 8ebsite% b% To 'uide the

    students about rules of attendance 3'eneral5, Visits, sports, etc% c% ddress

    students @ueries% d% (eetin' the parents of students, especiall defaulters% e% Toinform the Vice about ma9in' alternate arran'ement for lectures and practicals

    ;hen a facult is absent% f% To coordinate ;ith the ttendance Committee of the

    department to update attendance in case of medical lea2e, sports lea2e etc% '%

    Collect information re'ardin' ;ea9er studentsA from the subBect teachers and

    arran'e remedial classes, counsellin' sessions in consultation ;ith the Vice% h%

    1dentif 'ood students and moti2ate them to e6cel% i% pdate data re'ardin'

    students achie2ements in academics, sports, e6tracurricular acti2ities etc% B% n

    other dut the Director! Principal ma assi'n% A8ea9er student in terms ofacademic and personal problems

  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1


    1.2. Literary Committee:

    Objective: To develop and encourage literary skills.

  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1


    Roles an! Res"ons#b#l#t#es a% To conduct competitions for literar e2ents li9e

    debates, elocutions and so on ;ithin the colle'e% b% To displa notices re'ardin'

    inter and intra literar e2ents% c% To publish 111 ma'aine% d% To encoura'e

    students to attend literar e2ents outside colle'e% e% n other duties the Director

    ! Principal ma assi'n%1.3. Attendance Committee:Objective: Tokeep track of students attendance and to ascertain whetherthere is any correlation between their attendance and

    performance and if so, to what degree. A Fa$%lt Role i% ttendancemust be ta9en for each lecture!practical!tutorial preferabl at the be'innin' of

    each lecture!practical!tutorial% ii% Facult ma 'rant attendance to a student up to

    0 minutes late for the first instructional hour of the da% =o;e2er, facult ma

    also e6ercise their o;n discretion for permittin' an latecomer to enter the class

    b 'i2in'!;ithholdin' attendance% 1n case of practical!;or9shop, attendanceshall be 'i2en for the subse@uent hour%

    iii% bsence shall be indicated b % For e2er hour the student is present,

    attendance is mar9ed cumulati2el% 34'% )#)+))$)-5% Form C

    i2% fter due 2erification, if absence is found to be due to a le'itimate colle'e

    acti2it, the same shall be indicated b encirclin' the letter % ll such

    attendance shall be added and ;ritten under the e6tracurricular acti2ities

    attendance column% To 'et the total attendance, the e6tracurricular attendance

    shall be added to the re'ular attendance% Then the percenta'e of attendance shallbe calculated% Facult shall 'rant this attendance, onl if the students brin' this

    to their notice ;ell in ad2ance in the prescribed format% Form C# 2% Submit the

    dul filled in attendance sheet at the end of each attendance period to the

    assi'ned lab assistants%

    2i% fter the displa of the defaulters lists, in case of an discrepancies, 2erif

    the same and rectif if necessar ;ithin t;o das of displa throu'h Form

    C+ brou'ht b the student%

    2ii% To encoura'e participation from students in Colle'e acti2ities 3mention inacademic calendar5 and nnual da, -E attendance shall be 'i2en for e2ent

    coordinators and 0E to others, ;ho participate, pro2ided the submit necessar

    permissions 'ranted b the concerned authorities for the same and fulfill /-E

    attendance criteria at the end of the semester in the concerned subBect%

  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1


    2iii% n other duties the Director ! Principal ma assi'n% B Role o'

    Atten!an$e Comm#ttee:( Objective: To maintain and displayproper attendance records of students. i% The attendanceperiods for a term shall be prepared in ad2ance% ii% The subBect teachers shall be

    intimated as to ;hen and to ;hom the attendance sheets are to be submitted% iii%The attendance list shall be displaed ;ithin t;o das of recei2in' the

    attendance sheets% i2% (a9e Form C a2ailable to students and introduce chan'es

    ;ithin three das of displa of the attendance list% 2% Prepare the defaulters list

    and hand o2er one cop to the 46amination Cell so as to mail them to respecti2e

    parents !'uardians% 2i% 7ne cop of the same shall be handed o2er to the

    coordinator% 2ii% Prepare a subBect ;ise list of the final attendance, practical and

    lectures to'ether and ma9e it a2ailable on share)on for subBect teachers read

    reference% F7R( C$% 2iii% n other duties the Director ! Principal maassi'n% C Role o' Class Coor!#nator:

    i% To announce defaulters names in the classroom and collect their si'natures as

    ;ell as the class representati2es% F7R( C- ii% To meet 'uardians of students

    defaultin' in more than -0E of heads% 46plain the importance of attendance and

    other colle'e acti2ities and collect the underta9in' from them% F7R( C. )*

    T#me Table Comm#ttee:( Objective : Smooth and efficient management of

    academic programme through the Term %$% To prepare the class timetable at

    the be'innin' of Term3shall be done b respecti2e departments TimetableCommittee5% %$%# To collect the follo;in' information from the 2ice< a%

    Teachin' load distribution 31ndi2idual facults teachin' load in the department5%

    b% Sharin' teachin' load from other departments% c% *ab);ise subBect allotment%

    d% ssi'nin' of classrooms and tutorial rooms%

  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1


    e% ssi'nin' of common resources 3classrooms, labs, tutorial rooms ;hich are

    shared b other departments5% f% Department)specific re@uirements 3e%'% lectures

    to be arran'ed onl in mornin' slot, tea brea9 and lunch brea9 times etc%5% %$%+

    1f modification is re@uired, prepare the desired templates for the timetables

    !cademic Calendar and 'et them appro2ed b Vice and Principal% %$%$ Toprepare the cademic Calendar and 'et it appro2ed from the Principal% %$%-

    8ith the information 'athered, prepare a draft of the class timetables%

    3 Timetable soft;are should a2ailable ;ith the >et;or9 dministrator5% %$%.

    Prepare the class timetables in the predefined 46cel Format% %$%/ Referrin' to

    the class timetables, prepare the timetables of indi2idual facult and labs%

    (ail all the timetables of the indi2idual facult and labs to all the staff, 'i2in'

    them three das to correct an discrepancies% Form TC Form TC# %$%"

    Prepare the final class, indi2idual and laborator timetables and 'et themappro2ed from the Vice and Principal% %$%: Displa the class timetables on the

    staff and student notice boards!;ebsite and ma9e the soft cop a2ailable on

    share)on librar% %$%0 8ith re'ard to the indi2idual facult and lab timetables,

    submit one si'ned cop each to the Vice, Principal and the concerned facult

    member! lab in char'e% The ori'inal set shall be retained ;ith the Timetable

    Committee% %$% cop of academic calendar and all time tables are to be

    mailed to the Director% %$%# (a9e the class timetables a2ailable in the

    Documentation Room for students reference% %$%+ To 'ather the follo;in'information from Committee Con2eners, Vice and the Principal in order to

    prepare cademic Calendar< a%Term start and end dates% b% Public holidas% c%

    Dates for Class Tests and # d% Dates for annual functions and festi2als e%Das

    for acti2ities 3short term courses, conferences, seminars, and so on5% h% Term

    ;or9 submission dates% i% %$%$ To displa the academic calendar for the

    information of students and staff% lso, a soft cop shall be made a2ailable on

    share on librar and hard cop shall be 9ept in the Documentation Room% %$%-

    To prepare documents and anne6ures related to report, (andator disclosureetc% as per re@uirement of the 111 C7**44 and uni2ersit under the 'uidance

    of the Principal%

    %$%. n other duties the Director ! Principal ma assi'n%

  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1


    1.5. Cultural Committee:Objective: to promote andarrange extracurricular activities to bring out thetalents of students in the performing arts. Res"ons#b#l#t#es i%The Cultural Committee shall be responsible for all intra and inter colle'iate

    cultural e2ents in the Colle'e% ii% To plan and schedule cultural e2ents for theacademic ear% 3Tentati2e dates to be included in the academic calendar of the

    institute%5 iii% The Con2ener of the committee shall conduct a meetin' of the

    committee to discuss and dele'ate tas9s% i2% Procedure to or'anie cultural

    e2ents < a% To prepare the nnual ?ud'et for 2arious cultural e2ents% b% To obtain

    formal permission from the Colle'e authorities to arran'e pro'rams% c% To

    decide the date, time and a'enda of the pro'rams% d% To inform members of staff

    and students about the e2ents% e% To arran'e the 2enue and lo'istics 3audio!2ideo

    sstem, dais, podium etc5% f% To in2ite the Chief uest and other di'nitaries% '%To arran'e mementos for 'uests and 'ifts!certificates for the participants% %-%-

    The committee shall displa on the >otice ?oard!8ebsite information about

    festi2als to be celebrated% %-%. 42ents arran'ed for students in coordination

    ;ith Students Cultural Committee %-%/ Various pro'rams arran'ed for staff

    are< a5 Picnic b5 ?irthda celebration c5 Felicitation of staff achie2ements, etc%

  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1


  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1


    i6% 7n ;or9in' das, sports and 'ames are to be held from $pm to /pm% 7n non)

    ;or9in' das, permission from the Director is necessar% 6% n other duties the

    Director ! Principal ma assi'n%1.7. Unfair Means Committee:

    Objective: To ensure honesty and fairness during

    examinations. 1t shall be the responsibilit of 46am Super2isors3ni2ersit 46am!Class Test5 to report in ;ritin' an malpractice or anomal

    found durin' the e6amination to the Principal% The Principal in turn shall hand

    o2er the matter to the nfair (eans Committee of the colle'e% Role an!

    Res"ons#b#l#t#es a5 Con2ener of the committee shall con2e a meetin' of the

    members and discuss the complaint recei2ed from the Principal b5 The

    Committee ma call the candidate to see9 an e6planation and hear him!her%

    46planation shall be ta9en in ;ritin'% c5 The Committee members shall ma9e

    necessar en@uires from 46am Super2isors and other related ;itnesses% d5 fterhearin' all the abo2e persons, the shall report their findin's in ;ritin', alon'

    ;ith puniti2e action 3if an malpractice ;as detected5 to the Principal accordin'

    to the 111 Colle'e! ni2ersit 'uidelines!norms% e5 n other duties the

    Director ! Principal ma assi'n%1.8. Placement Committee:Objective: To help students to prepare for placementinterviewshigher studies and help them to choose anappropriate organi!ation. )-) 1ntroduction< The Placement

    Committee shall or'anie Campus Placement Pro'rams for 2arious 1T and non1T companies 2isitin' our institute durin' the placement season under the

    'uidance of the 1T e6perts% suall it starts immediatel after the final e6ams% 1t

    can be also or'anied later 37ff Campus5 in the same academic ear, if other

    companies ;ish to come% )-. Roles an! Res"ons#b#l#t#es:

    1n the be'innin', the con2ener calls for a meetin' and dele'ates the role and

    responsibilities to committee members% =e!She shall also schedule the

    Placement Pro'ramme b allocatin' dates and timin's of companies 2isits% The

    copies of the same are distributed to all the members, Director and Principal%The re@uisition for tea, coffee, snac9s, lunch etc% indicatin' number of 'uests,

    shall also be prepared% The same is handed o2er to the Director% The Con2ener

    shall also prepare a bud'et for the Placement Cell%

  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1


    The Trainin' and Placement cell empo;ers 'roups of students to 2isit ;ebsites

    of industries of different sectors% ccordin'l, letters!e)mails shall be sent to

    'enerate a lar'er data base for placements% ne; placement brochure shall be

    published ;ith the help of students ;ith the appro2al of the Director% Follo;in'

    are the roles and responsibilities allocated to the members of the PlacementCommittee< a5 Re/#strat#on: Re'istration of the eli'ible students shall be done

    ;ith the help of students% This is done +0 minutes before the start of the pro'ram

    in the =all% Students shall si'n a'ainst their names% b5 D#s"la: To displa a

    ;elcome poster at the entrance on the 'round floor sho;in' the name of the

    compan 2isitin', names of their team members, pro'ram and 2enue for the test

    and inter2ie;s% c5 S$roll#n/ Boar!: To ;elcome the compan dele'ates to 111

    ;ith the date and time% d5 V#s#t#n/ 0all: To arran'e the Visitin' =all for the pre)

    placement tal9 and compan presentation i%e%, sound sstem, *%C%D% proBector,chairs, table etc% e5 Classrooms: Classrooms are allotted for the 'roup

    discussion% Table, papers, stationer, drin9in' ;ater etc% shall be arran'ed% f5

    Representati2es% h5 Brea1'ast, tea an! l%n$: ?ased on the number of 'uests

    from the or'aniations, such arran'ements shall be made% The menu is decided

    beforehand and intimated to 111 canteen% Re$or!s: Records of the lists of

    students placed, compan name, branch and other respecti2e informations%B5

    Data U"!at#n/: 7ther data li9e branch ;ise placements, students profiles, ear

    ;ise placements, list of companies 2isited etc shall also be maintained% 95Durin' the ear, short meetin's shall be held to communicate the stat%s on

    "la$ement and to discuss the comments made b the recruitment team on our

    students performance%

  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1


    2. Course FileThe course file is an official record, a compilation of theplannin' and e6ecution of teachin'!learnin' acti2ities, carried out throu'hout

    the term in an academic ear for a particular subBect% 1t also includes a

    continuous report of the e2aluation of students pro'ress% The teachin' facult is

    e6pected to complete their course file and submit it to the coordinator or Vice;ithin three ;ee9s of the last instruction da of the concerned term% The details

    re@uired for the completion of the course file, alon' ;ith the deadline and the

    source of data is as follo;sotice board% e% n other assi'nments as 'i2en b

    V1C4!Principal!Director% 22 D%t#es an! Res"ons#b#l#t#es o' Fa$%lt #n res"e$t

    o' Labs a% Facult conductin' practicals ! proBects shall be responsible for the

    respecti2e labs durin' their practical hours% b% Facult shall follo; the

    'uidelines!instructions as prepared b the *ab in) char'e% =o;e2er, facult can

    su''est chan'es in these matters ;ith the consent of the V1C4% c% 1n order to

    pre2ent theft, facult members are ad2ised to ta9e the follo;in' action% i% ?efore

    startin' the practicals!proBects, students shall be as9ed to chec9 thePCs!e@uipments etc% and report in case of an missin' items!irre'ularit to the

    lab 1n)Char'e% ii% s far as possible, allot the same PC to the same

    indi2idual!same 'roup of students 3in case of proBects5% iii% Students shall not be

    permitted to carr ba's into the labs%

    d% 1n case of an missin'!dama'ed item, the matter shall be immediatel

    reported to the *ab 1n)Char'e%

  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1


    * Lea3e A""l#$at#on Pro$e!%re

    LEAVE RULES AT A GLANCE *) Pro$e!%re 'or obta#n#n/ Lea3e

    4Cas%al, Earne!, Va$at#on et$5 6 OD: $%% Principal is authoried to sanction

    lea2e up to + das after the V1C4s recommendation% Directors sanction is

    re@uired for lea2e for more than + das after the recommendation from theV1C4 and Principal%

    $%%# Facult (embers ;ho desire to a2ail of an 9ind of lea2e!7D shall ma9e

    alternate arran'ement 3Form ? 5 ;ith other members of the staff to carr out

    assi'ned academic and administrati2e responsibilities% Form ? alon' ;ith the

    lea2e card shall be put up to the concerned authorit for the subse@uent

    appro2als% 7nce lea2e is sanctioned, Form ? is to be submitted to the V1C4 and

    *ea2e Card to ccounts Section% $%%+ 1n case of emer'enc lea2e, one shall

    inform respecti2e V1C4s!Class Coordinators before "%00 (, ;ho in turn shallcommunicate to the ccounts Section b :%00 (, failin' ;hich lea2e shall not

    be sanctioned% 1f the V1C4!Coordinator is not a2ailable, the shall inform the

    Principal! Director% $%%$ Vacation shall be a2ailed of onl after the official end

    of the instructional period subBect to follo;in' conditions% a% Completion of

    term ;or9 e2aluation!practical!oral b% =andin' o2er the term ;or9

    !practical!oral mar9s to e6am cell% c% Staff shall be a2ailable for e6am related

    duties both for 1nstitute and ni2ersit% d. Contact address and phone number

    shall be 'i2en to the 7ffice before proceedin' on lea2e%$%%- For I1P related outdoor dut 3STTP, Conferences and 8or9shops etc%5 the

    concerned person shall fill Form C in addition to Form ?% $%%. 7D can be

    a2ailed for onl official ;or9 related to ni2ersit, 1nstitute and I1P% $%%/

    Central#7e! Assessment Sstem 4CAS5: 46aminers shall report to CS

    conducted b the ni2ersit of (umbai as per ni2ersit 'uidelines, either in

    the Colle'e or outside%

    t a stretch, staff can 'o on CS for - ;or9in' das or ;hiche2er is more, after

    ;hich theST FRANCIS INSTITUTE OF TEC0NOLO89 Sta% Duties &Responsibilities SF'T "a#e ()

  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1


  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1


    ; Eam#nat#on Objective: To help the smooth conduct ofexams in the Institute ;) Res"ons#b#l#t o' te Pr#n$#"al -%% ThePrincipal is the in)house Chief Conductor of ni2ersit 46amination% -%%# To

    appoint 46amination 1n)Char'e 3415 in consultation ;ith the Director% -%%+ To

    appoint 46amination Committee in coordination ;ith V1C4s and 41% -%%$ Toappoint internal Flin' S@uad, Super2isors and other human resources for

    smooth conductin' of e6amination in the Colle'e in coordination ;ith 41% -%%-

    To interact ;ith ni2ersit for e6am related ;or9s% -%%. To head nfair (eans

    Committee durin' e6amination% -%%/ To appoint internal and e6ternal

    e6aminers!moderators for paper assessment in coordination ;ith V1C4s and 41%

    ;. Res"ons#b#l#t o' VICE -%#% To appoint coordinate ;ith e6amination bod

    for smooth conductin' of e6amination% -%#%# To appoint internal, e6ternal

    e6aminers and moderators for practical !oral !;ritten e6amination% -%#%+ Tomonitor ni2ersit practical!orals and other e6amination% -%#%$ (ember of

    1nternal Flin' S@uad% ).+.) n other duties the Director ! Principal maassi'n. ;2 Eam#nat#on Comm#ttee The 46amination committee is an ape6bod of the 1nstitute ;hich is headed b 46aminations 1n)Char'e 3415 and shall

    be facilitated b three sections< 46amination, Record (aintenance and

    dministration% The main function of this Committee is to carr out

    e6aminations, publish results and a;ard certificates 3pro2ided b the ni2ersit

    and 1nstitute5 to the students ;ho pass the final e6aminations% Geepin' therecord of each and e2er issue related to the e6amination and or'aniin'

    ;or9shops and seminars for the impro2ement of the e6amination sstem are

    also the responsibilities of this Committee% -%+% The 46amination 1n char'e

    3 415 is a facult member 3ssociate Professor le2el5 of the 1nstitute and is

    appointed for a period of three ears% -%+%# The 46amination Committee shall

    function under the 'uidance of the 46amination 1n)char'e 3415% -%+%+ The

    Committee shall comprise -). members & for carrin' out Class Tests and

    ni2ersit 46ams% -%+%$ The Committee shall meet at least thrice in a semesterand record minutes of the same and submit a cop to the Principal%

    -%+%- The 41 shall follo; the class test schedule as per the cademic

    Calendar%ST FRANCIS INSTITUTE OF TEC0NOLO89 Sta% Duties &Responsibilities SF'T "a#e (,

  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1


    ;* Roles an! Res"ons#b#l#t#es o' te Eam#nat#on In($ar/e 4EI5 -%$%

    Responsible for the due custod of the records pertainin' to his!her ;or9% -%$%#

    Shall ha2e administrati2e control o2er the members ;or9in' under him!her%

    -%$%+ Shall conduct the 46aminations 3colle'e and uni2ersit5 and therefore

    ma9e all other arran'ements and be responsible for the due e6ecution of allprocesses connected there;ith% -%$%$ To ensure that final ear mar9 sheets are

    issued onl to such students ;ho produce a clearance certificate from the

    concerned authorities% -%$%- n other dut!responsibilit assi'ned b the

    Principal ! Director ;; Class test -%-% Class Test 1 shall be a compulsor

    ;ritten test of # hours duration of /- mar9s% 7ne paper per da shall be

    scheduled% -%-%# Class Test 11 of #- mar9s can either be a ;ritten test, practical,

    oral or in an other form% The nature of the test shall be decided b the facult

    ;ith the appro2al of respecti2e V1C4s and shall be informed to the students%-%-%+ The 46am Committee ) Class Tests< i% Shall prepare Class Test Time)Table

    at least # ;ee9s before the Class Tests and shall displa it on the >otice ?oard!

    8ebsite 3Staff!Students5% 1t shall also put up a notice one ;ee9 before the Class

    Tests, re'ardin' details of submission of @uestion papers to Senior Super2isors%

    cop of the notice shall be 9ept in the 46am Cell%

    ii% Shall displa notice re'ardin' rules for SS!HS 3nne6ure K 4C 5 and rules

    for students 3nne6ure K 4C#5% cop of each shall be 9ept in the 46am Cell%

    iii% Shall displa ?loc9 rran'ement and Super2ision Dut *ist% 7ne cop eachshall be 9ept in the 46am Cell for read reference% 3Format 4C, Format 4C#%

    i2% Shall ensure that ade@uate stationer 3ans;er sheets, dra;in' sheets, charts,

    'raph papers, dra;in' boards, tras, threads etc%5 is made a2ailable% 2% Shall

    prepare a file containin' the follo;in' documents, ;hich shall be 9ept in the

    46am Cell%

    L ttendance Sheets 3Format C ) super2ision dut record5%

    L ns;er Sheets handed o2er to teachers 3Format D ) collection of class test

    ans;er boo9 record5%L Dut s;appin' form 3Format 4 ) alternati2e arran'ement of e6am

    duties if an5%ST FRANCIS INSTITUTE OF TEC0NOLO89 Sta% Duties& Responsibilities SF'T "a#e (-

  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1


    ;< Un#3ers#t Oral6Pra$t#$al Eams: -%.% The respecti2e V1C4s shall submit

    names of minimum of # and ma6imum of - 1nternal and 46ternal 46aminers for

    each subBect to the 41% -%.%# The V1C4s shall be responsible for finaliin' the

    dates of e6ams, preparin' the Time)Table and sendin' a cop of the same to the

    46am Cell for displa% Subse@uentl the 46am Cell shall ma9e necessararran'ements for refreshments!lunch and remuneration% -%.%+ *unch shall be

    arran'ed in the Colle'e canteen% =o;e2er, tea!coffee shall be ser2ed ;ithin the

    respecti2e departments% -%.%$ The V1C4s shall ensure that the 46ternal

    46aminer is punctual% -%.%- 1f 46ternal 46aminer is found to be not competent

    or habituall comin' late, he!she ma not be included in the future 46amination

    Panel% -%.%. t the end of the Practical!7ral e6am, the 1nternal 46aminer shall

    ensure that the 46ternal 46aminers attendance is mar9ed, certificate is issued

    and remuneration is paid% For this, the internal 46aminer shall approach the46am Cell% -%.%/ The 1nternal 46aminer shall hand o2er the completed

    oral!practical e2aluation sheets on the same da to the 46am Cell% -%.%" 4ach

    facult shall submit to the 46am Cell the term ;or9 sheets ;ith the si'nature of

    the Principal% This shall be done at least # das in ad2ance of the ad2ised date

    announced b the ni2ersit% -%.%: 1t is the dut of facult to ensure that the

    complete first our colle'e assessment 3Practical!7ral5 before committin' to

    dates as an 46ternal 46aminer else;here% -%.%0 >o facult is allo;ed to be an

    46ternal 46aminer before the official end of term as announced b ni2ersit of(umbai% >o lea2e 3an 9ind5 shall be sanctioned for this purpose%

    -%.% 4ach Facult member shall enter the 7ral ! Practical mar9s into the

    soft;are a2ailable ;ith the 46am Cell% This shall be completed before the

    assi'ned date of the ni2ersit of (umbai% printout of the same shall be ta9en

    b the 46am Cell ;hich shall be 2erified and si'ned b the concerned

    facult%ST FRANCIS INSTITUTE OF TEC0NOLO89 Sta% Duties &Responsibilities SF'T "a#e (

  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1


    ;= Term >or1 L The properl filled and si'ned Term 8or9 sheets shall be

    submitted b each facult to the 46am Cell before the date ad2ised b the

    ni2ersit% L The Term 8or9 mar9s shall be entered b facult into the soft;are

    a2ailable in the 46am Cell% This has to be completed before the assi'ned date b

    the ni2ersit% printout of the same shall be ta9en b the 46am Cell% fter due2erification, the facult member shall si'n on the T8 ! 7ral ! Practical sheets%

    ;- Un#3ers#t Eams -%"% The 46am Cell shall distribute the 46am Forms of

    the ni2ersit of (umbai to re'ular students 3the fees for the same are collected

    as part of the colle'e fees5 and collect them bac9 after ha2in' them dul filled

    in% fter 2erification, the 46am Cell shall for;ard the same to the ni2ersit of

    (umbai ;ithin the stipulated time period% -%"%# The 46am Cell shall put up

    notice in2itin' TGT students to ha2e the e6am form collected and returned in

    due time% Students shall ma9e the pament of re@uired e6amination fees in theCatholic Srian ?an9 3CS?5 and receipt shall be produced to the 46am Cell%

    -%"%+ The 46amination Committee shall prepare rele2ant time tables for our

    Colle'e based on the 46amination Time Table of the ni2ersit of (umbai%

    -%"%$ The 46amination Committee shall ma9e the ?loc9 and Seatin'

    rran'ement and displa them on the concerned >otice ?oard!8ebsite and


    -%"%- Thou'h the teachin' facult is entitled to 2acation if eli'ible, it is e6pected

    that the are a2ailable for e6amination dut at least for t;o ;ee9s% =ence theshall 'i2e their 2acation preference dates to the 46am Committee in the format

    pro2ided% -%"%. The 46am Committee shall prepare and displa an o2erall

    Super2ision Dut *ist as ;ell as Dail Super2ision Dut *ist on the Staff

    >otice ?oard!Colle'e 8ebsite% -%"%/ The 46am Committee shall ensure that

    ade@uate stationer, li9e ans;er sheets, dra;in' sheets, charts, 'raph paper,

    dra;in' boards, tras, threads, ;ater Bu's etc% are made a2ailable%

    -%"%" The 46am Committee shall hold a pre)e6am meetin' to brief the members

    of facult ;ith re'ard to the e6amination procedures and the role andSTFRANCIS INSTITUTE OF TEC0NOLO89 Sta% Duties &Responsibilities SF'T "a#e +/responsibiliti

    es of


    report of

    same shall be

    submitted tothe Principal%

    -%"%: The


    E of



    3*ectures M


    attended5 N00!Total

    3*ecture M

    Practicals 5


  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1


    V1C4s shall

    submit names

    of -





    for each

    subBect to the

    41% -%"%0

    The 46am

    cell inconsultation

    ;ith the 41

    shall contact

    members of

    the panel

    3pro2ided b

    the V1C45

    and shallprepare the

    list of the



    upon their


    -%"% The 41

    shall ensurethat the




    process is

    completed on

    time and the

    same be sentto the


    for >ecessar


  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1



    ;ithin +0

    das from the

    date of the


    date% -%"%#

    The 41 alon'

    ;ith 46am

    Cell shall be

    in touch ;ith


    ni2ersitfor obtainin'


    appro2als on

    time% -%"%+

    ll the results

    3First Oear to

    Final Oear5

    shall bedisplaed on

    the respecti2e




    'e 8ebsite

    after $pm%

    cop of thesame shall be

    sent to the



    -%"%$ nder

    the 'uidance

    of the 41, the

    46am Cellshall anale

    the e6am

    results and

  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1


  • 8/9/2019 Iiui Committees Role 1


    Term 8or9,

    mar9s are to

    be a;arded


    attendance asper the table

    belo;, based

    on the

    percenta'e of


    per subBect,


    lectures andpracticals





    :0 to 00 -

    # "- to :0 $

    + "0 to "- +$ /- to "0 #