igor goryanin molecular base of cancer modern concept

Молекулярные основы рака – современная концепция Proteins mRNA Под контролем сигнальных путей находятся: - Деление клетки - Выживание - Апоптоз (самоубийство клетки) - Многие другие клеточные функции В норме - баланс клеточной коммуникации (передачи сигнала) Пути Передачи Сигнала

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  • 1. - ( ) mRNA : - - Proteins - ( ) -
  • 2. : , , , Genes mRNA Proteins , , , ,
  • 3. - Proteomic image Microarray image
  • 4. : () , Proteins - Ovarian pattern http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/screening
  • 5. () ( , , , ..) (targeted therapy) , -,
  • 6.
  • 7. : : - -
  • 8. : , , , ! 1 2 3 4
  • 9. , , , ...
  • 10. : (Herceptin, Pertuzumab)
  • 11. , ErbB - - / ErbB1 (EGFR) Gefitinib AstraZeneca Small molecule, ATP competitor Erlotinib Genentech, Roche Small molecule, ATP competitor Cetuximab Merck mAbErbB2 (HER2) Trastuzumab Genentech mAb (Herceptin) Pertuzumab Genentech mAbErbB3 (HER3) MM-121 Merrimack mAb Pharmaceuticals
  • 12. : - (.) suppression Sensistivity Resistance Signal in vitro
  • 13. : -
  • 14. PTEN anti-ErbB2 :- Faratian et al, Cancer Res, 2009, 69(16):6713-20
  • 15. PTEN anti-ErbB2 : - ()Faratian et al, Cancer Res, 2009, 69(16):6713-20
  • 16. - Inhibitor 2 Inhibitor 1
  • 17. /
  • 18. Backup slides
  • 19. ~ 300 : : , , , , : , , , , 490 > 2,6 2008 .. , .. ,.. , 2010
  • 20. 23,718.5 ( 476,000 ) 16.5 100000 ( 7.7) 288,047.7 199.9 100000
  • 21. : 57,9%, 63% 43%! ! ,
  • 22. 20
  • 23. -: ( ), Pap-test ( ) : , PSA (prostate specific antigen) - , - -
  • 24. , (, , ..)
  • 25. ,
  • 26.
  • 27. - : ... : Lee Hood, Institute for Systems Biology
  • 28.
  • 29. No cancer Mass spectrometry Proteins Blood sample Proteins Blood Best fit molecular fingerprint sample Cancer Normal marker proteins marker proteins Mass spectrometryCancer
  • 30. anti-ErbB2 , : Herceptin ( ) 96% vs 95% , 1 (Piccart-Gebhart et al., 2005) 91% vs 87%, 4 (Romond et al., 2005). , - rbB2+
  • 31. : - , -ErbB2 - ( )
  • 32. : - (.) suppression Sensistivity Resistance Signal in vitro
  • 33. : - (.) suppression Sensistivity Resistance Signal in vitro
  • 34. : - (.) suppression Sensistivity Resistance Signal in vitro
  • 35. ErbB3/2 -ErbB2
  • 36. : - (.) suppression Sensistivity Resistance Signal in vitro
  • 37. -Per +Per ErbB2 , A.Sorokin
  • 38. : - suppression Sensistivity Resistance Signal in vitro
  • 39. 2008 .. , .. ,.. , 2010
  • 40. 2008 .. , .. ,.. , 2010
  • 41. 2008 .. , .. ,.. , 2010
  • 42. Best fit molecular fingerprint Normal Cancer
  • 43. Diagnostics can stratify populations by drug response Diagnostic test positive Likely to benefit from Dx+ therapy Tx+ Toxicity test positive Likely to have toxic Dx- response Diagnostic test negative Not likely to benefit from therapySeptember 2010 Confidential 43
  • 44. SPECIFIED ABSTRACTED Differential equations Markov chains Bayesian networks mechanisms Boolean/fuzzy logic models Statistical mining(includingmolecularstructure-based influencescomputation) relationships Doug Lauffenburger, MIT
  • 45. : 70% 15 ; 59,000 (40.0 / 100,000 )
  • 46. Lack of response has enormous costsAspect Numeric2008 Rx spend, US 292 B$ (of 800 B$ WW)Percent Rx not effective 20 90% (average 50%)Adverse events, US ~2,000,000Fatal adverse events, US ~100,000Cost adverse drug events, US Cost 45-135 B$Percent events avoidable 20 35%Percent of care decisions informed by 70%diagnosticsDiagnostics as percent of healthcare 3-4%market http://www.dnapolicy.org/images/issuebriefpdfs/PGx%20IB.pdf Jerel Davis, McKinsey & CoSeptember 2010 Confidential 46