identifying asthma


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Post on 13-Sep-2015




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Asma adalah keadaan dimanasaluran pernafasan mengalamipenyempitan karena hipereaktivitasterhadap rangsangan tertentu.


  • QHSE/SD/2014/XI/7

    Identifying Asthma

    What is Asthma?

    Asthma is a condition when the

    airways are narrowed because of

    hyper reactivity to certain stimuli.

    What are the causes of Asthma?

    The exact cause of asthma is not

    known yet but the factors that

    could trigger asthma are allergens.

    Each asthmatic has different


    When asthmatics contact with the

    allergen, the allergic reaction will

    occur. Certain cells along the

    respiratory tract will release

    histamine which triggers

    contraction on smooth muscle and

    increases the production of the

    respiratory tract. This condition

    causes the airways to be swollen

    and diameter of bronchus shrinks


    What are the symptoms of Asthma?

    1. Coughing frequently and getting

    worse at night

    2. Wheezing, nasal voice or

    whistling sound that emerged

    during breathing

    3. Breathless or panting breath

    4. Chest tightness

    5. Easily tired during physical

    activity such as; sports

    How is the prevention or treatment for


    1. If you have asthma, you have to know

    what your allergens are that could

    trigger asthma attacks on you like dust,

    cotton, some types of food, etc.

    Identifying the allergens could be done

    by conducting allergy testing.

    2. Be sure to avoid any contact with your

    allergens and do not consume food

    which is your allergen. When there is

    allergens around your working

    environment, use appropriate PPE to

    minimize contact with the allergens, for

    example masks.

    3. Always carry your personal medicines

    such as inhaller or breathing aids.

    Consult with your doctor to choose the

    right medicine either albuterol,

    ipratropium or corticosteroids.

    4. Get plenty of rest and avoid stress.